Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), March 20, 1847, p. 2

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i a last of tor la say thai tu nui a prct teuton llscrc t 1ms utterly been miicwimi of a thaw in the reserve nf lutw life it may be faocy and yet it des ml rn tthrcitavna lie luil the rrulrin1ilniultl itaruikc f the s mtwikxs 4 lite ago mrc fatnil a r quan lance arc ilk met more visits are m more kindly iiitcccummu- iimiimii ibf every suet lakes place and in the course ot another geftcfaciun perltap some of the antiaurtiil pcculiarilte to which w have been adverting may be onlv matter of tradition hie lieutenant gen8kal the mlowinruefpndene wc find in ihe hen of thdy swam the i hiar intra- iluc 1 with lettilmem iwer rty in i tie sjltalfr u date a itiat ffi opkoco wwiihl have laabted the lietrtrajil ccarp beetale afiltf sa ioft for the ol iom- other bills mr benton has sent i copy locsch senator lien- eav heemy is eacecded only by hs thociy jmt ihin art nulling i mere pailinn civilian over the head of warworn and caircd veter ans in j then al c floor disclosed here anj else whet littwiw of laco- rocoism to carry hi rncure against the fe pcaied etc i j rati conrtes j 1 nbune washing city march u ibi7 as a maik of my fhi fie f o ifa r mr ukctcrk r tim- mr origin h j i v jtftfitfwr v v ptprl fktttrrtd tff ttntt i 0 iv mftoatttt lit u jnufii chronicle ajttlr v i it im i ptavtch hot siapwo receive awful discovbkv one aerene evening in the mnidle of au rutl ito cipi- warren the rnaater nf mmcy a cfh mtowin etuis which ai the greenland whale than found hitnself explain the ortamsuwea mdtf wtefcljc- ta ucalraed amon an imwa ntt of hn lo accept ihl appointment of mjor oen iceberri in iboiii 77 vflvh of nrtli tofr- iui on one iie onj wthui one mie f his veaoel ibry tvert riwely iveid ro- efher in ihe aiki- ketptllli sir vodf crlrnl eren thomas hbknton and a suiih i mnvcuturcd jieako appeand besiihl earl other as far as ibe eje cmm reaeh living ihal ihe ocean tvas roaanjetele tlnrked op in that quarter and thai it had prtaby been so for a loaj peritd of lime c a pu warren did not feel altftgethcs aniiined with his vi i in liui there brjnr no vinj he eould ool nve one cvay nf the other and he therefore kept a stnri waich koowing that he woiiu he aafc as ln as lire we- berp cltijinurj in uieir respective places vim midniht itie wind row lo a gajfj aeromptnied by thick sholvcrs of fnoiv whie a miv- ii tremendous thundcr- ing firom snd cushin noise gave fear ful evidenre thai ihe ire tvas in motion the vtaeel received tfcnwai phneks every morteni hut the lm he aimns- phere pretemed those nn board from dis covering in what directum the open water lay or tf there sriualtv was any at all on either side of them the night us spem in larking as often a any raowe of danger happened lo pretent telf nd to the ini ing the ttonn ahaied and capt warren found to itii peal joy tfiai hi ship had not luftained oar seriou injury- he le marked with surprise that ihe acruowaicd iceberg which had on ihe preceding even ing formed an unpenelrame barrier had been separated and i rranjed ly the wind and in one plart a canal itfpen sc wound iu coure among them as for as ihe eye cod ilikrrn- it wa nvo milea beyond the entrance f thtseanal ihat a hit nade its appearanre about noon the lunatione brightly at the liaie and a eenilc t blew from ho north at firat some intervening iceberg prevented capt warren frnra distinctly seemg thing hill her matur but he vvm struck with the grange manner in which hertaiu were ditpohed and with iho da mantled atpeet of her vards and ngrmg she continued io gel before the wind u a few furlorgt and then grounding upon the low iceberg remained motion lees capt warren runnily waa so much excited that he immediately leaped into hi boat with aeveral seamen ami rowed lo wards her on approaching he observed that her hull wa ntierably prtalhtf uealen i i not tout appeared on the deck whirh wis covered wuh snow t a oiwovfablf oeph he haded her rivw several tintc but no inswrr wai returned previiu in tf pptag ion 4 jn ccr the main chains caught hi eye and on looking into il he perceived a man reclining back on a chair with writing milcrnt on a table before him but the feebleness of ihe light made every thing very indutmrt the party went upon deck and having re tnoved the hatchway which thee found e4oseo they descended to the cabin they 6rt came to the apartment which captain warren viewed through the port hole a tremor seized him as he entered it its in mate retained hts forme position and seemed to be inseniibte to stranger he isaa found to be i corpe and a green thim rui ij bad covered hicheekanl forehead and veiled his open ejebalfs he had esn to hi hand and a tvgbok lay before m and the hit temenca io which un finihnd page ran thus nov 14 1762 we hsve now been enclosed in ire 1 7 dava the 6re went out yesterday anj our master ha hcen irving ever ainco to kindle it agiin bflt without success hia wife died ihta morn ing tbere ia no relief capiain warren and his sermon hurried from the ipot without uttering a word on aotering the principal