j atd iktl turk ilfornotre k traintixihrd jf fcetttarj kimiw swiue w b4vw m v foftmthtd u ur trtfcanoeetorjiftierpaion 10 ed- rtih ufelioooi rood ut eotoftlegeeandike pm llo tir aeon la lo u u id i markeias wu 1u cbr- ijiliilmiic e dcwcy enctil eiorr for fcltsoiattaafa luftfipj ih careuej irtfjtfi tl- m fk ike lntrrrot tc hoi oferelf- lim n l vraf ulio kiito and terio rul heed end m helratrtlru rsperiiet be port ki inc treeerer tv men o lca added 10 goner el coiuoimuet nfrtfni snaclt hoc it c wilkiot jt coatee d mucosi hen z- burnhsn jaentgr4 nri rrce rjoitep mf staririuliailnvt eftmllilff weddle jfh da ii mitam of ike wmir dhuku jtha b mark tboaet a ceevaf milled oiatrkl aij tlae k1ccittr eafjasvassv kings collcok iit the cootocaiion of ml ioititutioo met h ike eenferrror of orrrra ond the ertroeuon of jocrvj- wo ift brlatt a m o the deireet cetferrti wi tmtl ai forniih i more ttentd occovm of ike veif alcrreuni prcreejnj irtlreol ocjruiro dtliertd o iftit occiinm the lord bufcvp preeilrj the tce premem tat i ii praftoion d m ietdca t4tttfe litre makers otitndd lat contoceoa iiil we arc muled lolw oskaof ell por vr evlfiti ojj reunion dhtfflmmliig iheroeelrei io ibe now if f d ho0 m ihrt fwjnj i refaalf ri intuuifio- me nhhl i tvcjj ni bluii chtetmehi fati dill io the orer el their pici crtowhtl mcmd j oreer e fmrth pmuiox to ptgkxf mdp weueve 0sktn lofiuf jinra tl lhihrve stafford riqijt wtlneo j tton frcok iv cmfwtwiihihirt h vahelltacn johi wphfadl siete s wemwjiiim boul0 hnrj jjtn ci- thenk ceerjv dfprf ctfje w stoai weiicf hca j sutiie j i hftf vih jii wrf noinik iitttttt pi i mi- thoeeei thome jjhoj e l u whlej uw in ll iktoerohtriox uetriufmvh jw cjhhrf miihiffm putwt uijiph boolt n john j chewcti wtu ha c dh thorai b- kjrf0h tirtoi i- i- mcfuhvn prior hi i shi jjfcn thscnjan mcuj a viae jumi ji minrjhfttlc j s moich net wr medovef aunctr i hiiion joint mifcj m- secofti coctuetl ro nau i afftl omitlclii alt tk llitte ckfc uktf u atofijf lilt oe- fttic m juik iwewuf t lc eboc ntici hojh will icfcii limfcf alttiitdc mt- jf sheitf f tbe n4i liilnet blbfirlm t hiettol vtom i r tid mittic ffcm ef h tieow ctfiufin- im io fi fi be eue4 toclbef bth betit br4ufm oo evvtl t9fmtini vr ilrmf sell uettemmfia ht obvil tuetorno ttovi ll3 mofo llontk oo4 rin er cvwnnl fur if tuiftiiff metiro hjorijr it cibll for ibileftn44i4o toe ticuiiufe browm mi oi it tool mm 19 be o ll i j hflnd bod btvftifce ifie cooiodf by the defrnd ah o4 ttotdl0 oi hbclj to it but hr di- rndoau iscrcbj i5 ufe thvniktuci ibe teopon jbtmj of if4ij frf k debt ibrul j he obmcnd ttibfjoriererin hodroion b ihleie he inwtid- r4todub oijf if lb s mnej hjil h edr ii i hm thr writ it the lyturf o uftf ufortlh vomoittf ootl 10 oclkb j rhj j ij j f io ceo1ed in o hrd or storcbovfto hlveed of ioevhrf ffom here ukj havlrel htotbi ibeoif oaf oif beitvf him jo fr fciic eftrmf bctovih dioijffk hr krthof ehofe4 srj in bt uuit rloo otid iiivor ui aiftinf u h fir cue dlvdkl i rndfd cor the plwilft ilh it dmco oe4 iuone4fof xi 3 iw ihr i ci hot of meleod opinii jtotet boboo on atlooijcibe cooi fvr tirltvncc iv phi f lotekjol atfrer in cofwertta tuil of the flltollf i mf vbktni ih pfr a0lttrd faj mf it j bovtlofij eoamteel lic ddcwo- tint vo o orj iwt oid wieoieol coir occvfio from en oetack p oill hitfpe etn p- when hi jury rrtttfotd nctict fjr im phittttfv j0i wu the ofco lh mj04f u lbmill the fcej- litme of im v tdini t oretoilt oflbu eioe ore loo ioe 0 b 0 pltte in lltit tvoukr bvl tve oooi efroio f jfi the ftutopraje nd huftf conduci tmr 8alttfn h tufftdft bv- mot end iht evott rrrvm bv sir bhui w j wi miaovo k p aj kvkji n f eondud at the nwiro k ri tiiltj to ib lwfcvri he dfevwin ovk ftej in qtt o cilh oi ith the c njaorl proper bfieutir tat ibvoltrip e4auibvte cknii io iht frcoeee tihr ed f orhotji thrte limtj re miwiitfut obtftiufi- of jtf rice in the pit ittkiipi wrll eoiio e 0frn4ilolhe jr vnindtjcftccd y ilpoplor 04m4o o bo the f o- utij of o jvdjethrro ihfir verjtel oelcrntmcd on lb rnrtilo itt h few m v itd trf jul iim we kovo ihollr one m el l cotlf- nnti umleolrov oj r ooj svudor nihu tw kvt- aa0difrwn end mutihm fthli oil i vei ifioj k i0 keujfd with niheitejvjh m i- h i i l i tell banted to o ploct of vofeif air ran o4f looo acebthrd ot fliooo of brh 10000 ttcfd bfroroincc mr suhn kei ihol 300 buihe of i ihr mul end mcomb tor- roooo o co tngtbte u co of montreof lotl wot jopoou nnfe of nbtot- llooulon cipreov tw onoool pooeiol sietpho choie for im5 a ootin utn ett itjhfj the atihborhood of nuior oft fiy blj ihe 23b ret pttfopt fcmfifir ibe ree ljvef th lokt ca k mht fbol jlofec ros tornf oil