fromibenv cent adv mirth 16- asnexatlonoftexasto the united states thinga reach w from withiftie iheoult mi- cy chinmh lhat the ong triluuiri r 0 yru c of ic- mkfrf ih 1 1 ntoif by oiimd if on lc pvlnlcf cj i in r j p or i i i r latl ihed 0 far a ihtt end ctn be achieved by eciittc action h ll ii- i cuciii undrr ir u- f the late ccrilrv uflhor lis bret nl- and in it aght lo an iioe by th prevent acting 5eerlary mr nclion seme of our ciiy paper annou t thai tfcey have n irepr- jrr warn ing from ft vrry high aauree rcin- ill ap i 4 remit j wc have hid our attention called letbeawtnvrt preboblv on the efte inpt au tooriij and ih jovrciiih published between new yojand tvaahjngvon rerrcb-iiej- fnlima lien filih rare ur lrt cf cirneiinm- nj anticly the tacrccy t ht with which i h i m ha been conducted do doubt had their obfed if the thin were lo le done at j ii were brat done qui clh aod l x r k i j whalwa tl it ol f we rir onn hj ppote or conceive it to have been that pobli city wot feared aiaimuel ir li 10 lefeal pu- although the anncxtton of tittat ha for ftf yr been apafcrn of and rretnlly with mere confidence and prcciaioo thvr- el former time ibe country at m hat not been very uronzly im i can j wiih a belief i i it w eouly meditated nnd therefore ihcoucrtnce cf ubjctioi hat n horn fl rri j incdcnil k was kndubfriltf r i- and fell it w n picyi ilal if lh nc oflhc il 1 p cjs j be illinulmcd 10 ciiriicii by iho trl tkal ihft plot im in tcjhl rrorf that nftin told cone ptvm u u of the lid la ll itr l i t j- i r 1 i- tnpqr tlt lhy coutd tc n ur miiukff nor ojrrarj d uff it r mi mu 10 rvrrf r tlic ohmr nils ivr lcoti povtibl- ouitt ard how thot ojiju klmd oltcaifli in ihc obrrtii in l bfoofht li n r rii- hc ccuft- trj ahoulil bo c iiicd bf hc action or iu ccu a i it preporiico of ihc dlmcrtictiu wvuki lc indverd lorobmh to in l r l fcftitdy ttjrfbtt iol cfclltfi fo reaijencs t ii fic tuppooc lo tort bee the policv of l wc riitj in ibc hr5cniiiu- rot i ue cao ad mit ttal ihirc ore ocoulont iho it ii iprdi nm 10 anoctioa tliat hi hrcn door bctauav il a bcro d j ike tr i 1 1 i of trxo ba l a fna- uhf oo rf i iu oonioourrce9ai a itccon c t iti- 0 prrjudrtial to ihc bat iflicrrau of ibc u fi llut il attould bo u j trp bj- arn to hc trrf uit h no ojiottor 1 rfal tacrioco ffapucrit pcai- illrrriivinnidnvtj or good fjiih at illdii nh ih fticfl of ibr ooumrt fhoolj b brard 0pon it iho nnatved ofiatort of ihc v r bo rirtikj jtff full and cir dicui- liool if it wttoj pwlfluofioo pcojto pro bf ibrroogniidroice of vib4rmal miorir of 1 i err of l mold ahould bo heard and l od though the 3 r i i i of ihc 4utc awr tu the act of gttin the im icajcnoiial of raiicaiivi tolhc ittjit bf t tho object vm to ihaannrxatirojoftnaa arc too iffotmj ad for too nw0kroa to w difcoaxd ia a iglo j riffle ivf thall t ihcrrfc re louh opvit r- if s r- t nerftidrrv i tt nctmjty pf 1 1 ihot o rbould rcftt lo ikem at all oiiidtr- hf that c pabliih ooi inia aafaeahcrt a inter frm i i- ivrbalo in juch aomc of lhcai jro iof li d aird rnforcrd nuh hit honud poptcm y inj force of tv0tttda we oonfifto ourewrt nt prm o he armtn ntt lofovor of aawtlofi lht arc adacod y nc wr w o1 arm e lrbyofej lfft mlitc ihoocfe ubtuounoa ajanooi cfcrothrr tfurfilj vf pl ih n klj ibil pororbft bf oo raf ibejoornab reform lo jtfvl iillfln0ir tii itould of omauty eicludo the farther talodoclion of ahl am avrotfd rnto ihatbaulifol covnuy became the lavooilkjo unaooj ovm bo oxiended ottr and kfvofaojafflakeihoautt trade pio oi it woad 101 i r r c 1 1 itro auditor of liw h fc eooflirr but turrly hicrciac the km aoftottvptt ot ihrri izplaiai bufroll boho f i tahertoef n labor ia rry ralvablv it fa ihc inf rttt of i he majtor to trrat ibc i ioh kiodlr whrro hia iborpfndoeca the lorc rclim tto maahr oao atforo aftj llad t rnroot io providing for htn bet ter food cloomtjt4hd thrltcr and loavqurnttr c- erf pc haa at bcarl ibi atrlfaro of iht itac afciijld gcaleoalr advocate ar and eeofr mraaurr ffhkh ta eale1airij looiono at alati houkrj fl rhc vitif iio tifte to rnd him r f io thr piirfll wlh the rich undi of tc inhabited jrro1rore ta wsnmjva ft it i r or jviaaoui oootd r j io r i tbeir alarea but nould find it ihttr mstt to rttnj i rhir souib art the rarxaiion of vrof toofd pwtjf ttrerroro the wcalh and raphltj extend ihc eom- naereo of ibc eounirr a t ii j uipir w- all tht ctaawatal great liu in kt 1 require she n ill ad ait briijth geodt frcebtdutfj and in tctifn great riiain will rxehjle the roo of the tmled staiea tvoea her pon mtlcaa ffr too rrerito hr r gncdrrr i rf jilcire will the j irll u tiit rraf ioto iko country through ti a it v rtrtawnarrfoco oftlioa ho rrgard a alo a dktfiee anb aft jiiurt 10 the vhaf ore mmtoo ingtitiofij onuujh ttkrfavor of aahjiog lo th aunreioo of stalqoibo rcrj pertooa wbnih fr th ajotorjabau ootowger eiut wiihm our utaj oxaohita lheo rrji iii i because ilic alato of kltkaiahitajoihaai lkojequcr of an raattatyrvadt oioh ipjm aortgardjlhe unkod sriiwarrroc iirji olo t ii h rn mavlka rab mkiithcrr and nscr n rao prbobilar that akriajrjoicjaprlrri ripcziqj if too bujbeir of iftflfjnecin tom bococaoa a roalrty if odfca domir30t there tvo may be atirc vfwbc no taper l at ion of alarra fom abroad mrteaaln mj ni iho ccapnofi ard otphj ppaira froeo our sottbcr olatet will alfuam cacjiaoa eupplktj froea mbt s icr tw atvaoai bi notbing jo i ni 4 mitoura a mooproadaao tt inerraao of terrory in which wolaworlr odaaotareooa eaoit of neeraiit in- borof otatcot eilfeor by icnprlaton or h mlwraj tmuliiplicalmo add ten ihooaaitd to iho prcecnt popailativn of tajoj and yoo hatodrtd tcionf aod alaree or oaort every plan- latltaefefuitfartvieniy ota buoood it the ac aaj w tv latrd and f o mb bari ffore iubt4oce in h m tbey hare alo o d j eroin ly- tlioac who foot od hope for citincltoo ot laery amoog i hir bri thnr hope partly on ike adfaeitig aafja oaailf od retigiova buitatmo bv ji 00 the r- n- ivf that alive t oi 0 roftiablelnfuioiiom thry kwe oot ian daoft- t iq roo the rrhavitrd aoit r- protperi lr of virioia north catolina ond ccvgtj br ii v- that thae hto paet otenta leirard the eooa- p cf the food irork it will gtad them lltuv h tat the mot or itirtrj ia rmorrd fron tbeajtae of te aanar ttoto rrmal if only to newly en jud alatra of the rr uno haac alrgin aoil af- oo fitt th firt htc prnor if uf3re c rot attend arrtv lb io sfraalhr president of th untied s0 i lk teeilrnt oftexaa oto coueertud ito treat i all but tnouv thr rtam drceeet journal hut lith na4vntci omeof the moatialicot objiettont io his oteurot 0ir hrvt objection 10 ihe ohtictatton rf texta t bout into no topy foe mrf lbo fftajif lojamt iho lied a i tafviul provincial pj irofltam r it i thai i cthi i be eomnihcd w the eoonly io tear too great o nrlo tentorial jt- lion tthatetcr nluch honovr itaca not ditriind i our accflfld objctio i thai fir from d maitd- in lhm auutiton hi nitiom hoiiof forbtda l j so loig i irar continue btwec mi xco ul tex- a iihi a aulcmo treaty of pcet atd anxiiy ext j tviuccn m and meicu we oiol nhout tiolaltng j