th1 gazette ii v 11 ow 1 t chronicle t larfflf a i fane m iuh rt tub urrtca l ao t h lf k ix tit 1 ovui f ij tisftv wcdmcfday a 9atuhdat wifw aran 5iioiijr fm wmti illinfur b itntlj adhered imdml omfdt4wrf4tjt4 iihot n trvetunaauakrisad oi roriai rtiva ra tacaa chronicle m fil wlq rn tenant what u ftaettd iciiiionicxk ftiltitb stationery wtrebooie iiht rnr ter lt rtib and kingston commercial advertiser f d t d rri 4m ins uiifi td nfuotktlnn aid j tick taaetat in ertion tciiitt and amltr it id i ral macri mil to arhmljthjfointtb ottrunlin id frhiif ftil mttftte and m par lin h m i- mire li hr jafffhhwm rderr vrrfar f if saidr mifh aandw i intrrllvo l r m r lrn ivi sit j nr t m npn ftcc pope sr rjtrnaa vol xxviii1 kv series vol t kingston canada saturday march 20 ih 17 ino wha u r if k r n allulaeu j ewsf writing papem i rr ut1l n r lb jiaoaaajtla jooks school boohs c lailliiubraflcnr- carried mio w fc ubjtifcmvnl anijrir atsjnsjj bltrhm it in mlssrnaft by m f i ft l and in yl oopiii i cmfbmfim phixtisu offlct it ook blnlticau and alaltvptht waiitittuutlh ai f tf ddffkifd j j iuid j tftfrj tllinto i- ljlt l i kiiilpniv t xational cvan ituui ifc hsimirancc socicln of lonjna savinp bank fee ibe benefit f ifcf orphin 3ati ibt tvllltv txrowcntd ir act or paltamct capital jtuoooo mcrllu bruii r fund m u u rr- sl85o00 t- lamic muuay ktq ccnrf m u- jjrexia i i t cwrt of director n lgmua 4mvfri-w- s b wmuurasti ea fras thii ifijtiiii ii i rabnet imporiart nil tabsiaittial ijvnitfe vnih mpel to lifr munrke soj uferrro tnnuiiiet lhe murj kb o ill octfttont it fwtvfr lo borrow ft iihowl rxptat hf foffciluft of ihc fmvikcv iwo ihnu of ibe fvcdiiunt paid s i- the rtf m nt ctftj wfirfiu jii the i o- r- i of hit ifltcrrl lo meet othr cofiveairb i t j- r ammnrtftw lrm of jr m tli lo- cl i e mlf prnt inturcd fr life fir 0 of bor row hif mum of iflwml pivtuuw f fturremlve rrp on their oivci rr t r 1 polt iif pntirv part of hc cajmaj it ptrmmntlf w vw o iht united sum in ihr nm or three if tit lncal drecua 4tftoe avjil alvrttt i ihe fuml in n of jii uird claimi hoilj arv tqeh j r vj or oihrrwue the ymenl of peemiurnt hilfyeflj or atierfj at a inflmg advanee upon lue muit rate no charge for aiarop uie thirtr li alio r i after each paement of premium bctornet jvc withvi foifeiiure trvvtlliii imvc esco anj liberal eaira pretniuroi ob the ml inndtratt rale dtviaix or paorns tlie remarkable aurcc ij iarreacj prttperilt f the o- oeiy liieaahlel ibo drone ai the ut annual iftveoi declare a fiairlh r- jim rtriiagfrn 35 m 55 jer cent o ihe pmiuiptf tmij on each pvitcj eoecteil on he profit wrale- kln9ton lorul unnnl hctr caocaatttvc et jom r fomtth km joh a macooald bht h pp dolclas pftlntl cto hon johf hamtto william wilsom esq tadixc cittjstlt jomw flfoaitth ea mcoical uamicpi alcx- c tbfetwoxi esft maacta j james cull etoce accnt orrice oiffrfi strut pimphtfia blank fount uwe of rattt 1 7 wall t 13 a bowery rr from either of ih agrrtuihroukhout the uoteil sutef 41 rrn nr 1 am hi cijoniea j lkanderstakr ceerl a pent lor the united soten ailb na-colomet- newvoiksthanyarj 1847 under the patronage of the medical faculty uw rtritttd litotth trirfvtdf j wlncrs chemical red drop and univerral familv oiiuocni for the cure of scrofula or kmfi evifptti allhiformaor rtafea whit swel ling of the jotnw paiwi in tbe booeaj snu cbroiwe incammatinoa of the j i hhjs ki h sec rheumaiiam srl gout all hard tumour an j alfrciumii j fai aaj nrvk s 1 v dry anj moittritcr sctirvyj itch