Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 15, 1845, p. 2

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church ol scotland icnkral asukmbly edimjcuoi fmotv may 9 colonial committee dr clamc revil ihe annual report hv tliu comtdjhcc of wltkl he uonwener it c vilacncci by briefly referring to the ivotitatiou vli in i lie ciiurtt nf li year viitel oinuh ntkl whue eer- litm liftd boon uctukil wih the 14 rv- suits- one of the happy results ef ihit dffmuttuo wa t ctfimiiiiini f liy as hfctliojw in m i t ami mmlftml ihe ftirmrr luif transmitted c3i l lue cum- millec- it iiaii ftu lilaified a itu5 of tol which ttvmiu le f great er- tjc 14 iht ciamul cttviiiuie in coa- dueiii ihe liimtnc of the rhcne in fit lure mr ivilliaii iwar hnl brcu teat nut la p fatal niva siin gaulle missionary ui a salary of 31 llifi firt year b b continued nl 5 j biks what cm h riied nr hnn by lliej prcabylery the re mr citlnulinun ww abiil l bike ins ilcparbjre hr the church ailwtinl til a salary rf jeiov and mr pcjiiv was piitiie nut us cbltv elml l kingston fr whirli he wai lo le aiivci a romiiraiiiin f per an- 1 ivim in consequence f ibe croat mint- tier of vacancies wliieli bat taken placej not only in america but elsvwhcre ivi lew lhan fifty minsters vitn require in order to rnror in vnv hrec tin demand lli comrnilee bad guarantee a salary of clio for five vjars io at lean five mrtwnries who slnnhl jjomd la j hour under any the synod f the rnj iwie 0 bid teen rreeived in nidi of ide qhin cdlo kin- aitd 51 whuh hi wen nccived from tin latitat iatinn in glswgnw lud been aenl io mr hdm martin miiiwlef iculs- f in trard h- tvln ihc rev james smith wh i hut ltw1y lecn c- itainl by n ivcbvlffv of kolv wa autit ii pimivci ij tin rlimr1 kandv vunb in- lk lijrn ai iw p- verntwnl imvi iien civl for paai ami onlfji mr j mfarlan of lilt clirrli at nvw it n ikvii obticl liv tin hcilib i ilivttilitl i ilit 1oniil ii iltli g li rv uurli of ibe atlfirivrt of lite cn nillimdntlii il pa4 tear imi tviq nj a vcrv v ilcitittifui iirr4rkminro hum t umhmi wrd tu church ch tliro a pirjitft refe renre in rrtnl to the tlrtc of ibis cobay vroou 1 nnlt la the amtouy ami it was to be linpcil thai it wgnmcnm to a dcciiinn which rium ttsmtt harm my t the cbwrch in this efcnivc li5trict- the cotitmitieo were rmkavourin in nnj mitiimerv fr the nation at cape toxl hope ami ihe church at mara in cant by the deaih of or mc ttml mr amltrmni the rev archiuibt stir ling had been appiitcl t tlu iwo m populiuf iis in the inland of gnilki tla as to ncuff south wale ile own- miltee haii received no corumunn aiu during ihe pal year btit ihoy but b served it klittod in the new5pap ibai many ttioisttrs rfh aitierel to ifie m lr chdrch otithlambn the rc1 jiin ofihesynotl vkmivi been ttranlil by the commiucf lowanu twnijiui the jchl on the church at ailelu r winch the rev mr ilanm u ihih 1 aprlicatttn bad bca iiite frm i iwi peb at theliiteti factory at lfiil rvn fi r the lublujuncnt of a lifil thorv and ita commlliee i il jrii u ji fir ibjit iii the tniinltpr ui frnm itfl rrp l abaut one ibusinrl ilie rcjuii iim stated that ihe fund greatly txctjod that of the last two rear and were now fully cual 0 the average previoistn the secewin the total sum collected was 3572 12s lod which was made im of the following items cnllectiotn fmm c90 parishes li 1a0 0 f do 15 avociatioiu 1 ij 1 1 s contributions from 43 persons tc 5 fl 3 ueacies 9m 1 1 n bank interest s 15 p miicellaneojs itevkurrcs 12 oil lav ajctation 5im7 1 rtll ilwi f a oc itentitin hjgffuurcwftiupui fortlial mt iiltprtrltfll ij1tv- on itii miiijcit i bave miovli ti andw rucble ini uf mimtu tdtlrfftltfcebestttt cab aod hnllw vear w4ao ami ile urn nird by vmbliftflfl ot a n 11 s i s 7 f i u fmtirf kglltll h vvlnf iw amounted to vrtuoua ivet ami mdtieni birt for the a ommtmieauon irmn the bvtwil tit t m- wi 6 s j5wp in the fira war f their lib fti wrmf arj anandonment of wloch they tciue as a cuiirch ue m iiiim cltied have been the victims there h lernw wasxdu0oin the lat year xj0o0 wog lomenhcfc in the cac wc tiave te- wliik fr ibe year test emw the sum wis lated aad our jojgment n w fseoou many of their muwicr received nynipatk inclinta m to bebcre that the rue i in um nit it b wa aovcd tbcqi out uiocxcd women i the unercr ntihif mleiiullmi f oftj n llic ow j other- lb mpplcient was o small o merely to aiwij av rcwf ttie cn- icijtouuic qljclll mttlco t- t the proieed ami jn- triuhim oliltu funtl ihvmhl pircd and pumhcd alnne us hc fl o iil i icvc ttlarlry lu vud 1c rm dered oh tbe u r well empoyid oi doing o a in thoe matters which