ifwueiijl intto hmj ft ft i naiaiitoreclr rr r u- l l1 r atlo l hit gpffagl vine of iho ral w 1 i ejuciilr- 11 rn rin tiieicdiutnt lifnfipallunniuf canada iikcn ihi titrvtf- l i law n- h-m- iim bj lh tijua iuf mill stcanur oh iftj ftr hoot of wi lm i r r ii wr j toni otkhlrca i aurfcr fram brecuillo to kutfttom oo boar l e on iid ticrt niljsimuri lf- mliilln if i culoltl atfc him hsi tt l ited laucn liiin lo 0 to and i return from mrl i ft frail it- j been to t thai cttf tug back ii period t ttim hint wt letrned the lloiiur otrueulan u left kiufeloo oi bojpd tlir ctiniv cap la1 it lit 1 ek on w jmcijjt and r din rra aott affrtws ho tta in 5ltnirril ho rcnauitcd m that j 0ja dot frtwh lira i irantactcd oil nceta evtimtt rrmrnrd tj lb e eotiern to ktntlen ih ac l ffflihcj lkwc 2 rti 3 v clock on l vnua ftfrn the juf ncj freo ktnptnu t mgn uctl imlfrom hmfil kew rnfaon including ifce n ll were tpent it montrctl ivflftm ihiitt tucjuieletl piijjc wc have jet bttld of nj il jcfrfitt otlcllfcnan xhif jrm tefnre the slcam tlntl srrii which nid toil len fate up for ric war oi i vrnjaj nitl latl u wrf mr san i 4rn0n of hit to ty pw i pmjij writ ecftatnvl lh r njoof lit st latc- 4ttt lourd icf lo imor niomi to jlcamtt lbi uuh hh cjtitu w lhcc mni 1 t 0t ovf j 0 rctituuwn hllmj vp in th nfrfal tf ittmlf f u pftk j hq4ij n o to lcfs ihc wri ufcf0f uriomltnil tbe f rtlrnin wfit jf toriiiin4 iovjd4 iv bi mil rrim mrilt wc 4oubi if tt lw fti be fjj 00 uhi iov or the st liw- lc eo u the pjot thot mr bthc the mtmbr fv t and fdilur of the ur it lu ut i 4t4kl0d lfaoclcorcof thrrriicfi tuckjjj imi in t r i t- i j j kh fho hot bexn x lime put the rumoured ikoniiico lo tho i- cm obator gcacrtbbp of cnuk eitm wc cuitu one of uw mo- remiffcoblo tcoajc jownirordj to thit port oa rceor1 hn j oovi complete fcj iho tri peopollcr acucfttwrc clotijinj toihe rorofito 1 st- lftwrvncc mmi niijuion cmv o- 4 iffcttarf hr roj io he wonderful thoft ffoec of two daj mid a hair monircol gecue irflrnfi tour if not tlipi hac tilpi from tlwi futrtt for aiieka tirt ox int tho firm is- pulu ft quebec ihic jjae on tuexfif aoormiiif tvbra fcoir tew f of about ijodo ton odd ui bclmfui mwtri raivkin git- oimr of gijifoff which n winlercj in our docej horc anchor m r-it- ad drooped down the mom- bcr with the itleond a rfcxlh breeze the art u tianre dllhe sl jrfhn dbck gttaoor dry- dairi u porlm eaotor tho salcavory wuii a i dak vailed tor si andcvt on uv prrcediaw day ivc are t aurc at tho hour wo are wiling whether or not the uan rum capuin simpim baa tailed but the waa l for a atari jfttercur and waa oipeci bclkftoto put ii iho iim tide she i jf ir for tvchec i labea out betweoi 100 aj 000 cmijfant many of ltrm ajricukjfil jabourc and tlcir mh w chtldff a tent out at the fxptnar of ok inhei to which thej are charealir tame of ihei teeririnj at rh j to ckar them out tfce ftfc fe on mr laprhr jtftocrawc bmitbr uf u who wolaicu ita cgoadmcc in mb trrair of antiition and th aceouip mrnta ho oujm to have itco capttd cnrtir i boj public iht i hulo0 w you a duel waa f jm i ihe tiewitj of pw ohtam on the loln between cutn ftcbtuj lit of iho mcatcan naj and oee sanioianani ult corerno of tobaacoih waiooi ptlot duiaee lea pocei at the ihtrd firi he former rc- eooed lite boll of hit antigontit in thf upper part of ihe eheat penciraiio lbc ettiij tnd al4lta a k fere and danrroui woud rnrj by m uf f tht tit pn wliol fefbilvof mr m i m f r were t tonid a few day ance m eooieqec of calm z hliuuhirv iraret bocltd h i feared thai twooflhrchilireo w11 notrcorr ti ittf of una puiiib of wucli the alefk h ud for pin wilh out danger ccataiiia a couiderab4c ajuaahty ofoaalc mid eae lo count ik iuco itcc tueh proeeedui uroek- i iwlc mr mill ii inih bm ur f h1yoj lo a wudriiinr cult a eaniae ua m aar ihf e of hi d ivhboe in turnt a corner the t4t t bacn and put the hurt a frim ihil ikf kertauj unmiiea4r afur runntnj a hort dttnucc lh cttdwl 3 upci aod ine laumttai ihow out n lie lide of ittc tffl tlw eslilrt furtutalelf ciped with toine afht bruiei bvt mr mair wat finouilr injured hirtnf fme of hr rilit broken wiili trrfrr cunimivftiofr hrtdtitdonr rhoumer mr mai wnalomwrh ittffi ti not dn rmlt ooeofuiehoitihii nacedd iv we retlokltot on saturday lh imiintt a a in a tlie entpoajicm cf john ijur kaej at tcumur fell jviu ue wharf at dilik and nai downed there he tiane two ehwrr ij htt at the per and jocd many pcram itnpaed in eodn tarnij jrt unfortunatel no one n to liar been injir ef t oci3ctii ur the if am wat vr- cciiol ufoi the r without lbc d nrr th eictlcj auvojtiot and nocii tocain round hi hat aa c acred fljatmi tn ihe ub nd oo tcareh tnc bnd waa ditotcrcdi aahtditocwthr lhhm it ivpp about an hour after he had fall nilotltv aur hit tiami w jirf sdrton he waaatber man untnarnrd and tf cmtfolfj hatiu lfotl j lop g a telle wj rct t ptm llalt on cdti ijay a quarrel hufco taken l i bon njri ilar between a feej inaver oamtd murphp and a eoloved man earned too ihr latter if ataww ifi the nldr mt a a- kile uiiaft prjj niv miioji uiaui hn- vii km oc arrrtcd and committed to wr iiplr hit tnl wtt ule place at ih aaaitei now t4ttifif far tbu p