Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), March 6, 1844, p. 3

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ml ml ipa m tto council met punuim to adj iiu4 mr asaey brought u the pcdtwn of ita b pllhtwryjs relating to ihc eeuolihmem of a fudwuidtchj whkh laidon th tabic mr syrw brought up ih petiiiln of iv i flirflftw and ohera ofthe town of bath mytptfdr l ftijblikrr ii of road acros the ti half ot hrinulw4rfiiii town which mai rcaj mr ferguson i f oum up the petition of john hooper gaokr preiing for additional aalarr the lorejoinr iviiru wercaevtrallr read oliecaeirtnan read u application from chi rira rtemi olh tomhip of kinxrtw oliriunih iieuon of suporiotendent of edueauon fi n motion cf mr deulu seconded lj mr me rtishlo sumiifiiondcur uflcd i n ov j fct j oflheir o neil ordered kl ih to mdilluim uk district be rwiiacd appointment to office moved lav mr denue tlsal a select coenmhto be k ctmerofl q and roblln 10 confer h ihe m yor rd corpora tpn of ktitftil with view to adjuit the balance of ikj tolb mjdund dttlrkt tor the rear mr roblin move that 4 select eommiuee bo ap pointed compered of mnn seymour clark as- adsline shiblev miller and demta to report upon the salaries 10 bo allowed to the various district coolly and township oficert to report bv sr u or otherniac on motion of mr rofclici icaro 1111 granted to brio up foster aqj other of caoiocn forthwith and referred to tbo rnini irr on common motion bo tfedbjmr miller tho petition of joarph lhat the same be read moteoa of mr mcneil scccaadec b mr ur 1 1 chowan laid before tta ccsjficfla rcpcrt ot scrvoou and lhat tho mfc ffeclini l tha dsslrfcl surveyor relating 10 tho townahip of dupeoaed witb so far aa relate lo ihc aa haxhinbrascr also a report of same relating to on aa coort house in k lit l clark mr seymwr brought up the pellion of captain ordeted lhl the council do noir appoint their au- sarj1 and other of brneat town recomtnendin drtor for ihc preacnl yar mr john strtcbtn of aid tonrmp to the aituljon f the chairman appointed mr willitn cralt u of county s u pen n undent of education hich waa aodkor m on the lawe oft motion of mr deoike accoddcd by mr me- the chairo ftdminiaiced the oaths cf officojncir ad allctuxx to wltlucn bcatniah eecuire lately j ordered thai robert rennie bo appointed aa au- aaccted dialnc councillor for the tof nhip of kin- dtor for the prf aent year too oo motion of mr seymour aceorwlcd by mr l iff offered lht the petition of edward shcell and othen be noir read and that the sixth rule b tut peoded an fsr a relate loihe nmr on noiioti of mr cameron acconded by mr jri orcjered thathepctjikonaof jem horoe and mr wirkham bo referred to the commiitee ort finance on motion of mr seymour acconded by mr a- elatior ordered ihe petition of benjamin l r 1 y t fredcrvci kaflav and other franc rt wyeoti and ctber and w j k f and other be ref ntd to the comrarucc cm roada and bridet on mtimf mr srjmour seeended by mr aa acuinc ordered that the peti unn of wihim myer and other be refercd to the committee on fnance and accounu on motion of mr den ike vcndcd by mr roblin ordered thai h petit isn of andeir i ucrand other prajtns for a aunt of msney lo be cjtptndcd on a certain road in fredcrit kiborgh be referred to the 1 1 r on finance and aceouna on mxion of mr amey acconded bv mr shiucy ordered ihat ihc peti ion of uriel blake nf the tomhip of lmhborcuj be fi ferrcd lo the ccm- milueoft finenceond account oo motion of mr wheeler aecondtd by mr me- ncil ordered lhat ihf pdiiifhi cf john baley be refer red to the committee en finance- on molicn of mft spvis kcodtd by mr rob- dd ordered tnjt ibfl ptiicn f vth duffand uhcr and the aecmpanjin deumni b rftimd lj the committee en liuad nd bridt on fniinof mr fwuatlla jccindd by mr scli rmchtn ordenailj that lic pcutioncfjhn hooper caller praying for eurfel salary be referred llta cm miitcccn finanfc an aeeei athalfpaat2oclcelrthceounea adpumed tiu 3 oelctk p m fonuaol lo adjournment the council rcmrncd after a conaifltation with a committee of the ma rulratea of ihe dbtrlct appointed at the late quarter sessions court to confer sriib the council on the anbjtct of ita erection oft houae of induairy and correction on moiioo of mr dcnike acconded by mr rob tin ordered that mr cartrmrht cwrecueated todrarr vp a cao and procure he opinion of the attorney general a to hcher the council u bound to levy an aaement for the purpoac of trecunj a llcuae of industry and correcticn- accordin to the order of tho day the couieil re- aolicd itself into a committee of ihc r hole on the cororaunicuon ffctn datid john smith l j trea surer ofthe midland dbthet relating to a balance of district uaea due by the corporation of kinnton m 142 mr cameron tnc chair the