on sitor euj on ibe 5l irt coarse the wrtther vu delkiotti i uie attrnottce tbe 6m row rtrj nd hot 4 ftel hur- j- v coetted for bj mr cooro sewird end bmftnberiht moftffll ojrfnp0 cis nd token rorihy the foimrr tbf mch bftorrjeb mr sttd ond tnotbrr n rvrr of ibt mceiireol oljrc cluh who won the ll btrdu wee dil ome off the seniumon pltiott hot birlfatlhe giecn fntlfij nicbt oof pjyinfoc tbe enatch uckm rld f4thcrtfbrr mr gilileroleeoe who eaig4 to runniif in 28 rntntlles wullien no gimrtlt wj1 ihc fiooiite bu even rbct lit n the mlds were jieefl 50 to in huftvh he h hnwever very tovga uifonvr cleot wilb nn4 tine we it ptt lo fo triutnpm ate lofreqoent fiil we rradtrn thio one carried the jiy s2 mtootes i 3u tecondo five mileoin i lfeil tonnmjt however and vo i rrmir mr g bad not belter oc- w lloololthjnjfc i ptmteut trif at the asis open ed ai lungftie other day tivot biftimffo elber civil oriminal w lo b irledtbe coot beiogoftd proorxoo tbe cand ju f hirged anatharged all done in half an our mr jia jonei lbe judge pacb- wcretrrtuh tai the biffio tiljoi ovnk jp loebitop htlo malihf o jtceni oowmuoco 4 to or tbo oiior bar ne ok iloifodhd ore on ore ot coteu lie a bare haa lto u k cio oo i f caio mftalreil cleittv mlat market totrret tbukftjhe stotto mibttiitho lhill4utx ii oote v bao r goeeieei me4 o4 imired40i0 thi eoittroetoi at buttdirif ij oj ibtnf faui were nclioood b oo of the stateo trbo ceettlulr4 lho perjittneal tf the tetitid the propertr of ceor bob oo the eaf i i t rl tfoo ftajftd fot liti il when the nwket oroo eoeapleted it eaoute4 of spi aerohh o oroalolof 0v nonde eoeh tbut ittljinf on oanoial ioomoo of four bocvfed pouftov at tkr 4 i l in of ibn 6rt ear i ao ir- eh totll pmono booflf oaeot ooorkotootoopiiniber ed from one 0 fa hinhelrod boh i uk- l iheoi tt the pfotnleoi of the suti ibe eom iimdimlir tbeo vnbtbafootrhom 4ro4 pvdt reeete4 frooi tbo butthen for iho firm i oar t f i ofhbolch of aoua oj eoneoftrdtlho mmmof birral io the pfeoikeofih4froar4ontad eommire thm in ton jearo ojl uw ooleo vera rtnecitfd ni the boluvrf hju m potoeoiion of iho sitter i j ii 1 in ftepctvitr ithoiltho eootof a ahune to iy in4itiduol the eteuretf of lb can rcidlly be toiled br a vioit lo the opoi afteiaardft a t morket moo oreeta40o4 redroki- ed in a a bnee tin a ttioeli lorter aperatjon boo been ea- leeed w in the otociion of a oireol eotkd fuiuio sifted ionje of the aoteo of vbicb ore now torrent andohr vodta in tbb uload booo kceti ao ommiuh br oipjiler uxtntf atmi concur renilo ih looj ii oi bo noud n i v ftvemoet ouotoi o rpl f eleten hoinoved novli per oqijtrc niilr bil enrjeiid end ifund onlj otiitain to iwndred ood aot per oqoere th4o end oecond it l mt hae fbwr ntjiion of poipero cmt of lwea tf eijm milu k a wffor ii koretl to bo en in uueraocr la cearqoatkon of ifcii reoioikablo ao iorhcmoooej frferohce oaao be hod to an nktr oubluhed in the oiiaer nevrniaer un4er 4oto of septnbe n1 i tj v- o mr fred erkk hill ijiievr rntm loepvetor of priaooa ih seot hml wilb theao feed before ike toi4 and foe avhicn ibe ou f mr duncan lb bjiurttn of gotra- e cn be addtend it nrktbariurd tsobll teatild be rrrf taped in for the horn orcoioniol goternntani lo app al taoao prnhipo io the rrt u s c of qwbee or4for tsia porpoee lo creole mf one ml- lioi of tendir oaonej j or o public coaaponj oitht be formed far the putpooe ofociirif atnder concert ihih tocel orcf nraeai t creatinf on etfhoriitd evrrenerto the recjulalteeotcnl nhh a vw fiihrr of rehldin iht iij or of eroount loone of owtb ojb boltc cnonef rtlvrnablt al a i- period to bo ad weired lo irijurdiieli for thel nurpooe and oa per tuni1eeur4l socli a plan eohooim no it true aid rrcontotd eommrrrialprinepnleo it t ivb- rr i i itoutd bo ntuch prcroroblt to a arerament root of l it tboooa or erro of a or three hntidrrd ihauoond poaaelo it t iho aaoet ai ir i mi teonofcal mearta of rtlltn into ao- tion ibe rrtfyrra and ear fj of le eeoewietl and af ptin immed4ate end full etoplovooetji lo i a somewhat norat incident occurred verj centf it the tertnlnotof tbt south -weal- rail way at vauxtiall a carrierneeon wai acen j i in wmilftuulr tt pfm c0m btfld but died tortljr iflerwardf a label vrtf p- pendrd to cne nf ltd len ahdreoied to hi- grico ihe duke of rvoiattoay which uted thai three pinrno wfr tlirnwn up at the lland of fcha- ytojov ajritjf cofo enwawrlm eomijcith to be brtwen lo and thousand mi lea frftn uto ihbcp whete the bird apprar to hate bi ljhtrtfc to ill devtiootioo in london the hiij with ilo append aewa immeiaiely pofwud to ji um and tbe dtike of i s by oik autograph nolc the oexl day cturiroeily