ttio eagaycd uidiapjoly o mucli of bet aiteaisin dui mihi a iku- taionio have at lat 9cnifir0i and never i cm vhji eillier yu nr the cftkotln tctl chuieli regret that yu have done v lojqwiwd lendti iiiyontlteillanks ofttie stntj ofpwrve i hi chalmers lbat powmrc fr ih- detuitam 1 uui f his hid if ttcchlhhl 35 13 10 beimran increase nver ihe im war of jg10j4 in 5d liigtitlhifttumwm the cumrnittee imi so many tirrnl de mand made to thrm for id ibt thi called upan the church ta rcaewi ox- ertion v that thov mibl l etvjihd t meet the wftnb ofthir colonial hrxihwi df stmiov nct reail rrt bv the otfput ilin i british xnh anvfvti it was of reat kiith and oectiml h rftti ij i an hiur in nmlilisr it contained a hutorv of the pro illnj- of the hpilaiion from their arnvil atid warm reception at linlibx lill ilttf time ofthair reurn the rcccpthi tin imp utation nt with a i alreadv vli knvii vas lbr4iliigt mtifiiih in i liihcm dre many doubn lliai titri- ej in tin tititidv ft ihe kold- bid inn n rr- tavod an1 thr rrosrciifesciiation xvbiib had biwi se4idttily sirel chmi m hnricxplaintili tilt repurl gfkvi i vii ill deeriitirm 0tl4lwilnfv4 iit u cip noctcm hh tl it if tin lvjni specially rf lb beartmiryiii vup mi th jmi i ihv ailfwit h li penvt i iv ftlieitntt luawtrn iftntj titudt vmmvl mi nm wili fd ihtrimrch hot jn i crvnl t i i hhonn iii mit lnnwifd tl nm cmrlide in dbvi n llf wtfc ri xer ilvf ui bhtlfuf the rhnrrli- i m hrinvh nftlh afutiei v lha i ie fiijtuh mtcht ibb i rnlili lli plm thy haif trnen ii ilnir itmili iiij ken in towi with a view fit being mvjiit with us ha inert oldicil ns hit n i olaow wllhtitit iijviit wmil lie i wdl ilht lird prre 1 ld -ft- wanl i a a loihriiiilkaiion mslem tor the firt dov w apir licre dis- rhare itidnbne the atlarb- rneni if the fatiidmfi syunl the chunhf se41itul as it parent mtorrh mj ii n it e iww u you bmw tbe atrcnqih of ibii aitathmeni- vm klww the cirriinistances in which it was prove oti know lbat the furnace ol trial did not dissolve ibe links lhil liinu a tjtcal majorih of ihc minimert and in habitants of canada who draw their ec rlesiasiiril origin from ihi church lo the bind an cburehof their fatlwrs or is ibe altachrnrnt the mere blind ertecl of natorjt alfictiou aial bl asoeiatuns mot bippy vfutv onr brelhren ill canhi to ii tl that the cliurrh to which allvtion bohhit them was one from whieh duty fvrlmib them lo turn away they re cognised in l whatever utlier might say a true church of christ they da- red to ptedtr ihimselt on tla behalf to tfcc 1iciit in lb lind in sliiel tltri vt was enf in the day 4 ik reproach they bad the finjrae to say thai tike chun ii htd lln couraj o ay that lb cburib b id lite rl id he imtiun in her wbiih wimblaui liriie firth aol letd and rjfcm oiicatthhi pciyr ddiboy afvt ibat i ihoidtiwt tiojl 1 uitfli o it lhj iht jews the ties i njhxci i ii i il iujbt tie jft tl lnil tihlvr i pf limla i hritmr bit of is i i i 1 hi i hi t a iht i fiti now with tlankfidik t- thego1 nf all rac mlcem a piailiral iem in the iftmn day often- applied v cbuo bes lho mivuhiaty iem i do nl iy but the ficl lbat a church ln mifsiwtarv chnrrh is m iiilfaproof that it due irinesaro mnd and its uosilion scriptu ral but moderator it is a proof i it dies bold fast and does bold to bv pre- eih above all ihinjhe ilielrinejt whn h it ildw propagate and what t church of scliml by iis exerliot fr the colonic anil fir heatltftl larnlsmrtse lo propamine 1 it the points by whieh its ecclesiastical portion isdivtiivurdeil and som lhinkdbonoiiribly and per lib imlydimiituibed fiom tbnt m some nlhrr dts nintnus no the churrh can pcak4fln results of ibcif travel nnj i- tourf net nnly on the authority f the nrt mat doeumeel whu h 1 have read but from many private eommuio alien w riiien with all ihatdisregard f revewiib wjiich met who for year hac been ctt in bbor li get her in une threat cause in a mitanl lamj ore acuiorocd io write lo itc another- many oltliee liavc rvarhed me and they nil juj laeguajie on the njei of jour rvotii alien krom them i ear tell ymi of the wal ibe energy the rndeacethe chrmtian tput and the vmcctrs tttlll which ihev arrrimp thetr rnniim t lite unwearied fidehly ami ireurm y w ih which llicy preached the uoapei of tbe rare offiod ifttic joy vrmrh their arri val lighted up ihe lonely i ioirrhafij the innrlr b mifite of the fiiem nor i it their emallett conmendatiin ihat wbtenm brinkinr frrin they did no cniept wlieie mtberied to jot lookc ttcfltiffii vt thoe aiani lnnn a tfomc ihonht aj aid it wih ibe great object tf ik iiieii iouku and the introduction ftf wbieh ino canada