i tli uh 1v ll 1 ilijiiu i it dull it nl ij kinrvi i m i riririjflmm in p r fli hll4 iu it 4t t al t j llti l4 ll 1 1 i t trawii ll j i ii i i iv tifailr i w ii i nt it 1 t n li lthithit hh 4 null rilril avumb- 4 ilt ti e tnitlikm ilrthfriwv it lu nii hii ijm rnw i i uijti 1111 rrihm tl h liliitjil w rririhutiiii lwr mil iv u rvrus tm a iirvli or ftl- l l c ltrnl ll k 5j f ill liiri iivi uiil n vinl nlmril wabl lllnti lnm llii llrtiti mh iti earli irkirt ili ihtrh hi- rwhivwn uiim hn jmiumiilrjljonil it rpvti tl lltil ii u ii jji til it i t r tluii ha i in oikiv f r lit rurn the oshrr fr u unlivi rl i iv shhkv lysvthrs itvy uit ir i4awd ie due j bite it ill tv ittit i vr mr m w iiiii 0cj tix practice l iliigurij in d f imfular nlirrtlf tb lit ofli- rrtjatr caclid d oni ilir hnji riil citriiirtil li mlai 11 ihey will nut be able toaurrxl all the ivmls ix it lhnh nilhoul d ai1iyiit ft if i tfiliuitr dctee trfuuwti vach of thriij mas do ihc jutj at miic auo than mow baldwin noj small comm jollity mimc 10 altriwl a eumi deal of crown luiiitm will of out s j vpkc uin ie bodr id iho ejieiiow ariir li arc iri lrs m inl ltkljr in di charge ihe duly in a manner at hire hilocnl aitd ce t lor mr art we iwcj irner f an t lij rraaii jimikj ihv ir rlirti m iv ufsiiit m all f curt tbvm ii u c at tackil lyilij 0frrt in rimfcfvf umivv of ihc rrttvcitie diiiiru t9 uflic ri mt cr at any lr siw l x aw t irail lkluaett a art the crnilctrn h wlltt 1- criit lbrrnamci anil utiiiiobrjiy tsif tirtild tl ii at a much icm tv tkfitctouio cofttrtli u jjri fnir jaj tfitppirtj atttxea wo fumwlunl the covcrwr onrrl with an oppor ittftity afalminitctix uji jiaticc bj arjiinj himi jf cf hci ma yuty rta no dubt gin vlnl mntimui it will bo rtrorotxral tlti afler in fiiod li pincr cf h lalo rullrfa all iho baffiao tnilijvl by ibtw to tdict ihc crotvn bitin- i wrv of ilo ttidin fcidncy ir prjh- lioot al iv pwrfit timo niwtwi pf the opnilo tvbxj ana cm4jtrd and if hah partiea mo iditkj by turn l ihc publc 0ib oeiihof of ukhi bu anj f ju i j tiitntlot ibt tljroiiiclc esacttc wnixkna v apitllu 141- court of gknntlqrlrter sessions or the flucb vtfjcrdiy the court c tftral quaker soatcrit of 00 pcaooio an4ff ho midurd dbtricl a- cfrricj in llti plooby staff nl kiikpilrick f aclinj chairtniti in the akfcnco of -hr- s can- itrijhl eaq ihc cimtt c1cnjar c rorct io loam if untanahy hcjvy tu to o j cwrvm mllrowd itk ofami jury f g f lotin oflvot- f r t i r f ft crirfihvt thm raioa wlieh nill lv winiurtl fvt your c 4ifralicn0vilboprfaet s4ait arc dfckv of the cdn crimoa cr which ibli cooi ipja coiztc mamyrrfr rw-0fr- tqucmly dbchvod ihc tofel of granl jirnari and the dftf itxij ffiannor t which y- been frequently nplalnc by lu lalrfvcd inditjuil whw aoat i irmporar pv ioccaaa7 fc mo novrwrtotioc lrm- noit w llf tmrvcraitco ijjcncaa la onrrahy rimllfd ii he one cf the itkoi wolifjc acijrfoi crcrimc u ih a ic- lo ibo ctitptoydmnt cl ihc indrenl aw ulo in act nt mkdbyieproivcialparliamcoiinlbcyrrif ijt upooiiie ivr the rrecucn of llnccf injuilry in ihc ariotja pjilou in lb province cf tpr cani- ti andathjfiiy taacn uthc matiatct in quarter srjaion toproiido ivr tuir ippot ffcro vu raicacflhc durt allltwph thcwbjccl h frcqocntly been under cn lha laraa vc rxmaina uniotcd c bcc tbclweil binea cflhc pbiriet bdn m loncr tnjr the cwilrolof lbs masiatralc ihe pow er hick iho id i hate hw4 fo gac ibomui leeomc tcatcd n the dbtrkl ceuneii and frran ihc ticn tavon en the maiur by thai b jj in february luultapprm ihal wifhoul mm b ublalito fiuelwcnl ii u not ccnjmcccd expedient to cry i focmuo tnic0pcln i l hlercr i hat at no dwunt day ihc law j be omended i aweb a man ner thallh vidland ojttriel mnydrrirc iveuofi ofo ilcuac f rcruc ft the indlccit f otl aa i 11 uiifnn flllcf i fivtofn vt nhaf crrtirarr llwh rtttctml rialiwik tvarranl ihcirboin aouflec1 hc poneicntiat while cci the olhor bjnd no adequate piniihtncm h nreidcj aa imprormcnl in tbt diatrict cao4 iu meat inalai eta and particularly in youtnm offenders bcln- only lo fcrtdcf bad reorfc i ihinb it prepec lo tncnlkci that the nulrkl ccncil anc time aincc pheed at ihc aaafwaj cf hc jloiair at ca he tun cf x200 for the parao cf ctlablitbinj a leraporary uouaeof lmiulry im mm renoain unexprnjed ud from ihj enqwriea i hate made lam aii6ed thai il wol be fwlik to commrncc in a fempoory manner an citabluhmenl which can only be effecti when iitiliied oi a permanent bavj in the dicharccf your mj vjm tfcttlir al the