tlio iteeetf fjilh of lrark utidertjke topooj i our acltea erf iho lerriery to ithich meic itill ikiin laieta he tm vc lat it i true nknodd the kavhawaim of txt j c hid luuiorvhx i for ccflaja t ate mat ion a i pupoia itut iht le j mtioh d hot elhuiih or in manner jflvct tuv r mrx eo upnn ttxaa the bblilalicuj cf our itjly tilth mxko remain unoif n j atd mcsko ould hitolhame rihl opefjo4f herolf tf h r um of any state of thla cnjon tht lt- tcenntcmtriho uiiiid satchii to potiet imtfi of tx h h uikrd treat otjeeiion blffc iiotjd bo eonelo- pft i p airr ribtiulte prcoin u thl the irrrdwe of tfdmloll u ied suit ia already lije ettooa ii la n- wrtw civiuly wore isporlaot hut we almud peojle ad m i j at hare ihn rp after itorop pceially wun il aeqxuition would tc itieviubly at- trojtd hiih dieord ad diaatitfjciion it n f4r more icnortant fo the haueinea of the prupk of tso united suit that they ah eiyj in feaeo i in n- mij inrn jii lnt ihey al4vj i j than thai iber asonld ptjec all tbore bkci hjx ird by tn now exrxinen lifln ib nein tl 4 0 lr ocicd in lr d toc n jrimd t llrnh r tidnta lr hi linin the mipfd tijm of ihoe ren ct i or nljlottr t uu of othf ihouhl b aijdat tve nr iimr th hcrmatrajj bitj oiandiia alfjid elulmtt rbcic u oriinh oxaint iibne aatitiktion oj pouir tm uaj pari m lb ibiriiit aulliottittt ihy arc m rwtd ij enjuind in ctiliilo a jlood utdtrtfaidm with ihc miabiiaiiu oi utal aeltieinenl and u fkr by okrdly iremhmil of tvo eh a fej ng aa nwy ifjd the aalllorj tlcirix1vea vlumanly to ixiroaa hbateitr titncea oe hate been ux itiljset of ccrnj liifl j ilkn- ivoai tin- ulifox mwnirr pot the council i t c dlilributrd io regard imrtt t tnev j tq pramoto lbo ttt- circy of the t lvn wo or ftjio l hr ikh a re fcogatie of iho crown i i in my oyiniett mytpt hlc awtala the extiencc of a uiiamr tide rrtili col03 h if joo itij j aitl coternrr ii an irfeipwiti- hlecirrcer tm vlhmi i i r adopt m5 atfviceof c then you arc i conceive nttiriy in vi j mditouted funclion of the u pernor arc ttch hl u not only one of the harden otl colony but hi ivo laore rctpon ikaniny drherofteer in il iff i rtferiblc h crivn od lh parliancnt and re people ofi moibcrct f w fjl or in tot ttjthluu bedone whethor ii onx adopted on ibe advice of ittttloxal hoisti jitfjxsvurdy mr ivoflaci fckfjre ihc oooalrrihii morning lte0lut0itinoted0ti tucidu utt in ibe 11oef ataeotbly bt mr itoave ad ilw mndnett b ihj lieot uae altoatoy ocrj w hadlicaidti od jilji wf lm rev 1vlttnind eoiilrable trijtnb n evincer ayraoneft d uaul tundiy a pkohnr tivc uiat lt by tlie oppitiiin aftcntotn vr re hrtmbtc fr totiii peculiar tavtmoi in ftfftl eitict of the ixaulutivtii t tuinirdaee a ttn of ovtrig the country by head of ix particnt aatafkfully kept out cf im ard no wohder vihenlt inut w mt urt al hand hat the country i um ncter rihajl1 to a vtent thl tvrotd uinifcr me morl irnrnriatt labile boiinra l poliueal dttnaiutit nc t fi r not lo erfona but iheu- fore oprtien ef the iitn and pi jujc thr toutt- iry imu iuifflu expeatfj in imtamin a t 111 of tkm wi in oiln r mkmtf deatrahlr utte j tl0 ntiait- nf ik pronoiiton i ibil the muu third cilhit citinn m lrat frebnli the binj ociemtf tf tk it bcmg iwn ajvvd by h objection it u141 if ho oancxa our r titti retire lb r r j ftlm to rvjhhin thsco itexoii and dictarc ila dele 10 it t ihi propokiirm la annex or inearf ale n firein natiu ii tlii union moreover j culirvty new and the 1 1 1 1 lo j il if rhir 1 l objection nourj hie tiich let force h d ui iu hit eae inilcad of reeogt thr iivd pcrjrncff tf txji tie oriatcd with moieo ti iih or tithoui ihe consent of hj people of ttxar for the nccjtiiai- iiooorbit lerritorr we would net tsefaay to aeclfire norc land of which c have aleadr tore ibaii ncuanijopaid ihc xtatcfic of iho l which oum tobcdiaror lotto heart oflttry aaaee ionciun ibin any ctidcrmio ex fantom 10 ri pmii we drad thvcjinn ui ll uoittd tjl a uf 0 eni ef aeouiiion o forin territory by con- qurl whicn a tiling aiioo the 1 xinon of vex j ou id irffctu oly be or cen bt pjfcluc once begirt and ucre n ill it ond t sm ll e tt er hate krriory enoun t r mbitioi though wc hattenmhf onrwaalat tfcic imcrable madtftoaian in ihc very pallrcat pifil of polikal hueubrin 1 b to the ubji hni hily a a matter ofparf j arrjitrflmf tlie of fieial nroan cf the unitrd state lio rnncttl cm tuke no arer varw ofaoch a vntinraiiov fitiom than ia pretcnttj in ueh wretched twaddle ar th r othrr aiirtj are unehiritable ioouh to ater that win- oppatiiion to thr ohtjoi ition of t xa ia one of iv aiipuljlitn l the ifcjml of athland iibtrrle it waa axrvetl thai maar vnn bmen n d claj foimto the candid ilea tod the oio eandi- 4 ite fir ihe re that innmueb j t roigl teffirjw v ijivmlrtttp h mr cla jputalco lo oppoto inctatien a a act oifin tu north aj toheid iho aovh in ohrch so thai if the southern demoency hom be dipoaed to rcaent mr yjn isnreti abvlition inotrvn1 woutd ncrcrtbetcf be permitted 100 for in oppn ncntp bceauiehe would repuuc ibcm uih uf opo- aition 0 annexation vi thie tray b rih d4f sui were to be forcibly kept iu the traeca and boihcxneli dateaut3ind botvever nrljctantli ly ilwii eet- rcetirc porlicv the people wl not be allowed to have any oiher candtdat mi if one dlaitilt ihen the other ran arpjl ilnni such ia the gno uf aflcmaliui that iar leader w pltjing fcncodichilirt ahl of evvrte if ihrwnot iilojeuadr of ocfait ivma already itky iaiit he rrevid d ivn lhi trte a triiyiii in the a- ifijjblt they itl rrtie wiih a pemionto be paid cu of tbc provincial tgnd 0 11 canada nul tfccl tlie xntivilnim mnrdiu thcllonte ontutday l 10 mrim kcfcihlon andceomiib loin bunt atrd afur a ton debate lbo nrxt tnurniit with elfftd door 01 the msiiofl of mr utile f retcriidin he tote of the precvding night wa eonftrmed wr itilicite important raprcitoii mr howes rewlutlon whtrca ihc priurde of adnviniatrilion appji- eablc to ih cotrmiarol of the nnrlh anvrieai coloniea i hijibrai n prevent 14vc been formally aancauned fjy the irtrily an ictcral oceaiion and ouht murenrtaruuiion or raiatak 10 be re corded or the jjomata of iho aticmbly uithiu ckhlkrjitr aiclifn l ard wbcira ihe ftllowin rcifnvton moved by mr seerelary hirrbon wtcc adopud bf the pahamrnl ef canada on ihc 3rd scplemhe 3l 1 thai ihe motl important a well a tro mort u dubtd of tl poliiirjat rih a ofthe people of ibt provica i- ibil ofliivinga provincial parliament for the prrictton eflcir illc far ll c rrrce of a co- tlituiiaml inlljcnve over the evcotiir de nartment ofih u lbcmment and for lejijtion opxi all niallora of iniirnal ootrrnnteni n iiot the lload h ihc exteutiie covmmont othen me iigjj hm jifcai himclf of that reo- lanaibility by n0 advice of iho council lie 11 abo vtjjmy tfc to the people of tkii colcwraid ira 0 than cren 10 the luiitcr coun jr day prove it fttid 00 hoi- oluiton con wb iioefoitfc duuf tutj f mania any oflhe bove ata- ird mpoiiiaiti j ncan ibil the government rfcoom bo outhlcterel ceorrlinr 10 th well u idcr- i f f the poof e the rcaolutivii of sep ttntber isii h faithfully adhered to thai 