chronicle gazette ll rih ftifia tatiinr rur 01 rii t oih tn if l ftrt wconcsoav jl oatunday tfcrufy sstttr itr innutm in nirriiittff im ijviimif cjyiifiiy rwwrijffbni tyivuaun irfiwairfr ivinn tir at ttfiu nil in fiiline be slrully adhere tidh4l n urir iiti tie furii miuu without tin awutohli tlirtitm ulirriud imir rortrn roih mtce- j0hx cl i oil ton f filar lrufifmrtfttftmttuiiitm under thi firi iwriioh a i j 7jj eli mfcf msml hi- kflh tinlm ai utidi r hv m ftrtt i tion f rj ifth sash rjorcsnton over ta ihwfc j ii r i1i- flrl insertion and jj tier lino cacti t jij iur l hmrtion f7imcfu uttftufmrnit frtat hrtmgtft or ilvvtrafr rtftcr f miul 6e ptidfor vkt auwrd chronicle ufafrtfc stationery warehouse u bfl 1 t a el r mt and kingston commercial advertiser injr i iiirrfitm letter press friatns vol xxv kingston canada satray april 27 181 so 87- where ii kepi romiaim q f an h j frie at5 nil tteid loek of writing papers frum super rottl itf note in eeery artists ifn sl0mf jlint blank books scho books fcg d1e aslrtimjj i it hranches farmdon allhe above es tablishment a silperim kul i i machine isin fullojipution y uhirh htank jtcokhcftlhniliui pattern 411 int ti if infriicn louone n 4omfrmnrm o ikixrinft office book hisfrghy end stffloskky wareholetnthi t pis if dtadtd uprhrittf in 0if m ant teflon ami 4ci6tfb cfirtwiclc cmhu urnec kingtfeii canada sandss sarsalaulia fur ihe rcmoeul and ptrmtntnt ur oafr tfirfirjfi i f ifingivm n rurr tfjjfr f4c 6faf v rtjnif of pit f ytttviamitfi i cftorxa i ktv etl 1lurbnimin tflfimi kfvilv piurtjr- at rutttil- fi ifcr ilkmltr ilih ritrtiun iu rt h lnfm ttr- iim hribiftftntri nntl io iu aj jmpttp 3gititi4 ui sult ic tniiim hptifi f lntlmiirtf jtfcimn f irmtn ji llhriiiip l meffinv a-ii- f l v- fiurr4 im0vi in i v vb rfcior cpkvii lmiu4 lpi4uia wu br frdmirj lj kuit4 impfovriiii ul iii hnarr ffjiij ile irlh wuirtfftff ir mimrtr a tfctf nkirtip it r- rviinii thnh ffiti jy oir m jv- h tff fall hw wlt plpif ihr maowrr i ifii- iiiifc ihf mat njf i ikrimij mmkti vu n in- iij- ill rrry jm m ffttlwull ll ih kjlmihu muh nj it mr ffi imfutlt h ib ant flf ho illrbrmm tvfch imtvil frifm t mw inr lc ihiv2imii njittikiitjii jit iih1 j llitf iammij vi tifoiu lirivrl r thrvtli il iliirlimi tiiiftoihtv 7hiiu0t i the tmi l li- an4 ivr imtiofl pfrtilra jivjirt mmf vhi4 1jc pfii jl k ptfttirti n lufrt jvc4 it f an- btut ncr ofnno nf imtiitiv will h ntiinahi iwnioam i hir tifm lklf wml tiiriirra i h lf4iw umiuvu nftt icvcntl iti iv i iij ii i it qjimfir niiif tiri oil rpr iintiilt mtifr ilc cu m ikmjmi uihin jii li arml paff t liiim lhil c lf ihfcf- l irmmrul t ri wu j lvtj j ill lt nf 4lv440 oo li 2lltl 1 i mi ikiivi ik in tnant i ik tmim lr1lll ujftctk it- ttamr trqlio iiuht ullin aflus l i im 11 hi 111 j1 unt lit i i h 4flmllt i l limlh o i lijjllv i tr ilr mori a- tiiiii jmuiv pfei himl iiftlci hm hllphyllvllllcf l pithrfhj i it 4 3ai np ifl h ha lh trii4 m m mt4ti4c i in- b ilr iam mi fiiaima i i tlwi k ino 4i rtidj i i j cbnecir cittar tfthf ann itfnf it ii la ilhie m r tti affli- rdf i ii- ii 3 it j u a i labial tin 4lldlunl hi w mhc of ntl m4l lmitil l r i- jmtiini itahl ifiulvfl ml llk ill uftfh i nnl ihhi4 whii illtjr firfioi uj tairnrr ii iblvial mr jl uiluvjl 11 kiiti itii ii- il i up ihiwtrao ipja tl jllll i- l ttjwt t tomvltttj- ctj loulp r1 i mll iulv i hill 44mhf 11 m hi mrt 4 tllrt tflt til ijv lt ml h till ia will 4ik1 lfcl oh ml kmutllmt tinrt4mt t i mm 4 llp an iin tiatit ttrd ihripitii m- wm pttlup wvbn iuirilimmi h4 ttw vl uvaii n at iv wf- nijoiiiil fiiiir mrra b tftnjx c t3 ui pratrtit1y ili unsrii i ii ttjtifhibi riif iiitit u iu r if i ilnl uliiiial tnmtr m o yur rwifiij 1 atumpi llll pit hi h auvntl i mli h vt hirwht hi hi ilnrtnn iiiv ilniii vtlitli jnp fc vat hint o um ml u at it ibr rl ii mrt 1ir fi1 i ill lfn il l diiwiuii mfbrui h ii li llll l4mblll bfll hr mml mwiwmlw- r hiwfc 4 inn ii omtvofj- w ji ih araul tlia lf ttl j i r hffil ft iiia b iclifiu