jll i if rtlhi ih4tm svt i a ihr n fttlfrfll abam hit jvli u iw hmii 11 f nil a filliritu k4 0 trt ilfr mmk w ll w h v ihmui 11 u a mi mi t k i im- hi ito ahummp m iwlrf adrl r re- ii itotjulif tiiuul n irjt4ii- 11m jdimiaut u g ii ui iwiht ilhlhmfik the ll rutlfltr llm lm bid- n a manir utficuittlv junnt jjjruvmrf utiptrjuijitrd aim f ntthjkilhttrftlwi notice tbalhav luf ajmhuidiiiffm mfrti i mow lii jmhiiotih on by if rmi4nmit vf ihf tin iwii hljji una l t under tho firm q kingston vn mireb i r i asm to fore t n- karrm bvcoolinucd a mowat 7w fm notice consequence of lb bll april wlill iitilll ftl j rulttic if pumtr ronlldrticr icul mrh u the blind leal of n i dial iho- hith uhon i haa urn nuoiitj m plural amjri m tm rcadj 10 raljj fur h m1 ahiii mm amucd th atorm of obkquj mi he rnu of hit tlvir u porttitta ovm tst it j htiidi f tiur parlj riipwta lia uiixrupvlotit atj pbllidfd a ifftctt thn in 4 fjkji oficn created thua wll mia nuil leftsfaf 1 tvapc the votawr pniiutii oflhc onomtieo 5oni ka ctrww made a ckn breaat of it d icu the whole iruih qnj huihjtif but tv irulh how may how mj minj of haa cotroipwartri and of rubuc mo inmral rmlj fihn had the chmhr oi mrhnchorx oflbe mttltflim wih wlicb c dritmfp 10 iho d the biwtr tap of po- tiikil ibttilmlbtif and parlj iuiincrei to onto pjuoi rfdoi ts hoodttocfc hcrjm the mect1nu thi merit rig camr offt ihc coml nou eti uektdty bu i l j notcomr il h i4 thai be vii niid jjb t kipalurij arj thai ir nit time be ciliwit himilf m public be will p x being uooifriij ibe sl 0 wlfffi j adetlue j et wit sivwonu on ihit djr will be on wedneadtj 3rd april silc it 12 oclock thomas oreer aoctioneer kindlon otlh mirch 1844 to let rp he old tavern stand in johnson x street formcil occupied hy mr fjotence jiwoghue close to mr j h cwtti whrf foueiofi obe gitn on tbo 91b dt of april ntxt for pmtittjlart enuirt of the subtcn- ber on he pttfoilta robert mcgill kindlon 29th m i jm4 t9nt by the stjbtcriber hia mamotu store house in whole or in puta olio aerertl amelltr ooea neor to the above cm loo urr any qaunutv of freight thai mav be comwiillod to hit crc all ho ibore premiies are to wrl ailuattd aa to ho water and convf menci that an cntj- me ration of their adtaniagcout aituatioo wouij be needfrtt apply at the office in oatario slfoel wm garkatt kindlon 58lb match 1844 7fc the cotoniit aod pohof toronto erercovaacao to io obwt g waealj taocftiona and acod thtir ccoainii 10 f t office for oaraaewti removal rp bilton hat removed bra tailoring establuhment to brockotimt 3 doer from wellihglc4tftrft hannedeeided upon aear with mine creel and bodwaid a or former ocejion n lb claraerf of adjuunt cnt f l or 1 kind of a general or ihe mi m wiih a hi- aau in proapeciiie if he ahoatd hap pen to be al arj lot for jn aiddecamp we eon fufiiisj nit nnh tor uuintxr ifcandatri foe dm okcr prottdad ihcra bopajnd ration foribcominj jco we are forfrdinf tm oronj whirh 1 t 10 a corcjjtondfni contied of aboat 170 peroo of all poliurmt crradi and rrj bbelf of no political cirrd reruiin wai eondurtrd jrceulyand jo ofdr the piojcetoft of it hvinj il all their own 1 in ihe mran lime we ora not prepared to aj vbal portion of hm real opinio of ihe ekeei of lc cbhly na fpntcd tjic hvtini ai the nrlrccthn mill drndc lbl era iter tor our own pari vtt have no faiih in aueh kieeiia m all aa itpftai ra of umte opoon j bi1 we ee no itnito ptklj i anr oedf who wanu 10 make iprrehea about nv ihin nr noihing eliin himtrtf rlir d al j wffctitir ctttdueted wilj auch propfwl llna r 1 l inily eitabltabin btmieff in kingaton his arranemenuart mth to will enable him at all times to farnuh i y artieu in brt line on i termt klifmowi march 2th igm 7frt totet an ectlientdwdlinghodeleoft john- j ttodttreet corttitrb of parlor dining and drawing room five berj rooms jood kitchen and cellar a large jard witb out- butldingi conptete poasettion given on ih iii 1 of may e n u t rr at above 79z to ttlecovsrnor crncrli rcfli the halifax address m tfcvc fatnoitonlr 0 rr mtfnttfi portnee 0 t 5rofv aoicrifrrra fo ht tddrttffc9i ihvt nrhww i bee fft krnlmen 10 teeepl my warmeil bjiikafor iajd bwor eotifirrid onoc bj jowf ad- jrm t 1 himi rr itifiin lo w 10 hs- anofcj ibn iwj fianlllct in fr 1 n- ui ii r ui drmaitdj ua apprrral vrompuaree whh tbotc dmi would ha trdurd tv aatori of tv majr ofrnnunt in ih cfjti i- a nulli at d wvwu batt m- dird uitfgtimtv a nir tool n uic hanjaef a sueha utveftionef thrconaliiuiflnalgorrfn- mrnt cof fed on f l proi mee ctuld not b