aknwliled the receipt from ihe hoiy unoftrmthc bird jl has been mujt ed arif in the proceai it boa been diiconred ihit ihf bird waa hot olherwife there ran be nodoom ji wo thl hare reachrd isaam and it ie lopiroird not hate had altcnth to croutho channel 7 wfk or 3j jfjeti th orimoao of lb dilineoed cerp oa acquired in ihe hud loeim trautc of alboero orhere owj are ovoeibed hi faljtn lher ttood in their ih rmnl whtn there eit cnl lioavbotfu one of lsm woo oerert j wov4d bet declined to irt up tbt cdlooro to r j ibout awe hundred and iay m i thole refioeni left ihcf becunc inpoiunt of h foul 0un4 olill nfhl and rowrns a ibe caietlc 10 hat rinkt wnti oecro ofcommrrfi srchoots in the midland uttlrjcf pro tine of canada lo repeat and amend by law xxv ao far n rrlelfo lo the monner of making tho aaiemmrhl for ihc tame be it therefore enacted by the oiatrlcl coun cil of the midland diotrict conaiitutrd and ab- aeoihled by virtue of and nnder iho aulbority of an act paued in lha patliimrot of canada 4th and 5th vetoria cap 10 for the eotabtioh nentof monkipil authoritiei thereio- tbat tor tbe m r of r o school fond at lent equal lo to the government grant io aid of cocncnoo scbootc in tbe midland divlrict for the meter r 1845 there be levied and ihfiil ecjoolly ulu ell real and personil pro miy n- i r r rtipeciwe lownohipt the follow toe ourni together with iho txpenk of aoactl inf and collecting the mm vri town of kinrtton townahip ki ut rvc for lro v aoiphuiiown amhertl iiuod bedford caiadert krmetlowo frederic uburgb loa hboroogb poiuand prttiborgh belhtaoidc shefheld wolfe lsuatj and hat tht ntvie be levied and collected by ihe aaveral coltectora at the aimt time that hate for dialrict porrposea ire ccrjicltd and by them faid over to tbo proper authoritia em powered by law lo receive the tame fsigaed john b marks y r rfbrovn snt mcgowah diitrkt ckrk h u il u h e m t am 45 53 34 311 184 1j3 93 ri 90 no 71 bytaw xxxix for levying and collecting taxci for school purposes paoord lutb auruiv sanciioned 27ih srnioaobor iso bo it therefore enacted by the district coon col of tbr midland district constituted by vir lueof and under tbo sutbority aforrsjid that tbrre shill bo levied tt asenmont on ll- inhabitants of certain vim districts in ihe tottmhips of kichmoisd fredrricksburgh ciarslown and louchboroueh for the purprff of building sad tepoirin school houses there in as follows iorthrr with ibe expects of collecting tbe same in ihe towmbp of richmond school district no 2 ibe turn of 125 0 0 12 55 0 in the township of fictericktbur h rvhonf dolirl no 10 th mm of 4 j la the towship of einrstown 5 the sum of xto school dtsuki ino- 0 o 0 a ii oyih thcr lo rpontjfectf ohnml ruohed inio the boaom of the if ad column opposed 10 tem it tvc ol this nja- men mhm tbe hfir eewtnubl of hi nalmnt dk mvtrrd ffono hw wfae if uwy liaol beco oo1ah rd up hf the meow by hwh ihe j nere ourtouncd that ihcir woonded cotonel irijk ulttred ihe mroi- drjble eocuntoucin from nhpch iboir nouw u taken u vvelj a vne mj wove feuoto ijoull die hard ot oar rote but the j did not die it ia aeldoea ifcet even ihootooodo of frenekaoen hate otood the charge of etwee of briidh oofoneio and the pour remnant io tbo dlelwrdi pr on d that toe i upon ibian in the township of loagh borough i school district no 8 the iu of xtt 0 0 and bat the said sums be ralrd rqaolfy upon all tbe aosooied propeitr in each of the sid school biotriets respectively and lo levitii and collected under thi ihanoemrntanddirrc lion of tbe resprc i vt trustees in tho several tichcol distiicts ibetrin mentioned signed john b marks rforcvn sxh mcgowax irsffhtf clerk married al barrkfiew on th i4ib wv j ihe rtr nr pope copuin racstk h e to haobist jaks hu r l j vjm r of co youhf k llj aut a v cearral in ctntde a quebec on iho 2d mil by the re mr commercial mart damaged goods on friday 3lav svill u old wmiwrt re 1rncfit of school m vfl woccrn kvcrtl cim of voluablr drv coous mu of hardwar and cv wilh st variety of pt grocery ice pajrlifthy damaged mnh in eopcl prcjer 100 pcc collons o nil an kinplon odi n kn and hair wananteil best i qoaliy ij market sooare kioglte november j5 svjospkcxijs t e tint number pr week i v newspaper fall importatioan luoitersiiy of quecn college kmcotoh iii jantrary i81ti he ancvs a temil to be puuihed in armpit sulcfibrf ben wave to on- r isouedonlbefil torsdnyl j m inhabiufturkir vi i the ertorls ol l aacus will be directed to osiuogc ciio pohiieil and irliiou an the uolefigncjfrl- l w siiiimaov wmmnf w- out tvriilen w from or iu april mr w j mac pjmo11 i it sjones kirrptoctobctft 3 grtsnunar school the