Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), April 17, 1844, p. 3

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rw mioiii wl hi 1 1 mini m t- 11 iiaivultt mh iswastel iwil tv i t ivi i ft in 11m- tfit 1 hitl mi la ismru n m ibti 4 itu- t uf 4la1latif kjirf r haf jvw jvj 11 rttv 1 cliff hii h iw rniij i fc ii iht li h im mil ahl mf nit iiuim ntwh mil w tirti ptmistw jwtroy a v lluraii a iftu ibm their pjv ll toter n utfkmt ii4tvrk drudt rkodipuv- uher nw lurk 1s hren ilerir motor of that fay mf harper tfoavavacmi j tta- a u lrnrhnn printer the swiwvfi4vj urtuur nuticra ireuott in llkc fullowliit trraia i- tv ufyt aiwfvwlfa beketc that lh- elate f mr itirw htfwdlr chief muulrau for lbs iv mfhwm return of t iu nrooeileri wlife hatf itrtr1for c p with full rirjoriof floij piwirj hhrllj fee euftiitrd our tier tome wj bid- ilirlhf the i r i ihftuli ll tittle ef that hem unuetl wni pui in ilto raaract kt lirtntmy id dcatltn epcru0a at tnla point tho p i in- iron of it tto cargoe eahiblla loo anoih rrhiio wbtmuiwlwcfccminf coalrmio ixu for ftunr from detroit those new craft n4 lake full ear0a al 1g el per btiu of savawsf ppwcil jwiiraaagenrnt iiifdeimii at rouuthmof any other man tvfco iii fa nnwd many of hath the teadm nouwal parti altair shown hill wwaerfhurrtcriiabj laarj fir hira and we huvilmif ivi mjmi tlim even of those who vote aaltal tins n ftrj urc iip ili arr vy no mema iiila b hit turee miu bflfrf veiiyiii anyatalkinlkalmktalfivllj wnm nimi luliaa vet t aeiitr in more dim oftr etiv of tnmiitljitre mlifmuk beiarfrt ptu lo ivrn twvf lhhj wivleslmmlu cf lv fsfy wif hkir couto dj fx ipj of hit tcronal kvkca uhfee itvtc scfc tfaythsi tw melmut rhuiriiof ulnehii arwufomhia vrivll l manhood haa urti a otlji hhj litlily fi- idub4 nnntirr nrtcr look d to him tn iijn foroid of efftvrl iv it a many opcrattdmif leiirftferrcp oflho naur leftifntice ejte kr ha been an arwni t efli rifftt jpprfior 1 pcrepl mil iini4r huw bearl iw anil t11 he iried il bc ihouwxli rin ihl wlio joinr i nnka n thr f auin tempcfkirc jkcivly heii lw ai mainly inarumental in fttfisin arvl ncf h u rrfelijji hf prrdr1 rrjularly ihroh cic fteal jeir cr two of iu evutenec llovr 1e ht rjlrrmnl by he tirnhcn nf ihe lype 4o whom h pad ki brolhc r hy iketr nomly aueee lute rt a nobk c4titpto orwdvtiy calmprlh ip4 probitr may br itscted from ihr vitanimity nilh vliicli ihc whoteumy of pnicf in ill hr depirt- tnoiu of the pfofcion hue lent ihriv tj frr wa tolmj vole ah1 cuiieni cf eery dm ho l for he mr itina of a nuict wellovemm well a 1in in mi tiith iu not only ailvti u pm of piawco on st2tt ere pon lo oblam ih ctrfo of corn bwl- w- n i rontinco induced lo pul t i ibe isaricl rdyin un rj ipji rvn 0 fmliam ho wert fur nrw awply ittttjfor 42 ftmh oqviralcnl toti ctntim new yok jfvtfr leof ihetoaaetrliclo were coade in ckv- und on the 4ih al 10 ceot for homo conajmpuon tjirfe litvo oho been citcnire operation ihot plaet hi dour rn cooodi arcount at 4 ond in iomo laittannt o fraction fcijjkfr tle lime opcralora wrro wrr ht fidk ihc fjrimiet to ftuf via the willaid eaml cqtiilly favorable favlbcr wm liej madaioeif riiarkeiarcvfdiniy at detroit 4 couple of bouaaod baircta were uteri at 5391 for like druinaljoa oor ronjo i2 wilh an ex- tra itfine for faacy irp ftor 4e ycir xnfor itottafat of tho ftttffmi ubi would ik be a tcy out jeou ivoi- ok t tile fx ibe caauutioa cf a new york may jr nbo ilvwu eoler pon bcdutkvof hltooc wluia n dettnninoikm to fulftt them aa mulufartoua m tl grievances thai hate frown up under a mcrilirivod t- of fcejkctand indierencc on the f l of ottr eirle caccutivo negligence of laeir dutkv by oobordinalei ia atmort tvtirtraat h a very jir 4rprtment of adnuniatratlan there ot ih- e m conceivable anlurc tawa not en forced nvbaaaeionvt abated oiidrtl nevt her pec- vrntfl nr ponisned cvila innumerable npt ecrreet- ej in pocket the citizen are iftloeauw fleeced by talra7aotofejicmllge in eooafort nod conre- nieiiff tuey are intcifrabjy abridged by tjic rott i h ii of or din r prcwrit ly in eery fotm and in cifty intereal we are made to feel how wrcicbcd u tm ntemoacnt that belrj ruelf only arich pany tich and for party pupeici n y com ad both aalc ard induiduatt u pay imf dcbla ihay mon be left in full potroaflon of all thctv meaa with aalltilueateuatm or ftmrjttionvot theif indu- try vu oti the pact i ovrrnmcnt to tmaaaeitkd ato of peace and an open and free cofnmarci ae indlipcmabte willi n- i iie to creatine habit of economy and widuhry now every where pervading tho catjnuy lha period of embar roaatncnl mill aoow pin away ir bo aoccacdrd by ooo of permanent and healthy protprrjiy 1 peace it inuccd our policy a kind providence baa catt our i at on o portion of the glebe tultieirnily vaot 14 utiffy the moat grating ambhton and auuidin feaourcca beyond all oihera which on ljuqviro