Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), May 31, 1845, p. 4

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v h sheriffs sale of lasd os saturday ike lihh day ul july nctfl win bcual couit house in llie town itf knglon the onjvrm oiiuncm lan i by tmh of a wril of vemjittimc es pons iwsej out of the court of queens ucruh and to nu directed henry smith ilio founder v john biota loi n 30 in wi cw cifafl townitno c ernevtown sale io commence at 12alork noon t a coriiktt sseriif u d sheriff oilice kintu atfi1 143 j si sheriffs sale of laso on saturday the t9ih jot of july net nrfll be aojd at the ouri house in the town of kintnfl the follow- in iitij acizej in virtue of an execution isauti out of mf majeaty court of qvtcna benrh john mowat v philip w joseph whelisly and rich ard eilcrbcck part of lot nuuilier twentyone in the i concession township v kingston sale io commence at 13 ocwk noun t a corbeit sheriff m d shccnf office kincftoo loih april 185 siigkiprs rale on saturday the i9ih day if jul will w iu t ihn court house in the toiva of kindlon t fit following lanj bclonr lag to john ritl er inderand by virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas tued out of tho dutrici court of the midland uittrici at the suit of samuel ainiley namety thirtythree acres of land wing the south third of lhr north hilf of lot no 16 io ha lh cooees- ioa of the tovrmhip of kingston a 150 th following lands i n to john m gan ifiacd by virtue of an e aeration i tailed out of her majesty court of queen bench at tbe follosriot ivil solomon s nieollj t john mcgan kaji half of lot no 14 tt concession town ship ol portland alio arrci of land be n part of the western pari of fl no i in the im coftcttattfl nf the township f knton music on the weit de of the ureal kim lalaraqui tunv dy virtue of a writ of venditioni ktpona i- ii out of her mttettr court of tu i uctch wlhi hetntaw v john f- kington south hatfof lot numbers ui concession of hadforj and lit no 2l sih concession of bedford i c kobert wailace t james fliaian lot no 20 picardvillc adjoinin town of kinftton laid oat on lhr ferguson propeily i sale at 12 oclock noon t a- corn- it slteritl m d sherilta oace kinplon 15th april is 15 m sheruts sale of lands on saturday the th day of julynem wlfll w told t tbe court hiuw i lire town of kington the undeiaientiftnl linn by tiitutof a writof venditlone kxjnnn it lurd outoftht couit of queens bnh a tome dirrclcij b r william walker tho tt anderson vol ham fonytli and jabn b- foray in rip archimi mflnflt w i imlt or tut nii j j rin i nti nn frederic kburgh ibo town lot no 5 kisi aide of john street nllae of nlmfjte nonb pjrt of lot no 19 24coieeion 31 kne todrnthip of richmond water lot a s on water street vlla- of napaoee lt no 12 in the 7th concession mater tmejjaij richmond aod lot no 13 till concetoi ficbaaond t a coflbett sheriff m p sherilta office kingston april i81 new stationery warehouse wklllroto street chas hobhouch bum hook mam nrrjicn bees to inform hi fiirodsand the public lri4i he bas openo4 tbt abvve et tabtuhmrat where wilt be kept eoniuntly on bnj a lire and well assorted stoec of blank books eomprisinx ledfers joornals dy hook cib books bill book shipping liooks in voice books indexea c alto a ehukc assorlmtnt of fancy stationery c h also iotenji carrying on book bind inc in all its earrous bianche and irom hie lofie experience in that buiness aore aeen orcoaon al fae ckronittc v diziu e foif 1 1 year be hop to rccrirr a hjre of public patronage a kulinf machine witt be kept in eonitint operation and as every attention veil ha paij to the getting up of blank hook aui fanev hindin customers may depend uian b m tbcirorfers executed with ntilnrt and 4tft pitch and on the most reatoname itrnay n ii freibl and pusajre abiral siatt- mrnt company ledger orderly and sber- irs aceouot hook aasestmeut shteu nd munc paper ruled to any pattern and on the shortest