till chronicle gazette tjft tt th tltth ftfirri t ritni mh a titr irnr c4mm o mm v wmhb rmrlt kikameal r i llvmhtl r it xt kmt wtdncsoay ft fiaturoay ffrmttnl shifting per nttum tn tifrtrike itii tvr nil flifutitfe 1 ifnlj 1 ajhrrcd i n order i wej lw f rnijcj voioi1 tfo ll ihr imoiiiilfvi lltctimr lknwj airtulf conr rov fkxck john r kimiitom f vice 0fmtt rtiafttthit il lmt ikj imjt tij flol liirruow a m eheiyeni in ertiin ten linn and u4rr 3a 4j art i insertion and lod over left linrt lift ft rat insertion and id per line cacti tab acque i it i n k f l i on aff lttfuiforf jjwtiitmtntt from ihrzm or jrrr jahir eaifoitier ubtpotdfor aanevd i or inirriioaf lrur prcat r 1 l ftl 1 n cljronick aette cilkonicxe cazkttt stationery warehtram eol m and kingston commercial advertiser ifee bof e wee per utrequo vol xxv kingston canada uhtfbday april 2 1844 fvo 85 i where la lufl l hi on hi a4 so rutenatre i 3 ell mtecu4 frtota o writing papers i froa super floral to note i j g tret artiet the l j- net j j i blank books scho books ac in all its i ranches carried on at the abort ef tamishmcnt a superior kuhny marhiri sin fall operation i- hicrj bjaok boot can be ruled loany pattern and in c ityle inferior to none tfr corntfiiafii printing office book bindery and stationery warehoused this fonnomenf girt it a de eidd superiority in i of aeeommp dation and dcipatth chronicle fr gmtt ufficc k i r i t cimji i eiti hhuini i w ctiff hr nof wo tfittan vlceri fjilli i trumloc j rftrr fi iitrttl meicur ai f- r dm ifiriftlcore ift al- cmlc iiif ram n sandss sarsaparlla trriftnr aft iwpvrr ittt of the woorf ar aofl gfa fhrtfy v ft1pkh i tui1iim i jntfti i ftiiii fit lu fvtatife n tad h iinnn1 lthor jrr will be ftiotrj hf th prca taertfl i hmv rtrj ihe pptbi ai vvtfi p4t life t my lv mnh to pf- fciiim aa wiiftenrft uivftaitij ji iw in mrv h imo arnir paun4 iftrl ffvr htm b tmptxiibi hf j jirtf bp tti mh rrtltnl at inlet if are iefrrir trwrf u p iit tf4rti i ml n inift ntiu iijef f whfti rtij iftvlt irt mm ift etny rjr fbrii frtt1 f j 11 pimii fii ia tni li ui 4 iii itttoloar of ilrf ltu4 t- till rtlfktr o v1v hjltmvaf w i i it ti erlilf jiktr uftftfp th iefti rf rkmniryf h w m tfntamtfi 1 mie nj ntr hjmifti n elit ilmvvin ci r4f rtitiiif lh 4lnuilt itrrfttvif ilr retimi- tioiii ilifl4thkt mtftcujtrvt thr icirpte ntlitv utc riwf of imwm dcw fcgel tii in ti4c raniftiil tlaowkjje l lve f turte of hkommr cifriuj i iwtrnui im irlffttfft vf ihr vnrv litvr n him iwil ve lsm hra hlftll pf1i jit ftftt 1 1 ttaftfllr jplil itftlvl fqfrfuflir ftmnri u rll eintn in in otl nhtjlm iffltrt wftr we twi k tin fm nlj 1 gtd1ite ai1 npii r1 jhtjtitwtrp 4uhf vttnpnell o j tfrtcif by be lufhl t lift iwftff iuitcrfuj in cmmmr wmtibe ftprhunt cr s loiftmuffitiy taibf wioj nmmm or nriiii trrtnir mtd ii i n i i t- ficitft ombit at nictmi pr rpe1ir iotii1dirlc ivfi uwp bhtaitfrtopr tin tb 3h11j i- irpttiur tilt iflwfcl tl1l mlt ibllatf ftummlfi- timpl m 1 1- itii1iv ijftftlntv n1 trltifirtfu u lit i ii imtfi ih iv p 1 iriff rti pl ii un 4- il tliir in i ibifwvv b lna pnrl llmrt i rntititk fi4- gif ii tfcucb ilmienpiwliiliftljtr ir- i rt am hftaw tibfttl- inii woxnti t uf nnjttt l ttbiiw thil m te r ittt f f ilmttm nt ir i4 lufft 1 vlptltrlf brl 111 ivy b i a ihr livvrtnc ol i miibmblr ii ibitetrc i afewubl fiu urirtttta u itf m ilk 1 1 iittt ifci tffnl r ivr t the nnti t4 ih ii vfull t frmewb llnrvr ftr fcii bnotiff tii m l im j4 fttlb mnhfthrt irl wilj- i e ah rvhiii 1 dr pmptwtor wi m lb 0tttt yfitv in i t hi f firt iir r uk timit fl aviv tyl tijirrlior wonocltktl effect of faxdss sar4apa- hili a ix rvvpwfcv cosx kl likf ft1ttiiic fim mil wm rbi1t ni bf ti fril j isv f1t tr ul riht o if od r in 111 r ll mrt a ft j id mm rrutu1l tlft aiitt4r im- t rf minf im 4 w t ii att- i itm loim lit i- ol 4 rbpnttlu i tj1i l fi lbtcb tw fjgbbb lo u nk tr itl1ipt i faiit 1 i it iki m mj tithijii rlvl na fe it- while driutt 1 of mrr mni- m a ftitfh tinfj t ami iijlmfui ilriiii u ilif frtlif ai tiittt ik mkr whviaj hr tnr- id rt mi lift d it ajiur4iy turrr it x at m j l4i april a lb jnku irf i mr wit ip u tftfapiiu drmif elit4rcin ithjtautt ki plvr imi lue rotitr if uf juj i- f miv il nu rtmr o atitt itali ti fiihi ia hf detfrr ouaj 11 riionsrf j ft rfiifitj k ibf ftlvjtt ilk km i ltkb t lt at itll nj bl il iii 1 im ilimi pa i toil in itfk fmtj y di of my i4iitnf la h1 hflul u hb altat l lir im ti ljf ir tii vimi ihu ituvl llfr q nj