i ay it from ir m kftow lede lefote ghi anil ie wiwbl um eai- tercd cuijiiaiun the jmbent of vrlih b ha eot vais of praver and um iiil luil has left many wovu in nerib f taeli of kaowiedc ami lm throw n for the naiure in the wur of mtrsanarv wmtt in cauaila a i ificu fy ulninat tmh now ii in our dy of cfltieg i mlimen of whatever ivnnniim- ton iriginllvt u wemiip chi tind hear bis isorj tfetlhr nti ttie ground ol ii roin mon pahyienifcm hotwuw to the men wtioe r jltj iliclatcd xeainutenee heav enly policy d idem to mirh a cure anj irtfrleiiert tme riiareh fowi wltleb tbev eauiu lnh i antl tnut tv o- umii vi thia their fret an ihey uivtnl in your nmne the canadian lakes and fnrettt were beautifol ar are ojton ihe mountains ihe feel of them that puntisheth peaee and the prayer of those id whom behalf wv iand before von that die blesin of ihe cml nf peace tnay dorend on then and on you thai scat them the hcv frntteman rerriiej many a kcfal ef atprvliiton durtlts trech ad vai down amidst dawb applause free church assembly khctflfavi mav js- tte aeu bly mei tin merninc at ten ajj reniamcd in private iclra uulil twelve uekuk sckt htaflon fcmi c0mhtttk- mr tttttcoit read ibe repoii nf the tutcnlt ott lutid iohlhltucv ubesi vat cd thai it uoit le a teattcf ol uueie rungia tulahon lu the tree catmli liol hu ma terial jait of nvir eicac w u to scry jloiriiuit i i niiun the anutm l ictnanve li ihc yew uvn 25ih mnj- mi ti 14th il 4 r img thhhl ad iohm amount ultrnwtd xivjj ulrhj j toll i nf c i mh r w y tt ii ilo vjj iho aciualt ycl tlw ileuiu wcum ahew ibat ihe relative uuicae wan o ihe lfltiuilifo adi lo the aemb1v which mond be sciml fullv jiituvcialed the citliithtt jy vlai onginatel the cnd of a qit4 tiou to 7 j america acknnwhd the gn g f jui s vea we ucd wbichllieueiii m canada iwuc uul 10 icpt lbat a turned timta br ihc taiibn ancethevkulgieu mr campbell lnensetland mtht be ent annual trttoce addrcveil the amiably follow oorliurrienn and bring bavk to yon nltor- mteraurl conbl have wiacd lhal it had maiiun which brltfil exeievour intercianit beeti in the power of your brethren nf thefudc tour etitermie on nut bchaii we synod ol canada o have deputed someof ventured lo itunic ami ventured abo ml j iiamierar wheh llieir own itumurr to thi venerable aj wldnm anionn ourelvet 11 wijr th he jta many aid ihe mnhlvtlialaoineofilwe who wiiiiclwch of iland nn hive uenatleah cl the ealo4t aiul most vnbiablclidiorsuf your population had been here in person to thank unn iliit a thi ftr rvftwns whiibmi will uhderbiud ha wen found imiovuble i imrt the grttitode of ihe st nod of canada will nut appear ibe ley wijrt and sincere that it u eprenmd by thoe whi if ivt now members of lhal body had the honor a ml delirht of be- imjin to il fif many ear we for out part know eirselvci to be tbe hear ers lbi day ol ho empty or fomval com pliment ami i for one regard it a no small honour uw on thi ihe first ocea un of oienin4 my month in he hcann of the supreme court nf ihe chuiuh i should txana a tbe repreeiuaiive uf a bo dy 6i ftimnejy reemblin aii w mncere- ly nttaehed to this chureh 50 dtinjcuil- cd by the long arduous successful la- bur ihe talents and the christian iidi aeaiionin ewty respect of its ministers ns the preabyterbn church of canada in 4innecihm1 witli bc church of scotland it bn cause of iuccre retfpel to ov col league mr wilimi and myvlf that we should u deprived on ibis occasion of be presence ami aid oflwo penll unn incvrelv altacbl to the churehwvll ae- iliintid audcloxrly umneeted withcana- da and deeply interted in itsproperity i mean the lr1 irovit of claeownnil mr andrew winkle of that cilv thi rvmer is unavviibly lsem on vwi- nienfarv iuamih ami ibe hitler after hav families are very elegantly furnished and in dwrl throupb ihc whole etfablidiment there arc evident marks of every care having been taken lo inmire ik accom modauou and comfort of iraveltcra- excursion to belleville ilcnd wasiusctoh wrdnoij july 8 a inter rm bn rceitcd from an ofieer f gen tftjlawmf which ihto merewd dcubl upon the imfftded moremtdu ii lh tuaittii it nyi thai crn- tyot will nl nuirj ft nocmcni until he b pet in a proper tute preparation he rrn l wff dmf4d4y- fvitv ia to- general paredea president ef mexico a up of llic report of ajinuriia ai the inatalment of ihe cenea thcseleel coinunove al nxl a-aeruwy- conpesti on the sthofjune lost oehvercj ihe ireimt eone wpwmj the ti n extptjnalnryofltiarnolive ouihon wlik econwie lay nm ijui i i e rtt antadv had n hcadn tlielate revthutien which bwto m cm rwj oeetftan re- lo lring placed for ihe time at the head