ill chronicle it gazette aijtr ia if a mfimjj yw iv viii nrrltjk fnimim 01 plho k wti sthttf kijltvl at 4 uvticit i m kvchf wldncnday saturday jy i jftllliif iriu iri ulromr y i h ctwrfrri bbnurwarfaniu rrniiftoh jr own f torn fr 7vrti p i tyrmtwil infnlme sv tfrielty adbtrrd in hm i ofifrrt mij w furwaidtd wttiiooi ibtsmaant lw it lime tulirribrd aikuift conr rovn ikxca john c n k1 qx j rmlir ltirwftotjt1 siafjnraond imdcr ll fid fictl inarrtio iid ltd each hiuaftieail in ptr tenlimandondrr 3a d gtn cijronick iimmiu al uazktjk stationery warehouse 1 1 a kl ft flaol a hbkt tfiao u lire- ft sipl uajmrj w4 ft jm 14 j vut4 tfocl of writing papers kioln jjhr ltjil iu nlc ad lid mil motion- t iif irtiim and kingston commercial advertiser flion tem a nnnrr u mv iiin ul 1 0 v nrui- initfrliftn over ten tic i firm inacrlion and id per line cmi aquenltukrtion ffjruaory mriutmttt frovt ifmwiv m rrrrlrr rnifoneri tj mffhtf aiinnw ar hpmfei lotto i rross print int nee hcge nee popoje 3rd utrocjao vol xxv kingston canada sathrfuy hay 25 1844 fxo 05 sunk books scho books c in all it lifnclir earned on l the attovc e uhliliuirn1 a mniiirir tllth machine ilh ml ojifjuortj by v hiih htank tfevkc txnbr rnled lo ajty pattern uid in vie infetroi tunrn 7nr rwiiritjmfjmi o thtxtitft vfficr ofiry mxukky nan stjttobxfiy wjntlwwsiuntm afjwrnf fir if u fc xifci nftficloli fv fvtt ol i t vr 0 lllflifll 0a4 tfrfttffla tlliman le ttosrsin imfct li t iiijlv j itoi ivnida 1s41- ms oswego transportation line lake and canal boats insur ed the pioptieioi of thi line on lb offmfl of canal htkii wil uvr boat iravtit new york alt5nv 3nl oswr uily bofyctfagrt owrcffs with 1 bkthitnks reamehs mnnin- hcanaau iwiisol ih sipamfrr cumtomp jojix mhuam olhrrvjto ieriun orti ai ijf ontario in htvcr o lj-v- i i h tivch nrflntl likti theiby inwiriflgtbtf ttfcmd rcjy lunri faupf1ctty cnltulrd iq itirm to oi from srw york fh anfif hd all poinb oo ijitcei qijia0 hn am michtn cjau itroyrity fhinped by ibi 1me u in- fim bttwtch nwyfk awl otoetfp the tjnrt t iht lake iod kiver st lawnhw and of fire at jifjcvhof iritiipmuialllia twk ofowiienolpronity hc wright to owrgo dkneal6cv aisiy ii wiijrtit i t09ijhff t aj arto ft j lattit st wi ifl onffwn wmai u- k neal c lil qwtptt altvny h c writhl cfci otktg oivcapiil 10 1844 rn uhi 1h44 freight sf passage from 3in3ton to hontreal jj vitt im rphrpiomxr steam boat com- x paky will be tf n4iialtftt t a th tfusmvhi t1 tlirti stk bq ps hkmtv aiir n ji rollitolrjtih tiverii the above mentioned chr and inti mediile uueet on tin route a iticir linn il te ety vfthcol iu slram iker priom citing thrm hjidc ma dpend uyon bavin it 9 love ot by any other trou in hit itale and with the pcalrm drpatch ani 1844 montreal and kingston of stej1m boats jtjfd stages tic informed that tbe follow irranemenb for the scaion ito 1hmi icpftinitofrmi montfeat leaving ton tv mon t7 oclock and lofely trustin- ai heretofore 0 the coidiitl uripoh plollc lof of a gcmcfons pulilic they hope 10 rnrril and ceiv a liberuhrc of pumic pauonac thrir sm ho li atct utu s o- conduct td on tbor low r if princifftt u itlfxlakd thomas fraser c h pkck w d dickinson acent5 for tiik above boats j h greek ebgtf j a claskohd do c h peck irolt l hjllyako montreal ctfrtom hohjc wti4ir kindon april 4 184 l 4 i tkspiuki inarc the ho steamers highlander captain smti canada cavtaih lawls olliersleeve howkx d6wwahda will nl diilv frojin kingston to cotcao jrt i ctrui du lie early the same evenings from which ptaee piuencrv arc conveyed to the cac4dt io staei on a nunkcd toad kei on botrd the steanaer chieftain and auiv in montreal the next morning al 7 ckek tpwavqcj fioai coleaii do lac tnc boali 1tv every evening on theartirat of the mail ami ptcn- rr ttotn afonttel ad reach kingston the fallowing afternoon in time for pamagcift to ukc the stcjmera for any pm on lake on- it io the koala nan through the splendid lon nauu canal the magnificent fapio of the su lwraittj and the lake of the thoniand idivial by dayliifht jrlordinj paienen the iuol deuableaafr nnd exnedttfoof route be laun ktaon and mhcax tit yuct cjnanoqne brokfille miitland ricmtitt 0dcnmr n y matitda wil- itatnbrh and cotnwath slntiboat oce com wharl 1 icingstoa 2fith apiil ls44 j 87 the new and fastsai packet