itl rn ijsori i i t 2 the lnife 4 found toha pvrcrd lhetvart w uniertafd ih dtttil 1asrj a ftw itrp nmf fril ttf aj tlb- it become cor panfbl dut to announce lbc heaih ef helep the hclfltd of our mtrth i ln townsman cbarlca hulica uruuitlt lue 25 jrar e her a-e- tht trlf nvlinrholj ctciii took place of an illncai of clj three day dt the rtidree flf mr hughe on i l i 1n i s i- ia cut en stiurday lt apparrntl ouitc wflf in tk tenin attt ectnplatred of u ht dtpoailiin on suedaj mytiii rm ao latl nrr fill thai mr hubci went la chorch but waa called owl duri- airiie and wot withundioererr 3xl of jwdkl ikdl ihe doeai jimf aatairncd twefotna of scarlet fctrrofci z gratatcd type tct folahy abil ii oclock on wednendiv tfrcakbnthu eaatir a gloocn orer our whje town m cmaint were itilavrcd in st jctxa churrh vard ca tnurtday tail a i mm huvatircd naotfli rtecmrj he hit itied deroty re treiled by all nho bo her iain threo ehildrtn ir m only monlhi cu v 1 a jiff ui ur huthavd to laiseol lh irreparawe lata lb bm foawn butter vrfaoitd stttitfar corr amcjif ihe mh of unvrmaiiow fiwniahed by itm re port efihe commutiorerof patenti which highly inlcrettin fiir farmer it an accoutlof a iofn hitherio a accrcl bj which buttrr ny be kept for yon frnh and anctt in an climaie moti lina of wood contain eoutickf able cjuantiuet of pjrolne- out aetd which decompck aalt ur tulur kept in tueh iubi the linden or ba upod it the ol owe wfckhj it appear by earefvl f iprrimcl it tttt froaa ji oihcrt it ia ic 0 aaat ie freed from it and ihvi rendered awriavi by botliis o four hour well peeated under water 0od butter b lo adult ia z on with hat auj proaon of a pound be w churned and worked and packed hard and of bread per day and chimr at halftlat tuen the tifm in kt of tea toned white oak ihebcad it fjre 10 lh stale ia ltijher between four and bfini n 1 imalt hol into whtb win u pour- pound at the eapuana hi- c to pay headenonry and cd to uli the tacant ipacc and of o much iaipori ante ii deemed lo prevent ant bad latte that the pl foe the tote cnuat not be mad of eedar or pine but ofcfprut 0 bat wood othcrwtte it uould bo mukd after nbieh ihe ket are pla ced to a hogtheaj well filkd with bn of full to luiion that mil bear an tvhkh ihew steaded up uht and eloie thia at the odc parned in oran counixn yandtw imrtlc urill keep at ar ad in warea chmatr and cntmindt a ytij hjh piicr tnc appendix 0 the report eowiamt a utieradjrcuedtomr cluwonh by gfoae a naetchantof hartford cono coroboratii the wh ot 11 llwn itttrhi lm cuun- try tuner with ftctponitk uorrmmem or wrtboul h-iavt- uiuavt ut ut amrewfrot fi tvtvnii uarn ytfta 4r 0 ate or land if rr t 4i i uwn efitlrt 1 01 ih eriliih rninieikm n cdaii i ftrcd ue preroatrt it uiurped tte aiauai jiienift ten to jet 01 of iu wayand ihu cm ut cd aameofdbiaitt rhevrr ru uk far lite irikm conmuiino hkb he it 1w r dy to autptnd r aaninilai prctided yo lea him in ynir thrremtllkont and a half cf anvuy wrre rccntl pnt m canada to deede ihe jrtit of wkihtr iwo or ihree ntew in each prntiace thetj hare ktn m ihe nituiie council hlcad oftnw or three other a our eriljah brethren on- in other tide of the water karloj no more el tnieretl n l milter t than they kid in tho eoniett r io cope and franeit pawl for in chinfiainihtp of ihe micsci latl wiwtar ftriiiah canrramn 0i- inalu htd notbtn to do with lhea fftlmt flh ht prerof aiite wat thrust in to aidonr tri of blatm ijrjedt lo ifuaaph oer toother aer tien tho latlet began rry niturally tocruarrrl nith tf pre rofttite aud tho onbsoo wcame rdiid lordkaudlhouht prnper to tppoimtvir nrra- icotian lo lut c uicip and ihrec oth- d not rhnoie todtfead t appoimmenr hid talked ou tvhil htdour allcfitncr ihe jfcrot altl i lab con m aioo 10 do with all thin 1 why if hid all be rn tmehered in a anowdrfi ift the go remor underneath the brilwh cooneunt wottd not hart tern endingered it it not grot my ibco foe on et of coiontait tub contmualr defamtue all the libera with w1onn lluy don hapfct to jcc ard alill more abturd when gofora kad ihe tan in charging irraton upon one pon majntj aubyrcit for ho advantage n ha other pecton of whom lord sydcnevtm jeeotrt ttm their cauberani ley ally n at the grcaleu jlfieutly be tod to contend n tint auction salls u wm wake of choice wines spirits ale porter o pickles sauctm id guarantee to tho state hni the partirt u ill not be cook chacabfc within tpcctfkd rieriodthuil paelct fmifntfr fa ttla4 itublin april 15 1 hrurpje brit corcror cleared out ci kridy foe quebec with mo aettkrt be canada in thu large contpaoy are palaiine fanaiut from in tvibemrhoxd of rthkeak- ii it rated tul coniiderabk number uf fa utorert are cmijralmyj i the county of umenck i to the tinoaai- bdity h- i cmplpyflii nl duiini ih cottlcniijo whkh hat been camrl on in ihi prottnee f p power and pauonae and in which the whole eounry hat tuffmd o morh quebec ht been ipned cf eicry tain connected with uk gtficfneftt tv general rett olkce waa the taatof the pulk derartmeotatolc removed and we aeu it u w b olahuihcd ia st jamrt tucet mcnjreal th k1ite boiminp crccud or purrhajed out of iht prgtincial food hatt been eomplctcly fyltcd of