Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), June 8, 1844, p. 3

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afckk he belunp and ihoutd be rrtlriiik j if j llj ever it i njw at iacksnipet m- pr san freer whom jm have revrind noshing kl pnliltwo en appeal to a ciruifi juejsjktasa of hs i of rhenecrj i ls posinee fji a revision i rv- tcrcmfieuid wftitu result rruusut m an in- htxarnrril of jour ttlwtol far more grate pf oul i1i th ubheabsei of oij crrc tender e tmrht to ril h- fiiifji stair r- th rbi muu ilt ft rrh- fll h kim hflu jl hiv jlimil hint irnoeriial lhallhrrf hhiunt i not i p a rctoocuibk i i i i es k i baaatsb j when unflyr caciutateov lb find lone captain tirennrigge icxur ir in ii t ut with inotc of hi opponent unking the polnh end eootev ofn cjocatcd gentle est ii the decieioo of tolsac and worthy ia eheur rcanccu of the ditbnuithrd corps 10 nhsrh he wt wr stlsed iulv ifioefaligulc frsrr4 of k i ir- j dilrrct mr aicheeow remains in enjuad fee ll purpc uf fully catnpk- ting tbe affairs of the lan nd truit coaipanr so uut itcrir prnmcoiatetj 0 mto mine operation lie ueipotud i nc enudonthc 19 fc erj my ivf fc nailtin jlj wcrjiij with coihifnr anticipate that tor fi nxabl multa at ill to i pail ce canada from mr- atchescav per atr trance and trjatrj we bare teen i copy of a ftarapsirt whkh hf bat pnnted rnnleinin toote moat iotpvlant pltiaucel ekktts fee l infcetitstron of the colonial ofiee d wttets nhiltn oselxnthal department better ac- cntsartlce wiia our estrnm fktlivin fcr ihe prcoai- w ojjoyihtmt of ctptul cannot ffeit to pm the ure cifiulwu of cnjiiad l took to ciudi for j tiff and htivc inmitr cf vt mr cuivirigm dtj b jcted bj the out facfctl 0r rejaeriwill icf j asadfcrntehirt notth nir i ibe i s- s mimjoct h4jenrerd uf fji f raeuce of tc kjyl prcuin aa tgromo 1a i r ith m r rartir m4jfiref iiu- c noticf the ret lirmm tajtv ffm the confcreticc mm itjnr i broelttule j mil pfeach tcmorrow sajadtf t tbe 9ih inj mi t wraleytn mrirjm cwrch ivillingltfiauecl sertavmu half p lq ofockp a m a g we prp1j tbfuin fem unun i nar men the he- mr ftvo aona defence of hit le t uaejihe gdtrnor cencnl we bite eareftjllj read h o fr at pvbuw and awo bo pre pmd in boo u the aaalhttlavftfi thai h u i ex ck t h alift nd hihlj mellecloal peodaktio errata- lo lw ejmunkue aid a laj aaamber of thaseoteh chureh pnulahedin tw lt tbtrr were to or thro nipetau 1ead of the pecjlc o take red e peele af cod haw ttt la aoothef dace read fn rrpeouoce for neo reorouoc but not roftibgwat thoro lua heen a codfr ad preerti i her wbotn i lord from time to time raixd vf to leitjfj aalnat iw eofruptvaa ui jet r aiah 41 dtjel tf old ue her dtfcetlni and i to wrettk for bf h time of liil fetjl ml tndoarnin wuwr to ihrlr prayer ut he bfccn the nd of iho opprta miij ha to hetrd of jihu vvcuk that amitiel axh hortor ed mtniiff ef chrialtiijolitcd ta thorrignof jane vi lie vjii iaded ma of fajtf htt fife who via iho jter of john kdo not yofteuent- if htni n bta midnight walrwt lioj on the round nrrrg and w i vtth i be lord op ore of tcae oeeaaaacit wben tha found him kxi iuj athtl aloot ottenjfaelaacd rt aoviah ftd tef upon hrv teriout iaoilrr he md ibet tho umt i himcit hffij coming on scotland were bomtf and atd and 4f f r the eootcenptof ibocoaprl rati i not in our day moeh to fear on the aamc account t on anther nijltt nben be had left tin bed and re- iiu4 lo a lii ii p1aet hie if iw m ib- nert to seek for him ai ut ahc heard toko ooiheenidrkt ooiukj inddr c i m ru cootd mar iheae ttorda vltetod trith ttl aeetcj ic- eompimed iith 4udtalo eiprevaona of nrri to- jjh o qpjj vktt thou r fito me scotild t 0 god hiltthofj oi promt scouml 1 hiaiartai- lux wit not for bieuelf but for hi d and for hi mtfli i nd ho a eoororted with tbe conticlion ihet the lord would jet be grtefcnu the lul tibt be aa petmatcd to remeio in bit off hotitt ho apeoe a prate tih iui udroenincl tnd when at lul be rebfcj to reel he t4id to no wife it abajl be well ftitb abj bel i obeli octtr preach anin hi ajf drtont ho awoke the aaeeaetisrc bad tmted arbo earned hiot phtoner to jinvurjb cattle although fioe the bei j i lfceniajio in sotlandj pionore tnia reearded t eroochancnt upon the ritfcj and libcrtica of tbc church of chfi mb by judiealoriet fakhful eeemberi of the chuteh of chritt u m ot abcjiabed till the trar 1w9 ft jin tfttr the recprmtk ctlab- luhed and a iouod confenbn offtitb apprcned of and akhougn rxcbonuix r fn w to 171 1 when patunage uat ipln natored tho church enjoted only 60 y iti freedom from id tfiii irdecd mj that tfoubtrd period the 0ujd be aeid to en- jot trh fncckfo yet it it rcmarkawr tkat ereo undtf patronage ahc aienalty itied with tleaeo of rtfttwl afd nfreabaog frcrn the pretence of the lord the nattonal covenant wa at arit tvbacribed by ku jamea and ida hooter io the yer 1m0 and by fernt of all rank and cjto in the year iw and afterwards pre byleriu church