ai tyffpi pfbaatitt tl h iibr uia ikt bu vii i ai atmt4l ri i p4iifij orrp ulr l1 tar ibc tjll cflatlahij aisilttl ibc ii k mfii i aaii j riir bit iwe i llwi f inn j n 1if rr litty bjatbei jbrl ii bvru j pmii lot laiy ji- i b4i tj3 i ti tti tovj viib ii 4urir virb tnl a ul pud i ii n tf4iia ni j jpui eonuaipiivfi d ihtih itij be bini ibtifhii prhriiuphtit tfilia4rijirinrhiv lie inn ahittiiia ia rj aiib4v twdiiwtllftl iiflbl err ffrif tli j ibfwt i l raiilinll i a lli t cnatlniaiti fin uv b u r l idit ia l c ftlk oi i ii ittt rwbb iftllnib in i nye uv i uinff 41 b till liu 1 i- f i 1 itaj aoi vwi fill upon luliof ibe aldlfmem ililmll l ib lwtflttjab 1 ewiaitai i j il i af youf lr 10 j tbrp ib1 mi b ibi tvm ejfi km h rftvvi l bt boi iiijk 1 ii d loni imftfilll aii uunllrvifllim pm ism p i tute a nh a ntbte f o fjy rbtf iteitj upoo in lnl knle iwr el aud my ute rt jifcd miij in in faiawt i hwa d i frel il pf ju i iii p r h 1 1 ftno w w bntlb f al miy lkf trie ia imify tjb efll hftiill r mi fkor rmidri at ubr b il d utttl ia lalf itruhval4j fffmvm bi dtifii ktf i4 vf yvii ibe bh ft- i tm aft t jmmt aatl tlrdpaiiikf fl yiiui kd nj icy iiiltcf if aisaih urihli irs n laadu yfab x iii 11 rrrmoralty pnl ibe iwiimnij araalb m fballrp ahd 4ft4 11 b bt fcl cvallird lit lb fbricwtaj auituicati biftite lka frttdv rntft ibl ihr lufvwhatukwwjl jniirr i the traee ft ariaaurd ili mn fbtlupi kknvc tttfiled aic ftrtlt tiibiltuallf n william r richard minlt4lbr 1mplal mili vh rtrpnfni aai m rj a b ati it ctu drvtnii aai ijkim lf wiblitt- t3 bidaiim jjt rciair al urufvhlj ni- vw ajfar tjtrby dii lijwujbval ibe u 9 tiiee prt buttii w boii tor tbr pubjie ac tetperlfuuy fuho ireftbir ri lid shahii snrftfilli ilm bm aftil toalniilt arkiiitilb rcrflatvamr ur i himi trbu u4waat wbicbibe bun4 jakwiii vvlflik atlramr vl sutafmtm aad lau j w nai aeeat bf tftcmi pm 111111 kium nd ticiait ibc k lf ii ffictorjavxesfamilvmfoicestbcl irie nfereeiumradeaadeuafivey mj tuoii iicaiat pefii- i tb vime4 uij romrou4 piofaxtmtd prbtunli f lvtivjrt ww funi alib array aaj vy a nil on hmult bpi afni- bauwaad by in iiaa 01 im wlpwil clfjyrf tflnom4 liuvwfaiiool tbj areepul pptd for rmlr eaad hai tmhifeit a iprfjtnld yflllillj tblijjllil f umiedj hiaie aud br e dtavlw cftrbl i il rr m r ii -i- hilkdlillhitltl tapnriiftrft ibialomileritel hi hhiaiua al a it ibe 11 midieal loibe ibr veiui riudtim ahi tlircnifled iatif tthuftbrimbj anplrei ajuhhi acarttl ntwwn afremt nfibe iiotilitiwit rftltuuied to e wovrlhria tbeor pijnrniniah o lavmla exrcitorant ft ou lemms ititr h 44- upti a atbin ttpitmi- h bfooi nrj b pluy d mmap a4 dwah i ibe falinonwy ftire 51 aijavx hair totflcrerflbrpwrtai- tialbai btfibiy utw w1i wi frfciifm jm mir bum uraif fljliai imip1w trfmtwaflftv tfkf javmls tokic villlmlruoet aaii rnutn priiion ir le real rrpu ii a fevef a1 fi aidailtfmaertiebilii j bftweti rid t3artl-l- f f m erefaiwuatiifftfttercopuitr t iwhimr l be b- afv aiteeia k4 rghj lariem sikatlvv pilr f t jb bt oat te- fcb ivrt 5flj f rfu74i lr m irl t reliir el h ma aa ftpalukt altef i friii it flke ttvptr ay b ur e tti rhiiatltft4a aa1 a1 aaibrt if ki t ffawltlll oriktllcdvie kljmtllf cmda craig ft watt a c c ii v n t a n t s jt fte- w pf i cifinmk clarkes commentaries lon ton edition blank bookflof every ocfcriplinfi includ ing lcilgm journal day and bill book poll uort scrap bookv xc iviih a few elegant albrjjiu and portfoliost also a lot of jewelry among which aro a great variety of earuihc3 firoochea rmgs seals ctaapd moaaic chains anj pearl and coral nerklace emboated drawing boarda chessfnen and dominoc ijackgammon and draught boards drawing paper and pencils waier co4or in boxes c drawing bocks in great variety- pocket and sheet map canl and cigar cases plain and colored prima and enjraving ftutes tnd violins violin strings anil racket gul raying conversation vieiung cards initial and motto fancy wafers mar tooth nail hair shoe brushes penknives ofall kinds pocket book and tablets mathematical injlrumcnts a general assortment of fishing tackle as flies rods rcele lines basket floats c also stationery of all kinds blank deeds and memorials warrants bad bonds summonses mortgages c h b books of every description made to order and binding done on the roost reasonable terms also ail kinds of letter press printing executed in the best style and on the most moderate terms chronicle gazette ofliee kingston 30m march ibm wines liquors and gro