notice kingston nov 28 isit 4 1 montreal patent cordage manufactory th e unjeektnrl acntt to lhtl above frell known lntawbmrntd mrptftd to execute nrjerv fnrnll kilfrlto tarred ad unurrcj ritatia manilla ami afnerrnn heinconbo thry ahtokrn ronmanlly on tun j an aommim uf lkl crjrjit hamwo garden maoo halt mvl fishing lints engine firkmy ce tvm peddih it fx montreal feh 3 hy lulu t y 1 rinil ti i n mfi n d aom rndcmed to the chronicle h riti ktuhliihmentttkcr b kxik 1m timrv nr ether win lint no onfrnm tbi ilalfi 1 r ihorised io colled the aame ut be uhn iihm hn ofdtffm thai pirpoiv mid it h paatjeq larry reuriud all coiniaifniri t i wi- perannlly llti kkviuvln lviek the patroxauk or the medical pacui-tv- dtuatt rtsnttd fttalth ptatttif j winers cm emit a l red o t and unnvral faiirlv onrmrntt fa ilio cure of scrofula ir kn evil in all t fonn or tinges white siveu lingif u jofali paiht in ibc mct fteilte an chfulri inilamrnaiv ai joitl hipi kikv ice rliiritim and goiii all haro ttntioiirv and blbkihriw f ihe thra and neck saaly dy iul uoiatteitvrf scurvy itch in ail iufin krywjhb noitiattec where prvrfnt f t what ik rrfdll ttlvhw ditpeiwnt the inflannnaiioei hen iihsi bf- fore ouppuqthin lia rommenecland aficr wnnla hsiiiliri lire extent of the abva blpgttonpfrf cancew uuet of every de- cr iption salt rheum tfcnhls and biimi the nremratiun oflhca- rerikdies waa ihe refill ufa fica ufcxrieeiiiieiita ihirin the last fi for wth the material j which it if compiatd in the treatment of the above flamed cum plaint in their pp- plicalton the form m ihe rcmetlie was lrerticnity vancj liul not a ngc ejm- of failure haa fl jcen made known to the tn pnetir n two caae the diseate relumed after five 0x muntli but speedily di- ii vr 1 upon lite renewed application of the rerned the proprietor preuenta it now to tbe public helevni lhai in their present form ihev will prove a convenient application fr any of the above eomptaint and can tih confidence recommend them to the afflicted with he assurance of a permanent cure to all ivltopefxvcre in their application of lite most virulent and loathsome difeasco tu which ihe hody in thi life ia aubjecl it i almost incredible the wonderful cures they have oon etfecied when all mher means had failed they do not act aaa rpello hut imperceptibly draw out the poinnhia humor and renew a healthy uiii in the diseased paria the mcll ia imogen i neither will their uh injure ihe m dehcato eoiiattiution and may with equal succcai be applied to infanta as well as adult thcv wh ue bmitil a valuauc appendage to the toilet no family should ever be without ihmn a inge trial will pnivc iheirexeetl tban volumes written in llieir prac fiill ijifcitiona aecomnanv each lnx and wile fur the treatment of all ihe above dis- eaaca prtarvd only and om hy j winer rro dkp6 3d per bottle oimmot 2 ctleach fnrleby n palmer for sale the vesi quarter f lot number fortyone in the aeeond cmsrension of emcut town containing firty aerex tinny of which sro cleared and in a good state rf cultivation and within eight utile nfihctnvvn of kingston and clinc to the macadamized rwd there is a amall hoe and barn on the land this is a very jcirabl loi for a person with a xmall capital and will far told cheap for cah apply to wh wilson fashionable hats bonnets the siibvnler ha iil openel a few cava of ihelateit futhiiin london hats coar rlaik and ikab reaver o pan hat with merimi rnni auo pait and hamr and genu prib skiri- tn hat alo men ymth and child- ren oth and velvet cps a a very choice onrlment of straw and faruy uonnets and a ease id very cheap iruh linens and lawns of a supenoe make hviiraft buh j u ccstard till preparation i at once cjecam and economical rcmiiriuy neither tc nor flavimnt ttnhr mtlk and sl gattiotnaoncnevemry to make a custard of urpaitg rii hne it i particularly worlly the aurnirnn of faniilies and invalids it pocc a muni uvliciou flavor and i few frm ihe nfgec lion