cabin the first otycci ibat atlractej their attention was the dead body of a female reclining on a bed in au attitude of deep intrrcl and attention mcr countenance retained the frehae nf lilc and a contraction of the limbs showed lha her form wak animate seated iie floor wsi rirpe of an apparently rouii man holding a vied in one hand and a flint in ihe other at if nkmg fire upon some linder which lay beside ltm- in the fore part nf the vewelaevemj aatloe wvw found lying dead in their irerttis and the body of a uny was ernuched at the tutftom of the gangway nin neither proin nor fuel eolj oc discovered anywhere hui capt warron was prvcnij bv lie u- perstitioui prejudire of h icamen from examining the vessel a rmnutcly a lie wihed to have done mo itvrefirc carried away tne lghook memioned and reiurn- ingto hi own ihip tmmedoiely uvrcd to ihe vtnjthwanl deeply isapttiwcd wilh the awful eaimplc whirh he had jul wit- ofted of ihe danger nf navigating hie 1iar tea in j northern laiilndc on returning to england he made vatsnajs infurje revrttng the svtsall ihal bad ira- i r- m in unknown way and ly comparing the raatalls ttf thvv with blfaf caation which wa anonled ly iho wyilresi document in his naspa he aaeartaiai t ihe nsmr and hitory of the tniuimituh arnp and f her unfinutote master aivl founn that ho had tecn fn7n year previous to the time of hi daaeeonvnil her in ihe ice westminster review to raff- mr e the unitsd slates setutr tle hft mf shcr0dt tholtm rcrrnilj din up fiift c ptiijn far iiau i tiwt of ienjmri jyaflvil fprl f e tj lat ica tji h n iwrtti hi a ti vc ihe journal t llii j 1cfj lufc alic iwk vv lull ivt ii il1 tir tir tnutt with mtuh ihr pvthr lie the ntjs mtiiferi in ta nor tn jh cfowavj it iic bt iik lecture romh i bif lir jppm ijrr o lfrif to corner iter ms st f in 3 lj rrttrtihg 16 i iflim pcwd in hhidi tli k lw kill 14 ouuibidlfiti iftlie jeih huttr vf ihe ow 1 ti umrotjttt jt l4i optiu n ifcii iililhibij- i tnj hvdmatmtiat mfbe mjtc ij unl ifc lite lutfj 1 fiijeill olf tt5rd 0 mfcs laalera ttc emiinln olt fw iu uit reacivt h retaliag 10 uir aaarssi ea- fhcinar ujrjvj riifijkliif iisluat 10 th i i iht lidi of ino iiin uturj 3j at til tur letihtct j n oi- sen tcicaoum lit it bchtf idin- ui hk fiiiuftf mvhtf 10 lnuril f aiu7 w- iuittitiv ttj mi rt pitcttcc the oripml diinnriv untaaaaej hstnasisl nirictulw law bhtr for th tr of m f 00d in tut hrr n it hj ion bfl jit- t ti uk tereii of eommfirr thtr washineton city marcb6 is47 j hjjbfjco fjgnj kttim cikorrm ad th gu m conrejl point ojk tad ltrig brn stn without wailing for ihr rwrnuiy 0 br ts aorth rteuad thei j n presented with tlir commivuon of mijor 0 a4i fa purit- tis rireasaimg tanjiu ihk m to it m khmu e ol lh hi ff ni ll at l n liwl cwmdtljtow of hch in jbk ill b hiuj lwft cm bi ot4rttl ne i tt mm b r the rw i h iuj open icit etwl k y 0 uoo th is o l0u ll n knotcn from m ritbtie i iho puflf both of the in htefooliftg an irlicu of cntf ihih qijfillj wilh ttt raitlfir it a u the ttlttoi for i an che to disapprove u and piorni com l4lh sck ofltmolherj ce kouu op e on iqf ln en i be sn juin ou1u nt mtou r inip mb n mh ihke k35gs h on the omm of tf m quw n j only mitiuiy jonugn uhich amhoriiy i fl hfl to nrhiliuipi of r dmm hi mtab u wu en k commmdefm clwu t ioiun j pf i hmtox hdht aifiui nol11 w eloe tne w4r famished with tme povrrn am vriltine tonuete merccani ioeol iherssnvi bilitiw of th hh ro but i leave it u yoo for yaar ftee nj final decision eon- ijcrm lavuml soil anew one on which lher lf no commitment on either ije anylw- ulai fcu pwd hai h th decuion my thanki aidfratiu u he the lesa loyoi for ynatgnsoheiisil nomination ef me to litis bich aproimfnent mr a the 8cote for its burial jnd mtihpm confirmation af il nor tothe hg 4rrffotni lt il three limcf v m tol the eooiiqanjei-in- eirfofehearmj h mruco hmirclfuljr iif m frfeatl ant mw cittn mttlmui if ukntijis tothk ji jvt wvhintan city alatth 91817 ratharc irea to yoot utter of the sth inftat the cati teration which da impart ance drmand in tiniin to vtu lb p- ooinlmeni of major jvocmi in the army i earnestly jiireii ibat ihe coontry lioolii have the adrantas or your coneedrd ability and miiiury knowlijr yoaf intimate acrjoatn tanee with the mexican character and your familiarity with their snuae an pohtkat caouhioaji immediately aftei your nontaitian m mjor general hij 6ecn nnnimtusr connrmed hy the senate i caffolly txaairnrd the auesfjon whether j poierd the power to eainate you a jiinior mjir ienenllo 4hs rbiof comnsaantof the army in the aeld the remit of thii cximinatwn is t am cunjrnvd to say a settled conviction on m minil ihat uch oower his oat been orfemit upon me by the exilirx uws i am fultv vensibte of ihe evalteh nalrilitm whkb could a1oo hare induced ycu to make the pemonjl aa u whteh you wngld be tuhjffledi in iswnin- eren the chief com mand ef the army in mexico and 1 duly an- prrnme ihe iraan u faatai ined and whr mat i feaf present ynn frnni accepting yfriii jpptt4httcn1 s mjer trenrr it en farther iiflcirn iuch should he your decmou i htl learn it with deen ierrt 1 am sir with hih re n si tat ton tfsj