Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), January 18, 1845, p. 1

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i ii chronicles gazette trrs if ai nam in turn f nth arati t femur 1 it j- i i i mi r 1 1 i hi wfonmnay a uatuiloay rtmt twsft xrjfiajtta jr 4ti m ftttffr itvf cfvrtj ifnittirfiy viaw iiftm pnot ti tfwfiwiiwr 6tf ip4lrtwiwr lr ni rrtnhtl in falim lit- atilril ilhr ltf lliil tidii itl for lirn4idi j vrii i ik swum fio ii lir- idfvriuvitt siktil enritin iotn rhkcr iokh cheiohtok flisitor fmrtf jrvfiiri4rt n linra and lut-drr- 11 uil mrilifii and j iahi qtahil in- hilnht tr1it4liidiri td hri mntsi tnd lildrarl ulrmliiiiftnw1nrunli j m r lis lirl iiitcrtio ami id uvr hue cso unm lowlfcom rtlhmit r mttrtitmtlt fram ranermei ft rr csf aif ptifv irai annrw or iitsfffjuw letter press printinc- cljronkk and kingston commercial advertiser net dcgo nee pptfl sc4 utroqun vol xxvi kingston canada saturday january 18 1845 hltomik a v3frkttk stationery warehnee wltrrc nkp1vtiiiy ii4f jjtn writing papers from viper tujil to fm n4 j arlirl urt minrjnr i blank books scho books lt lohllilihrsacbcs atiimlo iubovr k- ubliihibobl- asvperior j4uin msjifn iiis uliofrjlft hy hitfi jfunk rkrokar7ilerulrthipioy pattern mmlensfiyltittrirfnfmkiimiti 7 roajaiiisrw of fmwtisff offsck h ook msmihy nrt stjnonfittk 2 333-e- warehouse ptjlu etlmttamt gut i a dtddh ttipcttnrttto tit roinf gmicp chiano lr cxt1 ulur t fno 58 british 6 north american royal mail steam packets of 1200 t i i caok iort rumkutmiiiinii jmifiltl i1uitansia i- caledonia acadia hibtunia cam11uia tnsnsftrthk i j v a cll mwiit u lorr iiaksusov kvitttt witt suit from livcrpwt amt boston ria ifahfax as jetton from liverpool fnom boston camflria jjnm tvb i tiri ssi trry wtfislfwj sunci notfc ah iux am ntvwpwl wwl jdun em fcti ihf hih witl i ll hj llic oirfif hp will he chirjtj u ricihl anj ikbk la mr h m bowkbr surgeon dentist has returned o kinpion anj tnay 16 found nl at foremans kingston hotel oiober 19th i8 mackenzie mr kenneth clarente street 4nv rfwri uw 1w lftftl tk ojtfc auat 1843 n cure for worms rinrr caitndian venui filc wqrriitd in oil qh the licit remedy ever yet discovered for worm ii tio4ouly ovvtroya tliein but invigonlefl the wttntc ytem ftftt cirrita offlhc opera- tiodanl uime or mocus so prevolenl io tbe t unacti hik boil especially of tliiwe in iull health it u burnt icm in iia effecf on ihc iytem ani lie inrallb of ihe patient t tlwaya improving y lh 0vcfl wln no wurm oreowcovered tht medtcine hcing pmatublc nn child will refuse to take it not tvoo tho mm delicate plain and practi cal observation opon dneaes irtulifng from wonui arrompony earh bottle prepared nnd sold ivhoie3c and retail by j wiser cannrf certificates hi 1iil leave lo infvni vio ladies vl k ital she ban wrtivo hvr pau huppr iod- wiiiih le m txov opening tand in bmeh sirect cuiirin the w- tawing artice ladie printed and pain cravkk for dfchf pruned cououfgs plaifi do ail vntouf dclamci d plun ai hrcil ureant jelulluthidm largo ml iihull cil do r in it imcj rvl j wtka would particularly call public ilmicafloo to the following lealitijonial from fitztiluhon neaoneof the most eminent medical gentle men in hamilton as wrll as other respec- talile and influential personi of the wonder- iierjrul cure cflccteu by the use of his vcriru- lutoi we the it jr having frequeotlj mlimnuterej a medicine prepared by mr jtuix wticn of ibis town designated j hvurf canadian vtnaifvgt and being lully taiifiej withiu eflicavy confidently roi omniend it a a safe and efficient remedy fur die expuuion of worm from the iniesti- nii canal g vreilly lictntiutt of hi royal