carl atul repil c the general itjle cf the pmner eeatfined n il aa well a un particular matter which may bo bonpm ueder ywr miicc tio improvement and efre of the diiiricl ia co eaiimilly nctiecd by ihc chairman ef ma coua in tatddrcailotbccrand jury arj i alull limftfft nya fetwordao- otir peacttt pwpecla before uila cevrt ain mocu meat probably kinttien will haee eeaaed to be ihc capital of united canada many pcraonawill al frrii oodjubl auffer by the rrmoialefac seal cf government but j am by no meant one of ihoae who deapend on kfl inject ten town baa beeocne a ciiy and ha natural adomajea whether al a ntftt mdiiary atalioncf tbrj chief commercial town on lake ontario mual al way render ilkcoid to none in wcalern canada were a main road evened d improicd direct to ihc actlacmenla north of kindlon n artery woow be farmed which wttw oo r drpreaaioci ai- tendins on the charge i bate altadcd to a rt ibe midlaod diriel ha reccircd oo direct benefit trcm the impwementi which are rapidlj ptorof in other pari of the proiote but i lful that in lime the kateawlpi of the proper atitboritiea ill be directed toward iti capabiwiea aa well a la wanlr and that tab wilt rceeitc ibit cortidcratkti which ibey as ctttocril kncouhauk iiumk entjtpftzitt m h t from coed aulhortly that hieliard t w met ja to place iwo ef ma well appointed uam ri on tlic route between kuijtilon and niar ltrlnug at oahcco doruj iho prttenl aeaaow and ibil tw aufulte aiomioa wai be in kiaalon m tin imbnl totaav hoc place mi tfarij iw it act ijuhl orldonl that unleaa capt richaedion ii heartily i npported in tbia enterprise by the merebanti of thia arrttoo ectdio counlry and tlio canadian traedui iridic pncralty bo will bo unabtc to compete for flnyknlhof lime will iho american aleatnboati llyiifffoqihc aamo route it la well known lhal for itiwty ycara captt r haa exurxd him id lo the aa taiienofibe head of the lake between toronto and lrwitton and that hchaa aparedooepewc in build- iri awd filling up hi aleameca in the tnorl aebfian- lijlj eomtwdiau and we may aay etcganl atjlc for ihc aceomncdaucn and comfort of hia paaaenjera and for wa entcrprjcc in this rer4 he baa been till tittjcar fairly kfl to reap ihc fruilaof w peaiio- horthy uxcrtbena laat aeaaon howoter the aaarri- cin atcamcr plyicjf between osdcmborjb and lew itan ran acroa the like andlooehed al toronto en lnir way mp and j in ihua not gnly ioterfenn with capl riehardiona roule bwt alvo with ihc mu1 itnl vmcricit two new ateamora built by mr oetbuoc l ply betweeo torootop jtrchcater cobuir she and it will be in ihc rccllectkw of meat cf oar rcaavti lhat the cualcrw houao oder at itceheaer tiw proper tovciae both of ihcac je imcra on moat friiolova tronixi car the ofdriain iben off ibe rottte ami thereby pretenlici ldc inlcrfcrcnre with american eoterpriie to tbeae facta wc may add another and that ia lhat a britiah ateamboat ply in between kincoo and oiwro never receive any ltipport from cue tieifihbora which they can ecnretji rntly retain for an american vetaet thcac are in eonuotertible facta and we eoieienikauily feel that wc are actuated bywooarrow klahcicaa in gi vine utterance to ifccm we do not complain of the coo- ittcl of our friend acre the line we cocecly ex hort canadian to follow ibir eiamfle firilub bjataarc tho properly of briliaw aobjeeta manned bj briliab acamen od why ihould tbey not be rrp- prted by the briiita merehint the briliah travelter ad ibo briliab ernicjaftl tho atcamer on ihia i de of the lake are unnutaticnably better caboate artd in cry way more eoecuoodioua than ihc amcri- cati veucca and aboum be preferred even c ibeie rjimda and we hope that in future they will be more liberally dealt with the route between kioplon and qwecoaton via oiwejo by capt richanlaoaa aleamera will be ibe moat direei to new york boalon ecr the fall ef niagara buffalo ee- aa they whl nc touch at any rtlhe intermediate american nor u our merchant iff thxim five their american ageaila notice lo for rrd their merebanihie by capt ra atcamer frcm rmo a4diijlviauraoatmitti4 jvtuoivifr l to their intereit and advantage to patrooixe them fhotowrivt may leave kualoo in ihc evening and tatl the fall cf niagara out day tbcrc b a rail road frooa quccntton to the fall and chippewa ryotti which pert ihc new and fart eaiftn aieambcot aie- rd a notice of which ace en first page plye daily io buffalo pantng nav lalaad and the pietureaojo leeneryof the nilara river fvffowm iadeeu jrdjy preferable