u iijv hi4i 1 li iwm viin mil irvi pp 1 fr mi im 4iti i4 rfii i uarasfni lulil 111 trfll ihi 1 torn pil iiard m lira ivi un nv h tllhj isviuiat ur nr fit unite iv ifs llj irinm sttstasjt ft hini im r hhi tm 1 mi auipiitnj itmt fan tau k- itr tiiltil hill 1 1 pn l kll anlyrl ll ay- m v r kthtfufati kcmr i ulirivtivt ikik hall hiawmwr axw ttmr ift- umvialli cwiiiidjet ad bul ll imtk ilhl i tii fhm- sulficuiit fniimli unit ij bwil il in uargfcwii to ita idiior of the moailreul tiutca mmr m i i t taylor arei st la irtumtl fatm wenfiwulwl in yowr ndet fro grarcliv piiw of m jv 7ih sljliii thai jlt had tctn ufrn il jn ihf iiofmf if in ril fir a itpfcard cancer of the face nc skill tti i obliged by jour ton- ifodvrlin itiiiiiaieinc lit a being pcrlyclli inorreet ii well vrril o4hcr nlirt hare jlety arprated fcl ue 4fkhlbtic mpci ll nill hi 4iji u li rrjl satificliin to i lie pub- lirlo be uviiiud tlui uu- kotc rrr ucrrl it tn itu tfloiniiii cfncttf4l health thai ihc lwf on hi face b not in iir lpiniuii a cancer j ij moreover itatthr uttllmirlh uhich has been lately pursued hn ilftj been attended with such beneficial effects uiaierery lfcr ieiterumcjflffjj rcojtcry ivevtmr yutir obedient servant fj4fv w see by the n y re- pnldir uwt iho frvwrli citconcit hi kt mined io lrr flic pol of vfficni to bo again blockaded ti ii iit of tko mtrrier in nlijrh french tcrt hqi kir ui ire led in affile after tialing ihc e- l vf i i- the public adji the iiy cn ilit rvftne will be mtiifkd bj iho rciot4l of ilc ctvnmorcul reiirlctknt comtjtintd of and break y he uorlcijc but ibtl n obilinlo innn- o tu- jti of rriiocul santt arna iy lo to the irmw jry auukclion of mexico to uie french potter laiuny adv srmj alex smith ftli d ias sampson obokub u- lullock- cocrcmeiu houk moj 14 ij1i get to iciro ihit tchoomr tolorfinj to icphervon c crmc thp vvr on saturday hi truck by v m ii poirl bowl bay su m loiitcd with porl aovr tor kinitop and carried about 2o0 birrcla ontbodcb one mn who wa in i to idiic 0 the loptifl ot the liote nhen tlc l l the i- v f idy oft site hi righted yesterday hot iho prater porl of iw aaved ii damared and il ia feared thai q rood ir or perk irceit to iho boitom niaxara qhronkk- auction sale of at the i crilcra auction ituoms corner ontario and qrovx strict on wednesday the 22nj lhl will be tiom by auction a general awonment rfocaionabo dry gooda straw bonnet n varimi mli- cr article tbo whole without reserve saloatten oclock thomas greer auctioneer kingnton 18th may l8i 93 wo copy hie folio in- rracl from tltf london correipcnricocc of ihc qfkcooc oothu the cat- ttut regular corrdpndcttl i general ty moat eoe- rcca in hi mforroaton bul e ihii cexuit be baa been led ioto error by tntabg w titcmema of anouier party private leucra receded kmiton from mr alcheaon and miyavifem ii moot faroramy of the iu j llof lufpll reecplioi ttmch they rceeiredfeoni lord stanky it io1smy ltfyb to learn ihataoimichinlcitst b etinced in tlw pf canada truai aod loan coonpanj ti gautli aoy thcfollowu ioour eorreapndcnl icltctp he altpcort to hue hadj ihb lime i ffl c one connected veith canad i j f the eom cirteo er whose informaiic wcjct ccurae do mo touch ptiratc cvvterponovnrcomc qvtbk geztttt rojal rachanc lonilw april 18 1811 infofioaiien vhatwi ww baa been jud forreardc to mc will i uautj be icid prill n- lercu u canjo the unaclued atile cf ue canadian governrornr conliooes totrcote ceoijarfajtnenl in the colonial offee and the rtwtlof the moniroal election it anx- ioutly jookeel for by lord siantvy beeoae m ihc ewnt of the rejection of mfc mr sr chark mvn will be placed in a mcl difficult poftiiton bo will it ii cobfidcmdbe ebhed lo scirf fr ihe fimmulci la order loornuc an adininfalraron in voioan iu the feeling of the majority of the rrp reocnutitco of ihc people in ihe llowaoof aoacnthly tho drptfulion eowmtg of mcotra cnrm and ait- awvtim tn4io r j liiuflj ofkiiifion torvmonatfate h ilb lord iuii- ley upon the rcmotal f the eklt of goumment in lonlreal htfx been lrevd uy hii ll the moat hauhiy and eriompiujm iroy md eiej from hit lrdjkipt tnott decided and powtircanmer 4hl he hwadejphiaiundthtt montreal if the fit and peoper plmcc fe ihe seal of govrfnnwnlthip eueition may nor br conwjfrcd as e tiled sr ko- betl fe i in facwr vf kntjitcfl but he dxa not tiie lo interfere ttrjih lord stinbry jccion no time cvou be wore faoucab1e than