which many person and particularly the faculty have to cuntard made with ettl it i invaluable to pctson travelling aa it will keep foe any iciiih of tune ami in any eliifiaift tkcpl drv retr hfgrdy nutrittou h will bfl found ofgrra i service as afrodfr invalid and chitdrcn sold in boxes ijd each tuiruicnc to maxe four pint of curtuird and in tin canisters eotitatning twice ut ipiantiiy c each ftumflll biwqtt of irxitifions foe sale hy j- w brent druzzhl tnd vhtmul im il st to let sk mllr from hiitutiii to be let oh thkeei smn nr tixcmy ptth of ihe i nli jt vear- i i uivkllimi iiul yiu tn the l ir iii eir iit btin cnii lately i c ihe kmh wo um iltito e hv mr- tioiuj ulfw ifiv i potkss iih t ui resit i d fir ttm svivice hv cvtiit ihrvc utinl tiiree ruonlhs rem aisdtimvftiitf tl rem mi ih fax cuncrnyjr le yivcn u u ltwm try we rcvjke 3lllli apn n iw uluivral hjhwi st wvjirchdatj oltu c of lidnaice t ruowii ihthmirch isi3 tvjhc t eu u va sr r9 purify tde blood moffats vegetable life pills ahd h c4 the heh anj eelebfiir v ikese frr miaeai mrucioe have aeaaired foe tb hjvule tflcsey aeotseases srhkb liey aeofru to e err hm rendered ifci nt- trir of or a bat anrrertbf of trtt tbry are uaoa he ll frvur iarirfos orlts tcui for ibcro tact thrive sol by the faith of tc fa n d1mx javnl m u i c i s es auks ted im irnly medicitic 1 1 pr djmv r visa jayne h r m i ff u ftrtantr bolllr mlc h 1 ihi hi riwtvative iei ivrflk i i e vermrtz 5 and 5u cm st rf imcrti o ffrfv c iliuo cjevcajr tjvc comrtaitfts i ll hi ifed tift fitfi1 of il uf rt4 ml it e n ficwn tj kicrin jiiritltjii nhffff mf i 0a j fi ml 14m lir toi carwmathe lial urtfj u m nll 0 saaajite priu ri lo u american hair dye ivm ivtuok ac lh m srrh iikiis covpqvxd the suhscrilier le leave to return lua thartk to the rnhahilanlv of kingston ilnlittf vicmity fof the many favor he ha recervcil oom them mntc hi cmouience- meni in hwme anj hating rcencd all jwrvilejw hi favnr uf hi heotlier jamfs frowsk who wil continue the lituftlicmm fits own 3ii ruiit rcpcciurily wlniii a con tinuane of iho same for him c- f prowse kmion feh 24 1813 the undersigned respectfully infoem the inhalntanu nf kmmn and vici nity ihalln will continue llw ixincin iso cofiptf iranian tinmithin line formerly carried on hy f ivowe pit the reaidencu of henry iditee- lceic r near it teotpsl fhurrh and that ho i prepared t cxecuie a or dir sniriited io hra care with pumtumlity and drapatchand u prkmwih u found aa rcaaujiahlc aa any lumvc intown jamks phowsk n b lltihc heir neatly hung on tltv mi leaialce nin kindlon keli2l 1u rjfl stone wanted skvkfa ikliahkfti1utfitue r frruitfitlhe iti l f id la li him lrl ibiae ot en nimr mom ikhverrt n tin ppn al ptlnjreahwy kiimvn n ih itmtl km inilnr vi lke krii in any rtanlilt all vi rk lmimllt ir lifr lk uitt tua il4ife m paufcthtnl nloceio ilkrliaifr mil 01 huipiww aadykm a ii 4llv jinr aiiniiarait hiw mill auttiimvs am 1 ihe cflrihi innlnr ivj miv aim javnks like piskskilvvnk- an alterative nd leplative plilvpamatlox cooivinii g ail the me- uicini1 viitur if thoc article wich ion txntleim l proved topnfss ihe moat u- 9 eslieih allerlive flml uaohrtiurnl to pcitie namely the crrniounll sjntuunt exuact nfdaxdkllox uin tiul cum saaprii1a uujuium hurrton e c for the cure ol tfjltofula knc evil white snehiilircc scolulour cancnou and huocnt tuvioui ijhvom- limiout seirvv neural 11 a 01 tic ixnjour tax cancer uoilieor llronchocet swelled neck knlairmrhlaof lhr uones joints or ligament or o ihe ovric liver plevn kiuncsi icc c all lhr viious disciof ihe skin snch as teller rimrworm bile pimples caraunclrs c fee dioical suvlhneiconstilutiinal diwrjpi jnd 11- eatc oriinatinj from a deprived r iminiit l he of the blooj 01 other jhml of the nody the proprietor of the life pieaervalive wool inoii ifriiciiliy assure the pumic that he h not ourrej i his preparation to their na- lictt withont due rctlction and close and rigid iody for until