tnilm fi fjihitfli v fi4v ovr ith caii i min i rnt i ah liali ucii nr 3i ii4wrj m hhaii- a4ii3- ik fcfrnr i itn p4ii urn mj tiii riin iir ihii h tmaitirr i4 i vi ai il wn ai4 fitlt hj jltt ifl iv lil lahwul i 111 lilf jlvx m jihuu t jvbthbwiifmiht hn naitvl tmt irir on i ii lvl i i jlnil t i pt tm u i ii iifelr f ifhtinrf- walb i ilrpftfo frith uari miiti iw usi i i ilia if t inf on pi- ift i ami v liairiit ttnl iiirii ivtiim t j it m i j aiti njiu mill no nl 1 hmj wtlthlm ni j i u nmh ilirv llait- urn win i fiiii loairirjat r iki 1 1 11 aajnx itliir miii vtlhh f4w 4lu 404 hui iji rt rfhlmli fclll ivvil aj i t ivi ri itsaji b t 1 nit ii hh h lit ii imli i iii rifvw jj w ii iv anm wa i iii ih kifit i rl i imhfliw t l u hi nim ht 3lli- 1 i i iijrij i in i l vc ttkt nh i lti1- mlwl alt wt i batr al a mttl ia4 ihnc ibnrtl- rtiih- mutaitiliiifi ir ihw1 m4 jt m tlh- ikai t tit iii na r i willi n mile rtfiv itfi 11 a hii cai lit hill 1 1 lui ai i- ivll u in iuitw ilaa i itimri ih i vuur p r ta val i in wra u laii afia a nli fejltbi ix i ainij in jj i i an- ias l 4 it ii a u it vh i y l il lit i llll ill h h i ti t vifii ubaa l i iiorii rnli ac iacvi hdidhjlmviii ivim in i tf hiv ill i fwi n i fife 1111 hi i rfhh 4 t fit h w v4 i n bj ii ni titu- n pkil1 bull ir ihtl p i hfbi malhi bnc ifw iir i ill i lir 1 uttij in ibc f 1 r m- t j llt r tfuv il hi 0 th 0 f iannnilnti- milri l l it i hi hi ii an ii atiw miibi4 t f iliifcn tf a ima vtf y -vib- ant4itfi afinajh ariti ii ik foipar4 in ill 4- h klmwvtilrrso i rriac n mwmiiitird i l mauk tirktsi im iv in citiin ii- r r i iwi i lltai mdtl t u r irnhtiil i ji i 5ai4 a omuiu i iii n iiih nmwnj- i foal ii wl viluam h niiinoff m tin l utii d s x ndro-t- ji1 ua i iiw vt 1 t ptr 7 wontie j t innh or iaj i rakm thai in u taal ie of- i a ojr jii 1 1 ami a in jws ri lo onriiioit ii i rai iwh auj vivih n pih a ai im lt i mmlcilnvfikmiiyow die mni iuiani 2u a hoi a nnroiail iikirt bjyfci rtmtilathi rttrjjfrtjijlii lju r limn nit imilwl cfi vfvnif4 jaavattili yii7 i rftlmhefrl nit enii- 1 i f r il hvtv hi tfte p bfal ivbln twj hie i fii mm aifciiapfiaitii fiiyrfi bttb ul iii tis rri n la isl wwijltl uvitasin ui lb r 4iltfthv irb mkhs onijaaa unt4 m thr pffkritvithf a ifrr iiliv tnit fr i jlj 9i0u4 iri b o fliin i ftitijtjv ibj ji irmop j iiimrr wniilt- iiaffwiiutriiir il i jirawh otili riu bi c jynfca kxrkvforast hltiijl fiiki ttt fifri ia itajltj pi vltilil tgallia- 4wj uiiaii 4 lllo in il kluljilllilv 0fl iln rim awi javm iuik tonic if ivpiniiftfl in j hruij afthr h uh jmiiiiv l inn nrw mir 0 imttl aijia ol pnteni n iliu itiiwmim rtk fvp ik iiof tvk tfamarin f ta1ljlrllmyrmrtiin niytatowclarrfiimrrni uri nik li4 1 iml al ivohi iifrvivi itti i fb t uiv p- trl tiirri rniiiihiiit uf u ft fliaflatal habi uof f bttn h jm oiflrr kiiim lol jmrfii tioioatb tava riicrmrh nitwoi inirj- imi u a ifbrolnt 1w aloimhb 4 iiu6j0 fi jii- chronicle gazette stationery warehouse selling off at 25 per writ beloiv the usual pricea previously lo procuring ihcir spring mjpplv a general asiortmenl of sta- tionery jewelry c c among wliicli in tbe following classical anil other books ojd0 aniheas mvw negri a herodotus adams romaa afiliquiit poller grecian do i mi ad pantassum tliucydides xenophoa anababib crombvei gymoaaiumt homera iliad djraocva c7aar valpya viif1 ft cek ddccloij dunbar greek lexicon exercises latin delect os rudiments of latin elon latin grammar adanv english and lalin grammar latin eercw ovda meiamorpbiwst coroeiufl nepos tacituji alws latin delectus eleganliac latins riddle latin dictionary greek gradu fehwfe ecrciacs drnothene de corona ouihnra of geography nelson classical atlas mair latn sjntax ciloquiorum phaednis plane geometrj i ton n ostlers algebra ljvijon maiticmaiictf lafomaine fzbles hiotnina le cliarie xii mangnalp qtiealions history of rome of enbnd m of scotland and india davidsons ariihmcliv lioao do i mi- m alff- walk tuiors asaistani keys to do