lo lhat on the american aide where irajt comea a rovgh ride of 7 mile from lewulon to tho falls thence by railroad lo buatb which paaa- ei through a dismal wampy uncltivatcd country tkt awuror a bj rtcwfel letter recein orvoiwa perceive d f rom hi that the re i m hrrion for that couitty al the nt election la bevond daubltlia auanriii frkncta in the rounty arc fully alive lev the imporuitt dyly ihcy will have to ilwhirec whrn thf proper period ar rivri and byeorditl cooperation they arc sure to veered we deem it unnecessary la publish th rarrcipoodenco thai has brew cm ut on tn iib- ject j and two demands an ovr eulunna arc at prc- ent loo great to admit our dvir so- taraeito col onlsl jpptqpriatti of iht iretrord forth cceorcy of pomeroycv co 1rvnk judges krnt and injr ham and mr lawibrrt stjfdam the arbitrator for distributing the ktt agreed to be paid for ihe re covery ef ihe lst trunk bate raadt the fouewin award to hiram w fclier second teller of ibe merchanu hank for date c tin j n- r was presented to the bank of new york 3000 mjm claike min li marrbil for the arrest of the utrmso teebner 1200 samoel walker second ifawa or the back ef new voik for markiny the h0 note nrb ihn name cf van scht hen he paid il lo lhal bank 900 j to james b kelly clerk with drew uavil u co for giv ing dctcriplinn ef the atolto to ibe several tanks of the city of new york 600 and to james mcgraibi police office far flftdl the truck and mncy 300 dfttdfnl eryuum 1 b our miuncholy duly says the paters mm leirlliencer of saturday to re cced anothor of loose dcarful ealanitiea aintl whics no human foresight can guard on friday morniwg a locomotive with a train of 33 burijen car left the depot of ibe felenburgh and roaaolc road at about 9ocock after passing the ftat curve on ihe road it wsa discovered lhalne of ibe eaea had got off the track and the mtne was of course immodiitety stopped the engineer getttin down to see the nature of ihe distkedy as aoanaa toe car had been pi seed on the hack hie enginerr fcturnrd labia post and put th cosine in motion no sooner bad he done io than the boiler burst tearing the ecinc to atoms and the coiocce lite rally lafojsteeci at the same lima killing a negro man who wa a fireman and eery aeverely injuring another awic iicoaie emef xaense of ecul re turn bai jum been uid before pahiament on ibe motion ofmr baring of ibenetpublk icome of ihc united kingdom with an amount of the bttaneei remaining n the evebejiacr on the 5th tj of janu ary 1843 and 1w the total amount of revenue foe die year endirtg january ft 184 derived ayoai direct and indirect lain was x5i0c9 7s and rrom oibrr receipt cl5l2s39 allo- gelhcr atfifill 10s 2d of the latter strm the money rcceired from china far- i the principal item and f i j 1 6d the tout chirje of the fundrd desbt u xatflslm 4 2d foe the arme 5997150 for the navy x6 ad the ordinance xt- 910701 the batartcc in hrt eirhrqucr fn the qui daj ot janwary 18j3 waa jtlamcoa aw thank 10 the income tt at the same pcrid ljh4il amoutiudto 3771601 4id ii8t of iemtkhs klnya un posl ojece remaining april ih4i- kg person calling tot di be pvtieiiur to ak fur me mr r tased setters should a atlen mrare allen archibald austin samuel abraham kdwod ii bailey jgen lurrc thomsa baas mi lie m pre t amebic br a u pre edward betey s bell william bcanc henry bender jamea berrstt j c wa been ten john browne robert kervac thunaae bishop jeremiah il bourk m broue woi brook thoraae duller mr burkushaw george lawcrvn nlra l-awraw- tbomaa rhee oavld lamrwi gc lee h ehta legatt j lei or ja uiier viltim f lmigpt char lea lncut r icttrivlon etiialeth ltgan william logan sheriffs sale on thundythti9lh davoffebnitrylm be otd at tho court itoou in ihc town il diahict wit oclock noon the following jhn birth on laat trrdncday 2sth march mra f iv smith of a daughter on r 20th wnreh al ibr fvr nftwo moiw the lady of j ti ucfanah td ibe tioa hudscna bay coa service cf a daughter 01 ed monday nigm the lat inatant daughter offraoeia m hill estj wc urdcrstarxmut aufficient fund will ahorlly be at ihe dcpcil of the ccrmrjuatsonrra of the kngatonand klfttjfj turnpike truat to complete iho ungoiabed aectiod of 5 or ccsilea of road between perry comer and fapence tbia annnceoacwt we are sore will be totj aaiiatactory to the public and more partkubrty to owe napanee frsenda who hare been obliged hitherto lo wade through 5 tntka ef mud two or three sect deep ere they eouw atail thecnaelret of the advaistagea