r i 111 l mi hii ln ml lt- and 111 rithhthlri amil pm hsvcallr i ml im j hf 14 miuh hnrithl tiifr ii sttdl elri u hit l jul 41 m 111 ihvhmikfel- mt hi itu i fr- lll rtf likii we teninp ll mijotrl iw pfuntmnj ittf jtaxiff ffciy it wise tefiy we ntb1ih i hand bill lasiarj tj lfcr molfeiuc htl rnig vthieh ri hria what ihrir ivciiion pff iliu a ueiits sa ntcefnr lor hilt moening- a refer kufrg ton afcraod lhat mr wn uolion lot rrd bi lyirnd ami ipftorcr i moil rmphtitrill eontisdiel tint mmff tsl ami j np jrlsf ilrw dele miiai ion i mrnoft lum at ihr imtrral pultioi booth mvriwr 1t94 it 9 triumykanttu eriiriied member for monliral all frtcftdeorfeod nrder ard eoiiljlurt joimnaarnl are carr ill rrltcj to be at bey jio god imlpt ftwrmittt ifth mill 113 mr molo fiird and kucttvi will meet thj niomirj u liibm ovock preciarly t tjue r- rff frigid of order mir and it iepicd hit it it it hit peal april 17 hswtter nhr lb tinc rami- toe poffiflfc it a aaaoancrd ah mr moltoti hid rcid under pro test netuilhsljndmt lh ihe poll coniinid a carditr to taw four rf ihnirs in si liwrcnee si mivi e c rlrr under the protection oflat military tik em had alffata breii pcr- rjrif qoict and h ll oca had polled thai were italy to wav li ibe vvcitlher taa 0 difficulty mr duflnofu majorily continued lo iricci frets hour dori the day the motion party pol led ia ccr vrfl thrr kij rattf imt the truth u ihey fwul ot by the prvcretfi of ftrr- day that thcr hij not the major ty cf ttharh hcy vivftlrd o much on of mr moev unl id- ttttn ttcflirrd opcnlv ikit m motion hid tre haarfu11dfcvtid aod it at heen corrrntty rrportrd tway ihl mr muon had rprccd himtclf in a irf tiaiitar raanner uc dare gin ai fair and jvnrliat nit of lh rtniioa a in or povrer wc hh nan pro cced to itale a j fett faetr wwrh we up r be iuffifitnt torooiific alt ovl the rami pre jvdierd the torira rrefi the polj fao ofone rtafrf jein ty iiciww thai the aatrnienfa of that pirtt hirr been cpift falie aitd that hu drwm md had an orcrhctmnioi mfcjci of ihr eltet era frtfiptal to tke union atfl montrfal rra ditided iaio in ttardt tal and we n ihe frmr the ftrneh camjim infltfenee lyi pe- ponovrated aod ihe popular caidttc wre rfturn j ttithoul m dilakulij trnroltj nithoii off otinofi- in the hv i4id uvrre ife cimh ctouietelal part hd moil ntu violent eonira rteawa lock f u ih fr f- i oipfrj ilno eulunrrli h h cauituu ll jt bee wffd tint m wis htn hr mhi ot s uon wrr appovlht walle- oj doamvlratt ih ulur fh catholic iv iih tnitreft w ahooi rnil for ilw chronicle k camle mm tiuton amnjuced unwhlafifllj lo fihutfrtallon c a i artiek whkh appeared in itdif ivrin aljd anoevr ivlcrtor of lot vm hi whirti iv writer defend mr smuh eon- itml in f7fftdiif nfui dial ueiitlefraone frienda ua 4tifin the arek on lol 21 hir h i recently ttolicol myolyetki tolheao mretjui leoao not j mneh from ihe holdinf of inetn at ihe rcpei tenia- tioni mrirh hire beon node retptctio theni in the ant fttlce i have ken that the muoi look place oi ihe iiiatanee of mr smith himaelf and thb mr wcbalfr wo chlrm of ihe second nteetinr hoa corrocjoraied sceondly that ihcy were atrieily ipeokifi priaaafi meetinxa of mr smith on par- atdpv friend aod ahcaitd not ihrrcfotr haie been rfprtkntcd 4a jhhic meeunra irf electof ujttivtll aorc mr mark will be the laat man lo ihiuh mo for ihe manner in nhich f have i r rated mr smnh tn my grai kltcr- i think 1 treated thoi jtn- 1 1 ttiih all duo reaped and if the frvfaa arbach it rontinod prod unpalateable to ham and hit frirndi i cannot lp it- ai to nty tnrurricr iho eenrurc of mr mark i may jml aay that although i hjh1y rrapcet him as an rtcexaf oprifiht man i tn quite i- tin fit whether my letter pleucd him or ng i did ii t write to frtify hnm and i im not aware thai he eter saw ibe utur i at al erceiia dd not irtid him a epy i never aceuaco mr smith of aajtn- thai he k eureof bein luppotted by exl the klleiora of lot 1 i there trai therefore no oeecasilj for ariothee elector to impute such a staiemenl to as iidl enteruin the opinion thl mr saiithtraa not eireted as the popular caaau ale md thai mr mjruttoatho petpaeafatrile an j thai he nonld haw been returned by a large anajixtty had he not been reular ly humbugged by hta auppoted fheods anouier elector tays mr smith ta atoaeelcer of cttice i nceer aid he ttaa lor aimi bul thai he mi and obtained ct1cc fr k friim b an unde niable fie j am acti charted z fcflcnntt of the lam of the province trhen i accuse mr