cheapest paper in tub would rfwe axulo a ierican weekly jeor x ml rni am twentyfour urc of reriy iinw nutter co-nutm- oforicinil lilciaryanj scientific article choice selec tion from the matt apvtorr rv and american pchojical coniout frrnerit inll- ikcncc oikiknivuvn scientific mtl- ftical dramatical anl miscelljnc ou nnhjt h litoiial heaiarfc choir portial elwion c c the term are only three l per annum py in advance and erery ntw list of letters remaining intho kiton pi ofke april 14 etpefwii for adferlmcd mhn be irtfcmll io o tor a afltji marpret mien archibald autm samuel abrakim ldi i badrr john bwecr ttomi dim m titactiber i entitled co a copy of the fuprib- bcmm aaifcm are plain of pronounced by unexceptionable le of hwainonv which hw been the mol qualitied juijef an likcnc and the tilc el ametscau all published every saturday by e v garvin co anajlo anicjieaii oftee noann stieclfnrttr york john creiciiton cfcrenick igi olger kiason i6th is new watches and jewelry c the suhvcnhers hej la return their thanks to lie pjmiv fur the liberal patronage rereived during the pnt season and tvoglj inform them thai ihey hove re- ecived a nruwt elegant anj viricu awortwtit of every article in their line in the tock will be found a large mqlt ment of silver plate of the bct quality anil for v hose woo i ami a ri fcac earng cat id tea fjamicy chandelier for ornamented centre 15 tglitj a splendid tviih china a targe i w of pmitflt for needle- work and materials to match ami a few halfworked piece anj many other article mo numerous to mention watches jew cuife edmrj bcrj s br 11 william jlmocr henry lufrfor jamei vclkofj j c v- flrmin john brttt ne robert bkiedikc thon ttiitvjpj jrremiib h boork u brothv woi briofa trtias bujijt mr 0uriutaw geos c cie r cawer char c k- jl cwtiwii a crt1t j attn callus thamii f 7 i john carmicha jaov cartit thima chitterton jntcph chiclicrr mff- cijilr thbai ckfliijhy m 2i i40rit cotbai mirgrct colbomr jjb cwiovf jcoitf cunncl r conlin jutfl couxhurt patrick ctjt robert l tory mm lanm ttofliat tftm dij lambert i g t it miai eli2a leaii john urn ntlh lltcmj william ltnilon chirk lneuf cn looii r irrin h ejijatkth i o art wijjucn losan e i ji john i mc kc arthur john mtclure gcwr mccrackih hifjclta mccflnj daniel mcdoftald doo4ld mrdam john btritoainlf llr mcdonawahjarjcr mcdonald j mcdocirrlf r r mcguinn aiohimy mtiimin marjaret mflg rath john 2 mf gr tt t jiows 2smajrt archibaw mclimjrt htih ia1ckij ann mckvntir wilur mctnrrcn rcurl i i iiicr wefbdj gexgc mrqk4djohn mckie m jrsie met m miiinerj eli i x mxridcnj tmarahall mikhail mtvwrtl cjfv huaieal bxc repaired in iht jewvlry and silver wvt bet manner an made to ocilcr- m- rossin hrothers kintnf hlli nov 1s13 to capitalists h e rcllasts and 0 t ii k k n for sale 3 extensive wateh lo rs in pta- muoth h irbour nimr kintfn c with y-jutvt- rn which fnmeor men luiimin miy he cffc lil tuc awvc inu are fittm- led ioj a aarc jfailrour in the mot central fi liation in canada for an extensice crisl mit or any other buiinca requiring the convent rnre of water convntmlr niion it heinsituated kt the tool of bay qmni hcdofh hirer j j r- miid the lake and deai njvimion also jo blicu kn tnihv vittaeof porttmoulh which fiom it natural pnhitmii i raitiolv fcc- comtn a place of e ve hninrss the aid lob are alt the pfoprty nf the fitm of mcleott nl lotdn and will be a uu on moderate ltfflri ajidy to ie fiiwiioer t iujtmnoth o to txnaa kikjkiick e xiiuton kic1iakd logan cnnford wi d damon vhtfc dth tryeii du ling in dalj daoi dalan mr dcicon walier ncamhka mr donaglhi john norlaw una t ooifme win jl dciu mti hetuor drikoll timyh drury michael duamulc charlea tulmae janvca puma marr e kditard lhitc elikrtrck mi srh