the p- lent or tbc otjonixation cf the tpper canail toit andiron con and ih project iirj facbty regarded in the citr but dtimaj lo the aujunen th hch colonial alttiri pa ihraih donning street ilbccrna thai mr atcltcion the agent for upper canada for carrying cut i uui counky the object of the prorntia act ha not yet found himietf in ecndilion toinirtdoec the saajlot foroaally lo the on- tih pnblk ii la much to be regretted that the fee tuncijl lorcrnrpcni dica not aironly impem upon lord planter the rcai impjeunee cf the moat prompl attention to tbc uffiira of j0ir colony it ia wdl known that mf ateheaon nn hi arrival from can ada wt no time in origin- the mtjctt urorc loid stanley and mr secreury mope and it may appear ataoci bvt nctcrtbclria true that the latter jcn- llcmin eiinexj a diapcmikn 10 ficiliute ihc progrcn cf uvi imprunl meiiurr the colonial act hich pawed lat scion for the inppeiiion of seerct sockiko andhichrr chafra mrkatfe reached tec ibo conuderation of ihe toicnal tjctemmeni hn nol un sancliooed by lord sianley and it would aar from thii that hia lordhp i rc orprd to ihc otuicoce oformgo lickrth canada lam afiati ibis decision sfbi prvduee riat suassjsftcilqn swl canada gvsrrosnetm hovte ion m ma ltuj his eieelleney ihe governor general h been pleaied 10 make the fallowing anpoinucni on hii personal slalt via s uiutenanl archibald jamea campbell roti ca nadian rifle regiment cxtfl a d c lo be aida camp lee maor edmund jamea elliot 79ib ui-h- leuluets who tcaitna on promotion j stuoholiik bnowatnico captain grenadier goarda miiitqry stcrttary of auction sale farm stock fort of quebec arrived may loih brk gliaoitjsoanmecrail 2th march london a gilnaovr ic co baluit lsr douglas 2 1 si march london gillespie m co general carta 2cabio paaaensera i lih- ship fcllona aold 4th aprils gliasow a shair frneral caro for mooireal 9 cabin paaieagers iu jackson mcgarry 4h april molaotip general cargo 2 cabin ltreryool p par mouth i l april t algra sun- tv aoureika pfcaentcd to lib fcclteney tl right lion stftcftanuit mctca lrr ilart gc n ff julilji fllllinal if fcfcssll north ame rica dx ticf on ihe cecaaten of ihe rcaiiatkii f hit lite advi5ers wtli iiia eecl1cney luphet f lie liuvii ttu uu ui e ik i nuf pn- pvlei of 1 1 1 oela pigca wlixu wo ha0 rcceind from mraart ii k v ros11 ihe fubliaberf ll u untkceinry o w uy anything as to the con tents the moat cf ibemoor nadcra lac already rruacd in the columns of tho coiiee we hope the jffn itorvscirs intcfpriie nil be duly apprc- eiated and tltai thia lililc uotk will obtain an eiicn- aire sale auvt all aruea in the froiinec mcaaes ruui aimour co are ihc pabtials era in kingston 1 he picc of ihc deol i 5 om sir iv is liverpool j passengers but mifoct morton 2frh march mcgill general cargo i do aurelian mefartin 28lh march order ballast brie etiiabalb calhew rankin piinboeuf g b srmt ballaat rln wylan moorhead 27lh marc a giunoor k co bamaa whitweil gronxfl watson 28ih march drtand order coals roll crowe 26th march sunderland i buritall coals 14th ht m troop ship renittanee com palsy 7ih m4rehfrom cork and 9 djs from kalifai vih delachmenta fr ihc diotcrent rcgiaacata in canada 13h no arrial lodiy wind treitcrly births in this town ihb morning the wife of htnsotair ft of daithter jii thv town on tucadaj laat mm s i t j i of n daoghler toronto or the 9th snat mna joarrii lawhuiscj ofa d0hter n monday 3rd june nexlp will be sold by public auction wtthuui fs ervc at mrs frnnklmsitpiuburgh lite un- jermcm form stock proper of air john mcneice well bred colt lirr sheep and larnbo of litis year superior milch cowj young heifen very atiperior durharn bull full blood and three years old excellent scotch iron plough iv 1 1 1 1 various other ariidcs terms under 0 cash over 5 ap proved notea at 3 months sale at 12 oclock thomas greer auctioneer kingston lstli mar lhi 4 o 20 4 4 i 1 ii m arri ed at weffinfilon on the 10th inat by the her- m lalor rtu scully j i late vitnund scully fin of blocmneld house covntj tippcrary irtlnd lo kastatatl eweal daulwcror arcluasald mefaol b of wellington at athlcno n 0 soatcnvilte mdonalo cili eqra son of lieut col caldcr commanding koyalfjisineera halifai lo um covstwia daurhlcr of cgreen eq camber- rrj on the iu ultt by ihe rtr g mortimer if lax4t iceldetonofiheutc mayor 11 8 line k i artillery aarl of creenhill county of sufiord lolccy