council resumed mr camccn reported ft resolution vrhich was adjtcdaa folio 1 avi ili treasurer be authorired to hand over the ament r0u1 fcr 1843 to the col lector cflhc town of kingston 00 hia ivinr the ntcorr aecunty lolhe trcaturer of the midland dutrict 1 7 to law at 5 celoek t m the chairman adjoarned ihe council till locticck a m tcrmorrow i pcuii vf ailani l b nd art 11 l be referred to ihc ccmmtikc ickrnna and cfl cotumci ord red thai others 11 ijoibrcu on rads and bridge on motion cf mr hrastip seconded by mr dcio- ordered that the petition cf fdnarj ilcrscy be referred to ihe ocmmilce en acsmcnt on motion of mr he as lip seconded by mr bom- hk ordered that the letter of ccxe claikc be reftr- red lathe cjmmittec en fmanee on rartion cf mr amey ee ndrd by mr mdkr ordered tht the nriti 1 of james wright and 12 others be referred to the cumumicc en k ond bride on rnctin cf mr amcy ecnkd by mr miller ordered tltat the pcitiui of john tonnjly aitd others be referred to ihc cmimtuc cri rjads and b rid rt on motion 0 mr wticekr cecnod by mr clartte ordered that he peluin of jamra land ind 19 othcr be rcfered to the commiltec on cnnimori schxla on mothn of mr amry sccnulrl by mr spring ordered thai t pcittirm of a m fo d and o hers of the township cf l705m1 xouah rreommendinj a auitable place fur a rond be referred to the commit- tee on rads and bridges on moiionof mr shiblcy seconded br mrsprif ordered lhat the petition cf jccph watn be re ferred to the ceirniilee en finance on moticn tff mr fcruan acecnikd y mr ul ordered that the petition of dxon bruce and cth ara and ato the petition of wm uaicrty and other be referred lo the commiitre en read and bridge on motbn of mr feruin seconded by mr spring ordered that the petition cf jhn h others be wfctrtd lo the ccmmitlee school on motion of mr rjbjtn sconded by mr sey- rp ulal mr jln akractpu u lrntsionn be afpointrd a snperintemlent of education for the tn corporal td couni of lenox and addington oo moion of mr cantcron sccoitdcd by mr hcas- tip ordered that pxtor robert melan be appointed supcrintendeiii of common schaoia for the county of fronlcnac in amendment mr ferjuaon moved acconded by mr spring that mr george baxter 1 a fit and proper person to be appoined lo the office of supeintendeni of com naon school for the county of frontenac a diviaion waaoallcd for on the amendovnt yea messrs- ferpicn beamish spring 3 vivf me cummins cameron tfeaslip sehcrmerhxn penike whcler lark hibley roblin seymsur amey a- uie miller 13 the lmcndmftil was leal by a raajirily of 10 in fir v of doctor robert mclean appointment to ihe atustion of suporin undent of education for the couniyof frontenac on tttoiioo of mr dentkc acconded by mr mc neil ordered lhat william hayward m d be ap- pojinled township superinlendcnt cf common schools for the township of fredericldburyjh oo motion of mr clark acconded by mr wheel- w ordered that the he paul shirley be appointed superintendent foe the township of camden on molioo of mr schermerhoro acconded by mr den ike ordered that gorge h deilor equire be ap pointed super in undent cf education for lho town ship of richmond for the present year on motion of mr amey seconded by mr spring ordered that onorfce rutjedge or the township of lwbborough b applied township superintend ent for the totvnrhip of lcughborouth on motion of mr heashpeecndcd by mr beam- hh 6rdred that mr jcavi dunlap be ojipdinted to the office of townahip superintendent of ochoola tor the townhp of kingatcn on moiiom of mr ivbeelcr aeconded orired thnt mr gcotrc farray be appointed superintendent of common school lor the township of sheffield on motion of mr- fcrsuaon seconded by mr ordered lhat ceorge baxter be appointed to the dfico cf superintendent of ccmracn bdi w loe townahip cf pittsburgh on motion of mr ferguaon aeeanded by mr 03ru lhat jame crr be applied to ihe ofiee of superintendent cf ccmmon bchoou for u townahip of bedford on mouan of mr aelunc aecended by that fredenck kellar be appcinted town ahip upcrinirndil common schxl iw tonnship of erncatown on notion of mr a sad time lloblin ordered lhat jwph b aaon townihip supcrintendcnl for amwm- on motion of h- cameron v mr c ordered that william randall h permbndent of common schoou fur the i wmuf cr stsl ot mr person econdcd hy mr b lhat fnci walker fcffaftsassgsau a reriniendcn faf k township ftrtiand by mr frcoi the toronto cxataioer c0n3tjt0ti0k op the reform association of canada at 0 mccllnsofa number of the friend of rcspon- aiblr governmt held at the city of toronto on tuesday ihe 6ih day of february 1844 the hoo h j boulton rfi p f in ihe chair it ftl that this meeting regard aa sierrd ihe pnnciole that the government cf thi cc lytffthilh wiv p-vi- rvhivtm her m l j t seising