chronicle gazette tiff ad wt ffm w of iii 1 f na pvliinn t tin oryicr cokhk lira k ffcrrfctmttoh wc0ncs0ay a satuftoay frfm twaly siuif tptr m frmv i44pttfvrttttt arts vlasffrassmsari ardctl vithovi ihr ipeaafwj ipmtm uicriare chronicle ttffoli tomtl rffhcft ifmi aette d i mso v rr and kingston commercial advertiser wirtinikrtfin iitj 7 tah ulkiucftt in j wiion tftillr a awl vndcr ji s4 irm nrriaj vhj oj i i 1 1 i i h te per line aril tnvtlioh mil id cf line aacfci irfbirqvfvt ibifllfht 1ttir4itf mrttttvmrntt frttm rdfrerf rrrrnlcr rt sutlf pat4fr 4n auwtfj vni iinmmit i via lottorpreat prjdlinc sw clr- xxvii wew series vol i kingston canada saturday january 30 1847 so 9- 3team between n york liverpool vtqh rue oua r vnnin itetm hit romfaai svsum skips 1700 tom 50 horse potcer h k mthium km command r sis aaii itaiiffinsji 3500 tent lono hjr powrr lieutt nam r ncoiiarv4rr aijiwbc year is 16 a t hi re tataftm to l follows great western fon lrerpol i front new york 5itorjjt 1 t sept tbunday 8ti oct salvrjay 3hl oil j thursday 6b nov oreat britain- in coairq r t tbi i i i bavin tantbcltae ground dunaea fo- on brr outward pi a io iw yofc the pic- oii fc ri it a doir ihev oe io the public and especially 10 hi parlm nho bate abrajv taken ibtir paiia jr in jier not io priiti hei to eoagaiti to 5ea feitloul hii lin boltoa llio fougly fijmufjrnthf gfvi oifk and the ltd l ltvttnonl will rot fildttl of her hin ooctej and umlokd tirfoi t rj eeki sepemlrihi jmvc tetrrmiaf to pnledhpf next hyof wiff le iv 4 5rnimbfe on ltitu tfv w vil lait fiom iwcoaca ikx l cuvea fcwv am her dj of i4itn mif b iviin fioi ltreipr from nrir voit tceijiy d srhli ttafjjyftll h roeli j7in n4f tarni isiii irec fjtet liefll prr crel uvrrn 1kij jflj 55 mm4tk fct fte pj uirtunuin j- v io bt iic i j jvotitioo of ihe sf rnt pjni nf which nv b en al any oltbf afentt fof frfuler or oth uiliritfw ppl in momfil it haiti and tvlee k co njiiifj tjfti srnl il6 the heartless or the rectors daughter chapter ii one day lord atihuf lurptlscd bcr wocptng- what b the meaning of all this alice be exclaimed- i mm 00 friend tontiowdt as anhovid4iewllhrewber arms around bim the 4j could again mbtro those mg of blw and love which wtj pnwj vo htely if wo might aim be til io nil to each oiher you air drill all in all to me arthur tell em vlul have i done io inerii iii- taicd io produce tbi change wjwt can 1 do ifcar arthur ihol will puoe you before ibat will make you once again what jou bare been o me her tears were flowing very fan and ile lonefc in which the words were uiier- ed were so earnest that w seemed they mum peitelraie ihe soul but what can movi ilit hearltesj lord arthur dis cjiuiiniulk uiakvii stationery warehouse wbarlibts4oniimi1iaaiaa4saitiiatnbai 4julekj r writing faftrs lbtbuitfjl blank books scho bocks ac bet t irneoon hiflicnenl a smffai h ui m r- fcrit futuperlion by heh uf book ci aa4ia lhr romafmli wafliav om vwiwssm i hi1inr r j ollle tbhfljinrnt aviitir ftui m v l by wieh uf ibefglfdlotafiro i vyle iaferiof iuo prlstlsti 07cif imaaor6f if o ituid iuvrlonb ron aw iupmltk cb route km oil irivrn aaw that the fsini hope whkh he would a husbanra ayropaihv i wasip nol yet of reprieving in any de- like these lut iu learn lh lore waa to appear mranemen of bis soul grc fir hubiiiids provfs lo observe to her ladyship that we found ulicr cii necessary in order to proer her lo yield mr nwby was statng with ll ol love i her eves culd nut be buopen to the hem teal before him cheerful not alone him all thai a wife could render ol love i her eves ctifcl nut be borpeft and iluir hut still to appear at pllncllvu state of tags for am hd as possible in biseyoi she tw that grief j llose iiimji day of unfunded devotaon remonstrance and saddened joois would which bldprwfs thi marriage the but widen the breach and having taken had reccivd lelfcrt fr alice during her resolution one more difficult to ee- fall sltply oitialvam fancy emm sovitra hivr ii received ine 2 fjii wfijilj ofrtain and fancy 1 ottirjoj uhrtaiii- inj fine laid korjp m llo ild1 vvllvw do fjinl and r i ii rnl li 1 1oolica stipnttoe nj tnc lid lou engaged bimseif from lcrraxsaod coolly ad u id you really suppose alice that the fund fuulish days of our honeymoon wfli i make the history of our lives wo arc uoc responsive fur the endurance uf intense tutccttons of course time will ell upon them aa vpoo all else allow press to you ooce in a manner ft peat- cutc than some detached act of might heroism she strung her nerve and braced