truosw 4i government crammor scliodi oinannenip ca- naja west wilt rwr pplttrna from buiubty qoati6 j teae jl irotrs of unjertating nje of aaj school um ty and oxperience in caching will be ex- itfrttott stllon jcloff arjtlrvsn post parti o ibe ho j mcdonald gari3noquc22ndo 3 sale of condemned barrack stores on tuesday tw t november a 11 oclock a mi wdl be itf0t1 lh barrack slore- ts pont a q nfunoerviceowe fortoatm hpim bid m-k- x 3 e r irilttodi imc vprectd iwk notaa u pajnunl itutco nh ihom lo wotd on 4t hai af- in eonoequonee of iho treat ufliji of letteri brouu or uio ili- anoerieo lods ondchlxa ondothc fceei0 parua treat av toy took pjaco u uc dclnfrj gf the letitro al the mootfi pott effico on the rnaf r of ihsl r heoture are in pro- ferv avjjsaorol oftvoftrornt o vntorre e ejo urc hecate n lha ocktut td klicf o tocahoajakaeoocddaubtcraf uelelir dtlkin j of row jorner cil- died ai londcw c w n iho 24th noi jaucs j cow tar ted24 third on oftie proprutw of too zondo tiaseo atmeufftl the 2mb toot cathaaihc in font daofhtar of mr h perhmv ored 9 aoofca ond 4 diyo nl the hnncravk of the lceiiteiire ojed 7 baltftck- 153 blankets 44 bolater i2s pallia 300 rj- i0u 17 3 30 w itoirttal filltwdj fvj rois totvds goivns 3 wairfcoat ju trtrsvaxfat 7 caj crtmrnont jo ftmealdiaiws ihrr 715 i1u cookinj stover fore pipe i jark tm plaies 3 tabfoi ift two r 3 ufi1 biittom 1 1 1 t toethpr willi s qwlif of iw tin st ivwier utcni v burrt furniture ou loo numerous to insert james linton qa kingstoo oct 20th 53 33m mosities as the intcrriis of canada will b kically piomoird by unonicnity among her n howjiiibivi senses will attract the alimtion of tire ancui end its columns will bo open to tbe encouragement of llteaayotc great consideration will be xiven by it to tbe commtnciat intmtfts or kiftostor and of tbe adjacent districts tbe welfare of hie farhkn and mecitahic will caim ill earnest regard and the reader who peruses its columns merely for amusement will not we trust be altogether disappointed 14 be just asv scar nor will b tbt gutdln ptiocipk of the aacoa prons wihine to becctone sutneribers to tbe afjj r appjy to john stewart jurreon klhcstort kington iliboct lcu5 rheumatism gout contract ed cord and muscles ccc ake prtilti and cornmon dimoteo theprc- lilivnerof rlrl bill if honest nrralr ihrtnll in depir ol the pnprct nf j trrnm thd cfoditotin tute dtcaee ill renscdivo are jen mile patnlinond ho pitirnl freti hippj si anj re liiffrohi hio i l bo fsniilf f ii him oof hjr of a cure ti ii os the hd o fox ecforw cf ii j e ut- th u to act upon the ejolctn or at ihe eairenee itdroflne fmao iho orm hit lifea blrod owl if cot oe which it by aueh meona mil lo iftirbomble ire imo not enough of lift left loto nvfth litiiit fnir lor iroportont lher that a re hwde to cveb control and eradwie rhcuwiliao tad gout 10 atrrngilen and cilrnd hrrttrd and lloflf cotdoond murckotin nature oad health oo in boa sa and control such tvu nlaf rrtj n iv rtfeetoftha nerve and on m v v i indian vegetault ellxekaold br coai- itocic k co ed tre onty ln ihcy hoe lhcr fac itmill notur on inaos tu ltamccm io ifulf hanvid oo it pcikrotr ctrrf nme and rtnew of the prrtoa uii b od it ha altetna rennlabon m ciiritte hrwunua uulkd by any oiher vtrttr mow borpytlkdicafctiit ibe eiiir drop leken mirmatly oprrota mmtttf and owcily upon the jfficid pttib nhme il ltieflt rnbbid o uler nauf remotro ill aorcrtm and pam end rendtra ihc phicm olcoxr caofortattr ond happy a f coaea ciud belo whirli ate fyu nitneud ond euhent ttd wll doanweihin en ny lo con jco of ihe troth of that r but lb uh oit tct vill dispel til coabt 0d antbv ihc tultcrir u enoat rltleot fiind it it lite duly of 00110 reconvwend if toother uirr ere tvttl jol di ri t gam fa kaaondoa bj h- palmer iu vicinity that he sa stow receivinp large aaaortmnl comprising cvesy article in hie lino of staple and fjjxcy dry goods all of which will le ii unusual low prices fur cash jto it- e kingston boyd iv b ai tlio subscriber hat dinosed of hio sioek jurino the summer at jo per ceni lower than any houhi in the trade cetwing to idvcstiaemcnl he rs now awo ond willing to druose of hit fall jtnpofia lions at the tame per cant lower call aod try before you btiv ek 11 belfast warehouse 1 kingaton octobef 3 18 29 p1 v t al montrao1 on the 23nd tochajrtt pothieh and etecutire covaciai of lh commercial orsec of the doily neironel pilot buotalo ociober 22 icsu nouwf woo done in nhrat aird wwr yeterdey m far at e ht been obte to ocrrioio holdrre betas nen al 5 for good weotarn i bvyrro to porch ih at thooe raiciuorrl fnr- ihrr odticr froen lha forrtfn morkel wbeoi msy