college of sur ffton inland ae 6t w g dickinson hamilton c w lllhocl 1843 1 certify that in all raws in which i ive administered j wrxcvs canadian vermifuge i have invarinbly found it safe nueseetual remedy for the expuuion pf uvmsfrom the alimentary canal and would recommend it to the publir as such j kellogg surgeon hamilton oct 11 183 for aalo by n palmer chemist apothccar market place kingstoo fine tanaii jkj white rbunei nliu and cowd yttltts clmjnrf sock ad slocfanp iemlemens urjtverpuinj vti ha-nuw- fllptntll vaiictfi ttart7 ilwvrs tart jo pun vnw1 whh cfwwl jcis liwfs imrr itui mi num duv ecuunot rrtfwinf m aaaaunimcirt wimer luflthb ami rlowt1laj vftfifr- iv of other rwv ditielex kmilour ii i8h 30i just wulis11ed and fot sale thf lcu0 coithiff o a u si o c it i k a si sa v s canadian school atks price n canfinnim t foouw- ios aiam lirwly vulourej a lap of the wettoro hempere a map of the eaiern hemifpjtre a map of europe- a map u ata a map of afiim a maiufihe btwitl hie a map of xotib america s- a mapikfuih aiiiecen 9 a map f the l states i0a map of canada- the great ucre which attended the nubhcaiion of the ftftl editiuii ha indej tlw pahuttem to pi lo i0ok additional t- peum with the present nnd in arcnrarj uellasin cheapoe they feel atom it tifiitrhl bvourably with any sf j l pu hed in ecropc r imr auas state a material reduelton ban also been mat in pnee from h u w fd cucrvney tfr ailaimay wuedaonwtiu the caieclnf t ofgeofraphjtir with ewins goldsmith sicwart or n other grtd text book etamsav armurro kiiimoii augt 27 lvv 17 20 btilt co1 oi sal oil bpeia oil and ohvr oil by john cirrctkebs canadian whiskey wrmk fort hop hamilton ami llrvuubn whukrv fiom it 4j io t6d tier cllon bv ihc ksifa by julin carauhueh new stationery warehouse ci has uoukough btask bik misv i retlbh klo inlm nitf n il the putilk tnm he tat opnod tor ibvvt t ubmifflrtil uhrrc will hr lpl rnmtjmly on bsnj a urje and welt aotlrd stock of blank books cuwfifht vfishtfff jouink iy uaoki chh lfooks tilt unu shipping mok j- voro llook hhltjmi c aio a choice aiortocfit of fjucv sitirtnrry c ii also intrntts tatiytn on lto1s bt inrin 11 it ivrsmw insflcliri i and liom hu loi rjirnnre in that miin aoiie rit fwftan ff rir arorik v tjaztft jfir for la jatl m tufij he li ti wceno a h ofputtir ptronap a hjinj mailiinr will h wtl m canhaiil oiipfiilion find its ittttuh wtl tr j to ilp ctlin ui jf tmarx lmt nrij fmf y itiudin rwiolir may dj upai im- in- ivir old i 11 luril wltll ftp jild rt- valrlit and at the niot aiww hrtsna tt k hiiit il ljt auh4ci sin buj litw twetvwrf wirr- it- a nii htk- sfihetriad llri pjjrrmtnl nv flta iij nn tit i s4wr kv nn r til ti under the patronage of tfls medical faculty diuott resiittd health prturvtd j winers chemical red drop and universal family onunent for the cure of scrofula or king evil in all it forantor staje white s wel i11191 of the joints pair in the borca 34ute and chronic inflammation of the joint hip knee otc otc rheumatism and gout all hard tumours and afflictions m tbe throat and neck j scaly dry and moitte4ter scurvy itch toauiuforms eryarpela no maiter where present or of what description boilaandall hard tumor dperin the inflammation when ued be- lore suppuration has commencedand after wards limiting the extent of the absce ringworm cancers ulcers of jvery des- rnpijon salt rheum scalds and bum the preparation of these remedieit was the result uf a series of experiment durin ihe last four years with the materials of tvhieh it is composed io tbe treatment of e abort named complaint in their ap- i nation the form of the remedies wis jtapettlty varied but not a single cms