rnd for nhichthey oc heavily taxed the formation of mirsduinired or tltnk road from montrcat to to ronto woud be a matter of very great impcrtanee to the troincc wc feci aafiacd that uch an under liking la practicable aod ihe eubject ie well worthy th attention cfthe provincial igialature in this town o ahht fnanoeo e ycara and month at gudford on the 2th oft jams gcoagt gtmaaniracaaorioflh hon peter megilt of montreal in toronto on the 20th ultimo of cnaumttion robkut aged is only aon cf mr john elliott clerk of the municipal council in toronto on the 23rd v1tiotn after a short illneaa mr criatopher beaiy agcd3 a native of dublin wtjafwr orvuffrirnre a yc man named jknigbt waa unfcrtuaacly killed ytatercky eai ihe waterloo root me waa driving a rpan ofhoraoa with a voad of briek and it i auppoacd that be had gone fornard on the tongue of the waggon to fiff aocne portion of the harness from which he alippcd lo the ground thereby auriing ihc i the wheels pofod trrcr hi breaalcauaing inatan lane oua death hot cross bunns will be ready on goon fiuiuy morning at 1 j confection a ty brock street at 7 clock ktnplnn march 13 1814 caasie l calcwr charlea cameron angua cameron john campbell a carill jamea caslm thoma a cerncgan j com cnrrnieki rl jamea catttlp thom chamber edwjrd chatter ton joseph chiesesic mn clark thomae m coar john cook cftfherine colburn margaret col bora job connor jome cormeu r rn john coufman palriek crsig robert crawford wm d daiitcn wb da la thwtaa daling in daly edward dalon mrs- deacon walter dickenson mr donaghue john darland mr t downir ivm m dodd miss elemior driacotl twnothy drury mrcbtej duamille tharfe rvund i dvnean mary mc mcan- jorui mccttf- cecego atccr- luella mecry d tmcdor donald medord john medoff- j mcd- me ictjld auaaojcr ledce angus medrrilfj aledcww r k- imcghi anthony mrcorua margrct mecmb j iwsjr17i jamea 2mclott archibald imeintj lgk sickaratui jmckenvc waller uhua robert jmcmtrvoi auiandrr mcncev ceorg mer a- mtn jease jmelares rcbeet m mannciehaa msmjcia ht marahji maraba j him thoma marahvuj capt- imathe jmerecn l jmiierwf mhoav m miteha alexander moon ihoma fsiitoartf mwrueri imorrfsav a mfutawx william mulqjrph ubaam mmm n kobeaww nowr jam un to wi tf kingston at land railed by uirluo uf to vent exec atiofii to me direclcd out uf her majesty court nf queens bench john atton mt thomae niith and randolph penrwon jamea dougalt and william keitd batrie vi thomas smith i- i lot no 202 in the town of kanaton any person or pertofra having claim on any of the above t n j properly ate reouested tn moke the fame known to me on or before ihe day uf aale thomas a corbett sheriff m d sheriff otttce kington nov29 iew4 w the sale of iho above land i postponed until the lit d ay uf april neat at the urnc lime aod place t a cor8ett sucfibmd sheiifl office mitch 13th 184 he sle of titoui saiims lands he suit of john pultun it postpon- eo until satnrda the 6th diiy of april intu t a cohbkttj shcnfjmd ktiajtun anrli 3 1814 midland district acrtcultur al society notice i hereby given tlut ihe annutl meeting of the midland diatriet ayricul- tural society will bi holden 4l clarkl hotel in the village of waterloo on tuesday ihe luti april lbm1j fur ihc purpose of appointing 0 luce for the ensuing voir auditing ihe annual i and making other necfltan irtangrmeaia and abo for taking into conttdcr- ation ihe plan lhat will he titbiniited to ihe meeting for establishing an agricultural socio ty in each township chan to be taien at one oclock p m thomas glassup secv ot treas at i- a i kindlon 3rd march 1m4- 79bi t i251s instructions given in the german tptgthj l hitter latcofthc military sliorjf of the grand duch of olelfnhurghp unexcentionalrlc rcferencctr crn be gvrn apply at the office ofihir paper kingston 27th march isu the stcam 90at prince edward ave kingston every tuesday i on bel- ttmrtdav eloeb nd woyort etwflf the annual eketion of ma- ertotk place cn monday last when thr crmnwn ccneil mwtmwlx elected jasfttf eaokc hxh wilt we bolieve give gcsral aaifae tisrw dr 5ampan was fcnncrly mayor m the year mio mr ccunur the late mayor hjd bcccmc webihe for reelcctw by a residence cviidc of the corpxaiiou limit- tles ynlleman wnohaa been use ebwfmnirntc al lte uil three years haa taken sac active part in forwarding the intereu oftta tewwa ihoush rceentcvenu ht changed the ntca which iho ittbabitau genially rcbedcei aadoa which the ccmnv- couwcil fell lhcnkle wlvsriacd to act there is no diu