iii hfwfvvmflal ols liim luiwmltmlu f tl pipimmirf lifcin mil ji r m flf niliuit j tlfllum tn4nna iiiai w iih- i n ljwlitfi hv nfawvall aii a hv ih d iih jt l me iil imf lft i i jiamii iksiurm itsch4ti ulus in hiiui tl uh jitr e i ml muy harfihrpooa li iml litaulrtfhrii tf vrtum be ihiiio la euurtu hut ulirniu cave koust ittslhlirhadlrs jppww midi i till r- ft i mr vrlwiv4wiinlmmfiiri fco il if hr b the ah il ijntyt mora hv ihe iuiv cymimijk if in mihu fihr ii tv ini- mjtt m tlrt iimhi larnul luiibic bnm n but zlsf i arflhtf a ima wi m d accu tuocol 111 tiilbzajka to ntwioto and crv i i autle ami cteclhneirs i eoumrv t smrl that men uhn f nectary wssij njla ttjniminta or tbc peter cm mrtkfe heir qmn in muu capable or ili j muncipal t cuncil lhal mum insult tataum irt i iin tiiyiive pmd iu i suuerkhndhmi j pal ft hail iiftrl c k 0jcs esq btv n nt nu rr canada has beviv apmuiuj tvrlim suhi ill the we colan ctftjunniils xlow pn jnnuni ml iik ilchzif is the title ef h pawf djkwjt tiiimifcjinmiiriil tunuychtl tv the ii n fi hiocl see odveni uim the ee fir uic crin in ttic cacphd the cac frf uic d frv c h liit eciufi uill jyy j in vur nau st ir tnul i mr wifcl i i uifimciidm ij ir a county li a cjumij uic ncu rf wbntttmcvttismclicttlitwiilailwznu uur- ltlr dulir by umkm of couaci im j t wl f5ji5m kml in the lr wot iht winainncwmty crcutmiitnj much a uin uf gowniminpl cumut bo inrcmfviiy l mlm by uic prwipfri r rnpobtlue uutn- ttunt nay tube more jh tis jmly umjirtcd liy twilj ijm jj urilj l- lituf fi m btltrr dtlhi in jvi cf filnc w tiii il i evtoent the fciiit1cu oc party it m h en one idc in thai cooitril m veil a in omfv loticlionwl nii hm if1 lr i u jullc ittl fjiff bttptm f ltncniblt gownvieat voum truly slbsckiqil knfi jslh fik 1mi r ii n cmimuhui ix to lt jtmuij lhu ihil it hilhihtqiivikciflffclioirfir iiytlii nitjm he jittlicefhlihcir mvuiuri lu briirojinj tli jo ptrn m ibn cwiuu net uf ll plr if il- k lrwirija lljcfl u rirud out aitd utlitt ttkf uikivf usjablim mo nl i p- k- icif aiiilthcrtiiiuitfihe lyilrin hym umwum uic miw hill lf miii it grope af d wr iu no mm hmfa r2 nw uiciinitv lultf i or ini nu frlf vn n fifj tampcievf r any tlltotmriel hm ikicot ih eoi- n in fvinl cr flnc fyrvf- too tut aduress second day tim houio hvin otic inti committee on tfic fimral uto of the trunine om the aojr lu lit lit ulumni tiuvtvlqr ma howk roe nrl ipcrtcj i adore la hie i loubc by rrajinc m noc i r n i c i orlici of kilcntiir cuuikilwr sik ft staler if keuc ud tlnkvjtil to 111 enlleiicy mw lkttleiiitil uotrrnor he tkmfcilotd there rlito trttn i be cigm if rxilnililily nhkh hftd rcud mi mnfef 1le ut ihrcr maida hair me ppcftl to the hihe urm vf lord pjllhiut courltjsk ulum hiay live in mi r lr teinintrantc he ornxiied hjyka cvoreillof he wot uuuikd looptuit ilic jot vrvmcut jihi rcird uic inlexl u ijic counlfy iih tjiibiltty utu rit jr j netlily lim i l httrr rcnuribilriit to lu ecfititurc lu the cvm lr to uiij tfoufec ut would ihw ondtuer to ifl- emrn hu duy u ihat bu pcitit uum u- undt- ioca mr wlukluppx oviiy net f r3 talk- bdf cernmenl up tj the iiiik f li r9tfamatk i jiutimil would hrrtim ihic cifidml ndvlli pjiufl f j ii r mint- i tbr ftlimi itnr 1 wftuatiitd b ht cmfl m c ill iimmii hud il in s mj ufi ijiivtfc4tr d i ljrd hiui j jl jiu ih jrntiiiilti cf kt bimitiblr uli nriit the diitittikl in cxidi ht rin j inuun i urn i urn f ot r- il i f ft4bj 1 en vny with juu ofo uti ihuj ami many uitrojdtdriat ipincai itnnor to in our ekcdkntji uhtoxtt jol ni abiuid i for th irdi kilionti i i ijrnf it i lljj titttt fawhtl il lion a it nould tr eiil- r tttf ution bteuft nlinfpii f i wtn du i haviivie hind iu llrr of uv ut my qtirngn accre- ditlitf n m ifrt mrj tivuy fculnomlilj mml mlnmcf ri4nipuuiiity io tlm lid sijif you lxicllney it lrcat wnt ofllcr mjjc- lciu dirc to rollitf and nomtniu the extknmvk sale ok iiousriiofj fikimtlklc at ilie sntniiibrts auction koinm km ilrttibri auction ioiifi on tuetiiav 5tit fay of miicli ft f l will bo him withovit nny resrrvc luc whole j rfl1 w of hie household fubn1tlhr n4 ftu new kr to ini journal liilu trtak r it hie lutvnlimi of the siaaciaw l tih intntrimtf ly in lb i ftihrl effecu tbr toirrly ot t f jauffl j h uto ot the ijlobc llotcl ciftihliii ct irfij itv or moftlrml rrl ittill pilot j dily hum u1 hctb hi complijiice iih a nuiin tcvly ipn il iubillaa i wiqiira mubcii tq lua ilrjtcd mnwv a ti caiu i vir j- the krprrrntaki rf thr lity im htmali tivr en- ha rolgoii in iifji a larjc cotton wnulnuke ptm j eciacii vmr pariiasljdclrojedbfircot new otumoi thai hill the difficulties between nlrxicoaml hnlnd eaaioried ly ah iniull cffemil lo bc flat uf the latter bare been ankiobly jcliuil ail ample apclerj wa oudc if the mukm mmt tn landw and 4 uc in 1bc cf wss p xova scinia lcgisluttkrc m lite jjic of our ulcl j ii t llaliftt 1 oo cf aaembly was engagi in the diktmmi of uw ftddtca in ananer to hi excellency suceeh at ibc open in- of the session the answer to the axl iff so w9 itilm by mr uilkins a supp fit of me pmibbl mimsuy la iihich the foltii aflviidrticftl i ihc lalier cuusca oflbc acmreaa uomoictl by mr 1 1 jnungdjii a upuortcr cfihe retired minitcra of yoir loruiri adminitration during tbe li four years ijic peoples be prcse i a livci have irrirslofmr anvlicad hk ncrt british minuter lu meiico the british flag i to lv noitel on tlc cttuc ofponjuondc i lioa the preapcctoi ofa new ptjliiical wt j urnal to be called ft 7e 670 tppwfin lbs number of t conner 7ae f7v6c uill bo publish d at ihe tffccoxusc tlarnit toronto and is lo bo con- docud by mn geouck hkowx iho wilor cf that journal from mr irons capcrirnce as a plitical writer and hi arkionkdcd ability ire bate dddjubt the giobi will proc a valuable acquisi tion bj the ranks of ihe liberal rtrcts of canada ttc subpio t0 or lhrco cmract from the prtjpectu firmly attached to ihe principle of the british constitution belie in the limited mmurehy of urea britain the best sytcrrt of gotcrnnutii yd de- iied by ukc widor ofmanandsiiiccrily cmiocctl lbt