ciovio anoovnav too ill ache drops- n immediate k pcmxcr ctui til ttlh tlovc fl 1 rlo pnfid ihrohhi m ex- erueiaiin panfj ofthiadi eae ehooiinf ihrwagh their aw willi rn il cnfttitiij p rn vvfinv ami a u often the ea hive rceovod t hulc sympathy frnm friend on h nera- ptflartt will na doum i murh pvavl m kihvr f ft tpincly tltttww ntwf lad to quirl forever the tiniuevifiil itfeflvr the covo aftojrtu h all oth adiry nedrc ii i immedbk and rerin m tty ilee ciinojjthc nioi ailcri tooih ache or paw m tlw prm in one mtndit elxprienro ha imvuhej that lliiimwifiid aiovpoiimri fril h immediate and per eoanerl re tir after the faiuref every uitier reiedy i ii is ivaani to the tic and tmcll will iwl injure ilie wi or btitnttfl ane way an i a tow appli ntiom will entire ijr remove the pan an i sorene f a de cayed iofth fn thai it may be iv i and rvndered a oaeful a evr when the pa n pmrwdi frqn the fae or from ih gam around a loih apparently nuid th ojipli- eation will iive rpedv rejhef lie foftoi g a btr tlrtiji mi the part afceteil prire 25 tent for ate if jw brent if ijxdkr the patroxaor tub medical faclltv diwhf tftiedt i it itt pnjfvfd h wixeks chemical it co plropa and lnittr ft mil gnwiieiii w the iiiie of scrofula m km evil iii all iu onwrtf hajw while swel- httgj nf tho jmiiii foil in the lwei grate and chior irtflamanuiiai ut ilk joint i1p knee u e liheiiinattm and gnui all hard iiiiiinur anl alhietanrv f the thrum and nevk sealy dry ami iot tittr irrvy lirh in it tmu- eripe no matter when ptvtfnl wltl what tteeripitdit bnlll and a ha ivqwv dipemn tde itianmmalnn w htn wft bc- lon aupinrarinn ua rouidknecdindajltv wanh litnilinit lie ixtcfll of ihe ahtv ttnewn canrew ukvf of evorv de rr piitn sail rhonnii scald and ut iv tlu prepaotinri oflltej teniedi ft or d jaynes f am i h v me it i vi xb mis j imff df djav uj1v ilii j- ix hi lil rinttin ft e i i unk itivii t ii ihl ki ft it ii l n ya u r ii 5- ihe rn ire lasl i r crii nfmperinimtbdtiringjcjwrtoiia ami linio rmi vciir tlti isc iiiirials ivmic vi invtfuf i cfcai4ir ilihatn 4 l jaynio life prlki1vai1m a k alteraiivk ami dbkhallvt v ikr vutti eomuminianthpihf ilrtiral viitar ilc ariich wui- h k1 rxinrlhwc ua ftoved iwjf tb l i jiclrflkkm altfmlife and loakiitiit ptn peitiei hmrlv ile tfiiuil s kiui di pandklihn vrmimri tarn eani rjprfacuan masmfiai ki faf ifieenrerf scboftu- klmr kvil- wlile stvi f 2 purify the blood moffats vegetable life pills ed c5 anp u th huh ia etied cdcbtilt ueb taet preemiftent medi titc acqired for tfcri muuhvoaif i u tb j ie which hr profcm tocurr hi revdered lh mil r ri vir of rocinr doi oolf ccttirf vt bfiortbv of tbv thef are l vn by ifcljl fllftli tair0oi wartu teiuty for tbeta tad tar thrive r br tae una of lh fc cf all cases of r k v i ii a a ouk- r imi ki r o tnfni c rr i a4iftt4 nil a in it tt wviiii it is eiiiip in lite iuiincot uf british stati0seh1 plain and fancy the sublet e ccm1 ihr r ti of tht fuhini mtlf plun il tmncv statlunctty ili- rlttieaaal wiumn vp rfur hflf spc kojil rl mejai ml df wnnn pi- per ilia blf njivihuwa flk lv mssmtll p foi mum ba po feolietr m potvnm suprrfie lij fegbcri ivitivw cwwn vcibi fd- itnj iti rt sifintt- d knperito tkli rij ftj vilivo fiep n prtfj vmlo ana bio vtc r4qjp sj- tfffncu ftfjtnpv brifrrottflltitcfri litit f ir ic f li r oj ii0 ctaie trmifnm rf fa1ejf for ritiiari r 1 a itavtbvn ifir- fjn lij a4 velloiv wete li 3l vbtirif ttvlj fijlr fitsr m notix prem fjf j siffirf in 4 p 1t titica 1tcj vtilio nj nic witr ro olili ll ml crti i lnl tvti 4 rtb nil lii ntlifot iil ftc pfjic uc nl im4 tmft ll yl1w a d ulvo wot poit sopfife lu4 vi nj ki wi not lr fill d plio rul ltv tun kit fw rvtn crtp nrci mirtji rnsiinfooi n t tr pit m1 kwl eajfl ii4 rtiiniu4ml nye llr vltd wlkk kl- j jditufi- ci lcl ol n lr r