fepectlty your obvjient eirrfnt jambs k polk to maj crn tirowa h imox wathinten city m was arataim h th in- iitriujaitjcn of the tcrti of the h taw ri i iin ii wtt in ih a itaer of tito aa mhm ciwaai hm jaiinf bt the staaataits of the coawirj tt4 i rtirrtj in lh hand tf the jei ltncigxh ihtonlf people h i ital jrfkd ntit nasmcsi of montj jtt i wefellemeltrfled it adfided t by tho who tcrrtlwles found thcmir covnpctvj to p pty 1 them to the upplie ihet found wld be re- qoirr j io eirj fu their rirau project nhcthtf for uve nseesaaries r cidiene or the fufusennre of lb ammtinji or iieiu diret j nd ii not to be ordertd it and t ci ftlieu potter in ihe hand of prrooi tfhg ewtiid trie d eonnrer ibaireuiciienihruld be lueed upco caaaa no dtaltio eoaifnereat iprebuitoin the larkl im provement of oe4it bd triauilly chajed ary ihcte nrro fte- jo th hito tride open lo enterpeitr nd the iiroati xeruin thceonla vr rtxuhted bt ihe demind lb obnoxiou laws rela una to the uc o en r n y r it ctfiaincd a itee to me iiiute bok of an ttthjhiencd peofie mr shcrtfsodhfnmtd menti ofinc bdu whieh of late jtttt hal been beoojin before ihe imperial par ilirnrnl to tmkc me ajdoiet in ihe u tbj noti tffrtuffs wf hieh pcnud b mr roujlfl taoaibon afs ward leed s ia uw uticr put of thv reia of george the rurlb and durn ihe ri of william the fourth ihe had attract the nauee of the i r l i t4od had wen i but other affiir hid inter rned arnlih tobjert he not heen fettotted up a h oufh lo hate been but it r a in ciji iil ibe vrvdemct itihcte ijurioo liw ucte fell in ihiteiuatrj the mret penalic wtre eftforeed iamt ihoe p wbj lm raaan on uiurj a 4 jaternkd ljfct it mafcghcr rait ttvia hik- jllly ttlsrrcd lwaiatttusseaauasm ihciteiihyr eaab1itlird fr tie aifp rf eitfjrei mmn in aito of iheir ctrij hrre omtsmlj founs for ctadtofthsm dotd 10 arhteh ihe rj undeney of lhm w tn dr tin the euwntry oflkc crealtiri cne- ilmm tn ihe untied sraieea htbcr rate cfinirht allowed ind ho htinjc hundred pouedi trin idle tfovtd aoi at a matter of course put it out m ktcreil nt vsrfe or coion or other pari of thtuolonfor t8reeeniooocr tran be ompel ir4 bv the la io lead it at 6 per cm in caotd mosey tinuehn a tick of eomieree si pro petty ef ee otbtt kind ard he th iktted h bad a rauhriht to oic ahfet rratt fce eould o bt cplut a he who poaiciied tnerchatdiir b ea umirn compeunon and bi aaiendinf or repeihnt lie lt of uut r tf itie onte mitbod io maac meet rh nip inlbenauktl and io brifjj lower hih ratecf inlereti thrteuwi had of en been the eaute f jiteapjfrfue hleh hi 4 oirrwe bem ned j h ssue asssa t- vfevkmwaltcolirt the roer hm n- l4raaaaa 1 fcatal emita en 1 f eenahijit tniha io tui i ii im fv h e mim eaidy le lle io rep y n- itcd time but no hrseior of tc pnei afratj lohiul h af at an luteal rate of ot4ft riet eaotei cu cf the i tejriij f ihe wrp and mli torn hijiwr marl for mi cpitl m verebut aj hi de- pfidyli ire tuinrrf uv4 itc ir ihl eiim hate mted hn tt transferred o is r eoif ilittn ti jm0 fi aecuu i r he uft frcea tbetr commence itrt j aruuii jiurdidi reagent fur ihe nreeiatiy ea aturation tn iib mr shrr ocd id that ibe tmng mk j of amendment ojomcd ia him ti slto to he vrj btf re the en ufi kialalure 1w aaatw t iif ober eaniile romndiiy be url a fiuriit irtd open by the ttttr ptrtirt at i me uf whir in or if eo pahelr inrret arerd iht u carreet intern at il t f ptfitttm be the rgjr ofif rai or ihrrttiv j necobofavu uk armnantnf barb dm irc oeaje e bai ised f lee iter mont triitaeripl ceaioea stuarmmi ofsithcn wr lvim beauiij nf ijr a mi nth her riil mtrid her u l eamrnhpy jidmr lurw to et rid of i nife bifl t inj a dere foribe rtaiiuihi air dtlrniol hottfiee wh blarewa lady hajdririj- ioowutem swaoaslaai d a ccrim tntrrati 10 rt a iltvojte anj it a aijite 11 tu- atih b m a eidn n th ttent uf mere mr p hf to py ihe rn a lrjee h imi iij ie rnt tn mra hilrfitpl a to jite her i elfrurj f a 1 we need not tell the leaders of the ftmhi a goaefre ibat we seldom rrcor lo parly po- tttct er lhat when we do te them a patting maikil ii for the rrtott pari nnder the influ- fn of feeliaea of tomelhioij very like eon- a feeling in which we bo lie ee all un rejudiced and all dihimeretted men partieipau tbiroiihout onadt u welt as tbtoutboul the lritiah uland ftokm reutvecf may ri excite thti feelia for what are they do they iovojre any great national coastitu- ttonal eeen prorincia principle ti there anjv contention about monarchical or krpubli- cam goremment is there at iaaae in them asajj prii ojorsttoaofcivtlar reious libry anty contention about the repeal of the corpora ttotn and test acta of cttbolts emancipation ol the tlave irade no tacb t- t civil and r lupous liberty is tnjojed ta eorioat perfte liomandcaaadain thtt retpect may well be hed op a an examps to the srold f tin lhat the zej of tesae relliout paruas may ihe bountli of tratdoen or juatice and atlempla may be mad by oaye wrgioes body to encroach upon ibe ria icujrut tbii tthina to do lbxaaabaai pohtice and in canada at well at euf where this will be controlled and regulated by ice efloila of the oppoaioj paniu till all saaslcra in differenee