their furniture and erery thin potabk to oreo rale 3- an mal hmic at montreaf durtn too throe yeara lat wc are happy howeter to find that the sciivtaftc and i rvy sr ntw e que- hfe hate bcc9 allowed torepknith trx boiffian nitl the qorbrc libtxi f lbc cjtertiont ofihc com rttftu i tbruro tartvnn h i r iin1jw ihe route a a rctnroon etub- uhcd tlttec anj for the aneeeklfjeaiw- of in load- cit of the f rcdltii wndjco of tje protirnx we ahttl occatcnillv hae pdblic kclurca quebec hat had very h- there in prcjucinf ihe ilnmiiim whk har aokted the pratmcr nnd from the etfecu which that city hat uflcrr much three af loete thiitt cf nhch wc cannot be dee i f f fcfa1 to3 neaerable snd loyal cornjuci oc a in abitanb in ixal r imtatai on the gfoal ehanri of cjnimeprial emnanunaraiiuna ofcaimda j and ii i hh honed the inereatinjexer ihqtw hotevt iojlo ua tnielscflcc pflu uhabi- lanla pwtm catevo the mutton oi tho lleterend itvpuli t from ihe free chwrtb of j lj ot ccm lo httr been rtry farorably eortidered in nor s0tia dr burnt had tceo atmournxd to titl that eiiy en ihr 3d but tlid not fulil hit rftcuiioftt hit ceakaue however dr cunniuiham armed ibero on that day in the acadia from itoaton and prepared to adjrt4 an au uvnc in the tntaj at st johva church the tatnet aa thl h ao cu d fllred from ihetewa of ur uririu with rczd to vhc okfjceljof his ivt ta a once u rfr vi ihe defence of the vne church aamit the nvrrtniwn of the lttablithmeuu the ret entleiniw taa hawcicr tnterrvpted by r in- umation tlut ihe 5tcamthip in whkhkj p4ie mi rtjtfj wa on thcpowitof aailin anddid nor con- cjkldo hi harano- he departed tc uirpool c satorday tnorntn tn ihe acadti the foitowkij uearlutiona were paatcd at a oaeci- or of ihe conrellon of st andre wa church pie- tcm i alpictouthc iihcfaiwil ljonwhkhday a alectin of ihe congrejaion of st adrcwt church look plce lo eenwtder the ticoo neee- aary lobe laen in reference to a notice wrneh appeared in ihe public print- mtimaiin ihal lh rcd br lorni wat about to dta pktou daiwl crkhtcn in ihe chair t kuncj 1l trai that tnectm- dbipproir of ihe unauihoriacd tank b which the now of dr burcw eontemnlakd tuil waa puolarhrd futjtvri 2d tint rrtwithttancbn ihia mccfinf ditarorotea of the ttodr ia watch the taatke referred to wat announce j j l the inccbnt deem lr burnt enollrd to retpcel d ratitodr for hit pott acniece 10 lant branch of iw coijctial aineiaid heaelved 3d that thit mcciifij on calmly rc- vivfhm the paal htey nreoent circumttanctt and fiture irotet cf lr church of ihi proincr dec not bjj itaetfwtrr anted to rive any oe6ojie caprca- aioo of opinion on the potnu hkh prrdiaecil the re tnl lamenubk di ia the parent church reaolied 4th thai u ihe prcacnl cifcwnatancea af thit ceuolrj twf nrcettity lor union amcej the member of ou church and aueh the deplorable eaient of otr piritual deiiitutton urn all other wb- jcctt not to diree branny upon our kal inleretu heuvl b the oninion of ihi mteiio be aiudioutly tvoided neacjted iih thai ihit meeting would moot car- ly ur en ik altentmn of all tnlercttcd in the ipiaual peoanehiy ca the colonial church the otnuly of jii r irr r tfiioit 0x41 to tjplj th r u thai at pvetcnl entt eombininj with un 1 ml ihe other t itjeu to ihe lord of uc hiirtt ihtthc cnayaend bbourrn ioto hit hir- wffl raolved cththal the prcceed4o of ihb meet i pubhahed in ihe powtpoperi dano cmchtos chaiinian kot macooyaip becidary ftrpmurtuftht kteam qvrmofa brfii r i- r majeattra kinf mpou and the queen of ihr itelpant eoabarked al wrjctwich oc1tard on i l jy warning for ottcd having taken kale of hrr majetty and printe albrrl their majestic and tjrte arrrvtel in en oflhc royal carnaet al wocawkh dockyard atwo ii oclock frorn buew- jnjham palact and aoon afterwarda went tw hooid th mcaaupackct for uticnd th- gttat b ia sfmttrr ttne dilemma an wriaehihi vetael it to ralracedmaruy placed knot jet i cram it it tuttd kerapatha railway journal that k b intended 1ft her by a very aim- rk prcextt throuh the erfk ate the eat diati- cwtli her frkndi hove tontnd with m thtt it oe crew no doubt the object of ihe dwccleea cf the groat britain wat to ct ihe sale w adewed fee the nurpt of brinjifi her in 05am to repair th th dock director would not pthi ft it it pobbk thai whew tbo groat bnjri araae beittol aa ihere it no deck there capable vrxocrutxjauoj her the will ncrcf afan rctvm ll k cipcclcd the witi tail focwvcrkonlhej3ihjo the brialol mir nor ililct thai no arrarteernrni m b naade toi 1 viiujnuie xcaadi orilntdton o a brilia tvauk sl 1n4clj- cce been received 0 be total deairoeiea of a jlntt tr and lb ml l all the crow by the native of strot itlaml one of ihe s jtti ca inland- the wtart uaa the harrkt tt london captain btrfccf the ocwicf ike rlint- irr it brought by captain hammec oflhc sutkt who naracd to be near iho harbour of thia uuod in april utt wn the wreck cflh ilu db corrl burnt tu ihe wateft edje on inquiry ihcy found that etutday whencatatn banker wiih the urjrca and all the crew mtl 0c had nr en law for ahaotiaj otc th native fell upon iheen and iiiiaaaercd tbm tv hvc rmainic 00 hoanj rcean the mvrdcrowt atuek un thore and eipeclinf