after twelve year experience had mamtvhcd its yreatsupeiiariy evrr every other article of the fciml and he now recom mend it with confidence firlly hrhevin ihat ihe thovr enmhmation of rncdiciacf will rltec- tually eradicate from theajslem aclauofdis erses oine of which have tier rtof ore been con sideied ineunble uf ha itcsciibd it in almhlevrry eariel ol liri and with unpftiillf ird iiit ci lie in rjutanroiii 4ifrtion caucerui eiotulu and scorbutic tuoase and ihaeaaes mifiualiut ffn otru- tow or pnlatcernenl el ii itttta i1h01114ii i i-1- tanckh and cancerous tmnt he haa rcm this ntr paraxon in twenty one well df hn- rd ae of cancer and caitcetou tnmntir 4nd in every case hut oue with jteiiect and villi re success lronchoceleorcoitc he has prrentl ihe life vrertprvativt in upwards omly casriof roilre anj it never tailed in a single instance to cumplplcry remove the disease not a aotilary case of failure am wsolc evati- thc succts ht ha airt with in rnrin bjoh- choecle and cancerous artrition hai convinced him that tho danceiouf and hori diseases ay ht ternnved with a nurl ciilmly a hvvi inl aue lie tlk no wih la he uh- jrr1ool ms inc that thv cjn he turrd a m a fwcr ainl a hut with an much er tiiityinj furlhn that hr ho aotl rran fo hefirrin 1hil lhi pipsrtni will iut nnly tiiifl thcc jiea wln iinid hul imi it dnlioy the viruh ot bikioihi ntiueiplc link nf in the mslem frvio whivtt ihl peculiar i is m diseaea as welj also aa that of uolulj emamlea krortlakimfn evil tli lafr pi- seivative ha teen used in mime mi easel of scrnfuls kms kril atid sinlutius swrl hn with the ttni dcrijrd attrccui skin ihskamnt hr bm pesftjrli in a nal raiietv ol f i rtn aif lith snit j i j h s a teller ihlea hhhchfa liuidi xlorphew and jaundiced skin stc- mspkpsi andwvkk tomplalnr- it lit sren oseu in numcinu c f ufei timiiihiiil and uytaeptja and with the btf- tel riled tic noloureacx ll ha ecn utfd in onlv lluee ca- i1 nvuiateu aid m vr 1 cj rl ws iivrrfut lthrim atlaille ha ta pternftd itn preparation in a ical mny caul lrtu mtmih nl in every cae wleie it wad until iii systvjfi secane jiht rted hy inc mcdi- cin the jiji was rmovrd ioit- three ca el iit hve been cure ly ihis pieparaliou in one ef iheae car the man had hern titlhchrd witl it 0 severely for thirteen vai as to entirely disable him frism w tines and fur fcvc motnlmrmmc ji ilhy previous lo hi tavti ihe lfe pre- tpirative had laen ecnlined tn iflftn lm hefnrr he had finihd the lliird hdllr he wa enahcd to walk nhosit the street- ftnjfnii aftei returned to bsimnet fivin ulneh le had to ions been jepiived lv his allhrtiviu imopslcal swkllimythr nse- dreine increase ihe fwer of dirin recites the alrtorsenl imn healthy cxni hj which walrry or culcjjeou dekcilivsiod all n- nnnatural eei1jrmrl re lejatrd ii im pari inne and sitihlv to the wtasr vstem ie- w u ttaiaa wxcmhom vm4 ym- r si a n ba itn atrtrtiut f s ar b ficitl imrilj 3s ct all ca5c3 of ravkk aoik rr ii hf j ta m ttt rt u 4 1 s uf 1 frtl r4btf otaaabtt ifit beat aaoj iai- caa b frif ti try uib i ocntifai otriluv a 0wr t t j fffosj jgwg ltvik coirtairvta mcicurial diecaa- t f-rrfttuatufrtt- ltt rt rr uj mi ft utunlks r -ir4- fttmt- uui swab tutx pttjty tfrrmi c m k i u 0oh 4flj f cicak r- mriu v r la lkf jaa la ii wi a 1 it u t 4 tftun hheum ttntvtv r 4k wnnofnwliki t- mci4l stavj aacwiv scnnrula itivoa evil ifewnt r c7ief jt ttrry fti4k4 wonhiaaituahttfv 1 i 1 h 1 f w vv wahti iaif mblfh wvrtmtuut w n as genuine tea and coffee warehouse corner of k door t q me in- ojij hroc struts ntst camidt gizrttt offift mvrktt tfylvf k i n cston a 123 e223 raaaa ipsxqisaa aaaasiafl aid thu reasovr dltcnae fcow it ijiusb aortuvvslif puis tdphfinlx ii t t e m wjiwrmh t- lrittff m4t 0 tnvt u a 04 asafhmoi r it kkua t p0ta ulisfiuitriwl willi all ininnt fltie it tw fctii a rit jmfij frm ww r t ri frt r4 ta it u t tf 14 1 t- wrf ij siatntim ivfct twh wvf rri itir vitfc l vnc vnncn c v o it