arc determined hy trowing rt ru tad in ere un wiadom uk of a eonseciocnt ealarared litteralily ktm the difbeitll and interritin fubjeel of education hat bveoeae a settled oae at leaat in ohflctfte we no lonrer boar as- leiltom made in ceaada which were common 1 r rri in ettgiafid thirty yeati j that it wotjid be fuinout to the beal lateteala of o- cily lo cductt the watking elataei a man rba would make sucb aa ssserlion ia hit place in oar provincial haute of assembly woulj be hontro not only out of the boose but out of to- cirly lit true ibst there may be and tbere eertttnty ate different opmoot both at lo what education andhow it maybe bett communis ctted to the real matt of the population but are r- v i which it ia not for lefts laton to drtennine sad at any rale they are njquetlkm it r i p -jr- c equal jocks fty well be inscribe d upon the real brorihl beatings of the pmttn it hat been th motto of several tocceaaiee cotetnois it t th motto of the ftl aaayarily of the population in1 it it cariied out to a degree unheaid of a unknown or certainly not eieeadtj in any other portion of the bsbitabtc world it it unjer the intluenee of tueb eiews as thrae that w feel contempt for canadian patty polities net only are tber- coneofthrsc grand eaten- ufttsil istoe but ibtre are few if any eren of a minor character intotaed juestioat may indeed soon onae about free trade and ihe 0-rain- of tbe frea aaeigation of ihe st law rence about the navigation and tht uiury lw direct uxaten th federal union jf the f- and tarioaa oibet rmpetaol ques- tiftas connected pub the internal economy of th proeioce but hitherto these tbng hare pjaatryatai letben miaad up with parly cdin potititi when tbey do we thlt rpvjily admit that many of them are qutatiooa t ijimjhy ntjuns irtll on diifefenl idet and oo wbicb ehanei in the goetnmenl of those who cpprl or rejrcl ihren leitimaely be demanded by tbe fwet of public npinioa for example the cuetbon of the lmwi should there he any uoeemmenl so blinded by prejudice and braottej by ignorance of what is really advan tageous to the beit interetti of ihe country as to oppose the repeal of these irjuoout an j ob noxious laws and to adwocate the substitulion for themor others of a more enlightened charac ter we wuu leave no stone unturned to sub tlilute for those mena mrmhrrs of the gorern mertt olhets possesiinr a more enlarged noliey by the way we he hetd it rrrtrd that mr jfmiine the leader at the wof asserts of the french canadian patty it opposed to the pi lite el ieejlof ihe uw we thould much like ta fssll froen that irtlla- ibari lerac tht irs man a welt as fiom hi colleagues on that iti y snd shoam hey be opposed 10 ihe traevl ut 4 etirutc lvk wahintnt city turs te mar j7 sit i had the hnnor to rereiee tnur note nf ihe 6th intttnli with the commiinn of matof general m the rur and ilelayd ihe answer of arceptirtee nnnaecptric unlit i should reeeiee n anaht from ihe predetil to aajots which i alitred to him in the nionie of that ay that answer i now rceiveif and raavs me tn astswl iionr tit shjiosm itm iii- eaujnsrlsi1 is noi aeeepted ll to aerei air my thaiib for the kind term r nte and for ihe fhntjnl eonr- teaies which ynaj lure ttnded in me in the course of nur pn il ftinily aeqnatnlance most truly and respectfully yotiis thomas ii ilkntox tn amltast fittrai jikt n iinn bu be t ftbaad hedrm ditrec en ttk a0 omaned ft tha s mind u marry her re pai htfh had kieh an cftht- lad mt he immid i ha rtf r iincc ktti t isb j now 7 of pe aod rfiiinlrecuaheo 1 wa brouhl lrarr the herd t i i to iiifvj eomrrntsmn lj sciiralmeilrfil rn kn rllcilf rttmd to etlr diodj ihlhe phl4ai 1 nj hi l fad stitr at um ai let by ixr tjfkftw lawqi i ravmej nnh 3 a epiralrn ep mv reetl- avtft i to mr hr tn so ii ti x ititrcc r nti hid him- t t t i tr it aif iiimi rr iwif ynloaa tofr i r tnnny her j i f aeail jm wh4 hd r j ti prf ilsi 0 et u i the rnnnf vil i fiie and tun i if atlun s i i i istd it m i elr s h t ut it- a pitei i n ivmj attntd in ijhise erd rht- ad er ii lbs ma- rfi nfte- retidts m llasana mr if ilavea site drawn la uimi pnja m hf i y1 mtret i sfitn for ihi i itutioft ttf pirmiltid lei thai rouottf the rtunvttit trilter to pure h a e iho let ntrntr pirh ha dan uw priao of 5- mtjfrihr tin tt r jiv j fiane apcre i hmehw ktore tsn jtrrnl nranttin iih one frum iltty a cajrnnn ball nt ill pchi rtcinj ihaaa whom t usse saay lion hrhind lu pie thov h invivlile ie dtmctly seen bh rrujflion frfa wliai wr know of seotamen eantfii1ly who leave theie ceiunire ive ahoum o tsat thv fail wat frn rvtinhurfh ti fmlnn wiui linret sfrla very few rurn a srvanl eri wa fiimj dad m dud lael ul msa bear flaen fkrsne- th ftitwr jayir leaili t mmi i slei- in n t i ij in ltiiwvi iiti -1ia- mnt f am rtilel bv thur pieman tee th llnar ai i mmlmlii llltmttr u rn t nut ntiiv with rrmouv hl oil ti il emttinti vilit and w 4tnsjm ttwnrtii ntt tnptt mvm1 hiimf w v ur itns inrwaes rnottr tercttoa lh i viliti u an irj nit ti ltrl dislfjid ttriattiirtir e a eftl e of rfcihrjmi k aej uh botltl ear mil id rak t riot l ail jnntjiif f ftic r j i mi ji lie fniee of lhitii nttyin