the e jni it l 1 cl- of tlic perplr i hey clteriah this prineiple for it intohc- all ihey hare bect taught meat to value 1 and britons they deprecate the denial of thi principle fcr they regard it aa a re turn to a ayslcrn nf government in nhich the execu tive pbjatvi while practically independent ofthe go- vcrnmcni of gret britain had yet 00 ajrnpathy with ihe people of thu eauntry a ayatem alike dangerous to the supremacy of great britain and the liberlies of the people cf canada that ihis mealing vn in- unh aorrrot and alrm in the lae acl f his excellency ihe governor gen eral a practical dciiascf the dcirine that our moat graciau sorereign would in the choice cf her aer- vanls consult ihe wisheaof herperple a cxprtaed thrcugh their kcpresetitatitca d form inelf into a cicty to be called he rrfotm jaotwlicm ef ca nada forlhepurpcaecfkcoring the practical appli- eaiicn of the principle of responsible guernment to the admrnisl ration of uur lecal affairs and they pledge themselves to enforce by every constitutional means the rccgnilicn wf that principle cf responsible government agaiual the present practical renunciattcn cjfwhrehiheydonowaalcmnlyprotcit ihcraolcmn- ly protest against the renunciation cf ir principle beeaue while it robs the people of cmada of their beat birthright jtal0aps the fcufldaticft cf that irue hearted and patriotic zeal for the greatness i inlcg rily of the british empire which is never found but in cmnecisn with an earnest love of british liberty that per3o be admitted members of this associa tion on motin either at a general city town or township meeting or by application in writing to either of the recording secretaries occcm panted by ihe wriuen recoconcndauon of anj one member that ihe e be a general cctnmiuee to forward the object of this aaceiation to be appoinled annosuy 00 the 6rat monday in january that out of ihe general commtuee ibere be ap pointed thec additional commitlcea of fire member each 1st for management 4jl phhanaas sd for correspondence that there be 10 recording secretaries two cor responding secretaries and one treasurer wha shall be ex qecto members cf the general committee- that any number of peron in any town or town ship uniting together and declaring in writing their approbation of the object of the amrciaison aa set forth in the foregoing constitution and desiring lo be come members shall ipto cfo become members thereof and shall ihereupon proceed to crgimze them- elve by apoointmenl of commiiiee and ofbeers for the aaaccintion of such tosvn or townabip reapecu itely that the offiftrt ao aixantcd for every such town or township hit be rx ojffao member ofthe general committee of this asacciaiion orrtes numem ofthe eroem aaaocutioir or cakada ttenrrai irt jpis armivrcrj philip arrcuong alexander badrnseb charles baker heo robert bauwin m p p wmiam a bald wl j p wm hume blake hon h j boulton m p p john poyd dr bradley r h breil ranhard brewer george brown r catheart j p patrick cocilin skeffitgon coetnor r p crook john doel j pi charlos donlevy hod john h dunn m p p john aaiwood j p henry ec- 1 b caca tnomu eluott thjmsa emosone thomaa eirart janaea pcter p- freeund richard french john gibson b- gilbert james good wm m gorrie alexander grant andrew hmuiob sidney hamilton john harper dr hayes wm hender son hon f hrmka m pp frarurlin jaekes j p robert jsmci jessie ketchom j p j lsmb wm lawaon jamea l j p georfe lesatie john leji s fi- lynn j i john macara joan mscintoahfjp wm mcmaaler alexander me f 11 jim jarnes mitchell jca curran merriaon h adorcs to air charles metcalft prom thk assembly of new brunswick during a urge part of monday tuetdsy and wednesday ttr house sras engaged in dtseutsing address 10 l governor general tthich wss carried on th ait day bv a ma jar 11 j of 20 10 ii immedlalalr afer nmeh mr hill ranted the fal- txwing resolution which wai carried br a msjorhr resolved tmi committee ew with much sails faction the recognition czposiuon bv hie ei cellcneythe governor oeneral of i ha recently tabliihed ayatem of colonial responsible govern ment as coniainad hlj eaeellencys late reply to be address ofthe warden and counetllura of the gore district in canada west yesterday mornrng ihe minority of ih preceding eteninf were desirous f ha vint thrrr naoaea placed on the other aide 1 which was objected to amotion a then msds to expunge the resolution which was i i 1 the following resolution meaning much the sama thef wss then introduced and carried 15 to 15 resolved that thu house doih heariily concur in the deltnirion of coloaisl gorcmment contained in the recent answer of his pacelleaey sir charles metcalfe governor general to th adjess of law warden and council o4 th gore district canada address to the governor general to