the prespcrity of cart id u bct be advanced mtll inipft t if etfnrlwrt lftw it iid 11 country fltor cf tlie uu4c nll a mcaaurcs wbich will irnl to draw cl hr the boiol a rautustt ad jnlaccu tmitn it is uual in such anivmneronu a ibc jwcn ni to declare aaitisl all pviuttcal parttstitiiltip lv tin dcrfived howttnt i conviiteed that uo lnm jp vemment lias tfcf existed- tbat iaprcai mcaiure ha cer been cariied without h cmbination of ers u holding aionlar views the iflbc ttill llnnfrv strenuooaly support ihc pany which shall oditeatr uw measure belictctl brst fw llc iulrrcsl rf ilie cauntry in ilain care will be lake aicad all mil representation of the cptmons of pliiical oppa nenu ami ucilrnd thr nlm urtcy loallcottm- pxarks- tnc liljbc will uiiflinehinly ajuculctlra principtc cf kcsponaible ocrumeiiu to ue edktjr of the chronicle caartlft stn ihcappiintincnl f h slfkkui as su perintendent of commm schkls for the midlind diukt by the district council at its last smitn ha been sttrely criticised and cenvurtd by a prjr- lionoflhc kingston prcaa andarcat dcnl nf odi um and ridicule hi been attemmnt to i thrown upanlhat bsft ijconacqutncof tlnrir batin- ccai cienuousty prfiirmct the duties ktmrtd cf thtm under the ccomon sehocl act mr straeban an prared before the council highly rccjininvnded- uk in the first ptacc prcducrd nleaactofj irktimniau cf hi bvug cceicd a classical coueatnnin scut- laad scccndly a reemnhndticii drn up in uk hand rrt inj cf and if ned by isac frasrr tsej- a cntlcman ccry whc highly c cemits tciher with eccal otltcr magistrate and abcut hl tf the yeomanry cf the dmrftl thirdly a ktf msmimll ifon fron irhn s cartwrihl luirc m p t- for lctx h addintcn and lastly tne of the counctlbrs calbd uo hhc mr murray su pcinundant of education for canada iyah l assured ihc councillor in ut ion that m strachan vga well nualicd to i the dulie of the clfico 1 would here remark that according to hk con struction 0 the act by the council in the firt in sanec they deemed it neccjuarj to appmnl 1w sit- ht1nlmcivibrihc distiei cic tt eh ftirmy and f accord in ty mr slracbaii ituf eh sen i iclicvc without opp ailhnfl addinon anl dr mr cflilor not a turd na ultortd uituu my ht-ir- jngby any member of uo uncil against thc uh- fkathnacf mr slntchan until il was ascertained that one siipcrintcndanl 0h nouu oe required for ihedutnct it wn iwn f tlie iwt tinc anrtud by the friend of dr mclean that mr sraehan wn nnjt properly qualified in tit teduraiiivi to perform the dultcj of the office the fnajerily hnccr thouht otherwise tbcy strachans tcstimtuiial and that if he na tjfval jrs expressed tneir appr fikntatuei wc humbly conceive following the ex- nlc of the august sovereign he rcpremnts should im cijy reaist with imnnc any invasion of ihc pro- i alive but wkld the hih powrrs cvtnrnhtcd to him f i the god cf ihc whole people residin nithlnhis ticrntnenl for thi mahrcnance of nls dignity an j the ccnvtitutknal exercise of the prerogative he may always aiacctcly rely upon the loyally and iniet- j nee of this house faithfully reflecting as wc trust it ever trill the love that ihc people of no scotia bear lo our gracious queen and the attachment w bch binds them to the mother country the qieslicn of party cavcmmcnl is one which this iiouso doc nal feel itself called upon to raise at the prejenttimc the system of administration n riously conceded by the imperiiil authority subject ihe advisers oftle governor to ft responsibility to parliament for the acta and policy of ihc government and makes k u cumbent upon him to select them o a to prtaerve tbc confidence of this assembly nd nc beg toasure your kxcelleney that whenever it tlvalt please your excullcney to surround yoursdf nilh a cenneil truly rcprescnlins alt the jrear intc it in cowntry ftsl itsil house you may re i tatrntion upon cur n iu the ccnducl of the ad- cordial and cflrckni aup on moving this amcmdmcnt mr iivtixodok lamj n he had been informed 1hat change had taken pueeln ihe government of the country 11c wished iu krtoiv whether tltcy had so taken place and to what aunt he loaked upjn all gtcnimcnt a found ed for the benefit of ilc people and the oftcer of ijier gotcmmcnls as public servants lruid to trie iublic business and responsible to the people fur ihe d mbarjc of ihetr duties lie wculd now read the amrndmciil b hcusc tst tfflicjidjarai a6uivj now the principle of itvsp nsible governrnent had bicn conceded and an adminiktratiun had been form j id upon that principle that council was cjmprtcd i f gentlemen of different parties and had continued in iiialence fur four year when at the commence ment of ihc present session the house hd been in ftmedbj the speech of hi eicellency the lieuten ant gotcrnor lhal a party government would ei- pm the lieutenant governorwlo must unaroidably be often ignorant of leal matters to ihc great danger i f being nude in instrument of opprr slipn to acme fhrticna of tlic community for ihc afirand stmtfll of others nm he mr ii wished to ak what is here meant by a parry government the quca- li was injeed a very wide one why despotwn even mvhtbc called paly uocrnmcnt but wkthcecn r- party government and ihaltowhiehhe gate hi tjesent tvaa that the majcrity rfdstj people rou1d have the power nat to controul the prerogative but so far to cntrcul it as to influence its vxcreise 1hia wa the principle admitted in the untujs ccnsti tution that the powers of appointment must be in the own but the ineroftho crown was limiird and that lci jo k nas rcadj todfud it iry h members to speak exit candidly and explicit ly there were how bifucibc tmmiiitleetnodncu- ncnt the addfes jnd ihc am inhnml tva there uny reason wly on these ppcis there uiuld nut be a frcx aiwlepcn dueuititn cu llac tutci c and ubhe polic of ihe country mr ifowe refined to tire eld system hen the eccuivc cruticitlur did nit ack nowledge rcsribi1ity to ihl i iouc then a eom- mimee was sent out ie prepare an aniner to thr pccck but on tte intrcductii if ihe principle cf the british constitution