Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), March 13, 1844, p. 1

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l it chronicled gazette auprj in rii4 faerrrsrl ii etuhat r yiik orrirr fttxvj k unvt a itir mm t 4 im luti n nvi hv wednesday satuoay frjit ivrify tfflbj per ftfjtim mi ttrfem mvbfl on pivjwtiwau wrnlt tv awtctrrm wll in future buslricth adhered i ordm mrj bo furwwrdd m tuttit llitlintc subscribed niroli cwtf rovn met johx cluugiiton lri ivireovevevfrrnrssix linrsand under th bd firliiirrtion and id each nbnr in- srrlion ten lines and under 3 4d firsi insertion and lildcachsubhquvntiiistriioii ottj leu lines 44 per line first insertion and id per line each subsequent inae rtion jtltniitru- ajfrlitmctu 7ei rrtiirr or imcufurnitforr ftut or uittjor icftcn auwrrf ftjirtiufffftlfc letter press priqtingt i it i lllc 4lltiulit fo chronicle titacttc and kingston commercial advertiser nee bogc met fopolo 5e4 otroqao vol xxv3 kisro canada wkunuay ftlakcil 13 is44 fxo 7 1 new watches and jewelry c ciikomcli d uaxkttk stationery warehouse coutckor i- itbtit hiti hlie u i r 1 i vl d as kiitilx and rill klrd siuck ol writing papers komsupti jtuysl in notr and cicrj arliela the mstjgucrtliiie bunk books scho books c iii jit j it brutclie r 41m on al the above i lublmunrnt a imriai knllnc macbin bin full operation by which blank uoikcnlw filohot i iu em audm v le inlriiottonohe ltt trtmumalwn of printittv office h ook mshkhy anal stationery ta rehouse i his etohihmtt tirc it q decided superiority in nml t qfcvwrto dttion and dcjalrh clitamcia s iftccilc office i kingston canada t t he subscriber beg to tvtirm their thanks to 1 public for the literal cheap cash store 4 s the subscribers lure opened i whole- x site anil retail grocery and provision stoke on the comer of king and brock street on the market square their would respectfully re request the inhabitants of kingston and sor- louiitling country to call and examine their stock of goods which will be found in ferior to none in towrj and at such pncci as university ok kings college patronage received during the pnt season cannot fail to give general satisfaction tinj would inform them that they have re ceived a most elegant and varied assortment of every article in their line- in the stock will in- found a large assert meni of silver plate of the best quality and for very low prices rosewood and mahogany dreeing cddc work boxes and tea caddie they would particularly smicit the attention of tavernkeepers town and coantry dealers lo their superior selection of teas sugars fruity knm ityuon cofft cigort tobac co points oily dye stuffs frc cvt- tgethet with every other article usually kept in a grocery and provision store john king k co xingilon july 1st 1843 iz also a iptendid chandelier for 15 lights with china ornamented centre a large osaortmentof patterns for needle- r arbroath north britain afterward work and material to match and a feiv a half- worked pieces and many other articles too numerous to mention watches jew elry musical boxes c repaired in the bciji manner anit jewelry and silver ware made hi order m rossi n brothers kington 1thkov 1s3 new map of canada c now emavinjn england in the first style of the art and will be published early n th ensuing spring- a hap of canada and tho lower provinces commcd and drawn y mr edward stavelev civil engineer an accurate map of the british north ame rican province has long been a diaidcraturo and the publishers reel confident thai the one now announced will aflord satisfaction lo thr pi hue the compiler and draftsman has fulfilled tits task with great fidelity snd ability every competent judge who has sen his production having pronounced it an admirahle specimen of graphic skill mr staveley iad access lo the best source of inlormalion and was wft ticuuily indebted to the survej general mr patke and the chairman of the uoatd or wrks the hon h u killaly for the ue of the abundant materials in their respective de partments the mp will be on a scale of 38 miles to the inch it will shew the new municipal divisions in both sections of the province together with a larje amount of other matter not introduced into anv map published hitherto in the margin maps shewing the cities of montreal quebec toronto and kingston with their respective environs or a convenient scale with a plan of the falls of niagara and its vicinity will be introduced the map will he sold in a convenient form for the pocket for the use of emigrants tra vellers and others and on roller for counting houses and public offices the price will be low so a to ensute a ready and extensive sale armour it ramsay heir wanted should this notice be seen by david caruill sometime lawyers clerk 10 edin burgh son of thorny cargill late baker arbroath he or any party who may know anything concerning him will please commu