Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), October 29, 1845, p. 4

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c9ovk anodyne tooth ache drops n immediate pcurtct cubi th te who hate fete ihe painful thtomhl mil ex cruciating pangs if ihiadtf- ease showing through their atv with mni tormenting persevere nee and m is often the rase have received hut littie sympathy from friend on such cca- tinm wil no ilotibl tw much pleased to knnve of a remedy that wii never fail 10 quiet forever ihe unmerciful rtcnder the cove anodyne is th best of all ooih ache remedies il i immediate and certain in i t fleets curing the moit violent tianth ache m pain in ihe fiim in om minute experience ha proved that ihi anodyne coanporttion will give immediate ami per manent relief after ihc failure of every other remedy it is pleasant to ihe taste and mil will not injure the iceth or gumf in any way and a fesvnppliiation will entire y remove the pain ani serene ftrtao a de cayed tnth m thai it may he iim an i rrndercd a useful a ever when ihe pan proceed from the fare or from the gm around a lomh apparently sound thu nppli- ration will eivc speedv aclicf i luoamg a fc jrnpa nn the part affected prire 2j cenbi for ala r j w brent british stationery plain and 6ancy the sotartlxr ht e enrd their piif of the m- rtclr of plain and iancy stationary til- wkit1nc paper vcraifns aj wileairluseprrnotfvferial fiuaar rojal rjjk meditjm and vmy writ pa per ii blot md ycltaw won fotia large and sen ill pt fol- mttiam bk poji be toolscaf a pot vvfcauauna suprfit lint ft itf vvjwoiy caur tatjwii st4- t oihra sjpeiftne do d supetiftc ta lij tnd yell w feotieap ii nd valla blue we fwe s etrrttc gt faotacip bntf fw orctctluheot quality fw the uk o laitjrrt atao gapl 4 eratar jf ip t fomtcap tvr orrfimry um hi a lit effier ff lrt d yells wore loi i jril witty r4tfl falip pete he su pal fuie id sprrftoo lit c aa avah thkk lawj vho j bju ivt fat f th brat nilft cfeiti lal pmi hf itj h ijif v fp tnd sut ufc ani matfi tin l4 yfuatr td dliac woie faau supffla i a j vrlb ad bi wove noi fapr iu aad liaam bttn lr t4n pt rf fi coiaapflnlnrr i jrca riej rfttasafn poaad nol fik li i li tmvm ard ptiin lctf and noa pvflgrfl nldlufriavd bak bofjr- r1 0 tnd s pafe jihi bdih sta t fwy t alan tu iemaniua aa- cjlour a in old j raud pi af raeiaui q mu irattxc fvpca9 amd mwuhi a- stttalpfa whifnin fil drititg pptf l all f cf itaiifaftftti soh diit cnna dtnlax feoordtt calarrd d pua of 2 nd 6 11 in ihickmft 5 davrent ii rt irtatat vbj stich hii a and saaath drawing cdw delea rf6 12 id 24 td i6 cu j aeoile cmu- i cir1hcaar pamti naejaii cwktwcaa poierayoociih arj abla pcfcob fut brhr utn ro ftf niainr muft lk tianri vinuah rci cd toci for miniaitfrcpp diflvreai tre- irjpjbf ci a minmjlkl rntlntnti ofd ffcffnjilrum 1 af r i3 acft i jne actdooa laapofiad caftdl aptd caad 1 a i etc piiitgilt buk bifdared evotd an4 ihtuf gifted viail carj af4ifffiii iea pli tavtkiard ram and ii petf sniisfd moroe- ca lmhicf and tariouc mu card catca 5teei rcxb quills ctc ciuatt tj nd a okfat mfonmrftt ot 0 kteat t- j bvat steel fma aoa qvttti w d tan t aupico foriala pena bitmap fen hflm fcr tte wu wafkhs iitc tit sufrfae hd 8uk mod fafte rdtvrnl sru- ivui fit nd saparfina rtd falliatt will frit nitirrrhcap swprrft- lid id etr4 cattvraa vfe mc4llitn w f na- tvtl wafcta a i a a taiiciy af out at b ixita and ivktad5 nrc a aaiy af lmt nd cronia lafii idt ijj par- rf andlwf aaakera phi 11 fane j lkiit r i peaf a mind pachal l tflikt prrrt ikvallpr flad r jtpm ink durk auv red i a ardr mlwikttaxaxv- fflrava ofal aiiti plain m iofinj in rat ia- rictj e ind papca kj fc tan tj papcra tinua pape coloured and pun tgamlf lruht4 albviei ffd scaphaka via iiinjbk h maa lifta beaulifoltr oovd in morotca wub th aod key metallic mcaa duo baakh pban an gilt rom mraeea plain lcalbrr pocktl b j4a walt in mih nr iiboui swal cuia tcantt j j tobottd and plrtnpvrftfotimirfd tif am h a 1 ai 3 1 1 i r i 1 rtf f v r and of in ft nettqoatiu gala botdtra 1 y j oir