in iflhalufttil ervaipelaa nomatier where prevent or of oeacription bnt anj aij bar j tumor tifffvfsinj uie innainmation tvbrn tiej be fore asppurvtioq ha iommeflceu a fi r r warih limitmr ihe ezient 01 the abacea u is caneera uleeni if evert je- enptfoo j sail rbeum oeama anj burnt the preparation oftlbeee rtiiuiea waa the mult of aenea of ejtpcrimeut during the ian four rear with the material of wuchftia conpoae4 m the ireatmeni of e above namrj cooipbinta in their ap- plication the firm of the rtmcosee ma frequently iriej but not a tingle re of failure baa tei been maoebnotvn 10 the pro prietor in two man ihe diieate mrirj after ate or ttx mootha but apeexblr ji appeared opon the renewed application of the re me ilte j the proprietor preaenta it now to the public believing that in their preent lorm liter win prova a convenient application for anr of the above complainlt and can wiib confidence recoamcd iliem to the afflicted with tbeattgfame ofa permaafnt cure to all who persevere in ihcirapolicahonj of the ii- 1 virutent and loathtomo diacaae to which the bod in tba life e eubjert it 1a alotoat incredibie the wonderful cure tbej bare eooo euected when all other aneaoa had failed ther do not act h a repellant but impeeeeptihl draw out lbe poiaonou huffior and renew a beauhj artinii in the ditened papa the tmell j iwfmjitf vcflrr y wiiw yy vjufe ifh delicate rotittiiouon and mar with eual aotxeee be applied lo infanta aa well a mtulte t hfly will bo foud4 a raluabfe aprendage w iolel no family ever be fall supply of plain and fancy stationery v trial wilt pettve lj milfl xot1ce itjhe puhlirare hereby a mined that am the tlf legally pjcinteij icrto to receive all rate and akment and other mnnic duo to the midland fvriii and cfrtie aad olnera ore ravuined aeamit paring ihe ame to any other person j 1 am the only one who can give ibeta a legal imattirli david john smith trttivr r midland dlltmct- troturers oftre micand dmct kkpumt cod january 187 ml cifrii mol pfff iareierr- sheriffs sale of lands os satubday the 22d day rfmij text utlheo4d at the court hue in ihe cy rf k tla unjermen ioned land and tenement teued by vinoe of a writ of fieri fana ued nit nf the drttritt cinjrt laihc midland dit- trwt- and l medireied rik the bank of brutb nodh america jtf te jmeeclwptanj angw mcvicr i alt the riglii iie and imcem f the above defendant- in pari of town lot no in and ao part uf lot no m 1m coorewn kirirttun sita at ovfork noon tacorbett sherltmd- sherir offire krton i ifch fjb li7 i 11 cigars mltteeceved t the v3ccrber 10000 pinclpes m jo sam tc- 16000 havanu limwtw t m do fi nine 10mo oheroota mentua 2j thrr c3f of various qualitlea aud bramle william j martin lhrk square broch street 43 k frr nor ifttfi to wiihool iherdt a ai in iheirpraiee full dirertione aeeompanj each box and bottle for the treaimentof all the above die eaae prtrared only and told by j winer rto prop be 3d perbotiteointmtrtt 3 6 j each for aale by n- palmer sandss sarsapar1lla or the removal and itkmlm cffte op all di5kases prom an imlkk state uftmebloudor ha8it of the system ttitc rapaaeal a r mhtlaj aoa the vjc gf ike t- lrfr r efuw wld i lha lw ftkik of lrili d444 pojtttf ut ttotftt fe ibovhii v- awinj ta im tiitrd bctitt cf fcrjni- 1 aivre bvt inc im 0 1 f ih r m tuia n- 1 t h bt ti te mid lffjm n iu 1 upon ia ij j lb- rni of iba mavmaife cmvrr aaa adfii rf h j riir mw tjld i if- jrw iti f i ri r v- r- n uhi fttf fid awm d is ifc iceuflnl ihfeaajm 4 it faathlai