lliiit luiih rv j j wiltiaoi john thorn capt jcoo i uvjirdixg c 1844 snbteritew beg leave o inform their frrd and ibfl num generally sholxir cakjul ikiii wantci i notice be een hy daviu jooftiaic lawyer cjcik in vibroalti n itr tlrilain alleiwaid in edin burh sri f xma cirill ije hili atbreattif u o aiy pnty who may know anythjnceot ftniii him vii ideae cominn- thai they will be folly prepared on tbe open- rticate eith wdh th suhcrthn or witb mgoftlie navijation w itli efficient ntfauif mertif j t jeatli co ut quebec or tocarrr on ttieir tiual lupine a for- f mntreal warders wanctiovsoirn and ship- i rim acicxts- houte of transport twe kington t y and fontreal no the rulcau canal p jnd moiheur jinee dead and wardj riiersl lawrence down wards railie t m notice ie rodrined having diiocd of hia erchamiitf an4 slock in wlil ru sn bkknari hvfaul and jlrb- miah ullv kw who wilinnwcairy nn llieir bofiine at hi old sland in welun- ton heresv reurjli alt peron indebted to him to come forward am pay and 11 ibosc to whom be it indebted to present ibcif accoorrta fur ivljummruu the umlcrinrl lmit that the same iieral aboitl theyef ih30 and evon nr eiht vi upport which lie ua for o many yearfenjny- to it wawpoiivd he wj employed ahoul a rrllroinhi numerous friend will be w jen- hnfalber eroujy extended 10 liifl uecejor farutf fvrtlj kinj rerrof rteh f thomot urn peur cory ptcniiw g kintln islti auuit 3 111 sheriff midland oimfitl tpnt i ma pnl next wi u he baijs wid at the cnnrfhoute jh it hn kokt a let vhmtj marym furian crulc g gjjhrf uanvl ardnc andrew liauiin icodule fte p liflrr gmoa kufj wm r h aa4 iicr in m mtrr l miller iv p milne mr mary mitchcl auaamkr moon bonus moiitrorftcry- john uorit eurn morriuan a larrion william moitej jot pa mircl wdliam n ncbe noble jamei 0 ottn thenar oner kthjhuil iri oitben opburn mbi ann omcatj peter o done ii mary lotoll ao ohrbo lucitia price joseph powell hri malilda ptkilf samuel phlcruuo peniimra a plirlpi m3i q qij1j rock lotiu rtan john ro mrs jrnci rikejnht kvdtnait chxa riety ltrtior their line of seow flovfj erimo propellers fint introduced into canada by ihem vaoneaml birfs cuai to any m the country will enable em to forward mtrcfanjist product ami pasungcft on the canal lakes and river at us low rater and with a much expedition a any oilier houae in the trade- in addition tiwy would leg awo to slate thai they have leased from the kingston marine radwav companr llwif spaciou stone store house foot of gore street together with a large new ware hatrsctlotie erected by tbe company on the adjoiiiing wharf which will le ready for occupation on tle opening f the navi gation thes prern will arofd them facilifie for tracthipinent storage and ilpteh noperior to any tliey have hiihcrto oecujwed in kingitnn while the safety of properly stored in fire proof buddy z v known to th itu ftimic io nrquii tiineni at montreal brockville ami bytown i hey will occupy the same rxlcnjive pre mise which they have hitherto ocrnpied- enlrie passed dutien and all other charge paid on good consigned to them from great briiain murray st sanderson montreal sanderson murray kingston brockritut uptown february 1sw he ia i n lerttted inkneptoperly he o tii heir are rrjoited to moperate ttilh the rcil of the family in tm manairmenl of the niopcity left to hem tlr al tliima caritl 1 peat i livingston solicitors atbroalh5t3 o3n wellintot archl 13th jmmm mtffaul goidi mr kcnneti mackenzie j- i i fr r iitiri f or ft ititri r- ivrattf i clarence street f c far jv wi fy orcunf ay aff ifvi 4 p6nu atqmtj 1s4 frito b7z to agriculturists aoooobushels of oarse grain wanted annually notice- british america fire and life askance cfmnmjr- ii cf oerrrf y jfr 0 prtfenif n iqtfft