makv umbuand singla bladae pefkoir cofir improved lrlierbord fitra lcttar clip- iiotia scrrcn llandlat moaie fafr jftrfci fattcrni l tof beoha of atjkrp btuk la 14 per tit ula n4 stale pi ntiu laha rvbbar paum and aman i lct h bn paptr cvitara t ruwrt wafer i letter ffip it ite kc slavic hoopc cceiiitliatledxrt jwrnata 0y bikf nr peftho ni 6t paper bill boata batk gncrk oaakv ralci mcnvatandtfra baakt paaa elcesic 1 atock a1ap anlaand ar adeta order ta ativ aule by jja bkdra kamsw armotkhco ktaton svpl 24 ims cndku the patronage of the medical faculty di4m rrsitftj weu4 prtitnxd j winers chemical red drop anj uoivvraaj family ontment for the cure of scrotula at kings vil tn alliuformnor tagej while swel- litg of the joint pan in the bone bttilft and chrome lnoammaiione of the joint hip knee c stc rheumatism ami gout all hard tumour and affliction flhe throat and neck scaly dry and mow tetter j scurvy itch in all itaforma eryatoelaa j no matter ftfcctn nrcaent or of tvhat deacnption buu and all hrd lumora dspeuing the inflammation whon itaed be ore suppuration has commenced and after ward limiting the extent of the boater ringworm camcffil urera of every de eripiion salt rheum tcau and burn the prcuaraiinn of these rentediea waa the result of aeriea ofexrierimeiiis during the last four year with the materials of wuvh it is compnaeil in the treatment of at above named coiuplainia in their ap plication the form of the remedies was ireqoently wh but nm a single cise of failure has ycl been made known to the pro prielor in two cases the ifiawaj returned after 6 e or six months hut speedily di appeared upnn the renewed application of the remedied- the proprietor presents ii now to the public believing that to their present form they mil prove a convenient application for any of the above complaints and can with confidence recommend them to the afflicted with tho aaurance of a permanent cure to all who persevere in theirnpplicationjofthe most virulent and loathsome jcases to which the body in this life is suhjort it ts almost meredmo the wonderful cures they have snn effected when alj olhr means had failed they do not act a a fpehont but impcrceplihly draw out tlte rninnnou humors and renew a healthy action in the diseased parts- the smell is unotlcncive ucithe ill their tia injure the lavam delicate constitution and may with eua1 success be applied tomfantsas well an adults they irtll be found a valuable aprendae to the tntlct no famdy should ever bo without them a vnge trial will prove their excellence more than volumes written in their praise full jifcrlton accompany each box and bottle for the ireaiment of all the shove dis ease prepared only and od hy j winer dryimt hamilton 3d perbottte oiptmot a m si ren drop si 6d each koe sale by n palmer commercial bank sttj7 bane sto k the boawd or director harineitecid ad on olfrin the residue of the slock of this lm give notice that opened al the b in this province suhtcrihfti will capi litotioa tn the pnmic ueteby flooki m subscription wilt be nk its offices antf agencies on the first day of may nrxl biv the option of paying ifce amount of their subscription in full cr by in ujlmentf of ten percent evry three maotbt fron that date tnote who ha vmf pirfend rh latter motle on sumerthin may at thrit cooaitirncr pay no any portion or thr whol of tha inutlmet1t hofore joe in which case they will b allowm thif prnpnttton of sutidecrf from ihe dale of loeh pavmraii short 2s currency tcrk liy order coxmrrcnt kni tlax lisl a f a ualipkk castcr m d j fit isl5 ssfim crre wisk fok wukais s oiitaclinn eriilu 1 wrriiitcd in all raes the a niisi improved saleratus fhe suhiceiber would beg leave to an- nouncc 10 those who deal in the artnle ofsalbratusa that he is now ready to urnnh nrders on ihe shortest notice t the extent of 000 lbs daily of a choice preparation low for cah or approved papers james morton kingston brewcrvand distillery i annua 1845 to let wo cnuarea silunied near ihe mineral spring cornmandinf a mft magnifi cent view of the st