the pnchcd obained thjl the ft lend of the gtrii nnncut sluuld prepare the ad dress and justify and uefind it beferc the ifouse before oinj further he would like tohavv one point eapuimd he wished to ask ike 11 mejinw fur sydmy wlveiher the governors pcch had been sub mittrrttohim and whether beum himsilfresporuible to defend lit mh dodp might certainly answer the question by another he would ak if such were ihc priikipks cf llw government when that hun gentleman was a rncniber and if so uhat racn had he to suppose a change of policy v mr hows replied that from the manner in which the question he had given had been met yestcrdayhe had certainly reason for some djubt the attorney tfencral had usaikdan amendment to the address by calling it an insult to the representative of tlie queen the axtonhey guvenil explained that he dcemid ovponion an insult where no riatati fr cb- jcctiti wa gvei ms doic mighl aale frankly and at ence that he kitew of no chanzc in the principles or prtciiec of ihe government since the hon gcnllcujit was a member of il m howi continued ite inveighed against ihc opinion lhal opposition 10 tlto addcssahsuld be deem ed an insult to the governor ho would refer to an example when her mtjcsly ofcmtl the imperial parlijimvnt did the jocnmotia a icnlly rtlwrt an echo of the speech i no indeed they aul to iler majesty measure en augar may be very gocd mea sures cu timber may be very gcd but an amend ment to the aduvas would nevertheless be moved and the vi h jtc priuciplca of the goirrnmcrit argmd out why if live ilvuse were 1 1 be eivtupflhw hivi up a mere ichj of the scorch nyvi ci4ia wuu ivj lufigcr be country of freedom in wliat prwlion did ihc abusf d rcit liberal party wish to place the governor tary wished to puec lum like the king at a ioummnt ou the hihst ra surrounded ky the insignia of hyaity as jude of the contests and a dispenser of the rewards to the victorious that sfsr live position in which he and uic learned member for cape breton wished to pi ce the itettcnaut guvt r- nccaboetheenleaivcf party instead ofdrajginj him d iwn from hi salted stalicn into uic arcua to take hi chance amon the cmbalnts plking lance in hi hands bespaturinr him with the mud and dust of the conflict the attorney general seemed to take optviiin ni h very bad zace first he says that rpcositja uinaultiiig to the lieutenant govtmor then he asls far an amendnxnt and he did nc we ibfnhe asked for the definite rswm en wtnch ihc amendment wns founded and when ho mr 1 1 owe repeated these he supposed the attorney general would not like farm- the opening speech luck a very extraordinary position i it made the leu tensnt gocior say thai he wculd finnly check any invasion cfuve prerogative who had invaded uv prerogative t who had attempted ill the hon attorney gcnenl should have mentioned the name cf those uharmd dxe ia and lie mr hjwe ven- lurcd to sy that i hey would not do so ttss mr howe here compared the lasl pasagca cf the address and the amendment the latter conceded all nhi4c scene freedtmin the exercise cf the prerogative the peppc cf nova scaia were as much inrrcstcd in lite prescrvalion of the prercgative as in the jne ity rfthv crown but take away the check upn ihc prcralic lake auay parliament and llsvproptf ie of the influence cf men in it cenfidenev and swairtiellts t tibrrty while its jrfii lintmm for tthitlonly he eraerdrd wwld l but cenent h raiifiisl ji6rrir and the brmsh cuiiiluii now uiib rrsici to pafly fiovernrnmi llid not llie coiantrv fur 0 ea been ruhd by a j noreijrg sill ulfices distributing all pia euniroutinj all liuin tom the fwiri partv uuterctshebl was i j nd mtf should this house be called upon lu rrflvter i f r sint ovirnni ly a pjrfy hitmg ihe emfukr of iu ifovset party govirnmciil 10 a cerlam f pmeiivaitf rxisitdin nljd hore auv s- 1 liofi dnidid the people the corn t 4ucali upon tt panic divided ad i f inud the ovemnmit wlo coutj earn h- vkwsvf the iirity of tin penplr sucb di li pehtjcsjl lale ef ii country that lite urm could io t be carried tin vtilheut recourse rr t slwuld ihuj jluuv ilen repudiate a jwe wd praclfcsil txistid hi krullind from l cre- h onr i jam hru drawn t cjihvlceiniuritf ivn carried by rrly so w j the iteform bdl u n ftreji public tnjsur wiith ucund to lb- pe a lege blhsrcj ofeetisliiuiinsisl liberie w j such might j conflict cf pumie opmin in ibi swui iry nn jucitiou ofrueh xlcnsive hearing ovtr- whrliuutx irrvfofl bui the cnevii we i j f iqun ralue to u ihous alticiing a tmj i illation such j lite qurvli ti offrce portihl tr educaliun why then should ihii 1cist eommr m v nova scutit pi ice on their r a rxprcttion wtich would ibrcftf cramp ihc i piiid cree of the legmaurc aed condemn even ccuweh where cr ruin perron wire not included p combination inimical loth- intercm vf iwcw- icy t mr howe cutiijnutd further ably ivak iu oppiiion to any declaration cf the htvj ijptal parly ouvrrnmnif furrventhatmight vet n e- aary iu some important einrrrncr la guar i lb erlres f ihe peiplc such a i icrtr nmetil iuld nel be dcliterious if sanctioned a it wutd hr o be by the repreirnlalirrs ofth people arrt rf il be raine oppressive the rorrcciite iiill ijy lb hie governor who could divolr hj home and appeal to ihc tropic tjnd r 1l eircuiostanct- h hi ihe house would act witly not to eammt ihun- rekcs y pasin an opinion un an abtr4el ijues- lion he therefore fruited live ainmdmt id weud pa a he was confldent it wjuw or thai if no agreed i the houe uld give such at evrevmnn would make iheir views perfectly un-lerslo- d thoc who opposed lha ajdre joined en tl- question by hkic amrnlmrnt j if ihri ftl ihv could at lea h say that they had kept withni llw litpil and were ntitlid tu iht r utl of the eorsiiution tans epiijph s co sir i and to britons obedient to trc law wc timv thcdrcitijfl cf the ifcmir this ujhm ecurve teal the strength cf parte hi -l- ra ki i i to mil raacwiufaam m ftttj me great pleasure lo eciie iht au- ranee whihyuugie me of the friendly dikposiiion of her i i i