fntiixd ntrmt fmviancr thk sniber liavin been apnainkil ascot h ihi inatitotion u prcparrd to recrivc propel fiw insurance aeaint j05jor damaee lo p whether ariiin iron ftit or frorrnbe perils of n7aif naction upon the ter specified in the estalluhcd tariffs cf the wpw proposak iv te mtdreei to the subacn- her at the ontc of craif watt ontario sirret nvi oor wel of ibe cut torn hooac william craig kinpto 68x in the town of kingston the fol lowing pro trikun wm periy belonging id aliax mcdoxrli reized by virtue of an exec wi on ut of h r majesty a court if queen ucnrh ami o mc directed at tbo suit of jrwcph daley ixtyfive acres of land in the townghip o ernest town known a the point adjofnin the school lot in that torvrnhlp t a corbett sherilt shrriit office m- d 6lh january 1844- alt persons having any claim on the ohovc property will make the hum kfmawfl on or before the dav of sale i h ltliinr ip j iili iltirnpr o r nil pi pmil mphortlta hit thti fci- rvrr lri n if g amhiruii ftpuu h crnui r lliro conuu j iir tit t athteee n mimtin i wji ciirrl ij i tfcr ntl 4 firbhtliiitnarfntf tew l of1 n- i 1 friint j41hhi nti t iu 1- hi lrr rt iltalrithr x i jimj wr pi or m4iif l i m njihtmahi tn iv fitfa ijturtwvhntf hlie wmthpui mm ihrclmrt iri tllr luii iihinrjihivft wppirv tk fviih frtvm 4f4rh r brriuinj iid mjjrr ttorli 4rutf hh rnrft rwr- hi iroup nr ftfltm r cftiltfrf n i irtn 11 t 1 lr io aa lit timr li ihimji4i1 umf ih j j mcarwiiauhvxcou andnit irvj t f 1 ntt ii mm l4fl l whtl ltii i1 tm ripffitinni prijiitv frv ufiin i rant refer ilr9 iekf lniltlh kdvartl unii juhn ii llltml f hall w ilm4niii0 w v inmnond j p m f ii i- jluflfoftlrn uccu i leal j s ltioilrn john hrnry john llrrrjirat marjatct hkfcft kht iw- nat boll llirt it mjip il llihelb 1 homa b llojhr jamco tluirtfi john uubtjnfanip j a ilnttt nswf j jtekto wfiiimi jacu a jlke william jjfk rlrlurd jenkiiisc w jrtnxj r jnhfiijii j sattirabi pafrick alij josti 2strafhan tsujaft joah jsicphcnun corc rucwi r- sarle jhn antor mirtio snilh hikbcih saiiih g w l l jha smjil ttrertce sumriiltr jtic siinjid willuui 2dt a i a mcwf j sirnnl uihum sxktr whiinry shjnngn mr ff jmgr flrnjiffiin h abthi j0 williim cij ptcr t ti1o mr mary th ti subscriber havingnow complctod ond ready for opeiation hta newanj extensive dntilfitg emummtnt which m intended to consume five hundred biiriielftftf crain daily together in con nection with his bnvinr eawishinent iviureqjtrc two hundkeo thou sand biuihtt of grain annually and witheato aeuaint the farmcn pneraiy that tbev can now depend on at alt times a ttftdf niarkct for the sale pfcmm crams of every decnpiion at the hltffrm cfth prices and trusts that litis new ami cxicn- mn opening far the cotisuinplitt of pro uuee which ha- hitherto been but iiituiej will meet with a spirit of entmpi c on the lartofeath farmer to mipply the ilctrvd quanlity ihreby seenring tu the country tde circulation of a large aimbilt u ctam which no doubt our american ncfghbor ttoiild itih- vrrr ivrfl t njiem- ipl m tf ttqrrjf diklitlr-j- jaiinare3d su- d imitosh kclailer of uroeerida tens wines and spirituous liquors c c mtf hiclcey of tore u a few bt commas sic ic ic kmton utvt buijcint at the crotin quarry street kington for salk ffrgltu4ti ht folly illanted u t charmin- view of the iniu tjiirden hliml fou ilemy charles hales i the suwribcr ha jut received and otter for nak at very fcjuccd pnee for cah or approved paper fto bag lognira cortve 25 cheutwinkaytea 25 o young hyson 10 do superior do 10 do pouchong 5 do souchong 20 catty boxc imperial 10 do do gunpowder- 2 chest do 2 bosevery stiuerior do in cannia- ter 10 barrel olive oh 10 do tanner oil 10 do sperm do 1a tiereea carolina rico together with a ulterior lot