lawrence and oniario and pmsesing every umvemenre fvr gen eel families aw0 the spcinua fre proof warehonac in the commercial mari8u1dinfswell mdaptedfor ancxtenvt whcfraate trade apply to william ware commercial mad kinplnn i3k may 183 u mrssrs makrison fostkk iitnnistens artobsjirra aoitcirona h chaffceftr vti 11 wellington buudinjt owner of kma and churrb streets to it oh to it for salic hvubierilai ra oder ftn nlo lwerpool salt of an 1 hsttlitjr dog sciam wharf k fiton jim 3 ith lv 1001 pilior plcks0nr mwil best rendy ever jel dcoered it notoait jitry them hut nttp whote ityetfcni and cflfflea itltthe aupera iiondanl alfmo ur niurits o prevtcnt to the it lsw u il j it irfit itf t ii4t ffpj oad hiasrula li it haniilca in n eifecls un the syttem anil the health of ih patient is always improving by its use even when no worms are discovered the medrtine heme palatable no child will refuse lo tke it not even the most delicate plato practi cal observations xn diseases resulting from worms accompany each bottle prepared and sold wholesale and retail hv j winer glfsjjtf certiffcsjtes j wixctt would particularly call public attention to the following testimonial a from some of the moil eminent medical centjc men in hamilton as welt h other renpec- tahle and tofluentiat persons ofthe wonder ful cures eptecicd by the use of his vermi fuge we the underlined having frementl ndniinimered a medicine prepared by mr joijn winer rf this town dcnaicd j- wims conxion vtrmifutj and beinj fully sats6ed with iu efficacy eonfidently recommend it as a safe and efficient rcnedv for the cxpuuion of worms from the in leah nal canal c oreilly lutntmt of tht joya college of ur- moslaa lrelnntfie ffe w g dickinson mtnbtr of ihe royt college of surgeons london c ac hamilton c w llthocl 1843 rm d jaynfs f a m i l r medici sv s names sad price of dr djrat mils medteiirf vii javnr epctatptpi baulv oci llor tok 1 00 lit- ilseivalivcper mile 00 tonic verrof ie 2s 5l rls csiaiinaurc liatijo late 1 5t scall 1 23 sanhtc pills t t 1 25 m amertcmi hail uy ijj jayanes live preseuvatpe- an altera i 1vk and defukaik phepaitatlon combinin- all the ne- dicinal virtues tl hca article which aft experience has proved tope- s the moat ale and efficient ahemiveand duobitnienl uo- pruir namflv lie compound biil1fatt extract of dandelion louoditi tanx- cucn sararfprida uuaiacum maaefvou xr fce for iheetireor 8caoflxa kik bvlawuie iswiliite ukers 5cioffls cancerous and indolent turnout k1ema tiiinjfioulseursynciiralijorticdoiiir excsieer ootticor btonrhocel swled necli enuremetilsoflhe bone joint ot liramenti or o the ovatirs liver lillpj kidneys ic ic all ihf vaioo disvsoi the skin tuch as teller binworm llir pimtttes caitnneles uc cac dieptcal swhiin constitutional dioideksrh s eaiff eiiuiatini from a drpraved or insiuie late of the lhtou or other jhnes of the bov the proprietor of the life frrtcrvjire would most rraocifiilly assure the paaflc hal he bus not oflrrd this preparation to thriiio rice without iur rr nctioti and close and il ttody far until aftei twelve years evpniee had roamlejted us great minericniiyovrr vr other article of the kind and hr now iermi mands it with confidence fully wtesinr il the above cocnhinalton of medicine will natty crstcile horn the syatrm a cu ni its rue sone cf which have licretofore been -m- tidered incurable he has prrkitbed it in almost evert tntrty of disease od wilh unpjtallelcd success e- ctlly in cutaneous 1 ffttion cancenus scrofulous and scorbutic disease and dfoam orieinatin ftom oos1ruition or ralarjtlmrii the glands or impuritv of the blood cancer and csnceious tutnow lie u used this preparation in twentyone wrll i- ed rtses of cancer and cancrois ttwnoirs and in every case bui one with perfect utd entire ucce bronchuckleorcoitremvellrd ne fej he has prescribed the life trrseivmivr in upwards of fijttj easrs of oitre anil it nei failed in a single inslanre to completely re the disease not a solitary case el faie- alx wrarc cunro tlte uccs he has mrl with in curin kn- chocele