amwb daughlervf tbo uu jte vm shjrpejofbaltianieke easea dird al montreal nn sonday creotn at the reaidenee of her hnaiter miss maratma v0wah foraacrlyof loodonderry irciand id his etet honey the governor general has offered v icwardc4 for the arreal and contieticn of the lillain rthoufedat mr seeir on ihe lrt of the u- ehioe canal and alio a free patdjn to any acecaaory bo may sie iofct maticn iflxxlam kinnrvn ravatpk esq has been appointed harbour maicr fee he ciiy of montreal in the room and stead of hu laic cln ad armitron letters from pffson in hth lulhcrilf at home hare been reei bj the sn tihich il ia declared thai the feclin in d nin- streel is dirtel- ly and strongly opposed o my iaterferenec iu our local matter in the tiord of a divtinuiihed i- t connected with ihe peel miitrj the canadians in all rnatfeia concerning iheirownat fain are the beslmp fhc public mar rery open oio truth of wbai stf hate amcrlcd-llamil- ion exprcsa of polificil orjinion j mctlin haa been held i under the banner a urjc and influenli kirfsto and an aasocution to be called the ut ed empire ataociaii has been formed woeopy from ihc kwgsioo nu a noirec or the prcceed- ing wc hartesery disposition to oeanireforpnliiieil pvipoaea when it ia akown that there is any lhiig lo orsanite for but which bvyond the mere fact of 44 a ms onism to mr baldwins vicwa upon iua- fonubte gofer ninent uc do not at prcaeoi ihint there ft eolirety eopeurrin with the governor general s eiposition of the principles upon which the local ad- rmisiraiion of colonial iffaira ought to be rcnbt- rd we shall continue to gire our xcalou iftoojh homble aupport lohia fxcellcneya hois but before wc reeomnwd political organza- lata and th formation of united ecrtpire asao etauons wo mull ec bit eketivncya nienlion 1- fully developed the mcova is all tbu can b desired and ve wait to sec what n4iefwfa afetorelaciunromisc tor onto herald jmjbm troapship orsufliec command irpuky arrjred hem yecteiday afiernoon from crk halif n detchmenia for dtferel rtinieniserfing in canada the jututcnt tdc tht paasage from halifi in 9 da nd aaim m torapaoy with the jpoo the awmm w m affwdaya tor the wsn indies i of ihe in royals vt tbesteam arrired from mari- trtaltrvintt en oc lock had on board lie romaihdcr ef the 7th rfl- adt4 nflhe 60ih iwgmeit ifteraoonfrom on board the t rt wer ii averaaad about lwvci anj atj msstreal th cenin- in tbc urd at naiesoerwq gsicttc to the public in canada west the sqbscribcr respectfolly informs the inhabuanuif canada west that he has iulocd of tbc exclusive righl of bottling and i caledonia water or the ensuing year in hut ttirt of the province formerly upper canada to mr j w brent of kingston this gentleman will gieo every possible at tention to ihc delivery of ihe water in a fresh an1 pure slate and at a moderate price tsae sale of this truly medicinal beverage m the city of montreal for the last six months r i four hundred per cent mora than eiii vaj o0li1 en use ttawaw tioae wfoie tkia i atliibutable lo its becoming better known and being pul up under the eye of the proprietor nho is now taking active measure in establish agencies in all the principal towns in canada eat in new voik aifd boston every day developed the i acorn parable vir tue of these waters and the period ia not far distant when they will be bailed as the sreat family medicine of north america be great good ihey have done since ihey have been niaile available to he public fnuy justifies this conclusion the propticlnr takes this oppotlumly of an nouncing to ihc public generally that ihe new hoteu at the caledonia springs now call ed the canada house will b open ed on or before tbc lsl day of june next and hxmg engaged mr mcdoxaid favorably known at ihe british american hotel king slon as bis principal assistant and retained hia efficient house- keeper miss monaur he trusts the eatadlisbment will he conducted to the en tire saitataetioi of all who may visit the place ciihct for ueajlb or pleasure w parker auction sale of household furniture horses carriages dc sajc at ihe subscriber auction room corner of ontario and brock streets on monday ifeusatli instant will be sou a general as sortment of household furniture and other effects properly ol gcnllcmeo learing kings- ton consisting of dining centre and joo tables dining room and parlor chairt mahogany and walnut bureaus sideboards