Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), March 9, 1844, p. 1

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the chronicle gazette iv iirw craftamf ayisf iivev avars- paqarffii ihuhh jimtrhti hiumliiiko r tin ofritk rmvci v kixu i hhou ptjtftfcf ltim3tx it 4 ovluk r m kvunv wednesday saturday f ivcjiy 5aw7itjr per fminw fr jrxt receitftt 01 proportionate term the abore term wit in future bdltrkll arikml to to that n order mod uc futnuiotj uttbom the amount ftn the linn aubscriltttl iclc conns roa hstcfr john cttkkihton rffr iriceofadctrtieient six lino attd mdrr 2 w- fifi hmrtjwij sml 7il rmh tubrnptfii to crtton ten line atul imdyr 3 jd hrn itixmion anil l- r l 3iibctjnil insertion otrnuliik lit per line first iitscrlion and i j per hue eatli tutuequcnt insertion ml trantitortf advcrtiicmfntt from strancfn or trreevjar custom r wut be paid for when jkunded in for insertion letter press printing chronicle soette and kingston commercial advertiser ncc hcge nee fonio scd otroqac vol xxvj kingston canada saturi march 9 1844 fno 7 3 chkonlultt to mzeti stationery warehouse r or is k iioll llllli hiwcsl whcfc kcpl enhiiy on hind in fttunilrr ml ftl if in j stttk of writing fafers from super u 1 lq noif a d eri arlltit ihc iiicoii blank books school books ilc in ill il brunches carried on at the shove ea lablishroent a superior ruling machin is in full operation by which blank bookscanfce ruled loany pattern and in 4iyle inferiorlonone the tombmalwn of prjsttsg office ft ook bldery and statiqtiehv warehoueintkn estamiihme gtre it a decided tvperioritif in r i oj i ij da hon and detpateh chronicle gaetle office t kingston canada j let in montreal kom the 1st may or 15th april required that beautifully situa te koso mount not itioc i ha a 12 minutes walk from the hace darmcs con ttining 2 acre in orchard and garden well stocked with the choicest fruit trees as pears apples plums cherries and small fruits amongst which are 32 differ nt kind of the hmcet plum lreeij imported from enjrjand scotland and new york man of which a bearing 300 c- c a never failing well in the yrd and a tank containing 1s0u gallons lined with to receive the inr roof with a leaden steam between new york liverpool great britain and great western the qrtmx w warn w gpiar ctwi arnpi great britain of3500 torn bearing prize gooseberry bushes aij i000bore power ueul james hoskkn ru r n commander oad great western 1700 tona and 450 hone poiter with new boiler b mathews esquire late fint officer comroinder are intended to sail for 1s44 as fol lows rain water from the tin pipe to convey the amc over the sink in the kitchen an ice houte which is filled for hie season a stone slablc with 3 horse stalls coacmiouse and wood house c for particulars inquire at the chronicle gazette office kington or letter post paid to the ttisef great grral rose mount montreal feb 19 1841 proprietor on the pje a ferguson ly i great grral great great great new watches tuid jewelry c from weatern bnrjjo western britain wctem bhuin new york thursday may 23rd t thuraday juna solh thurday july lllfa thuradaj aujpift 8th- thuraday auguat l great britain groat weatern thomuy sepl thuivlay oct thurajiy nov tbunday dee 17th in mh the sulicnbera beg to return their iliankv to the puhlic for the liberal patronage received during the pat season and would inform ihem that they have re ceived a rrioi cloganl and varied asorlnient of every article in their line in thr tnrlf tfl hp found a hrcc 3ert- ment of sua ik plate of the bet rjuality and for vrry low prices rosewood and mahogany dressing cases work boxes and tea caddies jhu also a plendiv chandelier for 15 with china ornamented centre a large aworlmerttofpatierns for needle work and materials to match and a few halfworked piece and many oher article too numerous to mention watches jew- clrv musical boxes sec- repaired in the best manner and jewelry and silver wire made tn order m rossin brothers- kingston hth nov 1843 confident that the one will aflord satisfaction to the new map of canada c now enmtiri in england in the first ryle of the art and will be published early m the ensuing spring a utap of canada and the lower provinces romfilkd and navn av mr edward stavelev civil engineer an accurate man of the uritish north ame rican provinces has ion- been a dimdctatum and the publishers fee now announced t tile compiler and drattsman ha lullilled bis task with great fidelity and ability every competent judge who has seen his production having pronounced it an admirable specimen of graphic skill mr staveley liad access to the best sources of inloimalion and was par ticularly indebted to the surveyor general mr parke and