and cancerous affection haa carts ned him ihnl those diieois and hoirime sfifejaes may he removed with a much tetthiutj as tever anj atie he dor no wish lo be ur- jerstrod aisaymse bai they can becurl n as ft tnrt and anurhui with as much eer tainty and futther that he his goad reason foi beliesinf that this preparation will not only cure those jiveasc when formed but thai it destroys the viius 01 poisonous principle lurk iniolhc system ftom which that peculiar class of diseases as well also as that of scrofula emanate scrof ulakins eril the life pre- cervalive hasbren used in numerous cse of scrofula kins evil and srnfafeos wel- lins with the mod decided licceass skin diseases he h pieiibcd it in a jreat varielv of cutaneous alfeetioris d co ra u era m 03 h x al est purify the blood w moffats g vegetable life pills 3 and en tbt fa if b ao i eavied eelebntr which taesa preuujient medieiaea have mcqoixd uair lia r j c ojcacy is all too diseases wbiefc ibey peaa to care has readcred aaomj rraeuff f ptaflaf aol oni naarxesaarf tbelr raiti uaetr rood svoefxi teaur for eredejoajw bat oawonaf of tbeos tbey are koowa by tirji auvd tbay kjiva not by ibefmjuiofthe 3 swam va j- wua 1 w thin 4uan j ttj 1 fc- raasssss rm a4asafif fso aasa i y ahllvtar ff aai nasj sfn4 taw- ca twstttamle csaliei c0maukti0k suaaaa sui una sta js amaaki 03 at aujata nr all cakes op v v r r a u t- k r sw knrfa t ui wmtn i i puj 1 mm4f oixmt ia4rfat ittn 1 jun flftsjatl i m nteii tf it ttwa4 iwihti a- u mil in tku u itufli ud w rwai rkt taa ci jt r oatateeal dbilitt xnwm cij ab ania 1 ai r- j 1 e n raff mllf til a oiahasbi oraati n n tf r 4 r- slsba iivvii covrlaihta ukaccrstal dlitasv c f 14 iii u 4i4 f 1 t kasaauir tavaar iau ua mttt atrtsu vau r s lhtft tar aralasa aci of plj ir aain 1 r ta 11 iassa pan b ota kaaa aila iiku rt x h u si 1 t f s bf aw b f uuimtru aao mlbw iyrtrj i btiutua svl i j la j l 1 ifl juvv avaunva acactrcla a kinq1 i vi l u m m caiw ctn at ffnj aaam vvnv talb pul 7 0n bk4 aaav fuo antl 4 vaut iitalawtf ua vh t t r t d v 4 tlllif srtaaatamiat cn co o o oa o a o x ar ttu reaaossj ail auaeaae frvm tla itstessv tballfepillsaadpkcinix bltieflsin nvilliin u m or tat 33 o ic is airtcev bwii n vsafait a 4nviflf awaj a wu ii 1 p i nir 4 i u vaalaaajti as ratal if u t- owth iivah bastiah an a hi t la vvul flnrin 4 uwk if tw atlk 1 pwfaw4 l 041 sturlu rriiit i hwuhb a aji a snvtvf rt ivotjnj r watf a- r v- w- i fl r v i- h f j x m li ltl rj sw4a twncar aa arvfarv tsa wwa isa irt tfaprcaa v w4 istt i rt r f ral a4 so tat oar luaa arils maain sat tf ta v u uts4 twt lu agent for kingston j brext l address to the public thm arcanum extract krnii sarsaparilla this medicine undent round i successful in cuiine alt khumor morpbew teller biles blotches pimples aod jaundiced skin c dyspepsia and liver complaint lt las been tiieti in numerous case of liecr complaint and dvppsia aud wilh the hap- jiies etf t tic dolouheacxu n aly three ears m eura1ta and tn irsjrj cas it wa ueresfol rheirmatim he has not prescribed this piepsratiou jo a teat many case of rhea nutttin but in every cne whne ii wa ned until the lytttin hfeuiase ttf cted by tne medi cine the disease waul removed uilut three ses of fiout have bern cored by this prrparahon in of these rases the man 11 leen a has arqutied an rs- tunlithrj celebrih 1hrouh am the country which tn been sustained br ill viiiur ano ettcarv alrn as a femedv foi bccunrula or kinrtkla tlctrated sore thboat- on mandmt rnl1 ailfiitia dtimscsri ihe skin wlnte owellm dtssaseastflije uoxti all ukerouscjse svhjllitic and vcurtal diseases ahlions ef the liver dif cotivenessmi chronic and neirou compltnu debiiilated and each- ectie ensinuliona iy eaojed bv an impure state af the biuotl oet syphilrs aod tbota very dtsarree able attciicii resultmi therefrom and which faaee reftefore been eonsirered rneaf4bleseeh as uk af the laryna throat nose nodes fee thtarcnom extract h a complete antl dole ttjthe eiiou eril produced by ihr inj dicinouse of mercury as asfrtutj and