smith of doin- nothuiv for ihe streets of lot v and i om atkid if i do no kooar lhat these mattcra are be- yond hie contrci f parliament brinj aettled by the h diatriel coundl i hn aware mr editor that he district council has extcniitc eotrerw but 1 i not knoir that that body could amend o de of par limtl arhiehii absolutely oeeesssrj before ihe road lax can be erpeodej on the lot another eleetc aumi vp vih the eonsolin- rtflccton to him lhat he could easily refute all my other aitertiooj nth regard to mr smith bat lhat ira notirorth hi vhiia aa they are all false i thik b a very eatt and common n jy of eltrnout of a jilfiuuy and if ittallcnr sphisty afvj ijnrinee c to in hereafter considered aiund ofumentsj cne me oonbdenee jit the deaira to act reroonalue comawnt it u ttuihaproofofihe trj rtmra afcii delay hart no ana can lament a muck at i do fee no ena can ba inerrry rrtpeet to i ureatd i it cettatlon nil- haibeen eued n meoaure by their i r fiked dcurmlnatian to oppose any coim- ej notorihcir peieeiion and foe the real by my on anaieiy to fotm auch an ad mtfmtl ration aa wwf toobuiu tho confldence or boh branehto hi lnulbre withoul urhkh ihe atieeeaiful wort- in of i 1 nr government fa impracticable attotr raw cen1emen oneo more to thank you for your public spirited aupport in nhat btlieie lo be the cause of liberiyt order and od tjotermeni and therefore idhputimy the cauie of the people fro i- i- the ratal gsictte of apeil 2d published at hamoo bermuda wo ei- traei the folbtrjn itcma h ms rinjdoee coosr st vv daniel m- ted from nataau h p q sunday tatt we are informed that the binjdofe aftiatfoaa and wap ore to leave thit command for the tfoatt or africa to aid in the auporftuon of the alate trade it belor the intention oi is jcovemmcm u tfiihdraw the mall r- 3 mki from the acreral station and to concent r eient meana of larie the v jtt irodo of tba haranaj if rapidly on the increase hating h it reported landed om that u lasd tiilhin the ut lo monlha upftaidt of uoq africans directly from the eoaal p aviated lhat the captain general had refuted all fommumication srilh the slate cnmmiionrra at lhat place in mat tea conneelrd niih their office officii information was reeeited her lb th m peitd it 1 bishop of ne foundlind and bermuda tha neatly appointed biahop j the r v t j peild of quccits college oiford hi lordthip graduated in ld3 j in the fleet lst of matha- mlica and lh cetnd in elasaiet and became pub ceamiacr in ih foraarr in 7 he has been rrrr oeiite iith ref ard to public school a m steamer hcrmet l carf yinf at port ftoyal jamaica had auftored aaach from the fcter ii-i- loi 10 out af 30 cases frkk chukch meetings the rev oil ft bcffntf oo or lite deputation torn the vre piouttiu avau- v fjnj ai j iit n addlksh r inlhe wcilryjn mrlhodtil llif kcr k m tl w t ihem on the cas i a atop to it aa a more e bi ll abcoiinable vivi ikhisnit iwhaahh i imtjsl bo disposed lo place thi of birth rnoriinj 19th inauftt mrs- w mccoy married by the re w haw on ihe sib lamaaat mr miles catok son of archibald caton eauice to axklia ari eldest dachter of grcrje h dell liuire all of nan notice ii hereby riw lhat vf hie intention of h sai t geougcs society loir lotethrr on their aniiiecnary dj l dlya td in- tickets 1 actmission maybe had f mi v j r v j aldham kyte iecretirr april tolhj 1844 hvrrjon church weilinzlun mreet evening salurdayj at 7 oclock aho dr dor writ preach i ihe nhovr church on sabbath titmiow nt it oclock am ami in ihe llntih weslcyan rhorcv m richer church at 2 and i lelock k cotftfftont tvil be taken tip pj each of ihe nborc mealing in aid of the lunda of tic free protesting churcb- j olipiiant chairman of hi free church commiltoc kinton 20th april 1844 auction sale of grocerits ttos wlfit c c at the soosciiberi agiori iloom kin streelf on turaday the th iiuunt u iih- ct renorvc 20 cheau twankay te 10 do young hyion do s ro gunpowder dr 8 boxc i do 10 do souchong dn 5 tarreli saleratus 10 kess plu- tobacco 12 boxes carefttjtith 4 do lacw twisl 0 jo stare hi 15 do soap 10 do spent candle tith variou other articles also a quantity of ftl sherry and m- rjiira wines in wod and bottf and 10 casks superior boltled ale- sale at ten oock thomt greer aaclioocer ktngfton april 20 isi4 notice the business herein carried oo at kingston by the subacritnrwill frorothi dstc be eoittinuej under lb firm of hugh phaser co mr maltrw drummond havioj been admitted aa a pu liter much eraser kmiston april 15 icvu