id tu iiaiovd tn uhii r hjoak i itatuvs hrral ttvi atatail cudlomtdcitoilic taipnlat ihe eniathia naa tartvnud trc eiref liter mmuj i reilt jf- iik eoaiw if er hi ejt mptned wihjptirf rchiif in nt tii lwj htivtd latkarnlw aid lit hii tettaao utuivf ati ruttd oni be a tic ui- liw aw- ru intus hou lff linked ly isk iniemm id idctnit im1 tr lofj piit rpeenievd itnt ualacl f he lj urn mi a ovaaui nn tuj i j rt ititv rial itt- n- aiae l fmhff ittfct is amj be i hi i i e ina n aikcitdtd r i it taidai i iht a f r rua r- fii ij tf i r lt r ki arm ldre uan prawdktulstl u invnviva rlraa atd ae im ri qtab im i- al iui f m iwaj d rial u lt i fi j it at el re 1 1 mirii vitrssi id lrai1 iii tin kihtt itm- nlwilhmni ut ir iik imriii ttf i ii ljtr m tti i i t i a 144 a iii ully ill m in vmlvnf likmil l saaj t il t h i iii liill m 1 p ttjtl if- an jiit r rbfl do tv u- rii a i i i u i i i jlv measure we should feel it quite a tuftitienr rmj ai one of ihe members of the cnadiin pres y all means in our power to oppose their participation m the f jotc r nmenl and w be- lieer we should be tultined in ihu opinion y nine out nf ten of all leaders of ihe press what then are canadian patty potilicaf a mere struggle far place and power a struggle lo iliicet thse who ate in power and an attejnhl to take their place tndofeouite their rmlumenta and it is for this is il f that ibe irofincc it to be male a scene of confusion in many iijc a battle field il is for this lhat lnlohmen ate to be arraioej aeainst scotch rnen fvsul inhmen aijiinst loth and cana dians holh french and ifrilith against all for llns pewr pititul object lhat our public improrc- rti iti are ftullactl out nrotesa in civil jto enatral la airetted our maneial credit in iurvl itetmjed the attention of the jmpit- jjlinti itutraeted and tinned away from the ren- u ration f rat nuetttonaof public propeiity ml perietal tililili what do we rate at lel uhal olil we tn care which patty is in the irhdariryin on at we ha a wise taairllii ejait active ttoreinment arquainted wih the wanuait wishes of the iubic with ihe true rivniek ly wnteh aatf iet proincialiiilereu mil he rtinaeyrit joteeled and a4acf4 ihe niiy pi mje use of by ttioie out nf pttver anl who ate slntrline lo into plctt ai that the oftiea if h oteiiuneait im ttfii am hlkd up in accordance with tai t kws of lriinnible florernmrnt wii- 1 rn hifit fi tht certainly not ihe late lird mtlrf rrtmly not mr draper and s y lit 4 ptrumilie eeideur goes i ilriit ly 4 ihr rtimher of the present itat intitrul lird metcalfe made thnuh m iiiipn rtpeateil attimpts to induce mr 4wuutt t irtlakr part in the genrstta tiii a ibv uprrteilativrs f the ktntl i mfiil ilmaj m jrmba moj than one mftf ati1 il nmftiiou hat al- s t r tl h i a ail t sldl irailv in im i m it- way f inn mlrairu i i i iriir ri ai many axf llirq t ii i i il mimmra n ii t if ii taisitilf lit elmni 11 v m i rlv li dtliioiui jnt t uaji ftk i t ll al t uiijtfhie cons eejoe nees so long at ihey can work upon the credumy or the folly of thecanadisn people to play at it or till tnejone and all become the sol governors of tbe destinies of carttda we know but eery imperfectly tb opinion and impressions of tbe people of canada if ibis is liarly lo bappro at jesat for half a caulaty to come and luffictent for caof day wiu ba tbe erillbereof tve readily admit tbsl the canadiia preach are fully entitled to be represented ia the tao- rnment as much at any other part of tbs community but to at tbe trssh so tre tbe scotch and to arc the nrjth though not least all are entitled bul not becsute tbey are canadian frrnch iriih scotch or english they are entitled to a particrpation in the offices of th country becauae tbey art canadian and for ibat reason only it is bifb time th it this petty nationality should be put an end to sad we are ety much rrbtakenifby tbe inert aaed intelligence of tht ppuuiioa tail desirable desideratum is not on tbe heh way to its ac- eomplbment by all meant let tsery iktort be made to in duce to many of those who are to krjiurout foe ofsce to accept socb ofecet as tht a cjuali fied to ml for tht rwirost of forraina strong efficient government but let oat those efforts se made to induce orptrmit ibeas lh 1 ottroe as a ptrty and wt lay lb same ot lo p ipposed to then who are called tne conaerva irt pirty daublless ibtre t utc ii i r r t and eteeer men on both side let these bt shecled to whom osce should be ottered tttttay refuse lo accept it because they cinnotvrj all tbttr frienda with thera let it be so declared and hia eicellency tht gorrmor gtotral may safely rely oa ihe energy and intelligence- of cana dians to sustain such a gosernasent as will fall in with tht principles we base laid don we haee aince writing lbs fartgoihr met with tbr following artielrs in tha sfaaviaaon and we insert tht m to show ibat ouv opinions are not siagular and abo lo prove thl a more moderate toee is pervading the cotumpsof soaae of our contemporaries than waa formerly lo bt found ia them m atb every anaibla liberal man in the cuun- trf arpass tie ctpeeta to tain by ballooloe on tbtac otbce tr- r to anoy aod impro iho