will puwu s vmiw w vwm j- i iicmitr to uh three yia tiers an ir- f hr boting lb hole only wf part of an tneb cfp intu manufacture of maflf sugar it has w repeatedly staled thai the fat- snrrs in thli province mthl saiih a eery til fling rchiri manufacture all the luyar tltl l tequiied for home cmmlior fkhi ihe sue r mapi en from the euiivttinn nf the utar rt in i r ion thi kiutt misfit be attained ftom the fotnct source but an lb event of a failure the sngui beet could be cultivated for thii purpose with much profit t is not r i imki bow much the pur chss of uur cots ibe canadian people an dually and us hi ae of puon- ihia ejues- itoo before our lesdcis in a libl that cannot be rntsonjerslood wi hire been at some tints trouble in bmufadiu the matter the im ports of aural cost the country in the year 1346 otn nsnm than xiwoxw oneftftb of svhirb was imported into tbe homo district a it it quite certain that tail vast amount of iur can be manufactured tn the province aod be made prodoeliva of raree itnamttftf e roils we are diiposcd to zse a tew practical an lb manatfuatnt of a lugar bush in the sope that ii will be ihe means of encourage ing some of our farmer to improve in this as vrel as in the elber branches of canadian farm ir j 0sg it teat tafno ts tbeoidinsry method of pcrfotaniog this part of the operation is lo tabs out a chip with a common chopping axe about foot iochra loot three wide and ooe deep n aagk of about 45 debtee and directly uoder the io cistao to apply a wooden spile 10 wmr lb tap to ibe trough or other vessel fot preserving ibi sap this plan aboee au others should avoided the less inju three part of an inea ctep i mu t coir nf rtii years grow over ao tbat tbe trae may be tapped again io tbe aame sacc tu apic abould h made to anotly tbe bole at tbe outer edge or next loiha baik of the tree hot the point jboold be one- ibtfdlewtndianveut thin allbe edge ol b barb agimbledbole r be made in ibf eod of tbe apile aod to coneej the aap down tbeapite aamatl rroe mod be made wilbtn bajftneb puge the bote made with a gimfa- let aboum be buroed ottt amoolhly with to hoi iron rod by beiag careful in tipping lreet with o auer and by uiiog ipilra of ihia detctiptio ibe- whol of ibe aap may b col lactrd in the vtmcle bot by tbe ordinary me thod by far tbe tetter thaie ia toil by ruaoing dowft theaidtf ti tbe tree- to apilet may be pot to each trough or eetf1 for botdicg the aap a few bemdrrd treea wne tapped in this way by the writer taal apnng and io compar ing it with uuag the aie or guug coottdctable incftate ofupwaa tbe raiuli be eiovt rourb iea injtiy was done to the ireea- an t- if boilinr win the mn- uuciute of ogar ia carried on upon a lare acale two 11 ivne times iluer potnh hetile are let tn an nrh and a tmall itream of lap ia bept coottmtly runstng into each kfttfe from a reaereoir aboee the krtiln bj ihia method the ketttaf are kept boilmg wftheoi any eeaaation until tbe aohmilfw ptiil4 u reduced into a rich ayrup when it it remoecd into one ol ibe kettlea j anerwarj reducej down to thin n i t s er to o hi itate for cta- rifyink the belt description of boilera of which we haee any knowledge are mare or plate of atmng aheel iron aoul aeeen feet long and ibiily inchea wide tte bottom oideand end ahould be made of thia material ao that it woutd form a common abeet iroo box or oblon boiler two walla of alone ibootd be boilt about two feet apart aod the nme io beighu which witb a tbimoey would form the arth a few rtreng ban of iron aerosa ibe two walu lo aopport the boiler ate the only cipeoiiee material betidea ibe boiler thai woo id bo required if the boiler aboutd no bold r r i it might be enlarged by attach ing a boa made of aeaaoncd boardi anogy to it top thus iocreaaing ita jimnuoot to any 4oairt eiteol an old farmer io tbe noititern ditiaion of tbtf dlatrki rua a toiler of ttna btod in km l j hotite which bold fifty pair of p the wbote eapeoae of which did cot coat him more than 2 10a tbe aame person ha a eemect oitero in bis lugar hotre o nrbicb he atore all hn aap and before it enters ibe ciitero il paea ibromgh itrainen- the aap it taken from the cistern by lha aid or a pump mi the boiler ii fed with a amiil itreim as previously deaatbed every thing in thip ejtebliihmeftt ii carried t with the tame amount ot neatneaiand order aa i obwrred ia executing other portions of farm labour by the time this pir teaches the reader tbe season foe ugar making wilt he pretty well commenced therefore il b oselea at this time lo giie