huextucy sir chru jfwcoir aswli ti p flenera eye the bumble addreis ofthe house of assembly of new brunswick may it xea4e vooe excellikct wo che rcpresentatjfes of ihe people of new brunswick in parliament assembled deem it a duty we owe alike to your aeeljcrcy and ihe loyil con liitjency of this province to eapreti our high ad miration of ihe constitution si principles promulgated bryour excellency in the recent memorable con flict with your exectlanev lae advisers if this had occurred in a coony unconnected arith british north america we might have abstained from t declaration of our tcotimsutt but consider- tng ourselves as a portion of your excellencys go- pefrieacnl we annot refrsm from ottcring an as surance of our fim detrrroinaiion to uphold your excellency in maintaining the prerogatives of the crown invaded we conceire them to have bcen by the extraordinary claims of jour late council w appreciate too highly the inestimable blen- ings we cfjoy under our benign govemmem where the right aifd priribcr of all art well known and defined todtrrefird any attempt al infringement whether it may b aimed at the crown or ihe peo ple and we therefore hesiute not to express our firm belief that if the extravagant demands mide upon your excelterey hsd been granted monarehial iiistitntiont on thi coaunent must soon hare ceased to rxit we indulge the confident expectation that the noble stand youf excellency hi taken will meet the bpnrobation of our most gracious and beloved queen j atd that the loyal people of british noth america will be ew rcedj io raltv round her ma jestys representative in maintaining principj so cornlucite to the happinea of ih subject aud ihc jfety honor and dignity of the crono fiingeton lliicn vpicoo via watehtown in connexion with iormeroy o cqs new vofk albany mnd buffalo express- tih k subieribers will run ir- express as ahove weekly for the irensnttiun of facbatea of all dcknpiton collect ion rorifl note fee all business ast and west ot lilies r i n done by pomery nt and relatraa msada through us in the ahoriesi poifible lime w offer as reference mesara n m vroodrvyt prssvri jrft co bank 0 v 8r41nard cashier saml buckley pres bank tvaiertown wm 3t angel cavhier for further psrtkulsrs enoairenf i hgreer extensive sale ok tytm suafi htnt tobacco cvc by auction at the wnrc mbmft ofthe subscriber com- mercisl mort buildmgf on thursda7i the 14th march will 6 told hy ordrr of corsime poititl pooteroy tc co agent for ki r ithersian ay burbank klngiton msreh 6th liul 72t t schooner for snle 0 be sold xt auctinn on the 2nd of april next if not prviouly disposed nf at private slc the faat suifing schooner prince ejvtfrdj with anchorn ringing nd soils etitipietr nove lying nt the comtherciol wharf burthen about 60 tnnsj any prjrsun wixhingt purchssn the raid ve 6f private bxrjain wi apply at the steam boat office rw whorf terms jilteral on giving approved sevtirity kmgnon 5lh mairck is 72gi wilhont menu 16 16 5 ft ft reserv to cloie tarioti con teas itoxex superior tvrankay do voting f i j i do gunpovtlerp do od hyaon do snuehongi tobaccos m- by wanted immediately the subscriber qaa ann m skins for fujjlj which cah will he paiil xt ibc sterm of vvm w eq d s wotherspoon kinsalon sd march lb44 7g the qucbrc papfri rnerjion a r cir ctirntunee wweij took place o the wench at quebec brtiicen th chief jutticr and jude panel e is aid that ihe ctiif iterupird judge paict ivhrn dc- lirrfiog a judgement in a case in nllh the furnr alatctl fioea h r ni ih bneh and aiillrd pini ifuj tlijarcf left ike lrnen and rtird it is honeer dooicd that sir jrrci mjde use of tlie nonti at all we trocar eummemss ihf fici miy hjse been incorrecily ttatcu f montreal her- au population of tbonfo the pipuhtion cf this raptflj improving ciy has doubted itself within the last tan yean the numbc cf inh biants in june last according w theeensun teas 17805 and from ihc grt increase then it is calculated hat in the same month if the present year the number still amount to nearly 20fioq lb lost in brock slret near the market place a lady red coral earkinu it hat been ascertained that it wa found hj a wo man name unknown she is requested to take it to mr arthur foslerv where he will be suitably rewarded kingston 4th march i44 72 seat of government those geotemn in rariou leclionsof the proeinnc whj were kind enough to lake chrce of ihe petiho for sinturr to her maj sty and both house of prjiamrtil wilt pleise re meirir thit the ft lels will he jcptlchril to the ocuateeiii england for pre- matillion by the nt iulifi mnil pion p iianih iitv t lctcij that to the vety lsrejiiriiiit nf iini tties forvrrded y ihe la wo mails en ihousind mnre will be addehrn the irturns are completed the petition may be addressed lo