of vilure hat yot been mode knoivn a the pro- ieior in two cases the disease returned jftcr five or x itiootha but speedily dit eared upon the tsftcwej application of tm rernedici he proprietor presents it now to the pulic beheving that in their present form hi will proo a convenient application for aif the above complaint and can with llcnec recommend them wlhe afflicted uuhihc assurance of a permanent cure to ill s penevere in theirapplicstionofthe iitosttvirulent and loathsomo disease to whiclthe body in this life is subject it i almost incredible the wonderful enresviey have aoon cilected when all other vans had failed they du not act j a v i ii hut imperceptibly draw oui the poisnout humor and renew a healthy action ilihe diseased pari the smell i irtioncniivc neither will tlieir use injure the atotl dewato constitution and may with eoual ivmtl be sppued to infants a welt a adults thee b be founds valuable apfendogc to ihe tumi no famdy should ever be without tvm a sssfm trial will prove iheirexivncmorc than volume bvfrfefl in their rtre full jirettinn accompany each box and httlc fortietreatmenlofallthc ahovodt- csssss pre jiretl only and qm hy j winer drvest hamilton rto drop jd per wtteormrnl for sale wx palmer genuine tea and coffee warehouses comer of king ond brock streets ncrf door ti the chronicle a gazette office merfcit sourc usassesto w j martin respectfully nforma hi friend and the public that he has opened a large and choice ock of genuine groceries wwcs liquors fruits c at the above stind where by attention to the want of ht customers and being able to sell a good article at the lowest price he hope to merit a share uf their patronage among his socfc will be found the fol lowing articles cigars- teas gupsndcr vcamtfidou bpm twanhit sogchonjf pakix rjos coffee grrm rottud pr t lh ground sugars dtsml refined lf 5inl do co cruited mbkovlfc k oil fswpiiaelpr ssstsssvi lutosa siomsta funuoss itesdeibri o kc sc skm imsssi dfssjf issffftsft norlhfhorr do italrk cojfnlu bfiovi and muteaitt ki- sunt do nssm c tet irs fmili u cwlcr 0 assssa krtchupp it uorooa arhotiu bsfssai aikhotii hssvaisss jlsfssloslli mace nt rdhi pondera nfossywj tsur catidf usssstsi smst cft srd sfcf d candtci lard do luhmt do via4fsr oa caaiu do ibo do uisssssib pussttsp olisfesn epoisilu stipbur wmltfi wsfssh as rotiei store l i pipe plarincctidf s0cr b blue lndise ipfppt 1 1 i fee lie ttk tscad patrol pant uaoeoro lissa ke m with a variety of other articles in the trade too numerous to mention innkeepers will fisd it their advantage to call and exsmins before purchasing e3se where private fdmdies omccrsmesws and hom keepers supplied on liberal terms kinjston november 16 1s4 w ossss wines fort sntrry madeira csvpainc curei kc e brandy coalt cis sthicdaa jamatra spirit koov ntfchwhiikr caitajiin do prppcfoiiat frvnch lfqiaura i porter dob n do lrilh alt atoa do tobaccos cartndjh nadcod homtdfw t t til turuih fint cvl ofoneco scjtfiriauii to let for a term of years the well known farm and stock at tut- tie hitlt withio 4 raijesof xidstooon the montreal hold containing 500 acres 2u0 of which is under hih cultivation and well fenced the house which his been rrcenlly fitted up and put in good and lumlantial re pair ii bstltontne corner of clrnlhjrnic and kiniton mill road an eligible i land for i tavera there beiide two utft raros in god ordct with tl the out noutts neces sary foe a extensive a farm the whole wilt be leased on reasonable term to any in dividual who will fire ample security fat ihr stock and kent three extensive fielji of wheat waafputdewnihiltbc advaota- of which will be siven to the lessee for