to bo felly developed to make ua he great- eel and moat protpcrout people on earth to the full di iclopment of the vaat rcaaurcca of our country we have potitkal irulitutiao inoil hifwily eonaiituterf with a ryttcin an happily ronilituicd let durabte ad firm peace ba eilebliahcd and tli government be confined rljidty to lha few groat objecla for which it wot inatituud leaving the atatei lo contend jn ten- croua rivalry to dcvclope by tho aria of peace ihelr retpectirc resource and o acene of prosperity and happmcai wouljfollow heretofore unequalled on lh gltfue irat that ihu treaty may prove the firat atep toward auh a peace once etlabllahcd with great britain it would not be difficult wth moderation and prudence to etubliab permanent peace wtih the real of the world when our moat aan guuae bopea of proaperltj may bo realixed to awl editor of the quebec geiette sin i tend you fof insertion the ponu- blion of canada atdiltcrtnt ncnolt -i- m op canada anno w u 1677 16ss 1700 171 1720 1759 ft 01 jvcxjeo- the atu new york arrird at new or leani on ihe 31 al of march in tsheura from vrrt crw ii na rcporud wrr the new york left that sin reulaltd city arc more than content with he oiioli a had releakd all the texan prbooet coo ranee wmeh they mvd in ht peraonal rbirncer ml fmrd m ihe caalle of fcroie and thai they wot rrcdem from party trammel anal ti r the biter naotitcj l obyreu of poliiical lile that hii adminirt ration it cily o irwintt will be db linuwbrd for eirrithmi lliat redi rly nellrlitpccd and law aod peace fcipeetm eitlxenacandeaue hfnf fnn the oanego iiai announrca the amval at that part on the aih htl of he sehjonrr froniirv r cochran maatrr frooa toird- with 0w0 buihru nhcat lo carrinjton j pardee alai 5e sooner muhawk j carralrhiclj master from hfanroo mithipii wrth y00 buthel wheat tocar rvalow and fardce thnc arritala ae nmrly one month earlier than utual frcen the toper lale and ayeak plainly the advantage of the vyfttwl canl route the canal i aaid to be t fmc ofdeft rouhtj on sanday aiht or monday rnarnm- iu cloih factory of mevora campbell and falcr- aon al gfocaw hollo vr wrtt ritmboro nil bro ken open and property to the amount of about sijo vtotcr principally cloth and aaltinet i hamilton jcurnal drovreatmr jacob avicnner mr monrce and m lilile were crowing ihe st lawrence from litbm to th canada thore in a thftofv ml th j b ultimo whro thej wrrr opr by a u and the ladr drowned mr monroe uerifjid three tirm w bringing he lolhe aurface but each time thi cridneii cf ihc numun hi lnnbi comprtkd im lo rrlinqtith hti hw heat 1rnth beain o m iiw -milfcnliumt- frij wo iwmd if an1 prcd of rmtderablr peri il1mtral time at vera cua in a day or two general titompfon left mexico oo the uth of march the new orleana piper contain hit part in kltrr to the mcricin government ii urder 10 put a eooiplcte atop to mtjrlihg joj into mexico through ttxat santa anna haa directed thai alt articlca laicn or captured be dtvi- did amon the captors be they oftver of ihc gov- erwrneiit or private eitiicnt the french hngofnar meeeury aailrd on the civh ul fdf balueor pcoaaeta wiihlht seereary of the trench legation who ia irw bearer of impor- lanldipritelcf carreapoedenco commercial advertiarr tvajmlkc70 wcdneaday crcnin aprit t- ve can now see und- we can tee clearly what i to be ihe retutl of ihe prearnt khuo of ctngcaa to retard to the great anbccli which art before it or nhieh are lo ba browgm before it tic oejon mfpotuon i to ba cootinued but wilt not be brotighl to a cloao during the preicnt act aion of congreaa and oo action on thai tubyeel will take place in cotoi the manner ofila uttimaic ieliwent ia doubtful butil will terminate io a trea yy irt ihe eourae of a jear freoy fa arranged l 04 u 176g 178 1735 8150 11219 15000 20000 7000 j000 10000 000 1500 65000 touts ooule a m toula in quebec in montreal m in quebec in montreal in three riv snnrranv rjtn httfbmip iw aftii urn hi rxckiimrt rwe covchkajh 0mi hi teen aavajattlu grant a jicf lo will lav tratraat cd l ciy of toronl centlrman tu practiae fhyak swrrrry nod hti0tt hrogtoih the province of canada seenrtanva oktck kingnon lh april isu hia fxcinarct th gnn c al ha been ptcajcd lo grant a frvio to i naueia keao of gurlph in ihe diatr wewinion uendeman to praeiiae land surry in that pal of the pro fire rorwvcrly cpoce c ti notice ils for england willbcdoacj al ibie oltwc on tho following day vm boston on tnnrailay lite 3ftli iitt- ovlovk p m r deacon pm puat omce kinpnon 8th aj nl is steamboat notice the montreal mail w f stcamera willeornnieneo p1jiidavn saturday nexl the 20lh inalanl leaving njinjalon every morning at 7 oclock tbo go fl coteau du i irthe cornw4ll be open steamcoat office con vvhal antun i7ih april 1814- 114000 muiiips9 n b in 1022 only w inhabitants queticc ect- id st patricks society special meeting