nicate either with the subscribers or with mesrs j g heath co at quebec or montreal david cargill left edinburgh for america about the year 1830 nd trcn or eijht vears ago it was reported he was employed about a steamboat at quebec or montreal his father and mother are since dead andj as he is in terested in some property he or his heirs are required to cooperate with tbe rest of the family in the management of the property left to them by the said thomas caril peat livingston solicitors atbroathj iw3 343m just published by h b w rowsell king stkeet toronto fk1cx mvi mlllikgv proceedings j9t the ctranony of laying the founda tion statu fyri23 1842 and at the opening of the university june containing thft addresses deliver ed by the hon and right reverend the lord bishop of toronto president of the university the rev john mccaul l ld vicepresident the hon mr chief justice robinson and rhe hon mr jus- lice hngerman the e4ilorofthoeeppeff m which the dniac- i menu of kingt college have utuallr appeared is reqotjtcjsio inert the boe foe three week and end hi account to m l c w rowsfcll toronto january 18 183 6iri t5the above work is for sale at the chronicle gazette office kingston wholesale dry goods bkg leave lo intimate to their customers and the trade generally that they are now receiving a very choice assortment of sruu im famy flxr guos suitable far the seasoti which have been selected in the london manchester leeds and glasgow markets by an experienced buycrj on the most advaula- 0cn terms and which they will dispone of at low prices for cash or approved credit princess street kington 3 7tb october ift i ril to capitalists merchants and otheus for sale 3 extensive water lots in ports mouth harbour near kingston 2 with wharves on which frame or stone buildings may be erected the above lols are situa ted in a safe hatbour in the mom central sit uation in canada for an extensive giisl mill or any other business requiring the conveni ence of water communication it bein situated at the foot of bay qnintc and the lake and head of the river and ridcau navigation also 30 building lots in the villageof portsmouth which from its natural position is rapidly be coming a place of extensive business the said lots are l the property of the firm of wclcod and logan and will be ali sold on moderate terms apply to the subscriber t poiumouth or to thomas kirkpatrick esq kingston richard logan kingston jsth august 1843 14ly new inform jourmmit mon treal itisthe intention of the sbscriber to pub liih 11 mediately in the cly of montreal a ncwsnapertobc called rile pilot and which will b issued from the 1st may to the 1st never umi triwcekly from the 1st november to thirst may at xl 5 0 per annum thrrc vvtl be a wcvklv edition for the country whicl vill contain the editorial and other reading nuer ct the dii 1y and which will b piiblihd av 10 per an num until ihe arrangements ire fully com peted the pilot will be puhluied smiweek y viz on tuesday and friday and tbe first number will appear on the it mirch the reformers of upper canada w it is ho ped estimate the importance of havig a jour nal at the seat of government to adocate the principles which they have on all ocasions so nobly maintained the price of th weekly edition has been axed very low and the sub scriptions must in all cases h paid inadvance although tho main object in establihin the pilot is to secure for the reformers if british origin an organ at the seat otgovt- s will ad vocate the agricultural manuftctiung and commercial interests of the canadin people while defending their rights and libeties the office of the pilot will for the preset be al st therese street to which place alls requcs ted that alt communications and advertise ments may be sent thou jiroprirjrs of pub lie journals who wish to exrbang with the pilot will be rood enough to for wad their pa pers to the editor and thesupporers of re form both in upper and lower cauda are re quested louse active exertions topiocure sub scribers on the ttrms slated ahove- frakclsnikcks- montreal feb 5 1 1811 commercial unv m d notice is hereby given that the presi dent directors and company of the commercial bank m d have decided upon calling in the residue ofthenuv stock ntkii- bed and l the instalment wll be payable at the banlc or any of cies 0 follows viz ftom blackwoods edinburgh masiirc the prorifecv of the twelve thides atd jtcob called unto hii sons and siidj gather tihirilve together uat i may tell you mai which hall befall jou in the but dayi- gaihcr voorkcs logdhcr and heir ye sons of jacob and hearkn unto liracl your tit tier -us- 1 c is ifices or agen- for sale the schooner 1saeii 85 wn burjcnntaily ntw nil in complete sailing oidcct for particulars apply to john mowai ljl- r to ll subscri ber jas swanson ki jilry i is44 571 notice british america fire and life assurance