grammars spelling buolcs readers dictionaries landman and brooke gazetteers lowes agriculture lives of eminent naturalists bfa burna miltons m pinnorks catechism toy and spu books icr a great variety of biblvs prayer palm and hymn books tcolanuins caw- clitsms c stc- clarkes commentaries lon don edition b books of every description includ ing ledgers journals day and bdl books poi books scrap books c with a few elegant albums and portfolios also a to of jewelry among which are a great variety of earrtnos brooches rmgs seals clasps mosaic chains and pearl and coral necklaces embossed diawing boards chewneo and domnoes backgammon and draught boards dirtving paper and pencils wm odors in boxes c drawing books in great variety pocket and sheet maps crd srid cigar cases plain and colored prinlssnd engraving flute and violins violin strings and racket gul playing conversation ft visiting cards initial ami mono fancy wafers hai tooth nail hair shocbrusbes penknives of alt kinds pocketbooksand tablets matheru sliest instruments a general auortment of fishing tackle a flies rod reels lines baskets floais c al0 stationery of all kind blank deeds and memorials warrants bail bonds summonses mortgages 6tc n b books of every description made to order and binding done on the most reasonablo terms- also alt kinds of letter press printing executed in the best style and on the most moderate terms chronicle fc gazette oftcc kingston 30lh march lw harnden co passage arrangements 1844 the sabscribers hating completed ihoir arrangement are now prepared o brin- out pssungers from great britain and ireland by the following first class packet shipt one w which will leave liverpool oil the 1st- 6th 1mb 16tb21it and 2gih of every month captalf delano allen lowbcr burslcy collins futbcr nyt bonkrr cropper cole hutileston thompson bailey wood hour i de pcyster brstowe flurrowes briiton bahlrtt brilton suuy rslhbone roni 891 65u t km 1031 630 733 780 580 1077 895 670 1015 8fi 1047 1163 80s 79 606 650 730 715 895 750 ships rollick henry virginian i i hotlingaer rscius eorope independence samuel hicka new york liverpool smdoufi columbus aihburlon stepheowhitny yorkshire qaeenoftbc west sheridan cambridge george wuhinton united states england kochcster garrick oxford in addition to the above they bave also made arrangements with superior lines of packet ships between london and new yoik and new york and havre which will enable them to forward emigrants and olhcr passengers at the lowest possible rales from the following places viz ji mutiny ifaiti wbifvu havre f bremen and antwerp they will il he prepared on the opening of the navigation to forward passenger with peed from new york to orego and via oswego to kingiton cobourg port hope tn- tooto lew slot and niagara falls and toatl parts of canada west offices and atcts charles craft no- 120 state street bo wo j w mills no 3 wat stand 16 fnt si new york l s littlejohn no 11 ex iing albany s clark no i ritf st troy ny w h cook sirscose n il fit2huch caw i- t harnden co locidon e- c- tucpjerman 20 vftsaiaat street london ralph emerson harm samuel haicht almlfcsji cooml aittnerp harnden co- certificates of pasaae can be obuiacd and every in format ion given those sending for ihcir friends on application at eilherof our office orders from the canada for pastage tickotf will be nromplly attended to by ftzktth t co 1844 s oswego transposition line lake and canaltfl ihsur- e0- tlie propiietof lhi hw c opening of canal navigati vrdl have tals leaving new yoik albany i oswego daily co oswego wifro- bethunes steamers mnnin f tdian ports ami the steamers cmhto itg walssfaw oi others to american potts ontario and river st uwvence tn heet or fimst class sciiooxkss mumj lne western lakesthereby insuring tk fe and speedy transmission of all orotieili vniruhed to them to or from new york or aivi piil on lakes onlario eiie hw arid hklljsjfa oaii property sbippel lh- suied between new- york