tnaliahi mu foeubted u cgrbt ati1r abo ditfrt ihv l pcuan h i i f ikraua f iir i fi n oin i lh dj sin t sabaafavrlla f irrl wcubw pr ptiiivt i ri i i r i trltj l jii i frob i-i- kont ia w r l ififutl ctif fwr 5crful vr r t w cunos lef7 fih rhmb 5u hf4 lutiim ijibii v tkc utart im ctar04r 0ikon in u n t tr l ihmwd ordvpbutorihrdiriror4 i i niitlrun j- iff 1 1 i t 4 hind nih a rtad vjik tatret tha n- 1 k a i n f in ai rrama1iit juk f ih fc itc tb i r- i rt- 1 far 4t it ft rri 4 j couh a4 t nut ha re sad nii mr v j if l lh jj i lido bf half f i i pjl mn hifft baooklh 0b0j jflj 10 iftli ccmtlaatix it eae mvn 4nj 0 fdvwtf i- tj h ir i i r j m tj to mi fo i i do aa vith im i t mr hlbi that of rk i rr ar r i lttd m ih wahft r fail 1lfrthr m bah4 o iht f i- u rf lm mo jnhr riilnrr 4 hii mllb u f ttf j klitl rj fk iaprr4 to lfcl u lh toa ii ae v- riuio wiui ehtoa t ij ht a a r f h ba t if ut ait4 it me lo ort nil vidv hh l thai a aaah0 b- f tm t i t i i e hit t i rajlve i hvi th picisn i t wi- l- i j fi he nj die hntkok the imifr te fir4v ful ie ocrli mj itct ihfjih fi jsm n hi uadr ini- he ovtili ah lo h he nil cfrnt oandr touw ilj a utea mj cwi r i j ifn j l r fodcaar to i ti biciir f tw hi rwdj n la fi aijr jair tfoecf ffkrnd muhrhhet almt jnartec ofib feaet fer flwrplkctf t iu imrir nd tnircre tj nhkh h ohimdtx r- is what ule r4 maha a b kdsawus wlnlilt dtjafaaa 79 fuhon l n v sou ttia hr j w irfm k j- m v- ir- htt- mi ic t bkiiw hiisiumi j hot- llftd moitr1 f h jo mviion qtvhrr nd 1 trllt i r ti 6utt erktx0r hotik 5lilltlfa lfh fvbu r tij i j tm- rrfi lijsit sawpoiulatliatmaace hd liaiiuj aefcitfia hrfi itk not fj uama lj k i lotuta ihr hu man rwnjmi ihtrelar i irju tmdltkr ftooth kiaiiea j1f 1 1w john blakiston saillmakor and hucr oittavt9 tiaatt m rrftb sjttciibtt wee ln icr l fil lopot ofplalff and fancv unii tin or supcrnoevnd fmr lid fwa m it ula audi yrllow ftalm al fil rl lmt fvowa 34prnn nd fine lod halh n utur n4 ytlar pot- h 4e jo fmt liliij on three lidet onprotl 5rtprjkv kay at an1 miaai cailtidaja fapcia ad while bmtme papen 5dpince tw ui etw lvjcd note pfhen ipriad ifuck tild anj buck bardeivd lrttrr aod note r pot pioii sch j prinlios plnan4 ftj kvrloirf black r- tel o fancy atipu vi i hoi i letter llummaird not prr enhoofdand tvifamrd fancy colcielwaa eovflope in bate morocco rloretopc ch patlable trat rllm wiiiinj deikt m r f wniinc deias mboany and kwood writin drill egny j 8romr latland- hory and ivtry lftier st itjt bh wtrr lpoi samr and cr hair tfaibtr initial wafrn io cold and filter cotd an4 lm bf lit ft i f i i boird omtnq peoeit bntul bor4i for l drawiiif iirijniwi trari ppn b1 and tra4rent 3ealiai waa sjent and comaoj con rntinn car4ft gold prat and lei rcil c i- r ltitt weifhia machine with pen aod pfnrittirthrr in case fancy and caaamo prnhol4rr and mttahc mrmctioii r f- v with elaap kon maroccand rutai leather pocvel booki uilh mrrarn4t fjacyawk book th larit far prlrate abri h for drawing cat4 cin moti hon and huin lrthrii i vmd uenb i a b c cam coloj toy r i i iio pir calorad ptclntra jtrenile dtwinr rwkt got j and ilrrr p dnn ooaa sermon c ppt cll leorr and boor klank otwinr ruvr 5otid kilch sookt illulutr4 mmic kk tapeia ad taper sliou twilled watapvr j victoiia cjii ri r r 1 r i- 1 fnry statioehy vfiwf i i containing do bratnth pa ta iua india t tli vrino rotnri i card floh d gold bchrj utur cas tiune ptrr hlaa and cooie coorrd dfliyf flat tin cited c hm bruhr for eunuhin mathrmatirat ntrmh llluoiinaftd