detailed direction for fittingopuitame apparatoi for eiecoting the work popily or with deapatcb our main object in directing attention to this subject 1 to convince ifpoa- aible the agricultural community that the maple foeiti ol canada ate capable of afford ing a full mppty of lh indiapeosablc luxury to the couolry thu laving a eaat of money annually without in tbe lightet de- gret inlorferiog with tbe oibvr operation of ihe faito- wt ara so taneniae on tbit point thai we art prepared to assert that if the great bulk of tbe people could bo prevailed upon to i- tbia matter io a uvouramv tight that canada mignt be independent of otber coootriea tor a upp1y of sugar and that tbe might alio hire a tutplui to export lo other ceuolrirf even now the detroit merchants buy veme llfty or sixty ton annoally from the indian on the ulandi of lake huron tbe gazat makjtouu island ia about ninety mile long and thirty broad on which no 6oet ptoee of maple can be found on ihe continent of ameiica tbia 1 aland is capable of aflaid ing not ici than one raoiuiiui foru of t ntrate acyar annoally and if some pain vcr taken io mitruct the indian wbo occopy thai- 1 n into tbe belt method of elanfymg ugar luife aa pooj an article a what is now import d f tbe west indie would be produced hm rniehle aold at luch price thdt the ptic could make a irasooabu uront in if- uitin thi sugar if pioperly rcctirieo u lcberin aacbarine mmier and i a more plra am to tht taste than the west india sugar vid if it could be had tu lare rjqantities aeutj ir mov highly pnaed than any other diicrip- n of ugar iow in onr market 4 per ion p5a very great price and if respectable mer- imlticj bwih would hold out sufficient n- tacmnt we bare not the least donm tbat hfit injiam would engage in the auaai bti m wnuvrly when we look it the grot smoiit that it costs canida annnaltv li oej and tvfi examine the resource ci tb country and its capacity for uyp1ying bthf wt errn mote of the srtiele than the reoiife otnis i the cointiy cemnd we are spcnpj o r complaint al tho apathy c our nuntrmrn fo their almost lot at neglect t mrt mailers wt believe that from tin on re e alone csnada ran make he llelf ttcbcf uan ahe othrrwkt wutd be to an extent iui lo nne milln of dollar annually and mc m with mmy rwprctible firmnt n 0itil pfl of the cfctiiiiry who are nt v ime niiiiion in ael4l utidtinr the pom- t 1 1 w uac up from ww to time we ttij i rb ake ol illiraiion hnng up a eac or iwwlu ptoee tbe truth of what we advance iiie ar via hall instance at hn tmr if irui i mr fstasjli tymin a retpetame lartic m hi jowtiitipnf kih mr fyin inhieailv la jrentm i jit neii- ni mr in rvfm btnine in lb rni1y ol nimn j jnl fmaniuisji kr ih pit ten i hr fi i ua a irw i on a tiim hvn n ttr ir tih oft ht lnn he if m tl j ii mjj t i nl mhjj l rflt lmim ufn t 1 s at a nt tiimrhiifn iitn fit ii s imiy rrprrmt t t e dnl ha ttar jii i ljfct ii iiwras0rai o tht jw akvjbta lv iuar huuv ir n i jo al iii aftffiuu m wes wd ii 1iat when all eapensee are taken into account rio graadt am jo rteer maucaovo bad tliat no operation on his farm arjods so good a bee foiiaw bv or iroop and anal win aimglki ttwn for tbe capital and trouble inverted ercdecfj 0j- tbe article of sugar ha inanofclure is nutt j nj 2s n toeez vi cuato the rj ben aamsdes of muvac and indeed good judces would prefer it- aeaowi wwafwawtv a it muc in our last wo made mo1ion of a lot of rill to rpcl any twtk tht mi am be 0r that received the nut premium al tbe ofl lbt ocpot aiiba btaia thu ourf mi- ute exhibition of tht new york slate afti male tbat ime niate on ihe assft do not rcxtrdih cultural society by referimjr lo our rote laaabvaju of attack uwa eutitlj without sound we nnd tbat the thick woollen blinket wairon kept only moist witb waurend that tbe quail- 1 tbe tttj btm thtcii ncuutsuj from mcqk ttty of water poured on the doth daily wa roj o j14stv 1 v ii nf rh llh infnrtirt vrrtinfonc wl or jjfi not sogreal as what was mentioned- v m ttl 1 j tailor ii uw mesca battle l ale md tecfited at the bmio on ib ovntoal of ttt ibecnia extracts from knufjsh pafeb5 the ismturl fcinswiafsm h 2l of fe- ordmary purpoeta the vvstem of draining pie ugar usualty practied in the country 1 all that is required and if a very superior article be leqnired the draining sugar might be re duced into syrup and again converted into au 1 r t and drained a aecond time we hope to be able to make some experi ment thr present araion in fanning sugar ahicb whfi puhlnhd t- world will he of some aeivict