Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), May 29, 1844, p. 1

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the chronicled gazette i ii 11 brihh lmrto tusuimvn at tii irricr con o in asoca ttantt kioaro at 4 octocs r- tvir wcdmctoay fii saturday ftrau twnf sai i jiiasn rvnec jfaiytihvrf qwarlrrfy 1f ion i rrtta fvwrtvmh 2ra r ahe tnt wil in future beirfetlj adhered mfasthataaorovn need b rrrfdj without amoic cortti too vcmcb jork cflflcllton r sritt oaiawliseiurnlr sis line j uodr r bdcfllertipnnj7jr snwqmt i rlir ten tint a m uodef 3 4 fir asfttvwqsj t qj ttk micqintti irtflion oi r f t line i pfi h kutruod and lo p lin each i utj insertion jtttritt meertuemeat frew atraneert or ia ftr waofioa letter pre printing chronicle nette and kingston commercial advertiser wee bcjro wee poyrio scd utroeno vol xxv kingston canada wednesday may 2 184 fxo 9g stationery warehouse ok kltfcbaftocff lirfh erxctvo wltfre m tepl i 1 i o evteoaite n dl clcclcd siockof writing papers from super rojil to note mad every th m ft i rr ins blank books scho books c in 4ii it btanchc r jrtifd on atthe abort uwhhracnt a superior holme mtcbfti i tn fill operation by which blank ljookcanbe tilhto any pattern and in rle infrtioi 10 none the farnhnoti 0 prtxnso office ook iukdery end stationer warehouse mb esmmascnj pic if tfrtovd uptriftrlff in joiki 0 octomit a drt ton and dcpauh- thitiicle si ofliee kindlon canada 1811 freight y passage from ilnsston to montreal j4 viet vat thf pioneer steambo at com pany wilt be prepared 0 the opting ofnvraiion witbthrir steam boa is- woneer gltanek avu william hknrywnd a number of barnes to transport tfasicogers mewhandie and produce be- iwicn th ibte acqtionvtl cilif aj intr- uecuale bjm on um oile a heir line will b ij- rdicnt in slc3mpovrr pron grrin tlln banr ftlay jrpcnd upcm having itdoam tev wbyariyolhrr itoufc in lht trt4e tod with the jrealcsl jcipjlch and trailing u hctofajc to the conjial uppnl tftttfthhi pjblic llicy hope tomefilandtc- cttite a hbctalshair of public patrona thfir suamboati antj barcs arc conjufl- j 00 rofoj jtbtfjcah prtntifits l- iulliard thomas phaser prcptio- c h peck tw w- d dickinson acents for the auovi uoats j h greer kindlon j a- classford jo- c h peck vmi l hiliyard hotml custom mouse wbllfj 1844 imontrealand kingston i the new and fast satlixu stt packet am prince edwa r d captain hosctski will comment runnine o ihe bav or qmrk wwlc oft monday ura anj continut durtns the fnsin- season ai followti will leave belleville for kiuptoo ittiy monjay yednejay and ftjay evening at 6 oclock a m louhin al the ibtcintediate pucci on bet way down and will leave utecrt wharf kington for belleviil iftd ihc rtver trent every tuenlay and tfcurnjay tnslnj al mk and every saturday evening 11 four oclock p m toothm- j the iiiicrmediate plaeef n b p4iaei tree for ltevcrciul grutte mm of alt dtooanl nation kindlon april isl i 8 1841 bay of lninte night koaf of stejlm boats jd stages the pumic art informed thai i ho follow fag are tb art4ntjbctua for the sawfl r iiouj gmd foiimdii lam pressure steamers htghlandek outalm stxawcs canada carrain lawltas cildersleeve bownw dowxwart wll ply daily from kington to coteau du lhc r4 vila from motitreal leaviog kinrv ln tvery morning at 7 oclock and ani ring at cotrau du lac early the same evenjn- frfun which place paiaengeri are cooveyfrd to ih cjsrcadc iu stage on a planked mdl tep 011 board ibe steamer chiefuin 1 ariir- in montreal ihc next morning at 7 oclock upwmjlbs from ju lac ibo boats leave every evening on the arrival of the mail and 1 a ierif mootreal and reach kingston ihe mtowimj afternoon in lime for pfttaengtrt 0 ukc the slcamcn foe any pai on like on tario tiki hotf patt ttiroj h the splendid long snlt canal the magniheent rapids ofthsl lwrance and the lake of the thousand islands hy dayiitht affbrdin pafjcngcrt ihe nol deirtwefe and expeditious roejtt he twrcn kingston and montreal