rrtrcl- rd wiihoul the tohl 0 auvrtion of the tuvrrmac of the mtwr cevtit and ran ntror then fore under a veireomiticta bejubotiutd to bj bcr mr i b it ttcfn 10 urc dial ur dance c iol feclinj rrtiila liroutoi ihi nonh ameri can portion of ihe criuh umpire nhieh will il may be bopdf mafflrain ibamnraraf allcetion that bihl the moihrr connirj and ihc colmitra 0hhtr pavhilhjlandii th rxtrrmc icwa of indfperdeee piiliall cnuminrj j canada ivikh noutduthr if prot rate lrr mjttia govrmmrnl and ojv- oaitr trtd 10 rrtrr a ro w hit i rlrle whl cauwtl benefit and in nheh r prrfcrl hbrrlj of ine lubcet ivouricial ixoutioo and adminiaua atfapti e the iofef wala and wiitet of ihf pvopv aaimtarf priiitreeorapatuc artib al- iriante to itv rri u h crown are combined wfihlhe jvitrii eae nj ovrviful iroecloi of imperil at p ewaef atj airenjlip it ia lamrnubk that thoaa re i adtalaa should be feemtbt mtojeopardf bj aimtn l an otjrrt intoltir the exlinc lion of hrr vatovrrrmmt whirbean ontr be attained aliaeairrifce cf thecoomaion that atvalma uioe mtaaoja n in addrrn the- rrntimctla to jou i am con- fttn hat i am cemmnoiratin with ilkmrn uho are aa derrind aa anf in ihe wold lo maioiam lbtiam ribt liu lira and mrfrett of ihe people aniwhiuttic and laphou tr rverngalitc of the crown aieanducire lo that md hit ilhppcf frcl of the operation tjf the hrtih c miaitlutmn ihit the irttc fficw of the people are alto ihc ai lot 1 lopporiera of the crown sale of teas and other groceries at thc coemr commkhcial af art auildtkct on tuesday the 9h april will be told without reterv 10 boxtt tie ankay tea vl do younj uytan 8 jo gunpowder 4 do imperial 6 bags fine green comcc rj bbu roaated do l6 kat salaratuf 0 bt motcovadosusar 6 ur a- brandy do do white wint jo bus vinegar 3 rbla- turpentin cavonditb and pjo- tobacco cigare koom paper cut tomblett and wine gjatttt and 30 do uouled albj 10 porter 6 brown sherry sale at 11 oclock william ware auctioneer agen to let at ih heaj of fiincrta street a stone dwelling h 1 iwottoriethigh with four rooms and a hall on each floor with a cellar and cellarkitchen and with the oe- cetaarroutbtiildingt garden and a well of good water the above it welt ealcoltted foragentleinanaretrdcnoe the reat will be moderate applv al the subscriber office in ontario street wm garratt kinrtod 28b march 1844 9t to let a stone shop and dwelling in brock street dear tba market from i si mar entwtnr which ia now occupied by jamca mi- 1 j11 forrier for termt apply at the sabaciibert office in ontario street wm garratt kingitoo 28th march 1844 79z midland wstricf afirtjrjltur- al socikrv notice i hereby xivn 1hrt thu annual meeting of the midland iliawlm arricnl- tural sociey will bo hold n at luika j c-i- t in tha village ol waterloo on toetdav tho jutri april i8w foi the purpoa f anpolntin orrtceia for the entiling year auditing tho annnai account and rnaktn olhr necesirv atrangemcats and a1 forlakinjc tto eontider- ationlhe plan that will be tohrtjiued to 1 lie merting for ctubliihinjr an agricultural socie ty in each townahtp thomas glassup stcy treaa atft ktnpton mafcb ism st citiokuks socikty 7 mbmbbra aro reaueatcd to attend the annual meeting of thit society to he held at vombroa otul printtt street vntuksdaytba 2d d of april neat at u clock for the purpote of elreling olcrra for the eoauin year and iran lading other butincta of the society order f c muttiebury bflnattatr kingston j march 1844 instructions gtvm in unguafrt by l hitter military school of tho grunj olticnburgh cneatreptionowc can be iven apply at ihe paper kinpton 27lh march 10 ot r man into of ute duthy of rcfrrcntc oiftccof thit for sale iyfw barrels liverpool salt cheap 4 jj for eatb pjeate call at the office of tho subscriber in ontario street wm garratt kin 1 march 1844 79 tavern stand to let wilb spirit licente for the pre- aent year that well rttabiiabed tavern stand in place darmct slrecl stn of be royal oak near the barrack gate for particu lars apply 00 the premitea or to samuel kcgowan kingston 13tb march 1844 79z furs wanted at the kingston fur store 400000 taffr 15000 martin skint 10000 aberdo- zw000 raccoon to 1000 leat do- 5000 ottrr do for which new york pricea will j dnelin the amount ot 0cavbtv4 tram- ib j a macowall brock reet kinfoo marchs 1s44 i 79lhi jw f- reynolds manufacturer of m retail draler in ptire linsefd oil and oil cake meal no b and 7 buffalo street rchcior k y caah ioij for flox sej anil oil ex- rhmj on the moat favornhlo termt rochester march 