t memher the socittv will t p brili american hotel on 17th infcum at 7 oclock p by ay i the wdnenuy tbe in tflfl of the prrwnt j j btflrowes secretary knrjalon april 16 i8h notices suockiberstothe aroniretndolhen indeoted lo thit eatabltahment reiidn in ihe jolinalowii ltathuratand ottawa diatiietc will he obited in a few i by our collector mr jvorje hamilton and we sincerely trust that they will be prepared o discharge iheir ceounu due lo this olhce chron st gazette oflice kindlon april 13 j844 for sale bbl pork co kcga butter 40 civt of smoked hams j mow at son kingston april 10 184 93ji mrs hurlburus ladies academy cobocro terms eommenee on the 2d thqnjay of jane and 31 thoraday of ortoher in- stiuclionii pven in all the solid ondoroa mental branch e embraced in a nnixbrd edu cation the academy iv divided into fow department with a comoetcnt teacher over each screml modern ungqact ate laiihl and wrallconeercca in flawh with those lvidyinathattan lst per term of etevrn week tor board and tiificwemhjae- io all the solid branches- popiti hare accesa to various ecri mental lecluret reference it politely permitted lo ihe m owing ciitlemtn from whom eeitificiilef cm m ouamcd it arbelsofcod oil for sal is by j mowat son kingslon april 12 is 93di k ui all ac sine our tat the iec in fr til ef tie cily ha ear- it all 0ovid tftj tid wr have owe mor n cl brvnd rkrl if itilrr io rtvnh oitr rjrj nu jk to u afaahaawjet the ehatijv lh jror ina uln ptarr t rtsduilu aid wiilantrt ihe vklrnre which ont- urfa luarha lir brcatin sjt trf winfrr dwrin the itjte ea vowviatafi icry lare 4aanbiar of ice rnj rtd down lenvwi liar rver i front of lltr eiiy eona- warattrelt ttr the ice lnwrnrr alitt hold at ltvfam puinllhoush il immt oon whl to the wn- ttrwr preaiure weivhinp itpon it in th eourae of lk- ifleritvo of jeitcrdav a rrafrejamrdrfins nn who najendravortiij toerewa from ihe loount jidt in ihc malt uland bclo st llelenj had a ictj iurrow raeapci lleuaron ihe iec ntlh- limr out k aaoaifc n mirniptin to reach the land wa prcoptlatcd mlo the wralc in the midt of the erumbliri- fracaoenm heioinajl io trieate hinfrr and wiili great eootneaa and ojroit ffpa uttimatel eejpd from hia daitrroui iiitr m montreal tratierip trie sroaocrtaeflhe timber buftneu of lha eavow ttr on the nhote ralhrr eneoorain2 than nthernbe prom thr verv reduced alrcka in quebec and riin njtalion of cwr timbciil rtprnblr ihil the ntiti gtj made though unutwallj ujc will not l loo mat for ihc demand with the execptioa of dcrp rnowinthc eastern pail of the timber poducin- avlrklhe wmlcrhaa not been unfavorable foe lumber i- r vi while at ihe aime time prqvtions anl pain ha e bren cfcrap h1 w oea low t that in tt rrak ihe tianber hat been ot out at a mederale coat theweh nji to lo aa it au latt seaaen- the quan ui nwv prcoared on ihc ittawa and in tnunaarjea xcordaliz tothc boat ouroaica uikarlraaf iki whtf pitic ltd pine tle tcaoa onerfio trtty u arraned and will toon be laid before ihe senate and it it inflict rnl ascertained mal a majoriiv of the senate htll mic to laj it on ihc table or poiinoct iu thai lhr fficti to be prcrcnird sill be of a cluraeter which tclhrr with th quraiion itarlf will create mfh frrlwij iu ihe country there ia jo doubt i d iir trunh hawever that it wilt appear that ihr citlih guvrramcxl has lurccilj inter ft red in ihcaf- fit f texaa fthr than to proaote t eammereial i h i- drity to 4ntitii vsuuiicrcc ias ll will be iwd lhttl the sritiah antuslaiery aaoculio lis propoted to pat traat th aunt 01 i tndiiooa of dollar oo eoncition iln thoennci- aftli hrr alatt and ihit a farther sum it 10 he paid tomraicn iototuwfd hm payment ofihecliimt af iutiih buhjcto the meaicoii uarntnen on iu- entidnion of the ncunwledrn by mrvtco of il i in impendence of tit thi 1 repva it aub liinwhy the itato of that malice aa i learn from h nkit aiaihentke eufcev it fotlowt lhat we mot bid hh to xrttcxatf by annexaiion even without at put iin i he ntatitfcn of slavery tw prospect of the conausvnau in of thrte mca- iiin will alarm the whole souih ll wif be taid ant ml thai their aceomptithmenl will be a fatal btiw to the peace and security of louiiana and of ihc other atavc holding etclca of the 5owlhwcsi antriation peaceably or by fncc will be the cry ii the south flae torijr fakaavaat mar uo be condcred a feikdfor the present in declaration of mr crittenden bade from a knowledge of the tent i- ir ii ofsinaii thatnn change cannr willbr nude in the tariltat thit teaiiif aellfes ihe matler pift tlxe eourae or the house alsn aettlos il they iu a efukd loday la jo into cornrnillec on i he rw tariff bill yeaa 90 waya 92 this vote la tomlered aa dcclmvo of tho vieta of the llouae une third at tcatl of the cainor membera who voted ui liie affirmative would vote ow tbe other tide if nef it- hav been diacovcrcd and declared by