her courage or the eflvft she was glad that lord arthur dtd not pear again during the day her red dened eyes and swollen features would have ill responded to his exhortation her indisposition afforded her pretext for not appearing before any of her own set- rants excepting her maid who attended to undress her and who ibt hoped would attribute her appearance to the headache of which she complained- the next morning at breakfast alice wore an air which if it did not amount quite to cheerfulness was at least irtn tjuil and removed from mclanchojv lord arthur treated her with extreme polite- alice rfcicb spoke o be motiih blowing ii bliss such atvnrhkldchlend lord employing it perfectly quiet to deny your lurdshipi wish io see her thi was addressed to lord arthur by the chief physician who bad been called into attend the case his lordship bit his lips but politely answered the rose wns perfectly justifiable dr m and i am obliged to you for 1 vou to send to mo si uf tile oaf e jtoa canada lady i be story iv i i4 anhurs courlcojs polifi and ales whenever mi think itdeirabc that lady attempts tu apficu liappruld not now blind her shcvas detr grieicd hut with true wisdoft and ww section sobm we me 1 attraclions wilherjual arrtbihly and skill before lord alhur six en induced from him a wod or look adwirtiioo or apfirova wbirfhshcsawed as a most ethcacious corjul upon alices sunken spirit she uas an inflm for good in the house both auslt wife en joyed hervisit id lament conclusion ness be proposed their immediate return at kngih it did cocludi j they were the doctor lhanked his lordship for ihc w premission and retired felkrtating hifn- ofi ftiend mtft oflhtfm she made j self that he shouw now save his cse lord ot the most dbm nf i arlhur w sumnsoocd to the sick charo- iectioalice ssa snuv however tober within an hour he wax gentle and amuse and encoirago htm numtar of he kept the iwuse for the next few small devices aid by drwing forth her j days and often viwted t sack moot un- iit ice that it iced never be sentiment and bta c ftm velio tetti ii- rit l- vi ah jckv 4 ihtc tije irapntl erk7mt kaland mnlium crl4ms wu ftnfc td wlnte uln- ppt sfttm plata aj ji tjcj note pjot h fn uimv ejrj ij lucl cox4ctt4 ltlei saj net tper ol paper for cliou fnj rnotin pi j la and fncy enttufof buck ttsfdeiej jo fn mdpljinwfeittiii boxes pickie lljuitrated lcitm iujrr jilmnattd note l lsboistd nj ivifoticd fnry co1oreiwd i in ttoet klorocco kflelope c foitaate tuvrlioi willing deiki s1- ivtilinx drfc mjiny nd rtuewood wcliej deikt r and brre inkljnd caoor and ivoty loiter soll ulom belts water colon sjblr mj ciflli hair rtititaef initial wafrr io gold and oileti gold and silver shells perforated ttaarda duwin pcetils rriititl bujd for dtawioj duuiii papr teaeio paper black toa traniparebt aratiof wx aotraoe sod cottinoo coo vena i ion cards cod kent and silver ivoril casts portable letter wei fih to- machine pent aed peacilslotethtl in caes faney and common peo- holder pjain afld metallic mcnvcranduei wilti elaspt uoan morofto and ruii leather pocket i5ook vtih slrikoranda v j rami book wnb locks for private memotasa a mi trtoarent stale for jmitr cr car momcco kaan and kmia l hen ladita and genta ittt ab cid colored toy as varioe pier colore piclore juvcaik draw t gold ai silver iaaeis btot writtsul pad rrmmt cawi paper collrj leorv and booe huk dawinj bookislid sketch uwi lumiiated massk book taoi aod tfer standi tteutej waifjprn quea victoria cifamctt ronlaiou fancy suitoery pimee albert cebioett conummx do bfatob ptni io botet injia ink silk tate vaiioot color puvmccaida tuin aod gtd backed lpsuti csaeaj tudmt ppriviaiaind colorej coorrd femy flat lio caed ctjnttt bfohr for vamithiof mjtkrinaiicai intlmenta luliinaied and plun drmi foolscap and post saes port folio j ladie uriinrj work boiee roe- lfii skwe ite moitlchors iotifl cotra teller weijhtt lellee wtigh machine krc tdpe lrtstt clampa 4ee victoria pilar alwit and piiace ol wafn nc pj ivibllletuf siatnjrt motto siaipo hand botes ciia iji atm note lie tc kauslv hmnurtco kuooffeabefcs jmg ne to c u cd that i dislike sentiment and tceises the repetition of this kiixt of thing onlv produce an estranging effect upon me you may be as happy u nnv other wife if iou will fop down ibis foolish sen timent i shall desire to see vou do so ii is riv purpose alwajs to provide for j on hdirtjaomely vou will find not yur wants alone but your wishes gratified as mv purse can do it but m for the anef of ittlttf ttbitli