company inctttbqraltd and tmpvutrtd by ql of ialiasiinl lo jt inland marine inuranct the subcriber having been appointed aent to this institution i piepared lo receive proposals for insurance against loss or damage to property whether arising from ire or from the perils of inland noprgflion upon the teims specified in the established tariffs of he company proposals may be addressed lo hie subscri ber at the office of crai- watt ontario street next door west of th custom house william craig kingston 20th feb 1844- 6si r gornall piano forte tuner order left n palmers apothecary shop corner market promptly alien jo j lo kingston apri just received b william simpson a choice lot of the following liquors vie maraaehino ctirieoa double de holhnde eaudrie de dantzkk ratiftcau eau de arcri c c also a fine assortment of pickles spices 5aucf foreixn fruiu candied peels sat- dines anehoviesc a few packages cham paign brandy lario street kingston deeem 22nd 1843 slni square 2j is2 will 42a be supekioll ale beer at the city brewery the city brewery company bm now in their cellars a large swk of bott ale whieh they recommend lo wkpe nd private mills for il qmlj wj p im the quality beins nothing inferior to ifam of alloa or edinburgh ale and the price but 6 3d per dozen exclusive or boille a discount of iu per cent being allowed on pur- chases exceeding 3 dozen m their beer o generally t avorablj revived that they deem il unnecessary mj anything in commendation afllmg any wjj lit 0 5 gallons fc no sold by inem he rejuced price of 0d pw pi h 5 lo cask held at the uual p oi kingitonwlli january lm from the gfo lncncn jth dee 113 the new city brewery well j lie tucv r followin- hardm ihishstao kbme f or eehaed albany brewees ia ihe mirthly ll ii mr kenneth mackenzie iivilr ml zw oiuiitt im n a y jp nrsss me clarence street a fao doer 000 doby eouly aj tte ojftct fau- a to let or sell small r- km wilb a commodious up liavinx house newly filled up tiavm ven rooms opon ihe tower floor tof iher wilh suit able mi i and oolhouses well suutd forja private ftnily or lublic house hein arc milvsfioot kingyton upoo the macadamized koad and east of toll gale no 3 for sale also a quantity of seasoned lumbeb consisting of pine oak mh and h jucc u at the sabscriber saw mill in the 4ih concession township of kinoton i j miles from the said road for particulars enquire of horace yeomans walrloonot 16 l8 41ui notice isberebyyiren lhallhccooru ofojc rd trrtnintt ini gcocral gaol ddivej aridr of aixe and nisi phoa in ijtd for the afferent n i i- r 1 will be bdd as lolbffsj namelr 1 7u rliw circuit the hcoorabk mr- jualke macaulny dulrict home do ncwcsatk colbotne sitoci torn tcrtntoj do amherst fctcrboro bltk monday th mxh civii court mccdaj sth april criminal court moodsr i5lhmkj tot4day28ih h wcdoeoday ih june tbc lionorablo the chief justice victoria belletilfc wednesday 24ui april pr dward pietoo wednesday m may ii brcekrilk thusday 9lh may midland kiugtoo tborsday iblh msy etrn circuit the horwrabk mr justice meuan ottawa lortginal wednesday tw may cora will djukkiaie bytowo bjhurit perth am the honormbte mr nbfrb nurtra gur hamlltoii talbot simcoe brock woodstock u ihe mi 0 me upeiior article mondiy6thmiy monday 20ih may monday 27lhmy circuit jui lice higcroiaii ooday 2 5lhmarrii ooday h apcfl oodiy 22d aprfl onday29ui ayil ivutcra circuit tbc llonorauo mr justice jones wclbngusi gucjph wedsymay lurc goderieh monday 130 may wtatcrn sadkb tuesday 28b may ot which all sheriffs conner masistrauja c10i- rrs and other pcsc omters c ptfm to lake by order or the court charles c small ctcrk oftu croien a ffcos crosrn offiectoronto sua feb 1844 j keeles provincial justice for sale at the canada g zetti ofttc price 2fs kinsstojanis 184t ojz john carruthehs bep respectfully lo inform his fiiemlsand the public that he has opened an cxteoswe grocery liquor establishment in the premisesformerly occupied by waiym i1vv esq corner t king and prio- eess streets immediately opposite deykes cov dr goods establishment in soliciting an extension of public pi- r acj cfeeu bound to express hin cordial thanks to hu old customers and fnendsforthc kindsnppoit which they have hitherto render ed him in bis old stand below the post office t and he assures them as well as the public thai nothing shall be left undone on his pait lo mer it arontinuance of that patronage he lias hith erto received his piesent stock has hoen carefully select ed in the best houses in the montreal and new york markets under his own immediate tn- speelioo a fact which he thinks will warrant the assertion that they are the choicest goods in this market and will be disposed of at the very lowest remunerating prices for cash kingstoo sept 12th 1843 23 10 per cent un hie 11 april ish 10 10 lo lit italy 1844 10 do do 1st oct lll jo 9 lo in jan 1w5 iti do to mavui ih45 10 do