hmo bjil j scl kf fitic na pp mlh warifut ijti n m rjlavt or ljij uolj pi o ttjtmiitti uaawjno pvpehs avd dhaviu m- tcrial w ii r vtrjj pifer efatlttifi rihia- snmib 04 j cic5 bloi draniaj tjwdt otorcj ij v 3 f fij6 ubtcti i thtkarti sil jrtuh eui vf difffrtni uta riot nj smooth 04nj b4tio ril tirnlj krns clou iftv cnir btien of la 21 ad i tw j j fiik cur birt k irkuwjn pl te auffffmf tnj moatir sumfji driax ffnriu chalh tritriu qttrj i hair rd sibu ptj tul bivt tis fk var- ntthirie r4u lw frfcafr vtmul jrepor v4 iorifj for mjhaioro diffcni i tttt ir ppr cf of m4ltrihiliot 1ha tttt of hcftm naimie 1 un of a ptfofltf dfcr lias 1mb it r kutrm tiorlcj cauda and gaud cases etc ruijiu btkh bjtd cftttniraj aihi im guird vi ciijj ofdtlvkmiii kk l ijfntivj mrvf co leilhtr and tottoitr rell cid c 1m stccc pek quili3 etc clioto hmv and a kfocfal anami of iv htttt adbvtt sil pcii qvtltttaj mi3 tooa al l aficci portable pent uuiw po hab f wax wafers ttc en soperftnc rd miack aj ijuei r flii wat f- wd sifpclt rj lm ftlll t t oifi v j i i sofvrno 1 oti mm cotewtij ivofoit mlilion hf n lai t wf t j a urje varietj of uuit a j bilkt sait ink avo rkatavd1 rtc a wwiy of fbwif ami crotttc lokiil vt pr- r ami jtw witicf i pliiti and an t tg1i fi uksliktw povri livmk pfrrja wrlitnr fluid jpvi i aua rid m ji mlsccmancout ctcort afahhk ptain merita m n m ti- riij gtid aoj if payta clfvrj fr ft t pai tmtic pap itnlorj j hi iltmli iunscd al-m- ad xui i it- itmf bofc n tktmiffilj 1141 l morocco sfta lfk u4l i mai- m dajpj bjo1 ptnti and fm m rcciuj i u p ll iih rrpodti bjoa vft ti tmtf wlhooi sui clar ctrtamlf vaa enttcd m i i r n i rr4 tj il badth prepared pchmns diifvreoi alfi od f ibc h tqnm com bordcra roffa md oiwr tnauv djb aid biu blamed v- i cacll inproiod ltrbard pvtaa law clip varfoua sewn itaiytlra moatc ppcrol dov tnuffi toy liookofattieiipiiofl blark laid jvnolt stairs atd t xe fmiu irtdla rf piim a4 comva eor bine paprr dtnttt rotrt p wafer saandi jrtici wiifhia j ice st k blank books cofttiiliortitdrri jtajmtlpfl day pcrfiuei aoa paper bill tiooki dojh kilh mmoraidu9 bool itcllfitc titock alwajaonhl at alhivc named enipaml-j- in their ip- pluaiion the or rf the rentediea wa i 1 lmn tk paner t tiatlrecf hrobilolcwhler nichj ilweiiljrflm tirs j i m trfeamrnkcr n th la oftia bana chrfl pin bjw i4 pf aide 10 0dtf i any kufkon sf pi 2 j ibma- jlf brod bm0 ramsay armour ro improved saleratus the subcriler woold beg leave m an nonnce in thrtc w ho leal in the art trie tf saleratosi thai h it nnw ready in uraiih oideri on t0 ihortem noliee it ihi extent of 2000 ibfc ihmjr of a cliiic preparation low fwf caah or approved umtfbi james morton kingston brewery and dhtdlere j l augi bj i i to let two cottoia fiiuaied near the mineral spring eonmaoilinj a nnm mafmli- eent vibw of llic 5l lawrenre and 0iumn arid p eiria every convenience toe rrn- eel fa mil to thrj spacintio frc pnof waeehojm in the commercial mifru liliriivcli adapted ft an cxtenie wutfleaatc trade apple to william warri cnmn mart kincdon 1llh mar skv l mtissks iiakrison fsfklt dtlrtfltcn attokscvs solhlfufts ix ohamcatiy ctca 13 hvhinijim isitiuinz corner of kir nnj cfmrth siwu ttjkonto ij forsalb the sahtenler ofler for aato 1000 ri3ga liverpool sail uf aupcii mbltuti boo dickson ei r v ir i i iin knrioo jouc 24 lw mi nintiy rrac hut kiatbeys 5c oljllr all the ra i liver uaki l fa jure lia yet leen made kniiwn tu the pro- prielur in tvi rae the difeas renirned aftot fic or 9x months but apeedite ii appeared upon ihc renewed nppiicatiun of the remttheat thu proprietor pretenl it now to the public believing that in their preoeal form ifiey will prove a movement applivatinn for inr nf the above eompamu and ran mill cmhilenee recommend them lu the ntivvled tith theafcuranrc of a