and pi n demy foaucap pott star poif4lia ladit urr r i work boaer roe- wond aud mnoinr penkaitri scimfi tkt moftl cnloi in tio caee letirr weithu lrttrr wrhin machine krtf tape lelirf canp queen vvtavia pnc mhett and pilncc of walra htta ti initial ltt miv mmto lamp font boxre cream laid satin nate jtc v 5k ramsey akmuurk co kmitn naremtr l i6 a came at if ntei ciiafeu fh tarn aioitr n eanmoju waji hji ivaiwijmri i t hrarj r sbwlmffilm la he 1 0i rn to tu all ihttr pnp d it idaaatnllaittltaff jan muf itu mr so thnkfdlaifcj rf d j uvjfrf alvvp ajatlaaiavsi d tv tain nf iti lema lod it- nsw binding establishment the sobaciibent e to iafrmlker frieada and lb public that they have ofjeoed in r onoioft with their book stationery warohotwe a bindery and are novr preprej to exeetite ooere ledger journal cash book day books invoice books bill booii books inj erery tkacrsptiirti of btank book work fancv letterpress binding eieoteo with no itera and otpaich end on the nioat reanonable icons a bttliwg auchiife in ronaiam ope ration ramsay armour st co kmiaion29tb may 186 kfl ln ilhm pa r r bbtihtt enafeaal j the t aa u ibeiobd fioo ua wieia k4tt itt hc hi imttiivtfi4i fttii bi cnufl cail sin al hi irani iu fcl r kt1 j iv imbhaml nla ti a cor ex j ite ta niihe cr- oo toven fr aajnihi tan ai iii w oil j lklr to 404 ill vu for if to hcmifurf leaararvt rioar omiuvpi 0r tieitof fwi i 1 iprrtc oot of l rkcih whar icoaa t i st rj il caaaaaihab baaflrf i hit autatar aaaj w yb0i jtr iwr frf uftftun iff c one naimit na4-jida-jw- the eod sidouta ft hh f q outipk cwha beau are ih l iaj 1 frmau hn wat j crt an4iii- lud qfaaa w v mnkbtarbrattot 0fwblj bat itaahai ha onn eaekiml ijani f kh iaatbar- ijijihtf l lkr jiva lava bjojcm qdiir twn ml of f w ftifr h aifarfouija li i at aldjaajat l r- d utore ykhr nlr mimi r vvt ll4 mtj u ttu aarmih till sitdht ttacd fto in a tol4 iim al aid uoald pji t r hahjtij ru ba aa iiaal ilv iruir cirtle riiml ami i hckitr vtbh ojcnig ttir yttax i ac im itoanr toctj wcmat laim cub ito amj fad bf eowi ilftf i baatba4abi i uk utor imaiv to ittf 0- caili muja bp i yaa hmj aew andfcf4tkr la ttilib 3iji f i cauno hacrli sutafau aahiitiaufdaal pritouk jfi rtm tiwb ftiaaif r h- 4al u hi axa n ok ltcc wbeaifihintrdc tr dontvcaihf ii balk irr t ihr rtod the laei er f iiba itcf taid ito botd caows laho dcrabtmcrtt monrreal lotti mor h l9fc notice ii hereby iren by nrur ofl hi eictllenvy the ailminiairotorof the gorcrmuent in conned who have tteivej loreiiiinoflaojinwiac- m cenaija aiore the a jenoa ry 1832 nil alao to oartie lcatl previous in thai date whose location wre not m lujrl in he liat of uapnientrd laoja liable to for- feature out4iahed 4ik f april 139 that gale lb rjaimania or their fffbl refreatn- tatrveeatabltab the clatnta and rake out their patenta within teoyrrfmifnht oatc ihelaajwillbermtiiiwibr the government tobejttfkrtcdoltby stion all tw ii vpp ciai4a ill ari naoancaa momh onntlk tit tiarth iftlfl 400 aeroi of lixd tor fait w ot no 7 anj r in the llth coo mj ff r of ibe townabo of hunting victoria u i join pcters si- j feaorrn feb leu7 1 j of u cvrt card a4 in oiipk joto imaa t at loaia art p diacoiiijte rifci e f i ad tvuaaket fiota tha uii unlnu froailtolvikal london l maby m o i wwd iwt a atltolt onidiry mawn to il w nklf ita teral hunlrel icum w djcrawfibe ewearf lc tbeoccsioi the lb aara iftey wilwd to injure ih m ilmwtij tin inrn thei pto roe m rrcumctlly ittumcniwilj tfteriitf ru my choice if atxiimintam ml la e