that mr counter lvouhnit his m cttscfllic tow nrsaefsrlf worhyuf all p he ratuenle cf the mhahstantv lib valuable r- wecsailtbc nsiedtnthia lacnl rsklsl ttiro and it is iu be regretted thai be could ikt leially hae remained i wlfrpweli nnishcel which ha ta s sj tbrongh hv 7 4 uiiil imj iimww1iwli rn 1 jbdjwircuhip wc are glad to lewn fren the fvllowmg address to the elector of leeds that their old friend wm birrll esq- editor and proprietor of iho brock- title recorder ha deierrcioed to come forward a a candidate for ihjr aurtragea when the proper line arrive ogle r gowan esq sr preaanae will be mr bs opfooeni to the electors uf the county of leeds gextleatexmncompliaoce with the aolicttation and cxprcaaed wiahea of many iafluentinl clcetora or ihe county t beg kar to ute lhal i have ccsenl- cd to otter layaeltaa a candid la for your aflire al ibt csext gcoeraj elecuos al o future period 1 shall have the plcajuc of auetwuag you at greater length i bavj the honor to bc oeatlecnen vour cedwnl servanl william buell brockviue march 2h t44 will le leville vsa ftrtflrfw njarriint a 9 rjelllv illfc on monjay uedueadsy ftm friday rrotnings al 8 oclock 1 n b passage free far all rfveiend gen tleinen of all denominattona the prince edward will slatt from greet wharf jacob bonier carruk kingston april 3rd ltu4 80 we have received frum mesara ramsay arrunur h co- parte 16 and 17cf ihc elegant expedition cfsir w seoti novel i ahtabt kingston 30lli much 1814 it has reared hit excellency the governor general io appoint the under mentioned per sons icsprctors of clergy reserves yi2 jahki kiwairarrtca esquir of flambor- ough west and johk wiiitc esquire of trafalgar for the goie district compruinrrthe townships of beverly tiinbrooke k j i flamhorouh east klamborouh west gland ford nelson nasageweya puslinch puslinch gore and trafalmir to let storage fohjooo barrels of flour apply lo wm simpson ontario street kinglwt30h march 18m 50 tvfrtmiirer bt4nevr bav reedeed march mambercf thsj highjy utcreating periodic frooa mesara- rajosay aruaour k co thefoiiow- iniarcthccomunu- sbakeapeariao critktiaa macbeth pecteeeao ofart kciighla iimuj arrjutecturc of italy straubvd a tragedy v tho land tea etruaen monorocnu niebuhj and ihc clasmeal museum practical conajderatsons foiht promotion of ar- chtxlure with isiivnij briliah eorbaasy to shoo earl sswwcer and the aute of panic i 1 f i van ldifithe corporation of lca- den new coal duty bte the elegant architectural llsualralions in ibii ntimber arc worth twice focxl p5eadvcniscmerifcf uv other magazine fa march tt afmfa bu been hough crtnrrcisiw v 1 sundav ard alihough ao wsrair issfflu asvor m od pkmo tinea iodbm drifted good ledlo-d-r- i kt- arc no tm the j jub tm pp msmjmm mecilanics institution lecture on thursday next the f mh irulant a lcctvis will be delivered in ihe cowf joiue helore the mechanics institution on tft importance of combining moral tttfji n- feavecfuoj ct jwre by the rev mathcw ritciccv us a the doors will open at halfpast scveo oclock and the leclurc commence at eight tickets edward white f mil 5arah elliot isaiah f faring thorns frrrll wm fcorry peter ferrr cory fitch preuilta g- fleet mrs foscl alex fraaer msry m iu m t chuua g calatherj daniel cardrtcr andrew gautici peodsde gee p geffj g giddy wo gibson jehei gitehrwt j gtcnnic a granger sam graham wm crabs ma g grant peter grasa peter gritfith kdiard diii jjho if hsckett p hall wm hammond w w- ksjoiwondj p harean john hraly s hriiuvrai john henry ohn herraihtr margaret hicks robl fligginr niebalaa bog r holden john ifaoprr h eiowells thooiaa 8 hughfi james huson john h lingered j a hunter hugh hunter janae hunter d jackson vi 1 ii jackea a jaekea wiluam janes richard jenliinac w jamison r johnaon j j v i j st ii jones j wavawnah freekrsck kennedy david kennedy michael keeler wiltiam kelly patrick kejaey william keen i n m seay sri s d kingston april 3 184 fowler secretary piiesbyterian church of canada c 1 hereby intimate to all concerned lhat i feel il necessary lo decline complying svilh the request or the commission of synod to call a special medina of the synod for the fourth wednesday of may next which shall supersede ihc regular meeting appointed lo be held cn tho 3rd day of july next in as much as i and it to be beyond the powers with which i am invested to call such a meeting john clugston moderator of synod quebec 27lh march i8m 80y kidd mr krlhoran lube sllpatr jck a j i james kwjjf miehatl kirk