pcroianrni rufcio all uho pcceverc in tucr application t iie ukoari vintteut an i toailitnmc dnease t- wliivlt tuc liody in in lire iavuhject it if almost inercilmo the wonderful cure thev have ion ettrcled when all oth tincnno hl fadcvl tinr do not acl a ropohnt inn mhhrerpii14y 1 1 raw mil luv poionouo luirour and nrnew a heattiy miifiii to the diseased parth the ninell i unoirenive ociilief vul tbetr iw injure the mol delieaic rniutitmsnn and may with eipial ucecs be applied li infants a well a adutis thev will bo found a vauiame ap endago to the toilet- no family should cter to wilhout iheiali a ige trial will prove heirencetlener rrtore iian vojine written in their praite- full direijmfi aennpanv each imk and ifpltte for the treatment of alt the ahovc dia- cancsi prpavd only and od by j winer rjo drop f 3d perbmle 05tmrnt ii ill oaeu foe vole be n palmer- commerciar bankai dv bams std k the uoanr or dirncron havmgdecid e1 oo aftrrin the reiidiir of the cipitl sttcfcoflml 1 jmiiiii o tho rs1ir hereby ive notice isnit baba nf stivciiplion will be tpenetl il tac bnk iu 0iieeft and amrirf oi this hrorincr on the lirsi day e may nrt tll will h4vc the option fuyint the ilnoinl af tarir snict ijitiirv- in full of by in- 4tdmctiif of ten per cent ev ry hirer months ffrtti that itte thm who h fin- preferred fh latter mol oh sttvenbiov rnay at iheii eoaveiatenea ay p afiy tition m thr whole ol the nt itinewi more dgn in vrrirh cajr itipy will hf allmeam thir ptrtpurtion of dariiund jiiun the dote ol uch nivmrnl bv orkr f a r1rper cjvvtrr iua m l r not a tingle tai4flh svitu aoch at thr kmwoim pinipht coiimeneiai k i l n xt ptil lli rfm cmiihliail vor ci riser fuffati ivirrante m m rnh iii- the um rdneiiy ever yet daaaiiavered f wnnm j u nipi raaly ileilaviyii litem lm inv iratea the whe iiom ami earrieit iiritie uiht3 fttmjaai pume r nimu pwvaleitl m hie t lotieh and laowo eceiidv nf llioj in id ircahb it i hafmw m ii eifevu on the ntlem an the iietit iif t pattest i iaiu iuumnin lie it ne wei tvhvn no ivorninredeovreu the rmslu ioc ien lh a- t ee e uim ichu 144 uu l eal iaw vation npin dtvcwcj ahntlmj from orma aeeiiitpanv cavf loio prepared and wild ultocvale and retad hv j wikrrrf certificates j winer would particularly call public altenion to the following iratiiiionau from 7ome of the mojt eminent meilleal centlo men in ilimdion ai well antfier respec table and inlliteniia pernn of i he uonder- fid cure edecwd by uie u3o of hi venni- fu0 we the itndrratraed having frcejucnfu admiiutretl a atednire pivparei w mft john wiser rtflhta toondeiinaed j hviirri vtnniitta t trbiifitt anil beinc fully mhfictl with il cattrttoy eoofidenty reeommend it a a a and eitfieicn remedy for toe expuion of worm from the inteali- nal canal r oreilly lifrntiitf me ltytl co of svr ror httink 4v ae g dickinson mtmbtr f fate rtftt wr r of surgeons iuwtion iff ac- llaunltoa c w 1 hit oct isw i certify that in all caiea in which i aaee admnmrred j winfcng canadian ventitfugc i hbvq niiariamj fmnd n a aafe and vteitoal remedy for the cnpusion of wi4mfioiii the alimentary eanal and nuuld recutumcitd it to the publie a u h j- kkllooc stlfpm llaimlloooct ii 1u3 tor raid hy n pa1mkr clienuat apotl r market plare kinsion 1 ik a ail cibnnrs uf a dooi sivrllior coianiitiiiftl difonleia ami oi rase oiiuijitiu fiom a ilrjrvnlar iaint tate or the lld ot olhrr i of the bsdy tlie proirietor of the life prjurealin vraum mom rrartfiilly arur thr pvuic lhi he lu oo ode red pipamtinu ili ir nn- tice without dgeielclon and rlicand tiid tnrty foe unlil nfiei livlvr vet experience had ifianikle ih r at nprriority ovi r v rii other article emite kin and ti- nov iicin men it with con6boce fully believittj ih the aove roaihintion oi mct1ini will eflet tnalty eiaotatc fiom