th liamsharghtnd cornwall steam boat office com wbih kington osih april 1344 s forwarding c 1844 it runio ana ctitfbwri tie 4rovc steamers call ft ihe following t upper canada college he fi v rii from the ffa tfls sltw axd fast hvwvixg steam coat prince of wales cart challiics b crvleb w- on the fml of may commence her vw regular ron ic on iu toy leavinjllic rdl0v vrwanps will lease kinpton for belleville anl the trenfvery monday wednesday and friday evening al r odwk anj picliin every tuesday thuitsday ud saturday motninxat5ocjk- powxwaads will kit- a fin kritrtft uptfi tuesday thuksday and sukday eventbr at 5 oclock aad picton every monday wednes day nd fhiday morning at 5 oclock- wiu itave the trent al 13 oclock on the same diyt of her arrival the niual intermediate sloppin- places will be strictly allcudrd to both up and down alibis route det not give the jot full employment an extra uip may occasionally be made on saturday k b a cheapness of freight and passage law patucjc or walcs will not be ottldone by any boat on the bay ihe passage of rev erts d ccotlcnrn not excepted emirmits with some capital will find it to their advantage to visit ihi tcctton of ihe country justly known a the garden of cana da and celebrated foe the loyally uud moral rectitude of its inhabiunts ktnvtttii 27lh april is4l so dry goods spuing shipments by the antral of the enilsh steamer ihe snbscnbers hsve been put in poittsuon of lam invoice of staple and fancy goods shipped hy ihe earliest vessels frcit dtavrent porta of great britain fjaac iii fr r co also take this oppot- tonity of intimatin in their connection and the trade generally thai their importation during the present year into toronto will be on a very extended scale while item their invoices and adriees ihey feel justified in staling that foi variety and nicety they hive never on any fjrmer occsstoo held superior assortment the subscribers wilt alio be ahte to afford their m- the adrantaea of supplies wilboot any general riae in prke their purcha ses of suplc or heary uoocs having ccn contraclf for prior to ihc close of last year waile for tbeit itchier and fancy stock their partner mn- hams foitunaleiy went inlo ue market immediately on his antral n eng land in jnivt before ihe ritn ji home complete assortments will be nilmainsa lhroohont the sraaofi anl n therr cvvromers who have hecn regular and jera for cash the greatest possible inducc- aitdu in will be held out isaac buchanan frotit slieet toronto lh april w tilers of the council of kingt col- published for the information of nil partus concerned 44 ivbttawi it appcom thai many debts disc to upper canada college which were contracted before iboyear li remain mtiisaijp alihotigh repented npplitaiionaoave iven made hy ihe collector of the cofirgc fiirpnyncnt thrreof resolved hat those accounts shall be placed forthwith in the hnnda of the sottcilor foe collection and 1 lint he be imtrueted to proceed for their faiwcry hensly boys md lugtgiror and j r college arytl 8 l vt 83hi 11he subscribera beg leave o inform their friends and the public generally thai they will be fully prepared on tbe open ing of ihc navigation with efficient means to carry on their usual bwnew as fon warcers warehouemn nod ship- koutea of transport between kingston and honlreal via the rkleau cannl tip- wards and river si lawrence downward their line of isfeom i9oof ericsson propttlm first introduced into canada br them stfiuncrs n btirgts equal 10 any in the country will enable tbem o forward merchandize produce and patngtrs on the canal lakes and river at low rater and with as much expedition 3 any oilier house in tle track in addition they would beg also to state that they have lensed from tho kingston marine railway company their spacious stone stofte house foot of gore street together with a large new ware house to be erected by the compnny on the adjoining wharf which will be ready for occupation on the