the chairman of the hoard of works the hon h h killaly for the use of the abundant materials in tbeir respectrve de partments the map will be on a scale of 98 miles to the inch it will shew the new municipal divisions in both ffcmofut or the province toother with a uree amount of other matter not introduced into any map published in the matjein maps shewing the cities of montreal quebec toronto and kingston with their respective environson a convenient alo with a plan of the falls c1 twra and its vicinity will he introduced the map will be sold in a convenient jorm for the pocket for the use of emigrants tra veller and others and on rollers for counting houses and public offices the puce will be low so as to ensure a ready and extensive armour ramsay great grrtit grval great great grcm great great ureal for apply from wcvtcra liverpool saturday ai u britain saturday may wcuctn satonlay june bhuin saturday july weatero saturday auuu britain suumv auur weatern satordy sept- britin saturday oct weslero salarday nuv freight or postage or any other ufimttion maitlands tylef- k co agents for montcal quebec aad kinguon fttontreal feb 3 lm 27th 26lh i5ih i3ih 3rd mi 2lt lvlh oth- comm issartat ktftcston 5th feb 184 j tenders thitt mil for sale t he schooner ftfftamjlv of tons burdeii nearly new and in complete sailing ordetr ua particulars apply to john mowat ll or in the anbscri- her jas swanson kingston january 12 144 571 for fuel wood tenders will be received at office on m on da y the march 1p44- from persons willing to enter into a contract for supplying and delivering into the undermentioned fuel yards com mencing in june nnd ending the 30ts november ncxl iuhjccl to oppruvnl by ihe senior cocnmiasorial okcce oe peron ap pointed by him 3300 cords el the teh tu pont fwl yoref the deliveries to be made at the rate of 550 cord f month with permiion to deliver a larger supply in the earlier mentha but not lo exceed in the whole 33u0 cords- m70 cords of fort henry fuel yard deliveries between july august and se plembcr in quantities not less than 390 cords eaeh month 170 cords at paint frederick fuel yard in july august and sep tember the wood to consist of fate prcporlions of sound merchantable hard maple hick- ore black and yellow birch and beech lobe cut two months previous lo delivery each stick to be four feet long from scarp lo point and none less in diameter than 3 inchea at ihe mmii end to be straight and every cord to contain 128 cubic feet lo bo piled at the expense of ihe contract lor in stocks of one cord high and after wards repiled in stacks 3 cords high in iho tete de pont yard and in piles of 1 gorj high in the two other yards the piling to be subject to the cpproval of the commtoariftl offixr or jienson appointed by him knotted loga of large aizc will no be admitted unexceptionable security subject to the approval of the senior commissariat officer will be required and the real signatures of two responsible persons willing to enter into a bond for 700 forthe faithful performance of the contract must be given in the tender forms of tender and conditions of con tract can be obtained it the commissariat oflice where any further particulars will be afforded tenders to express in figures and in words at length the rate per cord in currency and payment will be made monthly for the quanunc delivered by a check on a chartered bank or in dol lar at 5s id currency each at the option of the senior commtssanal officer notice british america fire and life assurance company incorporated and tmiovxrd by jttt ff patiamtnt to jftt iniaad marine duurance the subscriber having been appointed agent lo this institution is preprrij to receive proposals for insurance against loss or damage to property whether arising from fire or from the perils of inland navigation upon the uim iriri in th established tariffs of the company proposal may be addressed tn the subscri ber m the oltice of ctai it watt ontario street ncl door west of ih cutten house william craig kingston 2ftlh feb 1814 t8 n gornall piano forte tuner order left n shop corner market promptly attended to kingston april 2d 184 2 r clow jansmltb and whitesmith espectfully informs his friendsand the public in r moved ms kinslop that be baa he- 9 to workshop from kingstreet princessstreet into ihvbuilding lately occu pied as ihe statesman ojlite immediately in newspaper printing the rear uiuve of mr jf harve saddlery warehouse where he will continue to make and repair all sorts of me chauism in bis line jobbing tn ihe large or small line of business in woori iron or bras kingston february 14 1844 66 information wanted of william robinson orxur xj lafldpodcrrj who kft quebec