16 1344 772m hot cross bonnt vu ill be ready 00 good fatnav morning at durable confectionary urock blreet at 7 oclock kintonj march 13 is44 to ship owners sec- rwihe subaeribt would vej 10 wifwrn ibw nww jl era and dpaina of tctirti ibat ihej will find a ct4 rate ankle of drown and blrarcd canvas of enat cocker mannrtur rait noa i o 6 at hia labalrl warvhoutr brock street alio tfown porfjr tiwcwa ruvaia dikk aiwj auprrier article of banting fee iv r atl of which wilt ld at taw price for caab or approved credit purehaacr pajiwg cdih will tart a dweouni of 5 por cent siada on anounl of inrmce wm wilson- kiajo2iuibuftb 1844 78i w th murhi iril 7 peremptory sale v ill bo told at vublic auction on tuet t f day next the 2nd of april a the anclion cow of the stibscribqt the folfowin atticlea airil for debnamcl 9 1 5 o 7 16 i a his rxrbufnrvj anshtlt to tcif ajrirus from tmr fovntv of rrlscott ottawa district to mr nvzifqtt vrraewrr eis other inhabt uu tf tl tniify 0 pre tr off ottaira fit ibrj for ib vou rofrnn 0al pairiwlic to wt toy 2futil ihaiikv find cvn li luaicnal nun rartiucoirf dtlikiti jotjf ddrra white urh ft lii- pffe4obmmia in canada the r onlpuinec of atf clior ate connection with tho pa rent siae it buwiawfr fpcavwif accure and hie rr dfttaal brnfila nliieh atirhj it be prrpetu- aied- tbc pioarcct of rotferitr to ihia country ubder ihe protcctfcon of the oritii empire ia bound- eji i ecritc pcat cncovf atmrnt frm tsc a of our tupprt in my rntaon in advmim the tri tuotnl ienrdlr to hie rciplrt rf lh ki tiah citluiwn avhirh unile mirpaablj ooaw rca ncet for ibe au of the crwn d a inere re- ard fr irk ftrcc uf ibr people hoc uiljjrc i the aofo lriinalroljcl fof ithich an gotrrfrrnt ftivtr t ih olei rny cftorla wit w uceaa 1 dire cud lnncju fyftai twenty lire acrci of the gor ernirent ttaatfi at torelo hac brrn yranlecj at uaesiteofarroiinciloniic arlum ttbuld witl be erected in och a waj at toterxe in case of ncceatitj at a 1mb d wll bo orroundcd hy rt utar work in eon tick rat ion of which ihelinpcrial cctrromcm conlriautca a eonhrable mm toward tit oriction mont tina a bkthod of mnufjclnrln wbtlttne j ba arm coointunieated to j v which we think coriout cnoon to dricfrr a place in our eolwmn it b wmplr olmftl ton for ihe proeeaa emiau of ceiliny ne cca of hickorj of the proper aie and abapc lhc tlarinx tbem foe twr he mnnlha ii ainrxar barrel afterward for another iwelremonth ateepinfi thcni in oil tbit ateibod hoa breo ponued in oie ea lb twwwtupa of ihi dnirict with uorcuiroctl tucecaaand we iboutd like to hare the rtaull at 1 tor on ecienlinc principlca- niagara cbroau mtititry orruhlton of intend the pioaincial jmraaticontrnuclhrir dmkwt cf the eonrrancr of ure qvantitiea of atma and aaaaaonuion ibe dif- ftf rt eainton tonxa in pjnoancc of the ftcoa of itiuirj occupation of ihc coontry s he tore niode ir ljnd m ihc nneieentb centuj tlee are iwo rrartteacne th taraut and strom- ma turdtnr the kerry coaat i the onscrra har- m nolbtnrchc 10 do haae learn from the kerry etaaaaaaa been patiwc ibcif tiaao ry ajrcably at bina and plcaaure poriiea amonjal the jeouy in ih rkiniiy birth at cananoqirt on ihe 23d iml- be lady of ibe hta john mcdonald of a daajfmaw- dirdt at rort hore on moadaf moroinj iht is j imutfierahrcerinx illpcta ich be boro with cbritbi foriittfde and rciinalion maacaattj fiofmr jrphncwmamajcd30yraf alatareaioneecrow bay sojoiour erah on otr ihcsdjnal liculcnanl jotcfii i kww auction sale of groceries on monday next the lt of april al the subscriber auction roomi will be taquantilc of groceiir consittmj of t teat spices liquor ch wfiiurct showglattes c c a rruil store without rescrre for catb wm to oclock j linton auctioneer- me it sofat eorcreu with a in as and chintz kteant black walnai sideboarj superior 00 wardrobe hack walnut tabtet urge straw mattrattet rxcetlenl black wiluf boreau kitchen tablet clotbot and towett hortet straw bedt wood chain and i rockinp chair and immediately ajtvrwardf a variety of household furniture hardware and small ware sale at 10 oclock prccitelv t a haines auctioneer kingston march m 1844 79 auction sale of hjusehold furxituke and other envctt at the suvciibcit auc tion koomt kin street on wednesdav ihc 3d apr will be sold without rcarrve a general aotl- mrntof household furniture con- ninotr walnut entire atd wlfiflf tablet ureakfam am drrttin table sofa bureau and work tablet cane and ruth bottomed chairs bedtteatft bedding waah vn a arie 1 y of other bedroom furniluie china