the chairman pro- ffm ofthe cpoidmrcom- mittee john counter eia klngtok kington march 5 6u 7i frit lokt tl ec in the take which its deuov ei a id broken up fo wrral daja psal has eo- tirrlf disappear ft the srong easterly wind which prevailed yeserdt ha driven it f irevlivrird tciv ing a i- r r blue u labslruitej ourfaec butf aejr 22 tb births turdsy erenlng lslmra johmnoon of a mr ttoma onsa daughto at kingston mula on ihe lot int browtttrughur married at amherst islsitd last evening by the rev w f s harper becior of bath thomas scott k- to catttrtkt ycungest dsughterof drard a honard ec all of the foicnerpl dc died at waterloo in ihe tuvroshipof kiniton of a protracted illness rf eeral rears on friday 3oh of january aged 76 years mr mesjh purdv sen hisparenu with four sons of whom he aa one and four daughter removed to this township from ncwburgh orange co siateofnew yok innn- diately after the caee of 1783 thry were among loyalist vrcre omidrred truly loytl mr p vraa ite litnei rnarriejanj tha father of 23 children ulneof wheen with hia widow his fifth wife sun vc in he has lift a numerous progeny of grand children and great grard children and wa manj rears a member of the wcslejan aelhodisl connex ion and highly citeecd by thai society c0b1mebcial bank bi d r2 eturn of the average amount of liabilities nd aaaola of the commercial bahk or tilt m llhi dibtalct during the period from tho lot september ifcw3 to the 29th february iw4 co ww to o s rw n mtii is- j j omprioe t h pnee m thomas g kidoul jp iv mr the seconded by mr be appointed e nsooh m j obeirne j f j oneill wo m perrin p p john radenhusl j j p thomaa rtigney william row scott jarnea hnncn joseph sheard hon j k srnal m p- p j- hhutcr smith wsj d tayter thcmaa toomadn chirlr itwmpaon j p jcsepb toifree r- j- turner john tyner sheldon ward t webb j f vveatiand isaac white dr work man e wright qmmitttt of ifnnogrmekf robert p- crooks willi io m gorrie william henderaon james har vey price srwlbvn ward commit f jtnce willie john eastwood ie ketchum wm l porrin aavjatsvh of rrrtoftdrnce hon hj boul- tejosv js wau r0h dr workman m jtecordins sccr john shuier smiih the rrrcanonrfin ccrttru- joseph c mcrrison sleffington connor 3vrnrerwauaa bildsna hume samuel t blake lynn hft m mormon herald ofthe passed through that place r in liinom the quiney lnaunt state thst four wagg on tuesday peevius on household firniture farming stock implements of fjisniuui rj- ic ac- to be soiitby auction me rectort amhcrsi island the undent ofthe rev w a adamson wednesday we 20a mrch next hu quantity of houkhold fur niture consisting a eof ijuck walnul dining tables prwur and hall chain side tables hall t1f and forms hall lamps buck walnut jitein poles and icurlaim two cti curled 5ic chairs and arm cruir sof- tshu wuik tables book cesesand book sunch a set of curled hair cushions black wafmt dressing tables painted do chesl of dravrrs two larc t wardrobe wahhaml stun sutchrrs i clothes hurses and chairs inders and fire i irons do iron icten stov comiitmg of parjour drawiuroom ftti hl nd cookinf store with 1pralus comulrle kitchen and coding unsil qiiantityof i drlph and glassware a m block tin dtaa covers churns milk l and paos meal barrels jtc farming stock and imple menfs ronsialint nf a rair of elnl well ditched grey horses sixteen hand hih yeaiaold well ntiedf carriage work a very handsome pey rtare quiet in harness an excellent roadster 4 carry lady a stron- bay mare ilejy draughl accoslomed to farm lahcur- nine milch cort well brl two tt year old hcifcit three yearling do fifty good breeding errii two imported leiceater wvi fire pigs in younr 100 good laying hew a quantity of hay and sfnw 900 buihela of potatoes several baruts nfflocjr 1 farm waon a farm shi harness 6wqt 9 a co s tfo u 4oa amoooip co q q 83 s oo 8 s j a o 9 s ioj -oo- aoortj zz2 j iss 3 oomooo otoaooc t 5 o c5oo ob vt ah c can s j bj j ii i t cd fi t z l um to be ul s he mw p pv mmw and f z 3 j ua ui coe0 oop ajj j m5j sag oos oog pjqtg b e o pnraiion ptto fsniqsi st louis repub cornmrreia kingston f a bank m d- tt march 16-14- harper coalfr blankfietd and sale oil the chronicle office seven or fatm idaied to and excellent pinkeye and cup 1 wood shod sleigh ad vw barre i doume cutter i single do- wilh rcea p each 1 double set of bamew z enib saddles and brihs plnuhs hanowa vvhevwrrows vylhes pilchforlts shovels k spade pick axes hotbed franei andulawca watcnng pots fiw wtsatsw sahe 7 feci oj 3 fh 4 in a s nctaojgdlneti fisrun tachu alarse duck gun a large saiti boat vith saiu and oar complete skirf and oars a mangle i t enty gallon iron boiler wasn tubs benoothiny irprisabout wfertof wellseaaon- cd oak timber and 8 acre of u mt in wheat ttsims under 10 cash over 10 approved endcraed