i- mofriiy toward live rofernmrnt and the cople of the ijniird stale afid i m- dvlxe ihchune ihil yrue reidenee nrar this 0 ernmrnl iu be atendrj bf ile esiablishinenl mi i a firner baiiof the rjjijris of aniir and pcec i nueh so happily ieivl hclwen the liro countries i also liulir lint jo will find vuur residence j iwre every way prrsouallf ricblr to r i iic yon ile asjranve hat noihtng oft my pal shall be nrm j i x it s nclt jrr rvfi cttrtwrifht li i with feel- u4 f ptjture we lufij hamed hmi il u in cn- t mpltituu by seeernl members of si girges church in thi citv tu ntake arrauemcut for pro twiirlli ubm to the memory of tin late mfrvrd aiian minilrr of ihnl clureh mr cartniijnt it l erit i rerded vha ihe earriunitetleelol ibis inu niton lusbeen deliv j so loig it d tej rv ihatit will naw be ivroseeued wih vtnr we are atiffiid there i nut a memur of the eotsceic iini lr so puir wha wuulj not eoitnbutc towardi a dtsirabte an 0lw new- on rhiittim oil 1913 at ihe oe of jears aliviitie mvnia rebut of ihe litte ja icj rkw- crto k irserlj nf tvlnlrjiark trretr walt- clare a d uily hto of majar john uuvle uruw n r4 n a ii while le dg ttis truuis to an assault on the fori ofmnr icvr delhi in itahfl in which ilirv urrc aueetssful stie wj juitcrjlu eslrcm id for ihe purity of her lire and the dig ulta 4f ini u portt nl jnd ivr ihe pious itsilnitvun andexiin- plary attitmk niih whieh she suslanied roi tl- meaiic alltictiun and trials room chmits hiiilfirti n1 kidjcrniiialer cdrpetfjaud kjooi uil uhmli kcmeimivd tuir mm9 keatliei iss and a yi imiity kellirr iij- luivs and tfuteit mnieen tfjirj chml ouruin 8ljrvkel5 couulerpjius linen jnd cullun nliveltscse tiblc clnllix towulx and napkins cllilll cioclivrj l4ww3h0ic oic a i iiiiu t uinner and orseri efnive ami uermiii silver ftiik j l stands drid nlliet ttmc funiieliinx pitleil lliiiiich tnd uthir canllutic1 w sti nundr lid ertlur lieil lloon ljiuilute uftorer tf tove sund mid raiitrw other ntvih tiie lmn and friilnv i fdticy luuli with lletitea sfltvlej ind i ii- a lirr imintitj cithet rctin wild a fnl ii if rimio soit jhd from n v com dverlisrr very late from china the 41 if ann meku cat vgp7 atrlvrtl at rtrwuc from tlnwa wiichcc ute mffl nti ihe tuili of xivrml r bitlfi ndwiri imij ave day lu i ilie prrsiuutlv leeeitcil iv h uvn undruailrfnd thv prim iplr nw iv ihis at- l nitlbrrnre lhi avriylim nre u j mhn vtue l cimw hr wmrl tllffl 190 tu ifloo bnsei it id n tlvslcytd j j- ostnffe fokf her v de wt iwmavmj stnpfsvu i irc i fiv 1 ihr aivtiear irvetnihli ciii- snteinttlr raiun n4 snte m hip dratmf lui hr nlmh triue treasure arprmi l4mrv twen iivrl thr lt offfijjt itrilai r j fwlahfiii io tbr rhtnsr ivchl- veeifihevlrribfhuddfcawht-i4i5aft- uoo th r i- i ttimfi frun ihe llvitg kong trrs orrtr t wlit ihc pauicmvis rreicukr ihe diuei lle- whtehm mir alftiinv aniits4ll i cuitin ulslrff br eld aim de kvin nrctiried on tvtiuv au wdrafv hsi stj vr tzk in ty eilirjr ilrsinvit ihe piib snh hpanii lion and a portion i ifa ivti the fir iffiii if ni th fnm e twiwe 0 d 1 j cj lcrk nrtoea jay ererime ilw ihm m eenir1vn lleitciaiieeib it ptriveiitirtim 6111 ihe rnorir but ihe wind iiwtnsj ata frni ut tuii it allifst ssnsjpd a vhrejiinin- p pvrai t ttr ii tin spread with 1 u 1 1 r ku i- imi rxla 4 rsvif itetrfft if iht sioiarriatir ihertiy the min hhf hi itivti tmjnihl were in iminl infrr iml 11 wa l ivn mm ferj itit ihr alef ljii wtum lv travl controlled the prcreaiive if the majority approve there could be no dancer in intrcdueln- iho amend wvnt iwwekforo ihe house an oppoihion mijhl altjir byconsetili government too en but he ques- t ncd ihe wisdm of such m ecurse he knew not the stale cfpaniea in lhal llcuse but he had express ed his oejiviie in hem m he ilvem etoresrdrhem jtls ainjwleuge nndevnveuuii of thcrr rruth mtt unmcke one of 0o exmiuiilcrs neat ad dressed the house the follow iog is on extract from hi speech i i may be asked sir hnw far i would carer the principle of responsible covcrfiment difhculty in answering this qucatico ex ere the prcrogauvc would be divrslcd of every pint rf hp v jlue h pcuscsjtd ray of hie vey trontotd of it ih iataoiiv tnni div u br- caistenee if uia wervonly a huiorieal sxietv jn- trymrtpry thwr inu ws n lm of s mwhr flaccid rij jrwjjjtjjj ftnrjwrrvfut eoiuitletely unier 1 clnnrts ecumv lww i mcroua instance cf misery a d oppcossiol iqbb hvt taev d ccutfek will h quence of the unrheeked eae cue of the p formerly use king presumed tn bind the subject by prvclamaiicn wrh the fveeef law lo ccjuct cus km vvithwt ian to sustain monopolies even to or rest the subject and leave him 10 pine and die in a baaflltsrwii wtthttitnhi lirmtuttiiu iitntfnttair t ii j r v i ik end q m rravc asaemuij tl hc evuta tt iutiueu in a mtoftvi ntidntfhi ihe firthi i r t-ioih-wcsi- rrnitt remrvntd arn twiid jlejt ib whale r ihe urvas spitrnsb hnsint 1 w t htna icl whrh were irtisll dtivr j j ibe dlrcllm rd lh vtn4 nel nuvii snnvitvnti lb tnited indue imivfa lilllrdoubt cte rtilftuinrt ha n iwihbtr i the vrit ttned nwtd ihc mtr di ll rshaiiid ren l al nhnut i ncrea i itlv tin nl tif uut ihl rvreorttte 11 ndrrdltfmrrarwml 1 auiwit trirovri vitt irdi m tl rut ofiu humurr there a no it is for us to aaiisfied whh mrlaecriain ifthecouncil who surrwnd the covetooe andlhatif hewas rtamhl and enable him to carry en the overnment jestll seemed to be admitted to hcrform the do- ocordmj lothe well understood wshei of the people tkt tor lenox add nriuv he mi eoually for whal xhci t criiu1 not frontcnac ajatnsl dr mcusn i enteriain n ill lhieb the repirtentaue cf the sovereign he must will i voted for him as supcrinlmdan fr trc freefree as majesty use but the ccpcsitkia did although i slated at the time lhal i did net tup pose a gentleman of his eminence tn ihc medical pre- fcssvn would accept the ailualtrn with the small sal ary that i had toed reawn 10 believe would be at- itched lo it the british wht ha aierud that mr strahan i a staunch radiol what mr strachans pchlteal opinions verve before hi