mr wrihl and m i- ln that i o ihjl subject at thit lime will be prejudicial to urn of mr van fiurcn lots of the schr harp of st john the schr harp mcmann master saifed from si john lit feb for tho west in- die nothing happened afany consequence until the night of ihe 7tli when being intal 3s n ion 62 w ahc wan hove io io a gale from the wcauvard when she was thrown on her beam ends after her mast ivere gnnc die fighlcj full of wftlttt tve crew were on the vviec ix dasa without clothes with only a few raw potatoes lo eat the maxtor ond crew were taken ot by ihe american shin rialtn capt ghaio from new orleans for liverpool svith the excep tion or one man lost john gould of this platen whihaa left a family capt mc- mann speaks in the highest terms of the kind treatment nf cnpi chaae to himself ami crew the haq wns owned by mcr j and t robinson of this cily and was insured herc nr jfova scotia tariff the tariff pa wd the asemwy on wednesday the 20ih ul timo sah beef per rwt 3 frcaji beef do 5s beuil or hread ilo is 3d crueller or cukes do 3t d candles wax or sper- maciti lil per lb candle of tallow id pr ibis coflre green par ewt 4a 4d coflec rooted 2d pet lb c1oeo ech 10 avtill 1114 y fyi jtjluttivrv vu nrf tlituft- es 3 per gallon when imperial duty not laid dried frtiil 10 per et raialno in box ca id per lb caakai pcrlh- hay 20s per cwi lard prr cwtbs soln leother per lh id upper liihcr per lb 2d boo shoe nnd leather mantifoclurcrs per el jclo pueli per cwt 3s spiriu per gnllon is 4d rum if u sugar aa lart year bastard sugar 4s perewfl tolccoferlh ij wiae oh lasl year all he alovo duties arc in sterling removal ramsay armour k bg rpect fully to intimate to their custoineis and to tho publie thatthej bare removed their establisbmcnl to lhat new iisjwlmrw store in kin street lately occupied l mr bitton tailor and uet door lo ihr warehouse of mers deykesft co whe hey wilt as usual icerpivi hand a hmajadamtth assort ment of books accolnt hooks writing paper and p ftnej stottenctfr which they will waswv or retail on moderate terms ramsay arftour co government sale will be sold by auction on friday 26ih msunt the i ii- of two ltree framed buildings known as the old sappers barracks and biacksmilh shop at the foot of the glacis al fort henry also about 350 bushels of charcoal sate to take place at 1 1 oclock in tbe fore noon on the premises terms cash the mwttrials to he removed immediately or will be forfeited after fifteen days fiom tbe day of sale j linton q a office of ordinance kingston ijlh april l8 joitx coukifijt esq kniston dtoesox eseimpu j p rosum do m i i do gircitmvt do saaioei cslsmcdo j h pure do d tnonouitm do 1 w kev powril m p w illcmfv kindlon mr a hockcr oot swbidruk axo iiaii and in- ict orricn do notice rpkndkrs will h ceroeil al hr 0ee x of the piwbtm pensuntuiy until ihe wth dy of april lostaol f awh iiaori aa may jtat willi ft- lo forursh fur fw sf f ico of tbe loalilulroti looooo u kicks 3tooo rnhhrtt htmnc coal hy measslte j be bricks ate to he of a aoond mercbaal- ahle rjimlily one half of which to be deliver at the frftle mi a ty on h bloic ihe 30lb dav ot may neat and the rciaanulrr by the uhb juie follnwin teiidrra for the stene coal are to tawf of what deeiiption ihey can be tftrniabed tbe whole or wiee is to be delivered on he peni- lentiary wharf hy the 30lh june neart two suflrcreni sarrtin will be recurred foi the pctfrjrmanee of each contract h sm1th irflroria proriocial penilrntiary vfm april j84 comajittcr lunav ruttak eaej sbenft newcastle district rev eckiito rvcksom d d piinciual v collee rev a m n r dr jakjs bcatv prrtfeasor n kixcsrofr ret james srtmtca cobotirg 5tb apnl 144- ssn h 53 above bytown below b ton is 150000 inhyi n 70ikil by ewnparinj lavfisl ith ihe rjoawtuy widc bal tear ii will be weft that the increased umnd for ve puiciri the bnuh market baa not hren with out iu doc effect twdireetin the operatic of llc rwiwr ructi for altho there hi been no iwcrease in owariichof rerapineaoout twice the cjuntity of wsaie pine baa hoen jvt ol lhaa a a ure ihc i mailer sucaiw fr the coanoiercial advertiaer th tollowin eloquent revnarki or mr calhoun thi iho raticcatien of our late treat with grcal lt it a in have a peculiar inlrrcal at the prcaenr iiteime the refle cl back from the aobjeet opoi ajia vaker a isdictttc iftlw lrsper with which jftr cilhoun wilt enter vpow the negotiation of an mrhoondaryouealion thrj are foil of propitious oaten thrv declare a niril aceuatomed to tirw cjrartionaoficiternauorial potkj wiih a comprehen eye and to look far abote u mock- patriot isiw which oaeaiures its own mrrit by ifw decree of iu mi ii lenaeioua rapacity thoac who remember the remarks aflord brouham on the aame oceaaioei wilt feel a aatbfaelion amid the naiac ofeowardlr capt and affected paaaiort in recalling the difrifkd apeeiacle of