11 houm be x t the council 10 oitce advice tn all occaiioi iheiheia to parona or oiher- iviao and lint the cnor ihotfld rcctltc it with the aiicmivn hi b bt analiutional advinr aod j 1 u uith tiom in al act cf adrqoaic import- aneoi that lirro ahooll bo a cordial cooperation i and ty4llo betrrcenhina nd thcnt j thai the cocil aboalt bo repoimble lo the froiiftciil par liament and ito people ad lht whin lbo aeil or ibe governor ae they do no clwaac to be rcifttniiblc fo thor ahuitd be at liberty to rcvigr iltcoi i eaiircv agrof with vou awd ee no iioprae licabili inearrjint cut bponatwe cornmni in a colujj en thai fooiiir provided that lbo re- prciro rrlk engaged in the undertaking bo guid id by inodentinn hoirit purrate coenutmi cne and cntiltabkmirtd dcoid of party furi tht rorc florni thai ihia hou reeognixe jo iho above ftaorchib nd doeiei lbo 1 rue principle 0 toloaial cjcrnwcnl aa applicable to ibe proeircc cut nevertlelo thai ihil hooae by thui adopf ing ihe fvrcotiig canadian rcoutio ahotl not bcconiruf t have mcioncd ihe rnuoduction m- lol1ncjleviof ire tranfer front tbit hotnc lo ike kxecuti ont wiiialion of ihc money vole or uko enjaremjnt if the qoatiiealion of mcmbcra of hi houcwdcf the elector or iho creation of any oificet rrhcjdof deprtilnnuorof a pen- aion fund frr rctrin- head of deparimoot or of iho inirnlntion of any other principle of the canadian tliluion 4 adminhlratio of govern nictri no aipxtoil adopted in khi province thi lloutc mm cffnion that before the aomc ul be inlroducifa inb thi calony the ccnnt of the people ftraldvoull be formally exprctocd by their ipcwnttlhaiccrral aaciy iwinf within it eratiiiic tr linit ofhn g nf the socf in from the tribune waaiuarero 17s mltnlh 1tvi eher iho trcay f r ihe i8m dr tit siav1vic bcr thctrcay fir ihe anneia lion of texoa to thi union una or hi not bcrnrn edby iho pee aloml and mr vtuj ztndt chirge d ffjif fur tcxap at ihi prexnl nnthg u a ml tcr bolcn only 10 iii tno worthy funclionarirf and ftrham to ohr b til one ilnti- ii certain ihc tcvy whot wa bexnn by mr upahnr ha ly j po ieit- ha oiktht mojefiy and in hta at ond 1 ha fteitatt exjcrl tu tee k laid be fore them by n j r monday the isih mil spencer i- the only tnau in the cabinet oppokd lo the annexation tlie friend of textaoay ihal ihry itih ise whole matter kept tee- dirk and quiet for the peenl be came m tlierr ore too mtny lrihiurea in aeaion od lhj ntight intfrvet their senator vtbum tap jvntrjs jn 1 lttevt oiutun and llbcrl a diplomaltc cerrcipondencc between ihr siiih aad arnorioan nvernrerntf ctvterrtaiit the rbarac tor of ihe african culpny of librrja it jul been published it aecmt 1 on the purclnar frfim the native by tht colony of bie core vne of the officer of he beiith ftikdron on ih african eoa took excrptian w iho aeeutith of the territory and in the corecipoodencc with iht lberian authoritica which rnud aaumed the ground ihai iho aoitlc nacrt can by ireaty with the rttire ehi f aeejirr nojtsritoiieiiocrovcr lerrrtory on any part of ihe coait of afrie where on iodividuit haa prrvioualy eat of ibe province fcrnniil lb rttetvh mvhft wimfcrtdfr can only bj eondudid by uau by and with tht art liififner eotinwtvod i formation 0 wtorminmht 3 thit in oroer to ptcacrve between the differ cm branelc of ihe provincial parhamcni ibat har naony nhich taeraeiilial to he peace ttefflto and good nvcrmninl of ih protince iht huf tyitutrt of ibo rtwryovllutu of iho sorerctjn bnwalllodlog 1 fo 11 ri 1 admiiilimiion under bin- nutm to be men iowd of hc ecnr 1 of the rpo enta- livt of ibe pooile thua aflceetins a guarantee ilal ihe nvf un ifooif wihra and intwtt of the peo ple wmrh oiir grickuf sovereign hii declared hil1 be iherul cftproiwial coremmenl nil on all oreaeto b fiiltnlly rcpraentrd and drocated 4 tttat ihe people of ib prnimc have more- oat a rigbl 10 ixnrd from ch provincial admht- iiieittoii ihc ixeilion ofthrir hel rndeavotioi tbal iht- lmp rial auisoril h bt exrcicd i th man iiermtiit conailct with their well undrood rebhc nd intceal- and n v the ii 1 dnlaralion ap read to ihu him on ihc lt h 1 y of march lftj by try our but ihey cannot md bearing mn from aeeinj iea or front rcflectint m ttbai hv may 1 fift tht waul any thng j tj s what il uw infrrenee to be drawn from i f j n ll pennu of canada a v jiffefccl nracito from inat m z7ti hh ataio of ih prorin ii anoihre man in 11 a diflcrenl pniiion hi ii r tlt of the uvw hiiitaicra may iry aa they ptcc prevent lh governor os alj pni hear adnicrf the qovcnicnl orihink that any ting 10 nthla a eery different praclko from imi of england whero ihc soreren ir nn ace itio it l 27 trillion to oire lhat lit of hvj bo rot ira peron in iha kingdota bel 6ud for the mw and tcry long odd llval ihc be flued for it 0l alh eta in tnguod an able sovccjgo would be no conentiiy loub philippe 1 no noncnirty 10 t ho via in aome aoel eloen a wc hope our w emort arc to k by ilwe in whkm the country nail confidenco aa tle nttaal man for hi occr out or a erj rtnall number of potaible candid ale coooctltor therefore i think rnuilbcconienl 10 let ihc governor hive hi fair of iho tbeni without expecjng that they or ooy ol are tohav ihetrotan way in every thing their party iho 00u recipient of the lo cftsoa or of any other good or aavpatm lu oc good ihinia verily lh crubblln- for place ano the pover of beatoring plat the mot flnw fol ihlngofthc day the mot degradm- w any parly lhai inru upon it wc cannot keep o inqurecb with our port t geadoal we rl of agei od ihc fuz saoc tate of thing by ord vbort be tr in mott reaec widl w d thin pjtar ii41c itkyaai sefififflss- which would render wh c wf different iti migbl tea ily a hirih rri 1 tnd hi ijlh3il io tealvin jfiw f t pti rt iiiiyittnt ill tn riti rl n 1j 111 a xrctoiitj mmilk frrh inly iwi p ulvf v nt the ptiwicp crihlr pf iv scjineii r rt to tin pti 4 c nriii nth al- u jil lfvkki idenl frtc than ihoc or to make vi tiuve and we cive litem ctcry thing that produce dollar and ccnia can any thing iu bitlefcal eneenki coud tay tc 0 trtw aarcaant on lueho party ll a uckaour doing m iko to all men our nng whokome taw at which th peace welfaro and gooj gofftcnt of the couniry ihallbeeoiuredall itwi ataiklfi uf nothtng unlca wecanfcodlkoeorciioranl appc- 1 i of of pirlf for puer and the peou of pa not ata- for ihe ifrfi ofedact quite tove a- lr vigcf ha il- true the rormer rutingpany act a bad rximpje but iwo wrortt dont mko one rightand you are not to ittat the very thing yoo hare aiwaja abuaed my good rrormta frirnda in nine caacaoul rfltaaj i daro aoy the exccuine council ill have the sing y tf ihe fat thing but ihcta iho council ihentkltea rnajr no be all or one jmj jhd now and then the gorernor i aoceitioumteay of the mother cowniry wnhaviewtotko fssjskmsst lhfkdif- lotm uwtaid are lott i veur mretie nut thtl0fauh nitiriaamlb nol thal ji1 ceijcrj rtturn uic 1 iid 111h l re the wim the frknd orthencop to ret ihc id ifampve on it aa muh lbo duty nt at ii ia of iho aervoniof the crowe lyranny of an oligarchy which t tartadi make me btyond mittn nappt