jo rjjly 1915 10 do do hotc 1845 in jo do 71j jan 184 10 do do n apiil 1816 by 0 idci of the bond f ft hamper kingston 27lh feb 70x winter akrangement the subscriber respectfully notifies the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity t ha he porposes homingn avcrtow sal of household furniture and other effects on the tuiay of every week during the winter months at his exten sive and commodious sal room in the upper earl of the large red brick uuildinjr earner t rock and oiurio stteeta soulheaat comer of the new market hoose known as collins haints auclion fit commission warehouse sale to commence each dy at 1 1 o am t a haines auctioneer com me kington dec 2 1843 51z n- bany parties having a urge quantity of goods to dispose of cn be accommodated any day ibat will suit their own interest bfst wines liquohs and gro ceries the ubscriber respectfully informs the public that he has commenced in the above line ic the premises on ontario street formerly occupied by mr joseph bruce t and hopes by the keeping of the very best articles to merit a share of public patronage john strachan kingston 22nd may 1843 hz for sale at the cheap cash store comer of king and brock strttu kf boxes superior brown soap jj 10 boxes candles 5 ubls spirits turpentine cheap for cash jno kino co kingston july 19 lfcvw tir the subscriber brig lw tortlnrn lis llianluiftibe inhalani4 of kingston anjita vicinity for thorny favor he has received from them dtfehis commence- mcntin bubnieaa anj loving reigned all privileges in favor of iii mother james trouse who wil wntimie the business on his own uwml reape soliciis a con tinuance of the same forhitn g f prowse kington feb 2 1 the undereigneil irclfully informs the inhahitoni of kingston and ici- nily lhathe vvill continue ih business inlse copper sheet irontd tinsmithing line formerly carried on it g f prouc opposite the residence t4 henry gilder- ejceve esy neor st keorgv church and that he is prepared k txerl der intnimcj to liiacare ivith punctuality and diapatrhjond hjapricttnf r as reasonable as any hour tnt james pflowse n b- house belli nfauy rig on the num reasonable terms kingston feb 24 l44 6j to let those extensive 6re prryf premwes belonging 10 ihe lnder j tario street extending to the wharf and now occupied by hon craij ami watr as a wholcsalecommiiaion wbotwort to let tigctber with ite dwcldht oched conlaining nine large apartmt ont a good well of water in he cellar wilh pump conveying the water up into kitchen with sink and water pipe t twofloorsof3t x s9 feet anwill be let atpartitely or together for a tein of yeans from 1st may next the ww v rior to any in the city and e prenuses well calculated for a targe and respectable businctis fenl moderate apply lo n- j coons- kingston 6th fel 61 fresh oranges jui received at dumbles conpectionery kingsion feb 3 lsi 6 ii 1000 for sale 2 buhei bags ix macdonatd m kingston isi nov- 1813 r citusmioi clow and whitesmith nfotms his friends and respectfully the public in kingston that he has he moved his workshop from kingstreet lo princenstrect into the building lately occu pied ai the statesman newspaper printing office immediately in the rear of mr j harveys saddlery warehouse where he will conlinuc to make and repair all soits of me- chanistn in bis lin jobbing in the large or small line of business in wood uon or hot kingston february 14 141 a p shekripf botanic phyatelon would respectfully inform the inhabi tant of kinston end its vicinity that he has lakn tbe south half of the new slonc building belonging to mr john ilolmrt in ridcau street near the british weslcyan methodist chapel where ho will be ready at all limes to attend to ihose who may please lo favoui him wilh a call fom ni long ex peiience and eneial good uccos in treating the lick on the thomsontan bouflic system of medical practice and pafticulaily ihos who have beeifiveo up as incurable fiorri every other source he hopes to share the pa tronage of the sick anlaflictcd patients front a distance can be accommodated with board and attendance at his residence respectably ptffoml references can al all times be given a large assortment of botanic xlcdicinescoii- stanlly on hand wholesale and tiail kingston december 6 1813 46 wanted immediately by the subscriber o nnrt skins r paid at the stoics ol vm wj p m ft wgjimskpw kingston d uicn lols tnc patriarch iat upon hb bed i iti cbeek was pale hiscycttzunjim long rears cfnothad bod his hcj auj feeble ni the ianl limb and mi tnclic hiibtt jn hood nih in ricf lo ace tkofc nlhtf dl hot suddcti aathc if 1- rji a ncivborn spirit ihd hi frame tlb fainiin isic thujid nilh ilia lip ii lourhd wilh living 1ttnc and burat with more than projthct tire the ilrcam of allfam loc and irr recbfk tltru spearhead in my idv thv falhcra tlrslbxrt and his shame t patiutfl as ie rolling tide a b1ilit lias f jlln