appoflt- 1 ment i confess i never look the trouble to enquire- as i have alwaj been rf ilc opinion thai clhces should bo bealovted acearding la jilnc fr thci trust and not according t j tin parly palitics tf applicajita since hi appaintment however he has been heard lo declare that had he a vote it luuld be pven lo the pntctrt member fcr ihe county mr cartirrieht which settles the rwint exclusively that he ia trj far from rtadieal in eoncluiion mr kdito would merely observe that although the present superintendent may not be possessed of talcnu uf hih aw order as ur mc lean yet he u in all probability 0 well cducaivl and what i of almost equal importance psseeea a practical knaw led e of live management of common schools which dr mclean can mat lay clairn to he havuv- devoted abt fifteen yars cf lit life in scotland andinihiceuntryaascrracltcaclver 1 have thus as briefly 0 pianble slated ihc principal reasons which acluaudinc in upporlmj mrshacli- an as county superintcmlar and i aui happy to add that his appoiniuaenl hj iven very general a- t a district cowciuor emcsl town 26th february ism- to hie ediior of the chronicle ei cacle- stu much as yen arc known ua le allaclted ij the principle if rctpoosata iavernmenl you cannot hiur deny lhal cicn antid1 like brilde llw dwtapw if his council is a question for us to discuss my principle it lhal he bs nothing lo do with it l hit it is fee u lo settle if he hat uch a council- if not he m only to form il nd the government a a matter ef ourae ce on hit respond bilitirt are with him atd they are rave and serious rarstj they ue to hit sciervrift bit country and he hat tu account 10 ice ofthelalrnla entrusted tohim cf their use or abuse tnd on all matters of imperial government this it right but local affairs are our to discuss rvh ftctioasly but to enable the bead of tbc govern inent to govern the country in peace and tranquillity if then a majority of the house arc in favor of thrse niinciplet and a cuncil 1 foioaed possestipe their corgdcnce and carrying out their views not in ihoory v i lh cambor before him nben ihe tfmirni riercic of lite pre- rnjiir wt ad0c4ld un i continent il was na tnral ihat he shauld taka thjt tide which contended for it proper limitation he did not etn hint thst the nobumtn at the headof this government ituld foe a bosm nt contemplate a revival of ancient op pression i us honored name tssoemted ff age past with struggles for hbeity hi iptrit winch iuht adintcd the legitimate rxrcisc of popular influence to its full cftent would condemn such a supfotitkw bui harm had been done br t ik out cry in ihe eolivoirt about prerogative the tepvra- tlon uf the old culunies was aliribulable in pari to its improper eirrcire nowlhe development of constitutional principles in 1 rrt country vi hich were exiendiug to ihe colonies gave a jus power to the prerogative nod a the tame time coriiroulcd it by a proper limitation 10 the popular with svniild ihe houc adoiit ihe modem principle or ihc old despotic practice t wlen be heard thai the hon tnd learned member had been relumed for hantt and heard a report of bb ipeccbal the huttings ho fully expected that he had come out with a manly conversion to the pucipu of lie notvsiblc govern- raeut but he confessed that he hid heard his speech the other rveninf on nvovin thiv address with little disippoimmcnl the fmm member tsid he waidrd responsible cvemmtut of mmi 0fl would he go inlo cnuri and there ask for nlv ml only in vmrdi but by their act ne will h ofaome ton txuiacr whai rcponsi- sustain theid and aitord them alt the tupport and at i bk government did he want mr wilktns would siuocc in our power we talk of party govern- juke tn opportunity to explain mr howe con- mool od we are asked wbot it it 1 hi unneeet- j tinucd tne tori of responsibility ar wanted w tarrtogoover thi jtround again wo advocate it ibal the advikrt of the governor should be rcpon- s a measure lhal will produce peace and tranquillity ittc for every oetcf ihc governor- 10 suviaio everj 1 1 ia to treneh upon the pocs of the mrjejof the j nvtiurebe sent dunn every speech he deliicrrd ujvtrnmcnt there rs not yet in nova seutia i and if ihty could nut do so to the tattsfaeiion of the believe mn who dcirc to raise hi voice tajntt j country they vhculd resign he hoped 10 enter the rights of the rcprcsenlalive of ihe scv into a full and mutual explanation with that bon invade the prerogative ueh an idea why sir v he did not wish todiffer from him per il la irkipienureatori- ilia the grst step lowandt rntncotly j but to diicus with him ihetc several cucn rebellion i would not allow the brcaih of that man ivearme who would breathe such a dcctroc cut ihi prerogathe ovuat not be unshackled that wcrtdariserou tofreedora but there tlwuld be no leuljcnoalutnpl to impose governnvent upon the cotmiry ifaptriy cannot govern they muvl mimrawftcm powerihut the miutotoul b- 1 11 h if preserved flj wc follow thcugh at a i tmblc diee d v j tllm ft it in nr b narrotllovnv nlhe bna of iho reiircknuute iftd iiei pocf mrwkoul popubf picipl colli- moblkkfilirmcfiiporulmrtymi il mwtwiitwi j lpioo wus b enil but f nlioncfihecsflhiihitl wboie rca- wfc to hi ibrn 11 h ha dh o ihb lnlf i wlh i nfi-hbeuno- imr flawi a nil bolk lo r j i sre miotlrf l twivrf uhl the calm uvmot vltzh s of or- ire witi hlbikm cf riilillw i wjce of dill j mi iwmj ihlwg 1 it ul in t toorictt v w jt rhil tcnd hi doubt mlliat uncjuejlcil anil utiuliicj mau i incapable of makin- a riftht use rf tlf itlsrity pwer il ccrjlrs is equally undeniable are sufficiently prejudiced agatmt n to enn iheabitrnelpor in theory who are icalty intelligent fwindtotayihotthe prrpulalicn i the present dy aulfieicnuy i the meet happy system orovcninvt fen learned men rctiding in uue opinions and if possible mccl him on some coin- moo ground of action and ogreencnl he withrd these principles to be thoroughly sifted out to have the duties omhc executive defined for althouh be fully agreed thai the prerogative of ihe crown should be fully