theac two eminent atateimcn rcbulrmr citovva llatnat dcravifict kmipton ulli aytil 1844 it has rltaatd his lawttjwcv tnc govcuxoit uukkal to apri be under mentioned persons ininectopof cleigy re serves riz ehjah doan and stephen j- fuller esq of port dover for the tatboa district com- oriain the townships of charlotte ville houghton middlrton townndt windham walsinarham and woodhottm robert w kerr kuire fcelph and william warker eiqnire of franlford for the wrllinjlon dialriel compiiiti the townships- of erin erainosa and urrajfva benjamin vannorman ksejureof tillson buth and hfnry cairall entire of wood slock fotthelfrock district eompriin the townships of hlenhm burfrd blandfor uatmntanimwrntianhivrtoi oatoid 0a em itt yiaion oakland oxford j1 txvision and etttasi n palmer as received his stock of tower kitthti garden st4t for this yeir which he otters fot sale iflcvrsoie and retail they will be found to compiise as large an aasoftment aa can be found in canada wesl bhsving been imported irom ihc most respec tabtc bouses ate all iparronri to ntfrah and nfhuc kinds among his fotcer seeds otu be fonnd more than 50 varieti persons wiihin calalories may hare tbem by calling for them at his chemist fr fpottav tay snop market rlace kindlon april jolh 1814 83ni rfnotatr melancholy dud in jttm or- uansa duel took place at new orleans on ihe morning of ihc 24lh ult between gen wm duhcys the state treasurer of louisiana and mr richard richardson the sarttes met at the orleans ball room at 13 oclock ami fought with sharpened foils mr rirnarsnn was severely woun ded in the shoulder and gen dubeyh was run through the lowerpartof the body the next evening hut faint hopes were enter tained of his recovery government sale- to bakers end oacr- will ho sold by auclion on fridav 19lh ilatttvil stranc store near ihe tele depont batracks 160 barrels fine flour condemned hy hoard of survey to be put op in lots to sett purchasers salcal ll oclock thomas greer jesrfiomtt kingston 13th april 1s44 83di announcement for 1844 haines auction room at 11 smiths esq new slone- building a few doors aboe i the laioblon house hotel princess street thomas a haines alcful to bis friends and the public for pail favors beg lo announce lhat be has rented ihe above premise and is prepared to attend to sale of all descriptions of properly whether indoor m trul cj outj orfjv and ifwl fll twi tjtvo rienee feel asaured that he will satisj action 1844 oswego transpotation line and canal ioats insur- the ptopitetorj tr on he oruonofthuiinabcr ta on the aoaallcr stream s oat of pedelermiced fa it firmer a and mm without high water mar w z cn from theu loftv poiitio the howest con raatfomthe upper part of the oluwa and ma4al j rotof paunlr but of nhitanihro waaaa river trill reach the maltcl much earlier and sith lea ion or damage than heretofore fiom the in rreawd mtash lh will be affarwed by the gcrvcrn- aattitilicca ibtioo gaiette for the ojaaeso cotmly v1wjr competition is tub life of busi ness the bwavtieaa season seersa 10 be openlrj wirh wcrv prpceu than maal the bcffitici fr trtt- rww- aed the traniportation of merchandise ullhh rncirfrwrwcd are about to be grcally kirrcaed 0ar aausm oft the other ide tfthe watrra are prtaarcd to enter bcadlr into a fif eompetihoo tjjjh roe froai rvnvxi via ocfo lo niagara jaeir 4eaowiare tr beat of aea bant terr convert iji ofcoodaaeed and aa to their convevaree v mb in coaattrttm with cjav en th not lite cr st pairtou only but of pa pi in iheve remarka we have a pledge thai mk for rclaliona arc io worth vrcpirj- and eao rwrwtarj ruaaors will not eaiily dnturb the confi dence of reiectirve dma lhat iei such handi they will be adrniniilered to a spirit of mr jnnrnr which will secure al once the peace and the honoe of the nation i havo wow mated my npinioo fulls and unpar- lially on the treatv on retiewtr ih whole anr i wchinathe rcodt for an j a iaa ro it axifoi doubt that the former sjreatlf predominate if n have not gained all lhat coutd be draircd we hav ained aauch lhat is desirable and if all has not 1cen so tied nsueh has been and lhat not of liu ilf importance not p jl oflittu import rce lo ki by the arlleacht of ihcse inveterate and ditft- atieiiv kc ryraiiom of tbe twoeounirie set p l down in aflthr and pc4ceferinent amiirand unjustifiable dtctption the editor of the united stales gazette afier describing the singular custom prevailing at tunis of fattening young women who are nbout to be married say that the fat of the ttt nftann lrjile is fat hut those who bustle up their daughters fur the market seem to be guilty of a deception as great as the butcher who blows up his vea ri ftorrtcaer the publisher of tbe rocheater directory states that the population of lhat cily in march last was 1 1 l white and 249 color ed males 11489 while and 28 colored fe- malr- total s jji