further paitirulir pie air enquire if hy letter pol paidlo william kmer bj ifur- jington bay wellington squire or to k m ro stiniton kinston 23d nor 1844 imm sheriffs sale of lands on monday tbr- lothof ptbruary nem wilt bo sold at the couit house in the town of kindlon the following tropertt belonin to akxander m jrdonahtfixes b rirtijc of an execution iuiied nut cl the couti of queen bench at the mil of martm whr- tjnrimelv part of tot no ooe wrt aide river catafaqui conuii- 0 township of kinpton 37 in tie twn of kin sate tocssnsnssvm at thomas ststfsl s ojce kinirrtoo ffsssnbtrs ib annuals tor 1840 the subscriber frwo i received tte folluwn brouw annu alsiorlsfsi the drawing looitt scrap jlook for 1s4 cotoinin 3b highly linishcil cpgravg aj cic hound price 30 m ilcafhn hook d i orunly for 1 ha 5 eotnd by lh- cww sipfcloii wllwbaiaiiftv crtied cnra- vrng and sunerble mut h price 37 rjj the oift for 1 n4 by the countess of itfcin4m k- finished engravmp hv must eminent artwt price 37 w a r cijjian poicwaot a chrisima new yeai ad birthday present for ls4x pro h j also a numerous tollcctioii gtftftderuely hound books suitable fir cukistmas bjmmbw yeaksfrescsw- ramsay armour co knptoo dec 14 lf rjakkelicitivp vu wo do ohir 200 do usun o for sale hy j moftat it son kinlon dec 4 1844 5i affitfsrsilaimiswn foster baxhtjitlifta attorn solicitous lie chmm i 13 iketfittgfofi 9uudings corner of king and church streets toronto 9jiy to let 1he house and femises in the vilvae of bjrrielk0 at preent oc- cued by coionel fra- i possession wdl willbeffivenon ltprovto appw tu th0skikkpatk1ck kingston siih oct- t 11 rj public ore leiehv csutioitej joal purchaiirip a note of hand bearing dale on or abouitac olh fehruor imfucllse sum of rvriytive pounjs curreni y drawn iu favor of allen mclean sen- a 1 have pa i j m1 kutc anj uo holtl a ivceinl fur the rsjar r mrminrv kiiigfttor outii fth justpybihrsamr ile sy he sutwenbtr thl uaklani colfccuon ofejt oliaar inian scotch navl ad othfi sssg ay ihc uot irwr 4 icaaltav akmotfb oo ktaimoti jjr s is- keducfed pkiuks fmlhe subscribe having purchased uw j entire intere mr- oamucl tferijn in the business of innate lirm of horuey jenkins take t opportunity to in form usirksmb am ihc public that lie is now opening a larjeiupurtation of hariwarb shelf and sstdcj goods received by the hrte vetseu this autumn which together wi thi he extent ve stock oo hand foreos one of lc hest aortuicnu in town and which httsuvteimioed to sell 0j very low prices iw cosh or approved credit at the old iud in proce street opposite the lambtoi house where he in vites the public locl judge fur them selves charufs w jenkins- kingiton 30th ts is44 44 just pwlished a new mai of canada engraved io eoflud hy mr johnston the eagraverofbc mtoni alls and other stelfcoewn work t the fiislaticof ihc atl i 1ut d ws1di 19 ib lowsa warn coairjlto ao bsusyh av ma edward staelev cusl npnrrr prk joa an accurate mp of the british north american pninees has longbeena desideratum ft the llblishcrs leeleongdcnt ihst the one now anounced f1l alfvrd a- turaetion to the puh the compiler ujwihftissmusi li fuliikd his stic with great inelily and abiln ev ery contjetnt jujyt either in britain ur io canada who has sen his production ha- ving pronounced ilui admirable sftccrmen of graphic skill m siavcley hal aceess to ihc best source c informativn and was particularly indebted to the sur gen eral mr parke an the chairman nf the board of works ve llonuuuwe h h killaly forllie osuisfai abundant n to riil in their repectivo depatimeiu tho map is on a cj of 28 miles to the inch- it shew ihvew municipal divi- ions in both cclwi