tif i ii- a twill tot of com oold mt fior t ooc i mcm pofh there io a elit df rtinr in i rt ond nki nrre wade at ji i 50 prioftt comiouca to bior 9 m 100 btua eaeo beef o esoice artkle a 0 end zoo m sat fee uri at 1 19 tee pan nor hue been one of uotwual ictjvit in ihc conoicretl the receipt of ihe foreign et bfihe grroj buei oo frtdar li r n riot indoor of froth 4 l2 tol h7i a 4 4 and io anotal from pi lo sm o djc tbt bualntoo onlhoeiaol boa boon eery heooy ond the rccelpto for tha crh oosout to about 33000 tar oiiihei are an to both acoico rod ftjue tonostto otlober b 1045 lfstjef wheat coo be nutated a per hhw nana v vvv ar jrolifj proepet for the foruier ooh ad falcha jood price lo 90 l4 hay and dcor fork to oa jianud tta i ftecf i a doll oak pouioeo are lotkdfmllrjlfil im ii i moritrcau markets friday ettflir oct- 24 ibti nwi ft t i btryeet at lo h a 22 and pearli ot i2a od o 23t boyt art caoooi leara ibot noch i dams aa aitacr ckecvifaiewr flwr rt ctjoouofcboioa brnada btjt how- grd hondi niifaro iho veth m ccenioiroblo queoir tro ol 3jo- co ood aaj have hooed of a oau of tow birreh y rfiw aluioo ilo ol s2e 6d per barrel limed staleo fou boo boon placed ol frow 3la3da32od trftrnlwo quote upper coooda ol 6o u a 6a 7id pe litter prko wee obtained for a gocd 1 1 r t day or two i j ftoj uif f li 3j i 3 oj nan buoov clal tbe foraatr prieo a eery good lot fmaffnuhor i woo purcbawd yauiday bialrrtood tuucr lo rjmont o saertk trf eoeeto onus a rowdy oa jvrtf afi for flour lo livtyswel the nli dewtn for the poat fc w doy haa been ta n 7e od pw borr1 r i ra a it joritioae 7a hoe bcrt poad but are i 4 that oeee co 6d cecdd ot to dty bo obttined- eltavmg tw bnwb rau for gillt oa london 60 cii j w hi pee aeot prnwiotsn prirala 1m 90d0joiiy aooruetedfrocadj a l0 ptrcenlprt- tad draao oo now york at 2 per caol we inserif for the inforsnirreo of the pablk the following 8ylawj passed al the last meet tag of ibe diiuict coaocij for tbsj miiuiod dio irici bvlaw xxxviii to j- rr- bylaw xxv pafaed 17lh ftbm- ary ii4 foe assessing tor school purposes poaatd louaosfajat lyir 7tb sepunobar 1 whctcas it is neceuar in order lo provide fof tbo more equitable nr aod aaatarudioca toffi l me periodical sale this season at the stores of john patterson oratorio sired kingston will lake placo on thuridoy tfu xztk jvcrsnoer and following jaya i when a very lacsjc and choice assortment off sugaars teas coffte tobaccos wines liquors and general groerus rampriungone of the motl bxientive stocha jet offered in thia market sale at one oclock each day tbe substnber in eallrns lha attention of httawtreoicuornersintotvnand coun try aa well aa all other iniendinf jr b to tbta extsasim ptrinkc beg lo suaisre them that no paina have been parte ia ejecting the sioch now ia atore aod daily arriving from foreign j domea- lic rnaitbs and that the fiberality whicti haa bitheno rharacterined theao scrswicwzi ia mcpctiotiha vietva ofdw trado will be more evioeed ibao ever at tho anrxoachicg ooosy john patterson kinpton 29ih october 1645 35bi immense 4tock of new fiqqds rose corky co would invite aloowsoft oftscir cuatomerv an lh public general ly to their large and vifcd alock f fancy and staple dry gooos fw the fall atkl wiihf trade compriaiiip every thing new in tjtnwtftll iw ladiea dretsea e they would porticrvarly request inlenj- ing purchasera to ca nnd look at their inek offi4 ortrwirev w mlf nnnil 0tt pianle pilot and ilea w ciotlis blankcta whrte and colored flanocla jennet squir rel fttch mink and mtm multo hoaa and cape alfftm juil received a lire nwlim la iheir stock nfcarpetsin biuoselr j uperbne and fieonj44indadcotri floor ancta bit uil cloth various wwj moreensdara aalto and frmxes october iftb 1845- 33o upper canada college w ill reopen iti t the sumonor vj- cation on wtpkcsoay thetb i tstr a ca terms day scholars frrpiroloyy school 1 10 oper ouour cojxc fornjo 2 a o boardcrs f enitmf olrr 24 oepfreiorr 15h5j preparatory scbou looperor corporation notice ncwjfcaj vreby given that jame oeane is instructed fo rormence tbe collection of tbe corporalion taxes of thetowa of kinfjtoe foi tbe year iftli by order of the coca moo council ih flanagan ccer cc oaiaber 28 ima terence sparham m d no 3 wellington building- wellington street kingston 35 in auction nub commission business the undvetijjned rvpcclfiilly jntimalea lotbe public iliat cvrnmencel businen in the above linv an bavin rent ed the promise lately 6tfp y mr a footer ontario and fot of broek street fscobetk building tidi opocious sale roorijs ouari st0faral wharfage he ia now prepared io reivvc consignnienis of alt deocriptiona