ceries the uhscrirer resotctftilly infofmi the hiiftlic thai be ha 0froencd in the ibovc lipe in the premie on ontario sirset formerly occupied fry mr- joseph bruce and her by the keeping of the eiy best articles irslyg kinjil mm chronicle gazette stationery warehouse selling off at 25 per cent below the usual prices previously to procuring their spring nupplv a general assorlment of sta tionery jewelry c- 8tc among which are the following classiral and other books boyds anihons horace negri herodotus adams roman antiquities potters grecian do ctadusad parnassum thucydides xenophnn anabasia croni y- gymnasium homers iliad dymocks cxsar valpys virgil greek delectus dunbars greek lexicon u exercises latin detect us rudiments of latin eton latin grammar adams english and latin grammar latin erciftes dymoekssalluju ovids metamorphoses cnrnelius nepos tacitus allens latin delectus pjhhk mllfwi rddte laiin die greek ortdtrlj u extracts u exercises dcinosthenes de corona omhncs of geography nelsons classical alias maira latin syntax gilloquiorum pliaejru plane geometry bunnyt astles algebra davidsons mathematics lafontaines fcbles htstoiraite charles xii mangnafts quesliofrs history of rome 1 tp etttgt1 rw 11 ufsctmbnd and india davidson ariihmciir morrisons do thompsons do walk n tutors assistant keys 10 do grammars spelling books readers dictionaries landmans and brookes gazetteer lowes agriculture lives of eminent naturalists moores works c hemans j ptenaj bjuon burns u mirtims riiurti pltlmhfi ti tea cf the borders toy and song books fee a great variety of bibles prayer piialm and hymn books testaments cite- clitsm 5rx etc the albion to subscribers to the n f albion ik the nokth amrican provinces th e praftriclor bes to nouri ihat all the re u tirtfttd pfrfnafteat iubkibei to ihr albion kitbt frarlocea oa ii the 1 nberic4oft for lw liu ihc undtliridftj thtt htj rblht on usc ya will bt pretmkd niuwil chirjc wiih a eopy of the urge prini or wnfiitob 20 torhr by z7 or a fossftssts copy of chamber edinburgh journal for 1843 at ux option of the kibknber- tr propricitx ill aho conbnue to paf the uftiuj states postage 00 the albion ouutt it will r jrliv crrd to the uberiber at coe pennf currency each fcnoft niihinf to obliin like gallery and faft- isj to sots together nkh the albkf itt tie ckarxrd ren 4oltrt an4 oiote nho mty be dciircuf of uh- uminjf the albion the gajkry watlunjtoo sod chamber will rceeirt ihc whole toe eiaf iun nbiehp if pubtithect aepaatelj would soioont to 12 douv 4 nd fifty rtntt thb libcraiit the proprietor hope ill be duly p- sss new lubtcribers will be entitled to the lime pri vilest j on pajjn- we yttn in od ranee r glurrj wilt the foltoh in ptato beau bfully enrtod on steel the quel dukt cf wth iingtv tvtitmntttr jbuy eiu tvee aess r r of psrwaaeftf and buknghjr patot toeuwr wka- mejruf 1 and tetter prcai dcteriptiofti beautifultr baond to a to ronn a ipteridid crniifteot for uw drawurtroon table stfce proprieler hinf pvrchucd at great ei peeist a qvantkr of mr dieku iwarniaeeftt ptsle of ihe monuomftt to sir viuer scou 1 enabled to add th i lo hu tbt of prcaenu some idea nij be fares ed of the i 1 ile ofthia enraiioj wlicn ne atalc ita detnion lo u inehea by 21 1 a nw tolvme of ihe n v mio eoessaefteed on the 6th of j musty ull and il i nor thy of not ice harnden co passage arrascm8j 1844 the sofekribcrs haetf completed their arrangements are rot prepared to bring out panengers from great iwwi mm ireland by the folwing first clas paevct ships one of which will leave livcrf lh ilflvj i6ih 21st an4t6th every momh t0s hat the enterpriij pfopirtr ina pnrenaad ihe 1 1 1 iff a of publina tftm isurhe and eir chtrrlewli and ingu sjriioli cofoftua teirn 6 per annum poiuje- john cretghtokjaccsr knjatce february 14 is44p war- la aaehc in the ucudmg the u slates a fresh supply of new world publications just weired and tor sale at uiecaronrrle offitt a few complete acta and odd numbers of the mysteries of pari the wily perfect edition tranalaud by ii c detninj the moat wonderful book of the present century price lod pcrnuaftber 11 noa matilda or the memoirs of a young woman by cufne sue translated by i w herbert iv best rosasnos enr written and in the jvdment of nifty f tf not avperior in inltrealto the m lerka s fftna friee la- ij per mincer a parts the salamander a naval ranunee by huene sue tranalated by h w hetrbcrt full of inenknt of hqltlynrousht sod rapvd