gorcm mem h eunly relumed by the kn ird i i i- oieni in ihc year 192 here mt envft edeco the peal goodnett of god to the poor rution of scotland in bcwin and ineluins the hear of the how mx ikn u the heart of one via to make national w mjm picuataelliftj etatotii otceojoyed junu for the chronicle it cat cue correspondkince between captain urownmugg military secretary to his excellency and the hon y je irving copy no u kiagnton 2dth moy 1w4 sc tho follomne cxtftct from uifl gbbncwpnkt orih 2li uy i84i itao been publiobed oo having farmed a part of i ri air y i ft fljccttn of tjl reform aaaocintkottj vi wc never cull the governor immc tltc h thing we have otjd to that hi staff ore an empty headed oct of jnehanttpea end that no govcraor ever had aoch nn 11 incfrktrnt staff- mr lord cardiun woum have hunted ihem alt out of hia kegimcnl 41 ni a pack of old indiana i hove the hun r to recmeat that you will tnlbrm me by return of pot jf pottoible whether you made uoe of the foregoing ex prcfmoft attributed to you 1 have the hnnor dcr dee eve signed j studholme br0wnr1cc cpt- and uewt orenadkr guardt muury sceclaty to tbo m i j t eto ketratiael copy rrora iho hahfjt itecwaveef the h ult a alio teriamf qmafi jtteflw- cap cvr nkfh of the ichboiaef f aiitieoiutl tlua mwnifif rtporb that a toroue namid ihcth an nn aahof at litand harbor neat cviry lhrhor on monday ual d tailed ft om vfllpa- ratofo london on the i7f ftbruoy and waa ttdn with fubtio rntnuri awjf lant ul eoper ajooimooej it m dated that the mat died on or about u 6ih atnaa hi name n me- kiniiv j i he male alto dtd m the jioatage and ih aeeond male witu two men htl bj fill n oftlhc yard arm a tbt ho mantcocnl ef the ktnt dttotfod upon the o otatl tod centcojrnlty the i nmo dettttioii from thu pfaper teatfc which tcrmined a lvit w soeonnariicuura boweee t uipktoii ebarier eonntet4 wth hdimtter hare eome io fight spnee tha 14th aprrf f mt aud tu toe prerioutly dwi- tj of tha captain l and 11 mw reapeewne the cantaiii wife allhowel iiln from tc ubfuntiurf of the ee content- ecet foe the accommodate w- ahe waa with hun on iie njf f of her and a ouiit of children revered j iht ccw are eire and one of ihem oflercd messrs harrison foster dnnistxp3 attohxet3 oolicftuits if chaxcfirv etc is rreutitjfun fiuitiin corner of king am church sirertt toronto 99iy post office notice- alls lot eaxlind will be doted at thit vis initantf at oiunt 1t lhco oimhr following dayi an kingston bellows factory joun drew via jahf40n mondey the 10th 6oclocli p m via hoton ort tottdiy the 11th at 4 oclock p m rot deacon p m vott ottice kiegftoo jum 3 ichl fo a patttfe to iatealijatton immrdiatfly orred a bv th t port f lag money tcry frcett 0mth jrt wc em totd felh ne utt start require htlatomthm zttamt f fcnira01n conreuence of lw in pnercmenu which hate been mtde mthu tcaael and he wwh of it emiant and cthrrt ut avoid iranahnrment at torenio the nilttn future run direct to hamon touehln nt toeeot thit will not in- trrfenr attth her prctioot arranemnt at tse will reive both ihu pyt and toronto at tae time atnttdy aavtttieeci 1ne mciar i tea hare procured part of tha utt atorchouaca of mr cerrati for the ac- e of enurrama wainj for their stetm- trtyhif m ll appenri by the ftuowine eiract trem h ofthch utt t thai lome tf the tlfay theep from lhe church of scotland are nternlflfio her fuld we bate no dovbl mart wall fotlow in their itrpa whrn trve rtjiotta principle reaumee itt aeal- presgyterv of dundee a btfiloff if thia ttelbytrj wat held tn ihr new i- duitjte on wtjneadty petion from the mtrinera eonreatian lh nearly four hr4rrdmmrt attached a id front mr lw the nliin of that ehrch wer wta n and read they clpretted tnrrow and tbvh for hjfint njffth drawn from ihe eewind cpu and drtred aiocerrtf to be admitted ant io hrr commuio aftee hotdray conference for aome tin afih hr lw retbju5sateihrfiiltoatdeliance fhc ffttafltfl having duly drhbcra on ihe obvet and prefc nf lhoar neitm if4 hd par tie lhceeenad httin in a fpejij confereneo with the re jameataw ktrntdtiit itrwa at to ha renounein alt cwincaion niih the tree cbwrch and hit featont foe atrtin- to he reodnitcd o 0 fel lowthiyof the etlablithd church and ohwhw jotnmniaatmn tnmcl th ofid aniubalt iradity and oenef rmfly to jdhere lttrreio not- withatardme any reproach ottloqof to which he mtj thereby be eirotrd ae mr w htin n the pretence of the rtbytrry i ih con fe ofoa of fiiih aud famiola of the cureh re wbok lind in that period the church ofsoouand cftjoyc no 1l newawtrkemayyrth 1844 siftr- your letter of the 24th jnir i have htat rcceireil in reply i have the honor to inform yntt that it u difficult io recollect word hastily uttered tinder excitement eau scd by the peculiar poohion of thin province for the htat tix monihe and therefore from a colttkdl mi not a pergonal fueling i be- ttevc ihe extract in your letter from my pafl n reported in the globe of the 21at inat