upon thy name f v- v i t l l and thine co outcait of a iiadji d line sim ron and lcvij sonsofbloml thit still baam hcawy ci the tnnj vour flckjibill be the robbers food ycwr fold akatl mate beneath lua brand in ftttamp and fxet shatic dcll dc flratlerm ami israel jcoaii h ah hail thou vsmf ltou kinj tbc crown flic lory ahal be thine tliine in thcfihi tlie ek in thine on the hill ih oil i j n itie thou lion 1 nations sliall urn pale when wella thy roar upon tlic alt judsh mr s ascend ihe throne tillcomei frcim heairn ihe unborn kin- the prophesied il mimy one whose heel hal1 e ruth the scrpentj slin- till enrth u psradiac again and fin is dead and death b lai widraithesutea zcatlnxu thy daring ke i tall plough the ca b- 4m bee ink proud sidm aun a alron uoehar toil fur thec thou reaper of his com and oil 1prd of the ism the sttl i whok banner tlanva m baltlei ran thou subtler than the acrpeni dah prince of ihe trruw and the anord woe to the syrian charioteer when ring the ruahing of thy apes cru to the earth by nar and aror gao shall the cup of bemdaye drain till 1 fiv thjl irc the bkr that pay ihe ion- art car of pam thy cup ahall glow with yranljore thou be my aonand man once more lorwl nanitalr thy anoflivhue hind sball bask bocdth the rose and tjrte froud asilca to the mountain nind shall alahikc blaie thy baulcsjgn all brijil to both from birth to tomb the heavens all sunshine earth all blm 4 come near my aoniny son egyptian prince egyptian sar child of my first nd bealiotcd one great guardian of thy father age bring efhkarai and mavasarii nijh and lei me blea them ere i die hear mettiou god of larael i thou who ln-l- i lii hlftg ij in the red dcacrt londcll in epts faminestricken field in ihe dark dunjeos chilling stone in pharaohs chain br pharaohs throne my sen all 1 be on thre be blest abrond be blest at horn the well tt which the thinly come bleat be thy al weal thy hill thy fathers go be with thee still tbw man of blood thou man of miht tbyasul shall rarin bemamin thw wolf by day thou arolf by night hushing through slaoji spoili and sin thine eoglca beak and vultures ing shall curse thy nation with a kinr then ceased the voice and all waa u the hand of death waa on the frame vet gate the heart one final thrill and breathed the dying lip one name son let me real by leahs aide he raised hiscjc tobeaven and died hayuui miscellaneous the privileges of the firstborn passed away from the tribe uf kcubcn and were divided among his brethren the double portion of the inheritance trw given to joaeph the priesthood to levi and the aov- ercinly to judah the tribe never rose nio nation al and it was tbe first which has canicd into csptiiity the massacre of the shcchemilea was the crime of the two brothers for alongptjiod the uibc of simeon was depressed and its poaion on the verge of the amalekrtes always exposal it to suffering the lcviiea though finally cnlrusied with tbe priest hood hid no inheritance in palestine t they dwelt scattered amon the tribes t the tribe of judah waa duunguished from the beginning of ue nation it led ihe van in the march to palestine it was the first appointed to expel the cananites itgaiethe 6rst judge oihniil it wai the tribe of davsd and most glorious of all titles wsa the tribe of our load zebu ion waa a maritime lribc its location c tending along the seashore and strclehing 10 tbe bor ders of sidon the tribe cf laaachar were located in the country afterwards called loattj galilee were chiefly lillrraof ote sol were never diatinguished in the military or civil transactions of the nation and as they dwelt amen ihe canaanitc teem to hate ha bitually served them for hire- limsw is characur ised as the strong aaa a drudge powerful but patient tbc triljeof dan were remarvauc for llw daring of utfir exploits in war and not few so for their stra ta-cms- their jrcat chieftain samaon dialinguiihcd alike for auenlh and wuttrly might be an emblem of their quali tit a and history cad a tribe engaged in continual and memora ble conflicts naphlali awl aaser inhabtlcd the mot fcfule portiotia of palestine the two iliea ephraim and manaaschi de- scendvd from joseph poasesed thft finest portion of the land along both sides of the joruon the united tribes numbered a larger polatlofi than any of the real 4 beaidcs jtthuii fitevfihc twelve judges of israel were of the tinned triua in the formation of ije kingdom of israel an kphraimile was ihe first lunj t tlie tribe tjf drnprnm was ecmpicuou ror va lor- but it turbulence and fcrceity wroughi i fall mi lite rrtal battta recorded in judges xix and a saul was of tfuv fierce inbe it as anally lost in oaalof judah this rt prophecy wis oelicr4 ibout ihrce bun dnd jeara before the conurat cf fatcstine the sabbath it is alike abviomt that the sabbail exert it alnisry power by making ihe popjljiiaii atmamt rd ith the being perfteiilmh