beio an inctcase of a3s3 since 1s4l we learn from chippewa lhat lasl evening in consequence of the breaking of the low line a scow went orer the falls some men were on board but happily they alt escaped nia eara chronicle apiit 10 birth in thi town on ihc i6lh inatasl the lady of fsw bahhinotom pe foxalanqoe eact d a c c of a dauftiicr on monday naornki mrs- j limtoh of a son rili hii our canadian ncihhar cptsin iht r0 a iirajbehopdm ihc placeof ihaidoubt- vneatvtricsrbtsjbcutse ohardo cd tfetr fl wateiiled coaditon bctwre peace and war fvwerrtr jft wlnh laao faw m warj a c araejemed r and ra tbfirthn with their bu already enjaed in w is hoaule 10 the iiiterct and ofosperit of ihattradr the eamplftu- i not writ fcnseduv ihtssad ike ccean arc free aathe bird who is nrfirxuoer ihrir waies the eoelsi wiert tadchraprrleonvaoce to the irjvrlirr and mej- um siu aaeel with skcc ootd atvd reponiu foacahase beca appaincd at 0weo tur 1 luth- m sad capt- kehardapn sleamera vj waareihe admiral avrica and clef juthr fc we hope ihr nubl will m lh l ithatlicrn the iniirrision mint a bniih tamin between kindlon and iiaejo ntvrr ia av tupnort nwh tliey can eonvenfrtly h for an american mci from hir obervjt4 aaaj lth ceutitrirt i 11 peace ia ihe firal of our wanta in the peeicnt c cowntrj- we want peace lo reform rwir own government awd to relieve the country fr otw h embairaamenh fcace settled and undiitul- t ia iodifpensable to a thorouth reform and auch rtfvrm to the duration of the jovrrnmeot oo aii a ihe relalwni brtween ihe two rauarir it cawv rirwe in a sute of dooht belwceei peace and war ill jttecals at auch reform will prove abortive the litiwanyaueh to be cceivrul mul bo lo dre the expenditure to the legitimate and eeo- ral want of the govcenmrnr without that tivit w m n iml can ho nothin- wolhy of the nam l- stale of thr rrlatnaorihe iwo ciunww fe cacept perhta stilh the agnil ice thorn put to to sa qwccj w mwscfai hut the ownrra hl na rcoon to tlwliatmart rerenca larv porlion m jcm aaahloituaat pyta ie uuttr that tliere mil be iodiuinntl f4rarweieanbarv cveiy eapeakwlhat r frarx imfftsvm pirate rhat rai ihrir di h rrtld wttli tatiofaibioii a f prclcat be left to delay the jlvod ndipenable work of rrforrw tbevo ar el the onlr reon foe wammc ncc tvo wanttt i enable uio people and the utn loeaticate themselves frooa ihetr embarra mroa that boih borne duwn y heas dco tfiosnoasioeloffalue r hlweh hue ii o 0hr honet and honor ai bit lfr f bullae payoacm of what idue to enable married at balh on the lsthanilbj the rev saltern gircnarourt essorr evquire napanee to jake aifmelovti daughter of the late rv john strjwrwon rector of fio th on ihe 9lh ioat at st george church kin ion br the rev m herehener wiixiam k mtlwt eq iccond sort of cap w e- wright rojal navy to pitoxac jane aeeond daughter of iho late lieut tho howard foih rcgl and sub- fi i conslaboliry ireland at woculcck c w james coiett eq r e- dto r jm i fitjdaomerof thercv nevloa boaworlh f k s a ontho2sthu1tiio bylhcrev j c talor rec tor of pctcvboro ctiaai posvratock itvuiock kso etoi aon t captain charlra it jbaje r n krgiatrar of the cnlborne ditrict to sarah m i atimkll both of qtanabcc in the said ditrictt lake ed- opetiing of canal naeiialic vil hare boats leaping new voraj- alhanvj q9vtisi conneciiitat oswezo wiih- uethunes steamers runnin tc- ports ami the steamers clinton joi maasiiam others to american ports ifw ontario and river st lawrence anl a fleet or frrut class schookftps mnnins the western lake thereby insuring ifse sre atitl speedy transmission of all property v trusted to them loor from incw york or alwa poinu on lakes onaiio erie aw in michigan call property shipped 0 imi line is in sured between nowyorv oswego the dangers of the lake and r si lawrence and of lire at places of iransbncnt at tbe risk of owners ot property h c writit co oswego d knealcu albany s h wright l09ivi t a jerome ifalv j parrelt co- 10 v snjon d k ncal ot co 61 lyf tiostny h c wright ev co ws oswego april 10 i44 84hi gtve entire m be given upper canada college the following extract frrn ihe min utes of the council of kint col- fr publriherj for the tpfurroatiori of all parlies concerned whereas it appears that many debt jue to vokr canada college which were contracted before the year lm3 remain unpaid although rrpcaterj appticailiarishave leen made hy ihe costecior of the college for payment thereof rcanved that itusse accnunia shall be pacel astlhwith in ihe hands of the solicitor for collection and thai he he inirutw to proteed for their recovery henry boys m d rtgiitrrr and bursar kings ccrlteje april s i844- 83ht llrx rrttwcaaa by ihe sabcrrhehrs mamstotfl store house in whnle ot in paitt alto several smaller ones near to ihe above can aao store any rjqjsthy of frerght ilat may be committed to his care all the above premises