to he correct or flrc7y o av moot paru ol l 1 fiavcthe honor io be cce ote ccc signed j suilius irving to captttn brownrigrf milrtary secretary king ton copy no uu kingston 30th may 1314 siw i have thin day received your letter of the 27th inattnlj ia reply to mine of the 24 th it i abaurd to allude to provincial politic to connexion with the governor gencrald staff whobedutyai welt a whoac mclina- lion it to treat all with couat courteiiy and politencac n you have yourself experienced nnd therefore your atlftck upon hem cannot livtiol oucnhie nertonamy were you not a lieutenant on ihc hml jcr bl ijeetyii service it ii pmbtblf l ttuit i ahould htvc taken no notice of the of- fc natve ex prenciona alluded to in my fnet let ter to you but undcrainndinp you to he an officer in the army 1 urn bound to look upon you an n gentleman and in ihit light my communication of the 24th inetnnt waa ad droned to you affording you ample oppor tunity to apologize lor intuit np word which at obtained lodat ihe a f htictrd viet adml sir chtrlet am to deayilch ilm alrtmer llerntet to il in tj ihc c but the preeenl eoodiion ofw eamlrenderr the intltm equipment of bee fo ijretrtl sir chtrlea promptly nrdtrc fatf m t tel reedy and w proceed lot kene of tlm dmawr i hia afternoon anotnac account mm ihe l n nndhailafrom ncweitllef all h- ape- cie with the exception of t bendnrd roji lotdok kespectfully ioformttre public that he hi on hand and ti continually many fatyiin fore kiuhrrtand parlour bellows of the hit engliah leather end watranled term cath or qoodf country ofdetr puoctki- jlly executed bellows repaired prince stfoppotile messrs watlina store june slb 99 n d cnmphiac and camphine lamps in ill their ratirly jtstfgwhtda4rer sau by the anbtertber the garland choice cedlecuon of z olitk latih scotch naval and other eenftj bf tbe bi wntcre i oj ramsav armour it co kifttlon june 1144 been t tahore end alto in ded in ihe mmtfwmmwlfrllpto i the rtml had alao be- i iftd jihinfcfaaluenaibeto enrj fd- ly ai posjlte from the nr to 4wahltv- there wf filar eei left whoaiaied thai the et am h difdandihe aeccetd mate wn w uc- atrd ohr rp cup board rontradxiorj tui- meet hate aatennd u jm cate wt 10 ktm in nv7 p- tr ofad- f ere found on board s44m b b rerabogi 1001b ejchai tome wiiith mu parcl aorxe of whuh man be l men aodchijdeco ehrono ke a pniee of laired einr heen tprrad oetr u item to aa to cover uw jh tnu n been ntiird otcr the cania the illrionf and httf t immediately takl hence tot w iea a cem porry tart truimot ti undrrrad b called for to protect britia t ofcubamd haana i rbl iht th- diaoeanurdiutcofaatttri j mar rr- f an tnlewnt natal fore in laml a1 h prceent jouelure in tay n bin- of the owmtaf that may pnaaimy arito out oejceiation now eendin between the unita t twnoffiltt and the gotcrnnmat of tout lost supposed on wolf island a pocket book contaiaine sundvy noteaof hind other rat the note is one drawn bv john grant for li i od one drawn by h hetlburt for 2 l6am otic drawn hr henry judd for lie one drawn bv p dcvlm for xi 15 0 one drawn by vv v lii j for xi 13t 6d one drawn by walter boldon for 71 or i ibouu all drawn in iavor or tha subscriber all peiaoas jic lirrrhy forhid porchatiftt aaid noter- a liberal reward will be paid to any person retaining iid pockt hook with its contents colman hinckley wolf ma4 june 5jcu4 i the codrington zephyr coat weighing ony 1 ft 3 c fashionable article for gentlemens summer wear is amongst the recent arrivals of dbtkes co extensive importing establishment corner of king and princess street kingston 98 lax for sale lot no 16 fifth concession barecou acres pdy to i petcts en trnea- i own june 3 1844 hi auction sale or subacnher thete enfly citenantinf umct nhich prjted a apecial of reining to the worst of god ivcofhout the j pny of iter mijrty service it to probt tya om haatorian very glorioua day of the son of man and ra aonorcd with forge tee- timonka frem ditinoa of other churchei for the jred pitch ef retetsaation ahe bad attained the woe called phifoddpbia ood the aiorok i r tomajlta4 eut theae bright timet did oot lonj continue cloodi toon onoe tor kr joanca vi bejan to naive cncroaehencnu upon the cnrcb and her ubcr- tiea about the years ivj7 and 18 and continuing to do there foilowed a lone i- of defecuon in the church for shout the apace of forty year tbe ivini for i tt tfnpuhing hie deaigne r aevcral aa- tembliet t reried wberein iat r or hr oar rot kcrolcartupiajoi spproeco end particularly tbe b attic lea of peelh frebtue wr set unlawful oathtrxktcdof snlronts uttoout atrtnwiry several tuperttiikut ecremcous with a service book and boua of emone were imoontd 070a the cbtnrh and many tinmy conpuvd therewith whereby the cburevt beauty u at eaeaerably aullied sd the laod freajy pafuted- vet durine thit time of jrievoua bnckalid t from a eoteoented refortnatuso it pleaaed the lod 10 up acveeal wruueti minurtert and pro