bedsteads and washstands feather beds bedding and hair matrasses fire irons fenders stoves ace with various other ai tides also 1 superior puko fohtk by stoddart t sons three excellent horses well knowo as good performers either in saddle or harness and tree from vice 1 superior do cart i sup carriage with several sets of harness sale at ten oclock thomas ukeeb auctioneer kingston 15th may ibm w auction sale fresh teas c c kxtknsi k salak of hioid runslliiit wju he old on wcdliea day mm wt ul nixiatmr- amu smiiiiv t- vilionjsfwmra point m iwttaow and har fuijiilurr-c- amon walnut ominx centnj toilet and olhei ta3b6e9a sideboards bureau hahwff- nnd walnul sofas hair cloth rwf walnut and mahogany chairs uiu sw 1 loqkirs class es diawins room cftatws catpet in variety bodtcad feather fcjmawfaaaeapiilows bolster beddibgwtfhl bedroom chairt one s day clock cnkjla- ware cla cases dfrfel fl kiuhcn pr- lour and bedroom sloea and ftpea ijisti covers copper keule slaha vwa and cm- i brt rate b- i variety of pibet get beer fountains f atollc tablrr complete il articles aptell mlck hie lease of the tremmcs srjilhv pavilion latt- erected years unexpired jas linton mrs w ttuvatluk pav snikiui wn ruukc itlncssh srhit atin lud luifi rapcrienec in voiic- ion of row nrtimtna in ireland ad k lmi inilcn jir ulliwi f hhooi jre in le tifhrfi circles ale n itviio merrapr her kitlteitu lrniird number of itti and fceu ushgedl i hopina lo meet an adrcuw liae of paiiotiagc mr at tnp un derate her mure time to leach w and seill ie pfiiatc inalurtion i mue ricueb vritinr c cards of itfina ke known on npplcativn she purposes to iceoore to a uof tuiinblo rctkleneci kiohueuminlew sihi known a having 2u paikuur made known at slc kingston may 13 itm a a at c ai 2 s isdtfposin pavilion previous to br icmovat lo the cw rrva avluo market brdmiot b y w of on tuesday next the 2tst instant will bo sold at tho store lately occupied by d f campbell esq on the commercial wharf foul of princess street a general as sortment of groceries just arrived from the new york aud montreal markets via teas consisiia- of tonvay twanbav old and yoim hvson hyson so nkay skin snuchong and gunpowder 30 packages tnbbacco comprising cavendisri plug ladies twist nailrod and hooey- dew 25 jars maccoboy snuff huse scented very superior 4 hhda and 10 harrets bright muscovado sugar molasses rice variagated soan sperm candle currants corn broom and a variety of olhcr atticles in the gro cery lint terms liberal and made known at the time of sale hugh cattdek auctioneer commercial wharf kingston may 15 is44 j 93 ordnanie sale public auction ill be told at ordnance depot point hcnr kingston c vvs on friday the 3lat innt the undermen tioned stores viz cartridges paier with flanrwl botuins empty for carronades 32 f 2 pountl- ere paper cured for do 32aw 2t pr cases of wood turrvej or carro nadea 32 and 21 rfp- caiea of wood uirr for 32 nod 21 pea wada rope 32 2412 6 prs29 a quantity of skttlbrs stores eonsisiing of carpenters wbeclersntths and r i v tooltf the whole of the oh stores art new samples may be se on applicaiion at ihe ordnance olkce rutween the hour of r aul h aatithj ikaiij sale to commence at i sawsrfci a james linton q for sale stockholm taie turpentine cua tar liverpool sail in unrrels livcaiotil salt in bags pry white lead in kcs black and green flint bkceimd ttna james brown jr ontario street kingsinn may 8th 18ha 91a1 a to let t ihe flourishing and picturesque vru lip of porlamouth a neat cot- tack conlainiig sapartmcnla suitable for one hf two families with a garden if reqmrcdwcn moderate appty tr john carruthers kinptssii lota may 184 9j lard oil bkt ami cheapest for maehtnery fur alc by ihe qr cask e ai the city store by j carruthers guns lf000 60000 325 1w6 500 mechanics institution till quarterly meeting ii- iwiiiuiioii will take place thursday evening next pat 7 uvlof k s d fowler rtc sec kingston mav ll is f on half lojfo powttljike erie notice is hereby jpy that a light hnrsk ha been erected en lon point lake erie and is now lighted the new house stand ahoui 25u ards to the s e of the site of the old one- the lishi j a plana fixed lijhiand ataud atoot 67 feet orcr the water thomas a begly secretary boat of works kingston may it 1814 j 9hi kingston 15th may l m a 93of steam boat for sale at kingston tfck yaro to be sold br audi kindlon oock yard on uemy the