inctdrni jtcundin in maioeetit and poeikal j-i- 1 i earing fail to entertain and bassmt ercry etita of reaoeea price la ad cosa plete in one part the feaialc blncbcard a rontance of the laland of martinique- by eue i sue the plot ia rrh in jtartiine ineiocnta an atane diclourr and lwr reader 11 literatty foci mteo by the wonderful crcnta which ipit nurcl eeo bclfea 10 atnaostcteey psgt price la 3d cosn- iileteioone pan thcrese ounoycr a talc cf pariaian life by euene sue the dramatic auraetiani of thii ioel are a real aa ita uthlt aajm trv hind nnrh drew ndc ihe 1 and diipiaved ue -1- i ondotnte t pa riian life b the myaterks of raria b eanfident ly exhibited in tvreae djitoyer price la 3d cnpf le n one part a few complete seta of that ret hiitorical work froissarts chrontclesaad a crtai number of other new world eltraa nhieh will be off cheap the asore worki are aold only for ready money ktoflts superior aiebeer at the city brewery he city brewery company have now in ir cellars a farae stock of bottled whirh they recommend to inokespers tnd frivate familirf for its quality and cheap nets tne quality bemc nothing inferior to ibslof alio oredinbnrn ale and the price but 6s 3d per doaen exclusive of bottles a discount of 10 per cent being allowed on por- cbaies exceeding 3 doten their beer is so generally and javorsblj received that they deem it unnecessary to say anything in commendation ofilahd any quan tity ovsr 5 gallons is now sold by them at the recfuced price of i0j per ajalton tht 5 gal lon cask held at the usuat piice of is kingston 20tb january 1844 from the anglo jnurxan tfi dec 1643 the new city ctcwery well deserves do lice they are following harden thivtab- lishrnenlon ourcclehrateci albany rreweries h in the manofaclurc of a very superior article of ale 60 to be let ma 3 storv stone house nluu a n wsmcm 8i1 npfoiile mr lin ton a rciir i at preknt ocevp7j by mrs hill aa a h rdinhoue the houae b sew har- inf been built ln apejo and coniaani ewm pa c ju ih il 1 i one dniflrooro two parlora a r kilthen and sertaala apartments fee al as a ood well in ue boaement atsir with a con- atant aupply of awrewalre attached to the heme ihere u a jood yrj ad stablin for three er funr savaea tenmv made known by the subscriber or at capt huniera mirine slsc qmi street ships patrick henry virginia n montezuma hollinuer koscius europe independence samuel hicks new york livetpoal siddonj columbus asbbuflon stephen whitney yorkihirc queen of the west sheridan cambride grorge vvsabinglonj united stales enyland kochcstcr cartick oafod cailainsi ryuno ak 1 vber bsy ca pi nt bka copper ktmdge fiulon thnpsoti wf house jxleyster bats0we rtfrowes hi bimetl brllon slfidy 891 50 hi tw 1031 6io 733 780 80 107 670 j015 ma 1u47 ji63 8j5 trt 606 650 70 715 893 7gu in addition to the above tbt vo alio made arrangements wiih superio lines of packet ships between london an nw yoik and new yofkand hnvrewhin will enable ihem lo forward kmidinu and nhr fjiissmff rsat ovviu the lowest possible rates i l place via london ltwpoolt ihrbtfr wasgow orre ttrcmtnttrr antwerp thry will xlfi be mimlff lbe of ibeoaviation to fofwj pwngs with peed from new york to awl osweo to kingiton cow ho a lontolewimoii and sufd ond l0al1 parts of canada west offices xad iff chartrb craft no i street usln j w mwi sl new york lfirlejohn j their kntl5rj w h f 0k v iraeuie n y h fit2 co oswego n y hakndr- fc co london e g ttckehman v ic street london halih pbbsos havre 8au0blha1grt rfljnifhfl cofut antwerp cjceitificsles of fwtifi n be obtained and cverv informaiinn giv sc senilm for their vfitnds on anptico t either of our alticea orders fiom the rdas for passage tickets will be promptly as lo h 11 mziixii a co fmw lrrisunra 0we april 1814 w brattsh north wierican royal mail steam packets of 1200 tonvlij mouorsepotfr cacb dxder costeict with tdt lords op the idmruti ijibernia itasar clie judkins britannia j hewitt caledonia k g lorr acadia a ryjiie wut sail from liverpom and boston via halifax as fjiows hom boston may i- maj 16 june i june 16 wtllinjum sl mmareh luke cormipr kiniow iass 73 to let 0inio the iejj- onksfwru posesion anphe cottage adjon i denrcof james hull street of which immediate can be given thia dwelling ia very conre nient and pleasantly situated andwill be tet at a reasonable rent to auit the times- j linton kinptnn feb os 1844 70l to let the old tavern stand in johnson street former ly occupied hy