nclea at l month saleatloocuk preejelj rt thomas greek auctioneer kinton clh nlarch ism colonial editions british magazines and reviews for february just receive by the lat malt packet th february n- of the follcvin blackwoods mire duhlinuniversily do bmtleys miellny ainswoiths masame uniud service journal cotburns new monthly british and foieign review the army lll ramsay armour fc co magazine 1000 for sale 2 buhel bafjs kinston in nov d macdonald im3 56 15 boxes cavendiohj 10 keir piuc so jars snuff 10 bladder scotch do 10000 cigar coffees 10 box- ground coffee 15 bai green do 5 limr heated sugars 20 bblt bright mucovado sujv sundries 20 boxes soap 15 do candles 10 bbls rice i j keg ciirraits 5 bii alspice 8 do pepper 50 do tape salt 5 bales candle wick 2u gross malches 25 doz pails 101 doz corn brooms 2 i boxes raisins id boxes starch 50 boxes winjow glass 7x9 purt mjdeira teneriffe and cuici wines in bottlcsj with 9q ceska 10 gallons very fine broxnbherryluni vilh various othri articles sale al one uclockp m dnnctually kingston march 6 u macdonali 1844 extensive sale of household furniture horses c by auction tftestitaeribr r vvre room commer- a nearly and cuti tew cial mii buildings will 6l sold without rcrii tollojj cmijixrncnujn wednesday the 13th march lahoray snil black walnut cenlieta- black walnut dining tubtes mes rrrakfasf tables warj robrs btaqfttol clothe hors doume and sirle wash stands couch sof in real variety 1 splendid brussels caipel mahogany tflnck wlnul maie chairt cnf crarlleli cols parlor nd box stoves feather beds 100 j fret bljck walnut vcnccrin saleiooclav p- m alsonrociselyat 11 oclock one pair matched bay howes will drive double or single well broken and gentle one fine fillfy well broken anl gentle fit for lt rlira or gentlmans saddle beast one sleigh of supeiior manufacture with rods for double r sinle horses comphle d macdomald kingston march 6 1811 auction sale of tea jamaica spirits tobacco stationery sfc at the slorcsof msrcralcct watt on thuraday the 7th instlo close tcr- erjl conifnmenls viz 27 half chests fine twankay tea f candle hyon tea 6 imircteau i i hyson tea 60 boxes havana principe and american cigar 4 boxes cavendish tobacco 5 kancsplog 300 nu jamaica snirit and old ration rum in cask 50 bms bright rosin 3 venetian red 10 ewt american cheese 40 boxrs dighy heninga 20 halfbbls ltikti huron white fish 50 ream ruled and plain foolscan paper 10 l superlirto large aud small letter hnt a of black wmul and maptc bedsteads j8 cwt nailrod lion also 50 bbl american coarta flour terms to be mle known at iba time of tfale sale ac 1 oviock william ware aactioncer kingston 1st march im new lieforjit joiirnakhi mon treal it is the irslonlionof the subscriber lo pub liali immediately in the city of montreal a newspaper to b called the pilot and which will bs- twued daily from the 1st may lothe 1st novcmher and iriweekly fiom the 1st november lo the first may at 1 5 0 per annum there will be a weekly edition for the country which will contain the editorial and other reading matter ofthe dsu ly and which will w published at 10a per aa num until the airanemenu are fully com pleted the pilot will be published semi-week- iy vizon tuesdays and fridays and the fust nnmher wilt appear on the 1st march the reformers of upper canada will it is ho ped estimate the importance of having a jour nal at the seat of government to advocate ihe principles which ihey have en all occasion so nobly maintained the price of the weekly edition has been rixed very low and the sub scriptions must in all cases be paid in advance altliooeh the main object in establishing the pilot is to secure for the rrfoimen of british origin an orian al the seal ol govt it will ad vocate the aricull manufacturing and commercial intrust nf the canadian prople while defendmtlhrir rights and libeittrs th olbctof the pilot wtl for the present be at si theresc surct lo which place it is reques ted thjl all communications and advettize mentsmay be sent those proprietors of pub lic journals who wish to exchange with the pilot will hr toodenooeh to foiward their pa pers lo the editor and the snripnrlrr of ho fnrm both in upper and lower canada ire re nursted to use active exettions to procure sub scribers on the terms katinl abnvo francis hincks montreal feb 24 lw h m bowker office ovca r lsts drucctst shop mr b rcsnectfolly bes to refer to dr smp ter pr baker rtv j mac har cottages to let rom tlm 11 juno nnxt ad nm the ncwa orficr at two mrno x the prcsim nccupied by j a mrjheison esq the other next door lo ihe tesidrnea of jamra hutton eq wellinlon street of which im mediate pnsjrasioncan be given thi5edwel lings are vrry convonient and pleasantly siltm- led and will be let at a reasonable rent to