rd oswego the dangers of the lakes and ficr st lawrence and of fire at place of irar of owners ot propeity h c- wrihltft co oswego dkneaiic albany h- wright llqlftgtaf- t ajerome ivfi j- larretl it co 1ci lk oii0i o kneal ft col tfwcysfiviny h c wright k co uitergo oswego ajrtuo clhi h april 1844 city store tust arrived and for sale 100 boxci oranges and lemons by john carrutheks a fine lot of english cured hams ard bacon for sale by john carkuthers a large quantity vf poitk by tho barrel for sato by john carruthers freight v pa1age from kingston to hfcrit nv i 4d vic tli ii- r- nilattomi any will be prepxinl on the oeuing of nijtion with their 7eamb0ars pioneer cleaner- trd william henryand a nutnberrtflatpes to transport passengers mcrchamlin and protwce be tween the above mentionsl cities and inter- mediate places on the roiir as their line wd be veiy efficient in stumpovier ptrsont giving them business mavipend upon having ti rhm as low as by anvher house in the trade anil with the gnfitrst de patch and safety trusting as heretofore o mic cordial support ofajeuerouspumic tney bift to merit and it- ceive a liberal shire of polic patronage their strainboats and imc aic conduct edon toqi ablintict prttivui l milliard thomas frate c h peck fcj rv- ructrt agents for theuio boatsj j hi greer kingston j a- classfob do c h peck preseotl l hillyard montreal cuflom house wharf kiasston april 4 is s5 ir proprie tjrs ctt the new and fast bailing steam fackfp the good old plough let thorn aing who may of ihe batde fray and tho deed that lure ton since pjl let thcn cheiint io peijk of ihe lar whoac daji are spent on be ocean east i would render tolhesc alt the ttorrhip you rce i notild ryjfiowf ihcm ccn now cut 1m ie fir more from mj hearts full store tu ibc cau ae gf tlic good old rkpujh lei seen laud ihe otes that in mueic ooats throcsk their biht and ovt glhlmi- tall while lhcafnorouiliilof ilwhairauimeurl round tac ahouuer of beauty falls out deaer to me b ox aon frsin iltc tree and the rich and btooift5 bowh oh uicsc are the awcctiuhrfhlhc rjtik reels as be follows ibc cood uij mk tstn how jocund ibe sonf a it comes act from tbe ploughmsna uny throat did the hitnr bis about ever jet jc out tni the brown woad mcirkr note 1 tko jrh be folowa no hond yet bis daj is crornd ith a triumph ai good 1 trow at ttioujb aultered head at hi feat laj dead instead of ihe good ohl plough full matay there bo ttat we see with a selgah and holloif pndo whoueploahnaiialotin huhuftueeot with a scornful took deride yet id rather aye a hearty stake from hit hakj than to wealth id bow pus tbe bfcneat oflhit tandi jh el jap haastckdbj the good old fsjh ah lionour be tben to theae rtj yld men hen at utt ihcj arc bohd with toil thrir warfjreibcn oer why ikj bat is noniore fee iheynr rarpieed t siubbom soil aitd the cltapku earn mar are ailcr raurr and rwcr shall ilr ttelor trow with a laurelled crown to tbe ftrave jodewn tike ihtvtt una of the good 014 ptoush prince eiiward captain uorett will eommenc- rdnni2 w rav of uvtaiti route onmtday next and continue duiinj- the ensuin- wli i will leave belleville m ktnpioti tvtty monday wednesday and fday evmnat 6 oclock p m toikhinj lb inter mcdiale places on her way down and will leave greer ttbarr ninirtonror belleville and the river ttf ery tuesday and thursday maabf at x and every saturday evening at four oclock p m toocliin at the intermediary haees nb passages free for tvcrend genlle- men of all deoominaiions k i april 2 1844 a quantity of butter in kegs for sale by john carruthers cheese from the gananoquo dairy the best in the province for sale by john carruthers pkton crackers hy david bruce or sale by the barrel c by john carruthers ganatinili- patent f at is ohanls tuba patent wasting hachines btc for sale by john carruthers hir imim ml hi lh4l lrir lil snwit u ukk h vp mrfcial c 10 j craig watt accotntan rs munal will isf lb cuara-i- wines liquors and gro ceries the