chronicle gazette 4 viik rrirc cosh at a n wcdncsoav ft saturoat raw 7wrnj wtrjfi r tovolhai w vitli tji 1 j uatoac term rvn rtmce d i uho rrfiti cijnmide m aette cjhtoniciikgzettjc stationery warehouse cdb r tnii acs itpf waiting rarns fbbsum iu lf l ft tit bltbmtb and kingston commercial advertiser voc ttvrtittmfmt sialiitad won tssrmiattrtt ad7mrirh ii rii tfcttr titjuttttr j ij lirkifivrii ifcd ltucactatuvkfwnunmrti4jrtltif ru1ir td per line arat iiritii idd 14 prv tm cirffc letter preaa pi ut a r ff bfa mr pml sr4 ctrq vol xxviii new series vol 1 hlms ton canada wkdxesuay january 27 in4t no gteim between n york fc liverpool rut m nw teh hir co itcah shir 1700 ton 150 tort power h h hftfvtwt eflt commantfrr 1500 tatif jtfu horr tolvtr uulfnam jaxcs hin k n cocaffl ifldfr arbinleaitall aail fw he year 116 a follow it- great western from ltrrrpeol from nrw ymk saturday i2tsai intafpmoet saturday 3il oct i thuffclar dlth nat great britain la ewqucncc of the great britain ha ift f tojlbil ihr fjrvond dutm a f 0 brf oolwjrd piatage to htw york tfi ditrc- lori frr l a dly ihty oe la thr puhlir ami csaecitllj 10 iboip pittrt who litre attrsjr uktn ihvir wmft trr nt 10 jiriuiil lr l goamio to sa wtluout kthi htrtttttmb tfc wshl mmrdiftlh lffi doh aaj u ibc tide at liverpool wl not adtnit f li itlm 4tcm 4 v0rj wfgir ill rpl tftfki spleitivr ti hc iletriibinfj to pvtoasrr nt 4v of jilio lo ttir 2ji o rplmtkff 0 ftlnh 34y stt uill in f 0mcm0m dkktx ttfiktrll vlode am her djyi o i4pti- i i- i fjfjlii w ffo firr- mir r the heartless or the recttors daughter chapter ii in be close of our i paper wc had re- condicci alice to ncwbr tiranc ard her focd gtad heart hol bounded with jor u the lsy after btr arrival she ifd arthur travelling carriage drive u h ho door she had received him wit liw oncodlraincd demonsttatioi of the pleasure which she felt half an hour after lib arrival aod when he had jmh uh civilities all around the circle he hwl cvuirivtd unobserved and with the act so peculiarly his uwn to lrw her a little aside u alic said le ther were sanding in the rece of a window jut 00l of hearing of the gay auemhw rpup m what a dream uf lo alice unqueitionahly beloved ihtssule- not explain her emotions to herself lord mem but she jminctirrly felt that hc arthur interpreted her truly ha felt all blank books school boom ac uamiubmeaet rarfrjon nbabo tiuiahaqnl a nprrfor rtlraj macbrtm n fallaprrjiim by whm blaab look p riti wf rolr dto an j tfoftonanrf4for rhianklt h r ubve i kin j rti jvc wm uura from ltrrrpi raeijiy 9ld sea4 faenlay i7ib nov 41 l mltta i illku an j s s4eaiau r pr l toi xrw vol if toajjvi oct vmay im ije li 1 m i lis aemji to the e ua pea ff the slan hmiuk aar bf c at any of lit acr fur rrticfcior 4enfvllii information mply id to mrrinos tvlkb co aetnltfar marrcjj qrvf ud aarron mutteal im tfrat iwl britin t rcoarj aeeuicaw loyal mail slsiidi ships 3cicituct willi toe ldkdsoftue iori200 0111 and 440 boric power each 3rta iicr nun me lqxikgf ihiultl ritasniar j aleionia r mcaula iibkkn1a a- amhiua c till aailfroavi uo4toi an fauamlswii ffo itrlooi viiaiiotalmh i lierjw 4tt aj iwh britain hliefi i hitrni -j- i moner from itatlen to mm 10 it at l6lh m r ut oct i itiih ve litax sju tie snip mrty tfenrcej sur on eutiaietri dmhi ar4twi no fi4i axct riere4 jfaailin v i ml lturn aj ncipawr mwr ooaaihrouh ttie lot olftee aoo allletfr aciu on boarj the thir wil bf wom by ir dmtrallv ant anj wlvrafd to tb poi jace aukbiwikeaaispfcicwepirer h-tb- ll epenr miippvtl vn r- w wilt be diaficj a fteia and liable i io i hoar riilatifin- ftrhiwr iatsms 5ij no i comwnul icaja anion jinotry the home journal bj hgrhis walis tut owaaaavei rfa mithr ih mum yndif l tide rftllat hums jtrltsal to jwj mitzaaal m j atthj vfuan tpr- tfaaniufj iimlif vr fmn airatj tba strttwo tj mndr tt j tac s fi fiii olo ht jovat ii bait fltamfc atfuit o4a aeoyl cmonli of fwj w bmk lo lirr a njlflrt raavl to- uclmit uc mui nj at anl u ir i 10 fw nta a piar bf ifmen aawl o wp p sm f m n ilvk am iiaiit aok la on u tft tfo 00- mp ih iai vrour one zsr alihf ur eft- awlaatfer j- ir rrci ai w n vlolv w aamlameaxq 3litrjt a 52 r ol lu ceaotv x before w parled ami propitious fortune renews it to ui again alice i have feh ihatwemiisi live for one anoihcr i have frit that my hope my joy toy being arc in vour keeping vriihoulyou 1 languish and vegetate