lri l r i jaia ii dad j lulural denth and vou must nol ejcrt me longer to hover auut you in uc lover faabioo it would be ti ihut my uianbootl coult ill endure let us now understand cadi other end rcmcmuv that you cannot more oftcnd me itan by repetition of scenes like iliis and with the last words he left the loom poor alice ibis cool clear pitiless iijdrcn explained to her in a moment ile cxiajtat rf ncr wie it destroyed on the instant tltc hope to which she had clungt tliat aomc passing cloud had overcaat her husbands mird which blown over would leave ml as before it might have laoght iter hut this she would ool seej that he hl no jkmtl that she had never possev i his lovp that xrhai sha had deemed enaavfl load attachment jiad been he more itadulgence of bis fancy which she had caput uted what a gulf of sorrow was opened before ber who has hersc if endured be loss of a husbands love has heard the acceoti that once caressed her fuodlyrow strange has seen the charm thai ahe was wont to inspire exchanged for iradif- the eye that used to dwell upon ference the eye that used to dwell her with rapture now carelessly turned hide has perceived the thoughts that were once engaged upoo her now herjdo longer haa wit tha whilst once all that she did charmed now her most atrecs- uous eftoiti to please excite but dlsgoil she and ar emit can know what alice now felt site sought her room and locking her self within it she threw herself upon her couch tod gave vent unrestrained to the extremity of her grief she wept for hours she had not conscroostiesa of lime she wept till kind of imolal atupefao- liot was produced and she do longer analyzed lcr state or remembered the cause of her grief still utider a sense of oppressive woe the lean rowed and if they ceaatd for m few minutes they flow cd again ai length she heard a lapping at ibe door it wis her maid who came to say that hi im i had aent word that be should rmt drne at home oor probably re turn iiit 11 very well jenkins she said with out ddmittinelhc maid i am not tnvself well and i ahall not dine loday let some slight refreahment be placed in my adjoining dressing room this liulo ioterruptioo called her to rccolleciioo she nw that wisdom and duly alike forbade her to despair and de manded from her fortitude and effort she look some refreshment and felt ber- self revived she remembe rod that the author of herbtiog who bad beeo to ber a god of many merric had permitfed her prtmst sorrow to fall upon her she knew not why bul she wsj sura it was not without anme end of good she im plored him with all lh fervor of her ar dent soul lo grant her submission forti and wisdom and she did not aak io vain tho very seas of resignation i i i relief aa she pondered murh and acarchingty upon the case abe to england and establlshftient in his house in town observing that ho hoped the change of life would amuse and please her alice immediately acceded to the pro position she felt how utterly powerless were all externa things to amuse and please her whilst his love was wanting but she did not express a jentrmem which m his present mind it would but have wearied him to hear a fortnight laicr found them establish ed in a handsome house in square lord arthur utled up alices apartments with all that could pleas her uisie or conduco to ber comforr she desired to believe this a mark of reviving fondness and she lhanked htm for it with so much i heart and warmih that for the moment a spark of pm feeling was rekindled in his mind th caik wiw funned by the circumstance lhat alice excited every where considerable admiialiun altered as she was she was mill ji lovely crco l f his family received her well anrj yc ai iracted alteotion wherever shti was pre sented ll wn whispered that she waa ihe most lovely woman in town end lord arthur both perceived and heard of the prestige in her favor for a few brief weeks ibis admiraiion accorded to her by others seemed half to reopen hit eyes to the value of his late neglevled wife alices sanguine temperament took comfort and encouragement how anxi ously she strove lo ian the flame how carefully she sought to consult hia tastej and wishes in her slightest action to avoid all ihe merest nothings which she con ceived might coniradict ihcm and if the contrast sometimes struck painfully upon her mind between the peseni state oj things and those days when no such anxious care was needed iben bis par tial fondness saw all she did aa right ond lovelv because ar did it she knew that such