of 10 mr ijirtdyide whooc ihe gnvernmeftlhw reaon fortlrtman- caurcu were indeed the vjeloria fire company nvur mklnt an excursion lo belleville w- 1 ouooaotj uilcd io the nrigatioa ohht ther ermillingt in ihe u prince albert steamer on tuesday mxf id toctmarge where nu principal rpot btlfti llelirtiufrlbollo m the roulc rj wgeot be lurnifbto him for cartyinf hti is a new one and there cannot be a wmlgsftw to iu mnitohm ihoictd mule healthful or pleasing mode of recreation ue kiihl we jssaft- tohica atclo be lop- rirnj tht tftvcl lhrt f fviiurvu were mueeu ncf a wn fc bdell the atveriean i tl u mmitfcrwa reccivrjt his a utmad versions 2ezs2z fts i fc-o- ttiubry omj tiiec in on the ment in commencing the war the ene- aietiof tktrarti rl he cnuntry and ihe ea mr dulopnf ivaitfoorefwltol moeti tthmhmkdl0 iht vrtfcnx dim aithm had mjwgg jfjj 0 0 i tbe uipeml el w uft j tc joeillbf ftl very lengthy bh well ihal poiiimvlucb wv ivriucn moderate in intone and evidently nemallv eenemr j fmwmlimiti ihlber dr rawh kkz h h hee afrevo i ee iiini ivillun their l church s jc appbwlliibenfdiwrranadiviionwhieh have vturli tlnendcd mniplcf ihenij ikfrtcd the countrv in order to introduce 111 oil ifrkftfd they ouflit nl ihey arrived il feel no meal jnihjth- ilorwud and nrpnj on ihe nereity of ilteir in- jihc aoiiaiion wuli elve iv ho out i cduc in rnnvr ilteir eonjfrejpnnn ereamo- bbeiauiv in tbeir bourn after a fes v nnl ort r mrw uda frem elr lrox of candiillv admrtled lliai wlihilic rl cli fiuvie and patctil in reffirj l llrt rhiirelu nioi tptri had l ihit n hi lutki much more ti ey had ai phwni liiia ut- djmett cnmier in bij bill from thctc fell lo oe dedw hhl llnan who bad been a toinied to ww ehaigei c- anj who wttc paid under the reguaion ol ima leaviti ihe lota riiunbvr who wereio ivreive iheif rtinvud from the stuteitation fund ij ofihea eaih lad recced itwium f ijo at ie term el maiimrna and lie ilinumr ich lv lc xiomn ibat ihe ajonivnal uuf jj2 houm 1 now naij winch ivoubj inae the wbulv year mpend xj- b- rg the jj amouiii a ihionieh i r fund baj yielded lilt year linn inludcl ilie itilio iptom to ihe wkhnje fmul hi allowed a bjlanec to remain in tk after ihc dcfrjyinr of all other ncveary ixpenv c tiij kcprt then iklauvil uw ftgir of ibe vjriuui a solvations e died hil ol the fandt and obornal the of ftffiiltfl rn tnov ipcjf wittwrvs lb world ivn kar wiins tli it eikojihe fnhpq ufllw foudp and ttnil lill iilone which dl ivttesltnl b jirnproemvnt winch bad l- nniiiathtrj vofe in tireinatethe pure tiunne the at jcar tb and mtnple tjpil ofil of jeil whwb the kepoil went to rap be ttilijlem of ibe siknf men hue hj touch of ieauenl ufiheci niitiee and lbat ua the future nltiu wl tie purmnd willi fimvluo m iii w as iii rho work ee at tb aeeopm at latnu of l viur hnmsas i t i viir drhiin miitki kil ihree arno hi- the devrterl iitiii nf ti dimabd sln when rmi venlunil impouod by a fttm n duty lo embark on il iiin men itwl vom i i and kyupletl nt lell vrarj mk v our iiiihtul iukittnams went b4lh fetr fil irnihhiit- and iiumv irctnblil fr ikon iitii kiipily au- ivr soii iff th ee thai tremldtl ufvi htiji arul prav- oil ainl las nntci iiitoiswvr m your rnt in asd wotksof fnlh 1411 en loll a tub bt uo tie punned wttll rikivine m lu lotjncnl l tbe mnbtw of the diureh cnal dtflcremv tf eptmon bail uau ex- lreed aiiionm meiubr as n ibe iiuiiie 1 uiued in ttc dlndul of uil ruud but llj oulil loreofinbr that all tat bail yel teen dre te merely cxnrioncnta land jrelnnintiy in itieir lorming a ml lyimi 4 f upemutiqt tho c mntinitttv lhercfre brtl b ubnul a ptopoottion ibe tiieifltiti r j it in 1 tit v ti it in b 1 a jijni- ii- ti nf which hid tirri kvn rmi vcycdio ihem by lr clia i- rwwdy- 41 utiuiittaie a st b ri lmuntiee euimin- ncra or the at then a err aepointe voniaioef a reobite scfiern of government one calcu lated in enf rre nbedifnc lo the law to ihe want of which gcnra1 porcdc oy all ibe evilti abnve mentioned anr to be 0- enbed were the oe moiiveothat induced tiim to undertake ihe expedition in which he succeeded in overturning ihe late jovern inent since tbe rein of gornment he etn linuc were placed in hi- haittli hi efforts fur remedying ibe exulting cv and refto he cnufitry peop i4 j rrg order and ronfilenee in the executive ink ff the suieioaiunbave been greatly retarded by ihe oobfibfd liiuen ibepnwic pre net only bltellou lrieture on the -ov- but creating dioaltcllion and revolt ibrotigtiout the country general paretic dwelu al coofudemble ceffh on 1hi ruhjeci for tbe pornove of im- pramift itoncorgtentbe ncceiitly efcutb- tug the licence