crockere and olataware stores loe pipet pendeit fire lront c a reat ariely of kitchen furniture cooking ulcnailt etc c- 1 o alio elegant piano forte with ttrtous other articlet sale at 10 oclock punctually- thomas greer 79 auctioneer auction sale of teas sugars tobaccos wines c n thursdayaprimtb at tba subtcri her auction roomi king street will be mm without resoive to dote coimgnmenta 10 chttu young hytontea 10 moxe twankay 2 gunpowder 3 and 5 caddie sotichon 5 hhdt bright muteotado sugar 12 kep pluctobaceo 6 laow twitt 100 boxea cigars 10 jari maccabor snuff 1 hogthead mouatet i hogtbead sberr wine al0 a tmatrjuantityofport madeira in wood and a quantity of honied wilb va- rioua olber articletw ttayt under 26caah endoird notrval 3 months sate at 10 oclock punctually thomas greer auctioneer kington 59tb march tft44 79 ftpta mth3lthlbll midland district bjfv virtue of a wtih to wit i jao of attachment w- sucj ool of tha district court of the mij dislnctand tt mo directed dgaintttho evtalo reat and perccnal of joaeph daly pjaaterer an absconding orconeealej debtor at the soil of david bockuo for the wm of iwtft- x two pounds eight ahtliingft and ten pence 1 have teixed ill theentattf real aa well aa perioral of the aaidjrnepb dwwand unleaa ummu joaeph daly return within the ju risdiction of said court and put in bnl to the action within three calender monlhi or cante too said claim to bo diacharpd all the real aod personal estate of ibe aw jo- 1 ieph daly or ao much thereof aa ahall be necewarrm be held lswe for he mf benefit and atisfaewn or tbc astd c ta cq9bbtt sherrta office midland dioirict 26ih march 1844 ima to the independent free holders and inhabitants of the county of fronte- nac in answer t lite numerous applications that have ben made to mc respecting the next election i hereby respectfully inform you that it is my intention lo otlcr iiiwl ikf a candidtile fur the represen tation oftliis county vrcn tlve time shall conic roumlfor a general election the foregoing short notice might he sufficient at die present moment because i shall fullr explain nt nnofhrr perrorl my opin ion and views of ihc putitcal state or ihe country and the measures of rclrench- ment required rn the public expenditure of 1 i revenue ami ihc uttrt the inhabi- inntrshould lake in promoting their own ad vancement anr prosperity yet as an open ing towards thfi election i begdistincily to mention that i have no desire to solicit ynur suffrages by endeavoring to diminish tbe nerits or abilities of other candidate my claims to voor notice shall stand upon higher grounds the commons house of assembly must alwars be considered part and par eel of the government and responsible government mut always prove satisfr- tory to ihe inliabitants t canada this being already established we will not f now stop to consider the abstruse points in its working there being one other ihing nearer and dearer to our hearts that ishominfjfnsl our connexion withihe mother country and keeping ourselves a part and parcel uf the british family and british nation we will glory in her glo ry and our nation will always take pride in our advancement to wealth and pros pcrity therelw ititetintti rtw dto wwwfag uf the british constitution the best guar antee for carrying forward our responsi ble government it is not desirable or wholesome for the body polilichat the business of the coun try shall be conducted with reference to party we of frontenac advocate no such exclusive doctrine still ihe inhabi tants of the county may firmly rely on my continued exertions in allaying unneces sary party spirit and acrimonious feelings amongst ourselves in reality there is but little difference of opinion between the liberal conservative and the honest constitutional reformer their wants and interests are the same to insure success we must work together on a broader bo sis beneficial measures for the good and advancement of all must be our main con sideration such measures shall always command my unqualified support and at tention and it shall be ray peculiar care in giving unflinching assistance in main taining our just rights and liberties invio late these are the outlines of the terms of our mutual engagements in which ray own independence as your represen tative will be involved to insure the greatest poaible advantage in parliament public confidence must be placed in the person chosen to represent you in hu matter i leave tbe freeholders to judge fur themselves beware of such bugbears a may get