ibe mtrm j cuff nfifif ise whih have brivtofreten ran- idred incutdale he uaa prrieribed it in almml every rarikj of disease ind with paalilwcefvfb euliv in ctittnrou ariectiona t4iirriona srofnloija and storbutie diveac iv ie orijiiulin froro oblroctin rr enure nl p the cljnls or imptiiity of thr itleoik cvnckh and ciitercutiimnoil1e hav aird till aep4rajiui in twcnl3one villhn cdiaars of cancer and canceioii tnmoua and in every ca but on with per fee i nj rntu ucce hnonc1iucelertrtjetrewehednerv he haa pretisemhc life prrmmlit- in upwarda of iaiy ea- ol goitie and itueiei failed in a ojiii imtafkf to cooh reirme the diaea not a aotiury rac ol faklmr am vwr ctril the ac he ha mrl with in eurlnj llren- rhocrle and cnctrout livctiaivtha ton vmceij lout that tlioe d meetoiiiaitd hortihr 4ieae mjy be kmovd with a much eeitaioty nj potet dml atftftti lie faea no wii to he un drrvtoad aaayin ihat ihtrcnt lcaiied p iii a terr n vne init with a timrlt cer uinty and birtlacr that he ha tjind ieoi fm jtlf nt vii vlii trtniriiwti ill it only etui ilioe duc4e when formed but thji n drtioy the iru or poiionouv principle unit in rn the yitem fiom which that preuiar euaodifieaievds well aho that of crimita fruilwte scrofci kina eril the lfe pit hlvlllfa hmsren u ia nomeinu m- of scrofula km- evil and srnfulou stfc line wish iftp mott decided auee skin piseasesha ha preaeiibed it in a ieat variety of cutanea tfrtinn and rami it nccefal iu ruiin saltkhumjr tetter liile rutelirr- timple morphew and jjunir shin fce- dyspepsia rmd liver complaint it ras been uad in numcroua caaes of urei corajlnn m j dyppia and with the hap iet ejr rt tjc doloubeacx 1 ba neen in only thiee caiv ol eur ji nd in owij cjai il iv hirer afut kheitm tnm if- haa not pjerrtihod thi prei j ration in acatmany j4 rhen tniliarn uil in everv er ivtiere it xva urj until lb yt betaine jr etid oy tne medi cine ihe dimif wm remvvxd tsmtt three re ol ul lure been eurerf lay thi ptrparation la ine o t thf raftlie ma kd been amird willi at ao velv fr thirl ren vear ai in entitely liale him ftvm bunnt5 jnd for fve niantlia imm illalelv rfeeioiia tn tot ubin i in life lr- co o rt r vun fmm u majaa- illqttf fevers i4 li ves comrlalsts aa j wm f ihful ukf th m aa d nl v f laai rr at out atjtttai iftii iht ihaaa u ca rj for rv aaan ai aiati i- r i r t crd vitma l i itspcraia tlk o ji l amwifmi rti usttiwitaft bt41- frltff ota n tjfel la a rttn hi- ij tl in 7 iaati f 1t f l tq lir b iiu4 iw a twad t ifcf i s ojinal dhil1tt ck- olmaii feaaa 44ii trrf7x a j rt iim rvt 5kav aaajasa lrvfcvcotlikts ayre it n mtut dike- urh all lia tf t mfr uantj bhir xk iw 9h4l rrfui anaaataaa r saam- aeiii aff ciaji a b aliaav jvptfaf aa i t cti- tiles tw4tlaa1 pref or run bvlaa tajead altntt s iim ue4tf va h vita lit mav- fa a lv aala i luta laii i i j i uk euai ati 8t tvfar r elu aflatmnwaiidi i f i fccjtoffjla a itxofl evllbminw rwa ctfcar tr aartt worms arn in ifrirllt aa lwhatt atlttamti vihiiad r4luf wlllwcruu o 3sis aaaa saaa aiiaib aaisisaas a22aba2a2s cat ca3 afia ihtu renoffj aul olaeuo creffl the ayateaa i1tflatahi puis and p k e h 1 1 bjjlrlftmm i r mi h ntwt f wwt m- a tack tv uh ttiai art avtm 7hiiftrpma iaaaaami 1i a fiv o oai i v f l rv i t at1 1 a oakvvf rfrtat tiihaita j 7 aa t v iswnau w tttim umcv iaa i- ia hi anjfin iu h lanrh lvi aw m f ai lawi tmk agent for kington j w ft re it address to thb puiiuc 2 t 173 co j o go 2 o o 3 go o r new goods first arrival this season of an extensive stock of fancy and staple dry goods at detjkcx 4 companys sractots stoue corner or kino axd stoke streets who arc now receiving pt va rious kemfj rom europe their great fall importations lanitf ovrrjie jlica ottrimttf s tft 7ar6rf tarrtti shtttand btrte tartan vhina zephyr crapc cauzt act oni