regret waa vain and if she could not bar her heart against the en- ttanct of such saddening thoughts at least abe did not aordor them ihere the rather looked brightly forward with an ticipation to the day whm she should have to rvjoke again and she hoped for ever in a return to something like the happiness of the peat apd when again he addressed to her a few words of ten derness they thrilled upon ber ear and sunk into her aoul and seret the teardrop to ber eye and the color o her cheek never had his love appeared to her so immeasurably precious as now when af ter believing site hud loot it it gave pro mise of reviving again but ii wase abortlived prrruiie alice budding hopes were sooa to be blast cd anew lord arthur pride had been excited and his vanity fettered by the admiration wbich his wife hd excited but the novelty of her itrst appearance was sooo passed and as became an incorpormlcd member of his lordship cir cle and whilst she waj making real ground no longer exciting mere applause be relapsed into entire iruhrttrence and she realized the truth that hope deferred maketh the heart tick sick iodced was her sad heart still lord arthur treated her with external decency of re spect with polite sburlesy he preserv ed appearance before the world asm alone koew the exteot of the change which bad pasted upon him there was isothing to scaadalire eociefy ll was in her many days of sad solilikfe in his al tered manner in the absence of his once tender fortius in the cessation of that oncnea of feeling and volitioo which had drawd ihem always in the sme direction in the indication of disgust and impa- tience which not risible to those around were too well perceired by her sensitive and susceptible mind on occasion when her bodily indisposition disqualified her from taking her part ie eotfwty with ber native rrnce and her acquired power and when she especially full her claim upon left alone again head dragged of the days for lord arthur almost at ways absent and wheim dad p i wm ceoly polite- lime for alice accoudiment dre she re queued him to permit heo h sister in pass law season wl her lie refused lier ynor relatnn alice must visit u at a lime when w leceive ihe honors due to die eoixirto ol my wife but my dear arthur i am full or iears my sister has pasw ihrnugh these ciicvrnmances aad she dl rheer me my dear charlotte will epecl no other attention than my love dl shew her do lei me hvo her with re i pray you l am sorry lo decline implying wiih any thing that you ask lily but i should feel it a derogalii my cuese- l lltfiawajibrvawsie thixim j a rnonih ii bcttrchmu uncen ur lietird ot exce4 iitlie honorable capacity of auric and vet j cookl dt nothing with her wwo 7vsve i- 1 i fir al most foeejo this gralifirit ion aliciid no more nor dtd she men tion her fathers name of course the some ubjetion wootu have applied still more smugly lo hi presence ill in body anlimoreill in spirit she waited live time if ber delivery ahc waited it with feur yet with fimd desire she wuum ihei she thought itave an object on wud i bestow her heart and which would iiiime return her love the peglected wife and moiherles daublcmnet her hour alone richlv at tended o far as money could purdvase atteudanes but wiihnone to whisper in her car lb words of luve and cheer bui where s her husband how her heart yeaned toward the absent father of her bn a cordial given by his hand the woftttf lenderneaa falling from his lips arliow needless would have been all other ministry 1 bul he came nol and all ika carea or hirelings though they moved be gratitude lor she had a gentle spirit lefihr soul lo pine ten oi twelve hour after the birth be relurnedo his home heard of the evenl and visit d his wife chamber toed andxcied she did not weak- exercise her usuabelf control she took hia hand convuuivly and bursting into lear ex claimed ah rthur i had hoped to have seen you soonr annoyd at the dtsfday in presence of doctor ari menials lie yet felt a touch of selfreproach be saw nuo that soothing was lateejjiry to hi wife aafety so sub duing hi- displeasure he said calmurself my love ibis distress will be inurious io you aa it is ground less utent and unavoirlable business kept mc rt orvd detained me re luciauth rum your bedside and alee waa calmed those sooth ing wordhad fallen sweetly upon her ear wiltuglv credulous and when his lordship jefl iwr aoon after she fell into a slumber and dreamed him all husband and all aibcr and heraelf the happiest of wivrmd mothers his vists to