of be province to- ccihertiiih a bn mount of other useful inrormation the wllc being carefully co lored fn the margin hun shewing th ku ofvonrrn the ciof que6ettoronto and arajfos with tieir repcvlive envi rons on a ronvnivo cate with a plan of llic fath ofawfu ard it vieinay have been n trod ur id no rpeneha spared tr render the wcrk asroiupt asprvibtc anda the price ha bctn ssttfo low the publisher iruai that it will nut with a ready and ex- tc in sand sli dancing and waltzing academy c d0n06hue psfasr i tatr i t t al f itoi ai vaat begs pimt retpeclfolly tc inform die voung ladies and gentlemen ol kinc ton its vicinity ihst he ottetts hl skitvlces as ateaehcr of frenchktvh pauih and italian dancing together with iu uvual accompfiuimenu terust ksraiw scholar pel quaker xi 0 0 lr couph- ati in v for teaching the jttovc dancr i fancy dances and horniitpv exlra otie half of the tuition to he paid in advaate ou the nrt nirht of llic school the other hull at the expiration of half the ou after the school will he opened in t ceorc aembty rsm on taursdav twth uec lfiw mr c dwiohue alo iff the public lha- he will let the ahovr hoom to parties who may be driiiouf of itiog parties ur atv public acmmies on mojeiaie teimvand also that he will 1uroivh plicate parties was- mlnldies with good mumc on moderate tetiss that he will a1o attend on private famihrs ci ther at their own residence or at the acoablv roosa all orters left at w j martin grocery stor corner of llrock and kin streets and almrmiluslnn will he mended to c domochds kinjatop 18lhdec ltl notice rphe public are htfrebv cautioned jl sainm porchacin threv notesofllaud for xrjeaeh dawu hy the ubiciibcrin favor of patrick lemun and dated in l83sof tojt aoo value ha been received for ihe said notes bernard lennan pontsnd c- vv dee 13 18 4on vj ykt a fote jtxfci a lb wfal cvtnki f v- magazine 184 grahams for now is the time for new subscriptions g ld ni hi ruiht kxckwrho av ir ht rl tu ffi iij m ii i li urr i r t tt ii4ii itn il i ltiallk t l vl h vvtlt jutai ourtl ii cpt rmiar uh rt iammrtsri ott rimuin astuicuai mosrtav maul tao wn finmmrr a w hiihr ibii is isv jibir n44iur in t j ftutttfal itiiv fia i if thu mm mu ti sbi 4 it- ii t4kl of 4 44 tvmssm t it rmlltfr fc i uu ibnubim lit w hla ulrttftatl4 i o lt i a ai h li ilnm4 stl n k litfj wim ult i ir i nn il i nn m ta biii uirtbut dial ii a vrfumlbve im ji ii 4 uiuiuuaioa bxlwira uc u b hir hji r vaiiictv of magmflckst rxohav no mtgvtin u woru aaairfniv i irij m ijtl rtjfhiij4 ii ii ialh4rtf ir- fct bimtmrn no tttff imwllf rir4 m a3litni ijiiryum ia t iilhj m 1 i iif uu4 irf ul i ult tur m incs f1 -or- h 5dt lateral riiltlbi libit i i f itdihwf rr i sri hill amlkicam battlk f f yf irvl bieiul tvit i hhh isviuii rcmarvi r- hi rnlinmii 4jrounus a i6rr r bss pta- bs mil- b ut apaiaii rkifum rn tubes aso enuravixcs la ifsativtq iv iiii vi bavn muiij a tf wtiwat tfiiii wult oir avc f luadoiiy whu k hikk fr rni vurh fo ttfpplv r b1 bssstamb pirttiha aiuu4 nah r may utun mrt4 irnt inolax anu raatrtl scs coi v is awaftttai irk v ouk fuktraltcallkur hili- ll hkil utrrb imimhshi ru1 sastainkukcamezlfotlcts mr smma wturiith t a t vrfnr a atkariit bbtkh amuthtam 0 vil pai jamitt vtowi eoloaeo fhom atvrk trhirititv in n sy i lur tum in i r- 0 tlparlfncnit l up npffttf lap ifcr 1 lr re vim 4 tr t- ihv hint i ifcitit he tltl ntllv uow wirlc rt vis lmir i taff ntrrii bpsm tuiritt lshar4tni fttiurr in lite x s4ikc comic axtl humorous fkctmiks c a forr h vtj i iw p bsatfhta io kr j c smi akiaff illniiratnlafowaubr unfir wi fashionaslk lj ix igttkfts jtom aciioad i iiiis at wmica sj v i urvatl f ctwatil is