ibt r 4 t wj u ell fu sitiin vu il kj r i ar fii o agent for kingston j w brent t school books f suwcibervi have lately received 1 new snjpy of tbc fcdowrn school baou via mcidlochs itl rcidmg b 2d do dn 3d do do scire of lesson course of reading gmniidaf in goldsmith history nf england is 1 11 if amp n h a rme c reeve bwi ailaa gcngrarthyand m khnnttflu bifeiispnkwi cuim acthmce wiinpme fimjn invaitia di- melroae murray englrdi cader j framirar do do uridffcl mavoc nef ok carpenter uv davjonctin1 do unnle mu cmiii walkervnd jhrn dicronary futturift kniht oo miwsnv risnkkwi havlvi r kuciki irierim maibeift key pintun carechi and ether piptfla bw boafc atilvral tlirstt alluacvl t teichcr bawsi armour ci kinton fct 1815 ftlg ltairn i 1 erf r r fn he heatih nf the parent u palsademi r even the mnt mov kk nl ntnrhid head rtes giddinct wn lonn- iips and netvou tr nis in fjtt rri every cae whirr the mrdieine ha wtt taken fr inr time tan irvath 1 frr whal niirpoe lhr general heauk of the patient ha always rwm impnved hy tu in cel ihe pinitriclh unm sat lhat ame er tin nnt ahmihinam of cancci lliiinrhnefjlc and s tofijla be hei cured h h ivhvinr thit mve ever hi in record preclude llieir asil want o4 room in thi hect numicaiitn at this lim ifrpared only hy if 0 j avnk no 2n soiuli tllild mlcet tlitlvldlm sm hy palmer hrtrf tfjimr aifieirn- ijnfsravkn post rait or sm isiiittcs mittairr lririii loinu m hy knatiimi- tv sn1tfirilr have iit received rsihj f ihe atsuvsl hpfendiil cnfravmn fifth vejir icnvrar tr- vra lrktfrifl rams ktntin kli just vyarmourc kulfl lu hkcrlvkll wh saik awlt umum iriiik siihiion trout ihn on h iisi pif iwii rcmril tad ffins1 icihr iv- 1 mar r f mfit snuan kmrtiti ni ojtarkp ris iijn mill r shp shn nwhlsrnl li t cure fr worms ij eiliiliii nini iff w anied in all cae ihe km remedy esvr vered hir wivm i it nut only dcstrnv l iv nmea the h4 aiem wpcftl- hundam hme or f presmlenl in die slhnneli ami howt ciwimly rf lhe in jntnti 4thjiitfrhli il the syrtim an hrlua mkprovic hv its iic even ivhcn no hwmn are dicere the mttlic ine heing i n ill refuse to tuke i not icaie ilain and peacii- pon dieae reaulting from tvornia aerimrny j bmile prepared and otd tvholefttc and retail hv j ulner otraww cevt if unites j uieic wuld particularly call puhtie aitent nn to thl idlowine tcatiinoniata from nmeofimo einment medical ucnue nrfl in hmdnu n well a other respee ti v and i i tn i netaonst of the wnnjir ful cufva cilcciv hy ihe u of iii vermi- we ihe ljfiitinej having frenuentlt ailnnntvrrd a 1edicrre pnparcd hy mn jon winch mliia town detonated j hvnera fvinnrna vermifuge and being fully aaiified svih ila efficacy confidentlv recommend it u- a safe and efficient remedy leaf the expuuior ul worm from the intesti nal canal g oreilly liecntfatt oja royal college of stir ffcont ireland ac ac w 0 dickinson in i- bjvl cotlegktqfsmrgtqmii ismfon ar ac llamitt n r v itthoct im1 sandss sarsaparilla fott the ncatoval ad ieftmawkwt cuiii of all dtmtasc ari5ivo hol as oivuac btatk ok the blood oh mauit ol thr systum namelt t strofuhj or kings evit tttturttsin obxftnate cwmomi erupt itmu ptm pteior puituttton tfu feo bufrhiu bueu chronic sort eye iji ffvm or tetter t soitj trhj nntl lftin of the bones ant jointt stubborn uteers sypiufitfc ytnjiomt swr or xiirat irmf harese arising from an injtotuiou vie of mercury jlseitts or drapxy vfao vht nit contttu tionnt bioturs will tv renovejjf this preparation cavsc ao karacr whenever puiica ur citei nroifuce remnrkahle erteru w licvinj the ill that life is heir in ii becomes pnt lert the duty than the iaifjcatipj of x friend of humanity to ive such nolosiely lo ihe circnmstancesf as shall ensure the ap location of iho5e cause and the realixalion of isese effects we allude to these lmih for v -i- 1 iiim uuhlic attention to the vitlne of medicinal prescription which wiliout teatd to any celehrity it ha hereto fore acquired ha to our knowledge