fcaaort of religion to bear leatianooy to the doctrine nor slip jciicrntaem and dnxaplino of the cbiarcb and locbtitrtcabeadacupovef we and bar judaca torks icc upon which account diters pntlors frere no 1 v omened before the council the htgb co and i newmarbet june 2d 1844 dioeeasn ynode some weto deputed c their chmrekref slit tour letter of the 30th ultimo i re- and bencrket ecene mtn biniivd ajtlecm confine i ivil late litt asulj on mv return irom a ed and 0- here imeettonrd and sewleneed 1 i d t cipeel iawrrneoudffl rrnjrni or y lilt you admit were uttered nnnuly had you been disponed to avail yourself or it hut na you mike no attempt at any apcriogy i conclude i am not to look for any from yon for i can not imagine thai you could have expected your letter of the 27th instant now before me to be tortured into what any gentleman would consider a intufaetory explanation i regret to be obliged to tell you that you hive apofcen publicly of the staff of the go vernor general io very coarse find ungen- tlemunhltc manner and it matters little to them whether you opokc under excitement of feelings of not yoorunguftjre wan unjus tifiable and unbecoming an officer and ft gentleman i have etc ac ate signed j studholme bhoivnltlgg copt asd lieut grenadkr gmtrda mlliuuy secretary to the honblc j lning eaq euno ti reeured by tne taw and eoumiton of aaid church on ihe ordmaiion or admution ofmia- blerv inin ihe eliureb in tntiony nf hi approba tion of itt doctrine drtepline td wnrthip and of bia reaalwitae ttrajfttut to adhere thereto in time eemraf ad the fntbjiery bei ripely idtiaed if the whnte of thit maitee praye by one of be brethren for d it tne they dd and hmby dn tn the c particular cate 0 dm it the mtatcr oftheorw sect rto in all tmi sd sd ofier dtrceiitn teimtincetnf ihu jsmea liw istrly re lion che re h refcm 11 duideetotheeornninion ef iheehurrhof seoilind and to all the alereef an ordained mtnttter of eaad ehnreh tht trrabjiery fariber did and hent- by do admtl the eommuieania lately belonginx to mr lawi caaprl reform ttrccl and whu have prared 10 be admitted to the coeamwion of the church cf reutland to auch communion subject always aeatliia miruitra are to die cowttilution endltwt ofaaidehaireh and they arc herebf to ad silted aerordiny tbii part of me protec in t waacbied wilh an tlooura 1 and imp rcetrtc prayer dr canaan afltr j ipoi of tome roe tine asa lcjb the rraabjtery adjouenrj the chcrck of scotland in fast timcs no- u to the wiior cf the rhronicle b casette sill boa coeurrrd to me trneatedlj dorir eawnt contiotery n-auun- the church of scot land uwioeiiac to tanaui tuueaenh publicly made svssa sns to lime eoneerning the church of our fa there iw formrr daya incorrect impeeaajona might be produced cm the mnvdt of many freabyteriant hi thit kod aba ore not well acquainted with her bilory 1 abttl therefore endeavour 10 fi df tiew of her principle ond actinp drawn from iht aaoal etntul period of her biosory 1 oniirc not 10 firvdicai her dcelcntiofli either ia an- eisnt or modem limes or to lake i party i w cf them tthau bieh u not proved by au- owiuulaodinc uatnueburtoricalcideftcc the church of scotland it tiewed wilh uayaruahty her frknds of- ten regarding her with oo ardent romantic kind of atueheaeot almott idclte her they ate mind to her seams ami blemuhet or do not rjcruv theen to their maj cause node her encmiee asn are only hrr faetna whieb they realty majtwr ed they do not acknawioiee what cod has wiowgbt in and by her there is a remeshttte eoinetdeftee beteen the camcb of sccaland and uts aneaent jewrnh church bat sj regard her 0 btory and also a regard leette dealing wnh bee she bos often been hcoimhismogreatvritoettflo the lard rtuesem umeaeenlhcr drliserenee aho hs also snberu gnetoutly from wiihm when her foes tmlsmaeofheronhemse and the urd hath tens he evrwenet from thef el n to immern csfnettcatlr detcribw tt arol luntnf todoih asforthxae faithfut suffered to live io their own land several of them ncnt up and down in atuch ablation teaching aod eonarmin- the 5- of god wsituar for gorja ft- 1 ny vrrm oyfrense d church and people nevenhelets la tana dark hour he lord gate teals- mony to ilia word to the mouth of his persecuted acrvonts by aeeom panyb r it wilh meet ihsn odana- ty poner and tucect a remarksbte 1r1t ante of llssj power woo given at ihe setesan commuuion cele- tratrd at tlw kirk of shotts i30 bleb proted a anoal remarkable awiog of seed avrouh clydesdale to the glory of free grace there wat then 00 withering ahntm in the church and these faithful ood pataeni wleocsv after many das had the y of seeing their bsniahh brethren in tbe rsuriisirtapinrotehr- ai ruialty untungwitb thetntfucj tn the work of rtfonirtion and eren ecn- rjcfoftin snd aaouuing the eery aetembbe in which they had for merry ccmeemed to change use gorerw mem sad eorrvpt the worrwp of tbe church whto tse night teemed to be dsikeal and ccerup- liont