rather titan live alico kwi gratified but puzxled thow word wen not surely supposed to obtain a proposal of marriage no lord arthur j j ttwc no proposition jked no question preferred no request yet it was ouly in married life that lbe o anrt iv and beto of two pero h ijtftvretit mc could be lauuldcd lucfii rf- no it waamn rf l it wn tue notice anrl prelude of one soon tfl falfor tbedypivel oi before lord arthur hung about alice as ic mil rodo by be idc of tlie ciirrbce wlien alio imd lcr seal llm by mrs ncwby le boverctl over ibe piano wlien alio puyetl rend to the working pftfy when site plied 1er needle iinnnest hem in fact m mttld nappy tmly by her sle he was so agreeable welbrcd and highly informed so eve- anl in ins attentions whieli were diffus ed over the wble parly hat whilst lw ln ll flooj fkil btv f lm fvw alibi admiration ami goodwill of all with latent to eclipse nny man lie would rival no neve wtan he conversed i was observed hat whiut lie interested dl others were dratnoul by hjin and iippeured to surpass ilwmselves mrs ncwby ralher womlered that he vej deferred his prop54l no doubt ho wytf entered her mind but that it would even tually ckdo alice was too happy to think much upon the subject lard rol sro i arthur koweier mnlvetl once more to ftttind her feelitip upon tle mniter before he finally resiveel to abandon his liberty tiv tnarriage on an occasion wlten they found mctnsclve alone together he said lo her do you remember alice by that nime lie hl fondly called lier a con gelation uvl we hssd the day before you went to allutid your si4cr wetming i wtil remember it ijanl arthur aiul do you hold entirely the opinion hot you tlten expressed most eniirely what you term an opinion i should rather term a know ledge nf right and wrong upon the subject do you not think that yog may have been influenced a litilc br the common prejudice of minds less enlightened than your own so as to be led to confuse a mere habit a form with that which ron- i lew itt g iott- uauuttxt kvnic 1juuktmi li r ijoji railing from ttoton iiiutcs essentially right od wrong oh no no aaj lord maroacli t hallowed in mv fn arthur lite mosase had been trifled with by sucb o eonversa lion and she said with displeasure upon her lovely features you never appeared to me to disad vantage lord arthur but on the two occasions when you have led lbs camver- adtion to this subject and no passing bought of you as jess than a man of no ble and exalted excellent- bas at any other time flitted across my mind per mil ujo to adopt your own terms and tol observe that it is bardlt the subject oa which to talk with a jure and delicate minded woman lord arthurs annoyifico had almost grown into resentment trader this reproof for one moment he felt ftsposed to gratify it and quit nuwby grange and think no mora of the rectors daughter but be looked at her and that dsposttion vanish ed ho took bcr hand and said you arc warm alice but i talievc i deserve your reproof pardon nv and let us re turn no more to this subject we need not for we tbink exactly alike wo both know that the marriage service cannot marry souls all 1 ever soloed and we both feel that marriage indispensable to holy unwn thai all unfn without it b disgrace and crime now lord arthur w4 just the man who could brave the opjnuo of the world in marrying a woman oijrade lower than bis own she was at t by bin h a gentlewoman she had education and sice to introduce h to his friends wfm hh rytdrrihi tll objection founded rntiely on owreo n would cost htm nothing to meet his in idled rose above it avfaoal as lo fortune ho ibid enough ami was by no ncam avnraetous that conaidcralion had not weight with him liut he foresaw the dtiv would come when he should tire of alice when charming asshc was site would have lost he charm of novelty he would fain hove escaped the embar rassment of a wife but there was nothing for it and he inuat meet it a day or two after the conversation de tailed above he was muaing in a large recessed window of the library how he alice hovering about among the flowers he went to join laer and walkiitg by her side led her onward to a quiet shady avenue where he said lbe rays uf the sun glanced feebly in among the foliage giving the beauty of light and pro tccliun from the heal as he walked by her side he fjr the housandih time admired the fine chisel ling of her features he