of cigars cwupfaing an 1a cheroots intiiii regalias light nnd dark prtncipees and a complete and extensive awortment of groceries of every dccripln alao pork l uctf i on hand and for butier and f sale flour j d fcampbell- commercial wharf kingston dec 2 1s3 i m york steam between new liverpool 8reat bruin and great western- rnihe great uviem 5team shipw 1 wi ciut swaln p ncwnmridemjwa great tfkn 7t tc al 4w horac pon 2 r- mathews fiqucre oau jfw left rvtom great wciem grcat brrtaan gret wrttern- grat britain 1 great wrvcrn great briiain t great wrttern grral britain great wcficm from great wratern grcit erttin grt wetwm great britain grai weitein git britain gr weatrra great britain grot vctnn new vofk thortjay thunhlay thumlay tliurmlay ttt thurjay tliurrlay tliomlay thurrfy tuurajay uvskffookv smurdiy sfituroac slonay satuitlay sjatgroay stunlay satunby saturday may june 20th jtiiv mil oct now- dee a phi uy june july aujtut cht nov stith 17th 14th 5th gtth s3th lh 1 3th it olh for frej or paae or any other iiifornlion hk maitlands ttlbb h co asenl for montreal qwrbee l mngta montreal feb 3 1844- thesuaeriber respectfully inform the public that the ijt cold and shower haths recently elected jt the kiniton mjfi- eral sjitii are now open for the poblic price oncioingaad three pence tor each utlh k b citable mlendifice lor female lr from boston dec i 19 dee j jan 4 feb 4 march 1 apnl i british worth american uoynlihail steam lmel ftvc 440 horao power lxder coxtbirt with tue lqtds dp l uxuawlt ft ihbcrma c jrjkr hejubximt britannia- j hwtrr caledonia e g lott acau1a a rthie witt sail from liverpool t and bojt via jfatifax as fotlow from liverpool caledonia acadia nov h1bernia dec britannia j caledonia feh acadia match p54ge money from boston to liverpool jq tohajifix jji these ships carry experienced sur groat no iterth tecmrd until paid for notb aji letten anj newspaper oof through the post office od all irttrn found on bbarh the imtt will be acied by h admiialty aent and returned to the p ojnce merchanise and specie except for pnoq- al cxpente shipped onder the flamr of i eece will be charged a5 freiehland liable lo custom houe regulations koi freight or naaee apply to s s- lewis i5- ly ao u commercial vhrf uutf to fet a beautiful twostory slon itoov situated on tlie montreal ltol within few minute wilk or the muket tbe uaiiav in will be completed in a few day and all accommodate one or two families all oit- hotiaoj and jmproremenh made co suit tie tenant p s the bouse contains two cellar kc rhens with two or three acres or jrrouod tiched lo it applictiori lo bo mie 10 alex mcdonald urocl strerl kington 3rd decern lru2 4hx xew goods t biltox merchant tailor i teceipt by the hat arrivalj from of bis reolr rnpply of pall and vinterc0udconislin in mit of iheoest it riff 15jfuic phyiciaii would rpclftalty inform the inhabi tant cl tinston and it f iciiy hat he has taken nnlh half of the new lone buimim bejo- to mr johnlmmo in jtideau sinm oeat iu brh1 wlcyl metliodit ct rlwhrrr lie willbc nady nl t times to hit io y p t0 favomhim ait erienco imtal es c r ie tu villuhmrhrtll ilf i tmianmf with bftmhfniod iip r oihumi i uj iliii u l hmlbti nr jo nkn livit d d fri caft otu i- juioii- bmiinbj m efi in hp rh iiri in tutpithih iiiiikmiik hiii i dillf n sin hi cift4i vraivai twrut ir ufc il mhg iwvuhk vl ixunlftifif jtj wniiv titiof ivfl h i ffitr tih rnnimifi 11j untlswt hhv ufr nv jlo tiln 1 r wt ijnnh ar fgrfretry rcwl itx in dr hrtui ri wtitrjih fttrrkil l ttriilh fcttttk- tul rihiit lwliif linrwiil r hol4iiv rrmiiu bf ibv k kaiannab pdcrk ki rinrdr oat id kcimrlj mttfiul kootof wili nm kelly pjliifk uctoy w1iuji kitnn miry kori mr kvlhvan i tike kopaificli a kieitdiriek jirnv1 