avtwurfi kditoiual axd critical urtaktufcxt tlv kotlaiu ucji4int4l will thilimi i cbiit olarrf nt 1 riii irj ci ji n rhaa at fatten wtvrat t h at pstsvsal 4hi a most ample mcsical dkfartmkxt mla1 latbr sram oi a vj ima fonacr iiik c jut s n ilafltf caua tv itic aiilrttrif trusts sa salf- iorge n oraiuu t bunui stii rhil44ila for sale or to lkt in lbs vdbpcof peteru mill camijeq east lot no 2i containing ihc eighth of an acre of land with a good frame building erected thereon and now occupied as a tavern there are good shrdi anl stabling erected on the premises for aov further particular apply to flias huffman camden nov 4 1844 jouwi wlnteil- h roa frclwcic old wmuf p ihr rich msnerki uiih i bvwun orpf4vdroblfnr as end hi carpeted mil kaserra with a mcaa-in- thr rt tent t fariht arrsbur brxt and the eiacmnvta tall arc curuidrj tttch drapery rjic j hol and ihr tr nr fill tvitimit utjtal jih the rick man care t lut u ctd y4vc fvkwa cm wasisr i ai f piunt into il aavit or a r ihe tetbeupal itrralr 0it hike a itufl from uie litinjiji vl far gafhttt narm 4fr nboul in fjnn and bii aoori i rich snd rjrc old winif r rnir bluilm sod rav a ttorm iulubat doto llteriehmoa care r oh vyinttr i drear j tie pocr eiis a he saavla sj ihe aieetj vssli tiic mof 4 hu fi oiimfttu t flic5 and btftumbj mt uicd ttel ob wi4leu drear bvi tbcrci oef io hi the plea of i arid old suailonccs le ciid ftsviiittnc cr who carts if the bejxu i cold t aastftfctomtr1 ard wo timer tlic ivass tsclaiau and rlapa the paivrn4j orpham around he knc in ttild nd avenxcd faif tlvb lirf frotitd pane ua ihe ipftthronpj hit a ukinc crowd v wet a merril the i i i xuw ihe idof tod orjjainrhef ay wiatcf u wsr 1 0 r rich ar tcniie ai uit ainpl snd hooitlj alw nor la ule of the poor mm- iroes rttde ker a fectying hind refuse for itfateii s ot vo with slutl f fom and how should j iba apfas byt by ihlrld ibc p3t froai hic ad ccu and dpaaain their ltc leu drvsr city store copner of king and princess sts tcf boxes teas voou- hon jlejv twinkay o imperitl vii fiom is 3d to t per lh by john f akruthrrs beer and ale rnhe suhmribersialrfulforthe ironae x he hj tvcsltd ince hicoraniacni in bune four years since ui tin op- pohunilyof returning his smcrre ihsiiht to ihr gentry of kington and ihe tuhlic in general and hopes that he hs lull redeemed the irdj lhalhethrn ave v he would ttw deerrrtrn ii and ifopt oatv he would intimate lhit he hat now on hrmd a lasgc svreiv or hrr uo alr which he ean confdcnily offer to ihr consumer s a rood artirte v oii cai he ml wth mrv j il a co vi at ihr hrrwriy adsoiimi i t uaasi front road leading io lh late gji tmrnl moute mfch mason k men pjij s i4i 48 aden the gibraltar of the red sea- the impfi r ii oenly aruim lcy to the red sft ha heen lliu illumrarcj by the hon timr american com umrcmf to china 14 in hkrng noksesriori of auvft n an- hia av mr cohin ihc rrllt giiv porlant inuuary proton the southern rhorc of arabia near to the strait of babclman del whtrh cotami tlio ki i sea and the sea oarabbascihraliarejichlsemedi tfrranean and a pvrion of the atlantic aden is even more than gibraltar a ciile of natures own construction al gibral tar england hat cxosaied for herself a eitaovl in the heartfa limestitne moun tain at aden she has planted hrrtcirin an ancient crater and pitecure tvufiinlhc primeval fortress formed by llie jofiy tiiies ofan extinct volcano our object in this new acxiiutitiorj is to protect our interests fnm ihe arabs aden being the point on the red sea where over land passenger to india embark fat bom- bav wi gather the following detail of tlie place from a letter reeenilv pohltvhrd in ihe courier francois