ubscr1ber respectfully informs ui public that he baa commenced in the atove line in tbe oretniseson ontario street roroierly occupied by mr josrph bruce and hones by the kepns of lbs very best articles kiosslonjadmayjlsix m 200 bags of best english salt 100 barrels of american do for sale by john carruthers kingston 10th april ism n palmer has received bis stock of kotoer and asfcneis cordrn seedi for this yeir which he offers for sate ifftctaole end hte tbey will be found to comprise a large an assortment as can be found in canada wssjt having been impotled from the most respec- ume bouses at all orronjrd to beresa and of true kinds amonx bis momr seeds will be found more than 50 varieties persons wishing catalogues may have them by calling for them at his chtmsl v jfolhe- coryiaop market jlace kiopton april loth 184l 83ni bay of atuintfs 184 the steam at prince of wales capt charles v- cldbl will on the opening d- navitton commence ber dehwd route on trie bav or quirrc leaving lh different foil as follows leavtfts kinuston sos okllbville every monday wednesdy thursday and saturday gvcnines oclock bseavuj sctlcvtlls jr kioston every tuesday fridav sj sunday evca- ings at 6 oclock and thaily morning at 7 oclock touches al the intermediate ples as umal leaves tbe rr trent and carrying place ibrcc limes a week il cildkrsleeve agtnt kingston 8th farch 8m tdx to let from 1st mar next the stone dwel ling house ihe jroperty of thomas molson esq recenlly occupied by wm wilson esqiuatedon king street with an excellent garden attached stable coach house o kc apply in geo a cumming kingston sib april ibu cj notice tenders will be received at ihe office of the piormcial penitentiary until the 30th day of april inslant liom such person as may be willing to furnish for tbe service of the said institution iuoooo brlckfi 3o00 ituliln btonc oai hy measure the briebtee to be or a uuntl merchant able nualilyooe half of whirl to be delivered at the penitentiary on or vore tbe 30th ruy o may next and the remainder by the soth june following tenders for tbe mens coat are to state or what description they can i- furnisbed the whole of whiwli i to be delivered on the pern- lenttary wharf by the 30ih j next two sufficient sureties wi be required for the performance of each coiiittci m smith ifunfen piovincial ivnilmliary is l i 1- h ajinl wb legislative fun doings in this mississirn uglslattlu a correspondent of tho n- 0 tropic gives an account of some queer proceedings in the lower branch of tho mississippi le gislature it ia highly amusing he says c at the evening season every member of tho h was in bis place and a crowd of indies graced the gallery sme rare fun was expected as it was known that ltnd- afi ihe representative from itawamba 1j ll 4- m v i iii couth in his manners ungainly in his per son and illiterate in his discourse some of litis man firmness for his position may be gathered from the following verbatim re port of his speech on the motion to reduce lite salaries of the judiciary a measure in troduced a few jays since and oppied by nrapeciable of both parties u where i was raiseil in oij hrbarm never gin a judge of any ort more nor fifteen hundred a year and if i may be allowed to conjec ture 1 tfo reckon that wc had jest as good iiidci in 1fcttrnt as von ran raise in topracfise vunomy tharfoie i goes for conomy and sorry am i to observe that many which l thought knowed better are a strainin and a rcachin crttr tht highpuss purse the learned legislator on this evening thursday introduced a bill which the clerk of the house several times attempted to read but was prevented by his own flio of laughter and the tumulluouscachinatiotisof ihc members a bill tu relieve the free citizens of mississippi and travellers be il hereby enacted that it is lawful for any while ci tizens of mississippi to sell alcoholous vi nous and other fermenting liquors in any quantity over a quart provided he keeps order in