no ir r t irt the tht look to ihe aoai and have 1 ia tupnoted periahed nawtm bating been heard of them aintfc unbl thai anb4lsnce arrued ihe vtn- tel had not been heanl cf fc eighteen molht ll it auppored that many vcaaejt have been dettroyed in ihe aamo way no afatwran rcaidc 01 the la- land but iho nativea apeak the enliah ianuar dl on meunday thunday tit emperor of auatrta wathtd the feet of twvlte ed men the oideat 110 ihr 1 inn jt ihe tmceeva eurforta- in ihe tame aerric foctwelvi acd wontcn ui akvii 106 the jctfjreit ch vatl nrttbroeemrila from alt aatitofthe rmpire are now locking into liverpool on iheir way to canada aad th li- r stalea the mijor- ity of lift scorch emigrant are foe upper canau while how of england and ireland are for ihe w led sialaa uterpeol paper- j t r i s- i f j i w undtn- aiand hat sk william drummocd stewart theel cbratrd travctkr hao jaat retumrd rrom anoihe eacurtipo to ih rocky munuir he it oaw ix ihii city en hit way te during ihe recent euuitan tut haa bceo irarltine both det of the hoekj mountainr fnr a perfed of nearly two tearv h wjrww0 wa anv whbhfjpm jt nercj batamoit naluraliatt and iriattaoiaht from gcrinvny and aome scerteh and pnttih he hat made a verybrye and talwablc coticeuon of bouni caloductioni pari of which ha thipptd down ihe culoiuhia hirer foe copland by way or cape limn and a pert be hat fought hero to carry wito lumttifiu i- -l- r 1 tirat and laai sir w v ha pent about ten yeart round about iht fwhy mountain travertine ihoc wwdrrfiona nhkb ikiethe nntboflkad of ihr brinehc of the mittour and celvrntti itiveet and ereewnlcrinj innoaaertbk hair botdih ecapet frum tlw tndiana pcrhtpo no indiriiuar of iho revnt aj pctteaaei u mucr penonal knowledge of ihemrexwant aasie william and if he weunl jive a narrative of hia advcnitrrea fc would eotatrip in rornamk uurrai any ijwnt yet tflam 5ir wil liam ia oaw en hit way to scotland to hi paternal rnnktic moelhly cauki i rerthjaifn v- ueeihl fedoraw joc loliear irmi the brhith government are about lo tend ihrir teamshipeefwar leiwatl ufafrka for the more effectual aopprctaion oihe aieue trade the fati i notmitjbut suram ahipe can potti my block adc inc coatt ao na to prevent fatt ui qtpper eteapn- whh tbk eareo of jive tleek itiaibfnn- ly kind of naval fuoucwo thai will be effectual nvam oaronp an aberdeen pa per pub- lithcd a few rr- 1 iht tine v 4 in he gaicen al fioedin cattle at prcinl may v aero th ood elfccta rttuling from tlr irantplnnlnie of 0knt by which their grewlh it materially improved mr saunderr ihe vd had a bed aown in mrr and tincc tranaplanied which prcacnl a truly gtgan- ik apparaoe twenty fou of th onion wrr ta ke out on saturday and wetted iglbt one of lhcm now befur ua aeaauca li inchet in etr- cemfreener ami weight 10 ouiwea the cjuahtv of ix ontona 11 aa fo aa ihek tiie it ccaiarkabk iafuh iveece a man n ate d jeremiah o leary wat charad at worahip street potter court on saturday with rebbuj hit landl 15 w- andon i a al ml il he hd anyihint loaay in an- wcr to the charge he replied with a pcnitcmut thru of the ahonlden thedatil a word your jwn- or 1 ami ita cay opinion ihal grcn deal too much hat bceo aaid aa a i the tehoonrr owe owned by ll hidon bay company aailcd thit mormng ftrnduac aniong iho paatengert wrra akaimv- cjmeau etq- of moftircil and la be met bourhcf nnd the h rather fiteti ftht coni olilalt the twoutprr ar tnt to ihe jtart of ije ktna pott and mmanlb birtu altamwanvf won the eatiaawj fctfw c ef a daughter marhud ontnurtdaycvcningbythck a relkao stu art mr jsatta poifatauf uf hintto i mm rau krtairof toronto n honda v the ttwi imiant tvh be eold without rtsrnvc at the commercial hart vlldluctf a quantity of the cucai champagne claret other wines vii one qjt cak burnett hfifauti cuv celebrated madeira 2 ir cask jo lewi ft cj so doz ftfteat brown sherry t h do gold color lo j0 tld palo jo 10 octave brywn do 12 doz port wine 25 jo jo htint 30 jo lfnjon botilej jo stitcflor cognac brarjy real dektiyprj surijp botterjam gin camplachort whiskey jamaica svni 20 bankeu champagne variotin brartjv 20 cases chrti 20 caba- sortcfior ale tcnnaoi ffl 10 caska london torivr anj a ijpc aortitert of london pickles sauces sate at 3 ovicwk r m punctually william ware auctioneer ot agent xinplon may 35 184- 91 luctlon sate of cerlesi sold ai iho subscriber p incajay ihe 39ih irti a convtgnment of cwcvric juat reeiwj from montreal anj new york illfca ontttltnu of cro will lo sou oi iho aufiioii rouii on weil 3 7 30 20 o 2 4 6 20 30 5 20 13 3 pi tupenoe irft fwiveece we fl ao jrl tn intrreal an hmouujret ihivwt-d- -t- t r-j- i time io ii r nmr the nvtite of w readcri taut- fied that there are few topct or rnr general inter eti or in which cery inditvduj o ey clan n lha community can be more deeply concerned to the rich and poor altar cioet ihtn lile lwranco rocnnirnd itail and iit mbm uliltlfi at well at imiteraatily of applteatun will irndouvtedly gau for it a broad and pcinanett fuoitnf in thi eoentry weearnettly hope that aoch of uur cttiiena who may ntl yd ha taken the xcettary alpt for har irrj tttetr llct 10turcd will da to without d lay fa