arid lawi of uod j with our relations to him ai liii creatures and our obli atiotii lo llinv as r uu- oeeootftblc jiiij ets tfaj wilh our character as sinner- for uhuin his merey ha proidrd a saviour ajamke wtaoan ruaujt mrnt we live lo be restrained from eni a reconci led lo tiiharwl filud by ljt word m d mru for tbc inherit a ncc a bote il it by tlie reiterated instruction a imprcs- aien which ihe sabbath imp iris lo ihe p0ulaiini of a nation by the moral principle hin mimhwvj ih eencicnee which it mainlainaby the habtts of mrihod clcanhnrsi sid imlutiry it crcaua by ibr rrat and renovated iigor il below on eihiutkd animal nature by ihe lengthened life and higher health it affanjs by the holiness it inspires and cheering hopes of heaven and the protection and favor ef cod which il ebservsnee iniurrt that live sabbath is rendered the morl const rtajur of na tions the oninipreicm influence the sabalh rxcrtr houcxer by no seeivt charm or cumprndtoua adion upon mavsrs of unihiiiling minds but by arreting ibe stream of worldly ihoughlv inlcrcii and ac tiona stopning the din ofbuiiriehsuhlsding ihe mind of it earn and rcspauaibitiiks aitd the budy of ts burdens while uod spcils to men and iher attend and hear aud fear and learn to dn his m ill you might aa well put out ihe iuii and think to eniheu the world iu trpers destroy ihe altrac- tian of gravity and think to ield the umvcise by human powers aa to ixiingoijh the moral illunsiua tiwn of the sabbath and break tins ghiiauj matn- apring of llu morit govcrnmciil of u d the young mans leislfte young mvn after uic duties of the dy arc over how do you rnnd jour evenings t when business iadult and leaves at jour disposal many unvecu eivd huurs what disposition q jou make of them t have known and now know many yuung men who if thry devoted to any scientific or htcrry or professional pursuit the lime iney pend in glnes of chance and lounging in bed and in idl eompajir miijhtriicto any eminence- you hare all read of the acxton son who became a fine astronomer br pending a s hart lime every evening in za ling at tbc stars after ringing ihe bill for nine oclock sir william phippf who at the age of forty 6 had attained ihe order of knighthood and ihe office of high atarilf of new pngund ami cuiemor of maa- asrhusrttv learned to rcaj and nrile afier lib i8lb reor of a hipcarpenter in ooston wiuntnu-f- fod the grcai tdilor of ihe svtrfrwy wa an ap prentice to a shoemaker and spent his leisure hours i fttudr and bieamehehad neillirrn nor paper lau nor p ittijm uu t f i icffliwisi amooth leather wih a blunl awl daid kittcu- houre the american astronomer hen a plough boy was observed to have coreeed his plough and fences wiih figurea sud ealcouiim jamis fer guson the great scokh astronomer learned to read by himself and mastered the elements of astronomy whilst a shepherd boy in the fctds by night and perhaps ilia nol loo much to say that if ihe hours waated in idlt company in vain eonversaiion al ihe tavern t were only apent in pursuit of usfut ktion ledge ute dullest apprentice iu iy one of our shops mihi become an iniclfjgeut iniieiber of society and a fit person for moat of our ciril orlicea br vuei a course ihe rough earring of many a yftoth is uki aside and tleir ideas instead of being congncd to total subjects oiid professional irehfiicatitws might rahge throughout ihe wide fields ofcfinon ad other stars fona the young men of this cily might be jiided lo the list of oeihics that is gilding our coun try with bright yet mellow light rev dr mur ray mi 0 veknfufiohs weekv aincc w noticed m iht fhttdtn etninc mail an advertise ment inumaliti lhl an tdtvwxxi io q parish it it- north of the value of five hundred mull annually was ror sak and lhat ihe incumbent w aged we opined in copy it at the lime j but panics de- irousofpnrchasing may have recourse to the file of our cotiicmporary wc l f ol ln annoonca- mcnls irows one number of the times sc inx it will he nolwrd is in every way an advantageous nvcalmcnij and wilt an excerdutgty deaiabk living to some luceessor of ihe apostles chvsch rnilkwt to be sow by private omrjels ihoiiesipresenutioti and perpetual adrowaou stm living inthd echjmy of 0ff h tilhes of which are commuted at io ptr aiiiiu with a eilder- rjli rf wg iiud m rtw i- teenier with a pjrcimtyouse govd garden ai4 oflices the present incumbent is now abou l the age of sevenirgveyiars aih a lease of the ulaw fjr his life will be atsignrd oer to the purchaser ihe titcumhtni has reached that age when early pottcssitfu msy bj anticipated tin adteniser docs not venture on any reference to the number of pnpuktsuti but ocvornhuc is a thinly peopled eauiv and we are ijumj to say thats person niih a7r ur yeaily income a house good garden and oltieea fice could not dvjr tricl wherein to para hs i the nst ia a doubful kmd wf aftiir bu w a more