t yn ror ntn york or philafelpbiv anj in fern lion con- ecrnirc hits will be thinvfullr receic4 by hii taih- cr ccorg robinaon ai4 holher bbi suter etiaa botdci now livias in kingston ctead wcl t rditorof pipcracopyinj uw aborc will par r r tn ft ehariubl palmers apothecary scuare will be irjion cheap cash store s tbc subscriber hare opened a whole sale and retail gnocrjtv and provision store on the corner of king and brock street on the market square they would respectfully rc request the inhabitants of kingston and sur rounding country to call and examine tbeit stock of goods which will h n tenor nrriooe in town ana at such price as cannot fait to give general satisfaction they would particularly solicit the attention of tarerukeeperstown and country dealersj to their superior selection of teas s u g ars frwu winer liquort coffee cifart tbooe co painf oit dye stup ec cvc together with every other article usually kept in a grocery and provision store john king co kingston july 1st 1843 li heir wanted should this notice be seen by david cargill sometime lawyers clerk in arbroath north britain afterwards in edin burgh son of thomas cargill late baker arbroath h or any party who may know anything concerning him will please commu nicate either with the subscribers or with messrs j g heath co at quebec or montreal david cargiil left edinburgh for america about the year 1830 snd seven or eight vears ago it was reported he was employed about a j steamboat at quebec or montreal his father and mother are since dead and as he is in terested in some property he or bis heirs are required to cooperate with the rest of the family in the management of the property left to tbem by the said thomas carfill peat livingston ittlkllawf arbroath 1813 ohs ovna- university of king college just fublist by h k w rowsell f street toronto raicl five siiili proceedlnig mi rie ucremontf cj z vi rb won stew jjpttfw 18 and at the opening of the fft j 1043 containing the ap jciver ed by the hon and w rcrend the lord bishop of toron jj the university the rev a m f ld vicepresident the m- chief justice robinson and the hon mr jus tice hagerman the editor of uw papera in ffh menu of king coucjc hate pp requetel to ioaerl the borv w pjs send lhejaceourha to meaara htj toronto january 18 184 tthe above work is for sae ol lhe chronicle gazette officfi kmptnn weeks and glri wholesale dry goodsi beg leave to intimate to their customers and the trade generally that they are now receiving a very choice assortment of staple and fancy dry gocds suitable for the season which have been selected in ihe london manchester leeds and glasgow markets by an experienced buyer on the most advanta- eous terms and which they will dispose of at jw prices for cash or approved credit princess street kingston 7th october 1843 j 2m to capitalists merchants a n l others for salfe 3 extensive water mts in ports mouth harbour near kingston 2 with wharves on which frame of mone building may be erec ted the ahovf ted inasafehaiboiirinlhe tort central sit uationin canada for an ejlflm orw mill or aty other business requirr the conveni ence of water communication it the foot of bav uuinte am ridcaui it being situated i the lake ami navigation head of tbc hirer and also- 30 building lots in the villa of portsmouth which from its natural podli is rapidly be coming a place of exleniive buiness the said lots are all the pioperty of the firm of meleod and logan and will be ai sjd on moderate term apply to the subscribrr t portsmouth or to thomas kirkpatrick eq kingston richabd logan kingston l5th august 184r mty just received bt william simpson a choice lot of the following liquors viz maraschino curacoa double de hohandc eaudevie cfe dantztck baliffeau eau de argent fcce aio a fine assortment of pickles spices sauces foreign fruits candied peels tfar- dines anchoviesjtic a few packages cham- siign brsndy ntario street kinvlnn decern 22nd 843 5lni mr kenneth mackenzie clarence street j few doori abott doeya hottt at the office iaic lyoeevpiedhf muxre burnt e motcat august 1843 to let or sell- small faum with a commodious house newly fitted up having seven rooms upon the lower jloor together with suit able sheds and outhouses well situated fora private family or f ublic house- being five miles from kingston upon the macadamized boad and east of toll gate no for sale also a quantity of seasoned lumber consisting of pine oak ash and basswood at the subscriber saw mill in the 4th concession township or kingston 1 miles from tbc said road for particulars enquire of horace yeomans waterloonov 16 1843 41ui hotice at hereby siren tbst the courta of ojo and terminer and general gaol deliierr andr