s3z government sate- ij he sotri uy auclion on friday 2fh tntlant thtf materials ef two large framed uuildikgs known as the old sappeis jurrocki and utackftmitba shop at lir foot of the glacis at foit j i aisi ahnm 350 hiwhrts of charcoal sjic to lake place at ll oclock in the fore noon on ihe premises terms cash the mteiiah to he remotcd ttnmediatrly or will be forfeited after fifteen day feoff the day of j- linton q office of ordinance k5ton ljth april i 1644 s3 mrs hurlburts ladujs academy c0j10urc terms coimmenee oo hie 21 torsjy of jtme and 3d thursday of october in- truciioft it srvert rn all the soliil an4 urna- menial branches ersced in a finished edav cation the academy r divided inlo four departments wilh n crrmpelent teschcr oser each- ovarl -i- are tauht and mrs h convert cm tn fiench with those uddyinjihouanue e fr neetermof eleven weeks for board and tuition embrac ing all ihe solid brioches pupil hate access to various experimental lectures kererence is politely permitted to the fol lowing enltemen from whom ceiligcates eai fe obtained it jlutlt lihtral candidc ifserrilrmr jlrlar of another ejeetoe until the trceds r4anautaa ttrtrd fle a vh ette eointctt haatlh boss the taie rfatrra t he irmflaor ihr baal nd lvt tada reerenniled andecond- t rrnrkrm4iq d ft ni rtlhfl j tort tj aifc j am lv thr i w ha i arceurt if trnfh b ih jdt oftevrt rl m of all ci f merly npfsd o them ivsj like in prve our h and thall lake the liheriy of nrnilnt a rrry fa naa tii j mills eo r mkar et m 5 daj baav ad f c jhonee advocatr it mutt be autiaiii to errj oe thai atsunun- ihr french ca- r in f and i sie nitrd mr milton could har no crsastri tthauvrr so notariou the alreneih flne libealpofij lr ueaubirn teas elected trjixtai oppose ion tic orer m cootesl ha laken place in conte itucace of its mfrf isth me vttt oiild emrre e tutors of a lar teetton of he candiifi hat thij been she tfee t tke een the eai rraid ataaamnh nltereuunot pretend j thai there wa a an tihrtsrr ard nhrre all or nrarls all ihe vote veepolled uhrre are mr masons canadian r4rt 1 v hic ircrnalwa i lr do p- olr rrrr polled in lhat ftrd6l far pmtirnond and i for mulsio jo the centre ward 2 french cnadan old f mitoa anal i for dnimood jm uk wt araral 1 for mai otand2l ftf orvdtnd- this pcak vrlumrt tkmmmyl perciirl tool place at alt if other 001 inlhyc at no former eheltan wire there fnttr canastaati otea rrenrovd tor the tory candi- in ft all cor frdieiion wee rraliacd a fjfetr indnrduattp iovtccd by mr vier nb- ftinedfrom alnif ad a lilfmallcr oumbrr o- mfarv m dnn thr rvenrh ctiidn oua- iia o m drumntcd ia really hsrdlj worth no- eicn mr cherrier hmirlf opetitv favored mr dronvmond mr motion polled attoeiher aearh motsva la it tifcety ne atk if he hid had canadian n i r tlict vrould not hate foiled aa well he briuih t w hir a ttord or two fo asr as 10 ihr t sntsni ihr lr h mnh faslsfam of n ihe wt i nut lw nit w4if nr iv iivua of mr bvlhochkfn a tmatl portion of the irhekci- smrrmtned in uumr ttmporoi itjr a neutral roation w ilart tadthat hj nould ote for mr drvmrnond whm u eime 10 ihe ptint anj our prcdieliofi trrre serifltd-mrstea- mmahan lje and uin aupartrd mr oummind as miii i t either of ht fnela we hate rttde ftaln atatentt offela whievare trdttpu- jaur and emit now fc think esprcss our ai ioiihment at ihe aiidacii and braaet impudence of lhmojoi pariy thoeoniino lo aterl thai they hal a mai mty and that their candidate was kept cut fcj e iclrnee the truth i tha m molaort and hit friendt aec dreemiocd to carry ihe etcctiow bf siotrnc if vuiible ii ir r rlr r lhat thr j could not rtsreeed bj fair meant the vt arret sloifa ihit on ofihfir tprlera declared openlj ravrrinj to ihr aid sdar mike ntonet hanctuy if nu can but take asone lhat re anutl rarrf ihe election fsirlf iftreeaii but we reuil carej or words lo that aasetf the priy that it hkeie l rain hj rio- unee will atwaea br charged with eneournime it mr drummond frindt had ercre lhit to fjatn br eicr ard were anxtout for it mr motion could nlr sneeoed by tiolrnee that eiotence waa throat- iivd indication that it wn be reoted to were rrren and pccparauan nere mide snd the ceeue 1 trace waa that mf drurnaocd friend could not i reitraiacd from r to ikfcstd thtmtelves with an orerithelfnins raajoritrof ihe people in l as admitted bf their rncmiee tnej earunitted so tlere nhatrer and ie oofaelat r two en- tfpafsx notneioosle aetita friend of mr molson anlkim ihrouh a hole bodr of