chew above all iimbv wlttflmj torica of compant iia wljiclt n iiwx- mrimcd pen- wai w imblc to be ilmwrj i canool help m relwl on t rtovincitl eumkalicily aatdl advices arttt ihe ilfciirr unnbn before 1 dum w j t formed o aiufilc ncitittm c f fil any lenataitkici mm iti tny tvyv to citter into sovieiy s hh nerc are il rt trws uiblm whkhofrateaaan octt tlcrc bill tbee are ofit peculiar tlai and areonly wilhin the reach of n fcw tb ihe many lenta wicty prcaemf a hard an fierior a ihe rvave rdt ibo firtv tlievc fimjidl if doil hi nil lbe coiijurit a ui llie ciibii in latin in tlie ikmtl lliero are ohlvij uihi where ilae mraner tnay enjoy in leilihoimvuioji villi hia kind but in lon- lloil l a tfj v i s ji i i j- 1 m nn atirhilmie if rejnilwi aeema in aur- routnl every ntnl winle lii cr muuiivd vrrili tliemtridd baahciiaf u jivh riu ami liioe ititrmcl with it tver- tiiuvii croavtli liv w vtnplwitilitly himiic sochiv in jwid mi nhiv be itemtibed a cimliii i i rjkiiiv viiite lbe imms of ui lji lire extended uter hatei of teiedft or greater il r i r pejmllb bfq 111 ii- ivril bltloritltvtt itiiut cotitlcmllr a knius b it bo uvea aix imlea ijj bjt a tboutainl to oiw im no knowlelge ol hia iict in neitiboe circki ao malitred arc itripcnttitiblv fiotn niviaibt- lily yet vtitn oticu ciiuti iliey uro fouml with tin extern ittr ol rtiuive- no to ohte all lire kitullinris which ihminuilte the humdii faintlr ebetvhcre i jv when ctrittotl tliit is tntnidmcxl in n iruljr nvmncr ami tltere jtexthe rnibiy dillieuli y i tbe vklticaa if the pwc ereatca ofk rion or b lei4 u ctr lain iiimjihc of manner aiaj noilung i ftfrc nmki llhui kat turtiaji to be on ninlilniy lenn lur a litnne wuboui ad- vihiuan intb fuiihcr m eajdi ntlicfo ai4noniiiintilfin if 1 1 a lomtunefa uiuw a grorflh tlmtkicr of nhtrvc it ghawt be niii ibdtibcy imic any dpmilion to nrv nowhero i reitem lor individual rltna of feeling i markedly oviiicxhl nobody cofvb wbo ou aic of wliat yua arc or wltere jvm otrne fmm or ant thing dee abiiui tth all i bat icople care for ii lliai ywx wy your way mind ovracll and dot a iioub1t lltetn not that there isity i ilimi in uit it i aafirt nil ftio l be inroilhurizttllt fa notr llhaka vairy oiaajftrtutj ni iw jokr data iaf 1 l- rmnna bih taverns lliefi en it viitof arietta an empty bo or ii if lie tau mid if tic ia not ririunutc mu ea far fruni liii itvylilttr a in ran or oniiielt tbvfiil loiitelf in u miiif i die clubi i iwj cttat i neatly nnilir i know men pa lliia tinknvm wlm am moving heaven and erb tu ibton jlnitmin lo lbe atbcoxutn in imlef to become teraotially avuoiatrd with rle mrs of lilcraturv wtid tut il numur- jittturtg it rnemoer5 tlacy xmy u well ibitia iwj becoming peromally svetuamfh by at utbomj h pfnto wudi ii mara of heaven i was once hitting in a entree houte wlilfv iihtc here oiilt two utber i0i hub an venireman and iir uilkcr a toun one iillunt mv dllerent boxes the frrrwf aviibtt riiteidd man with fctir as wbiir os mkhv and a remafkablt w- niiinteifeikiri 4 evontenattce wlnle tlie otlier puented n favimobte sjhjtitnen of ila loailner and whs obiiouly an intillicl t ii il etiuialetl i mh i i i bt- lenthmi of die mtv awaid to lap -ltritt- eilby the younger ttioa lie looked at lam bmy tntl hnpmiyi sime plcaaitty renlt i i r mi to be wldthbvbfipetroliate and al bit getting up ill hi j with aoine dillictiliy or uncer tiiintv h apnroacled the object 4 hi in locemt antl kaled himsell in llio fame box the young irwm i up anil their eye meh