her chamber however few and tar between when lie came and spokviohcr tome wordsof kindness her heart was touched and her hope was raised tnd then when he staid ions away htr state of rcatlessness and auxi ety andnfeaipoininfrnt ihough she en- deavoredsu cmctftl it from those around her and li calm nrxl cheek it yet rained upon her weakened nerves and induced fever the alteration uf liof and dev pair wiiltihc revolulions of feelings tu which thv cave re have shaken a alronger frame than hers alice became rxtremelv ill the doctor announced in i arthur lhai her life was in danger 11 herlndrship hat somelimes desired to see ynu my lord when it chanced that you were atarnl and as it was of the firat importance to the caac lhat tier till the doctor pronounced the case out of danger alice faic however was protracted not averted consumptive disease had fixed its seed in her slight i n the wupr of that 1 ni malmdy wo al most imperceptibk even to herself and within two months ofher coonnement she was in her drawing 100m and her carnage again lord arlhur would sometimes pass a few hours at her side and would still find his time agreeably beguiled by the fascination of her conversation or her music he would still jltfully and belimes admire her elegant form as it lay grace fully extended upon a sofa or look with pleasure upon her lovely features oc casionally he would accompany her in her drives in ihe park not indeed without reference to the preservation ofappcamn ms but also it least in part because he found pleasure in her socictv there was no return lo live felicity which had preceded and followed their union bul at least there was a decrease of that heariless indifference which hail fixed a rankling arrow in alice soul the arrow seemed withdrawn and she wm gladdened she delighted in biff infant and when her husband was lone otttov al wwu jdw i au biu and rejoice tu see hi fathers features re heeled in his infantine face- so thing wen 1 on for twn or three motitlis then secmel gradually 10 ttie loto ihetr rw rner aisle but the grief no longer came with ihe violence of surprise she had learned how insecure her icnure upon her husband s heart that lie was devoid of heart she did not yet believe she was progressing in christian grace and pious resignation and her sensations of inter nal illness began lo tell her that she would not be long on earth one morning he abruptly informed ber lhat he was going to parrs to iaris my dear lord and will you not take me with you ii no no your health is not equal to the jihirnev you are better at borne you will not make a very protrahrd tav will you aithur when do vou fc tomorrow i set out my stay is uncertain you will and your cheques upon mv banker answ without limita tion indulge younelf with all that you desire and io to your father if you like it will be better than asking him here whilst i m nol here to receive him alice while she sighed over bis in difference to herself thought how much worse the rose might be how much worse it did mand with some wives and she lelt a sort of i ha nkfulnes amidst her grief lord arthur set out ibe next day she fondled her infant and prepared for a journev to her father he had been but three day gone when onenf those persons who love to gather and spread all current scandal made to alice one of her venomous v hits after a few commonplaces admiration of the infant and flattery to the mother she rtroceeded lo inflict her sting 1 could not but come to tell you lady how heartily 1 grieve for vour sor rows alice started looked shocked surprised and puzzled your ladyship is aware of course ahem i would not for worlds be the first 10 tell you ahem 44 i am aware of nothing has any thing happened lo my husband my fa ther my sister can any thing have reached your ears which has not reached mine pray hasten to tell me what has happened ii i would not for the world have been the person to broach 10 your ladyship ibe unfortunate intelligence i supposed of course you knew it but aince it is not sn and you drive me to ihe puinl it is no other than 1ord arthur is gone 01t lo paria with another lady alice looked for a moment aghast and slupified ihensakl thb is a false and cruel story not a whisper has ever been breathed against the propriety of my husband conduct i know not why you have poured this poison in mv ears i beseech you to hav- to mind tlhi1d ifo kept at eae i cniuredrepose leave roe you will docharitv now me thus stung me lo leave me mg j am grieved shocked you bul ibe story