ihead rncn ai a drt- tasee from any of in poll iriibout th aatkbaasjl mo- itaiallon wo tear those who understand tory taetie to say wsetncr two auppoteraof mr drum- raand could hare roc a aafrly crowd of a u me oi and fact rcccuc a near definition the arc wholly imm to hii stairmenta i am rlilrlr informed by another efajrmat thai w9 mu td iiij uwmaeltra l support mr 5mllh this aaaertion i know to be fabulous it tj trwe wjueter that l the ftrat meeting of his friends on 1 mr exhibited a list of thase n ham he huht would aupport him acu it i also true lhat elmoal all ihe farmers who come to market arc beset htncotlht sjmlemana friends lo pledje their eupport lo mr smith but notithslsndin alt ihis t tnow thai there afenamraon that i in nhich uere itcer authoriacd to be out ihcrc am ef opinion that another eleelcr has grossly intuited mr 1miihandhlo 34 tupped era for in mj afsuoq ro hneable man ttouldaik a pmco of the kind v j no hjnest man eon toskc rl i am truly ttrxlccton t amo ruidfnt ox lot tvxvfoc lot ut to kifijtlcr april 19 lm- the nvowinj addcss us p tutsnl judre of the diatriet krkpairick eaq coiri and aeti i rhairmn of tho qoser caaiona in ihe abtenco of mm s cartwrttht sq sraa presented on the hit diy of ihe sessions and wc now pablir t a ire beat answer to i cotert attack made on the enileman io hie cjumna of the svffw- nwi fo f- kirkpatrift to 4rxaat ja4gt ofae iraaavm coarl omr midland dtitrut st h the underttcned membera of the kingston kr bc teatolocapresslo your honor our aatiifae- fm at the manner in which you haec fee the flrat lime t vmod the uti ichorrman ofthr quart r ui i j jfltw oiatner couft ttmaer inn aihpwr f john s carlwrighl eaq- ihe bmineis of theso two courts has helherio been oerfotned in n manner u hich has won the respect 3 esteem alile of the ttar and ihe ditr ict ifit aboakl be rus tnteaiion in uveneitparlument to accept ufthe oneroos duties of s kcorrscnuthe of ibe people whereby ooderthc caasaaasj law he would ni laalbjof bo able to preside in thee toortaiiilt n ouij regret the vote ofcoe foe hoot c enter- laiit anditiuoajly and eotleeutcly to high regard wc w luil with plcaaurethe permancnl appointment e your lionor to the as which rca ha shewn vourf tif etpable of fllho- to the public sjusfaclkm members ofibe st thmbmfr socicty and enliithmm not tnembeit are re- qtiemed to meet at ntmfords hilel princess street on tuesday 33rd instant at fj oclock a m for the purpose of walkin in pocrssinn from thence to si georfl church vthkre divme srir wtu he petfoimed he the chaplain to the society by rder j aldham kyte seerelarv kindlon 3ih april i6u4- 33 public notice fthe suhscribei would jve ptihfic notice that mr henry mathnvs meir former cypres messeoser between r nation toronto oswrjjo and new york ino looker either removal kamsay abmouk ft co bee respect- fully to intimate to thejr eooraer and lollie public lhat they have removed their etab1ilimcot1o thai new and central store in kn- street lately occupied by mr bilton tiror and next door lo ihe warehouse of motfr deykcs at co vherc they will as usual keep nn liatnl a lare amc jtnneral assort mrnl nf vooxk account hooks whiting paplih and phm oncf fanrry stationery which they will aell wholesale or rfmi onmoderate terms hamsay akmoulf co fxtexsive auctiox sale of cmn cnliis spika iron md other eory vflrcioofc a 34 1 mh 3 5s 2 t3 st andrews fsociety the members of ihe saiht avnucvtl sociktv wilt meet at the hrilish american hotel on st oc0sulrl dythe 3rd instant al looclotk a m i wcwly lh purpose of aeeompanyine st ceorea society to church on their anniveuary by order rod ross secretary imojoton m apnj 844 e stiiih jr john a msedonald j ttrrakenridjcf j- hcndrs a rapbm1 dated april lli 18 c o beoton w marrmy clttrse stuart w a goddea j j burtowes auction sale of household fryrjvjiao on wednesday the 24th instant al the subscriber auction room kin-at- uill he sold without rrtervalioti beiner the sroperty of severjil gentlemen about lo leave iusrston mahogany centre nj loo tables pining and card tables fieda heddin and hair maltrafsea ion bertstead and mattrast with sprineji sofa work tables bureaus and tame btaek wafnut 1 1 ctishionedj and other chain mshoany ier and other looking claw arnsr amt ws alaroest wlh a ureal varifly of kitchen utensils and other articles of hote furnishios sate at ten oclock thomas greer auctioneer kingston april 20ih 1844 85 dressing directly or indirectly connr with their express estiblishrfjent