el the ncrfu pareden next atit iif ithr 04inoii vhiiliil akkv- h- ken out in the different provinces ond ob brwprticutatly to the cvre of the trans port niih the expedinon and luppliea teoi to defend ihe port of california from the at ticks of llic americans and uys ihit tl is not improbable ihal these paracidal move iiienia and act- have occurred through the a small debt still due on their new ensinc and which the corporation refund to ad vance in consequence of the low alale of their fumta ycsienlaj a liule ftflow aboui five or ix yeard old playing on marrdter00 cranes whaif heedleviy went too near the edp and innibled headlong iniu tlie waler a byestander with much presence of mind laying bold afi pole near tt hand wateh cj the rising nf the child to the surface when he immedtaltlv pfoced th pte within the reach of the buy who fortunately catching faou of il was drawn iflh ibe aid of a third jpersonfely on ihe wharf parents ought to proven ther children choking such danger ous peaces bir musing themelve on if this child had not been recn falling into die oater he must have perished rtmicr not on v j m ure ftvei in hmnlaiim luje ht tl ajdresfc ik pflfctiin 5 inxnt the ptilpil f a yeal nuniter r find bui hec-i- 6 vl v nf b el hon t 1 in lu l than io pmm trip nu rifi ilh foib tai lru4 the 1 ictiria fire company will re tlt for ihouand ho- rrqmrsi ftr lha ccive from tlie inbabitaiit of the town the ehiherj iirf lh eft m thousand trep and forairt jot iurten ihots- support they are o welt eniitieo toon this pl0i botlfl inj mg irsnijiwtc occasion ibe object of ihe exctirsdan this pioeisioo j f h proposed being lo liquidate with the profit if any tbe adtancinj column- through anta fa and chihuahua which are 10 hhn at men tcrej pirparatory to his msrch to sllijh san lull polo sod mexico will render necessary a vast addition lo his supplies and means of i tans port at ion it must be remembered that after he leives ssltitio he still hive a snareb effour hufldred miles thnib a dese ft where he cannot eel ny sitppltes whatever tsen is loo prudent a risk his isurets euher in the mounuio defiles or arid puins of mexico wtlhoul very laplcpri nirjnon under all thse ctrcumsisacer il can hardly be expected thai ihe coatemputre motraent from matemores 10 ihe cjty or the v rii will bo before octoter date titer than ihil proposed by general scmt as to the col of the insasion sad otarr movements conneetec with the war il bai undeubteclv been uf jcnt in ibe estitbalrt sent o coetjcreis by the department mr mckay sterns to admit this for he said ihe other day that ihe ordinary revenue addec 10 the money on hand would caret the espe rchbom le made a la ivpeofoom porvihle tliiln v cvm41 itftn ne of ibe fi4itvt iib girded lo w coojd hhe ttfny there iseie r sshu iv tl w church it r mi than iloyucd ihe amount tent in l tjfl e eonfregvlion to the ge- jmeolatbfl fnnu hear hear ion of sir james fcrrct ww to and the select cninmiiiee in lrntf of tjie rccnmnjendaion n iht r- orl rem ihr ntileedi amurtoii t try w ii loj merty re untie ib til live p indana ani 1 inierior lvrajtffli whtfpc wkhd ac 1tu cttmt rrcitl advtflcr ct july 7 1uspoate woman of newtpapirrt have uvutjtlc iht 1 die car pah rcuftunal a woman in tbe weetern wm- ii 1 i ten tble irinf l rcj al the t-j- ul a man fir- kto m iht- i- ami utrcittcritil lul wl nr j he t nutilv j itnsbhi biitl bll jfvvuc a inaiubnc lliiic ain united le btr ivy to me loivn ui the 1 rito iwrdu muriisafi fthito lho jreil biiflh i 141 t- ojvttjvls l he h ivoman 1 the dee- marrieh inthticr form j m v n ivilit i tbree cw mauiare 1 secret machinations ul the arnertcan co- ernmrnt the nonrercpun o mr sb- ihll was in consequence ef that enilcman prescntipg himself as a resident minttcr ai ibe capital of mcxro and not as a apecitl agent sent m neat on the dtjtcrciices cxit in iseitvfed he wti rmuttriee in the lat ter eaparite he wt4ild have been received luilibe nature tf ihe pot tn whlcbalcx ic surivl as ihe aprcvej pli1i detoilrd ifbcr pncmoni bv ihe nation tvbom be in bis person rcpresenlcd forbade hi 1eirj idiuucj in use furmer thi pa redes con hi ues- iva iacn a- a ptctem by ie ame llitt a wiman cipirltans lo commence heltbries and an in-ur- nil unj ism id atlr1 y fh prtflwrt tf the misteai jjtin rie-fiei- ibv iv ai iif n ai iijhi lb t i re ti j a iiui iy ti niiotd the nd iiiie kiiirf jiwrfst i i1- lil ll gait- her reasons iwauunnf ic wore- lie taul ie was tlat tuppoe a frw yarsai iv a man ttoe imc our in unable ti e thai aliei bv- ui asime veare ami having two 01 military tiibuial 1 be cvneral closeti im fen her husband 