patrick elwn kir kpalkk jamea kilpatrtek hugh 4ndcroti a rev d mr re- british magazines and views for march just received hb lost maiupackei the march nos of the following hendrys magazine united seivice journal culburns new monthly magazine ainavrortha magazine westminster review ramsay armour co bennett autwttu brandburn edward brown james browr mr i i r j t i i bunee tnomas campbell j calaghsn geccgc caiki jamet curler rev mr clapp nussrd conway mra currel james craig a u d dawson john dc loo jcremish dens lev edward donohuo d j dsjlf michael ebbini george ehrot w p faravclt f tl hir ii- i- it herring ss rah ann huhct mary j jacks price joy john jobnttvn robl jubicn monairur o fifa rtiftn orxr lusanuil orrr oivci opbornlary aiff 0mcall peter odenaif mary odell vrnua lobnawtluesus p price jowrh ipowdkhn matild pool sawud laylertssv peony 11- a pufli htrsh q auillcyames it rock li ryan jou ras ms jamea ftorkejn kvn rirly fdor bntoframe 2swtteandep butt haiia saltan lihaa sului an jvuick hra ahn sswaekavme stuvl jai seohenon george eelc eark jn too marl in smith elmbeth iff lwd flw l smith jew 5rayih t sertw w t avilaa 2meu a messrs j marrv wiulaai ickeivhiney ban ncu mr evmow benjamin i abraham vtjltiam eoilftur alos thorns rehard ttjonifson will do ceor do wr thorfiptmiehaet tomer willisea togrrc joph tuitowpmary vair trr0 vinloon charlotte vanduwn reed yaugbati jehe it viaeeni edward maria w iweatlcarothi wrrgjmr mary wdeoib j wilioochrialopher iv i i m ut john williaswon adm lvbitlv jacnca wbtrr j whcair john ivheel wfliaiw tvfbsea thoma varrent d a i ii i- waaior s lntfrd sfre roaoje kaiae terreaco keep hrwry 1 t david kmg jaaae la tow rev s p m mccarmie denia mcgoitn anthony mcmahooa mcnichcjaa muis teter mrrril atwrab member of parliament miller l g moore miat rebeeet 2marphj n nortor rsji j nolan x jnugewl jarm wen oconn p p powlrr j ptfllrn nr q quam u 4h 2 r rj5 hfr lousso akhyjr wb h t tavern stand t let wilh spirit license for the pre it year that well established tavern sland iu place daemei steeel in of the kuyalok nrar the barrack gale for particu lars tjv on the prernisfa or to samuel mcgowan kingston 13lh march 1844 19z 100000 furs wanted at tltk kingston fur store muavat 20tx vink skins 15000 mrtm skin 10000 fisher do 250000 raccoon do 000 bear do 5000 otter rlo fur which new york piicrn will be paifl de dsjciittsc the amount ol exchange ami trans poilation j a macdowall biock street kingslon march 29 1914 favlfi the subscriber give notice that hav nix admiltcd his sun george l mowat into pattneiship the business heretofore car ried on by him al the corner of princess anj hafot streets will after this dale be continued under the nroi of j muwat k son john mowat kindlon 30lh march 1844 79ii to lkt pp me old tavern stand in johnson jl street formerly occupied by mr florence donoghue close in mr j h- greers wharf possession lo be given on the 9lh day of april next for particular enquire of the suoscit- ber on the promises robfcht mcglll kingslon idlh match is4 7tfni removal tbiltok ha removed hi tiiloin- establishment to brockstreet 3 doors from wellintcuwireel having decided ujon permanently eslhblrshing himsell in kingston his arrangement are such as will enable htm at all limes to furnish any article in his line on reasonable term kingston march 2sth 184 79 to let an excellent dwellms house on john- stonstreet consisting of parlor dining and drawing room ave tied rooms sued kitchen and cellar a large yard with out- huildins complete possession given on the firvt of may enquire above 79 sale of teas tind other growriea at thc const est comcrctat hart avrldic n thursday the 11th april will be o oeb of the above inter ajajt p ifrf mmgn in letter oaice ma wrras will be quebec nl to ihe de robt pt con p m sold without kesetve 10 boxes tvrnuy tea vl do youn hyson 8 do gunpowder 4 do imperial bags fine green cvflmfj 6 hbb roasted do 10 kegs salaratus 20 ebls muovaiso sugar g qr casks brandy 6 to do white wine 10 bht yinrgar 6 bbu- turpentine cavendish and plug tobacco cigats room paper cut tumblcr od wine glasses and 30 do bottled ale 10 porter brown sherry sale at ll oclock william ware auctioneer at agent kingston 2911 march l8m 79 auction sale of teassuga m0bacc0swnfc v- bera auction room king street will be 1 without rferveo close consigaervenls 10 chests young hyson tea jo boxes twankay 3 gunpowder 3 and 5 caddies souehcn 5 hhds bright muicovadosusar 12 kegs pi uc tobacco 6 ladies twist 100 