pomcioy a co af no waltstrti new votfc burbank c0s expkess for new york city c in fortnedrofl aeitt poncroy co for the tranmtaion 01 lactaej of all descriptions collection alr and pur chase of goods by sample or ntficrwic c cce the messenger will be io klatpttfl evety tknmfft j- h qmvl agent kinitono whom ihr public is referred for naucutafa april 17ihi8lj- bsi the wew and fast sjttlllst steam packet rd the store of mty4h macphcrw ceanr ontario street on wednesday the lih dmf of may next will be sold with- out any reserve to close a eoniisnimrnt 2 76 inch arrsmani patent chain cables do do do do 1i0 do do do do do o do c dn do 6u do tons enlih rrrnro square and flat 3 kens 7s inch spikes 17 o cot nail 8 do wrought do j assorted lo q do horse shoe nk j k bake pans 3st bellied iota vilh various other arlicles salraltettocioek thomas greer auctioneer kingston 12th april 1844 83hi the oivrego paudmtn vi pkaic cooy the ibote l ill thedavof aale and tend the account i o loc sube nbir fr pif itltfm tg announcement for 1844 haines auction room at h smiths kscj new stone btiildine fc doors shore id lainbton hotite holel print street thomas a haines jiatefnl to his friends and the pumic for past favors heto announce that he has rented ihe above pieniisns and is prepared lo attend to sales of all deaciiptiont of property whether indoor or oot of donr sale and from his joctjc expe- rieoce feel assure that he will give entire mtial action n- h satisfactory rcleiences can be given when required j i couxtcn esq t w powell m- p kindlon kev w rickt d thompson esqmf kingston- j p roaujt dt mr- a llockca do 3 cameron do swbnarjydo j gilcithur de aito saciiaunrij m i i cunoar j h ricc do iclr oiticr do d tifojiclun do notice rrlendeks stall be received atth ff c at the lijnl pmuntiary dntil t- y of aprit irmanl finen tich ersnn 3utfi may he willin o formah for thead intliluiiuti ue c 1041000 bricks 3ouo utihhls sfafie un l hy measnrr the bricks m to be of a sound mftcjitnt- abk cjualiiy ne haf of which to be ovfreev at the penitentiary on or hefote ihe 30th rl of may next and the remainder by ihe toili june following tenders for the slehe coal are lo slale wtistdpsciiptionihey can be roruiibed u whrfcowhulibiobcdfliireiedon ihe proi leniuiy wharf by ihe 30lh june neal fwo sufficient soretie will he required u r the peiformanee of ach contract h siini if p ccaiaiirtcru heixrtt rtrftax escj shrnff newcaatte dutlicl rev ecbnror rvsnsox l d piincipal v college rev a mcxa or jamcs profeiior k kisciton res jimf srcnctn cobourt ih april ltvw k faauhbr has rcccieed hla mock of jtoteer and kitchen gafje seed for this yeir whtch he offers for sale jlwesoje ond retail they will he fotind 10 rompriae aa lare an assortment ae can he found in canada west hiving been imnoird irom the most leitfec- lablr houses are alt fparroncyu to ut fresk and of tru kinds arnoq bis ftoiftr seed will be iound more than 50 varieties persons wtahin colalones may have ihem hy calling for them it his caecaisf 4 jpothe cajbpj market lace fiagton april 0th 1814 ei3ni upper canada college fkthe ftihotving exlrael rrsin the min- ulei of the councilor king col lege is ptibtiaficci iikt lite infirmalrn of al pariie- concerned ivhereoe it appear tha mny jehu due t upier cansta college whic wzr conlraclcj before ihe year i42 remain unpaid although repealed applicaiinnshave leen made hy the collector of the college fif payment thereof resolved thil tlirtase accumoahall be placed fortiwih in ihe handa nf iho snlitritor fir etiueflinn and that he be instructed to proceed fir lher recovery henry boys m d rtgiitrar an j bursar king couep april s i8w 83hi lu april r 4 rohi in sobciihrhis i j stfjflk mouse iu whnle or in pads alsrf b acvrral aanalter one near to ihe above on also store any ttnaoiiiy of pieivlit thai mar be committed to his care all ihe above prrnie are so well ailuatrh as t the s fr and convenience that an enn- mofsltonoi their advanarjeoossiinaftod woum be itrdiew apply at the office in oularin slfeej j wm cabbatt- ntnon 28ib match 18m 71a te cwoat and flamst toeonln are ro its the awc 6 icralr m d knd lnar hit office for patnseni aeejols to i to let at 1hn head of iiinee street a stone dwelling house nvoieshrds sviih four lioom and 4 itamori each floor wilh a cellar nd cell at- kitchen and with the ne cessary oni6uidinj ttnrifta and a well ot jrootl vvatrr the above r well cleolaieal for gemlemanrefjrnce j ihe rent will be onderate apply al