1tj btr lhejiceurse by exhorl conpe to study saltaeliam that be bad an 1 ttr 1 lth 1 1 mexican twe general parc av- a m d rect diohedttnre in orders and add 1i1 it he has recalled tbe cumrnondcr-in- chicf to account for his conjuct befnre a sttiidn on salurdav dcefa an ast bcrfure inquest tias held mr corner ben son in view of the body of a female ihc wife of a soldier named dougherty of the 7lrl begsmcni whueameio her death erv tuibbnly on the friday oreredii g the juryreiurned j verdict that lite de ceased rauc lo brr dcatli by means of a blow or fall vpnn her side cauu g rupture of the liver it m being in a diseased stae -j- 1 by hard drinking ptoas ibe torcmlo patriot- ii0m1- district assizes at the he means of restoring onier and unanimity iter la rtuvr am0 lllc lhal war may be r ianj hcrihiljien ee crcumaunrc- site had 1 roteerilej wiih the ver such tiuirosy aml tan iladuliitiitilo iun tfnf ltvi intmicaodtxejden loexjimne it ajijrial ri msffurf vc rfux livs fiuly lucn- in i liv nrh than lb xw vii wib lnntiirabe wnrfc ibi iiril ru 1 in iiiv n jsi e in uti lb- nihtf imsllfi itlrrn himtri ivn k ihersv htl lln t irt h wndd 1 r mio j i itunwlrt 11 ill lb t tt es whih btd lri it ltinl mr fhhxkij itilr- lril t rt s i l f h i f lliil t lm lairiluh tt i aprtlh i rib btr tvlttt -i- intrbki i r1r a imv ai fn d bv ht ltttt i vi t viilrvl i nl bmilui i rli i 1 tf iit t lii c attd iin iv i ii ii- ifrtfi- i i 1 1 t 1 oiim il runit nul i p b mfiiilisi lliit ui in7 a4 ibr w iiin 1 1 a i miro mu tmir iiht- iin m u litu tilde vi fir in n- 1i1- utibt pbd lh 1 ri4 oh linn inlmlf j t irnr ami b ihtf ci h hfii itutlil in jin liiim im tn ili ii mi bv- ntlfirdi l m iltit iuuhr ul iiia ksl mil url nf sn nrnl lln hrili lbih- i eiitf hlhtt- ii- tu 1 itjni ln tis ttb lit d hi lh t lluii tl hi t vfathtyl 1 i h plllllfsfltl wum rt fi il ii t 1 i inl iv in im lueaif iht b ll i rit- t i vti all tbephtt wbtli ba iht siitttttirs v tv ifcen plopwi- and 1 iiiit bci mau atitl a msum by wliseli ihe f ibat fnnif ihndd be ctifitlnet ami rcpotl m ihe awitibly m 117 tliatlnhly iiotim then iiitu 1 tin pnjiu if the iiiuilvr nml irmoant lutni ttiein in fiami tut lilwuljtul 1 hum hi ihe u t llu- vatalu riebriiri llteis ltcntitiij a i hv til 11 ifi liitrimt ti hi with ti it ii in ibe rjmrrh- tsv lllef sf lelir-n- alb nintc b ai iii i- 1- via a aiilijeti 11 nui a bttle intlieitll nnl ti ivtta irvd hlfii tn rviutt ibe rin sltwiilioei nf il 1 tbe ml pplvnt 1111 vibiil ninnon- bi 1 m umwtttici wli n satuii- tf tin 1 m niil iia iif in iniiii wtlh nil bi iiiitit 11 bit ii tm- 4tihiiin inb th wb bil so toih lb f ll lluii i imtllutl i c lit nih il ea inder aamifsl lo areia dctpy v naw am rcctirniiv defaull- loaded pi pcri be eate wo ler i manor ivitltcd 1 boonlf ai- the won i 1 1 b ntanjctl t bv a leg- ail ibe h tleinrati wnsl win tin her ji at lh miu wh mil bte mie tmoi plteitf i uiuvwi ilvii her hi real tire ith- lri lit but 1 iran m debt cd tbe ni bivl it laiiuhl tii th- a imilie il an sjtmi iiv nin n biviltg 1 hoard 11111 ibe rrlam bo i 1 tvercvenjje t iunce that me man who had ihu em brr wa ji at macki be ilktl ronie itare id obtain a of hv rights or nteantsi m h txhicb she ivi d iwo 1 ubicb ste earrietl athtiit bvi ifier srune limber roncraiiun the pmtf atl a tmcfcf tied tn ihc mi hi 1 ivoh h n- t a ptusewr on ibo avestem h ce bm ho mfisj rame on he ittu paim tin 1 j c irttice n upbraided bun tiib plinflieied m br ami de lor bvfi 1 may en- slsf httlvutv a uc res- lid tnue he describe ibe excheur as being ut- ivrly exhaosled and enjoins the necemiiy of iin mean of having il replenitheii irfifin r the anniversary of tlie botllc nf the iv 1 1 ihe iih nf july happening 1 uiuhv hvltt lelebiiliil bf the orange idiiv nf kirpmtui on mmlav lust a ptmtjtoli wai formed conimini a near il n ueroiilil ues5- ifso0 or 900 individ uals with lljk iiiaiiireeniblvirof dl ami rfaihjrvn a a undnf music accoinpa- ai tiv aiife lnte tii 11- a uninn gatkd i ft 11 wl imled in tbrcatciiire l bit- with ibejtlte lirl place lo waterloo ind returnm walked ihrough the principal rireela uf kinonn in llc exrnin- iera1 ure ksrtiiitf ihe fraternily timed together iid it t but jumke to say thai nn the uirl f llu orauternen every linn- sjrw rttndtrcitil wilhiho tiling nrder and ilcrtt- ruiai alsiiut r v wk in the evening a mehrollvrietl near iht narkethouse that vtn t uiuiku ol a r lest re to crraie a rinl tin mayor very promptly apjiear rl nil the nl anil eiubavnureh to per mjiii ibe t rowrl bt dipcre but nt sw rtr ibiii whence in i w in a itjirtv nf tntbtarv uluiiilv irerw vete fpitcklr clean d mil iinlcr