boxrscinr 10 jars maccaboy snuff 1 hogshead molassest j hogshead sherry wine alio a smart quantity of port sheny and mddeira in wood and a quantity of bottled with va rious other articles tans- under 25 cashover6apnrovcd endorsed seles at 3 months sale at 10 ocock punctually thomas greer auctioneer kingston 19th march 1s44 79 chroniclegazette stationery warehouse selling off at 25 per eeni below the usual price previously to procuring the ir spring aupplv a jcneral v f sta tionery jewelry c ice aararj which arc the ftllowingclaasicot and oilier books boyds anthona hococe negria hcrodulua adatna roman antiquities poller grecian do gradu ail pariiasstim thucydides xenophctn anabatia crombie gymnasium homeei iliad 1lmin b uaur valpy virgil greek delectus dunbars greek lexionn encrcisoy latin delcctust rudttncnta of latin elon iiiin grammar adamv english arid latin grammar latin i dymuck sallum ovid mctamorphosc cnrncliua nepb tociius alienn latin delccttiv efeganlix latins riddlea ltin dictionary greek geadu extracis exercises deiooathenea de corona outhne t gengrapliy nelsons classical atlas mair laiin syntax ciltotuiorum rhaedrim plane geometry bunnytastlea algebra dnviutfona mat be matte lofontaine fcblea hsstoirc de charles xii mntignajps qlretons hlall- kjtrmm of england of scoilaml and india davidson arithmetic morntfotid dov thomptona do walkingamed tutors aaaiuant keya io dr grammar spelling books reader dictionaries landman and brooke gazetteer lowe agriculture uvesofeiniiwnl naluralisia moores works something attraclive extensive sale ok booki statloaet7 mid hoaioltf tumituk to be sold hy pumic aoctioo without ft setv- in lot to suit purchaaer on mon day the sth day of april next on the ssrtdii- ses prince street the kingston circulating library cotdaining 2000 votumt sale toeemmence each everinzal c oclock and lo continue until ihe whole is disnosed ol and on friday ihe idlb cf april eu fae ivo- pritlor ti uwng kttjttort the whole of the household furniture t- the kingston circulaiine lihrary coafain the woik of the following celebrated authoit scotl bnlwer marryatl jai3 diekensf smoljrt cooper itvina edjteurorb poiter core trollop alariiflcao picketing counlet of djciatnmon and olhrri- many wotka iit history travels discoveries memoirs sci cnliric and other subjects and in addition to the above about 50 fttfutc of ficnth works by cweorotej aulkort after lite sale of the above a larre arsoit inent of new book stationery quilfs pen ink drawinjr pencik bibles teslamenl school hooks and a variety of mraccuaneous stork too numerous lo detail the isale of household furniture will com- mrnce at lo oclock on friday moroid and coneistf of tahler chairs beds bedstead and bed ding a very handsome cooking store nrir- j new and oiher stoves carpets cnphoards pictures and a capital rinv with powder horn bullet mould and a complete and large quantity of kikhen utensils c thomas a haines t ducfiowccr kindlon march bf is 14 cord wood tenders will be received ut the ofice of the paovtxcut pfisitksrrtasie until monday ihe 15th day of aprii next from ucb persons a5 mav be wilfin to furnish fee the service of the said institution 600 cords fire oorfr consisting ofemquantifir of hstef maple reech uirch hickory i f wood to he deivervd on ihe pemientiavy wliarf in the foltnwin nrvnorlion tix 50 cords on or before the 30lh of april neal 100 cctila in each oflhe month of may june july and august nxt 150 cords by the3ldavof ocoler heil thewhole oflhe wood to be round and to measure 4 feet from point lo scarp two responsihlc securities will be recruited ia ims hi mi vsiw vft vi ftf w three hundred founds for the due perform ance of srrch agreement aa may be entered talo the expense of drawine ejn whrch it to be borrla by them h- smith wiavwtv provincml penitentiary 33d march itvlt 78 to contractors tenders will he received frtas oie- lent persons fat the conslroction of ohe or allofihettridgesat botjtde lisle montreal the tenders are lo be delivered ialo this office on or before the ifhh april next and arc to be aecompanffd by the written caaseatwj two solvent perrons who are wftlinrio bscacnrt securities foe the due performance of the ssjsjfc to the full satisfaction of lb bond of woik and in strict aeenrdance wilh the insirticlioas ptans and speciri cations which may be seen at the otfiee of a barrett esq collee street mosittcalt and at the office of the board of work kingston where also may be ml prat ed forms of leader and