anila a thorough knotvledfci of dry gl and groceries by lung experience he by attention and punctuality to giver jl hh r 1 satiffactinn i to all who may favor fita svith their rnrsil neaa agency for ho lbrds or any other properly vrill be atendeod lo on re aooable lernia jowf ol1phant referewies- a macdonmm eo ml v p f iv rt i v jaant mtrtoo cso mettro a juoon fc co meuri sfycv mcmurrichrvco meooro dbote turnbu thorn scotl eo f mj robert jeatrey en john tu eooj- nte ova matbctf son fit siaeaor jimeo footer eq rlf- lh air john doda kingston oct is esssm jlt fll ifoo af coonure dt bttunut mtttal ow ote oo qroer 3 william craig accountant barrack strett notice hphe unoersigned bega to acquaint the public that he baa no connection what ever in bcjaineaa wiih if patterson co princes street kingoion and ihat ho doea not form the company of said firm john patterson 1 1 ngfton33rd october 14 3it dissolution of copatner- ship the ccpartnershiphereloforc existing under the firm of thomas savage and james baker omanvntat paintcrtjcc wellington sueel kirpton haa tbit day been jiasolved bj mutual conacnl and the buainesa ia now carried on solely tv theon savage 3 tbe ual place thomas savage james baker kingston i ilh september 1s5 32ii wanted a salesman aecfuolntej with the retail diy gooih busmta unexceptionable itfercncc tcjircd- apptv ty lier u 3j post oflice kingmon d aoruit lrlv oflnloreat to lha public 4u iw moaarifdewriwafimilt meoi- itinips hc gaaaed inc moi wnb rosacvoi tq pvtarr end ec 0 well eornrd rrpu0l i cownrr royfvw pai f atoclor r pur rmtow scold ord all coinpljinla mhich need onoulnoraj ipplicairoa tw ia ae uf ihe mol rrcln ro ne4it of tfce sje trd nfamilf etitum ttrr be ith out it to ooihtr and asarpaal prootnki at frli in coko viurtkt ii raiv b aplk il aesto all kinda jf ejrr bnlh old and ie uu pirne and aires of rterj dtocneoon ot ra apihcation mo- ilfiriio loucmtiledarlljriiortdaeaiaadpoinor iiilimoiifn olct tuo lad llondreda ond 1h0usndt in tit panaoftlw cjuntrt nihrreacr tk solrt hti been uo4 not iled read lo lettifs to lie wondtr fl etfccl ia rcmoinf all anrlrmr and alao hoal- ii in a ihrl linto tinkcml either blntr or teer cjoffois nveer by any pai esiietor olrat ii laa the oif nomrt of coustocs k co upon ihr ttrtaper of each box oa ihj or lho ool propextora drtftutdr mfoaiaa accocstic oil baa prooee cj itfccmf in cunneven lout onfitftt we irmc all nboort uovbled vttn onf diotaac of ihr fox io aaasasaaa l proof in nil cowpliinib of ihe ear aoch ai wsir 0kws cenlirntd aourvdt liht the fhi or water peine oud rsarlwja ihrovh u earit in inn and t it umih aid no soli oil all asffion ri aii henatr togtrt a trial lonclcys lybctetfl indian pana- ce i the bat faaollo mecveine in the noid it it a eurc for dyipepin ailhmo liver comptoiat in- j j1pb clfni jaundice cfdrpoj contutv lloaal dtbime fie he ll cftccrtct nllhoot ihe itiveot poanot a wild but wcajh romrllr ond ncvcs leaves imi ran- oox costive etru if ukrn aert ofen the files the tnool diotrtning oiucki ol ie plirkaasa wirrnntrd to btcuied bf ihe gowfssm hays listment end lins balm of ckifw wno mil ns oultcr hh thie diilrcatlat coem plaint 1 jv rer aav it wtfaoar lt riofurc j coos afnrso co irtfn an eitrt ua hut cekxranj iltu ao eon porotbtf ve inoile the prica m ao rvaonnoblo ihoi nnoe o r it rl to nor il bt bul va 6d pi r bmiu and ihe boiilro art to tore froitlet and vrar ronlel rquat o out sold si ki snitlinije h o lb oow tnicu that will rfleciualty puify bc blws tvic ho hn bfen ibopriadrnt in iho uoe tf ealo- end etc wilt iod ture telrf fosn it ii t a euro frf sifofeu coral n ui ton 1 dititwo elco crctoinc owt upon iho aid oil cneoaeo of ihe at a arorrat to t f i blood tnd free iht ao lens from dltcoe llis unrovtlled ifi cbecio east india haik dye thm cwneol per psronon wh color ihc hilr any eh rot front t lifkl brottn lo a jet black end ool injure lb bror atatn uw akin in tbt laotl pretere ord broalifj ik hair bj tjc ofetidcci attn of cuttuntfoi nhcn tonnejaxely tiope lha hair froon felting ool andrertoret it nfo btlj ths balm kia aained a eei rrpuiolion at a tloir re storer and hundred o ihootonot io oil porti of ihfi eounirj tolont head nero ot bald ao the badrr of ike praiie hire lsed ihtir hair fwtlj rcolortd by um uw i i iforauicojmttorko vtrnufoee it i tofc reiy ond rtfrcilial rrtntifyfor worrjit tnckildreooe oduha in erf j case the ptop rirtort hare maoe ii o point 10 oarcrlein lha ecu tfthit v r f r r t in no cite ihol il ko becnurrn hat ilfailtd to r trotjjiof provided lbj ratd either in ckimroor odula it it enlrrlr vegtioblt anj corwiot injtjre ihe niooi dclir tit child ccn ihotild