fall purifier it cannot beor- it way throiih ihe sys tem w a silent aad rtrctitc force- cirs the blxwot itemsrn disiiepitc lnr1uences socfa the nerves rfsvjn internal obstruction and disea es lh would oihetwise cie injur y to the livh m lungs- ivh whf4eeonitiuiion are mekm don by the e tf mereur atsrntc bu of qui nine j j in eoinuhrf case of crorula atad svphilijs and iu cases where the syphilbc ehaunf the parem cauf s a devetopmetil ot acefsit iu ihf child this i the only remedy mpm p latwu 1 r be fundc4 in numrinni initanees ate where ulcers- 1- i had laid bare bolh lixauent an3 oone ami where to alt appearance no buman r a but ampul stiasi could have saved life patients haae been mlcfaed fiom the rave and teslor ed to health the devouring ditrafte c ilel1y eradicated by ihe ue of ihl mestima- ble ea tract the pinpiielor of ihe arcanum extract has had ihk medicine ueil in all the abve sukaa es with the moi gratifying resalla tiline iha medicine rfither buinss or pleasure need be inlrruptedfquiriaonly the usual restraint of moderation in atiet and f equallr appticabte and efficacious to ihe ajulf ihe infant as we 1 far a pamphlets eivjn- a descrinlion which tharcinum erael r appfitable with ohaervaliuns on fnnilii peesptration nrf a realise oti dsrases in reneral w ompany each bftllle cjr aeni i pantphkts for q re tnnplw with 1 sluitus circulation abore by itlltoflj j any who are u d1s iihicted with it so j vvcrrty fr uiitteen year a 10 entirety lifaule itim lioj jjnr nl im five months imme diately pstvpftutta hi likin- ihe lift pi e- sirvatire tiisl iwan ennantlln la rcem but urates the j kelw he had riawbej tle tlunl bottl- le w- enabled to walk abovl th- irreund oin atir remrned 10 kuiui tsfl whirh he had jo laite b iletattfeil hv in pfjvrtoi ultnpmt al swlllingis tis rf- dicioe incieaes th power of difaiicn erit the atpsorarms into healthy exercise by which water v or calcarae de posit ion t and illun- unriatwal enlr2cmt are reduced il im parts tone and vtlaltty lo the whole sylem re- nvoviii sick and motbid head scrv fiddinessj wandering pain aod nervous a1tctou in fact n every ease where the medtcin vrinc from kaej liveh or an 11 jciou tieatment ol any of the above seai nutild u the arcanum extiari wilhot irlay thr anlv man himilf and ev nadaand the united price one dollar por bottle n palmer amif kinrioi auutt 1315 13 arcanum extract is rrparcd johii wineetchmnxlt drusjit c w sole piopjietor and sold hy iy reiiieclable druin in ca- stalffa tfk oxlv universal and vegetahliv pills peristalti persuaders tiger fills p t e nknnwn tit any pha or compound whatever hi i ha been taken fat tome time nr mailer for what purpofe ihe general health of the pattern has always been improved by it in conclusion the proprietor would say that komt of the nvo astonishing case of cancer rronchoccte and scrofula have been cored b int mejicine thai have ever been recorde but want of room in this sheet preclude ihett publkatton at this lime prepared only by ur d jayne no- 2f south third street philadelphia- ffsla jljimopaalctehiili lhrnfti lu limaje liu ol lafj eol jnda company a immr jfietaids by the nubility and gentry and many emioeat medical professional anjl bctenite genthmen in great ifhum ami the continent l ill were first introduced into england hy a medical gentleman in ihf irivice of ihe lau ijia company and ioon met with unparalleled success as an unmiatakable eute for many stltfhi mladieoch as typliu fever disease of ihe 5kin scatulina gout acute hypoeerditajti hysleijc fits intestinal worms c c khnmaiih for sa dope john whkk proprietor rue fits intestinal hamilton c- w kinesjft august 1845 13 n- palmer agnt 1 paid by n palmer martcti ivt aetlen t removal rcpertfullv informs i certify that in ou cases in which i vnve adininisterell j tvutm canadian vermifuge i have invariably fosmj it a safe anil eftcetual remedy or ihe epulion of woemnrrum the alimentary canal and would recommend it to ihe puldie as such j- kellogg surgeon hamilton oct- it 183 foe sate hy n palmer chemist