opening nf the navi gation these premises will afibrd them facilities for transhipment storapj and despatch superior to any they have hitherto occupied in kington while the safety ot property stored in fire proof buildings is too well known to the commercial public to require comment ay imwttvvti- wfrw m fvv they sfffl occupy the some extensive pre mises which they have hitherto occupied entries passed duties and all other charge paid on goods consigned to them from great britain murray sanderson montreal sanderson murray kington brccttilu nd byfoirn february 1su 67 to agriculturists announcement for 1844 haines auction room at h smiths esq new stone duildinpa few doors above the lanhon house hotel princess suet thomas a ualkbb ralctul lo bis friends and the puwc for past favors bejp to announce that he as tented the above premises and is prepared sostfrnd to sales of all descnptioni of property whether indoor or oat of door sali om hi jon expe lienee feels assured llat e will give entire satisfaction n 13- satisfactory refetnees can he given when rcouired buroank u cds exphess for new yorfc city c in connection nm pencrotf co for lbs transmution packages of all descriptions cotlrclic sale and pr chase of oods by sample ontherwitcj stc c the messenger will bn kingston every twesdof j ii gntca agent icnrston to whom the public is referred for futiculjt april 17th itui lqjfg poimtlake erie notice is hereby given that a ltoar hoosk has been erected on lone point lake krie and u now lighted the new house srands aboot 35u ards to the s h of ihehieaf ihtotd one the liht is i plain fixrd liht and stand about 67 feet ove mcr thomas a begly secrelary board of works kinston may 1st isi4 f 89ii 100 hajttfc wjfand by private sale tl- talcfi aasd tfim me pork william ware agetnt a 20th a 1 gos district tgpy virtue ofa trtl to wrr mm ofattachment is sued out of tho dtslrict court of the hu district and to mo directed against the estate rval and personal of joseph daly plasterer an absconding or concealed debtor at ih- sult of david bockna for the aum of tsven- ty two pound eight shillings and ten pence 1 have seized all theesute real as well aa ptrvoral of the aau joseph dalyaad unless thesatd joseph daly return within ho ju risdiction of said court and put in bail to ihc action within three calender months or kjuse the said claim to be discharged all the real and personal estate of the said jo seph daly or so much thereof as shall be tveecssary will be held liable for the pay ment bencbl and satisfaction of tho said claim t a corbett sheriff m d sheriffs office midland district zgth march isu 7912 200000 bushels otcoarse grain wanted annually thy subscriber having now completed snd ready r- t vqhj extensive distilling eitmisavunt which ia intended to coneome five hundred bushels of gram daily together in con nection with his brewing establishment will require two hundred thou sand bushels of grain annually and wisheato acquaint the farmers generally that they can now depend on at all times a steady market for the sale of coarse grama of every uvseription at the highest cash prices and trusts that this new and exten sive opening for the coosumptioc of pro duce which has hitherto been but limited will meet with a spirit of enterprise on the pari of each farmer to supply the desired qtnnlrty uvretry secorins so tbe country the circulation of a largo amount of cash which no doubt our american neighbors would like very well to pockei james morton kingston brewery distillery j january 3d is j b9f notice ll persons having daima againi the late firm of mcltdd logan builders xmgnton are lircby requested to present the same for adjustment on or lie- fore the firt day of jiitv next to rich ard logan ond dutttm who arc in debted to the sal firm ao respectfully re- incited to catl and cic their account- without delay a r logan surviving tpaitr anu cculif of the late john mcleod angus mjeod t pv portsmouthi