elegant toumurc ofjicrfovm he talked easily of ihe sub jects which the scene presented the soil which promoted best the growth ofbeecb the habits of the humblebee one of whose tribe was boring at the roots of a tree in lbe avenue alien lifted from he ground a fallen leaf on which grew a singular excres cence- she held it to her companion he took not the leaf but her extended hand and looking wnih delicacy yet infinite fondness into her blushing face he said grant me dear alice this opportu nity to speak to you of something more important to us both lhan the insect of the soil i had been tempted to seek the occasion earlier but 1 thought it mucb more important to us both that we should each know the other well we do 50 now and with much knowledge and with all the affection and esteem which it inspires 1 venture to ask you to share life with me to let marriage secure and strengthen ind render permanent the happiness which we each and in the other you have me entirely in your power a the value of those utjis he eh for the moment that they almost made welcome lbe sacrifice which be had offered emo tion often disgusted him but now there were no witness to annoy him and this proved to hire bow devotedly htr heart was bis she soon recovered power to ipcalt and theft in brief and inodvst words she told mm he bad made no error in count- ing aponher thanked him for singling her out a girl without rank or fortune assured him that that proof oftna affection rendered il tenfold dearer to her nd referred him to him tbar her parent faiher ussuring consent being given ft v a n me enmity in your piwer l t forever habit form of society secures a great j wertbm no ook- ealitv it drtflfli hoc clwvce m fa p mottic jnd lhco nd that which is holy m the eyes afw jg n aain into her earnest- and man j to dispense with it is alwaysj un4t wh olhtf crime ami it entaiuthe heavy punishment jj h no miwu in w due to crime did i suppose lhat ynu lml thought oihcfwisc lord arthur suspect you of an approach lo libertinism b4 nc- ad i stouw see lvw cruelly i hail been mjs- uken in my estimate nfyou and i wnold sj whatever cost of grief renounce your mxrielv and your presence at contaminat- lufm lirf mifni r tto nj phi ll tlvjkt it rot reaxwia fer fa w i tirttu4 load iasco t in i i h mrtuiee- mulfn rtb z s5s tti rasssasss hfi willis sihs for sale a handsome wehfinilicd sivrt a su4chi with w and shaft will e sotdchciit- sllh uk j kn ware tmiocu v iij- luti lord anhur bit his lip alice had spoken so carncsilv thst no doubt no the show of a doubt could linger in his mind that he must marry her or renounce her he was nmsoyed that bo had lwrtkeneit n suspicion in her annoyed ihat the ideal subject of n lecture had been formed by himself and annoyed abo at what he deemed his utter failure he however saw that he must cover hb principle and alifle lb vexation he bad smiling and with his own pecu liar grace i am in no danger alice of your re pudiation vou made a perfect convert ol me when we talked before though in deed there was but slight defence be tween us and i have now only renewed the subject for lbe pleasure of hearing a woman of pure ond delicate mind argue it more fully than we then did for coiuersation was then interrupted for a moment their eyes met llieo alices were averted and fvll large swelling drops came slowly into them obscuring vision hen fell others more niiiidlv followed and then they chased each other swiftly down her cheeks and choked her utterance alice could not explain them to herself she had been anticipating the proposal which she had just heard she knew it tnuat come she bad wished for it her mind w a doubt lurked there but how decided soever may be a wo mans wishes how confident soever she may be that if they are gratified bcr happiness will be in safe keeping and though sbo may have been expecting ihe proposal yet wlen it comes she seems to be suddenly placed in a new position she feels like one who stands on a narrow isthmus between two seas she would not fall back upon the past the solemnity of tle future appals her at that mo ment too the very strength of her aflee lions her delight in the knowledge that they are rceiprocated overwhelm her so it was with alice i w the alliance which he made with bor if not brilliant should secure him hat which a brilliant lot does not always secure bright and perpetual happiness for