forcrrrmrot by tbtkr prueeedingi the country i afona to tlant by tthia thef are tupaofted tbej mur feel them- ttea tnc vurdity of tha eipoaajrv ivoltna bo principle facet ibe frvedy oat of eadeaouraig i- to l i a control otcr the eetrouca of tpar countrr and lateaiiergtheosaetiea ttiihita loruije oma puliura are a drug ta the market sv are ladof it ilia tame ihatow tcr r pari iwvu ahoutd look a uile lea to faonoa ns s titde more lo the covtnirrlhet they afiould allow tbe public mind eotnc repair in enable pod bni h poapti to attend to their ob buhne- jic clrr m i rim are pvtlivg out ttofir about mr hmet aeoy about io be prothled for ar ihat ihe a4teltf i t i titca to poner eloeo at haod lhmrrowa not be alarmed e btlve there not tht ahhiei ihadovt i foundalio for atxh msvie h of fcur eoicaporare are pflti foelh rumour ahoul ealai wuh lb kfd freneb cantdiana and lhat mr draper ahont io aacri tee trpre canada thia atoiy raaf atotversor tat j j j j- ehaiterikfof eftain newt rco4c but can hva no effect utth ihe aohd nd reavet la for out otto parte ate bare foil eataodeiei in iha aballtj and iiitejrlit of tur pntaad gotvraor general we blwe mu lrdtrwp iob tovthj iweeciaor of the lamtntid and beloved r j mcalf and at hnpe no true conacaiitey ul alto th v iniod rimi e ta u rurtkytcrfotfp monertor ih sr4al miny of ihe liappi4iard lord pn tt ih th cou- tij and ui- covaut ntis ihv- molttiv o ra aoiaw cviknatitra we gi inattrlioft tvith much piatirn lo iho communication of cojftfin fair piny and knowing aa we do the great experience in mercantile nffatra of our worthy correspondent wo ihall be happy to hear from him frequently notwithstanding the removal nf tht seat of govyrnoaenl rnd the inttnuattona throsvn out in certain quarters from lime to timr lending to tinder viloe the importance of our nv ita rtatural advantage cannot be taken from us placed aa we ore in the very ccatre of the province wilh ihe head of the river si lawrence on the ooa hand the foot of lake ontario on ibe otherat the head of the rioveau canil at the foot of the bay of qiiinle the neareet point lo the city of new york of any port of caaada and the only puc from which that cily ia rccctii- we for 6ve months jn the ynr for a dittance on our bonjerii of more than tveo hundred mijet we have a eplerxiid harbour a place of defrnco capable of being made im- prrgrrabie and above all aeordiftg to ihe army reporta the most healthy ftioe in the world of british poascssion nave one wtih these natural advajitagett we say savp joineri io iho nieiiamf sur- c tjc porwarcters and other enierpriziog iotjrtip- duals together with the probability of a di- rext rait road communiraiion to the city e new york wt may tenturo to rtredint lhat kmelon a n place of busiocsa aad importance will be secooj to none in wes tern canada wc congratulate our fellow citizen up on the following piece of inielligemv which we hove received hy the watenoiv jour nal we consider it to be lo kmjtton the most imnortanl information which has been received tot many a day nor can we allow ourselves io omit remarking how rnoch lite city is indebted to our public spirited com inttce for iheir valuable ex- erlion bul ropre especially to messrs gil ilcrajeevc and counter whose pcrsoosl ef forts have been above all praise an i which havereen ouly appreciated hy the princi pal viipptirtera nf the ttnderiaktng in the ates wnelher we have a raslroad jrom kingston to toronto nnd montreal q at if wc have one completed from kagstof to rnme l wt ij the great high road to new york by ihnuand and cos of thou- anla of traveller and will open to us new totireea of commercial relations which will bo invaluable t llic extent of which cannot be easily calculated ttn hart roan we are irformcl jolt as we are ioin- to ptess by wsi shitmq that mock enouh hai been lbn or nanirt made to nos one and two to enable the stock- hodets lo oreanue hy the election ot s btaid of directors and commence the ntoteeuiton of the watk much piaise it due mr smith for hi mdefaliabte eaetions tn hit work the following nutire for an clcfiion of directors tain ihtlr advcrtiaing columns atrriown and rome rail road mmlany notice is here by jiven thai an lrun of thirteen ilirectors tornanae lite allairsof sit com nany will le lirw at itie amcienin ihe viila-eofvater- town nn tieilay tte cth dy of april neat at i talork km oaviltv ltvkirat4iui umi mi nirit hrptiiv ii nisiim jvz akhnrneac kumiho ktnav n n wiok dcasnap fatnaiii it sittnmsh tnni fiirn far 1 1 1 carepiru a oaaata waitt or accoaitrndatioa roa fou a gentleman of treat eaperience in mercantile affairs has brought lo our notice tht peat want of food tod commodious storehootes ia km- slon and monteal coolaia the rlour sent down frotn canada west he saysand indecetwe know it from exoenence lhat ibootami of i r reli of flour lie expowd for days at both pieces much 10 the injury of the owners aod to the characterof oar milts we shall return lo ihit subject neat week cobourg stor mr or to a kingston building 30ciety a meetine of the suokiibrt to th ankle of association aas hrld at th i office of messrs cummin macdanell ot friuy