suit ihe timet j linton xiogatiui feb 28 1844 70z auction sale of real estate time kma on thursday the i4tb march on tl next he premiaet will bo sold by public auction to the highest bidder that valoable and eligibly situated property brad of brock suci fronting the new catholic church be longing to chrislopher armstrong esq com- kising a superior iwostoty 5tone dwelling oustf with stablca and outbuijdittc fit for the accommodation of a gentleman family thr extent of ground rt qm fifth of an acte and for beauty of situation or command ng prospect atanos unequalled also a twodory fiame house in two tenements aluate in kingstreet nar the tern do pont barrack a ood burinesa stand with outbuildings lc producing artntauf 156 per annum the piopriitot bein en the err of his de parture to england the property will he irild without any tesefee ard an undoubted title riven to the purchaser trie tntr will rem iwiiet with tho property ni the hejd of brock- alreet at 1 1 ovock and thr ptopeny in kiru- streel on hit premisrsnt ifok thomas ulillr a net iuree p kingalen23lh feb tfl4 70 extension credit sate of horses carriages cabs swlghs robes hirness c 6c fee by auction the rowin importance ofthe kingston mirinl weis and ihn irkreiarttf ce lebrity lhre ittavji are daily attainin wiiert- ever ihy beecmc known nare induced the present lessee mr jjme hone lo renew his lease with the propntlor jims mota 50- and in order lo devote his sole mention to th rornfor l rd convenience of prrnns visittn the springs has determined on rtiposin of the whole ol his cab establishment and livery sables with the excrption of lb four hor otnuibu which he intends to retain for the ex- iivraccommodlion of parties visiting be s and bev to ftcqucint the public gen- kingston marine railway annual meeting ef the aiin mthm riwry coenpnny for tlw- purpoac if elceiing difteinfa fr sits cririuing year will he bejj in the 6flee ofthe company ihi monday firrt arlfnt at 12 oviock noon according tr theact of incorporation chas wjekiks sexirttry kingaion l9ili feb ifu 71 new goods imported exprtssiy for the cftiiy spring trade conssting of a larg a sprtment nf chintz printed cam- brit and long cloth cflht isxtvest styles and fast colou yfousseiint dr- lrin flaltorwot cv other tight material in fan6y rtst ladiw fasucaable elding batii a few choice specimen of french ad brtiith shawl gentlemens london bcsrrrr and silk hmu lrab and felt do mens and boys lth cap the counvitfrvori hat m bendi- ful article for little boys au ofivmch is new unpacking at thyhrs sf coiipriny9 who adhere to th principle cf mating bid one price and of selling r erv article they import for the mnoli- ezt profit for ready mosey jv ftseveral cases of tuscarjf dunstable and fa ncy strata bonnets will be opened ovt on the st of april tvhotcsauand retaitstorts corner of kin and vincess sts kingston sin in ciawv that ihc salmon and the bath in con etion with theavleof fcvr n vt j n furef en lo a liim w the will take place j era will hence- n 1 lnrr i lie iii tliit antral l4ltaf4 iuwiivlo iv- ii those aho niay fed pltitad to favor h their ulnnae sale of the unritimrnlioftrd propertj ny rrse cataraqutbr10gej t 10 letoit causae tlw tvlls otth- r a bnde frorf he llth march 1644 to use suil jealosy 1s43 idou tcrcnr wilt be rcid t tuobaeeothv osssv lh oridcr c ipi y on ttiordsv ihe 7h marrat ni at 1 2oc1ck oven from sisch peraona aa mtf lie sfulaf to rent the same for the above period he urr1 lo be elorly staed in wens at sanpa horn is to ira r veekl n tho 6rot taarty wrk ofirr ihc aid hh march it fsio bo understood v such of ih army and wi ive houl on monday thr 1st day of april next at tha livery st4 tile head of piihcesssltettin the followinc order rii 8 cabs i superior draf late the pioprty ofcapt clithernwad c- 1 birouchv carriage 1 double dennvt 1 pleasure carl with circularseats 1 watrt cart 3 superior close sleighs nearly new 4 double open do 10 single do 2 lumber do 2 soils of runners 1 water trair 18 serviceable horses among which are some very superior animals 5 sells uouhle and tandem harnras 12 do single 6 gentlemens saddles ladies do 10 bridles 18 buffalo rohr with vorinus other arlicle alsotlebuildinenf the stables sheds fitc c anj ihe small fuildin front- in on princrftastrrel lh the unrapjred irasc of ihc ground on whicli they lanj which is two years fiom trie ftrl of hiy next builj m tfvjf t tn fevnoefl hy th ttrehs el the ckpirattn nt the lease 1ihms purchasers tinder i2 4 cash from lz w- to zjojlhtee months from w to 3ll six months i over 30 twelve months credit hy fiirnishin ihe seller with approved indorsed notes which will be required in every instance the piicr at wliich ihc buddings may be adjudged will be divided int four trjual pay ment at three ijc