sustained and protected the parliament should be careful that in airenginening that they dd not trample upon something equally sacred he could not help smilinff at the position of llie govern cnent the adviser of the govrrnorcame with the prerogative in iheir fueefront and seemed roevpeel j to carry every thin bv spesknv cf that like the tatage vho kfl a single luft of hair on jus head for his enemy to lay bold of these member uf council cne dawn wilh ihe prervgalive ai the single tuft of hair for their opponents to grasp rufaer turning lo the second point of hie tdjrcss ihst of party government he viewed it a a question of almost lliuiittule scope and one which thit house tkritmitiii umile rrrktmt oidoriib yenb tvk slirtuili luihlvarw rorimtatilv ike had titena inx t tfrimiilc af iu cviclftr v t savp hme trcuir aid in t ibm nasi wu pkm jp ihm in i iii t vimj u ntt uim mmm fumriint tu uis hpmh mt svliiunpnn ihrt- bisi iir ii m s uidis hr th 1 rwil kirtl wit wnfci l rti i irrdiaiiflirr ewiitupiif ins in taiatinf mtmiutinv n- inir htsau m rrewa ttr aral t v-il- cantnts linutm tholdstwn ititd ur ed in liiirvttfi iw rit rlv ttai wssirrtuttr aisalwy iih- in riin h mv r of irs btii ttitiipf ihi erruiilli by t uviihr in aiftu air4wtii hftl inrh thr ifitiinr with a tne htifi lit tvis fac- awd w im ni1v lnulv ttttn rie t ewaltle them mithl hti aj i ptuv- ihrm li iiibi t 1 i i tresr vrpw pau d hrr stei asut ikf ominiitj ttla llms f nunc icni iw ilte it itvratinitud- tuiwl np nto uil i mi fitwn anninvm m l in ilit niomn 1 rewn wite rmptnv j th rpttt olf lhr ennnrh oeffsstthl s iwvssm wtn trirtl or iltnra wm eiuihi ttinder nut om lcifts err plichll wund- jhh hy ihr nwriin tlr cme sitldirrjr ujjt will nsnjwj j j ui sep f eff aln mmt at canton hj iarevthi iwndrevl re oiceura tdlttevr iwfldltem wj vhi irfw4tid uainif pi ft indnitil hf itfttninn a reitti by iht eslaintiy the rr nnw rjud i iirlwevw anlvwhkh iiecrtniiir a irirt fm cnln dtd k 01 w tr virtenj hth thsc knaitti itram cn ber vme dilnait frm ihr fh huilhit- weii tlesirwcd lis iuenhtiim tf h t n 1 r 1 ul dti 1 iv which twwil p n was luvfuteil id demu it ml uinl i wke that as fc nd unprejudiced cmi ua canada arc at chimed 10 rtudcr it it for llavifi a own and ciue r4 of union meet attbe same ll hl n council card why should not be called on to dlieun some alusion icmb the lower cf ill be hcek xt and kc that uoholy iruciurc wi be ww mas sueh eolliion tt this mufffa the people can g noting by lu beautiful th iu bic ejf no tbcy will no i opposed ac 10 be respected rr ftt bad purpoac they slfvsz to advert to the nendment nw prepesed to the itoiue and irb it their tipped to ihi liien om k i htt iq fthey band togeuer for good honour avd hoppi- it pases by iht gucation offany y ijrvceulivc irrtfuoded miv have a cry definite view cf ties but cecn ay and they are but f the practical knowledge the huttj ait iru f reulivc i pnderc omske a much js t whc as people nd ttntoeel wn-lecattlw- teemcmeliutdaniriciilsr ler- 1 i with ihtij n ere- ok iadcjt of t himself withtceuneil truly represeniing al thegrcai vvwctcr errors itiibi be v i ii talfc k cf a pjriy cuh ctrly parltilr ws was made 10 spccclki al ihe huiling tdl no tv ocnee was brought forward of any person of re spectable standing having desired lofurcc upnn the lieutceanl governor ihe offensive ttem of parly government described in ihe perch ko such step was conicmplalcd no defence ataiosl il was ncecs sary if the abtroel uueitionof party government were decided in the negative the houe would sac rifice all the great principles of british government fnr which they had been contending the decision of such a question not prcsving on the people was unwise and unncecaary he did nut say whether or not the gorernmcnl had now the confidence of the country but the amendment said lhal h when ever ilahould please hit excellency to surround from the madisonian v leasf op mr foxpr ftwtation of mr packem atone oclock oday 11k ry of taking of jlcfal inavr on the pari of mr ate lnvoy lx traurdinarv and minister phistflenliarv ofthe urt ish govrrnment 01 washioloi d of ihe right hnoir richaed packenhvm tonew lnvoy anej mlnssner took fhee in the t ndenis reception room the pridrni wt ailud t h n bcriofhiscabineu tndby the ttkvncit attavhtd to the miisiou the following is ihc adtvics or m ox rrcicnting you chi hiler n ihe queen m sovcnifo tcrmiitatirtg my dipltaiittic funelton ts her majesty re present a ie h hc itnfted stntes il becomes a welcome pm of m duty to express to you tlie rente i entertain of the tndne 4n cour tesy which i have uniformly exnrienced both from yourself and fom ihe ttho h iw prreided 0u in ilc hih tffieeof prcsidml tfts- kepubhc l bftj always been my nuh it in been my duty to labor for thr prcicrvatlit of ptace tnd tur the establishment of a durable lational friendship between ihe i wo countries atd while it hav m isrt than otsce fallen 10 my lot durin- ihe irriod of nij leirtce hrre to treat with ihe liifod tote of mai ler that ibsolvcd eery aefe ditfr- nee of opiiti m i am hippy iv beartoj tevimoii iq ihe oct ibal tlioc controversies have been eiwducud on the pari ofthe cniied state a i hepe hal ihey have alst been on mv pari in iho tenptile and respectful form wrrieh best befits ihe clfieu rr pre sent stives of powerful and enlightened nations ill uking nvt ottieial lease of tiu mr prcsdeni i hope you will allow mo 10 tdj ihr assueattce tf the smrrr inleresi thai i uavf for jour owi personal hsppiness and welfare tms rucfrivtta atrrv m ivrs me great pcure in r 4ur j er inlersivtr to say that during your rciidence lere you have vcduluusly euhivaltd u friendly rrlatlona winch aubsiit between ihc two internment and that yonr ofllcial mtrrvourse hss lten highly agree able lo ihi fiorrrnmrttt whiu cannot but re gkt the hrminitcn of yur nii 1t j tt you orall tt k v acctiqx salk o up us3 ia 1 will he sold liy aurtinn nit tucsudai next lhcjllh int rtliw stoh nl wm isahrvvi kmi 8111 huls m t so bajol ll v- kiuotll s ilt cxcitlriit fetlii le nrnj in