ikert bo noororma piicc ia cento diiniconouoon wiu other nomeo df ltni trntpttftrc bttui arotf caiorir bij piut for ike cure f detrepoio lirer cswrploioi j j j j i jl ii ijilliovo ikwaaei pent m ihe svoniaeh aiui from nctkneta or periodicsl sick- neat ate fcc tneoo p11i ond life billcra- douvta ihe cnroniitf andbeiirr i i t i mi taj other ol iht eene price and koit goiattd a reputation un- rojuilted m ihc i ofopptotraand at m i z from o bad te of ltw etomacb ao a rentvol corrector and purifytcibe ojotoea kbaf ara without parotid iwe dr rrtwrarcore fit erptcttmt syvp for ite core of ccatumpira atihws coufhr comi hpilliogof bfaed ptiii sneaio espectuouoaijpsin io im liov ice ice pico ta tld per bottle ia wia rvroooc4r cwrret tke moot juutonng atlockoof iht skk hovdortio art eniirelr cured ky dr e spewe srck hetdscho reoatds i when ihc stuck ia coming ooj a dooc of this palslsblt etillr ill iae tmcnedulo relief and alt uoe rf leroioud in ill prevent ay rtioro of tbo eiuek ijii otd arrnjo oirectiooi arcrtpaniini cacb bontc tvfcolo fami hot etet bv j rt rhich oo tubjeci lo ihitcom plaint haac krrn enurrlr cored by ill ute couftoiitha abntt ariiclit are aold ho now votk by conujoc e co- aad bj oil mneetalle dufo0 lhcihonl conodo ctsfld io kiogttoo by n beard sad lodingt fl 0 0 ik stoi in rcopcciie plocrocf ooroblp 0 2 i do mondug 0 i 0 da u fvr cwrdera pr oanum 50 16 u vopiiwow d do 33 if 0 urrioirol aaakchrs- uvaa- lltbrt and german jpdtlahayc cotkeior pro tern tconto avpleoour iaa ci4 cniversity of mcgill col lege faculty of medicine the winter course or lec tures will rommenee on mon day nuvenilrer 3 and terminate in iht last week ol april forming a seroion of sx month tatarv ond predict of attjiant by a f holmes md ptincipus and practice of surgerghx g w campfltix md tuvieosvaar a luaar jljpt jtfidiriftry and diseases of tvomen one children by m mcutloch m d li 7- 0 t bau5eau md- materia i f- and phtjrmaci- by s c stwllu md clinical medeine ond surgery by jh cftawyoap md institutes of medicine payriotogy pa- tholagy and taetapeutusbx r l md0n5ellmd medical juritprudcnct v v faaasn md practical anatomy and demomtrations by we scott md curator of 4c museumatts log md montreal general hospital- i i y al noon in ihe eourae of clinical medicine and surgery two leciurea per week will be given in thai of medical jurisprudence three lectvrca per wert in all tlieothera five ledum per week will be n g- the tckeia of una univrraitv are acceptetl by the univerauiea of fireat britain and other european centriea and of the united slates a f holmes m d p secretary medical faculty montreal sept 11 1-h- 24nwi tjsullll z l en rfvfowayaf dad vvtiov dieititg i va1ti cll k k liu rtfta o cfoeoscoj liferetarv rej jgw 7axliaumk u aed pefti 0 mojoaioavico and sadnot auooonsp he fifth session of qooena colli go will begin on thd first mqnoay in october at which late alt intrant and rular stts- dcns in tbe faculty of arts are required id bo prctcrrt tile dttprrv ciaa wilt be opened oft the firsi muflday in november candrdatea for matriculation as rrgolar students will le subjected io on eiamina lion before ibe college serrate in three booka of the eneid f virgil three books ofciara cotnuvenlarirs and tbe greea grammar the only charges are jgl to cover iaci rlentat expenceo and 2 for each ctaaaper sooanon to be paij lfore entrance the same accommodation provided for a limited number a student boarders wihiniha co leee last ycarwill be open during the pprrtaehiag seowsoti for thrne studcnte whiimeii mac be found impnaaibte to accommodate within the cjiege the trou in kinptoti will ove tttcr ihtsi t joviiri iu provide turh arcorninri daltoft qf oaj be deemed oecary fall importations a d- shaw hiipurtuivtrirrtisu udoite princess street espectfullv rtsfrxrkully acquaint the to habiianla of kingston ond vicinity and their customer gf ncralty that the first of their pall importations ia now to bond and read for inspection their assortment of fancy and tftilc iry goods will be founj replete with ever description of viitf freah and fathionaue goods suited forfhe fall and winter trade in addition to a very cxlennive stock now receiving of plain printed and figur ed of loans ciotho merinoea m ltlaine lama cobirrg ctabmere ooiht c ibey would particularly direct lueniior to their stock of victoria crape cloths a being a ha of gooola entirely new and beaatifollv adapted for ladies fall dresses irtjeiher iviili a large and general stocky of hosiery itlankms flanneja tanans oallar plaids alt wool cloaking linens cottons ginghama huyles fast color prints and cambrics beaver groins broad clotha cass