said she never wife brought more enderness and love and duiy ban f will show to you lord arthur ah what a life of bliss picture to mself and i trust our juipuineu will but increase with rolling time- they sauntered long talking tenderly w full were they of joy lhat time went by unheeded and it vas not until the great dressingbell seat forth its deep tone thai they were called to recollection tliey entered the house together mrs ncwby was already goae up stairs alice sought her in her boudoir will you give me a moment before you dress site said slipping her band wiiltin that s tar syurat thtti j will m dear girh iresdx lo lbe maid who jut ilcn appcarvd i am not ijuile ready 1 wdt ring prrscul- ly the maid retired ami nw alice ail by me here and lelt me what miike vou look so particularly happy and what has iimii your cheek so deep a noc v that she was lordarlhurs promised bride yet more bappy than that morning when she first believed that she pceacsscd his love tbo next day found the rector sitting at his break fast tabic discussing together the paper of the preceding day and jua buttered toast when his letters were brought in three from ncwby grange he muttered as he looked at the covers surely alice is ill and the physician and mrs ncwby write as well as herself but no she would not write herself in that case and ibis is no physicians seal loukmgat lord arthurs arms some thing however has happened i will hear it from no other lhan herself and be broke her letter open it contained lbe account of lord ar thurs proposal the avowal of her own flection far him f it dwelt al length upon his merits and requested her fathers con sent and blessing which were only want ed to render her happiness complete she entered upon her v iews of matrimony t howhoty how enduring should be the lie she believed lhat lord arthur had the qualities ihat would make it so in short she saw all in bright glowing co lors and she painted as she saw her fathers heart filled a danger ous ventute said he atari seldom have i seen happiness attend elevation nf condition her noble husband will con ceive disgust fur the lowncss of her con nexion ms they stand compared with his own perhaps will weary of herself he will fpflirnibcr to her diwragrrnem ihoi ajic was hu iitfcftor iu lite m- j i 1 am indeed most happy t dear mr newby ld arthur lias asked me to become his wife und my father consent alone ia wanting lo our union lie ha done it in a way so delicate so tender so entirely in accord nee with my ow and feelinc that no circumstance could have added so my pleasure i foresee a much licfcat ml foltc of hytref n beyond incua lolihatj am all titans fulness lo ifeaven and gratitude a you my kind nvar friend whose goodness lo me cuukl rvt have been exceeded by that of a motherland through whom i have met wiih ih most happy lot and ivow i suppose luaygivc full license t my affections award him doyounutgive mejoy m- newby indeed ndced my child i do you have carried he prize for which so many fasliwahlrs have wished in vain nobiininij fortune i esteem you fortune indeed but more than ihis lord vhur is so amiable a man he stands so hith in ncral estimation as to character aij wotili and he appears so doatingly fodof tow thai i believe your happing wc cured and jou know auc happiness ttion and wealth dorrfalwspologcther thwe are some wh let slip he one in the aim after the otrw- vour i iideed unu sual fortune to have secured all mrs ncvby was indeed greatly grati fied her nalve kindncs her atteciion far alice her tl in the honor which would be r herself dy the brth lttnit4ofhjrfe5e all combined to increase h pleasure she embraced her fondly ar repeatedly acd in he ex- cees of her flight felt almost as if she were hersew d back again into her own youlhrtfoya th d we must dre descend and tomor rows post iwppose must carry letters to yourfanv- ttatv did iipccnd mrs rewbv lead ing aliw inn llw room her glad but timid glanc tnct by a look ufintel- jigrnce from lord arthur but ahen it shot around fte room and perceitwl all going on a w w object of csnicial attention she wast re standing with from the as airetl h ncwby lord arthur a htile aside scmbled grorp nu to hi ah mv ud i have heard all ad mire ihe w of your choice and rvli- cilate ouonwr success lor i cannai up- po lier fatkc will object i esteem jour sense cud in rhoosmg upon intrinsic quakes rather