alien which was former called lous romanu i a town of the yemen which from its position anl on account of its recent occupation by the english promire to become an important commercial and mi batty nation particular ly now that egypt is advancing towards the period when she will become a british col- 0bj the lown is built in the crater form ed of volcanic mailer anal attached to the continent rolety hy a lory neck of land from 500to6o0 yam wide and which might be easily isolated by a canal the harhor isa msgniticent hain capable of contain in an immense heei and i entered br a narrow passage between two oiher crater it would bo easy to establish defensive works on the rcks surrounding ihce crater which wtufd place the pert in rafcty against any attach one redoubt has been already raised as a security aainri the arab ever ready to aitack the enguh in their position from this point to the pie of lha town ha been recently traced a mad of about a league in length by which the dc6c i reached which ibrms the en tranre in aden this defile which it tic ing for tided at thj moment with a ate evi dently ronstructed in resist other attack than those of the arab is about 100 yard long and four or five wide it is cut out of a rock which stand 130 yards above the level of tho sea a furmidahle battery rommandini the entrance of the town i in pence- of being erected above the rock oo tho left of ihe defile a covered way with an arch thrown from one rock to ano ther unites the ayslem of defence which the htiiicric commenced on the summit of ihc rocks on the lefi will complete the other idi i absolute unassailable the writer then confesses hi asfoniah menl at andin the harbour so easily defend ed and this impregnable position puirournl- ed hy a nalunl girdle of bastion which only wait to be armed to be capable of annihitalin the mot formidable deei adcn ba the advantage over gibraltar of poisesing a harbour whirh i pertcvlle securs and capabe of containing the moi formidable nuadrori and cnn of holdmg tho key of tbe red sea against anr power thai ixuihi lal vcar three ilntiwi ojfiocrs ol engineer came in aden to slody dcrir- an who would ctherwia havi reahxrd snnentvus fortune- hy stcatmg ihc english coi at prvent the aden are crftnet with cannon the nuw en trance to the toun u lairtiged- ond tlir gnr risoia i atrrady eompivted of two neneni9 of iufrnirr and two cvrnpaitics uf indian and eurrann a nil levy llieinicttrcijnirceiad farm aden ia not vir limttutftn lasssfil ihlej ortowf ihe iveaitirr wa then e order lha latti tatai j ires pft iuwg itaa tv w tryi ihe s rii m verdure lieinj rnifinrij io a errejvn platil or two an ttersjssossal ocod tvliirh prcr from the rreitnrf the rounding rocfci and a third demmptmn of iiam not untkc in firm and flaxnr to the mustard plant thiw mitrh fir the botani- raj features of ow linrdlv earned key to llu rad sea of the vtl- whtrh arrived m april lam- ahoul jio0sronj iobrf 70 nrre el home and 0s rem a tried in hpiul no scolc disease are here linown ma pox b unheard of and virrintn wit not lake a though nature had impameil dv- rretiooal powers to adopt orrejeet tueasufc of adtarbrtim sw prevention a the system might need or etniu dispense with trnm the ickne arises rather from exhaus tion and frrfual reduction of strenmh tviih exfnsiir lo the pun which i not nl- vroy avoidaliv dropsy snd depressed spin ore the prevailing chamrtcrifr it i howi s necessary adjunct t brith possession aed must he retailed even at a tacri6ce the time cnrrcondehl continues u despite of sickness and desolation aden ha it charm it the inrrcatie in iho populatiun of the suburti njay be taken s an