ributrb rjm ij wiit if t m hrouht 10 a cljse on wejiirsdajr opintt- of lite cosit bis lorjshiptht cnief jutici in4 his hrmoi mt justtce mclean toow ibeit scats with wiltisna praojfvat and george mtifln ewpures ivccutes aller tbe uiual proclatnslioei jtncs sloutfnboroqghj hiiam stoaleobo- ntstf aoj nibifi cii chstged with barla- ty tn the ttowse ol john morrow- were oucett ttibe br ud tirnunrr ofacvth rccctded ti ail thrm- josti smith cfjreiclci of larceny was sett- rncj totwrlee fnolht inptiiomnl te hard febm in the rcoifvinu hq of ihe tbiltirt jjcoji trmjl caurilril o e jlin a itsteh us seniitccv ta harj labor in ihc home di- unt east br risitt aortbs ccorcc cferf it oni kted ol slralin a uti w jjrnioorej la jv y 1 ttrd latior in the praviociat ivnunltaiy rlmrc crandtil i a liter sentence vilun jknn uhohad pleaded cuoly la ctothin- mawtll fioai majh llur ardrete wjtvilto ilr vncivnttry t i01 three jvjtj 4l it itj tabof m111 itiern one it i ol lirrcnv was sent lotlin rmain icil fm m ninili u ijian i iii l irrieta ach kcicwt tiim in bi i1ii i4j kjiilej lo t m hsinihibskinnerano patrirk koby ltr sit otl w tt mlrut we cn tenet ul six cli itiis ttiipiiinmeitl in u h 41- i h l rfj to tbe4ml thai cicntmntrs hae come to hi- iruowwe lo induce tmei to rrrain ftom calling f ti at rrrshtt the qitcn v mcleodnoi ajiprannj re cenuaitci s elcalstt mosr intural oorsacb- 1l is our y il duty lo anrtrunce thai an of frftte f the man brutal nature ww eoflmitted wtihiaii wtilrs of ttvlorrn on ihe nnrninj ef sunday jasl hciwrrn the hooti ef thtec and fooi obev it aopears an iriuhemisrsnl nam- d mrowif wiin ms wife ami seven atiih- lr nl a far duntn tavern on ittrir y 10 home rtitcumivtar 1 tlcd day tceh list hiie cno ofhtr j a for out year shouts ii res of the war eee continue to ion and he adduced lh rtfbnitti of the wat deiaftntentiniopp0ftofhisep40taa hut iheromrfiiieeol ways and snesaiittsa little reliance in the esiimales ihst ihey in structed mr mckay to introduce a bill to raise tea millions by treasury notes or loan i an ecty nuch misukrn if they co aat before ibe close olihe sesjon call fer some le nullions more if indrd which i doohl crc much the actual invasion of the fnlciiw ot mfvtro ii diftedi i ana more inclined tc think that mtnltrey ii to be ibe halltn fbtr koalancr in real life a mtanjt icimstnee ccurred this morn ing in tbe lowr tawn two indian feasbt ant a y ouaftr womsn tlaj as a squaw ealer- ed mr waikthsjr for ihe pwhii of deal tnc with htm when tbe latin lemato was r romrd by a woman then bresent as the snp posro mitsmr daujntr of kmund ievijorc in cliasnplatn street kinfarj rrotirmj ittckfc euf oi on fn hlrr lvok seiialy ill anl the por man ami hii wile hasiritvd 01 starlay lotown wtlli ihe child sn1 placed bi uitjer the rare ot ur itari- havr lite child tei iit h ap a lraftjr n jiil teoed lo irate the fqcnw whaca tieeeo te bebei mother and resola the paleraal appeals of kins quse herself was equally uji befsiently claimeil her adoptrd parttea were finally brought befora majiitfle who receierd ihe soot of the m and the female ut awaiting further twiiititrm from what we have heaej mr siwssi tost his dauchierahour nine r irnyewvf ana sujoedte hadfhn into lh ritrr hren dronrwd he was at ihl umro years tfa we tar trt ibe iiwtknh aitofticmlofthe o waneier avlb received ihe thtlj litm a tt n bs lre family unl cowld nnt j her nj kinfiknd bi been enl ft h p atcl sswi lhegfal cannm fnak ih a pteial hetself rhirfly in ihr un jirr it ft tnbe into which she hss ben an tlranjfh ceivcdiirbec mercury t 9tb iast on thurmiy we- k roenmrnrri the m an j cvrittte leal at ihe caletionti pniittr eninin lih btit ael in the stales- nw vw- in naiti is 4 aaini ihefsaihihiy aihih si otjit years briny able ihe kftlomitrsnn lhousnd soccesw rvety jreeauiisii is javtv- lalirt if boxhrffj mr isrker lo have tbe taste undeiiakin we learn thi a eatleitssh ihe stilt of undoubted eratity hit h ewplo eil by thoie concerned io cosns io u remain at ihe sriinz durihethr wboteiratft lo look after the etthia and tsliiy bit to the due perlormance of fim boun ot each iwentyfour which vfill be lh niim past of the issk dunne the day time bmdisl ml be eauhiax him bevides those who hesmotn in foi ihe rapressfsorp i slilppln iiifviiigrnce a btth may icw the hark cove tnj- frven hull lo this pot lell io wiih bark drtuj witlhcll matter froro bti with aeneulcsno fot qurue nn lac mj miy in ion w lal45ij n inaiaiasj coudilioii makin- three feel water per leim nt a- receipt 11 n il he laikj s i u tbe dir rinl ami lh nal iitiveii u m her tlint titia and eri iihi up ihe fttwi vwk 1 il r 