lino steam prince edward captain buhtea will commence tannin- nn the bav nf qcintekmto on monday ta and continue doiins the cntoio leaven follows will leave belle viltc for kindlon every mooay wedneday and ft may evening it t oclock pi m tooliin- at the jmcunedihtc uuceson her way down and will leave greet wharf kiinonror belleville and the river tienl every tuesday and tbuirday ftfv3fn at rx and every salmday evening at four oclock p tovebin at he intermediate place u n paiaaes free for reverend oenllc- menofalldenominjliom kington april 2 is14 j upper canada college the following extrscl fmalkt min ute cfih council of kine col- lego ia pnbliaheo for the information ofll partis e oncer ned wtimtmt it appears that many debt due to upper canada college which were conlreied before be year jv2 remain slthough rrpeotexl appticationahave hiv rnouo y the collector of the college iw jmyment tltereof rewvcd that llwwc arcroimtt h1l ho ploectl f rihwilh in oie hamu nf the snbollor for collection and dial he be iruirucm to proceed for their nmroi cry- henry boys m d jzrwifrvrr and bvrsar kinj college april 8 1844- 83hi lojfg p01jft erie notice b hereby given that i light hoom has bejn erccten on lon point lake erie and it now lighted the new home itaad about rw n to the e of iheiite of the old one- the light ia a plain fixed lght and standi about 67 faet overlhe wjler tholas a becly secrelary r i of wurw ronton may it i814 sohi forwarding 1844 11he sobicriber beg leve to inform their frier and the public generally that bey will be nally prepared on the open ing of the navigation with efficient mcnn to carry on their uiunl bofinct a fon- wardtfts wahexocscmen and ship ping acrsts ztas montreal tmt the ruueau canal up ward and river st lawrence downward ther line or st4tm bfrts ericum praptttm firat inirodoced into canada by them staooner und barges cqul to any in the country wilt enable them to forward atfttvmdixt product and patstngers on tha canal lake and river at low mtee and with at moch expedition a any other route in the trade in addition thty vrouu beg ouo to taie thai uier have leoaed from the kingston marine railwav company their spariou stone store house foot of gore street together with a largo new wire hause to he erected by the company on the adjoining wharf which will be ready for occupation on the opening f ire navi gation theae nremite will aflorjihem facilities for transhipment storage and despatch auperior to any they have hitherto occupied in kingston while the safely of property stored in fire proof building i too well known to the cummcrcial public to require cumoicnl at montreal brockvine and byiown they will occupy the tome extensive pre- mie which they hove hitherto occupied kn posfed dutic and all other charge paid on gotvl consigned to theru from great britain murray sanderson montreal sanderson murray kingston ttrockvillt and bftwen february 1844 67 to agriculturists 1844 boy of qiaiutc uifflit boa it xw and fast m tcam coat prince of wales mi chahlc h cky6ieii will on tbe i of mjy eomrnencc her reujr route on the bay leaving the dinerent poila jsfollona crwarot will jeave kinfton for belleville and the trent every monday wednesday and friday kwhiiie- at t oclock and picton every tuesday thvktf uay and saturday morning at 5 oclock pownvartrt vytll leave brllevilfe fo kiri-i- every tvesoay thursday and sunday eveningt at 5 oclock and pidooeveiy monday wedxks dayancffkidy morning t 5 oclock will leave the trent at 2 oclock on the unr day of her arrival tbe oual intermediate atoppinj placet will be strictly attended to both up and down atfctroutc doe not jive the ileal full employment an extra trip ny occamofuliy be made onsalordav nb incheapnewofrreihland vwug the patxcc or waju wjii not be mlmom byany boat on the ba the pwge of rev erend gentlenrn not eveiiel etnigranta with tome cjihui will find it to their advantage to visit thia eetion vi ne conntry jnatly known as the garden of cana da and celebrated for the layaltv and moral rectitude of iu inhabitant kingston 27th april 1814 93 fge otfbw3gg by th subscriber hi mammoth stokx house in whole or in pail alto several smaller one ner to the above cat also store any quantity of freight that may be committed to hit care all the above prembr are v