armrtlkceon market plnce kingatm notice of he subscriber her customers and the public gen orally lhat she has removed to ihe brick house next m r mccormicks crotery store where she will kecft constantly ifl hand a large assnnment of ladies and gentlemens and childrens sege3 and boots of every tkacrinnon of the bel quahly and latert fashion made expressly to order in england for her she lakei ihe opnnrtoni- ly of icturning thanks fr ihe liberal support she has hitherto received and hopes for a continuance f public favor christiana ferns sept 18 1845 94 fresh family teas william j m a k t i n iroeer wine oral spirit dwttr corner kins and brock streela market square kmyton begs 10 infirm the public and aall per tons vtihinff t hnve a acnuiiie tea i n tow prire that iu nas rccivej a large ortmeni f teas j varoitakinai fvlneh he is prepared to e at k love rain of prnrl lo sun ta tmea jtiiir3lm 1sw 1m whiskey fihatfafk barrels canad jmww fnr sale by william j market square kingston julv 30ihl8 i 10 whiskey martin all persnm indebted to the subscriber arc requested to aetile tvith him with out tlelny nt ihe office of messrs smith h flenoeraon in svhose hands all ouulamhoe debts tvill be placed for collet lion and all accounts arainit him will in arranged hy ihe subscriber i the same olfiee ross dtldd kmeston october i ls6 c7u notice of removal rb v n 1 scr18er reaterifully informs hi cuatomcr and the puhlir eenerally he has removed to tiw spacious premises adjoining those of mr john waikins r co princew street juneio 1s45 s brent chemist cv dntftgut the nhaciiber relurnt hi sincere thanks lo tin civil and miltiity inhabilam in kir 11 i it vicniiy for lue paironaye he has receivl mice hiscommnceanent in busi- aesfj na to hto hate that be his retined hi birsine in fnvor af mr benjamin walton who ha h naj foreman in hi tlstahlnhmenl for the hn im vears and also jecommentl his successor 1 beiiit fully competrnt lo give sail factian 0 tase who may fvor bim with their anpperl ross doddl well tton itutldints o kmjst september lm 1815 lyhi rillescriber bes to inform ihe public est nlj btihmiit k pes hy that he tiss taken the tailoring lately unicdoal by mr- rot unremitting attentran toen- inre that tvpoit which bil predecessor has been f j voted wilu benjamin watson wellittaa buimmr wanted n ihe jsi day of november next foe the grammar school of willarus- town ewttffl dutricl c- xv a teacheh capable of teaching the ordinary branches of a mercantile and classical education the emoluments of the office consist of a uovcrnment salary of jr0 cy per annum and ihcyeejoflhc pupitu candrdate will please fonvard their ap plications with testimontals of character and attainments post naid to ihe rev h- lvqyharu cornwall cw sept 2 iiu5 coni life kinpis september 1 18s5 1 l a to let 1 two story stone house 11 wellington strcei adjotmn the st gcorr hotel having s rooms wilh fircplac in each a good cellar and ah tic store vapabta of bcrg converted into bed rirn rf remiircd access to the larfe van n rear from jtiecn street c thepouie irimiiis ot alftlon irieby eaulioned against ite i triimfiieof em one jassr cocl vast an inrtenlwied apprentice o the cahinri making bit uir4 tfillt ihe undersicaed aaita 1 culler having ran fay is ths absence l the ubtcrinfr apph kingm thomas akew clarencesi notice british america fire and assurance company arorporaro and rotrered ty jtt 0 pclittttnt to rjfrrr inland mrtt rnnoher thr uticnhrr havine been appointed acenl to ihia institution is prepared to 1 receive prapoala for insurance acajmt lof or damage to properly whether nriinr from etre nr fram ihe peril of inland riaitkjrtftfln upon ihe leim specified in the ealabhshcd tariff of the companv proposals may be addressed lo the subscri ber at ihe office of crai wh omario street next door west of the custom house william craig kingston 2fih feb lth fisa u 20th march iw 102 td notice ijertijrned beg lo inform all per tdeaied lo the chronicle nt gaxelle ihennt either by rook debt note iwti thai no one from this dai ia