mr ffnrenc donoghoe close to mr j h creeri wharf possesion lo be sven on the 9ih day of april next for particulars enquire of the subscri ber on the piemjse r08kkt mcgill kintslon 19lh march i8h 79oi from liverpool acadia april 4 h1bern1a april 19 britannia may 4 caledonia may 19 passage money from boston tijveipool 2q a m u tduufix 50 these ships carry experinced surgeons no berth tecuttd until paid if notrc all letters and npapers muni msj through the post office and all letters found on board the ships will 6 aeized by the admiralty agent and tetunrd lo the jnttl office merchandize and specie ewepl for person al expenses shipped under tin aaoc of u- gage mill be charged as freilt and liable to ciiitom house regulations for freight or passage apph to s s lewis 25tty no i cowrtercta wharf jioion the stgaw sor w prince edward ill leave kraostrm r0 bel- ey thursday x levtlle eeery tues ami ffatsrday mornmrs at j oclock and ijelcevtlleon monday wednesday and friday rrornines at 6 ociekk k u passage tree for all rffttwad gen tjemcnof all denominations tbs prince edward willstatl f greet wharf jacob bonier kingston april 3rd ism cawis wanted ank stock in ihe i north ameriea ipp commercial bank for paruculars nqurre at ll officp krogtor 8th apri 1844 is ink of briliaii c canada or fttnl- reformation of youthful offenders another elass of institutions should chal lenge the admiration ofall civilized people and be imitated in every nation i refer to schools established in connection with pri son when a prussian jurent has forfeit ed his liberty hy ihe eommission of a crime ami is therefore scquesiered from society and from his family his children arc not left to abide the scorn of the community nor abandoned to ihe tender mercies of chance the mortification of having a dim giarcd parent seems enough without the- lifelong calamity of a neglected youth hence such children are taken and pfneed under the care of a wise and humane tench- er svhn supplies lotliem that rarental guid ance which it hns been their affliction to lose indeed such care is taken in select ing ihe teachers of these schools that the transfer into their hands generally proves a blcstttg lathe children thus society is aaved from the depredation and tho ex pense of a second perhaps of a third and n ftiurih generation of criminal through these act of foresight and prevention acis which arc as clearly connected wiih sound worldly policy as with those higher moral and religious obligation which bind the conscience of every citizen and lcgtsaiir pruia and saxony have still another class of institutions of the most beneficent description ever devise by man these are reformatory clablishmenls fwr youthful oltrnder or a thev are most expressive ly anj irujuiiiuuy uuiaj ui itm idtijiu uf ihe countiy redemption inatitutes the three principal establishments of this class which i visited were one al ham- bursjp under the care of mr wiehern one just outside the haie gate of the city of berlin superintended hy mr kopf and one at dresden under mr schubert al this latter place for the first and only time in germany i heard correct physio ngica i principles advocated in theory and ilio roughly earned out in practice here the feather bed aa a covering was disused and condemned the woolen blanket being stil htituted for il j and the principal not knowing my views upon the subject began lo defend his abandonment of the common practice with something of the zeal of a reformer some of the fucv connected with ihc fwemptwn institute 01 hamburg arc so extroordinarr and illustrate so fttrcbly tho combined posscr of wisdom and tore in the reformation of vicious children that i cannot forbear detailing them the school of mr j h wiehern is call ed the haws and is situated four or five miles out of the city of hamburg it was npened for the reception of aband oned children of the very lowest class children brought up in the abodes of infamy and taught nut only by example but by pre cept the vices of sensuality thieving ami vagabomlry children who had never kftuu n tup riimi to w g h hml it only lo see it violated hamburg having been for many yean a commercial and fret city nnd ofcourc open to adventurers und renegades from all parts of the world has many more of this class of population thnn its own institutions and manners would have bred the thoughts of mr wiehern were strongly turned towards this subject while yet a student al ho university