kiif meb9l kirlpavki n t k www mtdati jticl i- ird it r rki iiiii mmhn p ij fiar ifi inli rrj fl imitrti lwt rbiumwhit aalinia pti niirtiai i iti d j ir b m ib ft rrrififun rir uw wi tut tlit ft o oi romv riiri- mlj w i oil mb jrtracirf oufc thtr frl rkitkrlk r 04lri m lfit 1rtr a 0tet witlciniit r kdpauuk huh tirj via 1 i 8arirt auturto i brartrtlrrn uward ftfott hmn r attn brjt tiitl llgnre thoaju tfwhi kkturd n jin f tin vhiaffi do mr a tonrro ifb itviion mry 2 v vir gcorcc vttiri cmrlrtto vtntjticn kird vjlap w i iicnl fidirrd do edo v imvrar caroline wiwm mn marv ilvilm 8 j avden criloplir tvihoi john williatkiori adiin whittan jimci hhiirmr j u heal if v i hvtxft wdliien jwriuci thoina krrrat l vid catharine tatafior s j remittance of money by i settlers on otljcvs the canada company teilli 1w toaffoiderery facility to prtmetettle j ment in cnjd will rent if any um if money nomatt hw malt the amnml may be lo any part of kntiund ireland scot land or europe the commissioner will at ihe htn ofllir srttlnsj o other parlies cifar rant flillf of i exthane upon ihe compaiy i lonilin pjs amch thhke dav3 miillt winch are rciidiy cashed io any patoj ihe united king- dom or the coinmirtionrs will place thr mcinlvsin the aiitdf of the udividwu for whom rirrflrcmlcnjnfi durmc the ul year tie comji my snt o the united kingdom and ormny in 32i we mittaners the sum of i- lt i averam- jbont iy mh remittance ii u3d 3 7 in ls5 kemiltanccs to irrland ri05 12 2 in 85 do in eisland and wales n 88 io toscotland jj lm do togcnnany the wck on of medical i who have iier rvcry olhef u tromv-ftli- a diuance cm and altrndanr rv lr hmdwktl kintmynj aniv hid lo loe who nu a call from hii liftill rood ticce io treating tnomsonian jfoianic sitem ice and pailiciiliili tliow iren up aa incurame from cr he lltfte to hire the u k nnt afflicted ivinu fom teorrirhatd teitn llatr it hi irmpsktier iwclalilr ranl anuntf t m i milnf lriaic friuinrpxi v 41 1 the spkhhif saloon and lunch iiouski recently elected it now opmi where ihtuttircpn befnppliid with ijrcjikfaslsi f m kersevs and bearei otip lutiche dmiici- and tea of the beat cqlhi m fcf rt fl sok vt9u itir in fcit tnrd il ihr following plicc vi brftaktast la 3j soits7 ixnchcs i- hinnbks u 3d tra l 3d wine knitted ale and potter c kc a cc4j4hille uand in attendance every maa ijv kvcmtt ntenew four horse ommuus will ply wlween kington an j the sin- every tiour itiin the ulohe hotel al 1 ovlock a m and callin at th brituh american fre lo ihe spring ard uacktl k b- any of the susaciibeia cnhi and caniac can be called off the stand t the tame rate tirkft for the hjiu and omnibn can be rjfocilird at ihr s ilrn kiilin and row ttoat am liyht skiff kepi inr4w lor lautte puties s now euteftd winter col welol enttad clothina variety of itiades ju well ot v3ier til the cellar wi lit pump to let those extensive fire proof preovcs belonging to the inkrigrcj tn or tarto sireetj exienilin to ihe fthtarf and nmv orcuptej by messrs craig dnd uaii v a wlmlcalccoin minion warvliouoarf to let ttgeilicr vrilfa the dwelling ottacliedj eoniainin- riiiw large apartment aeni a ingseonuil of a rliole aoitment of plain and floored velvet fancy l satin- and vleocic to his slock of uoodt for troutets he woom partictilatly call the atten tions of gentlemen m want of a an pet tor arli elf of plain or fmry casnimeres docflcins and beaver doeskins in great vaiiely in scarfs stock cellars and jfupendets will afsttbe fooml a sood aatlmentp in ihe taibrinr dpaiiment it will only be neciwary toay thot noeflort hall he warliu loinraroa eoittimunec cl the dislinuisheil paliotvf with which he has been favoured njvai and miliijiy uniforms clergy niit and rirrimvi holies executed in a superior