all farther information which my be required thomas a begley stcnttfy board of woiks kinxstoa i lb match tm t at the city orewttrt he city blwej colftpwj crte now in it it s splendid edition midland duirict hj virtue of a writ to wit u of attachment is sued out ofthc district court of tho mij district and to me directed agaititt the eatato real and pcrannal of joseph daly plaaterer an abronding or concealed debtor at the suit of david bockus for the aum of twen ty tw pound eight alulling and icn pence i have ceized all theestale real a well as pergonal of the aatd joseph dalyand unless the said joseph dalj- reium within the ju risdiction of aid court and put in bail to the action within three calender month or cause the said claim to be discharged nil the real and personal estate of the said jo seph daly or so much tliereofa shall be necessary will be held liable for ihe pay ment benefit and satisfaction of the said t a corbett shiriff m z sheriff office midland diatriet 26ih march 181 7012 hemana burns miltons pinnosxs catechisms tales of the borders toy and song books e a greal variety of bible prayer psalm and hymn book tetfamrnis cate- ehiatn st fee clarkes commentaries lon don edition blank books of every description includ ing leders journals da and bill books poll books scrap books c wilh a few elegant albums awl poiifolloa- alo a o4 of jewelry among which are a great variety of earkisce brexvchcsj rings seals clasps mosaic chain- and pearl and coral necklaces emborsed drawing board chessmen and comnoea backgammon and draught boarda drawing paper anil pencils water color in boxea e drawing books in ereat variety poeketand sheet map card and ctgarcnacs plain and colored printsand engravin flutes and violins violin strings and racket gui playing conversation t vwjingcartfr initial and mouo fancy wafers hot tooth nail hair sc shoe bnisbcr penknives of alt kind pocket bonk and tablets mathematical instruments a general aawrtrotnt of fishing t a c k l e os flies rods becls lines basket floats etc atao stationery of all kinds blank deed and memorial warrants bait bonds summonses mortgages ecc n b book of every description made toorder and binding done on the most reasonable term also all kind of letter pess pflntng execuied in the best stria and on the moat mode rata terms- chronicle fc raxeiie office kington 20th march 184 iheir cellar a fare stoesfef botrrfo awd which they recomoieod to inokeeprrs and private families for its quality and cheap- neas the quality beinic nothin inferior to ihalcfalloaor edinburgh ale and the prir- but 6 3d per rioxtn exclusive ofbattle a iliscoonl of 10 ie eenl bemj allowed on pur chase exceeding 3 dfrzeti their beer ts so generally acal ravorably received that lhty deem it unneeeaaary to say anything in commendation of itnd any quan tity over a eajlonsi now sold by ihrm at the reduced price of lod per jufson ibe 5 gal lon cask held at ibe usual price of is kingston ttoih january 1844 from tbc jmjfo faienfan th dr ii3 the new city brewery well dererve fin ttce they are followidjc hrdin thisestah- w lisumrnt6n our celebrated albany breweries ft in ibe manufacture of a tf 7 superior articl nf ale go to let from ihe 1st may nexttmfrshop ia the tlcni buikline mosrrvcav the situation is considered the a for a i ul betsities in the city the first oh nbrtv damestieet is i3t feel by 60 deep with one door and a window 8 by fret the cond on notre d street 164 by 49 fe ivilh one door snd one window on none dame street and one door and three windows on st gabriel street the third ana door snd two t window on si uaarirl street hnvingti3feel frablon said street for par ticular ennui ec of the proprietor at dalvs hotel arch ferguson kineaton 9th haicbvi844 to m m f- reynolds manufacturer ofndwhoteaelo c retail dfaler in pure ljwsbfcd oil and oil cake meal no- 5 tnd7 buffalo ueet rochester n- y cbshiaid for flajc seed and oil ex changed on the moat favorable terms rhchcaier march 16 1844 77n tljatftrist volume or tht statutes of upper canada to the time of the union lontainlng the public acta re vised and publishes by auihoriiy under a cooirrilon constating of the hotible the cittaf juatics the honble mr juaricft macactar the hoobe wnumf h drap joitte h caiccroet esquire for sale at the cazarrs ortictf 16a king strttt tonoreto and at r watsoi priming office oppoito the puwic onsces onforso strttt kutcstorr price fiftv shillings cash robert stanton gazette office toronto 181b january 1844 9