eovld reohio the oopeei tjzz enabled tocnneihaio tn canada end c- tabtih the grernmcnl on a well deuntd ania poren mjni bj wbatoaer may bj ny fonun reapeet i ahall not crate 10 demote n frta toprocnote the wetfaro of iho and a in lhat carncat cf- province and ihnhappbrtmofila inhabitant couriering l h erioallr my duly 10 gard ibc prerogaitre of iho erjojlly cfomi oty md uphold ihc righu of the people ghtonicle ocitc satt hdw uarch s3 1844- itrotiau oa hac been hd in alnval dcvj ether cmrwtrcial couw lry ftt ihcrvbf f drabtcd and indigiiu scamew ard beio- arate bj a draw n far a i tlvtri lwa lo qfjrftl pmicun a awatotico tolhdtacetgcu of their fclljw liiilef wlnin in dtrcaa have rceeou beeom aaacciatcd fey thl purpfjc yrur mrmulvanlj ima re pcctmy mntj iii vtvt w5 win w wc to becotftc tie pain ef ikir seccty and am lo duty b kntl il hill ever pr lith march t il covcrtnmfvt lloutc march l citntltvi 1841 itoacaaow led with rauidirreldbtinccttcrncrunet l lliciccctirtc our ccmnaimi of lhccnh aoj 0 a ay ui ure the h r thai hi excellency a ceepa jr ef uing named ratrcn of the mcrchinl seamen sixltij cf kingaws and i directed w cnclcc 1trch acuque for q ctci itntt- a wkjeh hi v i w ihbc fnduf ihc initttttikti ihaiethcrrntel0te jtritlemen ycuf vucdtenl scrnnl j tl hicg1ns0n liihori fictory tr iraded with the nan gaeding the colony a atrictly a prira iti uaaj fc entrrpre entitled to 10 n i rd anouvr long baajg of peofil and prorperity q tr- ittaiitauoa w which hc lok w0 to mucn gret and aham if there are lobe lav iu llatj oica wo arwh raiher haee ihem io ijto wornout iaiin ihofretb tigoroua ajtvtoaji the kfib arumitnl m but ami- ni jh the truth fhhkjiremalni f be peored vo da aul betirte nordoco mr wehmcr bcobriowi aniwfr lolhe arjjumnl 1 1 f 1 141 ting il lo to founded and good it tuih la that it irnl bo a 1 caj fur u to admit ihe colt of tttia nd 10 itpfdy iter with her manufanirer b for sreol tfiuln the ptoximity of the tworvrwhica ia alio- ikcr in our from the lifti m in 18 the annexation op tcxa3 tha ntuonal inteltixcneir iuiji rcuihe uat oathorily fue a tuatoe i ijoarik wi iff of on oil cvenlv iwing ac- and ing ai rattiliiglontivri iik unt nf tbc nrgoihnoa toateatthily en dieted a 10 bo fnrrd oo near ila climax j j 1 1 1 1 aocac month iro pobatu not lon r uiereirrmewt rf me ivt biter from the pi if n nn orrrtore wo mab- by vr ooaerneir ibeoufh ihr kerclara of stair winf from ho ttaocatlire t texai ura llou- a rnoiidou the amexttiat of traa tn 0nttcj states tniacwvrlro an t foji f wo j j rightly rather coolly recited bf ihe 1 f of iho younx republic bu no the w 1 1 of congrea ikf gorarnmrnt of tcaa hivinx 0 01 ap0orhd w mil not aiy imper ml i r c u i iir ntmeifpt hilfy iho of lhat v t iho kireolwe of the united pajto fi hiiralon dad at koftth 04nqal to no- liaa 0 14 bet the lor of all arranfe- rfo aaalcttfaj im luh i ni my ifranftdt and tfnat alredy done ihey iv -i- il ftfikwlih in ib farm rt iiaait ivn ia1 mliivr friaa frci ah owaowi oiitmhf onktm hi wlmj- he that of an itidtidi il trader on of ihe rihta of a political comortjmly tbo dfavcneea which then aroae ted mr fx aj thai lime iho briiiah miouter ai waahtngtoo for lo aoleit from mr upthur then secretary f s an official atalcancnl of the relation which auhawteij between liberia and ike gortrninnt crihr united stale a in order to acriahi nhciher ureal britain waa to look for a redee of grietkacc to liberia oe 10 the lniid statef me reeenled lhat iho aelilenaent had cnc4 a dipoition ta en large tety considerably ih liaaii of i lerritojy aj to mouopolixc the tracfc witb thc natlv along n ei- ideroh 1 jne of the coji ihu aerioutlf ind rfttinj niih the coininnrcial intcreil aod puriuit of britiifi lul c ii thai quart r ha tjf hu in rcfly gae i brief hialry of ibc idlhihcnl aiainglbil it naacajbtifed in 121 by the american colnix sjrivly a tofokkiry oeixtton of american citixt by a fiir purcbaac of ihe crriort that it of yet a irc 10 intreduee civ-l- it 1 ten nnd cbrtiaiil into africa 10 rcherc lb alavcholjlog state from ihc inccautf free black lo imprntc the character and ciidlion of ihe blaeki lift hhlix- ard lo furnith an atylum afc and coin fjitabhfur thckc who wished to leave the united sute ft wo not he eatablirhdl under ik authority of nut goicmmmt nor km il bei reco- itixd a il j el 10 mr hw nd jtiidtcioei ha moivi wmecmincnity pbilnmhropk it ieecra ha been nithoul a pirollel and lh wcrauj hlety to do mueh f4f iht regeneration uf thil eurur of ic lobf i in fiotn time lo linve iind lh ih eon olilof atlnatian enlaretl 1 1 bound itki aid brrii prrniidea 10 1 xerrio h hie power of an depend ent community ia iuiy exilcneo rrouirea lhat il should be u r milled to trnd a itniiu at ill mcr ailwa may eniirr and hilhero it hi nlwjy done o by ft if purehtie frnen the nitirr it appeal by ila very wraknea a well a ty ihr pnritt ami be nifieencrtcfita object to tbn protection and forbear f 1 h ijna j our fjavcrnmtnl re gard it ibercforc a praig pceuliar clntrnv to ihe friendly eonidreation of uhtr poner ahd tho in no wiae rciponible for iu ct hi brat all tiinei prepared to intcrpoir in ooj ctirct to pre- col n enc 0iebmenl bt iv eolmy upon any jgt righi of any nation mj ieuld be war uuwillinx lu are ii rftijimled of trrlrry rihtfnlly arrpirrd or improprhr rratraiiieel in thorxercivo of il ntcc ary rigbr anu poncra u on indcpeedcnl klltr- a totrevpondenre wat alto htd uin the amo tubjeet rnlnren mr ret iind lord aberdeen and at iho concuiitou nfihc wliolr ike latter inform our hliimtvf that freabinrtruetlon on the ubjicl bae bn uiuid to the ofticcra of ihe flriiiah niy in that nurtcr of nhich the follotving te the gene ral atrotiaion- theao inalriktiona enjoin her mnjralji naval corornanjtr thoc doty it i to extend a general protirllrn to tinllah trade on il- nciirrn coal of africa to ovoid lirrnulng ihenmelvr in conlentioi willi iho loel onthoritico of iho librriinoettlemciii upon poibliof unfrfliin lrgaluf in pucc to he of whtrh british tiler kive a lex1 l lr by formal parcha or ccawin from lh rightful nwnera rtkr ami no foreign utiihotiiy hai of cenrae 41 in canala a in tht cunlry fie twe pri 0 cvtwtitu ceyrwaeaf i ibat ttc froperio ft re- fritt6 cm the nea uf hit ffl w to hit sovrnricv and ihc excutivr councillor nrt rc- fon6efome covrnon fena t hif rtovt e iraen r letm it ac ftroi it at ait wratre otvf ii it ikfdrtt ortotrraf oifonororeoilioeio rtt set row t ac xhard extract from mmh of ilnasctaxl wc iioifl tht irwe nmii and have o uted il aevi ral lime vr fto ontvif that oty lyteat ofgo vernraen ic4tea dx inf ineiade foe t ttpontibtttfu of th fforenor o fae sorftitn tod of the cpamet ore n v ti inrowtitmf ivith me rcfitio- 0 o tv vol oonairus le luiuirnl lu recavl ut mifois command to fotern ihc province ia concoemttt with the well imdcrilnod wwhea oftbc peovle aa ex pr throiith ihrir itcpreacmaiivet hiarcip -n- 11b lit j to hi sorereixn therefore rendera it impert- firr oen u to caniult our iu andpooe jeur condence if in earttinr out hi loatruciion ac c0am i wfiort with lh lloua hit sivrtfk xt judge itftixen