lljle n s cold and stiver lice and cord feiiiublc fir uiifotm and lirfif alo the t tvl 1 ail isn 16 william jouxsox bespec tfl ll v miuunu ilut fnenl a j the puldn- ihn do iin re move j to ihe lhroni lo uuihn vttttl jhr fii the nter ah bhk sinvt nirtfa iiti wltlie jiawrt suari w heiv he will l hippy to wail rn all ulio couupon him little rigiurdsoxi merchant tailors pkixcess srtuir kixgstvx eu lo return iketr rraicful flt-know- enients in ihcir fncmls nij heal of cloih on band ktitint alai lin1uh pjlent water proof wr llev4 trj conveying he water oi into w lieiiei with ink and water pipe thertort ha two floor of 31 i so feet and wiii be let separately or tcgeiher for a term f jwrs wan lt may next the location tfff rior to nny in tlic city and the prvfiiife well calculated for n large and rcpctl4s bostnc rent moderate appv to n j cwn knton6ili feb 1s4 ffll mil ciiaklks iiexson attorney and barrister at law sottrihr in c hunt try sv has opened an tlltice in ain1 w iooi m mi rvrnj cefoiincrly store 1 rev hoc pui h i x9jo 13 4 in 329 rtmiltances canada conpanvs 0rce frederick sited totono i0h lck 111 6s fir information wanted o fjamts iiahtlv antlireor t4hm cbuiilj ni irtlikd tintft 11 heard of nc in in jjcw qftran alioul vttcj nnih ao atf iairorchatioii cfhin idrctrfd lo hit dtrtinui iftoih- r cahric lljdy eu of j crtihion kmttofli cmd4 wti ill lw lhilruilj rxeciitd krtfjlon 14h rvb- iw ci ppw etinj ihi will rrr 1w cjv cf ajmattly emifer a favxr on in lorroninr qihcr kioii isio new goods imported expressly for the early spring tradfi consisting of a large as- sort mf nt of chintz printed cam brics and long cloth of the nettksrstvlcs and fast colors balzorintsy sf uingstoiuv utica frprcss via itkktowxf in connexion tomeroy coss avii vorl albany and bujfato express rstpvcf dt ru rgm an of ml drkrifiilo- all btimf r- by lmcr j ivo- ilic norti poii wt cflvr arrl- mt- tor atthrr p pnicfo jc cmi kinloa rci i irtic viltceiori nf lnc noic t illfj uclf uirvi ik j- jnd rtlurni mu ihrovjti u j nme h n m woodnttf imidbi jt fjo iliefc o v ukatnaku caahii saml eixkiri p 15itl wktrrlorrn wm st anoli cjltcr lfitfor kit- merman k ltckiv uoii- n w tit iccnienis in meir tncnu j nu- imom usitiio fif tlic veryliural up- hrtlkty have rvetetl since ther com rticfhcment in iwmhos and litjtamtby mncl iiiluiiy i mrrtt a com moa nee of mousclinesdelaine thai patronage with which they have llli orni lcrn favored li i r- lff to rail alicntion to their preront flnvk id broad cloths plii and dcnksi beaver casimcre do skiiih tneedcj fancy ami cun tnr- ianti ami a choice artmenl of ro iik ikt timodltti 3 rnfiat mfffl rommhlum lr recently neciipied hy the h p it ivluaijuicrc ftinimirj with j paic wnter clocl sink and citern upw wilh r waier kent moderate aplv to tlic irprivioe c browxe arhiiccl krton 30ih dee 1s43 j other ligttt nuittriot in fancy drcvies ladies fashionable riding hats a few choice specimens of french and british shawls gentlemen london heaver iml silk lints drab and felt do menaml boys cloth caps the countdcparis hat a heauti which will be made co nrdcrinihc latent ul article for little boy 9 all of which wa ami riiot approv4d fali30nohl ive on nuuleraie ternaiid atthe tihortest ponibte ri-tn-c- kinjston 17th jamnry isi sst t kvifor i awii i c i goro j winers eomrolmi vurp or homfhoim 0 i lli airanr ffiimil mli hii4 i4il 11 l rta li riu n v ru j tnfri n- ttvv1v i v fmi iitmmbhriiii j ftf4 4 l m n wttt il- fl imv- i tnr rj vturt l ia i utm wtnrm iihgrtd l lira t r 144 ii 14 11 fllfifc e 4 i ui h rtv i i i r rr nim- i r ii- hm 1- ii tiirw iu ull blm ffyfroihph njfhlmf i t -ftii- mmnnahi fi ti m u rpii- mm nft alt jwartdaitluftm t wfti t rmiriptnia p r t r rf v iro aawfevrj 7irnhrrt eg