noma j know man knowt now too htt family or dc- pcndanumayhplacdiu a petition lo apareebte aarh an act of prueeut frrcthouhl button ee im quelle on the 23d in hickory uroie tjocalown ofmayarhtrciu died the rcneaceof ur axk do to lit a wile new summer goods rose corbet cv rainctss stkelt opposite tilt mdt0x hotel wocld mftttfitify annotifc to their numeroua coatorne arid the public uwaenaljy ijut lhfhn nf ivenej neveral cave of aucy hi rfujise drv goodsj anj are tluly reeivirtg awv jttioni to their attack wlich will be founj io eomcwieo everj thinj pish ami rare wo jucej for tlae neaaon aurjwhiuh iopftre a ready aafr- they ivhl olvr al a very entail ajtance a lrautiful thection rji bonret art i cap french satin rtboit aniiflowens ttwib dunttahle rutlanj anj qineuc bonnei kingteto 22j may ifm wi cxtciislvc feale or valuable dry goods partially damaged jiit arrived ex caledonia from glasgow and will be sold uxc2 withont reserve ur tt lutrrt or wneat ir mtv comcehh m tkt coiemcrcuf 3fa surfdrnyt on wednesday next the th may ai ii oviockj tot client of ii packages h ulovvi dtzi tartar woollen harajkerchterav ju saxony tlu light blue jr 0 barrel e bright miwovnusi cheat young hyaon tea tio ttvankar a very en tele i corn brnomt jr jo whit jo jo bru4iet kep tobaeco jo jo gin- jo jo ropfrmini do jt shruh boxee window ufa t ream wrpitn paper boxes peffuiiiej soap jo crromij autptce jo vvtwlkfoof loejifcr mulrlie paieni do amnfaan patent pjh boxes wrtoeeilii so kcgaiimt quality white leaj wtlh a variety pf other artlew sale ai 11 ovfrxk j as l1ntos abafllc kintadot may 24 is44- posi thit oihre un tic via halifax at cnmkp h tia boston al 1 oclock p m office notice re jnid will be ckw lollouriex deyt hoht pol offirr ktneelon 20th may oatitrday the win in monday the 27lb jn deacon p m a card- we lh ndrhiened ictuin our tecrr ihankalo the liibabttanit hook i- laftdder afl kir rompefll ilea io the boa aittllery aad jelh rr cnl fop tkeir itoruna preaeulinx ih proven of the ro u- the night of th 0th ttatt muiam4l holte oicllik mokin angbs v jr al kin 1 m 20 1 4 t 4 4 6 5 tlo do jo jo tlo im a friend tlopprd at t fow hi cool dutpprotalion of fnhlfm nd jffm dayt ae tonprcaa tome whit o- i rt fc pi well to hc pwblk mrtij l bui tm are yoe wrc foitccr up in the rotlfum y tiler day perhap an octierr vcob but that tit for the taitlt e frcal prinriple- rf fti o it wa- a f rat pcroeiplo wtft al aulu and ttiihyeu a direct tnrf now t woth whtlc for you lo aid in ctlr j public faceting for a prior tf je what eennorc ea u hte for ihoao who do the aame for a mcanlh man wtth whoa name aed faeae ihat priacrl mat awver been lovnti neda man who bore the meniere the odium of ih ttnjt before that ot poputarj and who io and hat been looked to the eiponcnt and protector of tbe treat principle ef pcotccllng national indualryt new tctl me hew jv are 1 dubloh jour i- ptti n e repobltc wtthout a man t do you aup- potc that yov can met to itlk about a taring eed ieonauereom trite in year teneratkn and then art down and lauh wtth impunity at these who meet to procaotc the election of a o friendly to lire it- our frknd toohed at tho mailer r i then loeicd terioua t i and ally eonfetecd that there e muttbeaeea rdatton btci eeda i j i and thnte who hoped u profit l can be ob tained only by law election f an mutt not tnc r at ror center iheee wtto by honorable io promote that dee tiem s gticue ivuelerthe schr frdom capl- wnrd cap ailed derieeatqoajlon lk heroe abeot o- elecfc iviiin whea ahe ft bwl 15 mile aboto lie fort gnlaot liehlboua and 3 mite from thore there were ai pertone en maord at ihe trta of the duaitrr lceof whom wer drotned the nteut of ih pcrtont tstl were john wrifljl tay- lor and biwe or leavtnjm they were all jetinf men unek 20 y of iteuffio cote adt craier on 3fr rojreeo it will o wo by our wathinjion leuer that tee united siaui 3enl hat nlcoetl enaeinaoualy raaacd tote of cantor upoa from the malifaa notajfcnaao the brihsh connexion whenever a polonlal tory it n etiireta abeui airyihtnxhe immediately be m te itprett hit aa aeehentlent about ihe perpetuity or ihe kvitith coeneiton ifjooaliempl lo pffaa the deeelap- i aaenl of a political pricefplc with a iw lo predoce i a terwimdriude between ou intli and iboie of ihe mother ctentry be retnti a about that would terrify peenarie of larellinj and i and euatho by ttkin bit oath in vh motl aoleoui l manner thai the more clcwaly the iftttuitiow of the two cooetric are hi im latci he anoro tlriet the j eeeoreuneo tn th practical l of gorernment emboihanleaorthe atjanlfc ih raaore thtj people oat io1rcaid in irretthenmig ihe coeneiioo are j act ad wwtm alike epon all oecatiom tht more danf er hero i of a apecdr and farcibt tepn raiton now ih liberal or k y r- i- aillu ileoanal of ihfte cotonatt ar ahmpu enook to behete that ih only rtlionaj tr pjs or pride and exultation which ir hart in ih 0rilih connexion ariaet from ihe free intutetlvpia of 6ritaiu and tha eneblin aenae of at ifepenocc and pemonal oe curtly whicmhcy fooler and perpetuate whaltit tfinaty woeld bind a notatdlian on the te- wtaak to a cockney en ihe tbatn tf ih aaid cockney were e ffttva 