preiliked truly rvmrkhte curative eirecta twi i- medv is v h cofnn4 exfrart of satm- m and we have occasion tnlatc one fact only in illattratmna a lady aulm to it thai hve yoaninre he ws attacked willi a tcrofafoiit complaint a disease loo commonly aumin olhn name ml foims and he course mnilti every remedy rcens mt title 4 fvf tuch ami similar diieasesbnt all with no nvci earrtt pcih4 the increase of the dieae uniilj 4i length she lot her teclh mwmi and sultered intense nd pioliacled limt ihoaehall this time in the hands ot ihe frciilly a fhltort time tjuce she commenced ihe use of lhr aviee temedy and in less than oe rek il salutary rflrclt were stiihtnly apparent and uovr a eoererr rmr has been rfrctrd i this is hul tsrr of the of cuic acom- plihed hy this iftfjuu and one lhr chrac lei of whih 4r fav nui n t o midff of wfh tne rtam of tae rmly under ill lanl r z i pi i- r urmm of ihis hind prepared and nu wholeaale and retail ire a b slko h co drufgit and chemlilsts broadway new york price i per bottle six bottle frr 5 for le bv j w- brest agem kingston w t martin rkspectfhlly informs hi frienda and ihe puhliv that he ha opened a lore and choice stock of ccnuine groceries wines liquors fruits c at the nlxvc stand where hy atteniinn to ihe wjmiof but cwftlntoer and bemg able io sell a pnd article at ihe losvcl prict he hope to merit a share of their palmnace among hi stock will be found the fol low ine article teas lamprrial fiujviiie vouniandohl km tsny sovchon prfcee cotifou coffee grrrn hosktt teiikqtmt sugars dovlile tutwd loaf ii1 e o jo ctuihcd muicovado si cr puna it ico oil nii srr- lufl rjaihjr wines porr saerry atsoeiea crumpaie claiei etc fee iikauy pale a gin hoi umi i s kit jim janttri spirit ruv search vv j caiiadivsi da pcpreembt trrcnch lit ii loitdan pvrrrr oubl n ijo leui ale a to do tobaccos psaiatfih pl lijift titl pme cut otnco searfsrtaui- cigarr fie old prifieioe j i hitahs chcrovu ipatfu tcamboai riiniaiivn wastihn tiebe ht a sitaatr oirh ihsvfnp fcprlfafff lift rtsc cwhn liloom 0 1 mofriivl k i- lfa1 ulna do kejt do smaif cuirsm pre rt j pijil rcotdicd lehn do citron salad ot cat i a do tsm awtir snrihnes veofi3 afieiftie esicsec aantlivvjo miceaeaal ammt marc pfmamffi voimi ijeii liqaoote i j 1 utuunl sn ipafrj setj prrttt cndka uisj ile rallow do riism ir rfil htown do utmmh nknu wpr tini mats sidee uloii wthtrr sods lionet qtomi wuih kricfc rr plajnij carb s etmki fliiih tth udlev slices he ee shoe tvcd paaeai pin llamboeo jc moticb british america fire ano life auaradc company t if gx ln4 m j hk fehkifa buiig brr ppeim apew io ibv l is fitnum io rcin r i i wi ghgt ptmclly vhthft fr rrnnthtpcmliri maarf tta- it in lh aiad rjnffofih compn mmmhm t adilretsed to th sutacti- w william cbali mr fkaxcis at hill altornry i onr n has removed his law office o rti oar oritpiij f j calr y i- kllfo steeit iivcstol frederic t all adviicatk jo 21 liltu si joan sir vcntreal messrs harrison poster bbri9ter9 attobvev sol1c1 tiibs l vi i v etc 13 mctuajtfm buildings coiner uf king ami chunh sircel- tukonto 99- 1 j owen miller miltjc coach builders from london cobnfr op phiscess h b rrtfc sts kingston and kino stbpet toronto jlain fancy rooli i5im every iiivcripiiyn jnc a uauat al he cftrvnivk gametic ottice- also blank tluok of itl kiritl niajinrncliirot on ire vnfi mlhm ar lit i1fitr1it kminn 3j jamorv isir- j io reuim lit wines ijqifoks and qsifimnrfliwrafi ii k soscrihrr iwtf jeve lhanki t th prmic for m favour mj mrst revelhirly icnkiu a rniiiimianee l the lame al hi old tanj cottier of ontario jd uarraik street kinston january ifc li joilxsoan william respectfully nim puih 9ml the ptihtir- thai he ha- rr- movcij lu the cfirvniile biriljii es u ioir finni ihccuriher on brtk slrrel jcortli nk of ihe market sijunrv ivlwre he wiet l hdjpy to wail npon all h hu fill iinii hjffjj t toronto 1 ortily t in ittin ajiiihilfli j al r3e in which i ivtxtas ranajian