him 04 fa the people bet ween lhc houie and hi council the auccci cf bia admiiiiteaton ilependi upon in haiiuv a cioreil aeeure in the af feet ofih tlotie covncitlort artrapen tibu fo hi but he lake ihcm becauie ihey poiaea axifjf confidence and hn arjll ffiarnti ihettt uhfo ihey have ion it thia invoke iheir reponibiity lo yvv he exfoiij on rpo tttel it to tht gore nor weradnif me cownoejj right to oef and appoint but wc confei our obliticn to dtferd hi aeta and appointment and yoge right to obstruct and em i ikirea u in carrying ow the government nhrn i thrc ore not wiic and aatiifaclorr l ihe exerdvc or tht itreroeojre mat 4e fim nna inoenenuv tn twf act of the goremairit crnero nno total but it excrcue i lobcdefcdcd hereby ui and the iiecrity there i for your poaieaaing the confi- drncc of ibe prtrplr ll fsouneil jour lbo governor tirim melink all ik- atrengih md yet rcaponii- inlilv which arc deaiable under a kepretcoutivc monarchy and rtherra h excellency sir charle mel ralfehiitbu rxainrd in annee loan addrni fem iorr in canada hii ricna ofl coiooiai qo icrnnt nt 11 if you mean that ibc government should be ad- miumend neccrding lo ihe well understood wiahe and inter of the people ibc rctotutton of sp- tember 18ll b fjithfully adhered to that tt ahoold be cnmprtcnl to ihe council 10 offer advice on al ocesioei tilether a to pitronac ie othr wiac j and eit ihr governor ahould receive it inih lh ohention tuc to li constitutional atlrbcr and cooiutl with thm in a cc ef ndequalc injporl- rtron ihc quebec gaxciit the crutefij government question the firfloa ia cxtrocixd frona a nejrxic lelcr of a receni dar ti wa idceuy iv intended for the public eye ml neety lo cafomnnlcalo the w cf nnc friend tnaniihcr ihe prraenl distcjtue hi the gotcrrnncntof canadi tkc pcron to whom he let ict wo adelftajd haa auawed ui tu copy that port of it which rchfc la public affair and ik hc lhat ihe writer exeuf the liberty which he admit- he it si iava t klmn brh iavnyttlrtni ill wri- itr t ocm to be to bare all oarlic reprc cnted in ihe xxeculitc cauncn o ibat tie gover nor maj acorij and do jttfie to olt cor- w phhu a fair andjortone if they con make it party government ia an injuticc let people aay jipjhji hoj wil40leated in an inde pendent hale becautr il canunl he rwlncd there be- in ro courk to appeal to ttben rirht attempt 10 declare iutltvho bo rigaf and the good old rule that ihey mkmju take tho hare the mw i perva mclrncv and thetj frum beep wha een l fur intiini 0 belter eul england thb talt nof be ihe caoo in arrtna iv vj lvik hc ucmj a court to which the nxhl ea real agiinaltfc m determined to cio io- ike oad enfutr r r to n thi ircm oftbc aotarciof our colontai poaitioct a fact which it m oa lo ha0 in truth what th conaiituiion krorporlato gire ui a qoternrncnt 0 balancrd iho wo party can be ofeecajoed and a for 0ir cxpiin ever 10 reduce a man auch aa nn i expecting ever 10 reduce a wan uch a and predilcclioi address of wabden and councm loks for the ottawa district to hi rxeellencf ihc right uonorxhlc sir charle throphilu metcalfe barooct 0 c b gover nor general of iho province of canada kc e stc ivlar ir plcaar yotm ecckllatkcy wo mcr majcaly dutiful nnd loyal aotjcck llt unuetijned warden and coonollor qr the ouawa 1 contpriing iho countie of prec0u and roroelr in canwdx weal would very repeelfiily ecpeat to ynur 1 r i- j our unaltered 1 l 10 ihe koyal pcraon and cromai of our mot gro- eiou quceti adherence to tse criliih con at it gi jon ard our moil aanfd wihe for ti indiiaoluvie connexion between canada and lbo bri- tirk emoirc- on tbi eorltcal cecxaion ot car aitcmbliog lo glherriact ibe roiinatvoi ttfyoajf late exccuiiee councillor we feel impcljed no let by duly to the royal ttcprctcnlbtite ibau by 1 tonic of itnccrc gralitutk toynur excellency cur your uneomproenit firenectt at lttl coniunelurcofuur public affair to give ihc above anrancc and ot ihc aamo lime toexpreatonr oniird uiualined approval of your execllcnet magoajtimotii defence oflhe prcroga 1u0 of ihe cronn from ihc vnoonitiiutional rcitr c tinna v- n attempted lo be nm upon it followvd by 4f00 jiv wet ete mmhoit of treat face of the many formiujuo mi lappebe niton ana pcrvertic anbrepeeccnlationa which ihc ocexxiwt gate rite to wp in common with all other loyal aojqccl of her m in united canada can wiih for no olh cr or greater freedom than ia jotendcd o freely to i 1 c from the timctrted constitution of the parent state jn which the prcrtgalivct of the sovereign ii aa imparl ant and act 10 pd ckmenlf and the frca ex- creie of which pirtnmaijyr ionoringthe mcrito riou aid rewartllng iwiereriojfftipectively of pany j rider at rooa lo tuic it b ao gcoeroosly fo- tcred by 0 tree and a mlghiy people there and while wo coiider the prmripletof that con atitulictfij carried out bf the ctweful haod of practical cxpcoatvoe aa far oa throe con aafcly and ucfully be dplet to 00 r condition a coloni j li k er lurficiont lee our perfect tfvcdoin and accuriiy end our advancement to proaperiiy nd happlnr we canno foo atrongly dcprrtjite any encfoacheoent or innotatioo on ihol noble fabric which haa prov iltctf at once o acceptable end sailed to ovr hxbrt j speck 0 vtar- the uoitcd stalea goocrn- oicnt with preaidcut tyttr nl iu hed ia hwy 10 hvolvohainkrtkriilh ihorefwbbccf mexico by entering into a treaty with ivxtx fee iho auncx- atioo of lhat country lo tho united stalca the in- deeendcttcc oftexai hax been knowkdged by great britain lhaj uiitbtd slalc and aeveril other pawera but mexico tho rightful p opriclor haw nuoy looked upon ihc toxiaoa a rchclx and treated item aeed tngly and abcajl the time cf the nacelrn- of cangrca the v s gavernmcoi waa dialinctry roivrroed by mcxica that any allcopl lo onncx texw woow be eoraiweecd oditect wricrgewnttf c i l ihxl mexico would lmeoedulcty declare ttar- la addiliort to thialho nortiierb suico are decidedly cpoacdld tiaicaolonctcjimt agivitijlo the sotrthorn intcreat ctacldecl and tinduo hr ef power fn the govemimnt 3 tlikl wron ihix que lion will not be very popular with our neghtx ll h to be baped that rfihwgh mciico b 0 weak power and wholly unable loeapcwith the united stale tbal tyher gornnacrrla ml not oihv her lo b ricccd lo the graping ttauucn cf thai exuntry bunm dnt3 tn faqi cannot do i if th clti ihr had heller do without him ii once the fact t the h otjve or cither of the hore ha no more right to t- trmpt to coraye1 tho governor 1hami the goeernor ho to conirol but all paruc arc to lay llattr head logclh to reconcile elohiinj ieteroatato jive and uk and england i to ac that it i not oil take and o ajtee on tny aide not la enable the minority to ri- the majority c the cao of yore but to iff n the majority dftc no iuiuitico to the nihtonia the goverooekouid be ibe rep- rrxeniaiivc of the nrr the ricclor cf ihotenhoxro l0 tn peoteet thcmielti but ia there ekwgw of the tpim of fair play or whnlc aomc fr of england inlervrnliow if bey do a re 1 ilvat hr re rhoutd bo a cordi4 cerperotion and ptmnaikv betneer htm and them th the council thould