nine and twelve mooth without interest sale altcnocloelr thomas greer auctioneer eingmon 844 71 d macdonald commission merchant comftlercial mart bulldiifgs foot of prinzes street ranenders hi thank lo the trade and x public for their liberal support hilhertn arid would inform them lhat he has made ar rangement with an experienced auctioneer mid will be hapjiy to sell for persona at their raiidenceorpuct of business charge moile- rata kincsion march 1st 1844 7lz najy ciuilid i 10 or con diricvrs mpanr vrv dpji- enter i that c from f arsde rr masler 1 oftcr of the cataranl iie-iobcic-timgo- rvmfi to i x nrn vp shi goj rd obrr mji iti lhe rxctrpi frm toll an duty soin hid hr bride company the servants horoea sod car rise am slso to ps twllfne i is furihtr in be understood ihat ro ovdoeiion e n 1 l aill be msde nr altosrcd unovr say sara it it ivhatsoivcr from amount of contrscl enter ed into the nrrson tendrrlne or h agrni vovt k rrcsent at lam oornias of ihe tenders and the aaaat oftno surlicieni stfrirt arc to 5c insert vb are hilling 0 enter irlu conds for the failrsful perfurat- ance cf itic contract tho tender to be ddmsd lo the prvaldcat tlhe calsraoui 8rids cofnosn thomas glassup 6ec c tyetssrer b b c cataraqui bridft 0 tqv kingston 24h tm ru a commercial banks m d that the prsw- jvtotice is hereby gin l un1 directors and company of ufa commercial bank his d have decided upocr callingio tho iraiduf o new stttfcaahccri- bed and that the irtulmnts wll ba payahfe at the bank or any ofils ofocea or ages- cir as followf vlftj i844 644 m ims 1mb 14 hy oidsi uflha board f a harper casnikh kinplon a7th teh i844 70z 10 percent or ihe 1 m aphi 10 do do u july 10 do do 111 oct do do 2ml jin in do do 1st april 10 o lo 11 jalr 10 a do lit oct in lo do had jn iii do 4n lit an- 1 thesubachlier bepi leave lorelum hi thanks lothe inhabitants of kingston rtnti its vicinity for tho rcceivrnj from liifni a merit in business onil privikgea in favor of many favor he liu nee his rortittcrtee- having mignej sit liia brother jmts notice rhe partnemhip heretotore existms under the firm of lockwood ft boyle was hit day desolvcd by jnnlnal eoiksrnt john b lockwood william buyle kioston feb 27 i44 theunetlledbinrssof thr firm will he settled hy the subscriber who will carrj on iij l business as uial william boyle kinpton feb 21 1s44 ifla prou who wil roniirnie uie husiqeoa 00 hia own acounl reptfiilly aoliciu 1 con- iiauaace ofthe aotoe for him c f prouse kingston feb 2 183 the onjeraignetl repcrtfollj iolcorma the inhabitant of kingttori una vtri- niif thrttte will cootintic the buaineiiicaas copper sheet iron and tin line tormcrty eofrietl on by g f prnu oppivaile tlie residence rtl hewy gitaw mivf etfq near st georfjeo chdna nj hit bo is prepared to exeeate iu oev jvi intrynted to hw care with pucyaaalw and jirpaicb and hia prir vitl bebsjav as rcaonibe oj any houae iotosm jae9fbdus nfi t hotsae bella neatly hur o hao nio- reaonabte terfvs kingatonfeb 24 isu 9t sheriffs salt koaatia fjt 1 aw the j3bbotsford peoples rrs scorrs novels ii cr mfh ill bo iiiuod o sutiviib- ed otti acts pfiet 3s- audnc 13 lha people edn do do frire 0 j the above edition hive met ith a tn dreided aufcess ihrcughcoi csdo arid the rublisncra isre 10 imimaie to oer desireu of jet subierib- ag lo tbein tlial thej itave nlivjs 00 bam sets fcoua he ccmroenecment thcmtofurnith uch h complcu rfk so far a ihey hate ben upon aooliektioi ramsay armour u cd kuicatofi h feb ibi4 notice a meeting of the stockhojjcnio the sleom boat prince ed ward will he held ot the office of the subscriber on friday ihe 8th day of march next business ofmtirh importance to the owacfi is 10 be laid before the meciing therefore all parties concerned arc requeat- el to give their aiiendanee thomas greer jgnt kmgtton 2iat fs 1 6elbi midland 10 vr ism townol kineton ti tl raawt falloxvuv kmi cirucj f tilufr of executions ttr mo direnrtd out of her lyar court 61 qiteen1 bench joatk pattox hdajotfetroift will be itblil at the corf hcuia in tha tto fottx mclaoo anrl rjeaw loaer all the rtht title and inteieat of john ttfcv ind and kichard ioan to the biolyii ftearf orthe wrttialfofutnolrntbofaatgs i of the tpof kinrton john paltoo thomaa smith and randolph purtorui t james doogali and william keild iunioy thomaa smith town lnl no 3q2 in iba town of knytttv an person or pcraor havtns okhvil oa a of tha abova dejerfrd properu are rrueaaesl to msbe the saei kriown 10 r r on or before the day of thomas a corbett sheriff md sharifls office j kingston nov s9 1843 j 2 postponement tho piveral aalea advenjaed above hav been postponed till silorday tho 9th march t a cqfibett seji jwt e sberitla offic febnary 89th ibm- s tl

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