wrwifupfj i imiv mvariauv founil ti a ile an cttvltial ntnejy for ihe cxpiiutim of worm 3 from h alimentary eannk anj would a com u j il to the ouuir n jycb j kellocjf surfmn hamllmi 0 ii 1s13 for mb hy n palmer apoilwrtn alwtrl hare chemist kiitptm hillfirkinu w us rti lrp hirti of cianrr rfhisisrstfl cigars the suhnlierlrtii ti call the tten- itiwi of ire illatc ri4miiii of ketlklls chcnmln lnvitn xvioktl1e hmtcta lrt hyronv la noririn slrnn ontu llanlniionv ate in ifftml vat ielv mn li rntiin rfooco simrfailniie im tui kili smoking 1 eo w i martin fhromvfe iv 1 iih llmminp klkpsm no isv u sikis xurscry and seed garden ex tilt mpfntrov noao ae mite and n hotf front me aturket pfaee george lesslie co proprietors ir air iv ur aintoii tin rvli jvi it kok ilaisw prejiiw si- 4111 tj uarflkn si ffir hn ivl hi mimiix im h miof f eitiitmr t iinl iftplen j w mo flftf 4 a r vr fr the unilersrenrj wonm respectfully in form their friends and he public lhat they have entered into a tvpaitneithipi fcl ihe euiicse of carrying on the nuarery and seed uusiness in the ciiy m toron- in th nutacv kamishmeeil i sittjsto us abovi on the kingston roai comnivnced two year atp fry ivore lli the cl of laihl hventy acres in extent l ajnsbly ivifirl to ihe ittwe five acre ate wy flsnted with trres sshrabtftc five mote will be hiiitcil ifn siin and ttarmrttt arc hvm made with a view to make lh the io elroivc arid usrlul esublishmcrit ol the kind ytl attempted in tht province they have on hand and now offer for sate a lj nr coltrcunii of fruit 6c ornamental trees flowkkind shrubs st tlams fkkkn iiofsk ilanr bulbous flower roots dammac tlie collection of fruittree compile he most valuable ami approved varieties adapted lo out latitude either eroxvn here ot in the well known mount llori niirejiiof kochea trr new york with which thi establishment it nnw connected the colleriinn of oana strwral tntrs snnris rust snaa c401 ptlaittfi fatcj i quuv cmcnc ano are offered at afafrratc friers ptihlie iiquud and other nlacr reuiiin uierjuaniilies nf trees and shruhs will be laid old and planted hy contract al low prices all aitirlea snl fiom the nursery art care fully packed tr which a small charge cow mtj expenav will be made- wjl be ijirrmtal ami forwaidrd ijtreamy to ihe ad vjr of persons ttminoj and in all ce al atr risk lare ajpijyrtf fresh and itfhmsm fr- den field anl s r i my on hand m ihelr veil nloie and nursery ihrpol on ytfr street itriwern kinx sirerl and ihe wharl also afnrnlturil and hmhcmllural rooks lmirmentt ste fair 14 iff j i i fmnnany pirt of lhr ihiitry if aerittiiparoni willi remit wf nr i vmlhaclpiy irli imrr in thr tily of to- hn1n will tee eive pionipt attdlioo ncei t ataloue will u himivheil rnli ii all piil ptf apphr itftil lkliil ii ikh imi kijwkll i nlm t hi i7ih matek ik rjltfi willi a variety of other arlrelea in ifcfl tcosle loo numcroiw in mentron jntikirmr ssdt find it u llteir niknoivr to call atsa examine betvrc purs hang elae- where private fainii- omeemmcse orii hotel keener fnpnlifj on litcro1 term kinistott novemurr ig ish 40 lay juejrcr ii v umhrrinesl his inp relinoiiuhcl lb hiine ji ui1 apni to wr omnn icer- ivk1 fully reipnl ihe mrn for vthnii he inn mc hajmuiw who intend bvmirf hr him rvslattel ii rcunmunirahnn io lli tin wiia opeoej an ohiee at xu a7 6 street mtmlfhil in ihe nme hotldti u the montreal rleraj newspaper j r spraoop klfc0llt jlirn s4 lfj it ir a rt 78 llli to agriculturists 2d3000bushels of coarse grain wanted annualy th ti sulnsriiler having now completed ami ready for opeotion hi new and exicnivc distilling eitauiihmtni which i iniendej to cvtuhftm five hundred uuvhelanf grain daily lofellter in eon nerlinn wilh hi drew in ginhlihnienl will rrquirc two hundred thou sand uuhets of grain- annually ami vihetu arquaint ihe farmer generally that thee can nnw depend on at all lime a heady market for ihe sale of cuanse gram of every uvacritttinn at the highert