bo rrpqhxtblc to the provincial par liament nl the prode a d that when ihc act cf tlie gonrrnnvdl ore aucb a tliev do not chocee to b repoeiibu for tbey ibould be at liberty to re- rigaj j ikrn i entirely kgcc vriib toil and nee no im praeictibiliit in earryjn on rcrpoi aibility jq q colony on that foiing prrwidrd thai the r pariie engjtd in tln uidciaking be guided by moderation hour it parfiocommnn acnteand cqui table minji void of parly rit tttrtfor frtotrttt that tbii llnuto rceognue in ihe above hrtolulion and document iho iro pnreiplr of colonial guvtrnment a applieabte to ibi province tlie attobnbv generals amendment and ivhrrvai mi exeetlincy sir u m wff to r malicr had ihu or will ihey pre on and uae ihtir poarcno lb uioto to force ihe other to bend 10 them tttctimc thwt io can play at thai game ond lhat ltfij j hr aay if each inaiiti alway on uting iloxurracat power tocxrryavrry point ihc marlvhvof govcratoenl well bo by ought to a aland aiittand england moat alter it coetilotiof or there wtb o blow up- i riucercly hope lurvj i w itd am cqoogh in the country lo ving thing roond i ni no parly or pertonal nn oni care liillonkat manner of men aro in provided they will let ibovkede machine work and not nit on otto part ofae brooch acting aaron a rod and awal- lowing untbo tet above an 1 h r j religrooi r ab polcatanta xrd catholk are o nearly balanced aar md men are o itcjdcm whew ihcj can itfaujajmi erad for ibc moment that 1 fear much though 11 hope more and lrul iht oil will go right ifsir charle cannot bring ua through no body ctn ooc rroatdiseojiy aecn to be to gel men it s council- onc aceiaal tho diifieuhy end yel if they have ivoneitly cood of their country at hoorl i ecu no mposaibifcyja their ckiinf ao inn execulivc aa in n legitime cooncrl there may bo many open vi v i aaad lcow legulalionbul i tee no aavm aulraiwrruaod in both wo wanl mew who will tabo offiecwilh a traibtforward intent lo do their country mice and not to ero twmmlve 1 tmnk sir tjhxrle geeo ewilc fr enough in p or aible ri in hi anwcr to the gore duuicl council jn tome ibapc 1 bold reaponiiblc gav- ernment ml the neecary concomitant of rrprc aeolalic oe of any thing but an auto ceaey lithee arc to bojhroo or evrti two branch- eo of tho f ovevnnaent equal in power tome method mtiil be jfr i 10 eoabar each thorevgbl u 10 under 1 1 tod lhetw of the oihee nd to make known it own o the and i know of none better than thai of lakinhe councillor of ihc covemor from the fi it ir t1tibape aw ylcm baa aaiumed in fact wrer ii kaa brew cafabliahed c with a spccialuoutvoji lord sfdcnham fujrd il necco ary lo hio me of bit mmitter in the councilor of the cri but beyond hu tho matter will iredf lec lion and l o dear am hunt bendtii dnt to our ifiv ji froia out sitt to theao expteaoiooo or our acmlttont yoav ex ccllency will parmit u to dej ihoie of our heorifefi e 1 teem a net good wiihc for yon peeaoaaily wr feel i iftai grounded cortmencc f om your tilcfttirc and linal auecrvi a a staleiaaao that ondcr p10- tidnce you will be enabled to concrtiate all c1aae in canada to ajiiai apareetalton of ourenuable prl- tilrget at srititb ahyectf and by removing ever oheaclc to our public uair being adminittcrrd or the otmd monarchical principle jf tho britiih tituiion faorbly modified lo the eiromtancea of our i1ie colonial you be tuccctiful in ca- 2 ay right ioineefre lint in elber place in whlrb nu u ji gtfriibh ril ofprlt eiit great cao eilfcbilbua exulointd in o ner loan addre from gore in canada hi vtvwa of colonui got crnmritt with rrfrrneo 10 mf view of ropkrtiible gnvrrmneht i rannoi uu jou fr i eone j ihem withoul knowing your meaning nhich not diatinehy haled if ynumcan lhat ihe governor i lo have no ex creie of id ji joi the a 1minut ration if the gutirnmeni and ia to be mere tool tn lbo band 1 oftbc council then i loullv diayrr uiih you thai i a rthrdtic to which 1 can tcter tub- mil ami umeh her majaiya government in my opinion never can lanriioh if you mean lhat every woid and etced of thr unr tnoe it 10 be previoul auvmilled for ie tt aire of the funnl th yot purpo whai in tadv keinx unnecroy and uloi ia utterly imptiiiblc eo4ilmenly with lb duo drapatch of butirr 11 if you meon that lbo plronxr of th to lu hr luriemhietl fif fr1utive tally urpn drprndtrf lh pecultarcircumitancco of ihc cotrn- try in vngund u10 m miilr mut he changed if they 1 after a ftir imai get the two huuwa wiih the fr ihc sovereign cannot be changed nod it iifecarylhal tbo three brtnche of the lcgnb 111 i aomehow brought sufficiently into harrrwy work together in tho siate thia i not t n btciuic the prcttdcntrumaelf ran be chf cdif the people pcrbl in differing from him or h frem tbem vt even 0 prcaideaii who withe injaltt be government worlr mutt lute advitrr ieir j bim who agree with tho maiorjty of ihc houica or the whole whether ihey be efthoc or nol the power of changing the preldcnilnnielfond hi bjng himielf enc of the majority rcedering it 1ereceory that hi adv er ilon be tocor that ho huld bo bound to lube odvt of ny on- we too have cur peculiar petition d lb final abape of oor own rcaponii we guthwrni mil depend upon arrj be in accor- j dance wtl l if wc mean ll lo woe our cnrernor bctiij- a aoien aaw ehoacn from htt tuppoacd 61- ne for by men who hit thfnelvc been ehoacn ljrw majority of the partramcni offlngund for adrfrtnrmfer offce and beting a uriel ac count toendce t them and to lha parliament will not hi mid 1 nonentity of fifuojy re pen aiblu ho e aa 1 hn told ua to ih people of the provlnco at their prayer adbyiho evidence tlwy mic r ho mrjhl if gudiy of miafca- psaeiwe n punlihed a the a kund would impeach mm on no firn to an action at there if rurj in ebmaxca for aa oppreiu and iltgt act ho cotild rvetrwr pietd ihol o govnrnoy can do no wrong t ibat ko arled by 1 i rih ih advice of the kmuo counci neither cn lly prt veal hhrafm be an a hie and a worbng baiii trriu aoainlcd with ila- renrror tabljrngthflgerernmeeit of united tonado on a well defined and permanent ar foe tbcae ob jeel yocr exeellrncy may bn xiivred of our humble i t fl nwcnaeatcrtaiiad jyfi sigood cma a low yacdco o d cnvjirctt johwxtatp wifltiatfebwxu mi tktomaf brcortfiwra niil sttcwajt jack4 cotwaj uuok m- iv evtllf mmaattk dono mdokaxa fd c court ifooac lorieaal k ora scoflt- another cobmn c hive took ihcprocecijtngarfihcliouacof aoawycf our abler province cm the niouon of mr howe to place 0i lb journxu ihj reaolutmjn of the cniadian aitcmbly of 3d sept 141 and the governor getter oli reply to the gore din icl addrcas aa n aothorud rcco d of the principle of colonial gorexnmcnt mr howe and hi party have ttatuiraed a partial frcesthc cf eriv rnvrvr- tttkwlh tbo hatifox flate contain a lengthy article on iho compreennt offered by ldfajwndlomr hawc and hia friend at whwh the ttmei ia very iodiroaot and ulihotigh the party which the time aupocrt rcey aiuiloily deebrcd by their vote cm the ad dre in rwcr to hta excejlcneya openiny oeech lhat ihry were oppd to a parly gcmrnmtnl ihey are d vn all in their nearer to frortralc