the old gettlemaii tcemet iiuiut to speak but on itieciiherdriiphng hta eye again np4n hia newskixr be pnuvetl at knidt 1m broke the feitd ralencc of ibc ream j trunk tou will undcrlatiil said he 4 and i trual you will pardon the liberty i i m auwl lotakv- tneytiunj man taak cd uoin palfuriaet ancceeed by an e- ptdjajaijlt jf jiltparttthco his etc dropted ijin upon al newspaper but pretcnily da if on m ialerui i nt lie kaikel op niin uil belli h hew i hilhnly m uiircb i io sav sjit k sji ii c you will 1 imcdlv kwnv tontinued lltb dd man with a gentle mnile why 1 acklteu mtlf ii ou but the rri is very oii i i i ury silent the inarticulate tinims iaf ilac ureet put me in miml of the nif1i of the wind rotmd a cotic on the iftoor it heiras oijupose o to kindly feelitits unit mkihi convene ami au thouh ftjur fiajafvltb are new to me i feel us if i -j- iri wilb their ex- pcteaiiiu lam in swl baafl ofnatu rl pihrouoinm that iic why i have iuldreed myndf lo you nd if you are iiihi pecialfj engaged he hesitated or ibe vtttmag rmtn expressron becam mofer rhdhin sti hvs mind seemed to sliriik frrtrt rofitit 1 sir habt he in a tone of ow ileca- iifl wili lo read iimj tieivspniacr tito ld pntlvrnn looked bull for q nvt menl but liafitir tifpftseil awl ho pt nnowlv relumed to ins own box ma ihe room remained silent bi before the aohiuib f london i as pjjufbtjnrl in the ircal iirtciac of irwfv and rmuu- ikhi ns in llio rnnkito nthtwampiaf ireet wbcro imv as seen mtrwmg in ibe intermkcs of ihe stones bat al though ibe amo in decree it is different in ktiv kaeb dislriet l its own cha- rartcr of solitariness ami ihe hermit of somerslown ia di4inct ntrsofi from die bmit ofthamrnureel i an afniami- cl in my own person aa i wiib the utier dvaoutkni youn rmtn may live fof many jeara the erowd and hustle of london ant have hinted in which a hi to one uf the suburbs i learned an mar be in tbc same n vifc that a oung i it waa between four and five oejockj in die iftenioon ivlun i found myselt una tuy trateriii the quiet street uf pen- tonvdle which lookaonwiih tlo most rfiojnd cumpimirc at the tralnt taf the city kiud pentunvitle is not a hermit through ovgusl of iu wirld hut through j limkwness and indirterence it umiuii uruleisund the bumle ul mankind it dues tkt know what they ae atout and dues la it cure ajj dujt uf lle great higlij way sweep past and iltroutjli it and it preserves although it cannot be said lo fiel ur enjoy a charmed life of its on already lur rcntotiville kcqa early hours j ihe fmgram stent often arose from some uf the areas as i pissed and die crac uf the milkmaids bringing their cinniuuiaonsio the afternoon meal were heard in all directions it ter race as all rren inotr is rented even tn thiv retirement and eida roomed tt is small genteel und being onesided ii enjovsa coral view in fiontuverbricl fiehk it tea here my business lay in fat why should i disguc il f i was looking for bailings bcimmmh wilh lie siltingroom proimaed fot me in one of tlie bouses j ascended lo lite behest landing place of die newt but narrow stair tu bnik al the bethtvom but when the landlady had already turned the key in ibe iloor an authivitaiive duublckouck at the streei dour called her down she turned the ley back din tlteretore which ia mentioned a a charaderisiic trail of ute londm ivmrifofto bfih 4ift me srawjrtr oti ihe laiahugpkace frcsenlly there itiii inppintf uu the alair a uicolouxioil mug twaanit may bo hardly out of licr leen umueleil aliaw lett