vrjcfc- t- shawl5 scarfs ano w j martin corner of king and biork stutlmar m square t kingston dealer in tcas wines luine handkcrchisfs tvorr designs in printed i osttmere n6 ftettnst motissclines-de- oto thi s check saxony utz cambrics sc c plain and figured french ond w- ftaa lrrino o6urg fauna cloths princeuas lustres and printed c ico sifc ktrasrtffi twet kros- denafdes tdrwoii muslin black while and colored sati vi bonnet ond cap tiibbonsi cloves llnxierfj fact and a gincrtl imtmertt j wares the gl pcfaptmnwt p kspectfuijy infcrmi ilvr pehlic lwl bat now an luih a stock of goeda in this line is the arcamvui extract sarsiparilja superfine h oad ilmhs tweeds cor- kailivs miiihi with tossjrtierex doeskin moleskins drills tw indmfrriu iirvoawhicb an teas of erery jeir ration ut do tooaceo aaortej porta shrine all nncea madeira- v caampaienr genuine srojeh whufi jamaiea oiril pale brny eery fne c0mc do hlbnf rajpcrft sen stliitdam io lfliteur e e iurfvr and ale strrm 0iv- ravl lar4 oiv imported cirars cf all kuads rphis medicinr h jl raided anj ralrwiali ei om tire etuniry which ht h iu vii- nt nnkv qltor imlf jti r tlirira rtiiviti n wltialfch b a remedy fttj ctohiula ai iciii kvll clckrxted 0ck thknat loaf dunlin- khkumatio alwoowr ihh0a9 ar i in skin ttvrle sirelflnaa iri-imtli- iiunks all lhlyttlttc syphillitic and rtmial uaaejve ahrtrift hvkk crtlvdnissau cfirenre anj nvitoaj eirriflvocenrrinindelimtdied and cich eeto ntiliilion pktfpji cj sy an impuitg litc ol ih jooi ii- svrni1s nl lheif frrj iiia-ree- alc ivctioi rpnllifti ihrkfrom and urwejl bif teite t eonaiierrd metimble nch v hiaivoi the latjn throjt ivoae niiijei ir h areanim kvtrael a eomte anlt dole o tlie f rift ptihlucetl ny ilir lij alrrart u ol meietttt ai spline aaij fll fukifieh t eannot be mej workin it way ihro i tem it antl rflvcliae fotce rf imhc tbe mnoii hhhliaj drtmjiiie latisiaeakm m thf ntrv d internal othtiuetionin j diaoa m ia wiiim llipiwiae raiiie injur ta the ui ami mxqk i hv i nm iie w1 thtntioia are ltrn down e arattaf ijt of qui- h- mr itll j mt wim an ifleifnt from ihkakii mvkr jijiioktnan tietnirit nf aiy of the ftbnve jn yilr f mkii lia and mtiiim l nd in eae wloi ihe iimh irnnf the parent ean i v r ir- n i ol vi4lulj the rhim thi ia the oniy rkueoy mjtoi which jirilnatt lipp ol innvrrv can aimmjiif ha ntfniair utlntaera u whie titcera- tiraji hn1 id harr u hminl jiid honr and in air ppvi ir an rm n n mait m imjujiilioh could lirt airi i ktiaalt haea hci tajlrrv uom lh je and iftnr- e1 tnheiuh llae ifrvoirrin- aaaja rei coirt- re eraplicaled ly the e of ihi ineiticna al- rtiael the prpitelor if ihe arrjfium klrar ha hid ti mttifini u- m all ihe aho de ea wihi the iuqx iii in t miliv tn iin oie meihriae rifithcf bnrina or pleanre nre v intnw h rrnnin wu the nu1 letlraiil of mnraiin m diet ami fat eqiullv tpfirtcame and c liictujuv to the infant z we i the aifult pamjihlel eiiin a tfevriitioit far ftltuh tuarrannm kmact iaappttemr wilh aanrvitiow on lranihlc pritation illl a treatiai ihi 0air in nerai aeenif paoy pjeli thttlv a fiaa ne aiiipt 1 with the ue pauhplllot tnr tiairiloiiacinulition the utfanuu jntrtia prefim1 nnl hv jiuis irv civ mil ft dmcl and snm h dttrois velveteens jeans fancy irslittgs ueavfr and ntjft cloths french velvet london bfqver ond cautuleptiris hits from ihe most eminent makers togeth er with kpglm country made ditto htlmaftkahly clihap cenfs lieadoiade shirts cravats stock scarf and silk pocket hand- kerthitfs the house furnishixg warkrq0a1 contains splendid fnitasfd table torers rinir furniture prints mortens carpe floor and table oh cttft tobtr ijnens shtetinzsjryilk rul l ni7r a7l frfad f an c v mu chct kin rod aretftjtic tobacco ikfmta and oher coffee fresh ground every day 3l5ft imx com 30nl iim eo patent rmjs