than upon exter nal circumtoccs i believe will icj ajjs3awjsrft make tha dear girl hoppy- to alice that was a memorathf even ing she was all blouirs and ihrdlmg delihi as she listrneil lo her orern voice noutlacr proinieil hulanil and as she dreamed sweetly oh how sweetly f future davsof joy can 1 ever mkehim ashappy a i shatlbe myself thought she she lioped sle could tbecreningctaed sleep w lig before it visiied alicia pillow ahe was looglaj to sleep and ilcn when it did come sicalin over her lbe waking dreams melted sofilv into the leas enhe slieweptfrom rem cnes of dumber j mingled joy and awe though she courdtnormng wuh lbs deli rectteclion sdcronned 4l dear dear child had been happier lo hnve married you lo mich a man as young chwle duncan who in receiving youwmilif have fell you his equal would have been comcious llm ji cave you no more than lie receiv ed but i aec your heart is ivrn ho cist a pacing thought to his old age alone aiul fighed gnin and broke lord arthurs seat his teller contained a proposal in form couched in the terms of a delicate welubred and generous rii it spoke of his ahccliun fur alice hi cuimation of er worth and lbe hope with which he looked forward to live the father heart wanned hnt am bition was kindling then came mrs newby letter ll felicited the father on his daughter pro spects at once so splendid and so happy mrs newbv spoke highly of his lordship and assured mr swinton of tlw appa rent depth of his attachment to alice she invited him to pass a few day in mediately at newby grange that he might make personal acquaintance with 1ord arthur it was a very satisfactory letter toe lather sal and mused t and as he mused his spirits rose it was a brilliant perspective for hit child safe provision for her when lie should die and leave her with the sixty pounds ayear her future heritage from him what would become of hrr he fthuddercd- he had desired he did desire tu leave her in the lands of a man who would pro vide for her protect and bless her on wltai ground he reasonably object to this on none- there was attach ment wealth rank laid at her leet it woum bv madness to tcp in to prevent her taking them has objection was to a mere idea a title a sound besides alice with her elegance refinement and grace was never fit lor a dull nar row sphere of humbler life nature had prepared her fr arother though the cir cumstances of her birlh seemed to throw her far from it now it opened bebrc her and should he wish it olhctwiaef away with the vague uroundteas fears which have presented themselves to cloud an event so happy he would make pro per inquiry and if the reault of lhat was favorable he would give bimsell to the joy which it might well hispiic so the rector opened his desk and wrole five tetters two of them weio to old and ncd friendsof his in london to whom he confided the case and beeped of them to make the fullest inquiry which might be possible conaisletuly with ilels- cacv and propriety ropectm the charac ter disposition and habits nf lord arlhur and ti writo to him with as little delay as might be the result lie had entire confidence in ihe friendship and diseieiion of these two gentlemen and when mam penned hi letters to them i w felt relieved next he wrote to ird arthur in terms somewhat cm urt x ani1 courteoua he informed his inrdahip thai having an invitation lo newbv grange he loped aliorilv u make bis acquaintance when dvrwnumlftlkoflbe aftair which hail farmed tle subject of lik hmiip letter ijc wntte to mrs ncwby cordial u lhanking her fr her kindness to his daughter and for die information which site had ivenhim respecting her noble mii tor he accepted her inviimion lo him self liul ptstpuneil the date of h viit for five or slv davs hv which means he hoped to brng near together tlal replies from hisfrieialsin lemon and sej peinna1 acquaintance wiih lord arthur- then he poured forth all his paternal fioulio a letter to hit daughter in whach he told her of bis propowl yiiil to fftwlnr cranjre kind expremed his hope that jm should see all ihingsas strongly in lord arihorsfavor assjiedrlhcraeu lhat he might he ablr to bcaiow her ufion him wnh cordialily as earnest aa uie might bo auru his blesstng would be fervent he said he was cuuvinced that she in far ming her judgment of him hud conflicted ihe man apart from he nobtc and that lie had not suisrred herself to be dazzled