near rton 27th april 18 s16i n o tug e a general meeting of the members of ifc waffswi fir in surance company oft midland district will be held at the cmp of u company on monday the 3d day of june next at is oclock noon for ihvfhirpose of electing direetom fir ihc tnawv year william upland secretary kingston mmttjsu- 8shi to bt at the head of prw street a stonb rrwwtlrww iwioe twsrfhh with four roomssnd shll on each noor with a cellar and cellar- kit and with the ne- cewary oiilbuildinrtcn and a well of pod water the abwe is well calculated forsgentlemansresiitflce the real will he moderate apply at w subscrjber office nqntario street wm carratt kindlon 284h mret ism w to let cottage in which ma killut al present resides it is roomy and ntted up with hot and cold water baths e and every other convenieoce necessary tor fottshte accoinmodalion the pre l co 6917 wholesale wiirchoiwe the subscriber wgs locall the attention of the commercial publr hia stock of paper and siapte dry gooda unported direel from the manufacturer in wassi j s grundy commereial wharf foot of princess strecl- kwpw june loih 1 813 9 iy the i rt ill r accoinmooation of a roipecuble umtly- it is within fifteen ninetes dris of the wnof kingston and hasauached to it a good garden young orchard and 22 acres nni i with all the iceuisite oouof- fices fx particulars apply lo john brrajfco fide fvqkolon the house w kxa between the boors of 12 and 3 o any day except sunday theie nr also on the premises two good cows a farm cart and haroeai a capital no- nty aad a larc quantity of dry cord wood which vvoold dedisposed of on very rcasoqable urms kindlon april 23 184t uz i be u on h ii dormo couow t rtawjavwza ex rctqharit li wiiat fiftjoi ia ai lafaaaiaub i- i- tpm i eon rltrii will m tessa1acvv has aflr tudutft r i n- n i pvnrt wilt ta r fit 4k ii invi 0 yt jf e w pltye wotms wostmst wrtb j aihlrite aiv tomc vrnmlhjocmin iwt atirjsfii hsieairfewi n dt jayllaa fwtnff l oroe firim sss f w 0 t tlt f ltotna4aj towirtiindfjpta- remittance of money by settlers nnb otlers the canada company mtb a view to aflbrd every facility to promote settle bienl in canada will remil any sua of money no matter how amall the amount may he to any part of england ireland scot land or europe the com mtf ioners will st the option of the satllent or other parlies other raot bills of exchange upon the compnny in london pay able it three days sight which arc readily cashed in any part of the united king- dora or tht commmiooers win place tbe monies in the aoasi of ike individuals for vaon they arc intt aadl dunn the last year the company sent lo tbe united kingdom and germany in 329 re mittances the sum of 990 13 4 averainj about jc9 each remittance rtti- xi438 3 7 in 185 remittances to ireland 4u076 12 2 in 85 do to entland and wales x 441 4 5 in 58 do toscotland x 35 3 2 in 1 do to germany for tfftlc a table of dlffies on imports into canada rompileu conformably to the revenue laws now in0ee price 3j chton caaettc om kiigoon april 7h i-4- lard oiu best and rhespoi for machinery for sale by the qt cask olc at tho city store by j cahruthers 7990 13 4 in 329 remittance canada company oitic frederick street toronto 10th february 1844 65 6tn city stoke just received irocn new york a lar aujply of fresh fruits coo- aisting of prunes in fancy boxea and n flguf naples best and in drums fresh raisins ke c pickled oysters and lobsters am aufelotoffreshteasand other groceries imported havanna and principe ci gars c john carruthers kinptoa may 1 18w craig fit watt account a nts kvtjmi mrmmmr bank of british north america the notes of ttttauk vrill he redeem ed in new yf hy msrt bell t mselachlan no 7 itoria buildings haw ter street at the corrrnt utc of exchange in thai city teomas askew manager kingston may 7 th4 for sale by the suwribc of iht aeel patent hsranonifbbtiofofirt trilh ihc jfiirovcnteu hth ttatt ihe tourh anj tooe tual to ihe gand mn without