a vri if ot pieklrs same froiisspret nrm laij an talow cwtaff cailiw and kanry v c001piiifj in lhiataaje iowf pure fatollieff itliffal term- kiftfotv3flih iuy fl car teoee verv ivwnjrie isoftmeat ef goods all o fcl-i-r- vji be mil at tr llotela aed mtmt nlw pn aif oltee s tahte cojrih dihy hllin spier pikl sperm tjitow in spam uaxllf with aip hoilt jehy uae ll aicmtjin klnrl illoftp i lv ivle ioiiior liimtrlf anlrviv leapeeuile jhu ntimainl tir iitel r i pace one dollar per bottle x palmer az 1814 mil lt iii ftat- kin vleitf 13 ilia rm iliirf ltlli lit e wa aervative hv1 peett rnotine n before he ha1 6aaih rnvleif to walk roil ihettimi and oii jftr retnrnj in uin irnm uhirh be haj n irtnj seen irivd hv hi afltirllrtrm pkopslcal wkilimsthia me- ftieme iocimi th ower nf ilietiari rx itr ihe rvntliiln hrallhy evrrimhy wh il witerr or cakareov lipeiiion ml all un umitntil fottlfraneftt iarc rpirt him iir loi vv wi i tii ie b i tit i r- p wandrttn raain mi neivojarlvltnx in fait in evetv eae whre lln medicine lu teen laiea fraine linae on anatl r fr what puirte t rneral health of the ialiecl h ilway rveaa imriroveil hv il u com the piopietot wej say that me of thr mo i aitoiuvhin caaea of ciaeeij nroirchocele ami seiofula have bein cofej by tfmmtfieiue tiit hare erer heera feeoitlou nil wnt nf room in tluatiee1 preclude their rvtihheain at thi time hrrpmril only by llr d javkr k onth tbiid meet philadelphia soil by n paolfh itle oxly univhrsal and vkoictaitlk pills pfiilstalti pbrsvaberu t tigkii pills 1vsjssim pwaejrrah eaiiirely atelrnrtwn in nt i ila nr lahhnat wfaavavf snf irujlitiainjiteeimirity lhnhihe fmtinna f4il ia 1- kt intia cimiaiiv aol ltnm mtalvblpiwmahy mi ivdnlily and fitiv iml na iny amnat mrjacaj pavliunat w at i nlilir lntli mn an firat itnhiin ml ihi itnlimiil f irluwie miiiitr1rh mo tuitfwtaj u rj rr tlnlhif in ihe rttr lie e caimimuy bnf nn iui with impunity rd ie ihi umil rule ffi lit ih hmuilfraj t jstphn fean ilkeao ihn nlaai tilaait fjiaaii arn i p tn h n ry j wa v i tj jil uiivk juwuw iuiiii c iv x palmer jffirf kilnn aikuji le15 13 tl 2ir mli n0t1ug of removal ie sulicnlier repetrisly uiloriha her ciihtitineta anil tlie puhlie bfn erally that le ha retimveil lo the omk ltoiie nest u r mttormieis croeere store where te will keep rniahty o haotl a laie umifinieitt of ljiea ami ucbucamatat an chimrrn shoes akfl boots f every iseenfmon of the btt aualiiy anj latent fjvlinm mailc epiey in oeiler in enciami for her she take the opportuni ty uf rettimin thank lf ha liberal support he ha hithetha reievejt ami honca torn eonliiiuanre of iljlitie knvur christiana ferns rtpl 1845 r notice of removal sjk sudscb1ber rrrpeelfury infinn ins cutomera aoj ihe pnhlie qrwrsbj ht ho ha removed to the paciou iim adjoining thwe of mjm julm ivflthiri i co princes sireet jme ho 1845 whisk ev- ir tf kffh canadian vvs william j martin market square knhtn f ker fresh familv teas w i mi am lm a rtin fverartti wtn and fipitit lholrr ictatawr king ami ltrai sinei olailicl sipiar kmeton bkcis it nifiarin the pnhttc anil at per aoajp wuhiog u have a genuine tea 1 a hw ifiea that he ha receveil a large uitment nf tkas at varinii y which he prepared 0 rll at a lnv rnte laf ircifn iu auit thr limer jiairjlm ijuft k all i imleltteu to the sulterrilier arc reeatil in ettlc with hm wiih- mil delay al the ollieo of merx- smith m ii h ii iit n i i hamla all umandn ilelatm wall lao atertl tor eoliertion anal all aeernjfilftagaim lum will lo arranged hr the sj at the anve office koss dudd kington uflufacr i is5 27i caution rnilr pumie r henhy cautioned aemt m lru1iri or rutoiin one jami covi- trn an indviiltnett anpientict lo ihe cahaftm makin kiimea with the nnderainrd mid roultt hatiuf an away m the ahaencc ol the jhteriher oau main t