lord folk iaimi excrlivt o form a cjoeteil in which all par- tie hall be fairly repcacnied tac argue thai a mimatetlil moj ity c 30 1 c a gcjod wc4iwg majority in the llouae of coanmana g eng- bod and by a parity of rtaaaning goel cat to ohow that a majority of 2j matuben may bo chxiaidcrcd a very fair mutrtcrijl worhlng majority m the ax- cmbly of not a scjlia tbb argument however appear lo give liitle aallafacticw ce eteeiraieoicit lo lxd falkuod wbjia evidently very rclkiattooar m i k nw e po ajaa with ka lxccuuve cckincit oa at prcacnl conalhucil the dlue kmv iwitst ihe canadiaria higlrli favored in the pcacd of sir cbirle metcalfe the aore srofiun ihc mi reacc tabic and in fluent a1 ficfarm journal in tho province make th fuwieg obicrvatita ca canadian aflvir canada ith lng jvortrfveo tht stt ft rdinonmcolaf our rcackra uhwcmcmbe the capture cf ihe sama fe irader- in the begtming of the year is42 by tw rwcticanoaijlhc ubivirral bftrf ueatmcrtl cf hc rritcoeu ibetrwayto tl h y cf mcxle 0 w kendall etej- hc tajcnud ectwef the n otkant licjjuoeaid actcro cthrr oompwd the expcdlicn 0 amateur iraiclicraji uu r aamchaid fil a ihcir huoblc ecmpnicn mr kendall ha lately pwl ljldihim tntrrcatmg mitttuitj cf iheir adtc ttjrffftm t1iih re leve the fitting extract t oubjeef nhich mr faulbner ridcd in ton ftraabxiiimcafief hi telem from meaicva ihe tuenmer of 1i2 he wa ihe author of cn or lavooble artickaori ctoidlan prliiic ebltabed h lhippcr and wgned j njfur tftltinj the mltinj ia the ckrocl a fill length poiitkaip t lt lira lime 1 have neglected to draw my framd fjlcjiwr piclure a he at to it tint jay uwba anule llctfmh mijht hated me kj4awe 1 ihan cilyreeieml loritr a ronhouilnt although be- heiiii u aio reared in an ciceurtii family and a ciiilinitt m all ihc comfort ef ihe rxltthcd life to hail btil ite utly ten be cjhy aankthtcd htrnktt lo ilc lurilihii nnd pjujltrn tucidttu toa na lnov life- ihe luxurie and 2j thing of an enjlu firctidehc ajaredciitirelr thave forgotten ua plain ami aintpk auu1iiiimu cf a 1 alette cceav pte bia alltmifl t bito at amin he hd ccclr4 bin cll mm nntitjjry at nard ck m fact em ritrtey igierjl bil pr tided nlealitlc aodcof- a tfiu vj- f t iimhiii aecjmtiud- hh ii la iik tricealvcfrchehid plra purrhtcd ft irimcrgocd- y dinenaii besdcte rfo ug tr tee aliojid nd a per mr bullrev the lind and ulteitlitc laad- r4the beat it let at aualin had added trmclhbg like a fchbeoffrclihatid btacuil to our l xt tthit we noro nitt amply preided for fcr 0 aapj mr fitctncr ua k rulh fotitirhcd 1 r n hi mule a itabmiy lame acb- eand brute of aiature ml excecdaaf nth if hc can judge tfe muw lite lonlh o it ear a lie animal i a i j qjcukn in 1 nitce b 1 rartiatnnt olhff gen 1 his excxllekcis anttr to the wardens and founcillgrs of the ottawa distbict i recftvc gentlrmcn wllh the hjahoat aathifuetlon lb eprcmiora of your unauarabla altcameacol la the avfili trtoa and crow ol our ot fatloai qocen your ateadrail advrrttcai to ih britlafr conitittgiion and ofyenntnoai cordur nhr for an inciaao connection between catada and the- briiiah empire theao arc aoatimania worthy of t ifmi j a rooal gloqjderj the heatt ni r r be loved so rerein lo inow lhat they are warmly ehrriibtd by the people of thti feovtnee i think 0n ratofully for the kind fcelrnr to ward one uhitftyoor addno eenvey andto the judicioua opinion il eontaio 00 tho ruvjeci reeewl le agitaicct you aciac iho true noint for cona mora lion when you notice your condition a colonial the principle of the briiiah contiiuton arc fully ratauhhed here and ihe prclical worhinrof haa bectt adopted a far aa lhat ia poaoiblc conailonl- ly tt ith ihe connceljon ofa colony wiih ibc mother country the iegiataivc power ia vetted in the crown and the lo ll j of parliament toeeiccutivc porv cr ia in the crown ropreaented by a geerqe vrhi i aided by a council of advic conittngf hcadi of drptrlmrfit arid reponijbe tn the ncopte and their rcprefcntative for eicctjilvc mearure tho r r icomluetei1 fur ihc good of the people ind according to their wlahe thi i the conti lution of canada and n ith good acntc moderation nd honett cooperation for tho public welfare it may be toeceaafully worked uut auppoalag the eiccuttre council to be au- preme and ihc governor lo im merely on inttniment for putt in j ilc ign manual to their dictation which fa the ort of cmtiuiioti aimed at by a far f j ihe authohty of tnocrown would then boa fiul liry- the coonqil wculd uaurp all lite eaeeauvo authoeitj- ill ihe rrcrngalitc of the crown all tho ditirihutien of patronage the executive council wo jbj lomlttatc the u gialaiiv council and would nitld all the power or the uoue of aembly tlieha ibty were the leader or the crvnl ofthal body ah the power and lh fttnetiona eflhe go vernment would he monopolized j tbo evecuiiro council or tbo llouioof aaurubly at the cae mijjht be in tuch a comtitiiiou atmfa would bo tbecrown where the pfcney of the moihcr country tn a io nol iho cona ituiiou of a lmltcd monarchy thi ia nol the briiiah conatitution nviiher h it the contiulkn cf caned ii i not i btlicvo the constitution of self akayj iu eaiuencrc for even in the moat republican cmtitutiom the rawer of government arc mote carefully ditlribulrd 1 n 1 j r nuhoritk thoio mull be blind who do not ace the mamfrat difference between ait independent state and a co loay 1 hatneon en old and a nnw country btwen oiie overflowing with cniil end population end one needing bath j between on in which e wmuhy ariatocrooy poaiaai great indinneo end unotlier iu wmtb no auch iiiflucne ctit between a countrt in which ihe precttcel mod of governing i rmilal- id byenici balncc of cuun v and one i n the mcan of producing the iaam balance i wanting iiwce a etitlcnce raf c ftlungalnohcounley m jiaa hu ikl 1 1 fiipr caotinuo to br filled diiqualti it upan tht min1ieial ervta lbc dbcuwicei ofmatlen pertaining 15 the pool- lijtt cf ihs gavem general and ihe retired coun cillor r apecutcty it conducbd with 1 retisn end ability vtlttchdjcf high cedil to the canadian ncahing ha yet irarunired akfallrw of tbc courac o be nirte ii w the ftitore si charle ha prffjcned wa part wrih admirobte otllk ho ptayo vrttb the eacouncif a t r wahi wi a rniawe without pcfhapa harwg the 1 iiit rv- ihwi ri cif lm thai ho wtlj ulti- rnalery urceced in atiejgiuoing hb own rlic and wcaxruflg that of the cerptcn hlnk acircdy jeniisjf a dubl bui cieclteocy aclmoi ledge ihe pr tocpvca cf he spfbv goeettiotcnti be applicable to ft and ferpinfed liteae prirciplca to the rttaftctbn of nil amccre advootloa of thii ayiietn wrb ac only inbte w5t enduepowce in 1 d liar be tike a froco the rvftrect ccaincillorf n eat- lu- ic tho quratico ot taeua at eoee aaaumea peraeial character ejtd men not princi- plca io ha c 11 p l at avch a atage the rcp iecotalivc of the sovereign haa the uuventago if the pee icfrwrc ftiia thctn ti ah ovcfarviron he will be auppmted had sir charle meicalfe beeo otrernorcf ncwa semii iti quctlonabte iriha pewntdclecfaoleatate of tlir woumoaiat hfl admit tho principle nhich 11 