are m a to tbe x atr and convenience meralion ol their advan be needless apply at ihe oiscc in ontario street wm carratt kington 23lb irtaich 1m4 79z the ctofottsf and rasmu toronto are mueated ogrvc the uve6 mtkj maenlona and ajjaj rfarlr ccjumi to ihia olbec foe parent rensituaud tliat an enw oosiloatioawovld to let at ihe head of princes street a stoive dwelling house two stories hih with fod rooms and a halt on each raovr wilh a cellar and cellar- it itchon and with ihc rae- cessaty outbm1cin garden and a well of ood wter the above h well calculated for a gentlemans residence tbe rent will be mnderole apply al ihc vsobstrrbera office in ontario street wm gabratt kinarton 23lb moch isu 79 to let a stone shop and dwelling i dock sircet tb market froaa ls4 may e ntwiagt which b now occopted by iaraveo mcdoiralt futiier for rrro apply at tbe uhctibets qflsea for errno in ontario slreel wm garratt kintantmih march 1044 tab for sale barrels liverpool salt cheap for cash pleat calt at the office of the subscriber in ontario siteel wm gaiuutt 700 aa sheriffs sale if lands on saturday ibe swl dy of july neti will he sold at he coorl hcoe in the town of kingston j the hour of 12 oclock noon tbe following an ji cized by virtue of executions to me chected iasoed out of her majestys court of uuens bench and the midland lavtrtct court b r alexander mcglaabn pin vs john mcleod and llichar logan derts all the right tittle and icercatof aad de- fendentain the broken frooof ihe weal half aflot no id in ihc first cn of the tp of kingston jue- horace yeoman e vecu lor rof john vincent mary vincent executrix v deceased t allan mlcaitjofndant all ihe riht title named defendant j 23522ti ml hi d i e d j yesterday mornin mav asrr wife of ii c todd ean la the g1 jear of her ae tho fririid of the dereakd arc htatatd lo al trnd her fancral from ihe rrtidence of her aon u joheatoo street toiworrow the lthioit at 3 o clock p m thu rnorninf jaair moloitck anfant son of ivulum ulltoo eaq in lfoodcm on the 6lh irwiaat anl t jrara arvt rleien isieit jtlia rtdrat diuihlee of gao ll maeaauir pq puutiahcr of the lasjiilmi in toronto on the 40th ult of erjaipetu pitco liro j- iirr acd c4 at her rrwaort krlrvi on the 13th march lai ratitr mine trtrti ta fad 97 yearaj mother of juho ttuur tan- haonlton and inteest of ihe above bn mctrao in lots no 102 w 114 l5and 276 in ihe town of jfinein lot no 22 or gore ia the tewatmp of piithurh lots i and 3 with belles uund d broken front and part of lot no 5 and ton west side of real river caiarauui in he township of kingston nd sonlh last iiiatlerof lot no ft in the 1th concern of bnslon georre w b r yarker lainlint t john mclean drndant iii ihc ti jn title and hrvssi of the above named detendant jnhn mcan in lots no u5mitptl 10 10ii4 115 and 276 in lite town of kington l no 22 or gore in ihe township of ri liv 17 and ilil oken front and n west side of township of no 3 with relle islan pari of lot no 5 and 6 great river calaramii in sj kingston and south eatv of lot f in the dth concosioa of h tou ah pereons having any clnson the above advertised property or any rhi tbe reofp will make the same known lor day of aale ta on or before lh bherifls omre ff p april 12 ia4l j 1 ohbett sheriff m d ehiffl n h satisfactory references fi when required extensive auction sale of chain cabtts spike iron and olhe ufjty hartfitarc at the stores of messrs macpberson st crane ontaiio street on wednesday lite 15lh day or may next will be sold wilh out any reserve lo close a consignment s patent chain cables jo do do do do do do do do jo do do 9 tons enelifeh iron round square and flat 3 kcs73ineh spikes 17 do cut nails l8do wrought do assorted sizes 9 do horse shoe nails 100 rake pans j bellied poisp with various other articles sale at ten oclock thomas greer auctioneer kingston 12th april 1844 83hi the oaweco pvuadivm wlt pleaae copy lha above till the dar f sale and tend the account to the subteriber for paeacr t g steamboat notice to let e house in college sirce iome- tljatcly ajoining that occtipic by principal lubjell and belonging lo a drunimorj esq of bytown ami lately occupied by hito there is a fine garden aitarhed io the houtte containing mt one aere rfprounil tse kee mov be fonnd be applying al tiie nexllitiifac further information may be outained on application totliu subvcriher john mowat kinoxtnn 10th april l44 p4l 2 73 inch lrr 1 34 do c 58 do 1 1114 do 3 58 do 3 916 do 2 12 do to let from 1st may next the stone dwel- ling house the property of ttinmaa milton eq recently occupied by wm wileon esq vituaiedon king street with on excellent garden attached stables coach heuse c tkc apply to geo- a cumming kinglon sill april isu s2z kinstnn28th march 1814 79x g fresh and genuine a r o e n seeds obsciiber will be furnished ibe eon in season wlh an assortment of garden