ihe ubrlbci otfcr- in onlario street wm garratt ktnsion 23th ilnrch 1814 75 f klif cc edwa captain uontek v comrnrnce runnin on the bav of ri and reply of his gxcellencr the gov- ernor general to tll brock pistrtlct address 70 fae frttkotdtrt fad fxomunh omr dittriet vbrgtk m conawct ifeifc i be tooccnueinen to accept rnjeordtal thanks fr ihe aaueaeten orcoucurrence ad support coo- vcted an toue i feel rnosldeepty yeajr concluding praj er that nay rueced in crui erj aliened hotrerer d tiiscd to separate thii noble colons oco the ta- rritsur it ia bs the harallf and good ene of the people that auettatteotpta whetkcr made wilt be eruthed aa ibry rjereioiore hat bern be the iqmt nvesna tbt desin ofieparsitdo is not not li nd i araauld be loth to ieapute it to ar one hodenict il the secret intrntionaof mebhearfa ta tnal the ritcrent in the eitr has hern fctotvn only to ihe alastchtr aer of hidlrn rtrr treat we admit but ihe reaponsimtly roust ret h y oh rtmt oiresll aimed l vkodor mr tiscrand hit new allies nho 1sc t ir nt obstruction to her uteco ihe ihiilow or a prospect tueces by joje itaalalaaalf ijroirn thill be otfuilt thai the gorrirnor shall be f oicara hae allentpred to return ttr oember frr ov capital of coiled canada by tyibety j ire idalion they hare been mdi itfialtt defratrd are now compelled to conceal tbfir sham and rvaiten bj imputing to btir 0ppint h cnae uould hae peroti rssi lllamc the atac of the poll at at nasi close at orklaia cronies patmujoxo molson msrja 4 3 m gmrm 315 01 went il 46 cent s so 57 w aaaaaaw 467 177 total k9 463 a loal 10 their hand and that all ne yoarers or er -r- t of tba cettiiution ahatl be usurped am nsoiwrpouted by anougarehj who by any nsisrep rvirmation or mikoeeption can obtsin the sup evtt nf a majority in the itouae of uaamh so thai there thsll noi 0 s reside of ihe rojal pre realise or of any balance of power in the govern- mnt it ra against the tiratm and toon- i nrrlenaioos lhat i am now eonfcndins and i am unable loeipecss the wonder with hich i re rd ihe inconeereabte bliodneas or ihoae peraon tro really deakouv of preaerrins out connection nlhlhe british eeofire do not aercese lhat th meeeasofsucbeatreme riews is inconpatibte na ihe rrlalion of coony th lb mothrr coontry t eaut tend to separation 1 eonjadcnov relr on ihe good felinf and diaeernuaent of a si majority of the pconk for the detection and defeat of aeheeaea whtch are either triced or absurd acctfrdmr to ihe ejinui with which ihej are respcciiiet prosecuted niy for drwamond quo aj jiun of parlies td the result or lhcif wtt advocates j poil af frenrh canadians in the three centre ml mean in the a itparlieutalvthe nfcere iher nrter tyaiem ofkpen o a ror ard where a ehim cmm hac rotcd anisst ifir bf br arraneceoenu of lord sydenham re cicry utprcjtdcd mart thai uv iur pwie of srplembee 1841 i regard t t of uk electa cf montreal if hoalite tti ihe het dejfee lo depart i l 1 ci tab i and toirretprntime gosrejinarul 1 what i 1 wd mr viker try kiehilheu e mr barthc rora the mtdisoiiiaiiof frtday i ttndejtood thai tcrasjj treofvh rof annexion ihe yof annetin helwcen ihe ioited slates i was this dav sineri nndlhal it be suboniued o ihe senate fof raliftcation m n ihp dnf tartfc4 hew insfitlv a forasint lh acanowkded conatilutio- aeeordm ta wrehlhegoerintaniorcaobdats i h condoled the real ena mtet oriha syaura are nho woold render it successful operan rt by awriia he untenabtc and inadeoi ltac prrtrnaiont shore draenbed and ho bj asjs nrescnlauon of my resiataaca to lhoar blended mrpaiioa atrire 10 t icite diauectn rd to poison tm itids of ihe peopto ajainat toe n the prose- erf f ihea tiena ihey preterd that ihe uoaoid lb the eompletwn 0 rrcolit co aod m the nomination of rh ofdrpaeacot i a ar of raj auction sale on wccycadst if fclih jntlil1 ireaotd at th sroreaof mr d f camfbcll coeaenereial wharf a fetters assortment of teas coffees tobaccos c c teas 15 hlf chests yung hyson so m ao twankay s do pouchotig 4 rt do souchong tobaccos 10 kegs superior plug j boxes do caverjdlh fi do do nailrod 5 do do ladies twist 15 jars rose scented m snuff 4fioq common cigars coffee 25 bags la gnayra 5 sr domingc spicks 5 kegs rxt ginger u best jamaica ginger boxes ground pepper do ginger u cayenne pepper mats cassia 5 boxes ground d 5 u pimento s i o i 1 1 s hitsrcrootc on mommy continue during the ensttinr- mu will rare bellesille for x monday wednesday and fije ercninj at 6 oclock p m placet on her way