is too true and there are uther stone also aain his earlier life if ihey have not reached your w nor come into general circula- ion it i only because he has been more careful than hi neighbors and il is only to prcscrt e urm at court and lo conce the scandal that he is now one to paris excuse me ld alice indignant- ly rising to ring fc excuse mc if f wish to be alone this is a cruel tale to bring to the ear of a wife anil as urifouiom as it is cruel arajjjiho left 1 j kc ruorn saving to the servait who was entering mrs l carriage however unhappy alice had hitherto been no pang of jcakuy jiad yet slvi into her soul whilst she deplored bur husband injtlerencc lo berthf she jud never suspected that he lavished fondnes on another she had indeed now prv lessed disbelief and site atrove to disbo lieve but fears that the story was true gained unbidden ground in her miod she spoke no word upon he surjedt breathed no suspicion no complain even to her nearer friend and she wrote tu her husbaiil with unabated affection and cbeetfufness with as much eltort to interest him in her detail as though no word had reached her which could stand between ihcn but the sunken eye the hollow voice the downrt mien whkh marked her from the hour of vr l s fatal visit would luve told u any close observer thai some consumma tion had bees added to her grief her father and he sister had long since ar rived at the sd persuaston that all was not well for why else bod she ceased to carried her lo het ud had applied rero- rative- when lc levtved brr nui u funhfolaiidailaihrdriiajtore was baig- i np over lier my lady she rfi been tbo of your iiiuvm ldtahip imtl lieard ult an aie your maa z in pek of the bright days- of joy which sb had once painted why else had ihey never been asked to come and witness her felicity but they could only grieve in silence herbrutlwr was closely en gaged in his university studies- her fa ther was anticipating htr visit to him with a sad pleasure the day before ber journey ahe had entered the anteroom of tle ut im ithliulttb 4iid hit i j there examining a aortais siccus which was slowed into one of its cabinet she was subtracting from it the duplicate 1 1- i of dwu plmtta lo carry to ber father and was thinking with infinite tenderness of the aucnt perhaps the guiliy husbundalill aodear oner whose hand had gjihered them in days that seemed too happy tu have been passedon earth when jut rnaid and housekeeper entered the ajfiming room to pack there fur ibe morrow a journey they were lalk ing earnestly m poor lady saifd the houselcerr 1 sogood so gentle and pattern a she is and never a word rf reinnm but loving him through all as if be were lie best of husbands but this laat blow would break her heart if she knew it breaihless and sick at heart alice had heard and suspected llul she herself form ed tbc subject for the sym j at by and pity of her domestics her face burnt with blushes shame to appear before them to acknowledge thai she had heard their words perhaps the craving at tlcvioir to know rooie held her lo the spot tho maid replied is tu be hoped that slat never will know it my poor lady at nol long for this world and it would be a in and shame 10 make br last dm more bitter than they are 11 it would indeed returned the house keeper and i cannot help honing mrs jenkins that your friend whitiker rnav have told you more tlan truth whitiker was lord arthur valcl i wish indeed fie had replied the maid rt bul ho is not the man to do that besides lord arthur had given him money to seal his lips end he tells me ihey will be sealed to all but me and if he supposed that i talked with you mrs lata adjoining room i tan neur fupi mimll litem how sorry f am f r wlo 1 hail heard you ji nlmf u iw reference to tle past never again amudu to the sulyct and if you hive mejvf kins a i believe u ik mek uf it to nonelning i will go and de with try faihur i shall not be long here i de sire much to preserve a tranquil aid sub missive nnd your eniire ailcnre will assist me the miid wept and eomised alice v 00 weak to travel lor a dv or two when ahe arrived at ber lather duur she was so unguid and exhausted that le almint lifted her from ile car riage and then as be rupporrrd ht into the old rom and placed lef in ihe eat- chair inn taking his heit lefire ler looked upn her faded face and glassy eye aid then contrasted il with the jay sunny countenance so beaming with happiness and goodness wbch lod htn upon him but eigltevo months before the big inl rotfcd from