well ituated a to the v aer and convenience that an enu merjliou ol their advanriccouaiilnatioo would up needle apply at the ofhcc la ontario street vym garratt kingrion 2slh hatch lg 7 by private sale loorork bbls mess and prime mess william ware agnt kiftata ik 8 rt diitrul bv virtue of a vtil to vot s of atuchmcot i- otti of irna dttricc court of the mid district and to roe directed against the eatate real and personal of joaeph daly plasterer an atecoodiog oreooceolod debtor at the suit uf david wrkw for the atim of twen ty ttvo pound ojiarhi chitting and ten pence i have ceized all ihcetate real a well a pergonal of iheaaidjoacph dlyand untee tlicaid joseph daly return within the ju- mdkli 3i of id court and put in bail to the actio within three calender month or catme the said claim lo be discharged all the ml and pergonal eelale of the said jo seph daly or no much thereof a shall be necessary will be held lable for the pay ment benefit and aaiiataciion of the taidj claim t a corbett sktrijf m a shcrilt office midland district ogth marth 3hi i 7912 200000 bushels of coarse grain wanted annually th t subscriber bavina aow completed and ready for opetatinn hi new and extensive utilling eiteblunmtnu which is intended to consume five hundred bushejsof grain daily together in con nection vrilh hi brewing eitabliahment will require two hundbed thou sand bushel of grain annually and withe tu acquaint the farmer generally that they cn now depend on at all umes a steady market for the sale of coarse grain of every description at tbe highest cash prices and trust that this new and exten sive opening for the consumption li- duee which ha hitherto bee feast fimiioi will nwet with a spirit tif cnterpnac on the part of each farmer to supply the deaircd quantity thereby seenring to the country the circulation of a large amount of cash which no doubt our american neighbor woold like very well to pocket james morton kinejton brewery et diitilleey january 3d 184 i 62z remittance of money by scttlcro mii otyevs thecanada company with a viw to sflbtd every facility to pmmott settle ment in canada vrtll remir any sum of money no matter how am all the amount may be to any part of england ireland scot land or europe tbe cocftiawiicncts will at tbe option of the settlers or other parties cfriwr jrsal bills of exchange upon the company in london pay- ablest thiiee days sight which are readily cashed in any part of the united king dom or the commissioners will place the monies in lh aonii of the individual fir vom faey ore intettdul donne the last year tbe company jtxit to th united kingdom and germany in 329 ke- roillanee the sum of ximo 13 4 avcraing about each remittance vie xia38 3 7 io 185 remittance to ireland 1075 12 in 85 do to fetjand and wales- x ml 14 a in 58 do to scotland x 35 3 2 in 1 do- to germany announcement fro 1844 haines auction room at fl smiths raq new stf duilhna few doors bove the lainhtonoure hotel princes stceet thomas a haines lflrww lo ul friends and the fubhe lj rrow hegsto announce that he has rlvd the iftaft premiae and ii prepared lo at to alrt of all descriptions of ltopertv whether indoor or out of door sales and fioflrii lone epe- rjac leela asstited lhaj he m vccutice n ii satijfactory reference be given when icquired burijank tcos- tfhbm for new yoitrcrrv sic in connection mta s co for the transmission of lekd of all drkriplions cylleclioni d pr thae ofxood by sample or ollvrwkeeoie the mcshger wjil be iu n ww j tittiday j h gncca aetit kinhi- wlwm the ptimic t referrrd for patw april 171111811 9 not i ce ll person having e all person having dfjfls aeaint die late firm of mcleop logan builder kingmfth ore hcret rcinesuti to preknt tlie same fie adjustment un tr in furc the first day of july nrm i kicii ard logan and all usrsowhrisw in debted to iho said firm are rrc tlumy re- quesied to call and settle tlnn acvouni fl- logan surviving partnee and executor of the ife juha mclcod angus mrleod thos- masson portsmouth near jiicton 27th april 1sw 88tfi sheriffs sale of lands rvn saturday the 1v exocvfi- notice- a general meeting of the member of the mvthit firt in surance company ofthmihnd district will be held at the office of thn company on monday the 3d day tfjum next at is ovoek noon for the