in dxtrine and onssawf were like io advance me and eore ihe lord waa ptacd to pity hit die- trrtsrd crtureh and to spyenr for her relief sever si hrncstminutcrannd profeeaore uadioereal part ofthenaljon were turred op loprcotnt suppliealkmt to the rained io lo37 ogoinpt pleasing the liturgy and cannons upon tocos- bui these being anally re- fu ed a great oumber of all 1 t nobs1ity gentry flimniers k cemvekd at daoburgh in 1633 whrre after rtesiberaiicm and pyer they re- tolied epon renewing uts atsol eovcoan t wbntb hd stmoat been borird for forty years ufore thia cuvrmnt wu heartily embraced and tucmribcd by atlrank nth many tears ami eseaiyoy so that the whole laisd great and email a wry few excepted did in a few mija in inlr i ilm xr prieetp h and the lord did rearksuy couato- oanee ihem wiui the down poorinr of bis spirit boh upon judicaltrira and the worahippsng aaaem tins of hie poopk wrnch proved life from the dead to a poor whherod baekslrding church nay nhkh at wemderful thittgs ripened so fstl for reformation that 1 l38 a free sod lawful aawmbly convened at glasgow thore the ctikcrej aaremhly 0 the fprrnee bacoslidingt of the snuosrt easoe to sfrew with wooderful srnrmvy to condemn aret aastut ihe tas corrupt atacansiko tojeuer with tbo htgb caavniuenroa court the serrate boc the toot of stusooe it od rauuie sundry other worthy noufor smrgbg om cnorch aod pro- moling refortsutioa yet the ld peeased so to countenance bia wealing servants and pecic that th- bejfsja reformation woe cerrkdci am both by king aod iuaeoeal i 1 signed great aj through np loo und and ed with much of the leedo sswes asm prcawnee in ha ordesaeowioolbnl tbs aud lh feesswely waa like 4 wriderocn was now by tha dlvroo bwemetg itjjftsed mionfmrifnl feessl s tjws u tha word of j god bleemsd sro all they thai ah 4br aa alaymemberofthetcotchcmilch kir tune f ims i i letter from you chnrging me with ungentle manly conduct and rewtinting in the same language a man of the world must be aware that to not ihe custom among tttorc ef honor ffhnre rntild nrwrr he nn end tn rjual i pmctice tnss recnmirsam in the smtsisj count and un gentleman sure manner you charge me with tcrtvin the orrgtoiiccl question no it wtuk on rrcetrt of your leller of the 24th i answered n you desired there fore eoneultcd no one or iseve i since had i done mi and been advised 10 nnawer you mote fully i should i moat add thallthould hove felt little concern had any remarks of mine of n political nature been considered neraonnl by either of two of his fxehlrncya council orsixmontho durntion in defiance ot the recorded voles of the repcesentativet of ihe people in condemnation uf ihcir princi- pie but 1 regret was nitrrtets into rflav ving any unkind or ottcnciec altueion what tne si lrof oji p disubytd in the pfocettf of ifc- lode on the sr rival of the governor offswi the banner ft of crimson idk upon one airjaod whirc uoon the other nsth a deep fringe or gou st ofajl anj utalt lpon one itde ia embltiosd the suns nf the ordrr supported upon lh nne n bj a widow end or phani and so the other bfhopo end charity up on the other side ere th tymbsvt ind atlof the lde the pnn mr mnsder 0 use firm of ddgp k m of thia city and a a arork of rt si enbittd i he higvat fain tne drawing ia corrrci the rsnr tofi and well toned and she clwl of the whncieredinlv n4 h eanuection with thit we may remark thai lh associtliun havrnj fj hiobject cbarttt and good will towardi nstrtj it one f ecrcl aocic- liet detsrtmr of crntrsce sd eneoumement throvghowl hie bmith rt from the capiul lo its remote 11 colony and forrin routines tut lojrtmty befosftd anrfhrjusands yearly are pre served from assort andatdn aisrtcring by it afakers long mty irtuwh and may ttt o- r rtat be wide in v j timer awtasft ome rnintsthefollowfi are ihssuma total of dcteod ssbftftj returut jait pfchjt to r ir ri jnfit number of paiaengen rreipla etc of iht l tls raitweyi of the united kingdom during the yrlwsg the itt of july ty there were s drttclti pistcrifcr mj9l5l2aecondclam 131911 ihsrdcuat snd tbuuuvpesi nustdcjisf ssstn a vetm tout of 23 doe86 ptitengert in one see the rccerpta wrre 1 crstuaa xi77dmi cond a i is87a5 uvrd x4m382 k ii talof3 in odstion to the sbutc astsa ovrjtfd from pafttenren rnteyed in tbe titysi ratfwaya ewumeraied t 53- were treeived far xhe conveyance of goods edile earrisget bvc mk in the enisic receipts xdr3l9 3ormcisi to c mejisoaartlait weak scv trat parties of police hcaow by suoeriiitrndciits n lered auddeniy a numver afsthionable houtea at in wett n nflondun and secures an irnmenac quartily of gamtc rnptemnlt i o ut and csth to the emeus ofrty z uj and auch ceeded also in capturing t j p ill be sold at ill an non rooms on tuesday the t test a consignment of guoda consist tf tt bhs brigltl muscovado sugar heat young hyson tea twankay superior c du coti hitv 6 s 00 j ut aijis 10 do bmaliet r kegs tmacco 0 doz patent pails 