ijwvl nnlri th nhuhnl hh will bv falltl withiuil rctstl ic to lln- hi het llidiler j1c il ii nvluk tfms tidile lntwft al lini sf svlr i i inio x k r h kindlon k- wi irs ii bi1 sale op leaseuold propertv- wlll be told on ihe premises on mommy the hh ilay of turch next by atictmn 18 rtatj unexpited lease of thai valuable ito- rseiiyon hairackslii et ailjoitiint ihc uachet- court knnwn s the uittkcl court lun urint- h mil tlutull buill teilkaunimieoiiuin- iftit 3 room ard kitchen with stnhlijt for i horse 9n1 yath well silumcri tor un itm the ground frnl i only 15 per annum nr will imitively he m wtlbntil reserve to ihe highest bidder for cjj orn nppmrrd note a three months the ahorc is wei wotlhy of notice a il is 8 property lh4l will ahv4i com maud a areoi llenl sile nt 13 oclock jlinton a- b c mi kindlon feb m 814 glrii auction sale of oroceries will be cw by auetion on tuesivj lit frit dav of march nratat thesubirriber auc- lioei room a consume ht of crocerir coniiling of 0 hddecuperlltuandcin j 4 df ttrijtht mucuvadosufar 10 bhls do do do- 10 chrsutwankavtea 3 halfchest your usson 3 ilo iwprrial a bbu hs an jrouud colfee 0 uoiescnrtvc fj do ricih 0 dj candid 50 u white ttsh 5 bxrs ptrfuine sap 6 caies dnft h godun sherry p j eoses virmiiella do ground alliflcc 1 case wuol imel hortc cteds 10 bexe btim mtchrt l soft -tt- salcalll uelou j uston a b ttc m kinilonfeb 97ls isi it o kitchen furniture st vtttf abo a black rlnre li foi rilm loile or mniio the entlie ol the pumiltttv liiiwhinmert irdiu tlio vriy hit ipiaih clilt ly timtiii feituvil by v1s milton tantl hut utile ill worse for wear nol bavin been inore ifun it nr nuiuthji in uv hit ori intl invnilory itt cost piicv exccpil x75u on iho whole m extensive a kl of sujicrior kurniuife i seldom rfrnl ill ill auction isnie intrntlint wwlswmfl will hvh an nppnilu- nilv pf vlewinej the atticle un the ilty pre- luiiat t ibe ttle 5jic at luoviock pnndthllr thomas ultbkr auctioneer kindlon febtuaij 28isil tu aucrron saw op real estate os thursday the lihuieh next mi ihe prf rtimoj will he tolj liy public aiklton lo the liithersl bithler that valuihfe iitii iju iinf hrflrl stfeelj flouting the ihmv ldthuhr cuukls nc lotiiir to cliiivio tnttton krirum nriin a iiriinr iwomoiy m nc dwellin hout with stibes lisrl otithuihjin hi tor the accothfioutiuo of a ritlrmut6 family llifj extent ot proutd i oe fiflh of ai mie and for beauly ol situ ilioit or coinmiiid- it piivpccl sliuds unequalled atfto a twolfocj name iiousu la iwo immis fittiate in ktnltvet nar the tele tie t baiiitcli5 a ifoon htitnm stantl with out bnidinp ir jioliicing icnlal d i5ftpcr annum the piopiietor hems on ihc eve nf hi de parture to england the irokil will he tnld without any teterve ami an undoubted title riven lothc purchaser the srvle im com mencc with ihi- properly t the head ts rrotk- sticet it 1 1 ocock and the riuiiery in king ttrrelorillie premises tt 19 oclock thomas uhkkss auctioneer kiiitciit 9stli ffb184 7u let rom the m june nevione aj two cottages to fr jolninf the news office at itieteni oeetipid by j a mrvherson rff the nitier next joor to the lesidence of jame hiillein esq wrllinston street of which im- mnliato poe5sion can beiven tltee dwel ling sjf verv cnneenienl snl pi ear a iv mlbfi- trd nnrl will be let il a reasonable irnl lo suit the lime j linton kitigotiw feb 4 ifml tol commercial oticehciehj nl tanks 31 l ktvtn tht ihe pfrtl- lenl pirectot ami tompanv of the comnitmcifll liatifc m- d hnre itrcitleii tipor calling in ihe lesirlue r the now slock subseii- berl aul that the 1nmilmiiu wll be payable iit the bank nr any of it oibces or agen- tir as follows viz id per en 10 tin it nn the 1st ajifh ah do im july i8m 10 do do 11 oct 1844 jo do ito find jan 1845 ml do dn im april 1845 10 do to isl jiitv 1815 id do do isi ocl 1819 rt tin do ihi jan 1843 10 rlo do 1ft aotili 1816 bv oiirt cui llji p r a hakfkri cait ikr kinplon lh feb i 1844 70 source of ftlkl viitfaciion 10 h i- vf ihst m lo be sueceejed bj one wha tdl tnh him ame friendfr diosiiton ihk rdinrfcjtcit vou ulvaj tlivsr notice the partnership herelnlnre exllin under the firm of locltwood bi bnylr to thi5 ihv dewlred bv mutual consent john b lockwood iiuah bovuv kindlon feb i7 1814 new goods imported expressly for tha early s v hu trade consisting of a large as- sorlwnt of chintz printed cam hricsand long cloths of the newest styles and fst colors mous setincsdclain babzotinc other tight material in fancy lrexsc ladies fashionable riding hats a few choice specimens of french and ftritteh shaich gciitlcmt ith ftoudoil isravrr anil silk hattfa drab and ftu do mtnsqnd roys tth cflp the cmuttdefari im a btmdi- ut article fori title boys alt of which is now unpacking at tjeykcs 4 com iiy a who adhere to th principle of w a kins hid one i itlcf and of selling cv cr if article ihey import for the small at profit for ready moxfiy n ksivcrat cases of tuscany dunstable and fancy straw ttonncts wilt be opened aid on we 1st of april ivholesak and retail stores corner of king and trincvts t kingston nid the mji ihe 1st to the 1st nusrruher and liiweekiy min the jm inoviiitber lothefiitl mty at xi ttntiuin ihere will be a wceki lilinii foi ihe counlrj- which will comin ihe etitoial and other rrdins mallei ofthe dii- lv and which will be published at 10s per an num lnlil the iiravitcmcnlt ete hilly cm dried the pilot will be iimnlird trsni ty iriavtm tuesday auj fndai hist rimbrr will uupvat on ihc 1st the kcforirrer of 7prei rmad- will il i ho- rd estimat the iitsoi tmntc of liatinf jotrf- ml at the sjji of coynnnvenl to advocate the ntiiiciinvs which ihey imvc rn sjll ecettioo so nohly ottintrtincif the piicc of he weekly vditivn his hrcn ffmtj vrty low and im ot rctiplioiimiit in nil raises be id in idtiitce atlhntkli ths iriinolneet in tslablishin hi pilot is tu secure or the itefuimett of british origin un orjan nt ihe sal t u rt will ad- voetitt the aiiculturul mamimctnun and commercial iiitirrti ol the canadmti firopte while drfrndiit thrir