into circulation about dividing the con stituency thereby allowing tbe elec tion to be lost my friends know that such cannot be the case in this county or again thai some monstrous policy may come up arid run away with the govern ment of the country altogether such an event is also impossible abide your time of election and think over the con sequences on being elected lo represent you in parliament my relirernent froro th na val department will follow greater portion of my time may then he devoted in consulting with the township authori ties of the district with a view of bring ing to maturity some of our many contem plated internal improvements i may also even somrftmes think of our farming in terests i remain your faithful friend john bennett marks township of pittsburgh 28ih mitch 1844 j 7wi chronicle gazette stationery warcftoiise selling off at 25 per cent below nsewwl price previously to procuring heir spring ttupplv a ecneril ssortmcin cf ata- tionerv jewelry kcc unonf which arc the foltowingclassicj j other books boyda amhorv horace negri herodotus adam roman anltquilic roller grecian jo giadus ad pamaasum thuerdrjcs xcnophon anabasis crofiibic fa mnasium homers iliad drnrxfcs cesar vajpya virgil greek iwcciu duntar greek lexicon ecrcae latin delectus kujirncnu of i3tm eton latin grammar auttfa rgiu ij lin utm lit in excre icf dynock sallt ovmai mctamorphoicy cornelius neptw tacitus allenn latin dwtuy elcjanlix latins riddled latin dictionary greek grado u extracts exercises denc- n-i- rfe corona ouihae of geography nelson casvica atfas mii- lain syntax colloquioruoij pnaedrus plane gcomciry bonnyraitie atgebra daviijsont mathematict lafoatainestcbjrs hisioirede charles xii imangnnfls quest iom history of rome of england of scotland and win davidsons aritltmclic mornsrnj do ivaikngamc tulors a kcvs to do griinmarr spelling bukft rdcr diciionarief landmans ami brooke gsecers lotves agriculture live of eminent naturalist moores work iteman burns miltons pinnorvs calechismr talcs cf the borders toy and song books e a great miw of bibles lvvcr palm c the first volume 0 thc statutes of upper canada to tilt time of the onion ontaining the public arts re- vised and puliliihcd by auloontv under a commiwion consisting of the honbe the criicy jcsricis the ifttnble mr jvsticc hacatftait tlte floiibje william h- dnaptn jotty h caucroxi esquire for sale at the gatarttc otnmf j6 avnsr slrttt toronto and at r wats03t1 priming osce oprvite hie public olliretf ontario smt kingston price fiftv shillinffrf cash robert stanton gazelle office toronto isa january 1844 5 to tie rupertctl elttton or trie town or jhmgston- arorarj ftvmfo rumour assign 10 tlie honorable mr uarrisrai a seat in tno cbmrl and an appointmnni cu t oratf important dcpirv ment upon acrepianr rf which be vhii eeaat to occupy the poffilhin of ymr rcftreactttntive in tarliaatetl antxoalmff tba probability of tch a fact i avail nrself thus earv if the circomiaiee lo snomtiicc to jou my intention of offering itiyelf aijin a a cnidnlalc for rcrlcctionio iie proud ttttlm to vlic you elected me tliu dy jiree yptr loenonbee cvfi mareh 1541 vfd llr ujfl oj lit something attractive extensive sale of booki stationery and household futtnituke to bt solthy pablic aorhrnmiiut rc- servr in lob to miii orciaacrr un m day the 81b day of april next rjn he jrtnil- ses prince strrrt the kingston circulating libkarv containing 000 volumes sale to rommenf acli ercriini al g oclok and lo roitjnn until ihe whotr i jivpcj ia and on ftijayi thr iih of april m fjrc pro- srttor i ciwn koijfon tbe whole 4f tlir onychoid kurtutnr it the kin- cifculalin library ronlaina the ufotkfofthc following crlclwatr j anihoi scott batwrij marry stt jnm dickrn5 smohrl cooper mug rveivnili pniter gorr- tuolop arlineu piewtin country nf rlcuinetoiir ant others many unrk in htslrarj tiavel dioverie memoir- se- rnttfic jh r othir iimect an j in ajiln lo the above xboul 50 rajtvmc of frenrh vrk oy eetibrafed after ihe sale of ihe atavt a lare aorl- ment of new book stationary qnifly pens ink drawing pencil dimct ttmriitt school poorsi and a vrcv of micellanr stork too numerous 1nitlh 1ho sale of hoorhojj pumiturr 1 in- mrnceat lo oclock on fnjay tm 11 cowbtsef thlct chain bejs briltca- k 4 rn- a very bantlsone cooking st- v nar tv new and nlhrr stoves carefs cupboards picturri and a capita rut with powdcr- hotn jlullt moum and a complete and large qnanlity of kttrhrn ulrnsiuc thomas a minks kincston march 27 191 hy auction