here rleatied that ctancihor have a right lo retire when they caatnot rkftijd lh apporriurrrla of uk ex ecutive nor w eareajer intlie to u partitt tohaeoa coutaeilof nine tuembcr campaoeg cc tories and three heormrr when a majority cf the people were known k-prw- wefblly aurjactibcto the fotowing caatiaa copied from the qnceec gazette a a proof lhat ftnaaat er make fee with jnci fper we may adduce the fact lhat on wednesday lal lbo halifax pott and ihe nopotcoiiott arnvect here for aubocrf beany btil no received no exchange and oa jj arc no notice in the iowcr cajtadft paaera of ihe import ant procccdio which have lekea place in eeet novo w scotia lojilalwrc tt prcaumc they have been aert gallrpa 1 came up with him ed wl h tire aainc treatment m there ima been groat irrerrjlarity cf laic in the receipt of ihc halifax paper hi praaaible that having leeomointereating they arc taktn to be read ol awne cf the way p- olftcc thi canto frorn teaching pccflc to read withotit giving them at tho amc lime a good moral education thou ahait riot ileal j or even roref i nny thing lhat ia ihy neigh boovft tliepintcra ere very much intereatcd in lliiv eential part of educalion for il ia ruhigu to ihem that jplc can rcad if ihey ror having nwtajef 4 with jut making them actvoiro by pay ing for thctnp merchant whamens society the fcllowing memorial wni preeentcd lo ihc gjv crnor gcocral by cai c burna preaiocnt of the merchant seamen society and hi feellerjcy wa gracioualy pleated to lcceme patron of tht uieful in liiulion and 1j 1 hi usual liberality con-tfibut- eel toward it f ui u the aum of xio to nit eeexittnty str clianlla tllkoritllv hltttakrjl sarohtu g c fi gorcrnor gen erot oftinhth aw14 amtrw ee etc 4 the memwial of the member of the merchant sea mene society of kihtc- canada ivcot 1 1 it shcwoth t thai a very great number of seamen ltn been ami eie tmdaycd in navigating the hlerebnnl i ar it on lite uhecrthiptrtof the ptwinec and lhat from thr continual nercaaof the carrying treov there will be n yriuly riceclon to iheir rumber the men ihu unpl ore ikh mile eapc- to the rrdmniy nefibj of ihr naetjcmion tint bnvo uo to en c ml r a 1 i- inuti r itith nil any civup4tlnv ttft a ihct- i no run1 frcx w xt k llwit e inn trq tbec niei lrnprial uilird 1 ck ven h 1 criainljrnehncd nith a ixltn fjr exceeding thai cf any ether rf the hvcka it lu ever i en my iced r bad firltntc limet ad hen a i liitebefon aucd ahc no lime of vnc leg and hint naturally tnmeiut bur1lin hbbltng ail with tlcilwr three in ajdi in io all lhi tltc mule bad a way i tfueb- uig aid imtibwtrg dnnn peculiarly her cn a habit when v kove in i9 an exceaa j- 1 inccer tonicnl bsjc b in jt tinie dngcrc toottc all lbcac rar cjialiucit tike it a at bardy aa a hrk tir ti4 1 lunh and nriieii m 4 h und 1 he i ler fuahiy mighi itu itttc teeii rn huivoji but rvittcr ihcrcult of iho rigid aycn ef eeomy ihcdtjihtirl iutheditburstmtnt tfh cntahavjit apecd rcjrdie mile cfhlov tuf aakwee t tthick the ia a very nice 1 andcnc tnijk nbteh ln 1 luaoid ft i 1 she la mw dead ji ikitry anil ainr litu mtmh after ii c cet i tiatcjuil rcc rded made a mca fe many a ij toned man but etcn at ihi lime 1 catmtf wat laugftfjfg t her ecc niricilirt nu r upri ilt back tuia otiimal ihatcltrxevr- tctihi cti the nvrnirig in qucalin uaiitrrchcd mv finr fi1erter i ttaarriyrd in a ct aubwi mehat rermbhn a new rttttind weahingcajf ilinncr tt pwkd up here and thcrtv i hato bvfvrcaiaud trut mr v- haj mmjly etvrwlkn j gha tinft tjn to rnr 0lhmn ard thia o- iwttivva d uliwbj relied en muow cl ah mlcf vi bile aroond and urdcrncath hu lied 01 etd hanging in fe0ci wa a gcncal mrirornl of e little cx every thin- there were a ham a tcaw krltci a wall of bikut half a dvaen tin eupe e gcurd pair bf pialou and a txttceci all cecapiing nermlnevit tluaiion imnvdotrly ftrcund htm in nddition rateoncrhtd with him a nurrbcr f bock end actcolitc inatrument a d le were arranged herr and there among the hardware and grceeriea thru a rayed and mutinied ive aeemed mwre like a gi pay or a intvclliiig linker llun a nanber of the wet eccicty in lcndrn and a etrttinguiahed berrialcr cf lhat city we bod proceeded avnc five nika acaltered in dian die aloog the trail and were growing more and mare vriloji in rcbiion uacoknel cooke when thr aharp rrptl cfa rifle wt hcaid aorne hundred raid ahead in a narrow ikiniug c timber which fhingco ibe bank cf a a mall alreaitt van newh eta in advance end hid reach- i the lo of the llmter imirttdtalcly reined up hi herar and drew e piaiol frern in he4 er mayer 11 on ard wa jogging 11 neat to xtn nei but at lent forty yard be hind him falconer wa elate lo major howard whje myactf and eyopantn brought up tltc rear the neat imprciaioc with all on lie a ring ihc report oftbc ride m thai the indian had frmcd an m- buacade fr the pnrorae or colling u eft indian huicd majr tlowerd drawing one 1 is i r pertcli arnl lhcii nulliter apuri to h led anl maing for the thicket 44 it here l ivid m falecncr drumming hi lcj heel mlohbmukuaidcai ami evincing a aoal iriil laudable to be erne cf ihc fim in the brueh lhat all uli confident wee w to lake place fiankcomba nh wa well mfwuicd came claarv ing by at the bet if hi hcrats aiccd tbi induced talcortcr to rtrjjubtc hia kick and rxrrlion tc fvxee hr mule nln- ar d hc had really induced the animal tei make nmt jlnw lonartt a tpicctea of canterbury fut a i had reached mi attd wa about lo paa dawn ttcnt my ut-fgrtu- itale friend en tire cttabliattment atreurng ihe read dr me ten feet witri mule fafcjner and undrie although in tihat a kcntuclian would call all aorta cfa hurry could no help alpping for a mement taurtcy ilr acme andaccrlatn whether myeomra n ion had injured hitpelf tlicre tide by aide re pewd a totuhic cf tot1 bnett and a kentucky ham truer loo ticre a therm jivcler aud teaichllctiti cnp baeuit fiabin lacme a banteter waiter ri la tnit teattced ahjtil h cvitiablc eonfo auit i cm t hkrn tbo ecnr 1 j n nremiteuoeia ml miet hihcci ajipearance of the furnilnre of a h-vi- aated frum a we ami ihrcnn ixucrtlclter an w atrce at any other lime after finding ihti my nal inurr i ntbtej cotnnanhw hil aiimained bill utile neracr atioulilhave uughrdoulrightet ihe ludicrou la e it uat i chiltl nut restrain e amile a falcjaier hurkilly trrainblid vnjn li feci ily iht time the accel of ibe rifl that m fully explained by the f- pr ivanre cf icltnel coke from the limber it eoe dial hehv1 income li in citilrarorin 10 ivnd thri tt irniv and jichargel hi hrv a the only mcthw of mabinj hi ivn ann knunn wcnnttcvtne llolnay pater 11 it 01 lite cccaaicai of tlie iccint titaj nf mr jame h roa nd manler if ibv i lib llfimeni ef fnuit io hu frwwee iti lltlili he wat irtwflaimil at pobltrdtaraor i iiiinjra lluielh llw genu ai inh- ihe numbfr to nfer nf lhal hi tniito town tho giittrmau thidttrlfts hlrvehrnf mr si twerfo rinrr if ik er are unplialhil matter ef the fat ituwfil i fit mi 1llgmamlcn wve0 awr the wtwlwtl allmlid in in theauiteer uarl jrr leliritf mr iv f r h ulrnlrw tne euih- i 4 m 1 ji p jtttil kh itti