kintf- ne hi nm who h ihe h ure lirtin v suheriser leturna hta tmreie lhtt tha civil in mimt inhahitanu in i3 ami it vkirity fr ihe patienaee he iypt ha hi eommaeem at in boi- 1 1 j0 beao mate lhat ri h- retiinrj v in favor of mr- tnjnnn vleo tn for injn m hit etimihiani hi i iwj yaty and a10 iecemniin hi ai a twin- fajtlly eotupetent to eive ajti- a those who may faror him with ihrit koss dodd rlhntmirjiildinr tnn ptrirlki l 1813 vjia brent chemist a diitqih wantkd tiiisumeriaei be- to iofoam the pnmic laetallyjhat he 4a ukfrv ihe tnitlttig rahmrnt htey eattaeion hy mr km ivj t iai hjv hy wnremillin atleniieti an re i npiotl uhich hi pnieceor ha heen with benjamin wat50n linloi ruimina tnn srpteanber 1 19 15 1 w in roi v to lkt j a two story stone house 11 m wellington street aihoininr 1h st vipqfoa lloicl haviog 8 rrm with kir- are in each a good cellar and at- itr skv caiaahlc of heing einverteil inio lied floma if required afttm to the larp irj in rear from queen sireet apty lothoma akevv clarome8t kiimon marvlti wvx 102 notice tkkltndrmmd lo inform all per tv mdrslrd to the cbionicle o gaelte v4al tioittt either by hook riebt notr rotr that on neiefroin ihia fal i an- hor r to eollrrt ihe aine hut he who holik hi ii ff l la t iirj and il prirlirit- latk ireae that all communication lo thi liathhmpi r trt oo kditorial huinik be drrrlvdiohim neraonally archp nekcoafon iiae3loo joly im i ji the 11 ilay of novemlier next ftr i the fllmmtt sciio of ayill-amt- imnit llatern dimrirt c w a tnaeiiciu rapalde of ivaihing the oriiioary hranehe of a mercantile onl catial taluealioa the enintiimertir of the nlliee rraffnjl nf a government salary if xtto cy er annoir anil tlie fes if ihe pupils cahdiifate avim please aarmrtl i brie up p1icatmi with tetrniiaal of ehrai and tlvininiita poil pau lo the rtf il lvoln cncnivaccwsejiulsiv ooni notice- british america fire a 0 life assurance company fatwjwaitd jmjqitirtt 0fvr 0 j v mm it trjtkt intend nonnt fo til k ahrliior having uen aniinleil agent to thit imlilution i tiretiied t ec ivr pmpoala for insurance acjin1 lamm dimae to profveaiy whtlhoi nriin i mm ftre or from the penla of ahf plalwmriftt jnjvan lh larrm tjiecilicd in the estahliheil tarttf of the company proaoala may he mldreaard in thr snhaeri iher at the offiee of crai k walt onuriu i slreelj next door weat of the cnatom llnue william cbaiti kington 20th lb isil f8 tamlllng blanket qititts flan- nets serges orusqets itaical liljsml nv i mu rtttmtrt4 t h sav 11 t- rcccivcd until the close of the savt ftmilae meam rtott- frthr proprietors wouu remark that in the purchase of these goods tvtrtf advantage that skill and capital could command their buyer obtained bu which they are enabttdlo ojcrtoihe public this new and fashionable stock at such low prices for heady lh that must preclude the possibility upon any prettxt whatsoever of their bring undersold by any house in western canada no stcoxd piicr rata ansa mhli isw 13 aralsam fok com- nalnts or ie eve vythir ean he ni aftliei- hlf ibflft j f ihc eye even if the- iminpaini i nut ai raii it it alivat imiii lcmo and tlae iaalhi re of tttn lmic i injnnou thirc are manv ivnh veakeye uloilonn ivail iheinev a itjrv here ir a oinefv thai ifl re mow all iveawnwa an inflaintrtaiion friato ih eya ad fvtirt tlcm in ihnr n himliliy 1ntc children are often altheted with mmvfcsji inilnmutalitih of the ye i ivhn ran hr iiehv rnreil 1 v i hi appoa tit in ttf ttv l aikye hawaii thi prepa ration hna urern mo manv yearand ia ha iiitv nnr id ih wil reiiain and afe euri fiaf iteta vt ihe eye orcveryhiitd ever hronjlil intraah- ihe aajhrv p ti1 l aravpflti t 1 1 i- w r hff in the ftamte budding ir fin valclj t j iv brcnt kintun aucnl 53 isii jtix ctfiar depot just rrckivedao4kto pnu c en variola