down and will lease farcers wvsrf krtf lon for bf ue ihr and the river trcol eeery tuesdau and thursday orenioe at sic and every saturday evening at four oclock p m toskbin at the iutir mediate places h k pavsares free for lttrcoj tfcittlc- me of all derominttions 65 1844 oswego itansportauon line lake and canal boats insur ed the propiiclor of this line on the opeog of canat navigation will have hoals leiivinsj new york albany and thwcffoi daily cflniirelirat osep vrith d rjkhunes to let the house in coittje sirte irfime diately adjoining thai oerupict lr principal lijjolt and jejongint in a drommoni kscj of betnivn nnj lately ocupred by hm there is a lirr tarden ailarhcd lo the hotso roniatning rwut one aero of froiirij tic key mar be fouml by applying at the kwtj houasj- fualber information rnoy be obtaiocj application to the sutaf rilar r joms mfawat rimrrnirri ivtn apol ik4 8jni to let a stone shop and dwkltlkc in wwi olrcet near lias mttktu fom 1st mtyt osnin which now occifpm byijme- mcdow forrier fnr trims apoto ai ihe stltfcitbcrs olfiee in ontario street wm uamaatt kiltptm 08th march ml fc for sale- 7la carrels liverpool salt qifap vl rorcsh please call at the office of the siitocubcr rrt ontaiio street wm gahratt kifiston msrch 1814 79 instructions vwta ihe g lingjnt hy u hitter bit rf thr military schorr of the grand dmrhy of ciavrblitgh uneeeptisrirue afrrericeai ranbejivea- appir at lite office of tbb pait- kgion27iumrch 184 f to let rom ut mat next ihe slonc dwe- lint house the prnperij of thnmaa mofton efro recnili orcupteil hv wm mi asfollosvs twtro e2zz 1 i wion eol m on kinslreet with a si rahers runnio n canadun poris and h e t 1 c 11 ison every iw slfllnfn j m u jjll garden aiiacheuslawr kington april im1 1844 r- m 10 10 10 16 20 5 boxc poilloos coco 6 ctsocolate 3 4 pepper sauce s 14 capers 5 k olives 10 km while paint b s blue do 5 u fp gunpowder 20 bbk carolina rice 1 tt cocoa nuu trim 2 and mmr cwa 0c x2s 3 mos nl upon fumiihmr apptorti mr william vvare fiionrrr krlor apnl 19 1641 by private sale 1 00 ubls mess wess william ware aeenl kiitfimoa20ihafiil itvw fyz freight r passjtqe from kiagstoii to hoiflrea tfno viet vtfi thk pioneer steamboat com pany uillb prepared m th opening of naeisjation with their stfympoats pioneer gleaner am wllltam hnry and artomherof nb to transport passengers mcrchandife ant prndnce he- tureen the above mentioned cites and inter mediate places on the route as their tine vvii- bo very efficient in sleaoipoieer persons i l them bosine may depew upon having udorieaa low aa hany olhrr hotue in the tnde and with the srreatest despatch anrj safety trusting as heretofore to ihrcordial support of setterotts public they hopoo merit and re ceive a liberal shar of pnbtic ptrortae their steamboats and hares are conduct ed on toloj 6frnrw princiitt l- hilllard thomas fraser f pronrre- c h peck i tors w d dickinson kington apru 4 lu 85 notice a meeting of ihe school ociet wil memhun 0 the bath be htd in the aca demy oo monday the tiih day ofvtay proximo at ls o noon for ihe purpi 0 eleclins a president secretary and tte trusteea arrrrawy to the act of incnrpomion- b seymour presuenl frfalh apnl isl 8t4 sllm steamboat notice- the montreal mail l tf sleamera wilt commence pwu h n salurdav ttexu iho 20th inatartl leavin krpo tvt morpins at 7 oclock- they wii ta u r cotrau du lac if ihe cormvaji c5- steamboat ortjcecom wharl i xinrton 17th april 1814 j open sdk notice mails for england h m ot this ooraf on ihe foli via boston on thurnay the 2 l pntt office vfm knaplop ri a4l ish other to american pom mi lak ontario and miser st lawirnre and a fled offtasr crss schookg rtinnins to the western likts iherehy insuring ihe safe and speedy trarmission of all propehy entntfteci to them to or from new york or albany and all points on fcakrsonario rtir huron and michigan yjfm itiqumy iiil lllip jnv is in sure beltveen new york and oswego the danna o the lake aoj jkver si lawrence and of fire at places of transhipment at the riik of otvners ol propeity- ii c wright co oseeeo d k neal co- albany r h iv v 0brwidtu tajerome nm york j parrelt co- 10 conreis st- heiton u k- neal k co 61 oy jf am h c wright it co otwco oswego april 10 1844 84hi barley wantep i he cily brewery com pany will pay ai x cash for choice samples of baklkv their brewery west end of ontario street kingston 5th ep 1843 20 the first volume of t1k statutes of upper canada to the time op the union containing