th rf ihe present month htr maftv slram stone cutters wanted inuuedlately on the welland canal from 400 to 500 stone cutters to whom liberal prices will be given and con stant employment for the season may 14 1s44 93hi for sale low priced aeconjhand piano forte apply to f h gtmilligan piano forte maker wellington street kingrton lsth may is14 he tinl of the w slram vstivellek with her aoj boilcts couiplele 1he traveller is a fim jtoin reml or 352 tnns with a first rai engine ot w llorae power in perfect conditi n ding at the monrinfs hi navy bar off he dock yard had a thorough caulking in au- srisst last when she wt- hnaed over her hold and decks lure leh aired wilh heated stores during th wioler month she may beexaminelan m ry every day proviooa fcl f sunday excepted within the w houis saleatonenmock a deposile of 05 per ce- rn al lhc time of purchase the reminder the pur chase money to be paid hlore the ship is re moved which is to be dce within one month of the sale at he sole etf rw co of lhc purch jaws lnton auctioneer kingston dock yard csvawlij for sale iirsprorrrskttts whsch renders the looch and lo rouat to the grand square wiihoot being ao eotft- besoriiewliichheoiterforaaioipcf below an j other houto in the line n bt- m hiiliawai ata manufctred at thia batablishoknl arc wairanted lo lard thia ctininte milllcapr runo forlc manufaetontr wdlinglon slrec pl1so fortes tuxed kingston nof4 i43 may 2d 151 sfjni lake ontario the steamer w caledonia springi may 184 93 t lh ihe rihl books and stationery he subacriheri having removed lo those centra and commodioua pre mises next door to meear deyke fc co are now receiving a portion of ibeir spring goods by future arrival they expect large additions to their atock all of which having been selected wiih great care by mr armour in london liverpool glasgow ste will be found both good io quality and moderate in price ramsay armour co kingston may 9ih 184 93 r list of letters ema1ning in tfapaoccfoal office lit maj 1644- mctntrnr patrick moore g n morlo thocaaa muryhj bernard nie uon mictutl piircr corse liua ipheran thooaaa rwijn patrick ii r mrs quaeainbuahj a kobbj john spaldin maria 3 lord wdtiaoa scol1 norsnan 2 v thad dona laborer mlka sehawahorn barnard mi peter sbasrs r s tens john tartar ritttard tseoposao cbanly vadauuno abrshan wcubjohei linsslat c altinghstd w allison il eli eowcrraan p hiaa bogert n burle5slrraler brckocj lsae bald arthbah bradibaw darid bailrf john carscajkn luv c ha laaae carson a w demi- jeho i mrs cmpej charus orimn robert gould t jaeae johnson jamoa edwin johnston jasnos kiag t hlurwsllias lampier wilhass mrfirray jaaws milligaaj btsijaoiin captain lvfs ill for ihc remainder of the season ply between kington and toron to leaving kingston on mondays and thursdays at 2 oclock p m- and toron to on wedneadaya and saturdays at 8 a m- calling at the intermediate porta fare cabin passage 17s 6d deck do 7a 6d kingston may 14 184 93 bank of british north america the notes or ibis bank will he redeem- ad in new vnrk by manw dell maxlachlan no 7 dorrs bnj1dins hano ver street at the current ratrj of exchange in rhat city thomas askew manager kington may 7 144 ftfe princess royal saloon a choice ki of faastt fios pauwes umr lemons te pjcvlkdovs taras lohsttjis otc from new york kingston may 8 1841- just received direct john carruthers w if alex anderson son alex anderson of tba towa of of illan macphej1son f m noticet the lata elrpn morayabire scotland orho left for canada some years since andia auppoaed to have lived in montreal and in upper canada will apply to the subscriber he trill hear of aoaae thing to his adrantagr k u innes kingiton may 7 1b44 90h lmjfd for sale ot no 1 fifth concession pitlsv of 100 jaalal btrrgh conuining ufjtrards acres apply to william sharp af tho kingston bakery kinpton j3th may 184 92z naval ticur t tc mm a kindlon iwiuyanl rwtd be sold bv a al kington i dock yard on tuesday 38 slav next 0ic square cros hea vertical steam engine of 100 horse power cy linder 43 inches stroke 8 feci about 90 empty l tasks vlctlallist ahdip stoltes 3 iron bound casks 4s0 loose iron hoftpv 66 empty wino bottlev 1 blue cloth jacket 2 pairs flannel p v- 6 do milts 30 yd blue flushing 2 forage caps 2 fur caps 1 pair woolen trougs 1 marine great coat i sergeants slock hamagedtl the steam ngi4c my tie exam ined on the st uvretw wharf tn the