ilm ind hbcilitf the oqctoflfae iilut wiljfir ihc pierft be af st tlfttsft sheet lo which puer it i f qites- led ihut uf ioiiiinunicdtioitjt and dtefizf rtifiits iniy be tint those ntotilor of nb- lie jmirnat who wih to earhnne wilh the pilot will be sroeitl enough to fotwanl their p ki tu the editor and the supjnrlir of kc- lnimblh in uuprr n4 lower canada me ie- qmrmtrl lohfd tcavf rxiortiotis in pmeuresub- schbets oji the i i t ilr rlnv7e krasxcis hincks kemlml peks4t 1841 t ihe keceiver fieneial erre notice r will teteire tvnden for kitbof that gllilllsv en uic loh cenimissionrib ofhtr he- jrmt treasury at thnly dijl sight m hoia thiy irlh man h prevvitno ail nocsr in coms not ls than x 5u0 sterling tlietntilei must he addicnred lo the re- ceivrr cenerjl nf ihr pinvince sealed and masked u tv ndei fsr larbane and diral he mdde with refrencelo ihe par of exchange namely our imunj four hjllina and four pence cuiieticy t llw pumd airrlinft the money tuhr drpnsilrd many of the chartered bankt kceiver trnriiv ottice kintpion iclh fehinvy ttm4 extensive sale qftea ivijfes to baccos iwsj by auction at llir rim of iho suwrttar ctinitnercial mart buii- on tlinrtijy next ilic 29lli inrl will be svilliotit rinv btsxcv ttvmki tea do ymmg hjprb tea tin ctifiiowj- r te do old hyaon ten tlo snntliting ten roxris siawli so 23 30 12 13 10 10 10 25 15 gnuiml rtinciifo u cataraqui bridge t10 let lite tnlt of hm ratarj fyai kr lu lite 20tli januarr tender tvil raiui brid- iseal at 2o be tillia- tu rvni ihc llr t to be- ch r from the itth march 111 im inclunvc bcrecved at lbeoluceor ciia- ustpast on tlturoar the 7h march ntlrtjom from tuch persons as may ihe aame fur hie aboieperkd iriv mated h worth aikstgihi thk l nf the firm will lie scllw by the subscriber who will carrj un the bsine a iiita1 wnliam b0yik kitisalrn feb 27 is14 0 in ihei the jfbbotsfqrd sf pkopmfs rdys scotts novels on tbc 1st of march will be iued to subscrib er no s3 the abbotsfdrd km scousn- rteh pfiea 3j and no i mist peoples ldn do j da prirew the ahove bdtlion hate m4 vrilh a very decided siiccet ihroushatit camdi aid llx rublhucrtl have to intimate to prison desirous of yet lubsenb tn- lo lhrn that ihcr have altrvv- on hand ct from he eotuniinietnrtii whirl trill enable liioi lofirnih such wh compb iu eojta so far a ihey irw been issued upen applies lion fumsav kmtt t i ft fbj lil vtliich kent t lo be isbd wceltly in tlie ursl furlj uerli aflrr the atd llrh mnch it j io le idrtmh that such or ihir army and ntvv and 0hf mdiitrv departmeid t anrltj- cluthd tn the tdntracl entered into benvctn uic go- vermnt nt and ihe calaraifti bridge coijjny are i xempi from ttl td lhal milnit men when on duly toinj to ur cornin from ttradcep muvtcr and lb ijirctort ard officers of use catarsqui uride cmpanv ilieir scrraiits llurse ajaj car- riaxrs are also lo pas tfllfrce il is further tn be understood thit no deduction oc abttcmeitt iii bnnjc ur jllonrd tioder any pre yal nhstveever from i tie amcuui cf contract enter ed into the person fendcrin ot hi axcnl mutt be picsehl al thu nnr of list tend and the nantev uf two suffiiicml surtlio trr tn bv invcfted vtho are nillm 10 enter iiio condi fur the faithful pcrfunn- unec of hie contract the tendrrs to be addrrsicd to the prctvdcnl of ihc calarjnui bridge comptny thomas glastsvr sec e trsurrr g b c calaraoui bridge ih r kingston lulh psai llj crountl jo flee t cavenjieh toliaetrv 13 keg plug 8 bxeixnlictwit du 23 jars macauy snulv 20 rove siwp 10 teine hie ft barrelsi do h hiui mtiarcivailo attgar 20 kurrel tlo tlo pnrt sherry teneriffe niip clartt wines in wiiud and boltlea wilh vari ous nlherortirlca in ihe grcery line sate at one ocluik pisivhially d macdonald kingston 23j fob- i8w- notice british america fire and life assoreuice ccmpaiiy in torpora oi on j i t- 6u act of patumttj totfftct hlmi aennerfiwoac thk suhsciibrr having ben appraidted aent to ihi institution it prewared to receive proposal for insurance araiaal loa or ilaimxt to pmpetty whether arilin fion ftve ottrnm ihe peri of inund nathgathm upon the tetma apecifinj in ihe established l1ffial i lrt stibseti- her ai the orttcc of cialfi it ivntl ootariu iftretls net door west of lh- custom house william cbaloi kindlon jfhh feb ism 687 fuesh oranges jtisi received at dirmblfs confkctionery ktiihion fed 3 134b 6- ii ii m b3wkkk stsi tssaravsovsj orftcas warn wl vmirt di swor mr- b reavt fully bssa so itflvf lo dr samp son ur baker ami kev j machar thesnlscrtlicr beg leave in renins iria thanktf tol he iitliabilonli o kingauaft audita vicinity for llie man favor he has rcveivej from llie m ime hia tommewc- nienl in btnhk5 aotl having rmigrted all privilege it lovi of hid broiher jaataa notu who wii ronliriue ihe huisineaa on iiia own arvouni rcrpecutillj twltcila a con- uiiianvc of llie same for him v prouse- kmalon feb 2 1843- t ie timleraignttil reajievifully infurma e iiihabitanueof kingslon and viri- niiy lhal he will continue the buainoa id the tinsmith liae formerly carried 00 by g f proufe corner of church and jchfl- ton hircel and that he ia prepared to ext- cuic all order intrusted to hia care with punctuality and jiepaieh and hia price will la found as reasonable as any bona i to wo james prouse k b house blta oeatly hung on tb moi reason iltk tenna- kingston feb 21844 69 notice information wanted o afmotr u e william r0r1n80n aiufavr coua- ij l tudrwiiry who kfl qorbec in 1630 tcr nctv york or philailclphit anj formatium eon ctrninf him will be ihanuullr rcecircel bj tsstt fath- e ucorje robtnnn amj mother and suter fliza unndiit note in in kinslon canada wvst ediiert tf tapers reprint the above wilt w brsa a rlirible nc rliuratwifeltjrsh 18j1 meeting slock holder o a ihe slcam boat prince ed ward will be belli al ihe offie of iho stthst rilr on friday ihe 8lh day of march nexi business of much tmiitance to the ownrrrc in to be laid before the meeting therefore all partiea erncr3rned are requeat- eil to give their attendance thomas greer m kppton slatfeb st4 68bi