au- but he sahn hold paitkar 1dam main tin el ice mava tathei noriar j r toiler the me hi order 1v1 tht puioje ond it i latly reriuetied that all earn mimic aimi in in fvlamihmrhlemeritt on kditoiial buuoeaa be drerlrl lrhim penonally arciip ffrriumk krsste- 2au jirlv t1 1 t riuihr he sohacriber has received hia fal supply of enliah dnifs chcmieala comha soaps ecete j w brent carmitt cv drugguti kmgston medical laboratory princeaa street frederic t mall advocatk jf 0 93 auhsv siw jmm t vtntreal de pie br cognac holland j chiedarn lsptemtsvccu toiler an ale sperm oltve n fanrj ite w goods first arrival- this season of an extensive stock of fancy and staple dry goods at dctjkee af companys sracioua stores rjoviner or klno awd store statcetsj who ore note receiwnaj per va rious xessels from europe 7 their great fall importations comprising for laillbtp ovrrjiet rich cashmere s tn taicf lama i utland berege tartan chitia zephyr crape gauze td and rock- spun shatc ls j scarfs and handkerchiefs i novel designs in printed cashmeres fii 1 trleans moussdines-de- 1 lome gala plat check saxony flannels i hiutz cambrics c 3fa plain and figured french ami ifria tish mtriuos loburgs lama cloths frincettas lustres and printed ca ticots suk vctvetssatin turcs gros- denaptcs tarleion muslins black while and colored satins bonnet ind cap ribbons glove hosiery lace arwiagvrteralasaortrncijt of small wares the oentlkmeivs departmot is largely suripherl wilh superfine broad lloihs crmtmercj doeskin ttcceds cor- eet moleskinsj drills jean fancy vesting beaver am pilot cloths french velvet lmuton beaver and count de paris hats from the most eminent makers togeth er with english country made ditto remarkably cheap ocnts readymade shirts cravats stacks scarfs and suk pocket hand kerchirf the housti furnishing wareroom contains splendid embossed table overs t aiir furniture prints vnritn cnrprt flnnr ftgd ttrhh oil cloths tabic linens hcelings towellings blanket quilts flan neh serge druggets c to which additional supplies wilt continue to bt received until the close of the naviga tion frthc proprietors would remark that in the purchase of these goods every advantage that skili and capital could command their buyer obtained by which they art enabled to offer to the public this new and fashionable stock at such low piceatfr ready cash that must preclude the possibility upon any pretext whatsoever af their being undersold by any house in western canada no sccovrt prics kin august 19lh 1815 15z sssasaajt i balsam for com- sttfy plaint3 of mi eye 2t nithire cat ijc ntrre alhici- jrij thart diseases nf ihe eye even if ihe ivl is not dareertua il ironl leaomc and the mallcd r shine is injurious there are many sei weak cjes aviso do not asnil tttemselvea of j t npfl a cure- here isa remedy that itill remove all ivcaknem and inflammnlion frnm eyes and rcniorc them lo their namralty healthy atate children are often stthried with mas nnj tnllantmaiioft tc the ves ivhirtt ran ite apeitifv furrtl ly ihe apfdia rauon haa beer in rnany year and is in reality one of the mo certain anlaafe rure for iiseasea of ihe eye of every kind ever he pi wines w j martin cotntrof king and brock slntum ktl sqvart k 1ngst0n dealer in teas liois c j esprctfully informi ibe pom ihn n0 hln tni -i- ilokoj ihu lor amoar which ii teas of every ee scrip ion iji jo tobacco assoiled pons sherries j all itkj mdeir4a j chimpaime cenoine froich wbitir jimaica siriui rtd j tery fine kuyper h sets dp ewh f lard 11 imported cigara of all kfjids y nttikmj ami arooaitc che tobacco mocha and other coffee fresh ground every day 3nft iax cofnbkom 0tl no paunt pails a varulyof picklrs sauces froii spiers perns fatrf and tallow cnfles castile sad tancs soi play ns crjs awaw ir comctriiiii t ttrv camplrfe itssortrnrrl of goods m this trade at of ulnch will be sew at ihe lotartl pricaa ilotrb and attsttt sorphrj na faanlileiw lih ral terr kiiilnt mrh jnly iwt- new ukoceky stprovisiun rtihh s s tne uciibrr ftijutat inform x t laeisii and ihf pubhl thai