1 w wtfwld ovtpite lh nh rvao h rw frm w uj tn him and at 10 cani abowt aeoieaion with uia we taouid at toon wbh for rontieiiee erith x ep m ntl would wc care if he were piat qniie a uper hut hid iucb a btctted kind of rcaponaible coieru ancnt at ihe toriei cf north america would with lc ter ettabhthed here wc would hac no oljicltoti to trade with htm wa eherith towardt him ihe tarnc ktfid of homcepathic reyard which we hav for a rutaian or a spaniard but tt ic beinj tery ntuch tmilten with tdmirtlion al hi nohtietl aa- eilj or tery aniiont io copy k inmituitant r ifod the world ihtl m were of hi kith and kin wc ralhtr opta ihat wo would be i hurry to do either u ia bocaum thai the aaid cockoeya aneet tort and our own to bttlirred theent en the great theatre of tbe woru ihal he litt ha on noutc chi oter aytuhtt the qcen in a much teeunty and aelfdcocpderacc at the qvn hceteir that tc tike htm tnfj are proud of our e nnenort with him ll irtacctiute aojeolooa he of hi iberiy ihei i will eoteree lecher mtjetly into hit tmf wtthowi i atked and granted and otled and waich- ful ihat white le rnrtchi sotfreifn and would die fr aer he wip net hear of he iitt nweet bnl imh aooocefy orttwcnu jyr rry txtreut o a nrfrotttf inc it ia for thrat reaom ihtl we hare e regard forlhit coehney etrn although cheitophcr north an rjaw ih free ai of nj llij kjandi jr dare that he hat a frcaty look w fiery niim bceaute if ftl were totjjrpted lohim juk qurct advitera aboold be telrcled frptw aillparttet and not fioea apmc one enicd bycomeno nimni and common prrociptea he ooldlaiahin her mtjctjjt fact hecamr if it were propoaed lo hint lo pan over all th pruoainent stautnn n brtnrhra and cotke rnihtehild a cibmt minitur he would fjfinto eonvultinna aecaue if i ware toto uw that n minittrr one in matt remain in ut cabinet whether hn apctrered of iho poky aj imenn of the gorernmenl or not for fear he mirm be ihired with irtatan he would knock hi iiiftirmaei down the nee old bookt thai record the tlrerlre ofoae commna riccttry for ihe cnnalirjon which no- tecta i lkufr and totehe ma aound powltct buritctitilore hietthe eootcieeancta that he rrada and cltpa ln haodt or clcnehc hit fitt ewer them caactly at tt do iet u tn interc m h welfare when ire tee mm irt hit dtilj tytlb ahowmx thit the ipirtl of owr ftthcit ttill and tieoe oe wtthin hiee w fold him teoor ootomt and vrtr bctoraollthe world of our briuah conneaiou now why ahould thit enfliahmaa not lake an in ureal in ut and retpeet ue andiheru m idee tl lettl io kaa pnatdj haaom for precieely the earn reaaona that we do htm 1 and why ourht kfsiio bate the aame coeampt fee a nd ioatht u at he wald tho infected if ire ell enjt front the old peine of freedom ted of aafcly to whkh we are bound to trd and an adherence te which alooe een reer dr u worthy ofoer comrateo oritia orof hiafriend hap tfty ccmlinotny heir peopte prtiinf about sniun i t l e a ihinf to prrtcrvrd by use abtenre of thoto eery cutjjitie a or pepula lion wsth ia ourjodttaeot can atone preacrvo il if notatcotiant fill hero w the tuoetard or potitieit reuptayeiice whieh 7nglahcaen hare k vp they will r i r ctnae te ndmtr fellow tusecta at home foe the eihibiion t eeahiiet which tb cannot ap preciate oe fail io aliraei rrepeel by a ovtelay of we ajrnet and ignorance which errlithmn wo not only b the ural to ditcevcr bat th arat to oca- pint tbe rtry beat way to peter that eonnciion onarertoleiecelooiil tor hare hia own war in y 0eed yet o jliten re th entire o ovldtuototlbti he taroacd n the cooit liwgoiftceai uaatler tbe btttf conniioo u bankriptcv in rv john richardsok a bamkhlpt canada 1 gs motion of w- a midland durhicr lvj q of to wit j coantel far piiiionir crejitor it waa ordereu lw the aecorad xle- rr rneelia of the cieditei f aaid kancrapl be hnld on tuesday lha etvenlh jay of june next al the oltice of the me of the diuict court in tbe town of kington al tut a- m stafford fkhkpatrfck judte uulric ccftjilt midland r i ktnlon may 2t mt 95ii 5 43 9 9 3 tin jo jo jo jo o auction sale of farm stock n monday 3rd jane nex will bo aojj by pouiu auction wtihnui re- ecrve at mr fmnktin ptunhuruh iho un- jenttenltonej farm stocn pfperty vf mr john mcncice v wei icol fvu u j co sheep ami lamht tf ihiayeafj 4 5thpcrier mikhcevvi 4 young heifer i very aitnerior dtitliiu bull full wool anj three yearn oj t 1 excellent scotvhl riotigh wilh vaiiou other artme ter b caa owt t p orovej note al 3 month sale at 12 oclock thomas creeih auelioneer tngtton i may 1- 9sj mbs- twigcs davwfffot r0r youwg ladleei prncstiieet mrs tivigg hinfctj cn eirwrience the eouetlion of you nvf ke ireland ami kmfiico withtntkh arprobi many or whom are tn ihr hnehctt circira the iwf tr htherta limiled nembcr nf pnpil- d fcelt jottiled in hoping io naeet an ndecette rf petwewaf mntwljfe can osrote tmtire twnoto wch int and will efaej petrel ithtuction in meiic french wriiin ht cardt s on tphtcitien she puraeocs lj mtt pulmbl pctlovnee hitton may latum fcs wimi nave oranre anj while jo dlach attj blucrariaian jo f in i- siiuaret turkey jo 12 mece tartan gingham 41 dox inoiaium silk colion criini jari hankfrceiielv sh