pleasant dis- iva ihm drvostshirc enpy it t f to a rirh man with a very rounj snn hsa iiiuucemrnts anvowaox to be amd ba auc tion early in lh snrig jf out sooner disposed of by pritae contravt the adtonron m i n v setiutson of a most diairable bcrcnerj tloe 10 barusiaulr north pefftti of ihe annual talue ct aboul joj niih a new ainj rxccllcut house kod glsbe ol 10 acres beauiifulty situate the pre- scul ineuaibcnt is nearly jn ihe nftytf h tear of hit age a considenbe pari of tho purchiscmonrv nmy rnali mrvm wc take the viue of tins benefice to be 703 yearly but there i eri dencu sjj the firl adicrtiaemcnt that twenty jtsnt bef ure fertiis a greater numhtr may euji esioii be attained 11e leadmg prite at present in itsr market is advertised tw the usi au cf the t i it value la yearly two thousand pounds and the incumbent ra not al that itme of lue iihich would lead him to eapect tua enjoyment we are f u hit ivc va ley and is built aimitar to tori m an caien tlaiic we arc about toroll william 1 arc packing w are buuid for the walla walla valley the mia- aioit five hundred miles from rorl hall we will make it in about tw days from the mission we will go to ihe mouthof tbe columbia and from thence to mon terry ir upper californio to which fdacc you w ill write send your letters to soma one in new orleans and bare them forwarded to new mexico make nol a track towards oregon umil 1 return it is likely that we will not remain long on ihia me f the mountain all hinds atout and haamy our rcapcets lo evcr body and wo will write more extensively when wsj enier port your artcctionatc brother o johnson ii w joilwson concord tippceatioe co nd a person speaking io a very ting angry at bis noi catchinc why it ia aa plain aa a bc i iti the poor man bul i j hi fman and get- meaning said thatmy bc the oregon emigrants we notice the following icltrc in the chillicothe adicrtiacr it is itie latest intelligence we have from the emigrants four htll oregon terrjiorr september 15 1313 j dearsblcr it wdl it a doubt be n long lime before this will reach you the earliest opportunity of its being conveyed to the state will probably be tbt express bearing the despatches to our goveris- mut from major fremont after he has planted the flag of ihe united states at fori vancouver where i ahall ihon be uod cidv knows but wherever it auaj t a uumi u aitu be mo- pleasantly kjtuitd than i am here we are now hying at fori hall in the innjit of a country uhtch even to its aireams baa been robbed of the means of subsistm- hero are we almoat dcaiilue ufprotisions wilh hundreds of niilc of destitute eoutitiy before us we muit either procure provisiui from the fori cr starve for thsj want of them vvnh a enntiderable surplus of fat catlle running upon the prairie they demand of ua near two hundred dollars for an us at such prices we have not the means to purchase such ia ihi character of one at kavl ofiho mtmbers of the hudson day fur company sueh b thtir dliposi- lioit towarda those who would settle in hiii territo ry after receiving from the united slates uovern- mnl the millions they have from tlu bertefit of the fur trade they would wittingly see her ciiiicns pcnsh before their doors for the want of ihe raeins of subsistence but we haie a right to livcaa well aa ibey the world owes us a aubialcn and we will certainly collect the debt by fair means if we can by foul ones if w must since we left ihe fort upon the platte a distance the way we had to travel of about eight hundred miles we have been in the mountains the rou through these mountain has been sery circuitous aftd uneven at one time we would be winding alnng the narrow valley of soma mounuin stream and at another climbing up or descending ihe attcp arid rocky skies of the mountain itself in every di rection aa we approached tho grand aummit where the waters of the eastern and western rivers are diiided tho peaks of the mountains arc covered with ice and snow here we found the atmosphere muck cooler than upon the plain water froae in our camp kciues the onqighih of an inch thick and quantities of mow fell frequently upon the moun tains in ihe middle or august kind of ctimate continued until wc reached fort hall the country through which we have travelled aince wc eft the forts upon ih riattr until wo came to fori vatques situated fifty mika wcit of the summit of the mountains is compoaed chiefly of mountain of roek and valley of sand from fort vasque to foil hall though no leas mountain ous the country ia gradually improving many of the valleys thouh narrow arc quite fertile and in timowilt probably bx aeltted furl hatl isaituatrd of it advantage fur many year iiowctcr ihit intending ptirchatci would not be salufivd with any description on our part of he si- traction t iposcd for safe in hi eaae and we can inert fore only refer them lo th rtcord but when will ibu