in ij eu- bcioie which be catrkfoi wu ii p selow anrthor httc ia the law n 8 all iiauuaanu manjfabrcj at tht eltbliihcaml afe wamtud to tilsnd hsu elifnair mnxroah piano foel maniiafur wc llion slree piaso foefes tvssd- iflnghipjiit i iw1 nelson m bockus auctioneer and commis sion merchant chfooiew st cuur sniwiosi erock strsft ts now prepared to receive dry m goods groceries furniture or other property on consignment toaellby auc tion or otherwise svil attend lo sclt for parties al their residence or purchase goods for parties in town or montreal where ho has arrangements with person well ac quainted with tbe canada trade kingston may 7 184 90z to let at tho flourishing ind picturesque vil lage of portsmouth a neat cot tage conlainirfj 8 apartmenla suitable foroneortvyo famiuev with a garden if reqnircd reo movrate apply to john carruthers kinjston ha my 18m 912 uljfd for sale ot no is fifth concession pitts burgh containing upwards of 100 acres apply t wttxuu sharp al he kinpton bawery kingaton join wlnyj jg4 92 u r sheriffs sale of lands midland district vn saturday the to wit l7thdayoffchriiarv 1 844 1 will be sold at the court house in the town of kingston 2oclock noon the fol- lovrinc landi seized by virtue of execution to me directed out of het majestys court ol queens bench vi william walker if archif i mcneill west half of lot no i 7th coneeraion towmbipof fredehchihurg town lot no 5 eaat aide of john sireel villae of napanee notth half of lot no 19 cnd concession 3rd kane township ol richmond lot no li 7lh con townthip of richmond western boundary and lot no 13 tlh con of said township jamet boji forsyth et al vs- james mathewwn oeluio 0 calvin ot al vi james mathewson lot no i in thq 9ih con of pittsburgh- west half of lot no 2 9th con of pittsburgh ut no 1 in the lu s con of pittsburgh any pervti or persons having claims on the above property are requested to make the same known to me on or before tho day of tale thomas acorbett sheriff md tbe sale of tho above properly is post pon ed until wednesday the 1st may next sheriffs ohies february 17th 1w j w the above sal is fostponed unjl saturlay the tftih day of june next thomas a cordett shcitt m l ktaaiij the above sale h postponed until the 24ih day of april ocxi at the same time and place t a corbett sheriff m d sherirt office kingston th mareb is4 7 sheriffs sale of lands on saturday lie 20th day of jofj nett will he sold at the court ilouie in the town of kmoton at the hour of 12 oclock noon the following landi seized b virtue of execution to me directed issued out of her majestys court of queens bench and the miuund district court 0 k alexamler mcglashan plfl ts john mcleod md kichard lon defta all ihe rlnt little and e a- fendents in the broken front of the west half ot lot no 9 ia tbe ir 1 coo of the tp of kingston b r- horace yeomans executor of john vincent mary vincent executrix j deceased vs allan mtleaa defendant all ihc iiht ulst and intetesl of the above namrd defendant john mclean in lots no ttssk 9fl 102 103 114 il5and e76in the town of jfmfston lot no 22 or gore in the township of pitbburb lvts 1 m and 3 with rejkt hland and hiokcu front anj part of lot not 5 and 6 on west side of ereat river cautaqnt in the township of kington and south eaat quarter of lot no 9 in the 41b concession of k oo b il ceorje w- yarker plaintiff vs john moai defendant ahthcrnht tltl and interest of the above named defendant john mclean in lots no k5 26227 ill 102 103114 j 15 and 276 in the town of kindlon lot no 9 or core in the township of pitubureh lot 13 and 3 with belles island and broken front and part of lot not- 5 and 6 on wes side or jnoal river cstaraqui in the township of kindlon and south east quarter of lot no 9 in the 4th conctssion of kingston all prrons having any claim on the above adrerhscd property t or any psit hereof will make the same known lo rue on ot before tho day ol sale t a- corbett sheriff m d