trentac laalt ktrbaps a better stucttoa of directors coatj not have ber made aad we doubl not ibat tbe society will fro t in ihis city at il hat done in otbtr placet highly benellcul to oil partes concerned aod terve in no small dtftttt lo eatend the nonolaiioo aod promote the com font and prosperity or tbe city ta corbetl sberirt waa clled la the chair and aj mtedonell efl teciuest- ed lo act aa secretary il was moved by henry saaitb east mpp tod resolved that tbe board of dimteet atiili tontut of nine memum who shall elect a present and vicepreaidtnl and that tbe sotirly sbh now proceed to ibe election aa eleeihsri thrn took place and ibe follow- gentlemen were chosen hgilderateeve esq thomas brijti ban- j- ceoaer eau h snilb etq- mpp f m hrrl etq g a cummin esq john mowat eio t kirhpatnckrj tb- forsyth esq xfr moeed by francis m hiu esq aad re t4 that ibt dtrectora shall draft ararvaiptcm ud r bruwi vhirshatbf nil to iht society for approval at a general mees ia u be ealied for that parpose mr cofbtlt was reeattd ta leave tbi cbairandmr htnry smjla oukerc a vole of thank watfitto to lb 5henror bis conduct ia tbt chtir aad to arch ioha maodontll lata far bucjetiitaas fa up tbe society t a corbett csaittsta arch john macdooe ii stc pro frm the eteeiioo of th officers took place this morninr at tbt first meeting of tat director tbe itsullbas follows ri himiv gild is tea re eat- paceivesidenf jonjr k foaavrn esq secy fr 7vrwvrero bii en solicitor anew jotix macooyatl french canadian bisslon ofeodtietl in reply to the above paragraph 1 beg mere ly to say lhat kincort now contains ood storajte loom for more than 6o0u0 barrels of floor and at far as that place s cancer ned i have not known during the last season anf ejeal want of storage loom i besides a great deal of ihe wheat that n transhipped at kmea ton is taken direct from the schooner into the barges and of course rerorrang no storage at tfrt place without presuming to question tht word of tbt gentleman of great eipetience h mrr- cantife srtira or the conectnest nf the v ceininc eve of tbe editor of tbe cdfurg fcr i would beg simply to atk thesv prentlrmen if they are quite sure that tbe barrel they saw tv posed for ds at ktneaton contatned nour orwhelher it might not be posaibte ibat ihey were tilled with salt as much of thai ankle it put ia rlour barrels in montreal aod ani to kir where il it olttn j- en the wharves it beia an atlieje not hkeir lo re ceive any material injurs from being tiposti to the weatfier for a few day 1 i have durinff the 11 teatcvf navrxalisn jeuvrreo in kiiigtlon tomr inor i hrhianrl bmiuh ml ue gil iimtie to tne tawaijers to say that il wat all safely storrd sate ihal which waa pit tftt harcrt an i omr rf ill a puwic fiteeiingof the friends of ihe above mission for the crnoan of hearing interesting dctaili from tbe rrv mr doudict of gttneta swiiterfand will be held in tho method sat mr s- church wefiingtun street on modat ncit the ia invdil al 7 odocat m arson wtlaatebetaiaavaaed that luiliauarbceaod bi wife re now is rn n atvarjl erm o- i r b areoval r rt now ia priao al n t i avaiuag tjifr theaboe ertea cteaiattidoa lat prewtk of aim hatrnv uxvaat eta of t v trrnl ht r he t tin n mjfrl i from the art alnecadiariea fi appear thai a oftrwitawieer waracaeaane or fra itie stair ultv iteae tfatavit trial ia 0wr 1at aa ii tic j c tiyij il ita r ihui rlito wutoh tion of ihe place klagffri lac ibt cortarjnip ijatjhllaa ofia tim khetttha ftopori n w a burotd iij codrlrd iw iit force 10 tke ae lakbthe eowpraiora hare meufo u imt atawitalioot ooaofih principat 411 e it ft bee lurard qima idrrce skhaj fff i upnn to bf m mfllp i i t arm i tmi ta mm ayti oouviktt bt and ilw yy- i isaeeir meci uk te a h aa ui nfl captain fair play ta w a z micmv wttiram hltaf i omtniivioaer st patricks day a ton rvtiinvi aliv itoty f ihe native of tlie crren acmmed al the glj liui i p andniarrlictl m prnccaaiun l the cathidic chureli iteadoikiy the banj ftflfce mil on wmrtl nrrahion tic hght rev i 1 phiian ttwlwitsl an clorucnt iraeti- cdiacrann wo olna a numher otlcn njirttamc irrtins i the proccianon whom sse hate ni ututihr ccn tn uiin m and wt wvre aln fad tit sen ihai man- twronii nf ihffrrent twsmitspll atlrnjcnl divine wsjcetiset uitai aiuuwiasic die auncc if that klrjgston rifchanff s inatitdtlod a special meeting of ihis institution wa held at tbe room in wellington site on thursday evening ibe 18th instant p hitt esq in ihe chair after some remarks by ihe chairman on the condition of the lorlitotkn and iht necessity oi further anj more active eaertion in earyinc out til ohjeel the meeting proceeded to ibe election of officers for the year ending febru ary ims the following were elrrled faaxcts m htn esq praidtnt hn gtronce daviotov isf rv pmtfenu dcxms dalv 2nd rvc pntdrtl ft tea ltoxd recording sthtcry sxiriir it mcarimv cor stcrttory ttiomt wlluvavj trcoitirer board ok managkks mj robetl matthews uilliam andrews hoh ros john breakeniide duald me dougal olivrr mon at joseph milnrr archi bald j- maedonell ephraim cone david ffibon krancts milo isertnrth m u was resolved thai the thanks