dock yard any day pinjays excepted within die working houv sale a one oclock p m c a deposit of 25 per cent in be made at the timeof purchase and the remainder before the stores are remov ed the engine i to be triken a ay at the soleexnenae of the puwhaaer within 21 day- after ihe salo j linton auctioneer kingston dock yard canada 25lh april is4 s 88 il matthewss nero hjork srocgo and canada kxpuess in coiwicctio with adams at cos eastern and southern express for the safe and speedy transport alinn of specie bank notes and valuable parcels packages bundles and cases of goods the collection and psyment of bills notes drjfu accounts cie pur chase and sate of goods by sample and at tending promptly to such othvrboiioess asmay be entrusted to hia care aoams ea cov orrick no 7 wall street new york agents w g turner opposito l wright k cos i n l i house obt0 j il greer kincstrvn george uhquhart toronto miu matthews wjl leave new york very saturday kinrsinn vr monday and toronto every tuesday nv and will attend personsliy to all offers commissions c entiumed to fciacaj nelson m bockus auctioneer and commis sion merchant chroniok u catette buildings crock suecl is now prepared to receive dry goods groerics furniture or other properly on consignment to sell hy auc tion or otherwise will attend lo sell for parties a lhcir residence or purchase goods for parties in town or montreal where he has arrangements wilh a periou well ac quainted with the canada trade- kingston may 7 is44- wh harndenj co fassagc arrangeiuent 1844 the suhscrbers having completed their arrangements are now piepired lo hrinar utaj pariifen from great britain and ireland by ihe folloivinj firal clsss packet ships one of which will liavc liverpool on the 1st 6lh lull lulh ilstjandjtath o every month tvpirltns pnnn allen lowtcr bun ley collins furber nye honker cropper eldridge cobb cole jiultecston thompson bailey wood house de peysler brsowe burrovres brition bariletli britton skiddy rathbone tons gut 5u m 913 1031 g30 733 780 860 107 s95 670 80 iu47 1163 8li5 719 1306 650 730 715 895 760 win riliirk llinty virginian montfaimii ifottinjnier rscins europe lndcpendrncr samuel ificks new york liverpool siddon columbnt ashhuiion stephen whitnry york shirr queen of iho weal shendm csmbiidxe grore washington united stales enzlajiij rochester girrick oeford in addition tn tho above they have also made arranemn1s with superior lines of packet ships between london and new york and new york and havre which will enable them lo forward emigrants and other passenrets at the lowest possible rates from the following places viay london tlvcroo duhin fori gksgcw forrc bremen and antwerp they will also be prcpsred on the opening of ihc navigation to forward passengers wilh speed from new yorat to oswego and via oswego to kingston r port hope to ronto lewislon and niagara falls and to all parts of canada west offices and areata charles craft no 120 slate street boston j wt mills n 3 wall si and 1 front st new york l s littlejohn no 11 e buodirtr albany s clark no 159 rirer si troj ny w h cook syracuse n y il f1tzhuch k co oiwegs n y harnd en co loodoo e g tuckerhan 20 water avast london ralph emerson havre samuel haight anaficaii consolj antwerp- harnden co- one million and a half ach to bh disposed 0 v cjijfjidjl wbht utk tjpikn wtva t no money is required down to old setlers emigrants s3l j wi v a c rt t ss q the canada company have for disposal about the statei quantity of land mentioned in the printed lists of ibis fcaict they consul ol lots of from jw to tito acies each scattered thiouflhout the country and most of them surroondd by old settle ment j of hlocks conlainin from 1000 to 1 0000 acres aitualtd n the western ws- tricti and of- very extensive and imporlanl territory of soofioq acrta ui the hlltqi district ailualed 90 miles soull of owens sound the lands arc offered on the mnsl liberal terms and are hihly beneucial to the 5rtllers by this arrangement the company dispose of their lauds hy way ot lease for a term often years no money being required down the rents payable 1st february in each year bein less than the interest upon the price thus for example suppose the purchase money for 100 acres to be 12 6d per acre which is 62 ioithe ront required thereon is 3 full power bring secured to ihe settler lo pur chase ihe land le occupies at any time during the term