and brmvn wjtcfmirhlr mic unlmked a door beside tne and imis about to go in when inking her lor ihe lacidlatu djugbicr i ur i whether he key would unlock the other duor she answered in the dctartlvti are ilae iwo torti alikar h no sard alie thb is only my room only iter room i could ncn resist the ori itny i felt lo get a peep ii was a lucre lionel winch wae eniirely filled by a linle btsjllpbtj a lnde round wurk tnlilo and a single chair in one corner of lire room tliere wis a little chimney with xry little grale supplied with a homarimihtt le ul rcmarabtv snaall cual wlwt migltt be at the other end i could nn tell a die ttoor was prevented from rini- to the extent uf more than one third it tlie betklearl and you live here alone said i the voung giil looked as if sha did not know whet her shut i ho door in my fcc whith wunld halo been londun all over or not but after a momentary glance ia which she saw in me a lad ajmyi tier own age sle replied with b smite l nut nuitv atone chirrup chir rup chirrup rcplaed a dingy canary in a cage lunging by ihe window rousing ill as if frum a nap you liavt not room for many visitors obtcrtcd j l have rocsion for room u hare vou no vaaiturs f u how i i hare of coarse nuacnuaintances whvofciurwr from ihe county and not many tears neither 4t cried i wiib b atari far my period was a yet nnlr rdonrhs uo you mean tu tell me that you have been years in london without making a snglc ac- cjoiiint ance to be sure i v replied she wiib a pfeasinl lauh and a look of surprbe l i make acquaintances do yno not know your landudy for iterance vei tn pay her my rent but what i call in aenuainlance is some one to visi and tn chat hs i itave snmt iotuaine ances in the country i but theu 1 do talk m the milkwoman aotneiimes when i run down stairs fur my ha jfpeani worth thai she is such n that and when i lo to the warehouse for my work then llkere isa duzrn voune ladies as well as myself all irahbiing away at the same time ha ha v butdoihey not ristt you nor vou ihem do you not walk miretw you never meet mi ihe street never tliey jutve all tleir own families or their own friends or their own arqun rntances and fur me i have only my bwi canary chirrup and the poor ynunc girl went ajayly into her room and shut the door leaving me rreai calf thai i was wiih a swelling heart ami briming eye4 standing on lhaj 1 h j r place this is a iptcimen of a london her mi ess of a class linle known and tn nntifmt some fisrtuiffitt cirronsslancta may at jvngih bring tlwm an brfaujsfm lance aiaf they tty marry a i leak a jiihlhii of jiiurierim atd becvbai the builrsfaajf iruv cwii but in general thjy j a monotunnua though nut alwasun uibhjpy ukr from youth toage ami glide away intn tro world whipoui leaving a trace on im aur fnce thejuu- l harr mentioned became better known to roe wc re mained landingowe acuaintaites ftir some time for j look kdgiia in lha mtajbi but the del nu f a hfe without blame and without hftadenl wouui tell poucly here and so 1 pass from ll soli tary uf pcntofii ile i paaj tyi liuwetef thai on the pres ent rcasiun ate had been put into better spirits tkju usuil by reixivin- such ana buiadanceof work from lbe warehouse thai she expected by next sunday to have enough of savings id complete the purchase of a new unnet wkat then was sunrlay to her il a day tu walk lo see crowds of cople she did no know gliding oet with their families inwaith httdn inierestingcuuplci keeping cofav pany and ttorafer with a smikr whether she