of the inst lution be given to those kditort of newspapers who fumiso their journals gratuitously to the reading kfom the brsl meeting of the boar i of managers was ordered for friday evening the jfith inst ats ocloek the objecb asid advanlaees ef huiljing so cirtiet havin hren biouhi under the notice of the meeting by ibe chairman and mr arehd- j macjonell i was resolved that a special meetineof the intlitution be held at the court n-wa- wlt- tht followin wiltieien was perpeiiatrd on ralriekt dy hy a son rf ihe kaneraa istc nf cotirtc a ihe banner rv whirh si patrick is repreenteat was beio csrriel tol- lowed by ihe msor ratrrkfhalmlalliiw r aho vrasavasbl kitkpairuk hi tilkt all ov ja ia jo ihr ijle rnsscre nfthe canina in kingston bj order of the cily cum allu specie eil auaa ifa mr jomice haernan we rejrrel to lear continues in a ver precarious c jndiitoo his recovery from his prracnt severe illness is con- tidrtrd rjoobtljl we do not snow if the jenlleman meoiioned in iht anneied paragraph he a rrflrve of lord elgin but we shoum say thit he is descend- ant of the brure of honnrxivbarn t worthy of such a drscent montreal ttmes ctraai table a gentleman named karct a scotchman hy birth reiidin- in teeth cara una hat purchased sx i th c dm lo tend to hit suffering countrymen at ho nir the riven a year ago yesterday the ics left ihe river it was dammed tan a few miles below for a dy or two on ihe jstb the cjumba succeeded in retching this els from new york al the present season there is no sign of a resumption ef navigation for sev eral days the weather conturaes very cotd hoth day and nirhl ihe river hting firmly closed to within a few miles of poogalrvrferr f toony frgu ivonrfoy y- at hudson the ice was firm lsf ttcrv in and no prospect of its breaking op drcadtxx outrac lurdtj rworniiif liit abcat 1 houie on tuesday evening the ith match rnst al halfpast 7 oclock for the purpose hearing an account of the operations oi buitd in societie ami ihrir proposed heneftls el peciatly to tradetmen and mechanic the mcctm- then adjourned to the march instant t lamono secrelary kinlon march 19 isi7 uliual and irilntrrntil trtaifit whuh il liaa ed imu iihiii the ira ikf 1nihartppainm vitr1arit we tvarn irm ih si v iiiiiitn tnl autrivv ariil ntfivt mn mialihtvrt land tttial iil hi u iimmtl on ltd lt f apid tac rtvnnrr ha n4umcd the appear anre of spring tltc anow i tnelling away gradually 1ut aurcly tho ice it strong however on the bay and river and wc hould verdure to nay thai our harhor dl mat he open unid the 10th rv lth of atril bet have been taken that it tvtll nut ho 0en till the 12th of april a am din change in ibe weather frequently oc on salurdtr moiniiif fait abcut i oetort air ilertttvi of crnuj trkirt out it eat wo ihrrirhiat mr ottt hute bejond the cal and hi j rcarlicd the brtegc bco he aiucttdkr 4 rutfam armed with a oiaiot mho ai cnee irrd at htmu two c j then earn forvard tiaockrd hm j and aosicud er1 ct ital vw leaiini htm apuafeotl hrdeaa- ho i nr hntirui jaj or 1e frovod ia ooi annuo sal it 0 fonumuly earnc ihat ik kraal ofmr cra- ford waa tome uw after driving bv ibe apead cam to hta toecovr for ace cwjict the tjiw ltoi to hate rrmitrd near their iclita ard aba thai foiled isat a rcn arts coming to rm net thj rihcd front their eoneealment d isrrirat to murder the mp who i i r n tlrrh tle laice however i petarnee of mitid per at ale j the bait end of hi hip ad threat ened to cr on them bt uko tm f l t unforivnale man from ra ireod i trhir j had teen udbr tre froat aed wood uec lakir mr llerfiivihcme i waa fod ihit hi hand and feet atere froten aad t it aclel ibat mutaliont tit bait 10 bt perrorwiid a nurr ta nof hia limb ii e uevbk to ttcab ul saw- daj and w btltttc is i set t of daifer i it j ii mr hemrva aaa tahlaaro for another pertoo ed it fcr1autaal iba nrtuhia ho perprrraird ia hid crime wer walajis ome one who tlj taptcud to ta rsf rrttal other le aak pil to a parti at mr craafrrd rte tiepred bj r and ihe ir oeeepaaia rerw- v herald march lb rnr however and ivhich mav ervally ehanpc the appearance uf ihinf hut our rradrr at a iliatance tvlm may he lavcply mtrrcmed in iho corlv thvermie of ihe navi kalian may nlj upon our weekly ntteti- unfi litthr withjrt 1 hr monirvn pnprr nifntion thai ihe maiimim llmir nf the how p mcimii in srtralntrl siicet moxrat baa liecw pur- i imrvii hy ttiftcrnutcnt fur untc ulluv tv jomjr it a raaacti 7n pftattnt jrt4tt a fatal iralaoc of iuril pea ciiee of eoatliri oon hdt ioc place rvls lait ft ne three vae wrr evtiw denn cjerortftentt till o and wrwa ilte 41 or en atrrd eam pncriki titai walerintn herai ami alt j iol eomii out of iu laiiar h boj not ufie llr io alco iheir rko r rt io atcp inetr ledrbe d 1tt of ihe hre and uv thaot it th ii tsrlt a ladaained i lihi f ftbewl ueatteutl t oi u ivjcrnibe i watir if j ated we k anvihrr hj eifht lr eeited eo eidrtam ijhf itorhtl areijanl ll ftot a art aiasai line at lrai i hi aveajrat ihb ptatlwe tibh ht we pys1coi itta ahnvr m i tai hus tbe rrejutrst dern bilrn ur i jhe tub i elvt it j jf ih lhet ti ta if

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