i meres tweedaand doeakina cashmere filtet1 injian and hthed shawls muslins nets lacea aod needle work good in great variety also ao excellent assortaeoi of fun and foot trimminga in manio squirrel sawe fitch lynx cox c priaceea sireet t kingston loih sept 185 2la notice p1hi sofeeriber rarrecifulk inhaheranta of kmeaton ay to farmers we odntton former lo lupotj tbecatctvca nul ine odaf tonatn a prcfsrauoo for retlorirg end orcserimx leather rrndcrinr it ooa ptiofciemd water proof and ouol1r owli ut trctr for boots one snoot cofrioftfl tapt itanieaa and treiher in anj format it ukturpoucd io ito eltecli tt btiulj durobtilj toftneto oid tailing cuelitici nhirh thia frrnarauon imparto 10 ltalkcr trill more lkn un fold tj uo com comuock re co new york aote prefckioro- 1 jsow in knogosaa kj n pointer notice rthksubsciibei baa duly authorixc1 iaxrs jl uiiiasl l-sa- 01 akaoiron fotch la collect all outouiiuihjr debts due by took ac count or olberwiar and auo 10 recrive all claims preseftted acainvt into for adiiatment akthuft f05teb kmion tb may imv s9e nforms tbe kingston and ita vicini ty that he receives oo cnnsiymmefit from iho new napanee mill a weekly aupply of fresh oat india and buckwheat imni alt of which lie ia authorised to acll lowfurckab haiaalsocommioaionod topovihe high est prieo in cash for v r oats and pot asbea allan macpreltson kingston october 7 isis i queens college sgiioo queens college schoal will be reopen ed on monday the 25ili augutnand still bv condinled aa formerly under the fupcria- lendanre tif the cjirge senate by glorce staalcu05 alumnus of the umversiiv f edjnborvh the school course embracea iwairulaoa n alt ihe onlinarv branchea of an enguoh closaieal and commercial djiwaiion the charges are per annum for tuifton in english reading writing ond arillimetic forpopiu under 2 veara ufage 4 for thveabuvc f2 6 for tuition in the aboc branvltest atimg widi gecfgrapbe englvsvi grammar anj composition- 6 for tuition in all the branches taughl and for pupil receiving lofksswrw irnilnitii uurt jtirilfve- rualirii book keejji ng nr french ft a charge is maile for fuel siationer fee of in tor the winter halfyear and of 2a 6t for iho summer halfjear psrent and guardians are requested to lake nniire thai the feet are in all essea re quired to be patd halfvearly in advance on the ut orlober orrd 7tb march popils entering at any oilier tcrrrf will be rtqutred to pay in advance only foe ihe peticaj to elapse till the irrm next following a i 1 1 h for further information in be made to john mowit eaq prinreaasi kingston 12th august 1845 13 ejttllt ore to the oborpf lhee a t jl iu7iaoetokr select english classical school fwhe sobaeiiber bega leaw stwst re- jl ttpccifuilyioinnounre to the inbaln- lanls of kingston atul its vicinity thai he puq0tcs opcrjiue r school of tte above deecription on wednesday lat othcmr int in the building belonejng to wiuiao vvj tern eaq corner of wellington nnd brock streeia entrance no 1 terms per qttaruf spelling headio writing and wkkr atrft u nutik granianar geography and kntub history and the eltraerts of aotionorny ancient and modern atstoey vrrlh rbeioiical emeitts and conipo- rofron phyajoloy ood foir latin and greek and tbe malbe mt 0 0 i itici s o the design of the stflscriber a tn male the school a permanent one and no ex penae nor exertion will be apared to render it in every way worth of ibe pllronagt of the public r s henderson kingston sept 18 1845 y aursulfocav hta worship the matoh it w m hcrchmcr j a macdo5au eact m p i h smith jn eac m p p j a hcrcocasorc esq a campbell esci k mccobmick eso rev c vakduaart pietm t spaitmak eact hi d bath owen miller mills coach builders from london corjfxr of fki set i barjtlc stv kingston and ktlffg atecct toronto fciry co long islaud wi to let the premise in king streetlaiejy oc cupied by the subscriber poaaet aioo given immediately j iv brent chemist and drugget princeae street kingston aug 22 l8tf leavea kingaton lat trip 7 am 2nd do ii am 3rd do 3 p w steamboat nottti svotice i hereby rivea thai inj j after the lat inat tbe saram ferry boat between kingston and okg ialasody eave kinfavjft aa ivlowa leavea wrdflalaastf rat trip ff a m itfnd do r9 w2 p m 3rd ov 4 12 p m h ives stftvr kngaton oct 11845 27z notice should thrt meet the eye of wfl- 11am llltman 39th regime ot he at aofarmesi that tia tvifo and lour children are nose in kinrsion in great diairear end attfioua to hear from him kingsioa canada 20th sepl irks cdiiera of ppere ia cocaod and hot bate ntrll adtoncoina coats of chant kj itisg tnoerlisti is la occrer h pig ikonfernubr hs jones kmjffo july 5185 3