cash priec anil irui lhat thai new ami exten- ktnb r for ihe ronaumpiion fpro dure svhieli ha hitherto hern but limitej will meet with 3 iril of enlerpiiae on ihn part of eat h farmer to supply the deeiml t ua mi ly thereby aeenring to the cuontry ihe eirenution of a large amount of cttitl which no doubt our american neighbor would like very well to norkel james mokton kingston brewsrry c djtiilery january 3 j 1sh x g2z soutj t the for sale rkels cunsu n lwcli wxmvktir kmoon s5 j 6si alliance five ssurmuc tcompann or london rallle sultmnlni bea to inform tle jl public that lie ha leen aprtoirivd aotnt for tbc 4ttitnre fire jltsvrwe company of landvn tow the midland d- tritl cnnoa wei ami will to hapjw in receive ai ihe clmwiiele gaxeiie offoe proprxat for inuratiee apainsl klvot f r arch kingston 3rd awsmt ferguson 141 14 11 cei ls jc co ssf a l1j o a p she k r i ff ilotanic fhyxlchm would respeclfotly inlosm hi friendi and the iuhtie thai he har roiored to the prcniv belnnjinto jmrs korris eej fiincras shefl where he will ba ready may pjea i hi lonr tincrss sirerl t is usual to allendlo those who may pie ate ra avoui him ilh a call fiona hi loners alienee and jtrnrial oea rtkcm n tit lime on the thontienjan uotanic ssyun caledonia water rpnese cklebrateo daily gaining eround in watefs are tht estimation of the public it i not nic tended that they arc a cure for all diseases but they may b and are confidently recommended in some of the moil troflbletome and nainlul ami which from the it peculiar character are al once a sourr of trouble to the physician and of tin- mitiiralejsnderin- to ihe pitienl amoneal nthcrsmaybe enumr utnl chronic audio ntnmatory rhemnatism rbeumatie jout headache and habitual coslisrne dsirp- sin am ineiemion the mlowmjc witl be fo4io serviceable for lhr use of the water tjlcen early in the rnorninbrfoie brik ftslp followed by ruite eneoe it rncrrasr iho appetite and improves digestion in eilvi or a foul stomach or iitirlion a blue pill thouht he taken over mrhl a lunsblfr or two previous lo letirine lo rel induces irfretjiin sleep ttiltrft in ihe innrnmf aflrr induline in tbo i ri i ii prevents disjreeme rnimeqnenrr n it luc nllrnlicn ahould he had to diri ml eaily hon oeteed in oiilev lo rntire ihe fulleitirl l ihe calrdoma water j w hltknt c ltanfc wvaft kinplen oor 10 hil it hie sic v on the of ledical practice and pailicalirty those who have hevn iven up a inenrabfe lieut every other ositce he hoc in hare ihe pi lrofmeeflhe sick and afflicted filicntslom a distance can bt accommodated iiih 8oirj and auemlaite at lo roidencct kepectje4e eitouat reference can at all tine ur fivea a large assottmciii of botanic medieiataroa tanlly on hand wholesale and retail all or der for snediriue punrtualfv attended la package of medieine carefully put upwiih lulji1ierttflii for family use and teal to ny pattofthe tiovmce kilipton augiial id i8 4o rna cliron i cle sl is uumished every wed day street kingston v c tt rm per air um twenty shtitiaci in ovfinir c a jceilr testliiy and ttv t lhr other comer ol kivz and ic rs and under h rutamrmti 6d ilist invrufli six litir and under i- 6j ilist nertion ins 71 eachiibcrnent insertion en line anrfnn- der 3s til nrt inaerljon and lk1 each ue- suenl iiiserlion j above ten jlnea ad perhre orthe hrl insertion ajtd id pel line tot ery ukrnvot invition advertieineuu without trvihmdtrreilofl n teitod fi4tfrtiit and churd arr eriwn v it m tepiesfet that fl arfwriwnrnh handrd i on or yrevwvt ta jurfpu tjt fi rfau rrrmjiwnr rereiveil alter 1 ovh k on lhr inminnp nf urb1ietinn a lihefrttslimoiiiil nade to mm hnnl and she er who ad suitor jor three moitlhanj upwuo- any prison oiomin m uirvrrihess io me paer ami pjyoiioihutbr for iheame kti hi eulilled a ivnrh npv eir ftonntiy piottiiie irieisul inpayu il ihe mh kit jmiii jiaitvekil ctrsiv nrrmrri rm 4e a rem tit ii batviai

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