shrrilps office md april is icvh 4im notice- if alex anderson son of the late alex anderson of the town of elgin morayshire scotund who left for canada some years nee and is supposed to have livej in montreal and ia upper canada will apply 10 ihe subscriber he will hear of something lo his advantage h y- 1nnes kincstonj may 7 ism 90hi for sale alow priced secondhand piano forte apply to f- h g milligan piano forte maker wellington street kingston 18th may isu pork ffm a baltrl5 frimc mess 4 s3 do vn 57 do ffime 7 do carfo jjt rorsifed id fo sale hy kinnr maj isu 89s for sale ftaa barrels liverpool sail cheap 4 uu for cash please call at tbe office af the subscriber ia ontario street wm carratt kinjston28lh march 1844 79r forsaleby the subscriber 3000 21 bushels of oats wall d for john strachak kingston may 3d 1814 wrf mrs huriburts ladies academy cobourg term commence on the 2d thursday ot june and 34 thursday of october in duction is given in all the solid and orna mental branches embraced in a ftniahfd edu cation the academy is divided into four department with a competent teacher over each several modern lanzuaei are taught and mis h converses in fie neb with those s1udyiothatlantuar 6 15s perteimof eleven weclev m board and toition embiac- o alt the solid branches pupils have access to various experimental lecture referent is politely permitted lo the fol- luwm gentlemen from whom ceitificates can he obtainecj jouxcoutce esq kindlon dtsionsdesqmi j p rosmk co m caj4kso o i grlchjur do sahvctcautfcido j h paicr do d thoasvan do nasal l w powcll mp rev m rickkv f kington mr a hoc a do s wbnadvdo am hcsald and criaon- orncic do tlausa 3i 1 t us i sheriff newcastle dmlkl rf eorntojt rirjisok d d piincipat v colic re rev a macnaa dr jaatca baxr profrator n kimoston rev jamcs srcttcca coboorcj 5tb april iu 83 house to let j l mr j bsccslhecomeiof bar latlt aodontsrio streets the house lately occupied ty mr j luuxcf t j lit u ifineitoo may 3d iw4 itwnsti han ma 1 cec ted auction sale of lands mills houses at and uar britevtut victoria district on friday tbe fourteenth day of june next wilt be ototd jor sale by public auction al the coutt house n he town at belleville the fallowing property tz south half of n m front t belleritk i twolbirds do 19 do 1 do t with build lot no 19 west ins thereon side of cbutch street rfo lot no 20 west side do do containing half an acre psrtellot no fits eon of thorlow late tbe property of thomas parker esq con taining abfeut 39 acres divided into lots of one acre each all frootioy on public roads nos 11 and yi in tbe lfllh coo of huncer- ford 400 acres on srhkh b erecud crist and saw mills the water supplied from the rirer moira- a considerable part of the land cleared an in pastor alaree quantity or fine knt timber on the lots oitb half no 30 in tbe mia coo of hnnger- fotd loo acres no 32 in ihc 9th con of hunger- ford ftoo acres north hslf no 31 in the 10th con of huo ford 100 acres north no 33 in the ltlh con of hunger- cord 100 acres no 30 no 31 no 32 east hall no 7 in the 5th con of madoc 100 acres sale to commence at 12 oclock now foe further information apply to jomwtcan- svlu eq apot to the commercial bank m d at belleville kington 7lh may iftm lls 7 in tbe llles con of huo- ferfoidoot acres polyt peter or long pohyt light house on lake 0vtabio atotic e is hereby pven that the kjhl i hitheitoeabibitedon lonr point flsite ontario ts a fixed one has been altered and now shows as a revojvin- lijht for tbe pur pose of it bein easily distinguished from the other li false duck its period of revolution is about two minutes thomas a board of works kingston may ifll ism jegley secretary sheriffs midlaml district to wit isu win be sold at the sale of lands on saturday the 9ui day of march court house in the town of kinptor the fallowing pro perty bdongini to john mclean seiwd by virtue of two executions issued out of tho court of queens bench at the suit