1 rrtliimh hv me ami n trighi 1 anhbvr in he aptii hnn 1 ibe tuin in- s thick tor al the lime haj to bvs her melancholy wreck and lots ef mt ttiehijiiiindoititt the cl on saunhyi iiunv ay u1 the baths orkhrnek luwto ler atut evening ijtsr ii muler ttbnine to meins hehmmtj aoj caiitnf wlels tilling ar anchor in rihibaoorol t ditvcn asbiwc and both became total wrahj a boji fiom the entnf slar in eiids in lo reach lue hoie on uwjy morftio set and meuncholv to relate jiirrs 1w chief mat anhur uoran atewstd johftj seamen and wallet fane an nrirenlice reiililo nfltatn tmnfor th- mt sit was ueieviy tir sloobl vtfti her ftriieii1ly ihe nanire tt ihe ruiianl heinj wlr 0i1 ihc brail meantime lilt eldest taitjnr irtj fifteen who was 111 at ihe tavm in charge of lhther rhibhiiijemmenioi 4 jarmw knce ami went out 10 see tt ihey t reluttue iv in le she was i a mentlct i in human form namtd mcmantii laij bold if her lorcitity liok hot into an aitiinin fieht thee beat her iiomu lo tjcaih and viuiated her person f fintunnty foi the ernu 0 justice thai active v tie daniel oconnor n hearing h ihr outran hamrued lo the sul ion ltetnit lurautraeehamenrtl to ine spot wjja unj 1 tempi ait oj lh- lultan mrmnu- a has since been butaffl ik j i i va i 11 itli oekbronk and ktemne 6ur ind oia mi i i ji runk in itijii and lhal be rtuim ui u 1 pitnl and llrv-i- tbe tall er led nevef btttirbcsl h yiua blblffsl lies el tetiin ai inni aii j iiirn lnwer- ui jitn i be 11 ritatl iti iter m r oiiietnpttbb wreli it ia erven a vmiimi in tdrrvj had him toim convejej to ibe iburir gaol- on mmtay the imioctui siciims de- 1 liilioi u taken before r u jiw f1r riairy mjiiimi a in ihr jird by stll eon hill 111 the invistiano oi tursay vtic was tnouhl into tot r ijr ihe j4iipoe of nenlit in ide pnener uhtn a rrie look ilare wbirh hiltbs dhlin1ion the imtoccnl nte ir iv lintel the rare n lti si m and is in a my precaileuj iat ruytown tar bet rojrritsnrl io araoune ihe rl i i enr melanihcdy atnls it on thuitiay lam of mr a 1 lul hb till l ft in tan lit intat iviie r si iiiml w bte kt imil in- 1- h i limb t wbwh il rvir pi git wh ifttni a ih ntf tl it ll h i iikli lth ir tu blhitt eieitn hiiukmiei hiej jntor in- b lb till iiinibri lhtrri hem- hll i tl b tbit 11 ml bnu l settm s ilrvroilrd it oiii htjnre iv e bav r-bisvi- aliit ihr slsaiiitftrv and nf ibr ptrln m ibti inilt r lliil i mli ii upnn lit 1 nil it t in ri nf 1 nnv in ibfit tii m- tiitm irt- n ir ib lli luiii niinn f nn ih ny rbl uj ii liili ri 1 it t ltw ll i niinl 1 neiiii t 1 1 1 n cnin 1 ti the t jiil aliie- au we hoik an iipntiinity tttttief lime nf ldih lulu the lainhttut iihum br il rmrihth if ulimi ssje ibe imprttvi- iitnr wliii b mr llamiiss ihe tirvn pri pii iar tlint imirliliuilurllli intrtubi- itil we wen iuu b diatd wtlb ibe jp ti rd apiai unn ihr hrnia- pardcti- bfily ih uibnniins wh b bml an nir f rhmibiit nnd imitiftft mil nften inrl a lib li int rlbr- 111 ibis eturlry the silmrf tnts and apirtut lltv fir hfm li 1 ivillmm mdiley vell keotvft an old inhaht- lant n the lb uay ihe ottawa ooftvllt ayllbfti it pprars thai the trceaed went asil lu lviw mhtysovsit ntbt burs on the day in nil ili on hi a hi eanoe and fiomlhcctr- uiiilapes of ilti- rarliets iuptocs to have ttliyn entliiilim m an rplrtir fii or sums other irit iin umi ievrj hint or rontcieoi- hm ai the time nat cinin home when e peliit one e hit m wem in arch af lum whn foil h ihe ranee diillin itrat ihc there in which he rirwhailj and pioceejej e the 1 liice wber- ute lines weir matiaord aheii he svuvf bis fihei bojt llilincen the anifai ebi hark bv 111 j remiirlttv dry jllhmjh lite wmlrf win nilhi illv tteen in ihr ipet ti rtfiiter ihe belv mriiime iithi he ank he ia mmtrtfit in have hern in ibe trait r hfteeit nun- hip wliii liiiiiiil thr fujdeo and tniral enj ef mr mitiley will came annch 1 ret ainonc n iitiaiinii t ifil l liiemu and urtpiaintancr y whom he was flew tally rslcimid dtt w a1fcfsle ockbtook and kvectinj lar and kolb been condceinedimiramicbi cteioerjj commrrtfal rorsvth x rlls rest of timber 9th july is46 prices cci 1 er- j j n1 0 0 bile pine sreordine to aver age and manutacliire itaftnipf thilinaiy rails tnd jo sitpeiior in tluppinc order arro 1 to aver age and qualilj w red pine fn t6pfiu hi t jo fertaverae 0 in ihe rati acrorjtn t average and quality uak by ihe ibom 1 in maltei parrcli i vtm in the rail acroidine to averaio aih tamarar llallej slaves standi- per m fair iaio tecirication a37 ip p ah iv tefi l w ivisin mtrrhsnt auo hejuakjo a 4 i it 1 ll 70 t jfu r a 8 ip j

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