hranilii 100c0 hivaira 20030 panafela and other ch also santh v grocery 5c provision store irt ir mfoifta ti ihe publie helliacera- netd lhin lu the hive line on ih cftitti af ijtifario nnrf jfmrfon stmj m tarjiiffii in vijii5 sv bont and him on aty trrmr the lollowin roniinifct sioelr tr mj hive and laid oih cts toareo liateo iarv namej flour port w slilalat cndbi do mia bon np vjjieiy nf other arlirh jliav ar ax well kitojialy mw rataa fidvrnrer rr e tr mi the inhalntaor- oc kra uu ft vhink that he ha rie4vi inni ht lcmdbr vard oire suvl atjff he afarine kiu 1 eoijimeiil ol wvl taeannrit iwi ptanla ino aalr and 1 daily tstjr- inc n furihit njipu j all ir tvhtrh he a i thorxiil in tell on moderate icrma f- prumpt pay- a macphebsov knlnri l3rli mav 8h- n pjaalx av fancy book8dru ffct every thervpttorj d ihe ci ne ai avo i ieolee irotnvle cnei alsoi pin nf a kiila mannfadvif 1 f afr nn 1 nih- robert allen wholesale and retail wine ano spirit dehfl glocku a cakklt brockstreet turkrah sra rfarlatl oroftoiih pnataa rtvo l t 111 m kanavavr aney leu rm ilir oronoo lidi tit tut wiiia l7aerimlih with a quantity snikinr tiraeco vchewif 5 tbirro if plus 3d caveojirh tola ccdfi snailt 5te- nf all kind william j martin uftiici sipiare i knlon oth auu l the siihrnrarr ha received hw kat aupoly of enghih dntpa chemical bnihe comb snap 1 j w brknt tfanot drutist k medical lalaoratory pnneen street- frnderic t ii all advocatr jfo 2 little si domes rvontreal notice till urrivn w lo return their airs- efe thank tnth inhahitni nf kington ut wm- veil iivmi flraiivtfiijrd to them after opening hliaea in ihia yue and br latrafrtrnlhim hill iml alhre4 will teeon tinned hy mr grorgk srwcksixnc ahom llv rnnfi1intl3 reeiiatmenl lo the niihlje a ahh tojiac every talitfaclion in hi hue the alluivoe jive assurance somiwii op london rijtllf siilwiiiaei uij- 10 infum sj puhiie that he ha heen ppc atart for ihe jtuuinr fire uvm company nf tendon fir tlic midundl- iritrt canada uvi and will tve jiaoj reeive al ihe chrnmele 5 gazette 0 firtii fitr lnmance apairat h hi fr arcil fekgirso kindlon rj aaiol jsj4 commercial mart trwr sre mlssand prime me jc rokk william ware htireiori sept 30 ims cstarn e1 frawn new vnrtt ld ar sale at the camphine depot la strcel ooiiejd blvfs colf i pteie amortmeht nf camnhire la ctaafesarid wieki jas relp kinion july 29 iss f j dili of miirs rf it lay aid rj kiaf ad b rossin 41trotkrs new jewellery store ikmrcg spanckavbblvg 1 to in- i imt ihi harfae ju timtwmen of kio- ateti aut vii mily thai he ha ned a tme in iliiut s street next tij mr it mr cor mirk itroeery more where lieftat larc aiaortrnvnt of colli ami silver valciac jvttdtv i i hed loai jfij many 01 her win h tio miintmm mentaon au ieoittni of julrv manufactured 10 rafvtefi and nratly rehired silver s tqoftf see itr firajc to erdc kinaton 7tii may 1r4 n k v priv eoo ki atc sale 6 cut asails aiiaottej h william ware kindlon v6ih july wft r thji chi on el v tin i published every vtcdtie day atthe 0hre istreet kmton u- c trrmiprronnim venty shiutrtgifatd j- 1 e ifrrpi4 six linn and ttoder ca tnl fiut ioierta j7j eachnecaent lajrriioni trnliat- der 3 4d firat inaeitionand lod eaca qnent infrrfioo above ten liiae- for ihe lirat insertion and id perliaf an erv rtheqnrni inertaon advertirnrnlawilhoijtaerifpa aerted tdtfrtnj and charged aeronfrafjj it it ttquttted thot alt jrrttafme soajrd in oai or pretiov to tuwaw f deir lwaiinone received alter im on lb a v na who advertise for three monlhaaadap any praon proruritair aix atihrerihrr paper and paving nniror7j for leavi be entitled to a rvnlh ropy etoji f frpcontry prodtiee receded pj al the market prire j jouwonaror ketaty oatrcnirtrax niaw tvpatpitjovm v wlrtfrt ie morniriy of pnhheation liberal 1rotint made lo merrhaat