seeds carefully selecled and which may be depended u m freh j w brent iwrtsf march 2i 1844 tytz city store ust arrived and foe sale 100 box oranges and lemons by john carruther3 sjlfhidxb instructions given m the rrsam lfftme by l ritter late of ihc military school of the grand dork eaf oldenhurgh unexceptionable refettneeai ran le given apply ai the office oftbia paper kingston 27ih march 1844 tp ttwtr1lv i ni wmillcd hi son oeoete x merwat into partnership ihc botirrev heretawar ear road on by him at ibe corner of prtneevaj taad fagot streets will after lhis date be contiowed under he firm of j mowat at sort john mowat kindlon 30th march ltt 79ii tavern stand to let with 5pirit license for the pre sent year that well eiumbrved tavern stand itt place darmes street sign of the royal oak near tho barrack gale for prtscas- lars anply on the premises or tn samuel hcgovyan kineslon 13th mireh 1844 79r t removal b1lton hat removed his tiir klabihmrnt to brock street 3 doors from vvelhnrrtoo i havln decided opem permanently establishing himseu in rinaehon his arfangemcnla are aucb aa will enable hia al all limes lo famish toy article tra bia line on reaaeinahfe terms krnton march 2stb 18u 79r th ttjtameft henry cildersleeve vill until further notice leave here daily at 7 a for prcscott consmenc rng on monday next the 8ih instant commercial wharf kingston 4th april i844 j 8lx barley wanted the cily brewery company will pay cah for choice sample of baniht at their brewery west end of ontario street kingoton 6th sept 1043 20z the first volume or thc statutes of upper canada to rat time of the union ontaining the public ado re vised and published by authority under a commission consisting of tbe houble ihc cmicp justice the llonble mr jlstice macaulat the honble william h okafsr john h camertof esquire for sale at ihe ga2ttte orricn 164 king street toronto and at r watsoi printing office oppoaite ihc public offices ontario street xiftcatoaf price fifty shillings cash robert stanton gazette office toronto islh january 184 59a wholesale waiehoqatc ihe subscriber heea to call c a fine lot of enghah cored ham and bacon for sale hy john carruthers a larp quantity cf pouk by the barrel for sale hv john carruthers jl keg for a quantity of butter sate by john carruthers- chekse front tbe cananoque dairy ihe beat in ihe province for sate bv john carruthers pieton crackers hy david bruce for safe by the bane etc by john carruthers gananoqae patent pa 1 1 churns tuba patent washiiiglltociliiies for sale by john carruthers 200 bags of best english salt 100 barrels of american do fur sale by john carruthers kingston 10th april 1844 the subscriber hegs to call the attention of the commercial publr to hi stock of paper and stapte dry cooda imported direct from the manufacturers in engand j s grundy commercial wharf font of princes street kindlon june jolh i8i 99 ly ordnance notice sealed tenders will be receive at tho office of ordnance kingston till ihc 30th day of april 1844 for ihc hire of substantial well built commodious stone or brick dwelling hou ses for office quarters in this garriaoii for one year from 1st july isll- and for such further period aa may be requi red the premises must be conveniently near ihc barracks in kintvton and spacious with auilsble fitments for ihe climate the buildings must be in a complete store of repair both internally nnd external- for further particulars aa to ihc extent of the accommodation c recurred at thii poet apply at the barrack office kingston during office houjav office ofodnance f kingatrinth afrillsu 83 to let a n excellent dwellin- house on jobsw stonstreet consisting of parlor dirtrns and dtawinf room five bed rtvatno mhj kitchen ami crltaj a lare ysrvj with out- ii i- complece possession give on iba aral of may enquire as shave 79s british magazines and re- views for march just received by the last mmlpaakltb march nos of ihe fouswtegs brrrtlcys magaxintj united service joermat coiams new monthly magazine ainwotths alsetssve werfm raster review ramsay armour it co april 3 xm4 m f- reynolds manufacturer ofraodwhofesafe retail dealer in pom linseed oil and oil cake meal no 5 snd7 buffalo street rochester n y cab paid for flax seed and oil ex changed on the most favorable terms botfheater march 16 i8i4 7730 look here those ouh5crtbers to the mecbaaics ljiittuuon who are witntolcttai tavenr books from the library arc solicited to rvtonr lhemo r vn tcj mcayot thiilrjaa j- further rir thomas srasd libosrian march 13 1844 74 furs wanted at tjij kingston fur store 4 00000 jssi- 1 50110 unio sk int stl i 10000 fisberdo lflw bear do i h k 4 cwi do 5000 olter for which new york prices wil -i- the amoant ot exchaa mftatktn j a macd01vall brock street cinestott j marh j 79411 ill be send do- go and ivaoa

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