of assize and niai priua in and for ihe dutercnt d- tricts will be hekl u followa namely i 7ns home circuit the honorome mr juaticc maeaulay store john carrutheksbeprrpeclfnlly to inform his ftiendsand the public that he has opened an extensive grocery liquor e8w8li8hment in the premises formerly occufd by watcr mccukkipvc esq corner offiing and prin cess streels immedialely oppsitc dcykes cos dry good establishmeiu in soliciting an extension oj public patron- aej cfcelf bound to exjivtss hie cordial thanks to hij old customers anl friends forthe kind support which they have hitherto render ed bim in his old stand below the post office and be assures them as well as the public that nothing shall be left undone on his pail tomci- il afontinuancc of that pationage he has hith erto received his present stock has been carelully select ed in the best houses in the montreal and new york markets under his own immediate in spection a fact which he thinks will warrant the assertinn that they are the choicest goods in this market and will be deposed of at the very lowest remunerating pners for cash kingston stpt 1k winter arrangement ihe subscriber rheelftilly notifies the icmity sauk m inhabitants of kinptn u iis thalhe purpoici holdinj n avction household furniture and other effecu on ie tursdayof every week during the winter months at bis axteo- jive and commodious stle room in the upper part of ihe large red bick building corner of brock and ontario struts 5outheast corner ofthr new market hoise known as collins 8i haines auction unmission warehouse sale lo commence eacway at ii oclock am t a haines auliont r j mor kinson dec 22 lh3 t n b any parties tovins a urge quantity of goods to dijpose ofcan be accommodated any ty that will auitbcir own interest best dbtnct home town toronto moodaj 2th march civii coairi do- do monday 8lh april criminal covrl neweaatlc auuarrat mondaj tath may colbonve peterboro tuesday 28lh may siwcoe barrie wednesday 5ui june midland cicuit the honorable the chief juauee victoria beusrplc wednesday 24th april pr edward picton wednesday in may johnaiown brcckwile thuriday 9th may midland kingston tburaday lh may eattem circuit tbe honorable mr justice mclean ottawa vorigioal wedikaday 15ib maj eastern cormratl monday brh may dalbouaie bytown monday im ftlay bajhurat perth monday 27thmay niagara circuit- the honorable mr justice haw man niagara niagara ondy 5ih march oorc hamuiof onday 9th april talbot simeoc onday bd april brock woodaloek onday 2kh april western circuit the honorable mr juauce jones wellinrton guelph wcaneadiy slh may huron codcrich mcoday 13ih may loodon london friday 17ih may vvesurn sandwich tuesday 28ih may ofwhxh all sheriff coroners msistrates gaol ers and other peace officers are commanded lo lake notice by order of the court mmm charles c small ctcrk otu cioien tj puas crown ofieejttorootc 5th feb 1344 ftt sale bv wm simpson 20 barrels cod oil ontakto stftctt kington 0th september 1313 21 keeles provincial justice for sale at the caifaau ga zkttc ortico price 2 kingston jan 25 1su clz wines liqutrs and grq- cettes the ubscribh1 respectfullj informs the public that h has commenced in the above line in the prerrise s on ontario street formerly occupied byphr joseph bruce and bones by the keeping dthc very best articles to ment a mure of nulilc patronage john stbachan 94 z tue poor irish boy st stlla cook ok i wit ikntthciinnfc kiiliaad kia ofij rikrr hud pr remembered poor kurah at all tvry harva ka toe a lrap laf bnct m u im rather go laik a 1 wai is the clay coiiaf ft cj loven in nieair romr wmainr aajl i j ibsbauaj hf ft tied irllawsl 1 hssw r dinf tbjrvouhifi io pciat now imee1 hale pound cut deranm dear dermoi b i en it my breaibinc th rasat bai tileam tbe rtt or m ioy for be pnir m by with a hab in hit cys isttaf jfatav iso tm fur ibe poor jriikboy ol will i rortet when a belrwd roe to rairy tbe burkct orvvaiff and itftikrt wbcn i irn him sioat aaj el ftfnl be would tarry to fare on tbe dewnwjticaed priate ormy rcet ob i will i rofm i d tayin wiirntbf tckne of fever w wum be turard from hit bread aksftsgi willi a oirow too dip for bb while and werpisf i waning my rkerk pj waicledoa without 10 v t oh petmoi jear dermoi umahsoljnntrfwiiebei and li let oror aouu it cm often leairoy yn ivorab warm heart would to brck ami j nebei lakaa tbe were abarcd by th poor iripb boy tioulitlieplelceiit pore wbiibey too often wt jriaa lafi thouf h he id bii lime ia ir cb is an cbree v j ihi i cannot be migblj fral feult i aaa ilnraiaj wbo tbr jl l oug air blb ir red 10 mr tly tell e hit fses bae no ttcawiy ouotii il dot lrftij- a ail for a lmilcf1 wear m not turc but i love htm lb h