the house when the same is drunk amidst tho heartiest laughter the speak crlcfi the chair and ihc house resolved iiself into a committee of the whole to con sider the bill which was again and again read over by the clerk dr l was mi- red to explain cho was to keep order and who was to be drunk t he rose and utter ed ihc following speech 11 well i railty amt no ohjcriion nrysclf losplnin the bill beeas think the bill plains itself wcallon us like a leetle drap o sulthin ardent some genelmcn carries a botto sme ecnejmcn don 17 alus carries a bottle myself and i knows many genelmcn now atandm and sittin round rne who takes a drap whenever they kin and the- genelmcn as well as yelf is now by law obliged to boy a gallon when we oney want a half pint which is con trary to the constitution contrary to hu man natur and contrary to ihe rights of all free while citiens of the slate of masseysap and traveller in giniral knowed a genclman a right genteel gcnelman too he was i do assure yoir gen elmen who was travelin in this slate with hi wife and a hull crowd o lectio ones in a waggin and hi lady was tuck with the ahakea and his bottle wa run out thxrt was a 6x to be in genelmen i lie didnt want to buy a gallon of ardent btcast it tswrtf ronrenrmf so he asked the landlord to fill his bottle at a fair price and the landlord who was a clever feller and knowed what it was to have ihc shakes and ho out o liuk- er why he filled the genelmans bottle a a fair price when another gcnelman who was siandin by says youre a gorg con trary to the laws of masseycan and then this gcnelman goes out and inform agin tho landlord for selling licker to the genelman whose wife had the shakes by less ihar rrallon and if they hsdnt knowed him well ail around them parts heed a been fined and imprionod fur duin as any gcneltnar would like to be dore when bolile is run oul whicji i contrary to the rights of any while man traveller or not 1 knowed anoiher gcnelman whose horse was lock right ick and he was told that a little brandy and a half pint oramp- firt would cure the beast now ae was temperance and never drinked hut for nil lhat he was obliged u buj a gallon when he oney wanted a drap tu mix with tlie caoipjive is this law for any white man io live by why i myself geoelmen were once travel tin down there by the yellerbusher with a friend beside myself when i felt like lafctv a small horn bavin been movin right smartly through the swamps the hull slay which my friend said was correct and unanimously agreed wilh me in the fame- well i myself was obi fed to pay for a gallon when i oney wanted to till a three half pint bottle whirb is my sixe as it fits well into the side pocket of my top coat though some genclmens boules is larger but 1 never knowed a gcnelman carry a bottle hig enough to hold a gnllun this speech was loudly cheered through out and mr ls solemn earnestness of manner contributed materially to heighten the ehect the best of tho joke was that his bugbear thc gallon law as it is call ed has been repealed fofaome considerable length of time a member moved to wott mil aleho- 0m and vinous and insert f table beer an amendment was moved and second ed and put on paper ihe clerk read it aloud and it proved to be a parody on russclpa song a lifu on the ocean wan beginning u day in a muddy bswhnjr anoiher amendment introduced the epigram now going the rounds of ihc papers about the marriage of a mr tiee to a miss fowler ending with and aoon there will ir itesven please be a sarars i i- bceirs hero ihe fun grnw fast and furiouj the ladies left the raillery the chairman rarped rn van and mr balfour rase in great heat and said 11 mr speaker look at ihc chandelier look al this splendid pile of building look at every body about up this a place lo play the fool i look upon tho hill propo sed as a digrace to the nation a digrace to the state a disgrace to the house of cod ttio mmmtita atl isv ni- bill was ordered to lay uon