br rank and fortune and hrr father lierem did her but justice tu her fine feeling and iicr simple but elevated character the allurements which could win love musthave been ofaihitlierkindl ban wealth or rank he was himself indeed at ihe moment of his writing in moro danger from the snare a few dais later found mr swinton an inmate at newby grange and put him alao in possession of replies from hi london friends tjie idler which ihci both wrute were most satisfactory lnrd arthur s character stood iiigli in lown no vices no fiillies hact been brought to light but several trails worthy of admiration had appeared the rector was elated he was prepared lu be pleased isnd he was now plcwcd with reason personally iord anhur won rapidly upon him his fascinating manner his fer tile and accomplished mind his amiabili ty and the delicacy and tenderness of his ikportmcm towards alice all charmed mg i solemnly i alice vows as elusion huu sciouwies ever it jauk upon iwfaclf t le sjntvnst drw lo iu con did si rejoive in the caa he is mne ft 1 aaa hit far- ml wkvn she had eeeited tu itatiuhaol her aaaibke friends and r her his vttmg bk4n hurfsihcr aaft her and urd atilur hsnm her iuio the rjtmssttjq sthnh was tu e htt away aii hen rung in after latr placed him self her aide and ciirl u j hi aims poured all his fullness into her ear bow proudly happy w she tbev were invrijjg northward wiih the interli lo puss mmu weeks in scolursth they lca ihcir jouriav very easily for lord arthur pvnifj ssn d tofaiigoc his bride and he wlctl also to ahuw her all thai was worthy of notice as they fussed long they pbnted themselves on the shores of one uf the heb of li j from wknee they made excursins into all the district roumh never had alice enjoyed sucliecalacy 4f pit aaure tt her own picture of conjug felicity were outitnue her huabands tendemeas exceeded her most sanguine wishes her tiule desires were gralfiul t m w uitcrrd somelimes loid arthur divined and anti cipated them nor waa i i happr than herself every fcetinjr 1 to te merged and cuncrnlfaied in his fondness for his bride all lliat shi did seemed right in his cm her every act facinaied him hi fancy threw a grace around her jlocd aniiiir ilaju f rti and the liitle leuy in reply logeilier with his not him whilm nothing appeared on which most trifling ones her voice ihriljcd upon ifonisdevenneaplimiibie the fit lie rs vohttiici eovcrned iu two beings see m- uncvurteous cd inuutdixl into one lhri auula were welded together they rambled lonttoft drove tugethcr read together almost an iintinct apiiearcd rereil to each tlic wishes of iit other ktfe than the lime whidi ihty had puriaawd to sivihi in scotlii i waa expired before they thought of change lord al thur proposed to cross he water and show alice germany there they went and lingered upon the rhine i finding hu greatest enjovment in her ami from oermany they pased cootneu on first receiving the proportion cauaed his lirdahip the more to nhs the prize which he luwt gained tlie nrnrc willingly to pay the prici whnli it dc rnnded alice s lieart exulted wiihjoy and nil iarties were well pleated il was arranged on iord artliurs earnest solicitation fi 1 ihe wedding ahou til lake place within three weeks that alice and her father should return home immediate ly mrs ncwby kindly undertook to nku the porcli4rs ftr lio wedding rotrssrou and alc sent her own maid v wliti tn uke up ler n at the rectory till after hie wedding to eel as a dressrrurker to he bride elect md assist her in lr general prepaiaiions the wedding clothes were tu be simple and few lor ha rectors purse could fur niah only such but he did not much dis tress himsell about thai for he knew that alice once become lord arthur wife could be dressed according to his taste moreorer both he and alice in confiding to mrs ncwby the arrangement of the little expenditure which he could make were sure that it would be june with ele gance and judgment duty indeed were ihe three week thai followed busy mail parties concern ed most happy to alice jaxd arthur wrote lo her frequently aiul sent her some elegant presents- twice during the lime he came down frum london to fee her he had observed the rectors fondnesfor his garden and on his second visit he brought down ornc rare and beautiful plants as he said to remind him of his aoftinlaw and to atone a little for the absence u alices