niiefiitv rf irwlrjwlfcfti vfflrw k- d tnl i rr sie t tti- ytnuutawt v n ut glmttl infiiii lbnli 4ilt hag i- tmtnihti iiru mt ikly j mirti imr camittrll cim jlflhi carter hr mr i cliff tit t j l cftaay j cofmt jilpk i craiea ir d j i it lvn jftmuh f cmlt ldart uvkvf p j oalimkljl r rijt cff 1 iv v ivatll r ii llar co t if jtntnon j iv ikrmsjrih am filial j mrj j jirl pclcr jr j hi jtamiaflh kbt julioit mcniicvr simji f hr abovr ttj wik il u ue ttncc ain dy ditd l liu itetsr i m mccct me diim meivitn aiitnr memahofk mcntfhotaf e matiitpitfr mrrril akuat member r pjrlharn1 mlltr d u norr 2 mfjijjift h notion jtan noiji sjmiiel nvm jwlin o uien jfthft 0c0ajrb0f p puwkt jcnhn iullrn t 4 nam fah 2 jt m snephetd g i imitl- lvj ismitli we priue iv m avtwich c wlum tttttfi irc nm retifpd tihhm iqii io he ivo filter orer kolti uracoh r m schooner for april net if not prev oirrcilhpocj h k siihrner leh leave inreturn ln llmnkri r he inhalnlanti of kingston and its vicinit or tho many favor lie haa received fmm i e hi ennimence- d anj haiin- rvned al ir of hi hrikner jvmts il c4nttniie the bunc on rcfpcctfuly bohcila a con- ame fir him f rjtowsc winers canadian verrlipogt warranted in all cases l r n k a ii ih h i lti1 iu 1 lj wi rr r rv0bl ptkhrvaiara m i 4t4rrm lhil ih hi i iuii r i i tl wtrn i ihh ii ni ii ii v l ten tirhmlfi nn h a htf ctrttlf is t imiirikuhlirtt tlrn- 11 tvriim rafr lfwvrft k in ilsiw lirrno tihl rmtiri- f rn efcl anl vtr lih of at private salefje fnatataiinsihnoner prince ejtcnrdi wilfa anchor rirf and sail a complete now lyii at ihe comiiiercbl wharf burthen nhont 60 ton any cwn ivi-jiinj- to purchase tin raid vcasel hy private oarjain tvil apply at the steam bubi otlice on aid whiirf terms hkral on fivin approved sejtnty kinptoti fnh march ish 75gi ment in bumm- pnvilc in i kkowsr whi tts tnvn aivoiif it nuance taflhr fmnttt k-ni- jt ll iltn n il 1-tfta- nir imw nmji u ulr m h it- rrih i r- i 4r4i it htl nimtrt ior nnle at itn mjioifacturer oiici ty j w urentn palmer and cha heath kinnnjone wd is13 l03yr t iik unj- kvd repccftilly mfwrrnt the inlta kitfltfoamil n vrri ic ii m bowker f rrcn ft err tm llurtaaftna tt riivi mr- d rrtectfolly he- to refn in dr s m- ur uukrrond iter j machar imp- ii loijiii th rttijklt lllt javk f vx onpj v oi mt mth d4krkfen utapin i ft imim rt tk1 fjj j m frilmj tltm iitai 1 rti -j- wiitir 4i mi tv lt rt itt f jt b a r j i t i iiti hurt lahftmlinr- 1 iw mil ufttin iw ihr ai iffai 1- ltl il iv it ittpjfl ialntiii ai if i ip j litnhft1i hfn nily tliatlje wil continue tlnr jjuinin capper shee ironand tltimffltlng line finnerty c- on ty t k primvw oppifmli iho atab f ifenry iilder- wv lt- rw m- icorco chimb and that he iv repored to exceolr all or his care trilli punctwahiy j his price ivtl lie fount r nv hnoe intoivn james prowse wis neatly him- on ihe vratp 24 si4 cd tfer and 64 rvatioiiahlc mruhtcu lpath n n uce ad jljllfagh rk ttftfirttttirtt ravn ieainl pilt 01 th irrtiiv latrly ncenpird hy mcwr sarmtton k murray on scohll whni will nrietareil tn receive iqmiiedntldiip it aiiy rit on ih lake hay or liner lrintcc or mrrhin4i iu mike rrancmrnu lot prrpnw rmsn al a deduce far lip of down hlit icevr pntrny on eotjinoiiil to mii chatea mciu u- macdonafd kitielon ii maich ftl 73t 15 fumd unpacking ot dcijkes fy compamfsj who adhere to the principle of making but one price and of selling ev ery article they import f for the small- ertprofdjor heady mosey jv b several cose of tuscany dunstttbte and fancy sfrato bonnets tciil be opened out on the 1st of april wholesale and refailsfores corner of king and princess sts kingston agency thk undeuined is authorized agent for ihe new world ma year the albion 56 per annum free of american