his manly ftws ob mice lhat i had kept you to myself and lo a happier kit that i tad icver permitted your visii to kewbv grange i he exclaimed u i have given you 10 wretchedness und the loeab 1 mv dear dear biker do not 1 jackson little is it that i should hear from him but i know tliat you are a true person arjd silent as the grare and lhat vou love my tody no less than i d myself no no there is no mistake ll is just over again with tlus worthless woman what it was with my lad ihe first seven ur eight months of their mar nae and what il was three vcars agu with a mislress lie kept very snugly in london thai never got abroad j do not surjpose it was ever known but to wbili ker and her people and whiiikcr totd tnej now she witl take her turn like the rest for half a year or it may be whole year sbe will be all io life to him and then hewill pension her and forsake ber and well she will deserve it bul lhat my lady should have shared such a fate 1 f cuts me 10 the heart mrs- jack son alice heard no more vacancy was sicslinjf over ber senses the couj dew stood upon ber brow she had remained at firl silent and motionless from shame nd emotion she was so from extremity of illness sbe cootd not utter a word to call for assistance she leaned against ihe cabinet lor support and as ber tenses vanished fell the novst of the fall drew the women hastily lo her sine panic ricken ihey glance at each other then raised her ny so she replied much aflected j mi tr laiuly ill and it would perhaps be false to fljiier you with lha idea lhat i sbasll recover but mv illness t sent by hea ven and migubave occurred though 1 had been strll uurscr your fostering care it seems to me that the happiness of the months which pmeded and followed my marriage wre worth a common life indeed my father they embraced more ecstatic happiness than is spared fyvc iitnv a hie wast a w ioi juvrficd 00- blessed the twmory of ilmt ttn it mi4 prrcioi lo jie j would not if could obtsv ihe pam if i ho been let happy of lilc my sorruw i mrrl lo myself i mill love my hubaial wiih urwbnferi favor voo flbcr will n dapbi with me all hat ihe holy lie of marriage claims and which your alice delights lo yield lie presacil tier hud and kissed her brow but could make no reply she puimeil hiv attention to his irandaon who oppeared in his nurses arms betore ihe window he took the child and blessed fates you and will enyay the babe to geiher father said alie as fondling him hc returned him to the nurse the bel im ir llut ll neighborhood could supply was employed lo aiicuo alice and her wn phyiiciancame down from london once in ten ot twelve dm s uotii lold tl reelor tt io sec her there was ni glimmering hops llwt her life miht be preserved it vras a o tion only of lime and in fact ho luiher aaw her fade front da toay charles uunran was at the hall visit ing hit uncle he had r- been in thai neighborhood since his fast meeting ww alice two das s belore bis journev up la london to commence he career wnlal hail been inspired by his love to bei he had heard of her rjsarriaje am- bruised in spirit and blighted in hope 1 1 hail kek away still be pursued hi profession though the dear objevt wider hud led him to embrace was defeated yet lie was indebted to slice for bavins awakened hi energies and induced htr instead uf banging a burden upon li uncle to ad iiit the wee bonorabk cojr of exertion and selfhlependence now they were to nwel again v dav after iwr arrival pi the rectorv cat teil there it was an affectiig u view to both a elance of his eje ilia once revealed to her all ihe secret of h love now hit looks expressed not inny- paninn but unabated interest rtsar pitv friendship and regret there i before him the woman sirith whom should have fotinrl himself soblersed at to whom he fondly trusted be should ui returned a blesaina aiukmg into an n- timely tomb the victim he suspec- though he did not know it tt an oulit py marriage a heartiest man sic w awtrvtd a iliqercit m nnrl he vt would have secuied her mtereni why why had ihey flrrt been ihnv togiiher he did rot lenitiben uvwisw nor did he trust hiiwelf oflen m rejvat it it waa too much for his fortitude alice beard with interest of bis aocrrs in jit preparation for the bar but her fond and faithful heart never for one in stant wished her lot i been thrown i another union never fw one insii wandered from her lord estranel faithless a he was her whole suul wd his all hcrafleclhids were yet twefeaf around him and she lived in memory the past wja a eea