10 kegs best quality white lctd also 3 dot hand sawa with a great variety of other articles tcrmt cash sale at ii omock jamc3 lintos auctioneer kingston june sth 1844 general agent auctioneer and concussion the subscitbrr bep leave to ancoonce lo hvs friends and the public that ha bat rented ihe extensive fireproof ptrmjsrstua- ted on ontario street neat the ctsttom house lately occopted by messrs craie wall com merchants wheic hs intends esrrjioj oo bosinesr as ucf ioncer commission merchant and general agent in whcb he nllcrt himselffmm long fience he above business combined wild 4 dc tctironatsoa to use his best cvei lions foe the interest of such ttinsy employ him lo meet with s liberal share of public support d hunter fttycttcyxes j falowat eo v 5imps0kesq 11 jas ix kikcftost c hilcs ea m t hvsrrftft esq pattoh co montreal d aasissttali chatham st new york kingston 7uoe 3 lm 9ei auction saltv real estate on wednesday the 12th june on the premisea cornef cf george and green streets adjoining the property of mr william mclean butcher an eligible hoildiogloti 66 feet fronton each street known aa town lot no iti in the town of kingston terms 0 cash the re mainder payable by annual inatalmenu of 5 each also lot no 20 fronting on george and rear streets having three dwelling houses erected thrcon producing an an imil rent nf forty pounds terms of pay ment fur thia prnperty will be liberal and made known at the time of sole indipuunlc lilies will be given sale at ifisvinck thomas greer auctioneer kindlon 7th june 1844 99 princess royal saloon onc oafinceis and tvijsrtffon strttt tisp jtkphhs- stsfhpilu kslvntn the public met he has tsfcrn the above well known saloon and he hopes by sttici as siduity snd attention to tbe wauls of those who snsy all upon him lo merit a continuance of that ipberal patronage which has always been ratepded to thisesuhlishmrnt thomas willing- ktnfton june 5 1844- 96 n m soda water giota nsxraa fresh f0 ihs kouataisi sarsaparilla pin applfi sttawberry kaspbersy giojrer and lemen syrups fancy liejsjeuts dec tec alio pettties confection oies ttesh and diied fiuil t w fqrsjilbby the subscriber oaaa bushels of oats well jjj adapted foe seed- john stbachan kifilmy3lfhd 6 kx ksi j sale uf superior black walsut tfri mahogany pobnitlre the suhacriliev hovpoa received n airuciioiis will ac withnot reswrve on ttuduy iunolsth icmsv ot b nesv auction room smihs buddmr opposite ike chccbertd strr prince- streeti ihe iviiowine v valuable property belonging to mr thomas lum cabinet maker and lvf mr-v- vi and 2 atm 75 very tuperirsr black wa nutchatrv covered and stoffedwith htifp i bfack walnut sufa carved svorb j cov ered with hair i do portable wordrrjtie do sell of dining tables 3 do bureaus very superior ft jo work tablet do i splendid ftlaltrtfpriy book ci with serrelary ami gtaso doorsy i elrsjaini black walnut do rfc- several pembrobtf and other tablet childrens cobs bunks tfortjeibs cloj hes and towel hsrses rocking settees worst tables cuptroards lockers tvo thomas ahaines auctioneer kirifcnlnn may 28 i8w 96ni n sale willcnenmencc at 10 r a- m and the articles can he seen ai the auction room the day prcviouu to vhessrse auo an ltgant maltopny french polisfted grartd piano forte ftrll trstetj with addt- lion a i r commercial bnr m d mrotjce is hrnrby given tttatasrmf x annsal dividend of three per cent on the capital stock of shit inert- luliun has been rtiis dav declatd hy the board vf directives and will be payable at the bank its offices and aafhitt oa and after the laf day of my next the trwneter brwfe ttill be cloovd ontw i2djune ami reprncd orr fhe ht svj fownwinf notice b rlso hereby gives bat use annual general heeling nf the swkhcdd era in acconlsmec with the charter of ib inslitulion wufbe helsl l the bsnsr on tuesday the 9th jetty neat hf live eecturt of direciors and other sspecusl btmnesss tbe chair fe be nkeis 11 ecjoek am by orovr of rbe bnarsi f- a harpeet caesasv kilerroe tti sys wx t notice are hereby cjuuooed lotwhaenmete in the tunreirt the ii teres i ttiimlsf nsst ojm lliastww isstj tn itessnatawss auornm 00 cly wat the bods of mtrltiorun pohrswree ihrodftd aleaott tn uftoeiiiori hot auoctet vrrse fjtfd rtf whilf hurdrcdacf tamblsrt of a cdc sitstl otjiassls sssastousl toteara ihe tsoawt the hcannj afthf casea ore epic d seven bew- f ss ricd x60 and enothtr 30 or three fsntht and others r dnid to ffensllksofurtousieaounts whilst several tstrt jik wft lhat the soat teiat wool imported intt ih coiled arwountfd ta itjftiofii lb- x as lloorlt tiet 6f hff hi kiudum sj iht s tppcir i lambs en isss l islet qiniiis rrtirtfij 10 iqaozl tbn hsm frhnrc h duty nfld prr cesumrmi arnauntrd 1773033 war fkn tal 1 per lb and joml t26 lb dty oft by fsr the jrea sst ausn nrihe abor 4ve easnr troos ger many fd mew south wales mors than two ounjiofour espona of hrp snd lambs are taken by btfliua and uw ren on a roujh calehihn by