would ever have a wurr o in titile childreu ontltc hesil aul recal i menory her own bnnbers acd sailers and fjually to have a urge slice uf plum pudding nsan an d it ion to her frugal dm- mr in itappy anticipatiuo of theae ei- lymeitta bar laour of labour yn nn that evening nit it was time tn sup and go to bed for although the hour waa atilj early candles were expensive white e in the morning it was at that sensoo light enough tu wurk even in lundun before seven oviuvk hef supper tmsistcd mure than one good slice of bread which she ret deftd avury bv means ol cheese nibbling the latter le an egooorntcal emnise site wen ihotjghi wrihevuntl- nuc ul iwr xod i ii i i ii l aa 1 record the circumaiance of stepping i for a i iiiim uf beer she nmnted oroe pence however that were inled on 1 lie little manileptcco he enlcalaietj gravely aud then shaking fjajtmc look down from iia ahelf tha i u je hfown teapot which sha had nlr1 with water after her afternoon meal it has aome- ihiiag like ihe color 1 1 ought she nasi poured the content into a cup and breab nw into imiles at the eoncti she drank offa beverage wall known to the tarnaks suliiary of londun and went gayly lo bed tlie solitary habit of the lcowre are sometime prudoriivc of a lilito inenr tenience on one otxassioo i beard the fullown diahuc beiween an erti6cr of some kind with a straw baiskh of tools hanging over his thouktrr and a female voice in a subterranean shop say maam please b tell me where mr thompson the jrliit lives soeae where about here yuu must go round ihe corner acreanv ed the voice do you know the udy m sell greeni and gingerbeer l do you know ihe huoae astaaia alutie without never aahop svtwoaorsf v testily then do yu know the applestalv the pulke wont allow there by no manner of rjkins nu and the artificer got downright cruslv fc you muil ptssall these lill yeas come tu the chandlers wiib the sign oinf tea canimer mr thompson u in hat one pair back why didnt you say that aj ficaii eakl the artificef enerit f lieea ibore p and hitching his basket on his shouldea he passed on lo find in hb own lodging house lbe man he had beeas looliing lor all ut the migbbuthood many such experwnces i dare tet could be iresented nnd aornethiog aiill more illustrative uf lorakap snliiude ccsuu be tuld to refert nee to that diflkulty of diflkulties itrangers ftimg into laav duo of making their exastence known in this utter particular we bare an pla nation of ihe advertising vuriiaiirnb eager end eooenaously cxpeeativ atruh by which tbousancb are dally rnhcsmmr i lo miroduce iheinaelvet so rtntiee all who have read lbe diary ofa phvbt- cian wil ft en vivid idee of tbeuf- ngs and iiataiacholr inking of the heatt t which bnrjt prcemontrden bvej rirxaedat their entrenee to rneurjejolk tan lift thb however u taking onlv b onesiovt view of affaira there ate lights n wetl aa shades in the picture the apparent imptneirabte harrier cioce broken tthereare we to 6nd so hound- less a circle of friends where anjeb oar dbliiy where such pnceaional enenajr agement as in the solitary cttv if in that vast theatre of acliori elf recetved with indifference anb lire way n fkine and rtune opened indiseredtly tn avert corner tendon u the rmly plare oa earth wheie nniirkuu are dis- n ril tvic rr rrrnof oil pehice anal aecuiexiston a fuotina ofequeliiy re pulstve ihererora as lbe evlericar ef mev tropolitan aoeiety may be let oe aeajttj aa- ure ibeiajotheartedtif its warwa nd inndcrncs within we mar slar iwsv