of the president directors and company of tbe bank of upper canada and 000 issued out of the midland dtslrki court at the suit of james frtaer all the right title nd inter est of the above named defendant john mclean in lots no 22 226 527 91 102 102 h4 lift and 276 in ihe town of kingaton lot no 22 or gore in the iwnahip of pittsburgh lola i 2 and 3 with belles island and broken front and part of lot noa a and 6 on west side of great river cnuraqui in tho township of kingston and south east quarter of lot no 9 in tho 4th concosaioei of kingston sale to commence al 12 oclock noon thomas a corbett sherirt m p sheriff office kingston j th doc 183 j any 1 sn having claims on the above property will please make them known to me on or before tho day of sale t a gorbett tht alve sale is postponed unti the 1st day of juoe rr t a corbett sheriff m d sheriff a office l20ib mae j44 chroniclegazette stationery warehouse selling off at 25 per cent below the usual prices previously to nroeuhng their spring pupplv a general assortment ol sta tioneblj jewelry btc etc arnnrrg whirh are ihc mlowingclasstcal and her hooks boyds anthon s horace negri s herodulus adaruo roman antiquities potters crci ian do gradus ad parnassum t hue yd ides xenophnn anabasis f l h gymnasium homers iliad dymorva cxaar valpya virgil creek delectus dunbars greek lexicon exercises yr delectus rudiments of latin etun latin grammar adams english and latin gramma latin exerrirea dymocka satlurt ovids meia morp hoses ciirnclius nepos toolu allcna latin deleclus k ri r 1 1 riddles lalin dictionary greek gradus extracts as rsatvsttfc oenosthenev de corona outhnes of geofrapby netsons classical atlas mairs lalin syntax c ollon u iom m pliaedrxis plane ceomeiry bonny castle algebra davidsons mat hematics lafontainesfcwes- hialoirode charles xii margoalpn querttons history of rmr u of england otseotland and india uavklons arithmetic morrison a do thompsons do walkingamos tutors assistant keys to do grammars spelling books- resujet dictionaries landmans and brookes gazetteers lowes agriculture lives of eminent naturalists moores v7orks he mans buma miltons pinnorkv catwhisins tnks cf the bordera toy and song books 6uc a great variety of bibtea prayer pnalm and hymn books testaments cto- chiatns i c claekes commnxale5ud- don ediiion blank boobs of every description i net d ledgers journals day and bill books poll books scrap books c with a fetr elegsnl albums and portfolios also a lot of jewelry among whicb ar a peat variety of eaksuitcs broocba rmgs seals clasps mosaic cbain and peart and coral ncrklaeeav embossed drawing boorde chcwmcn and dominoes backgammon and draught boards drawing paper and pencils water colors in boxes he drawing books in great variety pockei and sbeet maps can and cigar case plain and colored prints and engravings flutes and vtoltns violin strings and rarket gut pi ay ing conversation veiling crua initial and motto fancy wnfrrs hot tooth nail hair shoe brostuaa penknives of all kinds pockethooks nnd tablets mathematical instruments a general assortment ofplshlng t a c k l e as fliea rods reds ltsee baskets floats c also stationery of all kinds blank deeds and memorinu warranty bail bonds summonaes mortgages 6c n b books of every dcscripliofr puide to order and bending done on lbs most reasonable terms also all kinds ot letter press printing executed in tho best stele and on the most moderate terms chronicle osteite otae kingston oil march 18t splendid edition by the subscriber bis mammoth stoke house in whole or in parts fio averal smaller ones near to the above can also stare any quantity of freight that ray be committed to bis ears all the above preobes are as visit sitsticd as to the uacr and convenience that an tno rneratioo of their advantage situation woold b needle si apply al the office in ontario street wm car1utt kingston 26th march 1814 th

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