france alto rd thai the rosa srn nttxufacturto irrlind durinj the sear 103 smosutcd to mwmb ever lo hts excellencvs perannal slatt from whom i have received nothing but polite ness i declare i had no desire lo increase ex citement already provoked to a conaiiierablc degree by hts excellency avowal of an taal declared vtiur of ntish amayioniam towards a pnrty 1 iii identify espoeled frvm tjrest b- myrclf with as lonrr aa he remains in the country ll- you deem it proper to re tract ihe offer cvrr exrtreeiotui contained in your letter of the 30th ultimo imuat of course consider you unworthy of further notice 1 have tlte honor ovc ote tee sismedjj emilius irving to cnptitin brownrig military secretary kingston copy no v ktnmiton slh june i s ik tlua communication in stcknonr- lcdpinent of your letter of the 2d inatant terminates so far aa 1 am concerned the cor- rcepondencc between uo and is only lo in form you that it is my intention to publish the whole in one or more of the provincial ncvs papers thus affording others an opportuni ty of judong whether your quotation with a trijtih orthographical exception of my cp- titriets as applicable tn yotsr conduct can with any degree of truth be levelled at tssine or borne out by anything i have written 1 am evr etc dec sifned j studholme bkownrigg c apt and lieut grcfudw guards muiinry secretary to um honblc j atssilutlrtirsfccae hsksavjanatt government notice tiijtnxkm wljl kf rrcixcd h7 thecotntnussnijtcbvtow v w last rauoed fhieh 1 e aa i tow read this i i iff or rli4td those delinquents who bare so lonrrt tained the books they drew from the lib rary ef ibe mechanics fnstitote are solicited o return them to my house at the marble factory or the library they may alio rest assured fines will be exacted and ooqses tioas ssiil be asksd thomas shand libraries kinpton june 1 1844 99r commits anttl noon on thursdnv he ouih june 1eh4 for ihe performance al h a rrpars as may u requited he uslf of the ridcau and ottawa canals p ihe tiod of three years from 1st july ih to 30th june iwt lermiuabte ai any prrj after the nrslyear a schedule of the a rite its ike thai may be required and of their estimated prices csn bo seen at the royal knsinecr office nytowr and carillon at the tmmart offset bvtown and tttv olbce of mft borrows clerk of works kingston mffis wtlt any further io- formslson may be obtsined the tenders must be yiten si a per cenlsfre above or below the prices stated io said schedule snd lo express whether for ihe wboie lint of the rideia and ottawa canals or lor the ottawa canals only from carillon to crcnvillt or for the fftdeaii canal fiom bytdwn lo the first rapids iaclu live or froet tbe first rapids inclosive to kineiton mills inclusive the tendets lo stale the amount in currency payment will be made by ordnance drafts on tha commissariat clwt in bank sates at 24s 4d currency pes x slertme at the let- minafion of each quarier two responsible persons will he required as i sureties for the du- inlalmtnl of such con- tract as msy be entemjd inlo whose real siff- natnrc most be iasertud to the tender the person trndenrn moat abo iee hia ad dress and the proftuiiotis and places of abode of bis proposed sureinrs- commisssrist ridcauj canal 8tiosvii w 3cd june ism 99ii ichreeuelr wanx nd n sd ecf j till lib june inctuairr aittion mm household furniture and other effects off tiivrsdavi 13th 1t at the sowriberv auction roonuj comer ontario and bruck streets will be auld withotit reserve seneral aa borjment of household furniture romnri- wnlnul dining and breakfast tables tvatmtt hair uutuuncd chairs cane and rurh do do walnut side boards bureaus and bed- rtteada two very tfunw pier glasae feather beds hair and other bed room fttrntture conking parlour and bos stovesj stove lise etc also several setts douhearl sinsje m- wilh variisus nthit articles sate at 10 ucloek punctually thomas greer auctioneer kingston sth june 1844- 99d sale u r li 3wt a nc ai v ssi t ihe cntnmercial mart on wed- newlay iil jftf will be sold with out reefvi 50 fackacea young hyson gunpowder andtwankay teaa 40 bbls bright supr 10 qr casks port wine 10 do do white dc f do jo brandy 20 dor wine gtoaaeo 20 do tumblers 30 do ale and porter wilh a variety of other goods saleatoneocloek- william ware auctioneer kingston sth june 1s44 sb he public gtirsol purchasing a certain prtsmtav oory note drawn by james thompson and j i i camen its savor of r s alcheaon nr order payable a tire montreal bank m d for the sum of thirty three pounds currency end indtraed by the said k s atcheson to j f garabino tbe said dole having been lost kton isl jasse 144 sheriffs sale of lanosv midland diatriel gf ssterdsj rir fkfr to wit w day of march i m l will be sold ai rhe court house in tlte town of kingmnn ihe hi lowing pro- pelts belongng to john mclaniaeef by virtue of two executions ssvitjed oot of fie court of queens bench at fsse ssms uf ff preeiueni direciors