picttirc jo lama jo verona jo printejlama jra v oalla r 12 black anj lvenjer ttelaine jreaaea j4 lswt jo jo 21 do gingham cravata 100 jo white spool couon 1 piece brown linen hujlanj 6 siripej woolnnj collori shawla ijpieceu prinicj je laioe 12 tlo prinlcj bandaman do chinu jo fancy ginghamr jo cheeked do milted arfjte plaid injigo shepherdp jo superior carpeting 3 ply auperior jo jean stripes j 3g inch alrono twtllej over shirt dark homo spun strirtct bengal con furniture check itrown flaat sheeting jean shirting s i ripeej woe decry do slue bengal jo uroiiuru fjttiau blue jo i satin cheek lawn 1 brown union mixej ctoth supertot jo jo a blue borjerej towel rr impcovrj canvass heavy pajjmg jo 27 inch green duck ol inch ceam rtrauia sheeting 20 ream marhine arpe grey paper 3 do tlo royal brown jo 12 cro 5 thee myol boardt terms caaji william ware aoniunecr agent kington 25li mar isoi steam boat for sale at kingston dock yaro tl be sold hv auction at kington dock varj on tuesday the 6h of the present month her hlmayfl steam vetel tkavelleutviih her enetnet eid boilenf complete i he tratxtltr it x tint fti- join- eewel or 3a2 toot with a lrl rale engine ot w hoitc povvcf in perfect condition sheit new rt- ding al the marine in nary bay utt ihe duck yard had a thorough cewlmltg in au- tott latl when the wa hauted orcr her hold and dtckahave been well aired wilh healed store during the winter month she may be caetninrd and ao hn machtne- t etery day ntcriautte the 8alefsuoday excepted within the mrkin lam sole at gate oclock p m a depotite of 25 pet cent- lo he made at iht tme of purchtte the remainder of ihe run- chafe money to bo itid before ih ship tare- moeej vrbich h lo he done within one month of he sale at tbe sole ctpentc and coat of the purchajcf james llntin i auctioneer khfetwuitpnli ntwltcniteviao may 2d 1844 mrs ukquiiart rere to infer i ilihabrtanta of kintion anj its vicinitj thai he ttl commenced t boarding day school ou rotafi ladiii it anj hopcfy in aitiftuon lathe moral art- inlrflccttial cultivation of he pupil to eat enliie eliractton to ihote parent urho inri filace llicr children undrr bee obtfoe mat uaquhaftt hi hren emjad l teaching tor tnme eer both n england ai4 montreal the hat alto a lady a aatittani whottftiflj comneicnt to teach french miap and oii liavtnj tutit thoao aeroeoplel menu ftftmanj- year io femrlletof the letpecutilily t u- i a term which are reatooable mar be know on application at her tetidrnce kite strut near prince street 1 kington may j0 lm4 9 3 4 tktnilf ihat he i enrv prtcra land bj a sud wbi cancer thdubcertber ur i j m aa- v- l u r- r ittntaofirtacei or a cancer ajlaanea y uuc nawwl rr ihe patient to acae k ref 0cchejuune puuir lo a rvcetrt cent per to a t a mr john rrrher rru tt atreer h w i ir mft the aaroejfeetin it a atatc of out lo th l vvh m0u5cet n h j meanbeeontolpeetatmrg ft oori winvfriranea street letieea poet peu huj tuanrattinoejto tlt tisr received tea 2tnf just rate zaen e addrebshs pretacnted lo ilia tcetav the rieht man sir cataaltj t irti in iiii ikvifk lf -f- 1 taonof bbuic adittert atlj hi tuieiaeacj rrpoea f hiinjtaut h aei jidl 2 pair ft princess royal saloon choice lot of flffi ppuxr iienlatpov received direct a choice lot of fnt oaanoam lkatux ca tee loaartut eu ju from nw york john lakkutiikr kingtion may tt 1814 h tiarnikvvss ivruj gotk iocgo anb canada ikiss in cokncctof with adahn ct ca entlerp and sauibciti kaprert for tbe afr and tpeedy traniporltlten of specif bank nolr and valuable lfceb pachaare runejlc nd cases of coodtlbe coi and payment of btlb not dtftt afrtoujrt otepur- cbate and tale of good ho ttmple md at- tendid promptly loanchotroer busioett atmij be enlrutled lo hi care adam at co orrtcc o 7 waji slrecl avcw york acentmt w c turner l wright co banking mouse oaiwego j if cheer kriiktlnn gkokge uruuhaat leeonto ma matthkws will leave new york tvtty saturday kinpwn ovvtty monday antl toronto evei tuetday owinine and will illend pertonaljy to allorcdrra cornaiiwr c enloatcd o hi eate 12 jo 12 jo 6 do 7 jo 3 do 1 jo 1 do 81 do 6 jo 8 jo 5 4o 3 do 8 jo 13 jo n do 6 do h du 4 jo s jo 1 do 14 on 1 ooa pica 9 do 4 jo 6 tlo 12 do knvtil slures to be mild kingston dockyard fwo be told by auction at kinpioh i dock yard on tuesday 28th may next oie square crothenj vertical steam engine of 100 hrw power cy linder 49 inchc stroke 8 feet aboul so empty iron caakv v1ctuall1xc arad simp storts 3 iron bound caakn 450 looae lion hoop 66 empty wine bottle 1 blue cloth jacket flannel dratre do mj ha 30 vdn blue fluahiog 24 forage cap 2 for cap 1 pair woolen tnuseej 1 marine great coar o j srent stock paroaetij the steam engne ny tu em- inej on the st lawrnbd whar in ihe dock yard any jay sundays exeepte within lite wofkiojt hourv safe mnt oclock p m i a depouii of25 per cenl lobe made al the lime of ptirxhaac j and the remainder before ihe storeaare recnenr ed the engine i to be taken oteay ni the wte exraentto oclhe purehaaer wtihin 2j day ii tier the sale 3 ltnton auctioneer jctnjtlon dock yard canaj k 55th ajtril 19t4 j 88 lnrsc ailflliiins 1o chmp books jist weeeire from the united t egrret pcfelar