iter without it vei bow white are bit tttib sad in bloik la bii kairl oetoioi m own jatliac primer ib nei btltcic tbai ill took os another withoy dui jul ak ne oikc msfs if ill hair you forever asdvtvlrra lurnrrom hit poor inb boy- onusscs ihe firls nowada ladys cvemng when dreaard tot lha eming scarrr anainm or die on ibn tcave kn blame ihetii fr wbalit as ertim drui i irm that ti tuiictl tt lvc but si duck shootrsc extraordirtary ic int cried at wilb total look tw ci cat riowncdanl to any duek i j- 1 my ilr aid you hi but c white re nc llcr tifbl the bushel of corn a stobt fails- grat hat a neighbour who was not the best tempered man in the world though in the maio kind and obliging fie was a shoemaker his name wtl barton one day in harvest time when every hand on the farm was busy this man came over lo farmer gray and told him in rather a petulant tone to send ovor and drive home us gcesc for they were troubling his pigs and entering his garden farmer gray re plied mildly that lie was sorry for it hut begged his neighbour lo bear it a little tonger till he was al leisure lo remedy lhe evil til attend to them for you sec if i dont the shoemaker said still more an grily than when lie first called upon farmer gray and then turned upon his heel and tfrtwle nt toaatsx twtvsw4fl htasuim hmr which waf quire near to the old farmers what upon earth can be the matter with those geee mrs gray said about fifteen minute afterwards 1 really cannot tell unless neighbour barton is tuking care oflbem lie threat ened to do so if i didnt attend to them im mediately john william run over and sec what dont call hard names sally farmer gray said in a soothing tonr neighbour bartun way not himself when he killed the geese like every other angry person he was a little insane nnd did what he would not have done had he beeo perfectly in his right mind witn you oro a little cxeited you know bally that even jo jj say unreasonable things u me do and say unreasonable things exclaimed mrs gray with a look and tone of indignant astonishment m i dont under stand you mr gray m maybe 1 can help you a little dont you renieiiiler how angry you were when mr mellon old brindle got into our gar den and trampled over your letuce bed and how you btruck her wilh the oven polc and knocked off one of her horns u but i didnt mean to do that though no but then you were angry and struck old brindle with a right good wilt and if mr mellon had felt disposed lie might have prosecuted for damage but site had no business there of course not neither had our geese any business m neighbour bartons yard let us then consider the mstter a little and give our neighbour time to gel over his an gry fi it will be much better lo do so mm gray sfrw thst her husband was right but still she felt indignant al the out rage committed on iicrgeeiie she did not however say anything abrnjt sueing the shoemaker for old brindle head from which the horn had been knocked off was not yet entirely well and one prosecution very naturally suggested lhe idea of anoth er so she look her three fat geee and af ter stripping off their feathers had them wrsiftftlittiiaflif next morning as gray was going along the road he met the shoemaker and as they had to pass very nar to each oihcr the farmer smiled and bowed and tpoke kindly barton looked and felt very un easy but fanner gray did not seem to re member the unpleasant incident of the day before it was about eleven ovioek of the same day that one of farmer grays little boys came running to liim and crying ob father lather air bartons hogs arc in our corn field then i must go and drive ihem out said mr gray in a quite tunc drive them out ejaculated mrs gray drive them out indeed id shoot them thats what im do 1 serve him as he served my geese yesterday but that wouldnt bring the geese to tt with my geese mr to kioplon 32nd may 1813 fob sale at tab cheap cash store comer of king md brock streets boxes lupenir brown soap 10 boxca candles 5 brbr spirit turpentine cheap iw cash j no king 4 co kingston july 19 im3 hz 50 mr barton i join gray aid in a quick and anxious tone two liltlc boys who were playing ricar the urchins scampered off well pleased to perform any errand 41 oh if he has dared to do anything to my geese i will never forgive him the wife said angrily 14 husb sally make no rash speeches it is more than probable that he has kilted some two or three of them but never mind if he has he will get over his prt and be sorry lor it yes but whnl good will bis being sor ry do inc will il bring my geese to life t u ah well sally never mind let us wait until we learn what all this disturbance is about in about ten minute the children came home bearing