postage chambers edixbcjtgh joithwl l a year and the anglo american 3 a year the uttet iv a iiew joumal add promise to fur sale ile utcfibr one of ihe nrnlt mctj utd ibrmciik fiiio timc h hi ivf jmi tuttmnt lifeh rcitdtri the otfh jtui ta tttl ta he cnd suif c iihotit tain f u finn itnh hr eil for jlr la pr el tlj- jut other huwie in tht lnt n c alt tiaiwaeli mjouheturrd it qiuuihiucil atv narranicd to 1 r fijfio kortc mauiaeturcr wcipijfi puso fortj teusexk kifttiton no 3 1513 c li 1 o 11 i mlerelni one to the canadian owfv uiler i mills coach builders fftc- lcnxn cbmji or hncess k ititiitirsrs kiltcintolv vmimi 8trert tokonto 5 50 s ask svimnh lik sale ifofh ivhrshry by wixes wines tiik utwcritrer tu- rrccivnu and i now nllrin for ile tliont i5t o itiieitot tamt wilc eihiiiiu- n old poitt atjd s kkkv luvii trn in lotllev uwrd eighum ivjr ftiniitici wifmafa uiiy ill ifrm ell oon is the vkvll will voon tic uhiiii rf be a mot reader creichtox t iireinre office kinpton m4y i 3 i thk clc x cuttle is puhluihcd eteiy wednesday ird salur 4y auieolfice kinj i brori mieel kindlon u u 7ern4f r atrum ttrrnfif shitting in cdcanrt vrtt rmrrrmiiiitr si lines ami uner 2rd 6ii tnj ttlonm 71 eachfunceqnent irwetlion len lire and in- i id fnt jicrtioii jod echkc ffiteiit inveiloa above ten line 4 tyrlite lirl tnertieo and id per jine forrt- cry mhuetttriertion advritimtncnls wilhont tcrxtttn iliiertonma soiled ulvrbidj ond chared arcordinlr it is fiqutstrd thai eti uterowmilt u hiujsj in on or prttimt to tvodatt jij f rvrcntitritone received alter t ocll on ihr moiftiriir orihimtrtion ali1raldie0uril tnide tomerhajiinj lu er who adeertbe for three months and ujwaro aflypcrwn proeuiiutaiv juhserihei totae paff ind paying onnrojit for the sjoichall he entitled to a seventh r opy gratis fjj- country produce received in paymru al the mdfhet price aulxts ttio mcmalpn krr vvjmckayj wanted immediately the subscriber altuuu uhichthe hi ho paid at the store of y in w lt efi for nee ivni j lixtos a kindlon match s ifrll u o c n mii kiagaton d march 18 ix s hotherpoon v commiss commcrcfaf w oflrinrxt stent hit ihanli 1 ilie trnh- 1 inr lilral miimioil hitherto to simp owners c rpknhl ihe jin p jit ll r1l iw e for iftd would itilnrm th riiirrnenk wilt m 1 will i- ipy u mcdokald ision mrchant sil1is w0 lc 0 raaihemn a cnandt ih of timl that luj ititiii mart bolldfxosj f1 f ohi and dtehcd canvas of enst cocker mnnriciur ftm n t0 c t hfa tvbal i carmertmij f m jli nij joiie nn uw uaker esr simuelclarke k- thomas sctml p m joseph a kcelei kh tbomut demotes l jii p andeftoi k mervcj mcdon- jhn taj itt eo winrnike rnr william hlacintou ornre ttione km andrew 1ottcou eri cknlek hiiar ki allnn mcl alcxdieidon to fiw allrft i m david smitil ep jdieiw joiuh kq ameliajjufh knlh belleville brmkville- hyttnrji catudrii eati cokmrjp rolporfle- uemnremvjile fiedriiruimfn fmnirioiie i atd inland iiccftii jinrntir milima ledffd llle kiiiitorjmkh t r place nilfuines 1611 ni that fie hj mini mr- ettierirncrd auctienerr mi loi einn at llwir charge moiir- vvaifhoui urcck strrcu i it3imie llron n 1 orfwr hinr n las atl of ld arjn t tou at low p iw fl ec jpiroil rvn ll hue a diruunt of of lnvikc jiiitrlui ms nl oiijc 9ri ifultlkil 1 kiraiton tfr b mull m4 wm wiimin t mnntrral muiiav napmr niiira perth ahdiei jones q irnrall john newell l m qnehec w ltuheitoii kmi- kivrr tivm kw m- i hinnmf h mcdmtell is amlicn k mcmirhaelp m shinnniwhc jam mmw k- smiths frlb s jf lirtb n w ihtee bura 1 ha ilerey p m ivmtfito v 1 mmi jnq aiheei mill airiiilhalil mf haul kmj vs v litttftfeti- ix menicol km will talonii ifnry uninn katj u ilton j mirilr p m lunitnuh l jiipijwjii 11 mrrietue- jo k wo iik ir vmi m rkiriim miii j kt4r4inftti iiii