ihe public acia re- viscj ant published by authority ulovr a comrnissroii consisting of the honhlc ihe chief juancr the horiuc mr jcsncc fttafaulav the liwbte william h draper joriri h cahewk eaxjuirv for sale at ihe gaxettc offick 16 ring strut torokto j and at r watsons printing office opposite the pnwic offices onfcmo strett kitvcstorr price fifiv- shillinn cash robert stanton ga2te office toronto 18th january 18- 5fe coach hausfccc c apply in ceo- a- ciniming kinptoo fiih april 8w- sz prbshandgcnu1nis g a r o e ii seeds ftjmie mibsciibrtf will he fiiniishrd l bmm i ison wth ii jaoiinrnt of cardrn seed carefohy sotrclcd and which may be clr u cod co upon as freh jw met mch 911844 ait city store fust arrived and for sale 100 boxei oranges iiod lemons hy john carruthers a rne lot of english cured hamsf and bacon v sale by john carruthe11s a larpc quantity ol poitk by ihe birrcl for safe hy john carruthers i a keg for a quantity of butter sale by john cakruthebs cheksb fiw the ganaaocjoe dairy the bel n ihe province far sale by john carruthers bruce picton crackers by david for sale by the barrel ec by john carruthers oananoque patent palls ohanib tnbsi pateni washing hachines tvc foe sle bj- john carruthers 200 bagsnfbeti engush salt 100 barrels of american do foe sale by john carruthers kiripunri toih apr is bay of qolnte 1844 rue stam coat prince ok wales capt cflaasxm n catsle i on ihe opening of the navigation t commence her destined route on the bay of quirts leaving the different ports as foliose igaves klhcsros for bcllcville every monday wednesday thursday and saturday evening at 6 oclock fou utnosto nd sunday even- lfav13 ukilevimi every tnesdiy friday inn at aolock ivt thursday momrns at 7 oclock touches at the intermediate places a kua leave ihe river trent and carrying place ibree nmft a week h gildersjeeve jftsw krtion sthmaieb i 7tr ordnance notice sealed tenders will be received at the office of ordnance kinfton till ihe 30lhday of april 1s4 foe ilie hire of iiiharaniial well built eommodiou stone or ijrick dweimng hou ses for officers quajitciis in this gams for one year from int july isfr and for uch further period as may be requi red the premiiiea rnuel be convenient f near the barracks in kinftilon and spacious svilh atiitamc fitmenta for the climate the building must he in a comnlcio atarc of nrualr hoih internally and exiemau for further particulars b in tha extent of the accommodation stc required a ihis poatj apply at the barr ck omcekingolors during offico houns offics of ordnance kmgan h aptjjsi j 2 ftlhe subscriber srires notice lhat has- riedonby bren at ihe corner of princess a m bjoi streets will aftrr this date be continued under the firm of j mowm st son john mowat kingston 30lh mrch 1844 7i tavern stand- to letivith spirit license fnr the pa- sent year that well established tavejn stand in place dmrmes street m koysl ok near the barrack gate for parlicu ura f ply ois the premise or to samuef kcgovan kingston 3lh march isj4 tj removal tttllton ha removed hie tnlosn resubishnieni iiroejiii kr from vvvllliitonmeel havin v r i l nrmnenlly estahlivhinf tiimseir tn kington hi arranxementsarenrh aa will ens hie him at all timra to furnish any article in hi line on reasnoahle term kiitpton march csih 184 79r totet an excellent dwelling house or john- atonstrect consiftins of pahor dininr and prawins room five bed rcorvs rood kitchrn and cellar a larjc yard wish ont- huildios complete posarscion iv r ihe first of may enquire as above 79r british magazines aftpbe views for march just rrceivej hy the last maiupaekeulha march noa of the followins benueys maaxirw united service journal colburnt new monlhly maraeioei ai vvuhs 5iaarjne i rr reviev aptii3 1s44 m f rkynolds imfanufacturer ofndwholeaale xtjasi l rclail dealer in pure linseed oil and oil cake meal no f aad7 buffa street rochester k t cash paid for fta seed and oi ex changed on the muf favorablfl i ruchealer march j6 15f4 772m look here those subscribers to ihe mechanics jomilution who trf veithholdinij their hooka fom he library ate solicited to rhrun ihem on the evenin of mondays or inirrsdava vrilboulfurlher delay thomas shanp librarian martfh i3 1644 74 furs wanted kingston fuk store i so00 martin skins iou0o fiaherdd 250000kaccoori rfo 1000 bear j 000 oil r d for which kew voik oners will be paid d- durllnt he amouot of ehsna anef trans port tioa j a- macdowavtu brock street llianfoja i march 3 ifllt 79 e j i