but want of means deterred mm from engaging in il until a legacy left by a mr cercken enabled him to make a beginning in 1s33 he has since devoted his life and all his worldly goods to the work- it is his first aim that the abandoned children whom he seeks out on the highwav and in ihe haunts of vice shall know nnd feel the blessings of jowesfic life thai they fhal be introduced into the bosom of a family foe this he regards aa a divine institution and therefore the birthright of every human being and the only aimosphere in which the human affections can be adequately cultivated his house then must not be a prison or a place of punishment or confinement the site he had chosen for his experiment was one enclosed within high strong wals and fences his first act was to break dawn these barriers and lo lake all bolls and bars from the doors and windows he bean with three boys of the worst description and within thrrc months ihe number tn- creosed lo twelve they were taken into ihc bosom of mr wicherns family his mother was their mother ntxd his lister was their sister they were not punished for any past offences but were told that all should be foegiven ihcmif they tried torio wcil n future the defenceless condition of ihe premises was referred to and they were assured that no walls or bolls were to detain them that one cord only should bind them and ihat ihe cord of love the effect aliestcd the all but omnipotent power of generosity and affection children frnni sven or eight to hfteen or sixteen years of age in many of whom early and loathsome vices had near ly obliterated the stamp of humanity were transformed not only into useful members of society but inio characters that endeared themselves to all within their sphere of oo quaimsnee tho education given by mr wiehern has nol heen an cxstheiicor litera ry one tne children were told si the be ginning thai labor was the price of a living and that they must earn their own bread if they w secure o comfortabm home he which they were invited their own indus try must supptj tho rest mr wiehern ptared great relianeo upon religious train ingj but this did not consist in giving them iiry and unintelligible dogmas he spoke to hem of christ as the benefactor of man kind wlw proved hy deeds of love his in tereal in the raer who sought out the worst and most benighted uf men to give them in struction and relief and who left it in charge o those who eame after him and wished in be called his disciples lo do likewise is it strange that enforced hy such a practical exemplification of christian love as their fatherly benefact gave them in his every tiny life the story of christ words and deeds should have sunk deeply into their hearts and melted them into trnderneis and docility t such was the effect the most rapid improvement cntued in the grcal ma jority of ie children and even those svhom long habits of idleness and vagabondry made it dilticull to keep in the straight pmh had long seasons of obedience and gratitude to which anv aberration from duly was only an exception as the number of pupil increased mr wiehern saw that the szc of tho family would greatly impair its domestic character to obviate ihis he divided his company in to families of twelve and he has ereitod nine separate buildings situated in a semi circle around his own and near lo in each of which dwells a family nf twelve bova or twelve girls under the care of a houcfalhcr h hooscmother as lle as sistants are respectively railed each of iic4o faintly f it mmo oxleat m inij- pendent communilv having an individual ty of its own they cat and sleep in their own dwellings and the children belonging to each hiok up to iheir own partieular fa thcr or moiher as homebred children to a parent the general meeting every morn at first ir ihc chamber of mr- wieh ern mother bui afirrwardi when the number increased in the ihtle chapel and their frequent meetings at work or in tho f layground form a sufficient and in fact a very close bond of union fr the whole community much wasdone by the children themselves in tlic erection of their little colony of buildings and in doing this hey were animated by a feeling nf hope and a principle of independence in provi ding a dwelling for themselves while they experienced the pleasures of benevolence iu rendering assistance to rath other mr wiehern mentions with geat satiafartion ihc good spirit of ibe architect who came upon ihe premise to