abominable class of nd crltsements and lha practices denoted by them erase to disgrace ihe es tablish churches of england and ltd snd 1 nrrer wc frar during their cat stenre there would be riason for deep and lasting regret in the tact twit such derds were done in secret bul ii k worse whew the parties arc blinded 14 their shame awd smblwrt this inflieopenl in the new papers ultttr basv tttlhd an ougciilrinm whoattendru mote to teaching his son the nieihud of afeuwibia ting either than kriowledre lived awm linse ainee in the kisuru slates from apilwaiivrt and si- dusiry he had amassed properly of about iwemy thousand dallars u hough not able to wrtie ta never had a clerk but always had been in lha habit jl keeping hit own bok he had inveniel tome new character for the purpose ot cosivcying hvs ideas to himself and other they wore foanrcj as nearly similar to the article aold aa ihe iiaiawe of tho circumstance would admit one cfay d lomer of hs called for purpose of settling hts accosmi the hicrogtypic were hndd duwn asnf our merchant comtntnecd with- sirch a time yotf had a gallon of runt and pound of tea audi at time a gallon uf molaases and auch at time a cheese m slop here said tlie euatooscr i nenr had a chec yoti certainly musthavchad ii said the mer chant it ia down in say book the uther denied every article of tfrat kiiwj f- ler a aurticient mstblser of pros and cow upow reeet- ledioh tic infovned him that he had purcheaed a grindioie ahoul ihe timr tis the very trwia said he merchant ana 1 muai have fjrgoitn lo pui the sok in tbe msdetlc p a tviv oar tbe gditrr of the hsgvrfioww ncwa himelf beiuje a m bsclwlor la 1 noih- ingcan rvrnt an increase of bachelorism save mat amendment in the mode of educating wossew wrveff they learti common acute instead of broken frenejf ihr they learn soune useful eftfutuytnenl anslesd of beating ihe piano when they lean to prefer hoe- fhmrliiotlivvretiu wntfwheti tin thsia woisiaims a httpmaie instead of a burihen tlten c may cipect to6nd irmr bacherors uottitf lhen it hasbeen beautifnry aid that tbe veil which eorsrs the face of futerity is wovrrr bj the rtls of merey- yt how olicn do we dealro to tear aside tnal veil and logaxe upon tlie eounlenaiiee even lhoub we know not whciker shall be tu glicx nrss or in grief t what blessing is it that sucai effjrl arc unavailing 1 foe miafoftunes iheosselvea are mo c casil endurrd than the thick shsdovs thej cast before ihnw and harpinese is never e eeaw ptsie m when it comes in at themomene we are least ci pee ting u a cennan drawtngmutrr onee told oft fad trho wished toakeich tandcabefrotn nature trsctrsew cr told him that ihe first object was to rh ib lonirlreatposnf ootete the saseiout pupil eheava a cow gratmg bcneaih a re- or course his flrd point sooa tkgan to moisj hither and inither s- waa allraclcd by the streetneaa of tnepstiursrge aftd the ktarea or hi drtfwtng u iftto a slrsrtgft coe fusion t thuiaacorrcctiyinioflhose whocwooea pabrscr opinion for their moral fiicd point of view il nrorr according to the provender betore jl ae irtev wrnr trust to il hare but a whirling antt aatorw 1a4- tcape sbtedkt touching mother utawti la a matter of great moriiucaiioa to me my aovy tint itf aoiwiportaot tranaaetion aa marriage i t3ai competent to give you any advice- but f hope tual advice wilt not be needed by you asid julia joti will iio doubt be happy in each other yet there ia one thing an old gentleman ucd lo letl me wlwai i waa f your age which i think you will do mil tar bear in mind why dont you get marrireti mv boy bo used lo say to nw r because f mam reply i donl know hew to choose a m and i aavt afraid of geiing a bad one pooh pooh f hb would say aiy wife is good enough if her moth er dont live wiih you but ihe best wife wit not be gwid enough if she sliould stea trajora an srtiem en the scaweelerts farmer though not credited and it does mt appear 10 be original say that two lea spoonfuls of finely pulverised charcoal drunk in half a tumble of wa ter will in less than 15 minutes give rchvf t ttva aick headache when caused as in moat casas it bjaupcrabundanceoraeid on the stootael t la always on band and easily tried at all evrnui farmer the cxfxettdvbit of father mottfuwvf lhat a correspondence has recently taken place be tween father matthew and grinnell minium ec co of this city owners of i london m well am at liverpool lino of packet abipa in rotation te his eoav lempbied visit 10 this city tlicy orter hin a free passage in any one of ihcir ships to ameriej which he ha accepted and baa signified his intcnliott 09 make use voyage in june ercning post utprcctdtmid receipt ojreuuc trie receipt at the n v custom liuac from the lit to lha 54 inat inclusive were no million aiatreo thuaaid nvs hundred and eightyais dollars and eigbtytbrae cent

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