furpose of electing director for the ensuing year william irdland secrciarj kinptun 1st may rw s8 to hvi at the head of pcince stieet s stone dwelling houeetwoioriehx with four roons and a ham ach floor with a cellar and cejlarkilclroi and wh the nc- cary out buildings cuden and a well of ood water the above ia well calculated for a gentleman resident the rent will be moderate apply at iht subscribe t office in ontario street wm kingston 5th march w- midland divtiirr to wit t vj i7lh 9y of fcbnran 1sh will be sold at the coutl house in the town nj krnlwn at 12 oclock noon the lol- louine lands seued bf virtue of kxecution to me dioctrd nut or her majestys gaul oj tjneeir ifeurh vir william walker vs archibald mcneill west hall of lot no 7th concession fhifosrtmm lot no 6 koituhatfof lot no 19 find cottf cssiw v iun townihip ol rich itottd it no 1 7th con toumhip ot richmond wesletai tmulidaiy and lvt no 137th con of aaid totfflibip james uell foryth el al vt sats malhrwson 04line d calvin et a vs jarnr mathewsvn im no u the th con or pituhurh- west half f lnt no 9lb eon of pittsburgh ul no lin the luth eon of pillburh ami pern ot ncrofl having claim on the aove piopeily are iemeste1 to mate the vmie knoivn lo me on or before the day ot aae thomas a cornnit sheiiffm d theate of m ahov propeily b post- lonkd until wednesday the 1st may ntff slndsolicp i fbttury lithj8tl w the almvc sale is fostponed utiid saturlaythc 13th day of june next thomas a cordett mioafir mf ssscviovocco i kingston in untlfluoj the abovsj sole ia postponed until the 2ui day i april next at the aine time and place t a corbett slwriff m u shcnrtn oilire kingston 9th an h js4l 7 to the tldilur tfihr ljiriul uluiaxjzatlon sra r la prujof lerilv ci f nj fjr u t ihai with bit o ihe t riitomf d to iuatrc id conctir laltjhi tnum imidtf diremnjn ct lhi pny otrvaitwn ihr rni torn cutovr hy j u t lsasit kvn lo be itic ilionx bjimum navf4l cj bj am iiieljcnu nd iioyi eti n joo rt td t ti y kdiitduil ij it vim tt utj v4hvr iftdttidal ifecfptrfjlo i vttvrtlioc ih kliuiti ih it pe ll pjrlitvur itianl viiil hiv w la- cut rvrm- i ins cj for sltr a table of duties on imports into canada compiled emformably to the mrveawe laws in fo price 33 ttiron k gatte 0l11i dmsteeij april 7 lard oil best and cheop rfr mrv for sale by the w 3l city store by carruthers to let por k barrtui prime mess i9n do me 27 da piie 7 do ar0 jnrt i f i and fo sale rv fffi s jones kifttaumi may 2nd 181 w craig warr accointa n t s v arsizr the cottage in which msl kiixalv at prasent resides it is roomy and filled up w itb uol and cold srater baths c and everv other convenience necessary for the comfortable accommodation of a respect able family it ik within fifteen in otes drive of the town of kiottoo and baa attached lo it coed garden jounj orchard and 22 acre of oodland with all the ieositc onuvf- fice far parllcolars apply to john braakeo- risw eokinaton- honse may be seen hclweo the hours of 12 and 3 oclock on any day except sunday there are alo on the ptemnes two ood cos a farm cart and harness capital po- iky aad a lar quantity of dry cord wood which would be disposed of on very reasonable terms koijston april b 1m s72990 13 4 in 329 rimittaaces canada companys office v frederick street tot on to 10th february ish 65 6cn the london illustrated news and pictorial times for 7 tack the subscriber having a considerable quantity of the above papers remainins unsold will i- of them at the reduced price of 7 ljd per no tbe back nos of these they need tcarcely stats arc much superior to any that has been lataly issued kiortc ramsay armour it co march lolb 1844 wsroorrico cocght atwes tx o rrcrrjjtafit ip wtikomi th i t liratiu hoofuf cnh i ilj j r 1 1 i hotie iiir lnmnf ui vh sair and pfftf a uriain aaa r ifffliiry vwftiwrie tra oooaoil trl fu cum i i fi iitftdi aa ouaa fstmti ftajfaa aar lan uftimiunln frjl dfni 0 aartd alfaja i iion saadrat f cmcr r aast ar s 2 uiaaralrw rilps ad altab wn mil b chroaicltst ujiuoi0f hitin l aai bank of 8riiish north amfrica 11iik notes ol lhi h vf hxucblu n 7 d j- ln vtf sln 1 the wt uc t u thomas askrw utaefen kinslon may 7 1- for sa lb n sjau iiuleitj iwselhimtc eaubtithsacni are fiarratv aiillttian pbiio torte lsjrw puso au w kalen 1w3 nelson i