bf minced htjassifffctrl the cumcr jlose line w oafnrio and arufoti freftt t alt where he ia j r r r u fupadf families fticam tloais andhoteti en irrflaj the fuliowinscoaspna cikn ate his leife stock teas sugars coffee ssslee pielirt sperm tciacros lan am 04meak x ave table codfish frjby heirins olive and lard tallaw da caadles 8saffl rfo casiile ahft ttrotrn loarl wilh a ejrirty m aliru thofc maxvrm kwgstfri jh- njfi5 h xotict he stiwoher reettfully iaraii the hihabiiants ofkiriftritei ami vicinity thai he ha rceid imu bia lumber yfcrd 19 alsvyaj sllwtp adjoining ihemarrne battsi y of siivl crtnstsjnffiffii of well sraioned pn iionvi and scantling anj is daily epen t all stwliirh he ijaa- rpriswatt terivil fa ihirwj to ten prompt iaj a ma0pherpon krgmo 13th fttay i5 k plain fancv u m sr veipihri dine as utuslat gawff oflirr ii lrruaht he ft ire ihe nnldic prepared and sold hy a co 273 hrailtvay comer n srt in the granite building ir for sale hy jw kmstnn august 23 iju5 ihe chmraii r rb sands h chamber brent cigar depot just received20000 c es various brands 10000 havana 20000 panatelas and other cigars also- spaaish prin turkiah scarfiriatti oronnro poiltt rico german kan aster honey dew aromatie oronoco ladies twial cut virginia cavcndiah j viih a quantity of plus tobaccos snuli cc nf all william j atarkel suare kingston 20ih august 1845 smoking tubaccc chetving tobacco nd cavendii kinds martin 15 notice the samctibeii be- lo retorn theirs cere thank 10 ihe iiinbilinis rr kingston nr the very liber paironae extended 10 them since opening buinea in ihi place and org lo inform them lhat thrir business wilt be con tinued by mr laoncc sfacvscrg whom they confuimuy rrcommentt lo the public z one able to jive every satisfaction in his line of business r03sin hkqthers r also blank bunfcaitffth lindamantifacruftdia order whb nearness onj b i 1 kinrlcn 3t january iruj robert aller wholesale an retail wine and spirit dealer wkocku bakkk bfiockstreet thk allu1vce xc vcsuvanccteomijtinii tor londsn iil suhsvrjur bep to inform lit nublii that he has been appoirm accmt fn ihe alliance fire comwnif london for se mtdbnj d iriri canada wen anuvill6e ham is i receive at the chronicle k gaxetre ortre pnjo4ala for insurance ftftad loss swfait archlfergusow kingston fal au ji44 w coma1erciaumart for sale mess f prime mess pork wiluam ware kinglon sept 30 is t ust arrived from f4iv york md far sale at ihe camprtte depot it slrccl oppoaiiej plele assotirnert glasses and wicks d brest 6 co-ac- of ctnphine 1aaspa new jewellery store geii for and viciniiy 8pangem1ekg bees lo liv m the ladies and cenileirien of kin ien in pmpccs street thai he has opened next la mr store frmtcormicks ree assortment grocery siore where he bas of nhi nnd sliver wntchr jewelry plated cood ce and many oihet articles lea nueaeroiai 10 mention all deriolom of jewelry manufactured lo order and neally repaired sileer spnon c fce made to eider kindlon 7tb may i8s5 89a kingston july 29 i8u jas reid iea v private sale 200 xcga cut nails ki qe wilmam h july ih4 assvftrd ware chronicle dlgnxeiu is published every wcavsday aad 5t lay al ihe otticc eornciof king aftj bnc street kington u c term per onnum arenfy hrsjajstal rrfraar avew anf tfajja rajas ix lines and under is hfrn mertipft 7 ear h suueeuent insetltosi rn tinf aad s der 3s 4d first insertion aj lod each isc quent i life mien above len lines 4deriim for ibe first insertion and d perliae ferr ery subsequent insertion adveriisementshilhoulsswcridireribjs- erlej tittorm and cliarrej ccorduvly it 11 mtjfam thvl cti atawisiestrtt kandrd in ot cr prniovs fofljtssfcf asisf anyrrrniiynone receiveafrr ttsea on the moininf of poblicatial- a liberal diaeouiit made lcerchials et who d rtrtisc for three nths and of anynervon prorurin aiubscrise paper anil pay in- nn- r ihesaasr lie entitled to a seventh copsj pt- coxiniry produce rerd if pay al the market price f toawnna- ee tvrnv erearfirehta j sxearfriroiaiv aatettse iad

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