the bodies of three geese each without a head 4 oh ianl that too much for human en durance 1 exclaimed mrs gray where did you find them v we found ihem lying out in the road said the cider of the two children and when we picked ihem up mr barton said tell your father that i have taken care of his geese for him to save him the trou hie as his hand are all loo buy fresh oranges just reivivcd n dtmbles confectionery kingston feb 3 181- 6 ii two cottaces to let irom 0lt hi june next one ad- m joining the newi otjtkx at present occupied hy j mcpncrson ti the other next door to residence of james hutton evj welling street of which im mediate possession can gi these dwel lings are very conrcni ptcawntty sittia ted and wilt be icl at reasonable rent lo tutt the times j linton kingston feb so ju4 70 to d 44 id sue him for indignant tone for i5ale 2 buhjki bags d macdonal kingston 1st jfotf ig3 1000 p s6 o if it said sirs gray in an 14 and what good would that do rally p why it would do a great deal of good it would teach him better manners it would punish him and ho deserves puni-h- inenu 44 and punish us into the bargain we have lost three gese now but we still have their wellled bodies lo cat- a lawsuit would cost us a good many geese and not leave us even so much as the feathers be sides giving us a world of trouble and vexa tion no no sally just let it rest and he will be sorry for 1 know 41 sorry for it indeed and what god will his being sorry for it do us i should like to know next he will kill a cow and then we must ho satisfied with his le- ing sorry for it ow i can tell you that 1 dont believe in thai doctrine nor do i i believe anything botil his being sorrv the crabheda illnatured wretch life again sally 11 1 dont care if it wouldnt il would be paying him in his own coin and thata what he deserve 14 you know what the bible says sally about grievous words and they applv with stronger force to grievous actions no no 1 will return neighbour darton good for evil that is the best way lie has dnne wrong nnd i am sure is sorry for it and i wish him still lo remain sorry for so unkind and unneighbourly an action i intend making seorrleex mew irar lifvnisu sssm r- then you will not be revenged on him any how no sally not revenged i hoe 1 have no uch feeling for i am not angry with neighbour barton who has done him self a much greater wrong ihan he lias dnne mc but i wish him lo see clearly how wrong he has acted that he may do so no more and then we shall not have any cause lo complain of him nor he any to be grieved as 1 am sure he is at his own has ly conduct but while i am talking here his hogs are destroying my corn and so saying parmer gray hurried off towards his corniteld when he arrived there ho found four largo hop tearing down lhe stalks and pulling olf and eating the ripe earns of corn tnry had already destroy ed o good deal j but he drove them out very calmly and put up the bars through which they had entered and then commenced gathering up the halfealen ears of corn and throwing them out into the lane for iho hogs that had been so suddenly disturb ed in the process of obtaining a liberal meal as he was thus engaged mr barton who had from his own house seen the farmer turn the hogs out of his cornfield came hurriedly up and said i4 1 atn very sorry mr gray indeed i 3m that my hogs have done this i will most cheerfully pay you for what they have destroyed 44 oh never mind friend barton never mind such things will happen occasion ally my geese you know annoy you very much sometimes 44 dont speak of it mr gray they didnt annoy me hatfas much as i imagined lliey did but how much corn do you think my hop have destroyed t one hush- el or two bushels 1 or how much t let il be estimated and 1 will pay you for it most cheerfully oh no not for the world friend bar ton such things will happen sometimes and leaidcs soma of my men must have left the bars down or your hop could nev er have gone in so dont think any more about id ii would be dreadful if one neighbuur could not bear a little with snoth cr ah thi cut poor barton to the heart his own illnatured langusge and conduct at a much smaller trespass on his rights presented itself to his mind and deeply mortified after a few moments si lencc he said the fart is mr- gray i svhall feel better if you will let mc pay for this corn my hogs should not be fattened at your expense nnd i will not consent to it being done so i shall insist on pnyinc you for at eit one bushel of corn for f am sure they have destroyed thst much if not more but mr gray shook his head and smiled pleasantly as he replied dont think any thing more about it neignhoor barton it is a mailer deserving no