direct in pulling up the iirl house thb man would no re- lain a journeyman for a day or an hour who did not cenduct themselves with the utmost decorum and propriety before the children who were assisting in ihe wofe instruction is given in reading writing arithmetic singing and drawing and in eome instances in higherbranches music is used as one of the most efficient instru ments for softening stubborn wills and lilting frih ender tielina and its depri vation is unc of the punrshmenu for dehn- cjuency the songs and hymns have been special- adapted to the circumstances and wants of the community and it hsa often happened that the singing of tin appropriate hymn both at the gatherings in ihc mothers chamber which were always more or less- kept up and in the little chape has awa kened the 6rstborn sacred feeling in obdu- rate and brutificd hcani sometimes a voice would drop from the chor and then weeping and subbing woulij be heard in- stead the children would say they could not sing ihey must think of their past jives of llieir brothers and sifters or iheir parents living in vice and miser at home on several octasions the singing exercises had to be given up frequently the children were sent out to the garden lo recover themselves an affecting narrative is rev- corded of a boy who ran away but whom mr wiehern pursued found and persua ded to return he was brought back on chrittmas eve which was always celcbra- cd in the moiber chamber the children were engaged in singing the chrisimas hymns when he entered the room at first they manifested strong disapprobation of his con- duet or he was a boy to whose faults spe cial forbearance had been previously shown tley were then told to decide among them selves how he was to be punished this brought them all to perfect silence and ofter some whispering am consulting together one who had formerly been guilty of ihc same ingratitude under still les excusable circumstances burst out in a petition for his forgiveness aji united in it reached out to htm a friendly hand and the festival of the christmas eve was turned into a rejoi cing over the brother thai had bctn lost but was found the pardon was not in words merely but in deeds no reference lo the fact was afterwards made a day or two after he was sent away on an errand to the distance of half a mile he was sur- priitcd and affected by this mark of confi dence and from that time never abused his frecilnm though intrusted to execute com missions at great distances but he could tever nfter hear certain chrisimas hymns without shedding tears onrf long subse- qucnlr in a confidential communication lo mr wiehern respecting some act of his former life an unburdening of the overladen conscience which wai very common with ihe inmates and always voluntary for did not poinllhem to ease nnd affluence i they were i old on their arrival thai their but loan honorable poverty which ihey past life should never be spoken of unless were taught was not in itself an evil here j between them and himlf he referred to were means and materials flst learning to tho decisive effect of that acene of loving support themselves but there was no rich ifcindne upon hrs feeling and character fund or other resources for their mainte- one peculiar feature of this institution is nance charity had rupplicd tho home to that the children are not stimulated by ihe worldly motives of fame wealth or person al aggrandisement the superintendeni oes not ii flame them with the ambition that if ihey surpass each other at recitation and make cplcntlid displays al public exami nations they shall in ihe end become high military officers or congress- men or excite the envy ofall by their wealth or fame on he other hand so far os this worlds goods are concerned he romrnernj and bitualea them to the idea of an horinrabhs poverty and the only riches with which he dazzles their imaginations are the riches of good works- hr loots to ibem as his hope for redeeming oihera from the ephere whence they themselves were taken and there have been many touching iastaacea of the reformation of parents sad faoiijies fur whom the natural affection first prng up in these childrens hearts after they had learn cu the blessing of hvme and what the tics of nature really arc one of ihe most interestingcjkcis of this charily la ihe charity which it reproduces ia its objects j and thus i is shown that in the order of nature the actions of good men-pro- vtded