upn payment of the price stated in leave the company will make a liberal allowance unou the price accoidin lo ihe period when the settler pays by anticipation the amount and thereby save hirnsih from further renl- 7nesc itonefi d other not included in the i 1 lil are also to be disposed of upon the companys former plan vik for cash down oi by one fifth cash and the baunct n five equal annual instalments with interest in order to afford every assistance to industrious and provident sfltlers the canada com pany will receive any sum no mallet how small the amount may be for which their lessee settlers may not have immediate want on deposit allowing interest st ihe rata of sia prr cent per annum for the same but it is clearly understood that the full amount jib jnter st accrued shall at all limes be al the rjjpoal of the settler without notice for this put pose ihe company have opened an account which is termed veflcvs prwident or sooings jfona aetfrunl thus affording to the president settle every facility for accurauulm auffieieat money to punhote the freehold of the land which he leases whenever he choosrs to do so within the term of tcnyeais but should bad harvestaor any other unfoistn misfortunes viail him he has always the amonnl deposited wilh interest accrued at hi disposal lo meet tbmv the ndvanlages of this account ate confined to the companys actual lessee settler duriu ihc continuance of heir leases remittance of monies anxious lo assist settlers and others desirous of sending home monies ro their friends the company wrll engage to place the amoonu in the hands of thtr parties to whom tbey ar des tined free of all cost and expense lh sarin the settlers alt care and trouble in the buiinree the company lest year remitted to ihe united kingdom and germany neaily 3000 n sw sums averaging about 9 each by this means and doting ihe last our rnonfns they have already sent hoane a similar amount the arrant ments or the company for this pur pose are so complete that the sums are placed in ihe pirsiey bands in mrpe fire ficw sma deduction within about three days from the arrival ol ihe mail in england accompanied by etcry kind of useful information npon canada the company will also remit any sum of money from europe to cdnaoo by letiers of credit upon their commissioners in the province tree of expense thus insuring tur femt of the premium of exchange lo the emigrant and likewise saving htm from the toconvemcacc and too frequent loss ariain from bringing his money wilh him iu coin the company with a view lo accmmodale emigrant having no immediate nse for lhcir funds will allow interest at four per cent per annum for money left with them for any penosi nolleu lhan ninety days tbe money ho wcvrbeing always al the emigrant dispoial witfl- out notice s t r every kind of fnormolron vnou coned and directions that eau possibly be oaeiul to in tending emigrants to canada will bt tcadilv furnished free ofall chart aaplyin per sonally or by letter to tho companys officr in ensund cajjada house st helens sfaat bishonsgalc street london the new printed lisis of lands which may be seen m every post office and siore in canada west and any particulars may be obtained free ofehorg uron appliration if by lelter post paid to the companv office at gorlriich as regards thr boion landof ii f for sjllb by the subscriber j u h j i bushels of oats well e5uuu adapted for seed john kingstfln may 3d 144 strachan dry goods spring shipmkts by the arrival of the english steamer the subsciibers have been put in possession of large invoices of staple and fancy goods shipped by ihc earliest vessels from diffrrent ports of great ktritaia iaac bvcuaka fit co also lake this opror- tunity of intimating to their couneclion and the trade generally that their importations duting ihcpieaeoly vj vr extended m wiu fton hh ur arad advices the i liiln rr iwtiyihnf variety andvmv twr r nv former occasion ncld mswssui ii the subscribers win also be ahle to afford their customers tbc advantages of supplies withont any general riaeia price their purcha ses of staple or heavy goods bavin- been contracted for prior to the close of last year while for their lighter and fancy slock their partner ma haaais fottunaleiy went into the market immediately on his arrival in eng land in january before the rrte at home complete assortments will be maintained thiooghoul the