considers lion no doubt my callle hive often untufoemu em you and will trespass on you again let us llien hear and forbear 44 all this cut ihe shoemaker still deeper and he felt still leas at ease in mind after he parted frum the farmer than he did before bu on one thing he resolved a that was to pay mr gray or die corn which his sop had eaten you told him your mind pretty plaioly i hope mrs gray said as her husband came in 41 i certainly jiri was lhe cfuief reply and i am glad yotfnacf spifft cnoogh to do it i reckon he will think twice bev fore he kills any more of my geese 1 believe yoo are right sally i dont tt and what llunk we shall be troubled again what did you say lo him did he say for himaelff 44 hy he w very murh to pay mc for the corn his hogs trad elicit but i wouldnt hear of it i told him that ir made no difference in the world that such acci dents would happen sometimes way yo pote yoer and thats the way yew pee mind to him f j precisely and it had the desired eflecf it made htm feci frn timet wcmc than if i had spoken angrily to him me i exceed ingly pained at what he has done and says he will never rest until her has pid for fhat covm bet 1 sm fescrlved never to take a guarantee 1 can have for his kind amj neigh bourly conduct hereafteri 41 well perhaps you are rights mrs gray said after u few moments of ihoogif- ful silence i like mrs barton vet much and now i come w think of h i should not wish to have any difference be tween our families 11 and sodo i like mr barton he hn read a good deftly ond i find il very pleasant to sil with him occasionally dflring the long winter evenings his only fault is hts quirk temper but i am sure it is much belier for us to bear with and voothe tht than so op pose and exrite it and thus keep both his family and ours in hot water- you are certainly right mrs gray said m and i only wish that i could always think and feel as ynu do but i am a 1st de quick as they say 44 and so is mr barton now just the same consideration that you would desire others to have for you should yott elercise towards mr- barton or any one else whose hasty temper leads him into words of ac tion that in calmer or more thoughtful ttio- menls arc suhjcls of regret on the next day while mr gray rfood ir his own door from which he could re all over the two or three acres of groond that the shoemaker cultivated ha obaerted two of his own cows in hi neighbours rviprwfiohu hnsainc aauirs ill fttte orm- tented manner ashe was gmng to mil one of the farm hands lo gn over and drive them out ho perceived that mr barton bad berome aware of the mischief that wan go ing on and had already started for lhe field of corn 4 will aee the effect of yester days icon the farmer said to himself and ihen paused to observe the manner of the shoemaker towards hiscaute in driving ihrin out of lhe field in a few mifluies mr barton came up lo the cow bnt in stead of throwing stones at them or stri king ihem with a stick he mcreljr drtfvc them out in a quiet way ond put up lite bans through which ihey had entered admirable ejaculated farmer gray 11 whal is admirable diked his wife who came within hearing dialanee at tbe moment why the lesson i gave rur fticttd bat ton yesterday works admirably how so r w why two of our cows were in his corn field a few minutes ogo destroying the corn at a rapid rale a 44 well what did he drj lo wbt he drove them out 44 did he stone ihem or beat ihem f 44 oh no he was as gentle as a child to wards them u you are certainly jesting 14 not friend barton has not forgot ten that his pig were in roy corn field jesj- terdny and that i turned them out without hurting a hair of one of ihem now sop- pose i had go angry and beaten his hop what do you ihink the result would haw been 1 why it is rnuvh more than proba ble that one or both of our fine cows froftm hav been at ihis moment in the condition of mr mcllona old brindle 41 1 wish you wouldnt say ahylhingrtore about old brindle mrs gray said trying to laugh while her face grew fed m spite of lier efforts to keep down her feeling 41 well i wont sally if it worrletfcnj but it is such j good illisalraiion thai 1 can not help using it sometimes i am glad he didnt hurt the eotta mrs gray said after a pause- and so am l sally glad on more than one account it shows that be fiat made an effort to keep down his hitsty irritable temper and if he can do that il will be a favor conferred on the whole neigbbtfhood for almost every one complains at times of this fault in his character 44 it is certainly tbe beat policy to keep fair weather with him mrs gray remark ed man of his temper could annoy u a great deal

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