and compatftj ef fbe bank i upper canada and one itesjtd etrf of the midland district courl ol ihe swrt of jamea fraser all the right title anrj fe est o the abrrve nansim defendant jsh mcuaa ia lola so 22s 226 227 w 102 103 114 lis and 276 in use town of kngloes lot mo 23 ear gore ssl aa terwnohip of fitussjtirgfr tos and 3 wilh bellea island and brnkew frorat osai part of lot noa 5 and rjn wesi asov eet wreat river cstaraqiti in die 7frwatsvmf nf kingstoe and sooth eaat quarter ef w no- 9 in tbe 4lti concession of bgjevsav sale to orifiien cr at 12 rck motl tb assose sale ia tstpuns sssstv tbe 12tbcaj of je foot t a ctilrbett sberifu r sheriffs office jone u jm to let and rxmsaton given imme diately ihe cottage at the upper end of ontanu street lately occupied by colonel young anplv to a t briiiah coleehouae in on tario street opposite the commiseariai ot 6ce with ihe adioinine premises t2 ji ikikat lrntt kingston 2sth may isu 96hi cs kennedy co are now receiving ihe following con- sirsirnenl vi 200 boxes tm plates c iii 50 oo ix do and a qnantity nf cut nads varroisa azes whiei they will dispose of at low prices lu the tfade kikion 1st june 184 97di sheriffs sale of lands on saturday tbe 7th day of aogthu aeai will be sold at lite coett maoae m th w i o o f a copy of the liwsef the independ ent order of 01 d- fellows may be inspected at ihe news roommechanics inttiiuiion reading room ond ai mr h duinwcs confectionary the puldc ia reepectfuly requested to examine these rule a the order is convinced tbe rctuli frill be a great accession to their numbers tbe meetings of the lodge are held in mr angw buddmgt corner of wejltogiao land brock sireotb w smith bec f kingston may 29 184 6i 1844 lake ontario tub kcw tamer lpixioisqubsjcat captain ives ill for the remaintler of the season ply between kingrton and toeon- lo a follows upwards leaves kingston for toronto on mondays and thursdays at 3 oclock in the flhernoon on the arrival of the river mail steamer touching at wellington cobourg port hope darlington bond downwards leaves toronto for kingston on wednesday and saturdaya at 8 oviock in the morning calling at the above porta on the downward trip fare sclween kingston and toronto and vickcusa cabia 17a bl deck 7s 6ti aid so in proportion to the other port the fro-ienaciscommodioitrjyandaub- atanlsly kted up and poeasc good ac- comittoitatina for passe ngers and freight kmgtiol may 29 1s44 96 to avoid bnirnprnent t- eattirrnnt aad 0lhrs che fronfmowitl fisn in future direct to ha- milton tsebmg at tcmote she leaven both kilfl ardreroolo at the moe awtir oa aivsassh adtrrtiua boob and tiontryt thc uhscribera having removed to tbo central end oinmoaous pre- trsisea nexdoor io messrs dejkcs co- arenow wiring a portion of fheir spring they eipect large havir towa of ktngvtasi the fbtlossias tojidsselx ed by virtss of swcwfiorst iostred oat vf hes msjesiyh caatt of queeas beach and tvaso directed namely john m0wat plsusast jwflit sshuauw uaorfrrft all tbe lattsj title and interest of tbe ocfia jsnt in lois 225 26 7 tth 114 115 and 276 in the town of kington lot no 22or grjftin ibetownthipof pitlfbreh lots nos 1 2y 3 with hestes saland and boken front and fiarl of lots nas j jr im west snle ol trtcat rives iufii the township of kingston and sooth east cor ncr of lot no 9 in the 4th coneession of kingston john mcleod thomas c- logak ptaiatirts a j richard pidgkon chas- joimston and mary john- stonhta wirejadwinutratiifcrf james macdqnalu decetised drfendsats all theritcht title and iuterest of the lvfr-r- dants in lot no 13 167 ml 28b tbe aattf last lot coalirnin two iftbs ofan acre all situated in the lowo of einestoo igetbes wstb all tenessenls erected or lbs john johncton pjaintifl charlesjcthpsstonand martjohn- ston wife adrntntstrssrianf 1u macdonald decensed defends me all lbs lisjht till and interest of the ob- frndaots in lota no 13 167 and 288 she sld tut lot containing two fifths of am acrty all situaud ib the town or kmrston logelhar wsusj an reoememfctrnfe ou the eaone t a clrflett sheriff oibce kingston msy 31 1844 9f city store qan barrfjs ssserfsne aof ftsz flour iwbanels oatmeau also 00 banels pork hfesr end pritae meu snd english csred hams and bacon rorsale be j- cakrothers kinjrttoe jane 5 194 ojfi for sale by the sesbacriber a pew est tba inonot floor of st ceorgea church centre aisle thottas greer kinriton otb j u r ibm y t future arrival omiina to iheir stock all of which berselecied with great care bv mr armour tjtodon iuterrsix4 glasgow obc will fo boab good io tuajhy aod modcabi price amsay armour k co kfr msj9th c3 for montreal direct thx nw low ratsfqu stnuu to ft brltjtjrjflj ca ptain slaiwlu will leave lb casietn rsnjn wharf- kingstaa every mondat at vi as retav buptds of ihe st lawrence for freight or fatste appr to the c oabscjitorto james a clas5fopd jf injsioo june 3 m

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