the table and ihe house adjourned abot ten oclock at night singular race in africa in harriss sketches it is slated that be- yondjlheexicnajve wdderness which bounds cana on the souih arc ihe ooko a pigmy and perfectly wild race not exceeding four feet in height of a dark olive complexion and in habits even more closely approxima ted i the itfttats ihat vrim rhan ibe uusbuiln of aouihcrn amca j hey at ncilhcr idols nor temples nor sacred trees but possess a glimmering idea of a supreme being to whom in misfortune such os any of their relatives being slain hy the kidnap per they pray standing on their heads with their feet resting against a iree ave if indeed thou art why dost thou sullcr on to be killed t we are only eating ants and ask neither food nor raiment thou hast raised us up why dost thou cast us downt the country inhabited by ihe dvko is clothed with a dense foiest of bamboo in the depths of which the people construct their rude wigwams of beul cane aod grat they have no king no taw no arts no arms possess neither flocks nor herds are not hunters do not cultivate the soil but subsist entirely upon fruits roots mice ser pents reptiles ants and honey both of which latter they lick like the bear from off their arms and hands they beguile serpents by whistling arvdhavingtocn them riecemeal with their long nads devour them raw j but although the forests abound with elephants burlaloes lions and leopards ihey have no means of destroying orcntrap- ping them a large tree called loko is found amongst many other species attain ing an exirnordinary height tbe roots of which when scraped are red and serve fur food the ytha and mertte are tbe prin cipal fruits and to obtain these women as well as men ascend the trees like mon keys and in their quarrels not infrequent ly throw each olhcr down from the blanch es both sexes go perfectly naked and have thick pouting irjis diminutive eyes and flat noses the hair i nol wolley and in the female reaches tbe shoulders the men have no beard the nails never pared grow both on ihe hands and feci like eagles talons and are employed in digging for ants the people are ignorant of the use of tire they perforate ihcireara in infancy with a pointed bamboo so as to leave nothing save the external cartilage but they neither tattoo nor pierce tho nose and the only ornament worn is a necklace composed of the spinal process of a serpent a military heroine i remember ue had a virago attached lo tho grenadiers through the whole of the peninsular war she was in strength and stature equally remarkable and though a brigand in conduct and appearance still a comer of the heart was womanly amid the rolling musketry big mary would plun der the dying and tho dead without com punction while the next day she would travel thirty rmw of countiy to procuic a rabbit or a fowl for a wounded officer rour hege lurds she buried during the ramnaicr two husbands exiting on ihu geld and ihc other twain in hospital sedulously attended night and day 10 the last by this wild but warmhearted personage in every action where the colours of hie gullanl lh were uncased mary was fearlessly under fire and whether advancing or rvireaiirtg though ibe lord was deep ihc night dark ami the weather desperate she wa always at the head r grenadiers all and every peril he oiujived and tvtvffl the rcgimrru em barked in ihc garonne mary quitted france wilh a line child a fifth husband and as it was said and believed mure than a thousand dollars i met her years after wards the owner of a public house in the south of ireland and for the fifth time a widow ill nivcr marry again maj 0flagher ty said the mourner not but i have bad oilers from two iennioncrs and a police- sergeant rut inc dlbl never even lialcncd to a lightbob and wouldnt touch a baital- on man with ihe tongs i ptc with rny four slashing husbands stretched ihe lord knotvo where in the peninsula and tom carrl- gan the last one snug the chunlianj of