hand in training and interlacing the creepers abmg the trellis a work in which he had seen her occupi ed when it would no longer be there this tittle attention to her father gratified alice yet more lhan some splendid pres ents which she had i icrst if received al length lbe morning dawned the rectors man servant and his maidservant had been in a great aid anxious bustle t make all the preparations lo the best ad- vantage on the preceding day a ivtd was going to marry miss ahce and hey must do their pari to mae all pn i the best advantage indeed no stimulus to their ambition to induce them to exert iheir ulmcst cares but lhat ford waa going to marry miss alie did neverthe less infuse a sense of selfimportance into these good domestics and made their task morcgraieful mrs newbyamaid was not inactive she dressed ue bride with perfect taste and pronourcel exulliegly lo the rectors servants that she was worthy ol lcr adorning which ahe declared could nm always be said for u many a woman would look plain still do- soice all that the ait lavished to make her look lovely tire whole village was in cmnnwiion and if ahce had been car ried from ihe house of a duke to be mar ried at st georges hanover square there might have been a gator pageant but there would not have been more ex citement perhaps of affection lord arthurs travelling chariot drove up tikj bmtm was joyous and lender the squire ami his lady with mrs new bv all arrived together and the party proceeded to ihe church- the dean of an old friend of mr swintons read lbe service as lord arthur look upon him the solemn holy vows of mar- riaee all admired the seriousness pro priety and gmrv of his demeanor none knew the secret purpose even then lurk- icnaurcr to swii he himsell rowing her m boats upn the lakes or driving her in a low ponychaisc upon ure stepping oat frum lime to lime to pluck for her some beautiful blossom or lo ob lam a secimen of some ptani of llie lo- cahiy to enrkh ihe herbal wtjicti ahe was making from switzcfbjnd they passed to italy alt thia lime they saw no society ihey needed ikre each waa all the work to the enher alice wrote enraptured letters u her father and lc read them wilballaparencapride and pleasure her maid wrote to the maid of ladv b h f and con6dante thai she had never seen such a pattern for married life that lord ar thur seemed to find his very food in look ing upon his tidv loitering about her end liatcning to her voice- ladv b a maid told this lo her lady and she again lokl it to her mother 11 ah yes my love said the mother in reply you see it would have beeti not only a splendid but a hippy tot jt you well mamma said the lady l am sure you dad your best end sou nonet complain of me for 1 was very passive and did nothing lo opposr- jour plana though ifljseyhtd appeared more likely to take efleci i might have grown refrac tory but the scene was yet to change had lady b a mother seen but a liiilc laier on she would have found no need for envy the first indication of a change was when on i vr two occasion lord arthur indicated something hit diaatistaciion and rnnut that alrc could not join htm in the pleasures they had now been married seven nsotihs alice was four mouths advaaxed in preg nancy and her situaiaon bean to tell up on her health lord anhur tolerated the relation ofbuaband because he anw no hope of obtaining the pure and high souled woman who had riveted his fsnev or his soul by any other ibeaea but he was not the representative of his family and he had no desire for issue the idea of paternity of ihe ties nf a family vm unwelcome to him so long as alice was well and her attractions aripemred to htm unabated hi fondftesa was pra served indeed hia happiness had scarce lv been less real or less deep than hers during ihe lew first months of their tin ion but when her situation subjected her to fits f languor ard hc no longer lock ed quite so lovely or quite so graceful as before or could join him with quite her former sprigbt lines and anirnaiion t their mutual pleasures when tht thought she had more claim lhan when they wen so richly given to hia sympathy and lesv derness hen it was that his loroabips fancy began to pall bis safeclion to cool and when once the claange had nassed upon the spirit of hu dream it grsw rapidly it appeared to him that scales dropped from his eyes he no linger saw in his wife lbs angel