impontant awl kxtbxmvle aal widuv is hr hy mwrf of ibf c rcutinof the fflate of lli ikinal mackay rho wha of bit rewar- t of iry oooda jt ut wrlnua no awfc h paul slrrel on iuesday ibr uvi apr- proximo and roflawinjedaya tha good a agitable tor both flir upper and lower vt a mikrla arc ofbat falla itrpomatior tr compiije amonj ethr arlictra the followm pdor braver artd r cletha c- merinoa iafiiiaai whit- aad balabwi ieraeta tcryra salin mcre focskni of iraia baixrb scarlet rd funuela daidin k salmctu black cvlorcd and figuted bt dc naptra vesting l dilla ujapci ifuckaoakajacolbook and mulf m tin fftotm hirtini prmiw printed vo akin bleach pit cotton and ltftrt brefin hosiery haberdatbrry paper krbro itircaa iare and ewral aaaoitnaent if stnam wrrea j and iiwoiediafelv after will i sold ihe wahehooe and ort ice fix tukes rompriainc 1aciine ptcsa dk connlem tablra ia show caar- tu c thrttcolsate in ereellenl condition lh present imma a favornle oppoimi1y 1 1 merchant who may be dcsinnia of r plenisj- in- their stocks blore the arrival of t te spiir r ihlma tirmslihfiaf lo he made known at the lime affile sale each uy at 1 1 oclock james young montreal march 1 77t to let 1jrom ibe fat ma nrtthaic shops s in the herald building moarmol lh iliiatjt i n ronaidercd the best for a iinit bumnem in tbe city the lrsl on notn dmeticet b jsi feel by h deep wilh one ioor and a window 8 hy frl ihc sc cond ou noire dameslirel isl hy with one oor and one winnw on nlr drfihe street and one door end three n v on st- oabtiel street ihc third em- anl two windows on jt csbrtet st having 3 leel lront on said street r u tirutais erriuiic of the hopr x u tftlg tad rtanbhi 10th ma isit 76 of ifemt ribc cord wood splendid edition pporuoiiv to diianutc ihc ninja o iiitvc u i am pvincl to ttart form unfavourme npin- iuns of tbcnohes wh induced 01 u 4 acend from tb at potitioo the dearcal object uf my atnhiuon as well as to claim once again the confidence 01 those jjcorruua friend tu nhoae uiitinnrf nxcrlnn and xejoija auppnr i was indebted for my success and for t cenertta ity good will and ethciont eftoms 1 shall never cease t feel unbounded atnude and undying aftcction j take thia npportunily too of rofu liitftho unjuat nnputation of having srjd ihe cnatituency of kintoft sn unneromly hid to my charge by a portron of tbe pre uy greatest ambition was to be member for kmgbion under heaven 1 did not cover more uf bnnor depire more of favor you triumphantly returned medcspitethf m- flocikc wealth and worth of a jhinerfn opp ntntrny pndo was salaried my mkrwil and dearest wishes were fulfilled in iny hour of ecsiacy came tbe painful sung- je between recreancy to your inieroats and selfratirlcatron in a deep sense of mv j j r ro my leneuciors and the mhnbtunta of kingston terminated abruptly our connexion a tjctnand was mads for my teal hie refusal of which would have confess e hy jmpardned your dcareai inter- esfs and a1lhouh a cjiplrtnce with t ocea inned 10 me more ofmeryand wretchedness than the accumulated croen and perpwitis ofi r akai ii ness if thev had at be ami i rekpers wilt he rveived t vvi iov f monday the i5lh day of apri uch ncuons as may he willing to furnish for th ixt offic from ftiaf crfi sale culxgtf cabs sletglib t riicta stc sc be by auction t it trowing hnoortance of ihr kiitmon minmt wrin and ihe increasine rr lehrily hiese waters are daily attainin where cei ihry liecome known rave induced th present leasee mr james bone to renew hi lease w tbe propilrtor jam moitnn etn and in order lo devote his sots at lent son to law- com foil and convenience of persons vrsillnx lb inehas determined on diposin of in whntfofhrs cab estaslisbment and liverr stsuefiwllh tbe exception of ibe poorhors- omniiturs which h hittw to retain for the ea- rlmjve nccomtncilation ofmriies vintine ih spiins and hem lo acqoaiiit tbe public eialfy that the saloon and tbe baihr in ci thirtyfour ears career of boainess 1 and hymn books tester ii csfr chtsinh ste e clarkes commentaries un- don edition bonk book ofevery desert mclud ing juhffjoorttoisjdstsirfb bonks poll books scrap books o with a tow elegant albums and fortflttp a lot of jewelry amor which sre a great varietv of earhixcsv brooches rings seals clasps mosaic chains and pearl and coral neeklaee embossed drawing board chessmen and domhioes backjammon and dreujht boards drawinjr paper and pencils water color in boxes see drawing books in great vartvy pocket la sheet maps card and cigar cases plain and colored prints