bockusp auctioneer c sion atctaxt chronicle u qsjsas bians creek street is now prepare cdw drv goods urocerfr frftture or other property on consign u y auc tion or ouicrwise 3tteivj lowl1 fi parties at their wt gomls for panic n town montreal where he has arraneetnents w iih a persmi well quainied with the cw tr kinpton may 7 00 to 1et a t lite flotirishikbd pirtiiresqne vil- j bve of piirti a wal cot tage containi h apartments suitable for one or two families with a garden if required rent mvmt apnljr to john carbuthers kinptoo i0t miy m4 olz xjufd for sale w ot no i fth concession pitit- jla btirch coitanrg upwards of 100 acre apply tit r william sharp a the kingston bakery kmion i3th pfaj 18m 90 shkripfs sale of lands on saturoav the 20tb day of july next winbe sold t the court how in the town of kingston al the bom of i- otfock noonihe following lands veiled by virtue of executions to me directrd iuitd out of her majesty court of quern bench and the midland district court b r alexander mcgushan plft vs john mcled and kichard losn iviu all the right tittl and intreu of said de- fendenti the btoken front of the west half of tat no 1 m the first con of the tp- of kingston 0 r ol john vincent deceased horace yeotanv etecutor mary vincent ecutiix vs allan mclean defendant all the rihl title and interest of the above named defendant john mclean in lot no- 522ii wl 11 lr2 103 114 l5and 27 in the town of kineston lol no 22 oi tw- kft th vtvnhtn f wttafr tm i jiij t whb btllc inland and tuokeii uouu and port of eot no- 5 and 6 on west tide of rreal river catsraqui n the township of kingston and south ea1 quarter of tat no 9 in the 1th concession of kindlon gcott w vatkcti pjaintilt ttv john mclean defendant all ihe iiht title and inteieal of the above ninej defendant john melran ii lola no jjs- iui 103114 j is and 276 in the town of kindlon lcl no it or gore in llictowftjiipif rilisbuish lou l 3 with bellrs uhnd anl noien front and pjrtuf lot nvs a and 6 on v aide of cat rvcr catranui in the township of kingston and south east onatier of lot no 9 in the 4lh ccncessioa of kingston all persona havm any claims on the above advertised pronrrty or any part thereof will mjlte the xme known to me on or before lb day of sali- t a sheriff ol5ce m april 12 1544 corbett sheriff m 0 4ia notice- 11 alex anderson son or the ute alex aivdeison ot the town of elin morayahire scotland who left for canada one years since and is supposed to have lived in montreal ami in upper canada will apply to the subscriber he witl hear of something lo hi advantage k u innes- kindlon may 7 br for sale alow priced secondhand piano forte apply lo f- ii o- m1lligan iian forte maker wellington street kington 18th may ism magazines for april the british reviews s the postmaster at halifax has detained them for the first trip of the unicorn via pictou and quebec ihey are not expected lo arrive he ic before the fnhor lothof may ramsay armour e co kiapton3dmay 114 to let may nrxi the stone dwel utunitf bvt ibst 1ku tpimoii are titcd 0 ouid policy and iiii4lom fat teasn of ilrir vine iuoii eait xvttlj be admtitcd tv w o fj1hbl jsis aioft nrviftf frtcarteavlvaiue mtrman jo moeatlsl body doci no ilc ka fjlovr ihj iick tiawa mar bat btro tormd raiitcr upon the bai of an un r t q ovtialjon io iippoti ihe rrpvcxulivc fcf our oaotraa so- creio nhile in ic ibuji tiidiatrti cf the prc- iojlff of iht crown thvx 4 cabo and dclib r itc fiidkfl upon 1e p fi in mj ecokna atoor victr political fii1ek or invcr woda th kt 1x ia tpralcij in lane kv anitcd to ft s dvs fc tllfud caiad i m winch too may fnld w but ioj bapaf 10 oocor in contehipialin lit faal 1 rabcr than niilinj tbcimelira to lta foctiru 9t n k- ilnutvm of ia1lm orfffn imctii- hiin- thoa dfefrrd to the opfriona 0 ronw i vd by a i l lojaliat it i hotcd a tik coiidrdtton will be exundtd to ihtr vbrcriio i gjan huihbie idtiuit tjjlt ot kia cjoki- vdtiic or lufihti t tmti ftotn auuubcj uutcr diirict of canid however diaviki from lt hicfts to ibe rovrte to be bumucd ih the frctcid ctcok h pohcil parties sir ctirle altcalfc i the fini ceierf of can dda nhi baa charty idcbtit hintrctfad hii sva- crnen wiih reapamiute cotrrntntm and iht oityrfprrtlatieofhjfcfttioij nbo haa conde trended t0 aotsajticu lka vytiein to be