indication of tiich an iinntcsiou when first occupied the population did not exceed 4000 j it u now upwards of 30000 and cverr morning at day break you will see from 50 io 200 camel comint into ihe town laden with ihe protlurc of the inieror nroviion vegetable 6tr to eonscjo and comfort ihc otherwise benighted nrco- panis of ibis xtinguislictr crater trie fret is the security to property navrded fits resenco wilhtn the limits of briiinh pos session and influenrc hc conirihutcd inno incomiderauv depac to the oumvard sgnt nf prasspesity ad thriving opjmrsw c i t hngind is cen engafinl ent- wno art profvcjmc dire mr- stephenson who ha lectins information and materials for th guidance of a company in ihe rorsiruction of railways in infia and who is fsptclod to return to india sjain very soon io he cin ope rations illustrated london newt social enjoyment this is the season fuf fireside cofrfurui and for thoe enjoyment that are ifcntd from in amicable and unoeniat ion inrer course with friends whom we csieeni and love fashionable aicty in the midst of large atfemuie u b no mean conducive to genuine happinct or to the interchange o friendly leelinf in ueh places empty show dtirgcnuovs eomplimenis and un meaning ceremonies preclude lh- eercuc of xhote better imputes of our nature winch originate in ihe heart deeeiifol and exaggerated professions of regard are not only totcratcjin the fashtooabte worid but they are deemed esseniial to the no menctature of what i considered polished soeieiy they ore the prartical result of that meagre moratity which wa inrtilcated by chevtcrfiehl jnd kochefmicjull and which has no other iw nilationa ilio umer selfuthness and graceful deception as social intercourse thus conducted by mass es that arc elevated in jn apparent position of importance by wealth and pjed by tho linsel of nrodem and overwro gtit refine ment issumained without thai honest can dour that spring from the heart we mutt look for real and substantial enjoyment de rived from an intervoiifx with others in circles where alt the heller and more val uable impulses of ibe heart have nni been stilled by ihe predominance of fashion during ttic 1ne winter eventns tlero is muei satisfaction in he taken around tbe ouiel hrardi of mulnif friendr wteie ra tional conversation rend to intellectual im- nirir j where the kindness of re ciprocal regard are ingeatioualy interchang ed thercestecm andfcpectinpirecon gdence and love and such enjoyments are experienced as are looked fr tn vain amoog the fashionaljle votaries of conventional gaiely and pleasure a few friends whoso ehef characteristics are virtue honesty ond tnielhgence arc always to bo valued but associated wils u ly the ties of sociat id- tcrcoumc they remlrr ojr hours of relaxa tion agreeable ami profitable and mttigato the rigour of adversity from which none arc so fortunate as to be wholly exempt novasvotian nee of which ihc work executed si ihe rniranre o list town are the rommcnccmriii ah this ihv cor- respondeni acrr to have bern done to rr ashlbe mrtivtablr ltlarv nfsomo piov feneral tylrn nf eii oripnat dnecdote a traveler cross ing the grcin mountains in vcrminr rn the month id august discovered s barc- headed and barcfoitetl urrhm with a larn tin limcket hy his side difging into a deep tnow drift and very innocently put the qucs- lioftt my young lad what do yo intend to do with that snow why sr mother want lo thiw it in get water to wash with then why not take it fnm ihe lop of tho drift instead of diffiog h livep why m ihal on ihe top aint so rj for any thmp ih jrm wvatber hss ewre i tt nter mi

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