aad engravings flutes and violins violin strings and racket gui playinp conversation voting cards initial and motto fancy waners hot tooth naif hair st sttaoc brushes penknives of all kinds pntkelbooksand taldets mafll ctnali cal inmrunwnla a general assortment of f q s ii i n g tackle aa flies rods btcels lines baskets floats c also stationery of alb kinds blank deeds and memorials warrants bail bonds summonses morltpgf fj n b booka of every deseriipiion made tn order and binding done oei the most reasonable lerms alio alt kiiwds of lttr press printllnb executed in the bet style and the most moderate terms- chronicle ft garcttc office 1 kinion 30th march ifc4 al vac assailed me could produc j dtj not hfmtali rr otu ihm j ivai mssk lice and yield to the necessity i saw of rescuing kiiioti frum the diner of the removal of ihc set of tiovemineni which every man admits my resistance to lord sydenham wujbei would in voire the demand involved other minor points com tnnndin my aerious conpideiatein it naj ac knowledged thai kingaloo owed a debt nf pt ilude to ibat iluatrious statesman be atfccd for the ropreseniation of kingston for ha fav ourite minister bad 1 refuted wnuld ho have been salaried wyeleciion defeated a powerful party w would therefore have opposed any measure i should have introduced inlo pariancnl there was a party then nveicrately hostile 10 tho re movat of tfic sal of governmonl from taeonto to kingston who would have united to rlnrts to defeat any measure introduced for tho benefit of kingston and iho goyeniinent party dis- plcasod ai my rcfuaal lo give place to mr har rison would not have supported if they- nij not opptved me thus would i bavo bcrn fhted in the unenviable position of incapacity to carry any measure in the house ii is obvious there fore i bad no alternative but to submit t ibe controlling impolse of subserving the troe inter- cats of my constituent by securing to tbem what i then vrdly hoped would bavo ben ir- icvocably esiabitsbcd by it that k ngaton should remain iho capital of canada as long u canada existed in the proud conviction of the rectitude of my determination and persuaded that lhoe gene rous friends who so unequivocally niamfenled ibeir confidence in mv seal and ebtlity toacrre them will give me full credit fr candor and 1 eerily injjerthem theasaurance thai those warn tho motives which solely guided my conduct m ihis tome most painful and onfortunate affair and i respectfully ark had i resisted lord sydenhams urgent requcat whether the threatened removal of the government now lo montreal wjutd not by moat men be attributed 10 my refusal 1 i must i am sorry add ego- ticallyi that i am noted over canada for my anx iety to relieve from want distress or cmbarrnas- meats my fellow men incnd or foe and that i neor yet hesitated m do eo can any mar then truly suppose me tbe base iccrcantto sell ihe constituency i so sincerely esteemed and barter my ecat for filthy lucre i had to accept office to enable me to vacate my seat idtdio but no inducement- could remove mo or entice me frwn kmgaton where i at that time waa have si nco been and no am agent for the aaloand management of crown lands c for the midland district at tb befitting time i will again adrtt jou mora at length on ibis subject in ihe moan time permit me thus lo rnew to each or yoo my earnest solicitation that you will extend to mc the same cordiality of moling and unity of ac tion which to nobly sustained tho cause yim know j advocate that of maintaining a fair hon est impartial and liberal administration of go vernment noi tha government of a party but a government ad m i aittered for tho benefit of the whole people your am cars fnend a hanahan fftbm9u the service ofthe said instltnlion goo cords fire woorf consminof rniilquantitirnof hxrd mapu beech birch hickory end iron wood to be delivered on the penitentiary whaif in ihe fnllowin ptojiortion vi 50 cordtonor befora the 30th of april next 100 cords in each of the month of may june july and august neat 150 cords by ibe 3tsi day of october next tbe whole of ihe wood to be sound and to measure 4 feet from point to scarp two responsible securities will be requited to be hound with the contractor in the sum of thire hundred pounds for ihe due perform ance of such aeircmcnl a maybe entered oto the ejenso of drawin un which is to be borne by i hem il smith waihs provincial penitentiary march 1s44 j 78 wasted by te islh nf april a rvspcctabtc scntvhman cajiahfc of nmnngm- n 0 miit ano