adopted ad aitnooncir ii lua cxtaih the wwi and idua of umtm regard mg it ti m atur i iw rtsihiii pammahihi m n jut id leravmtr tmmtlaa nh taa hsm atatcm oe atnd forth voldly fa oosiuti itra- nt to rettluon to the new order of jociniknt which iht dijnkt of the eiopirc ineanr pldtd tw fwtlaiii anil the loyal atibjeci uf ihe uituh croan weic csjhi ioi to wnde- tt neat ucooaet out dvt to ace thit the mle of jptcfinmi to ceenlly uj ditn arc cuarly gie- atood 444 ihal at undcraiood 1 11 vau w ooaslus- tered h9 for sir charst mrtctfc haa tirt brooht ttoe fulci into cjtnuiwttal practice through the medium of an caxcuiire coumd a a 10 imparl to is t tears he haa eiiaerainatcd iht practical fasmssjsof inootiaeav bf whu lon can nc b cftcieotly latijhl lal foroa of sier neni wc are realty called upou to uooori wl to pkdgooor politicsl prtneiotca and ereaeilj to alti catc as a paij coftacivautci d o ilulie in w eacaijm t adouut thni sir charwa mniuc wtll carry out u tioeraj monarchical eemeipwa fauttcaile oor fj it be bolteacd that auch dt ua arc enlenaaned but aiill ii n due by every loylui 10 the diuy o h own rrpuulion for conaittency 10 lid 10 the jlm iujt of pfbdeni aaaclion until a pt jelical illnatea twn oftkiaarw aehce opened ihroofh tlic roedt uoaeihe canada cncr aiatnped with the au thority of our oacal aacious sjcfcrt by in cmoe in loe adnrtixeotcnt of a new astcvutc coined it mil then bood time to oeaiwse whew we can ctrsrly hnow j q which that ocjim- catiow to it ditcird indeed it i lo thit day dif- dculi to say thai any real diaferttiec of opinio a- ou between the got crnoe grcal and a political pirl now orraniied onrwy to opooie hii everanatnt how peat mtssjf tne drleci cc betnecn inepurpoacaofsir chojka mricalf and the laicm dcmna ofibe udt 1 of that orjaiisataj and that tfan the ilthnnec eannot in my osmion w clearly oiitinuittwd uwnl the gorernur general really annua by xtk iojubiiabk ctrdnca of apponilinenu tocbee ad jooic all hy the mea- wres raihrrihan o is ntrmfro ot tifvenmei tiulwc uluinvriacuyyki vr auppurl lata podtaibte uovcrnmcn wrkthtr indeed it ta a virt l tlwabnh at lhal rapditihildy waich in flud nginbcrallie daja of oacolaney of any partuutr elavt of polniciant or hrtier il a an inttiiblc ba csseni of auliov on too taie dsy run lo the power of a parly 10 anrafm hiin dnm io- t canada tile nuitnttii il cee to be perniltid lo proatriulc that power to ohfeen rf cnd tnd irc ixmjaj thii inloiuopputiie cxircioe of con ccnujis all inc power of the tla ihe will of o iftijyl for ljitjir iiiii 11m in hr ruaae of ilic j omcrown wbten ja in rnljnd pat he held aacred bul aboukj no ba r b ci- ii wiird t the aieitcsandtd care wf a ivrror than 4 soierrien but ibaltho coicrnnr of canida itsc ibe acin id ureal bnnin iktl cr cvae io be auiroonovd by a cabmcl the one parti j ibujaf acalofoincc lo thnr auectiaor afiae imijidy tbe cwrernii ul not ro th oar iflbianot what sir clurtea mecatfc nriu ti tteamnaibilc iermnehl then do 1 noalrotin- lyprelainsia uttutnrefrkt tpt p0 uvcan eda in fe name ooty sbr ctjrn ia tfoai 0 ai viiufffca ore uiaiff taiexnj end os it ihrfoea the ajfttttui oajrao focowtf eoiw of biiluk conncaton it rs mis mr cosason gshcsul or caftaaa np oivtir ax cmciv oel rsacltcal ckvositiok o what irt xtam vo ac vxacastooa to c vmk atxtsor coviaxmkx roa tuts okaviii ov tm bair- ish ooatiirioas aud thi ronnow or sue daittsh rtorsc ar rut soawatrov or a mimstsv utntttry una nd acawit ncd t aaockery ofh real nenmj in the ciie i nhieh il now to be urdcruood ia thu ojetj idea pberr forahtdowtni foelh tbe powers of taw body raienatea in lb urtititi npire but mi ibc uadri uie ei d caiher fr tle lt bn i jtj i slasa ct 1 iknrc tie tand or ror trrixerat vr ihe itvlalc all prtict on ihii n u tfcoi ibe llilirii 1111 lihtih macara nva seijn al chair vr till 4 mt hall dr hlmll4 two yraa and a half have paared aaj into e aarakd ilie udttoetal cluir aa wc lupfnd for ct in wstna 0 no nrre not wpfcu ome aia- iit4 thai ibe chavfe rnliln not thatrvr our nofhlv iteria vt ine cac uu sappinaabnl atlva o ovr poahhin l tnjlio ibe nr tittiti ration and pcktr ufihe fpouteof a-en- 4 waa itpotaible thai caajbl coauuo ro codutt m fnfwai ad irwtaewtlettt pma ue cowld ul nnimidtcrt ttpon ihe conduct of a iin mrnibci cf hie r oter