season and to their cumomeis who have been regular and lobnyers for cash the greaiest possible induce ments in prices will be held out isaac uuchanan k co front street toronto rr n poijvt peter lotfg poijtt light house ow lake ontaltl o t i c e ss hereby given tbal tiie itgnt hitbcito exhibited on cng poiut flake ontario as a fixed one his been altereit aud now shows as a revoiving tim for tbo par poae of its bein easily datlnimhcd from tbe nther lights al prequisleand the false duckt its period of evolution is asoul two minute 1 thomas a bkulet board of ivorls kingston mir 1st join awr lari steam between new york liverpool rfwfi grral ivtayem- sl4m 9wp coanpany x ship grtbat brirlf of 3500 tooa great vvcacrrr st4m 9tnp coe vqrbat brltairvof atd 10m horse power liraat jams hoskfn il n sail for it 11 as follow a v- tlkmsdar thuiaday tthiradaj floal new yorlk aiipnt h sepiembtr hfe norember i4ul citv store ust receivcj irom new york a large supply of fresh fruits con sisting of prunes in fancy boxes and glas figs naples beat onj in jrums fresh raisins r e pickled oysters and lobsters al0 a large lot of fresh teas and olhcr groceries imparled havanna and principe ci gars c c john carruthers kingston may 1 isu- mrs hurlburt ladies academy cobourg terms commence on the 2d thursday of june and 3d thursday of october in struction is given in all the solid and orna mental branches embraced in a finisbed edu cation the academy is difided into four departments with a competent teacher ovet each several modern languages are taught and mrs h converse in french wilh those studying that language 6 lfifc pcttermof eleven weeks for board and tuition cmbrac- io all tbc solid branches pupils have access to various experimental lectures reference u politely permitted lo the fol lowing gentlemen from whom certificate can be obtained katwrdaj saturiue salurdaj tor freihior pataje apptr iq maltlano tvleb ft can areata for moauxa qucbeo asid kim a atontreal april 27 ls m juw i3ih- auusl 3ra uciobor iv inlxaauosi or us wilh bniu- iit thereof erected w larwi i w- rcv powsli mp m ricaicy kingston mr a hocaca do s w bnadvdo amp haftain and chaoh- icle orrica do b3ccrtigcates of passage can be obtained and every information iven to these sending fonheir rticods on application al either of our offices orders from toe canadas for paasage tickets win be promptly attended to by p fitzhuch co fortivrdinr 3frcaemii civgo april 144 s3im john covs r lfj esc kingston dthompsotesrjtmp j p roattk do m cavtaon do jt gjlchiust do samuel caake do j h paica do d txoaauan do cottnlttu- hckrv ruttast esq sheriff newcastle district rev eotof rricnsok d d principal v college rev at macna dr jamss butvp professor n kntcsroir rev jaatsa sfsncsa cobourg 5tb april 1844 83a house to let arphehouse 1 mr j auction sale of lands milts houses frc at and ror beiuvitte ficoria distruf- onfridaythe fourteenth day of juner next will be ofiered for sale by poolic auction at tbe couil hous in the town ot pcl1eillethc fooowiujr properly viz i sniithbalfofutno21 fioal st bclfcvijle two thirds do 19 do dot lot no 19 west side of church street do lot no 50 we side do do coouiaing half an acra part of utso late the property of thorns parker esq tainin about 39 acre divided itatb iota of cram acre each all fronting oa public roarb nos 11 and 19 in tba if tn coo of huugcr- ford 400 acres on which is erect wrt and saw muisrfce water vtlird from la river moira aconwderahle pait of the aaad cleared and in pasture a urge rjuantily of gno bne timber on the lota orth half no 30 in the 9th coo of isswgcc- ford 100 acres nr 32 in tbe 9ihcon of hupget ford 200 acres north half no 31 in ihe lotb con rfjittmgit- ford looacrea notlb no 33 in tba 10th eau of isawages tord 100 acres ffiurnvntb eoneha- gg fcsssjsasttl m east half no ein tbo th con cf istatfcr 100 acres- sale to commence at 12 oclock noon for further information applj to joaj twav ivu esq agent to the conmeiw vanx m dat belleville kinpiwi 7th msfrlsm 90ili baucx th ately occupisd by com9otbv rack and ontario streets for furtbar particulars a jo kingston may 3d 1844 ly to stracaa wz wholesale wftrehonse the subscriber beaw taveao iho aliention of ibn wahoevwwl pubpc to hia stock of paper aud staph dry goocte imported dirootfrwm ibri mauaaafsxtunxu ia enirand j s grundy gonirnefcial wharf foot of princes street kingttoo juno wi 183 f