lie n fcnnd watktfi another man with hvo pair of horses will be expected in do all the wnrl kk tw p v v jw spfifj rv ecpting in bnrvest a mnrrieil man eould have a comforlablr home and an allowance of provisions in lieu nf board nne need apply uhotannoi produi salisfaetnry tcsti- monrals apply ifbv letter postpaid to chables maclean seymou eas 19 lt 78dt ifnce- licit mardi midland to wit ivotice triti twtotice is bere ny riven tb at lite courts of general quarter sessions of the peace and distrit t court will lac holden at the court house in kingston on tues day next tho 2d april at the hour of ten ncloc4c of tbe forenoon of which atl coroners bailiffs constable and nit others concerned aic require in take notice t a corbett storif m d sheriffs offiec 7 kingston i6th march sh 78 nrction wilh the sale of tv water will i villi havf u iultlt nit jhiui nuvii ndif fore ernsts that general satifaeiion will be eia en lo all ihotc wlo may fetl ideated to favor mtt will tbeir pationase th sale of tbe nndnmentioned property will like place without any reserve on m0nda7 ihe hi djy of april next al ihe livery sla bles head of priocessstiectin the following older viz 8 cabs t superior draiate tbe property of cant clitberowa d c 1 barouche carriage i 1 1 dennet 1 pleasure cart witb citcu la tests i water cart 3 superior close ssvmbsj nearly naw 4 double open do 10 single do 2 lumber do 2 setts of ronnctf t water train 18 serviceable horses samu wbirb ate 5otne very superior ani mills 5 setts double and tsndeaa hanrru 12 do single gmltemenj saddles i ladies do 10 bridle- 18 buffalo knaes wilh varioiia other article ahiqtle hwiwiner of the jftna hoi w ac arirtbe smlv hnitlllli fiauu iunn iinrermreluilbthennpiredlea ofthe ground on which they janj which i two years fiom ihc first c may nxthrilr intsuhjcclio removal by the purcbaser pt the evraticn nf ihe lease tkhhs purcliawff nndcr xlc ithcasli from 12 lol to atjo three monlltf fwnxfli ox3i fixmonlhs over i- rv r credit bv furnish 1 the teller wilb approved imiotsrd notes which will be rvqbiied tn every inmance the pike at which tbe bnrldines ay be adjudged will be divided into four enoal pay ment at three stxj nine and twelve svontht without intresr sale at ten oclock thomas oreer auctioneer einplon feb 25 1ch4 71 notice pensioners commuted pensioners arc hereby fetmed that the n its- aal payments are sua pended for the present and that notice will be immediately ien aa soon as orders sball be received lo resume them chelsea pensioners can be paid on present inr themselves a the commissariat office in kinetnn but no commuted pensioners earn b paid until further orders commissariat canada 1 kindlon 19ih march 1814 t 77ii to contractors tenders will he received from compe tent 1 for the conatfuetion of one or alt of tbe bridges at bout de lisle montreal the tenders are to bo delivered inlo ihii office on or before tha jolh april next and are to be accompanied by the written consent of two solvent persons who sre willing lo became securities for the de performance of the work to the full satisfaction of the board of wotka and in strict accordance wilh the instructions plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of a barrett esq college street montreal and at the office of the board fi works kingston where also may be had print ed forms of tender and all further information which may be required thomas a beglev ac reor j bnard of works kingston lth march 1844 77g new goods imported expressly for tbc early spring tk a oft consisting of a large a- sorlmentaf chintz printed cam brics and long cloths of the newest styles and fast colohs mousselincsdelaime balzormetj v other tight material in fancy drese ladies fashionable riding hats aftid choice specimens of french and british shawls gi ntunn irs london bearer and silk hats drab and felt do mens and boys clolh caps the countdeparis im a beauti- vl article for littu boys alt ofxakich is noxo unpacking at ipeykcs f company who adhere to the principle of making but one price and of selling ev ert article they import for the smalt- tstprofitjor ready money jv several cases of tuscany dunstable and fancy straw bonnets will be opened out on the 1st of april whousalcand retaiistorts corner of king and princess ss kingston look here those subscribers to tbe mrchanics institution who are witbbojdmt their hooks from the library are solicited to return hem on the evenings of monday or tbiradavt without further delay thomas srand librarian match 13 if m 74