nhsar deubcrriona we r or of ihetthcr tlrancb nilli wlwcbit waaoilrduiy liaeul- liiltelhe moat tratcsble rdaliofc hc opoh not crilkui che cunductof mrwibcrrotlbe ilotvmmcni far il wi our d y 10 nioe ibe reffasibitiiy nf their aelf no cold ot eotupliin of a mu3c uirj- cvr for ihe rcfcdy wvwhl le nhcbjfr m- c4lvct whietnti run tunea to enbrpnfnt tlni baaarfal u waa lwraibk ihil ae coold ceailiuuw t h 11 id a bold and imparl ta i pruieeu i am d at wr ad ben 1 plain praw arid lv- p dol ac ion we cnld iwld no wo h4 ino inttcb ript far th ftc t du i aflst v in isr lriu otniit adinitrjlion hvhti will intra- liofrcj oe nhuiiy and onoohly einpioerd tin preatiatbefoitrili tjute h almssu tm iht aajmi cmaor woi ttc isttsl ajent of ibe ihv lhee- llne ihe epram0n i hwasrijm siwj nse ai4 netiublc wlaieeer aome ofoar frarda wlo did noifitl eokeinl tb ntceiniy foe h nay ba ivj1it ol iv tiat oo onn boaor the mice of our prinej plea ibe iailereat of m paitj mth which we bid becoaae novnaidadrcimkred i mtpoaaible be ut 10 abjiydan ihe public poaitwrft wc bud wen and ai ikrulw4wwliklaloiiaiut runtsht- orpcndnit dtclianie ol ibe dune of nbwb wh ift cnip liable niih ihe mtfllcnae uf ihctto p4iiione we rcinrn to it now not to gratify i t rnorhid latl ct rui ip 1 r 1 ltil ovr inlrnatj ar krrtd ihirtbe fi oibcr oeeopaiion- uai oacrouv and marc profitable arc before bol u a ldr rttwcuo hipo wbmfc be may hate kfi for a tunc vpn oihcr prattin n r ice r bul nbkh be ea- otnttb 1 dn ffffsn 10 ihu 1 ug tid mffty of unoratlt abandon i- i a faw and juit romne teen mde b the lrwtnal riotrrno any owe of a doan ibaa wee i oibvr con dtr feeflied dttri the lih of aiton to airk nee wo jfibe rclietcm firtfr nronhi imainccriit aiu bar rn rchirdi of coltnl rubtie life that wc would have rhterfulty retved so more irnquil purautt and abindmnd any eliinta thi w miht hate been auppotcd to bave either upon ihe covnfry ir the goeriimnt bo nl at tv wootd hiirdonccuer- full tor tbe uwv ofpeace m are not oitpntrw to do vpun cginuliui ioac nhn tvteratnl an ncv- tceud by itw bbral part for iwee reara have in icroor ouki u anma tbco of lb- ir beri tae loduaaae chiratr io cioah by fair meana and bj fout 10 monpoli powf and itbo bao eonamttled ihe x foolery of anppeni- that the pany wbich tanm lr 1 mt 3 1 r ilcb iilvpped tbam out of one aniq nt j ftbturdnj afur aasiticr woulj lobmil to lb coumrj in ihnte 1h h eonannlicd a arrange wun tvy j mijm bac bid pence let ibnn nrepat foe wor ihey refuted to aharo mbtpr upnn hoonrobte leecaa kl ibetn have a ear that t djeanae pnaaowl otibr r laaaasjm tiy returned the nianantntirf jrucb iber were woni o aeknowltljo irtaebery and in- uitir and dffaoaatton tho mot foul let thee bo auured that day of rexboninx la al bawd at lent u ineot be aaanrew of ihw iba wo rwnio the edtlociat clutr with cry diatertnl tocstna from ihoao with whacb it waa abandoned and wiih a fall oetcrrninaiioo 10 tli i tbe cauoary the bcweot of our etperieiico of tbe eeaj charaeicr of ibejihnf by which onr nnblic astalta have becooae ao bav roujyto1d thinv taotc imktvcied 4d itsoa iu t their rrjbt nami and ilnbo t in ibrir trwc charae- ur lb uiavmclt of honorory oe nf foul laiot audnlterty rr ofhoea conrn- muona nhich wtth vpon f isonm had na- ctmiiiu sfcaloii it- llc taricd h mi of puu lift ihrovab wlncb we ht txely faavd hinec- forward wc can comnuric nith ou cvuiilrtnwii as wc nrc wonltodain lime of om and ntre atfc cuttmoa or qtllranc rut n ia feet and think and tay ubalrtcv y bate icon rccroccd ibia ia a jl point etincd n vne that atetttps u evntrial wtta llw nppomic tusr much vf udiidwt hipfimtr tor thie y hi anj a half oor nrditnsv ality w jt lott and nc 0o hpt joubtcd our owu nsttilyne were a part m a nine atrinrd wttru meni nhichonctwnc teductd harmony andaome- v hi forctd upon u at ood lubjeeta t take it up i it been ha kfo nhkh ibe crlith ctocrnwirnl imparta 10 ivhiuiyou arc attacked bran indiiwla anuminj toesprraa ihe ni of tbe loyaliit in on diairid il will not i troii be deemed obruiii tbt one fiom another dittrkteurtjioiuv 00 ua odcnl atuchmenl lo ceerylhin icjity itm ii h and no ka niiooa tor the lucccta of the guteertojeoi of sir cbarka mauatfe nor perbapo lera wi1bn to deiota humble enerjie to onaure ihat triumph to bia avpport iho pooilion