ihey are also wie not ksa than food ed will produce thirty or sixty or a hun dred fold f frencfircni fruit mr wiehern makes a great point of celebrating chria mas and iho friends of the school are in the habit of sending rmall smug of ooner and articles of various kinds to adom the festi val this money has often been volunta rily appropriated by the children in chsriia- he purpose they frequently give away iheir pennies and instances have hapiwocd whero they have lterally esnpeaej ilxar fis tic purses into the hanus q poterty and dis tress and takn off their owo clothes to cov er the naked on one occasion six poor children had been found by some of the scholars and invited to rive ctaristmaa festi val there they were clothed mn6 many useful and pleasing articles made by ihs givers were presented to them one of the boys read a passage fcom tlwr history of christ and the chrimmaa songa and other songs uf thankgiving and prase were sung to the sound of the organ which a friend had presented to the tittle chapel some verses welcoming he mrs n gem sskceedcd the guests then departed hletising he hoos and its kind iahabiianu but who can doubt that a voice of gladness rrore preci ous than all worldly applauses rprang up unbidden and exulting in the hearts of the little benefaciors i but among numerous lera conspicuous instances of the ehongc wrought by wise and appropriate moral means in the cha racter of these so lately aba ndoned children the most remarkable occurred al the time of the great hamburgh fire in may 1842 in july 1843 1 fsw ihe vast chasm which the con fl a grot inn had made in itu centre of that great city the second day of the firr when people were driven from ihe city in crowd snd liourejrs and half frantic suf ferers came to the raubo house for shelter the children soroe of whom bad fncnils and relatiesiniheejlr he me inttwrfor excited and bcaoughi srr ymhehi for leavc to go in and make themselves useful lo the sufferers nut without great anxiety as lo the force of ihe temptations for escape or for plunder bat might assail them in uch an exposed and tumultuous srene tvegavo permusioi to band of iwenlylwo to ac company him on condition thai they would keep together s much as rhossibje and re turn with him at an appointed lime this they readily promised nor did they disap- point him f heir conduct was physically as well as moalty heroic they nidved into the greatest dangers losave life and pro- perty and though sometimea tressed to re ceive rewards ihey steadily refused them al stated intervals they returned in the sp- poinied place lo reassure the confidence of their superior on one occasion a ltd re mained absent inng beyond ihe lime agreed upon but at last he appeared quite ex hausted by the labor of saving some valua ble property mr wiclern afierwarda turned from the owner not front ihe lad that he had steadily refused the compensa tion offered to and even urged upon him when the company returned home at the appointed time he sent forth sncrthcr band under the rare of a houacfather and these exeried themselves in ihe same faithful and efficient manner this was done as long aa the necessity of the case required from this lime the baube house was the retort of the poor and houseless and not for daysj only but for weeks the pupils shared with ihem their food and even stept upon ihe ground to give their beds to the destitute sick and injured i can hardly refrain from narrating many other facts of a siuifir cha racter connected with this institution for if tho angels rejoice over a rescued sinner why should we not partake of that joy when it is our brother who is ransomed jn his last report mr wiehern says the institution was sctually so impirverislaed br the demands made upon it at that time snd the demands upon public chanty have sinre been ao great in that unfortunate city that the inmates have been almost reduced to suffering for h wrajfr- tr cutarli vj fj v n children ftrffy fri at caisnv- ly to this bjsejhocverci te- dren of the house werv ready and willing u contribute portion of their wardrobe and they submitted cheerjully to other priva tions mr wiehern regretted above all other things tbe neressity of refusing many applications and it is but doing justice to ihe citizens of hamburgh lo state thai on bti appeal mete hy him for fund to erect a new building they were geaerouoiy and prompsiy raised by those who had such un ildual claims upon their chanty