weak note frmm k teritty of new for aate at renter a j i i t j ajj kamhr armour it co kintal may 2lat 1s44 just fuolishkd t a cfjuntincmousft companion coritijo of tabk for cakulalinj traureai ateper tjaej j t coeatniajioe treat ii w prth l i -r- on brilaie at ntw par ann gtchent ttriff cf l3t board of traee and the s kamsav armour irrfrna ad r dajiy srriam oonwktmmxt atbav wcirru ordnance sale by public auction m ll laeaolj ai the onjnanee ieuot point hen i cw sale of teas sugars liquors c at tllf conlmkrclal navt bvildljfcs tt friday smhif will be told o packagee young jlyron jo ttvankay 10 dn black 0 bm mucovajo sugar 10 i- coltee r 6 cak port wire 6 jo while jo 4 do brandy 20 dox ale tobacco snuff starch and a variety of grocer ic auo 500 piecca very mrariot boom taper sate ai 1 oclock william ware auctioneer agent 25ih may 184- for sale stockholm tab turfentne goal tar liverpool salt in barrel liverpool salt in bat dry white lead tnkep black and green painla in keg and tin james brown jr ontario street kngaion may sih 1844 9iz stone cutters wanted immediately on the welland canal from 00 io 500 stone cutters io whom liberal prices wal be given and rov atani employment for the season may 14 184 friday the 311 inatant the tindcrtnen iioned stores jris h t cartridges iaaer with flannel boitoma emjuy for carronade 32 fa 24 pound- i era t50o0 paper curej for do h and 24 pm 60000 caaea of wood turinl for carro nade 32 ami 24 pm 325 caret of woody itirned for gun 32 and 24 pre 14ri6 wade hope 32 2 12 o 6 pre29 mo a quantity of settlers stores j i hi of carrtentxf and the whole of ihe above stone ve oew sajnp3c tuaybe teet tin opplicaiion at the ordnance oltice bettvecn ihe how of 10 and 2 oclock doily sale fo comrnence at 11 nvlock am james lintqn q a kinptoo i5ih may 144 93rti between toronto anl kinbsjdn kalxrlng at the fimin ivn poarhopcoouo the royal raairsteain packet bovlvrcign caarrelmsle city qf toronto qur tavwbv j princ6ss rtoyr4u capt oombbomr jfvqtti toronto to btqqjoott sovekeicnevery monday and thaw- dj rjj nocaj t v r city of lokontoeverj toeiday mi friday at noeja ikincgss iiuvat tvery wfdoetoj and saturday at nt princess imiai kvry momu- aio t6rjy etceonje at oclork sovewe1cn viytoeday and friday kveoinel at fiockck cut of torontoeeery ffcdneaoa and iiaiurday ltcnjnee et 8 oclock extensive sale of household f hi nittu r will be told on wcdartday tbe 54b of jtmn ftevl i mr alx sum pav tiitoet steteait ioioij1l bt household end rtar fuitiiture c amoae which teill be found walnut dining centre toilet and other virleboarda bureaus mtboarany and jyalnut sofas hair cloth covert walnut and y chiihoir eat j looking tilaw- e diawiiir room cbairj carpet ia varielj u e title ad fea ihr r 6edimallraaei pillow houtarficddrnwah stand toiletclae bedroom chairone8 jay clock cut ci- ware jascac dinner i kitchtn par lour and bedroom store and pipe diib corerv copper ktfttr gcakj8h and citi- com pit if aiticle aftcft which the lease of the premue known a 5critb paeilioei lately erected bavin 20 veat unexpired particular made known at iau jab linton a a tt c m kmjnlonmay 13 1844 12 cy a s il dipoini ef bi propctty ai the pavtlion firevjem lo hi removaj to the new 4lkl btlildin slearfcr arrive awi ral toronso from hatn- tlfon anniuara in time for tti abotc boau lo kingston jr aj paenjcji art paiticulariy wauljo look anfr tbeir ptrtorral ne a the lro- ictor will not be acconiable for any articitv whatever unltaa r mi -i- ajrn tnwo nn a receircd by them or ileir ayettte vji jiail packet offeraeojst k ioronto itiffa way l8vj h ij tt foanuioj cvc l i rate bag atelle table complete with a variety of other to trle pubttfcln cfuoawesin till jiff teepee if ohy inforaaa lkea inhafaiunt i ctietoa wat that be bat dioocdof tbeeacluattc rit of bcnnljneiis scllrn cnleoonie water for tbe ertfltrinr gsf ij that m of tbe woiraiiobirely tft t caoadaito nfr j w meift o kojretbfj this 0ntleoian will glee rreiy pctedbtoes- tenlion lo tbe delivery of tho ttettr lo frah aii puretate and at rateretopdcav tbesaje of tbietralyrrnedtctnal havvrafe m the cily of montreal far the iwmixtich ho been font but0cd per conl ctre ajiaea eeer waoldin hem time w crt r tb t ir auribulabte to it becoming betur known tatarj beinjtnol epjmdei tbe eye of ihe proprietor who ilovr t- king active itjeaaorej to erab aeenote lo il the principal town in catiade eaiand inncw uduoftloji ji etejy day develop tho iacomporaotr vhv life of to water and tbepcriod tooifar i ii when they will be bailed aa the great family iycdicie of north i aiarici the cfeet rood bave dont u tf tbey hove oeenj made avlota to tht l jt li c m ly jtu h thu condtatoo the proprietor take tbi oppoitodty of nouncinf to the public generajly liuit tbe new hotel al the caledonia fptinea now call- edtbe canada house will be cfttv d on or befoie the ltl day of june neat and livr- rsyimf ijis tvorejy known at lb bfitifh amrtkiaiv hiej kta- a hi principal aihant and retained bie i- r i r i houaekeeper munauty bevl ou tbe iijuhmeoi will be conducted toitae eiv tire utifction of all aivvifj t ejiherfor beiilb ot meatuif- v parker caleovtlaia fyifi may it4 98