yow hat indi- robera otjtoer paper and ctpeciilly a u rlauti and rl may be talimenta f thia dtalejcij las rltotla ahou catcd in lata m in reference to a u f aatiarictory to yo know that lite rnicruiocd j notl corrteraaiirca ita are unhap mfj s myj riac lo impatience sir charka mtlcalfo cannot have too forcibly in- prcaaed upon bam lhal bio adrrraarica are suconi fully nietumj ibia apparent au 31 en 1 part to bit prejudice il it reeltj lima ihla unhappy econiry were btctaed ntlh a0n4 ratahlulkd aim of uicafticr m aslbeposlrnasterbljiaitux has tfelainee t z thi to ha them for tbe first mp of the unicorn ti itft6 when all cardtoal prmcipleaof cotcrn- rocni hii have crated 10 be a diapuc and bo dia- plsted bj ibe crraion of piflna conlrndnnj lefitp- oiely foe pwwer aim fenjund- dettjaatcd by ama aucb namca aa whif a and conicriaiitao eloewher oo loeofoeo or wbtanilhwi hot dieoral or tot al j then indeed may he hope 10 hre made bio nam btciaidbyibc prrteai iura en lha iheaire and prom j mil ihe sne 1 ormln- linj houm7 the lroperty of lnnmaj n i aecondel jntl ibe tvtc pal- molson v- recently occupicu by wnh i f iho governor general rt further dcrcopcd wilson esq wttuatctl on king street tvith this is pcfhapi lha only county n caoadn itesl fieannhiehaddfcateibareru t i v an excellent garden coach house r 6te geo kingtun april aitached stameaja- apply 10 a cumming 1s and m which lha pioftc ofcoumry tiltari and ihe farotera luo not bcao eafk tocilber to oraoiie and t belicee ihio nbaencc of tangible mearaa of arri ting at a correct conchuioa opoc tha pvbuc di- runca ditcuril but in lih thre wit noeleae tiof- in lunc hoilur modified nor tobdord 8ji uw like the tar tec a rti on oor own win pour forth nwr onn airaina rqukin- in a hmi of free- domthotwc bate not felt fnf jeara tuit thak proiascnce an adtaniae tbit the cjiartal cbue ha or et any nf tb oo in whteh wc late tit of lac ivhik ear ti in it hqwtte hard tbe norb ihty ate aitawerable fur nos0 aina foilwo e abort romingt butibi una ii dniiy it may fa aoaicvtiii tat vahl bo it aaaaaaj to none in tbe ranjc of nieful st nhich lin arourtd tl awd in fi at aobttamtat pttirnot power ij diaonao ot u fluence petty pitrorje h binp sol mtlo eatilvde aifd atueh rrjnnbthij woi power to ttrvl about as one nbo ar eaumalrd by ihe poatiiowa ibry are in raibxr than iw lb virtnea tual dvrn thrm hart ponce over mm inltttecl 4 nd their ostisiiowcr lo toltnrnce the dlly iluioiht lo tanjrh the hojrta 10 enter tbe tfwrftina oftcna cf ibntindt livr on obi ranuliar friend and inform enitadxec lbem powv net wuteot itt itttaniaie checkifvrj nheo abnovd tt ceaaaa to bo power 1 h d nc robin our ooni utaonv old riiii wbh wc fancied tbol ian nsnj lioa wlnes ronncily iwtked w naiaa and dabj la bora wiib the bouufwk bcwhu and irrai4a oue menla of ou eownlrjin aye and connlrrw were ruitcd at if by maie wo stepped their thrtiboldt uiinh m their ncu1 cnxlco- went with thtm to tbe wocda l enlion tnetf labor or to the field to etwd k talutarj inluenot owoe tneur ai j meal and ha had tba vanity lo belerv ihji wr would be cveryfthero airckocuc rncat ibal the penptc woutd ny why bes w howo -i- -ioi- it fi not mr somber rlawe nor lb hun mr i o joe howe aa bo uaed 10 be ail- i-r- in tv i- andulfelnf taoiabont politic and trade m ajrtcouarwaooul oar awn conniry and oihrv eouhiriea cnakine va licj a oef deal but ibtnb jooq deal nuro a whtka wcro laujhjtj sweb u tbo recrption wo stict- patt bcutely but brariy and wo can staaro our countrymen that wo fk bad among them conad oiaa that there ia no hante by which wo bare been bnona nfletn jearo outonjc ibo disnitartew of tbe land ibal we ptiae ao l jb aa iho abr tamil hr abrovtalion and no w of labor aaorr bonorattn than that whtch wo formerly cullirttml wilb an lare a aha re of approbaliori and upon wbueb we are aaoln wikoww s charka lansb 1a baa oyw welcome ibeu detd wood by which i and wc tay wckomo thot old chair in nhich and by wlwcb we lived iu comfort and independence for yeomtwartn for no lordlng a ttrii r frowo and ctwrcioua ibni our daily bread waa neicoten on lho frad tetnare of aoy mano copriee but dapnodeni daily tabor aad vcaofy of thaifood prfnt4ae k whebvba4 bu tgfm rnhajioonir loirutt wtlcoav aimblliboe sswjtf aiia and atbu sod aoua4j aa tbe ea4al i