kilmain m mry mv f king had bargains a flat footed militiaman or a pigdriver of a police boihisvargin hand major jewel out of reaped to ihc dead til never crook a knee before a priest or parson wid the face of clay thats under six feet two nor lake a man htfjof nsthw thats not able tv thrash me when 1 desarve it hints for leahyear whilst ladies persist in maintaining the imfijvidferasnvcciu istniasssraa turally as ii were take the opposite line that of attack otherwise if boih parlies held aloof there would be no more mar riages and the two hosts would die in llieir respective inaction without ever coming to a battie thu it is evident thai as tc la dies will not the men must take the vffen- sive- i for rny port have made at teaai a score of chivalrous jtiaek upon several strongly fortified bears sometimes 1 w- gnn my work too late in the reason and winter suddenly came and rendered further labours impossible eonictimes 1 have at tacked the breach madly awoed in hand and have iteen dunged violently from the sulrhf dajlder into the ditch sometimes i have made j decent lodgment in ihe place jasvlblows ut a mine and i nm veaitered to the ilcticc and sometime when i have been in the v ry heart of the ciiadeuah tiat i ahould say itl a sud den panic lift struck mc anij have run like the hntfiu out of carthagina one tired after a while of such perpetual activity is it nol time that the bidni should take an innings f lei us widoneis and bachelors form an association lo dv- clare that for j- next hundred years wtf bvill mavrc let the young ivomen come ami make love 10 u irc ihcm write us verse lei ihcm asi us ft iiikc mp aij lir r tij titd hthr us on with our cloaks al die halldoor and if they are ehgime tm may perhaps he in- ilitccd to yield and say la miss hop- kins 1 really never i am so agitated ask papa prater magazine the genteel- the vulgar genteel are nervuujy cau tious concerning every thing they say or do they are ever alive to the dread of compro mising their gerilitily a a ball it was a caonfyhall given itl a fashionable wa teringplace a pretty young woman who was sitting by her mother was invited hy a gentleman to dance he led her in a set when irianity two youflglidiev who were of il hauhlily withdrew to their seat they had no notion of fattceruj in sue company and with good reason the young person was nothing more than ihe daughter of a weihy or respectable trades man of the place whilst they ihc two misses knibbs were members of its resi dent aristocracy the places thry had vacated were oodnaiuredly filled by two ladies who had witnessed ihe pro ceedings one of whom was the daughter- the other a niece of a nobleman rhtir posiiion was too well established to be corn- promised by dancing for a quarter of an hour in the same su wilh rewpecloble tradesmans daughter j but ihc two hirajtsj knibba were the datighiers of a retired soap boiler from bcrmondscy coburn mag azine anecdote or queen elizabeth in the thiriysixth year of the rvign of queen elizabeth lord compion ran away with eliza spencer the only child and heiress of sir john spencer lord mayor of london concealed in a bakers basket her father was so incensed al him that he disinherited his daughter until qoecn eliz abeth interposed t p effect n reconciliation when she was about to be confined of ber first child the queen asked sir john to standsponsor with her to the first offspring of a young couple happy in their lovej but discarded by their father the knight of course complied and her majesty dictated hts own surname fr the chrisiis ti name of the child the ceremony bemg perform ed sir john assured the queen thai having discarded his own daughter he should adopt this boy as hisnwqson the parents of the child being then introduced tbe knight lo his great surprise discovered that he had adopted hi own grandson who ultimately aucccedcd los father in his honors and his grandfather in hit wealth df urn mood v noble english families