lo the manufacturer of maple sugar farmer cipeei itn im letter from the ctm adrcrtimr fitim geo taylors lnny- rumor of bttttt combitud movements oflht mexican me crisis approach mffa naw oiuana 1 i and tlipi of iha anunl bnog in kbwim nd rather coofvied mm of inlet- l o- r- tkf i r 1l1 ri twrt l tod the rio grauav vbieb tbaugb far let deflate od rttiabk tbao 00 could wih it f 1 iti tnare u 1 uon to doubt ihat santa annah it liai taken the beld in great foree nilh a fiit urir j uic and a combined plio 1 cti- nyividirrjinsf- aro bocnewbai 1 11 to bj aniaochu aad tho iua of wbkb ul iw w i k avuow- v r- to ira i fast or to mtcb ovttnee aa lv fwce there toaernbw eaa make be rwjhrons hinmelf viib all hi tte at opoa ihe oour lift of approarh io the eipttcl with iv eppartnt rvaolulion 11 erwab general r 1 1 1 r nd ill tne aownran fr otcvprmg ihe una from taw kugtnnde or perish in ian attempt it w a bom l 1 far as wo eanjodaea akihf c t racoi t ibertpecur ht 1 be id ba alreadf 4thtet t l h v j ba nled on aa tan iftteit wiielhgence of the movement of our army there v a rrport bfovjki bj the tritel in f wncr f reird the above wfcieh laktn i conitliof wilh capt moat0vcry uitrr oukri it auonglv probable ibjl bauto aetualtr foogm blirvur i- dctiltare pobiblv much ritgera- ii mi our force trd sant anm about the 1 thiikpoii ja ibat tai lor gut ssnta anna batik on the 21al vlt- 1 tbaa eirwent hwtt ia rrpreirnud a being tbc iticin and moat 1 pot leal w atc haj ii 11 re rj put ihr inff ir toil abovt 30ui1 men tnd is mtawan m r them anna afut r ru t kh muibuknpuceioor oaar ibe oeighborftood of geo tijlor u is- forved lo have fajko bck tmb toe remainder of bii fwee t h lfi i defence it w rtrwhy of we gie ihe aboee ramor aa we beird pi laal even- ing wiikh remark ihich a repori w eiirn- ucit r i fcl be 1 and mane 1 lobetroe- of coarat nothing ovinei was knovo it m the eeiuil retuli of the but from the ut ter of capl mentgconcr dated t moeaerey aod tbe veil voon eooiemputcd attack of santa anna on seliiuo i hrgjr probabk tbit a bard battle haa baeo i i i in the u mary the chancellor of the exchequip rose tocnike he 6naninial walenent of he year ihat i waa many yron wnce a charxelloc 1 n ri r had 10 rrport roch hcay dmir vpr ihi- kirhrqur but trmw drmnndi were ocx tnned by the dearth nf food whch wai a ir rrinjftrr jtkaanoa of karring persona ireland appakd to ihia country for mpiby aj aanaaaxnsut and tliat he roold not fesase ntir biwrvrr had ihe finances of the eooniry beer obw m brar ibn dmunid foe ibe ann time iht bad been no iff r s- bklla and ijw produce of u rrwnue hn j been wnt to defray ibe eipmnra tificbtiuu of at now iahrro treat ihr slat in ibe laoms ibe pii r iu uw it aaoonf the pnuger who earn orer na the co dertlu an edirrr of the arot with whom we awnernion h confeuvd to u hi inabilitj to inform o what bad occurred near shilo he nirdly knew himself wkeiber to believe tkai ny hadtakci place or not tbe rumor reced meuaoroa and the brniot were ioau r hi tnd erflictine il nai tiid isal detnatch been iffufiii n neot vnle ioi vn nf rk k l t 1 i neecmiry and i inmg lrf wi 10 ihe minn- army tbe suit of all the ceovtit rtcdred appear lo an extract rroo the mauatoro fang nf ihe 3rd ortiat nhkb we copy in ta ibis e peoppae to a4d nieh id rvmore conivriarca he from tbe enrrrjpondeneo of lb varie new orkao pper a ere to i any tijiru kirhl upew tba con dilion of aftiif fom si 1 1 tif sfirra one town ha been thrown iio tbe moat intrnse excite ateot by the mporte eonuaily rcachmr here relative to ibe aitoilion of geo taylaea di eia0n of ibe army they are io tue and confuted that we bafdly know how to eoowntneo aa abatract even tnai the kaiile h beau fovjm r- r ean duubt fee a bomtni but bow it na rraulred or i dingm impcnid on ihr htt of the tin giidc 1 eortlcrped m ibe mesipeipleiini ureerumiy we ieborerr mia ibe lean osem- trd itateomnt received ttr tte eai of hotiitaueo gen tertm htat t- norte y miti ir- otiuii ma drftf uau a j iiakvl on tbc 4o ullby ameaiean iveeof ioou findme ihm he eoald not mttntaio hit pajilla he nsidr rood int retreat to 5ahillo cotcic train tjere a acrerc enfigemcrit tank ftece in the areeu in kkb uat meawan mjfferrd a heaty a after akairniint wsalth the public tiorei be eavld not rranipol conunwed bj retrograde caocmewt on monifrty uatd lp reaibcd ibe rmeonada par where be igiin alieeked but awreetafully dc- fended biraaeir her 1i tbe raberr report and letter teao aam oaee in memterry be ould be safe but hi ability to eecompliih ibit much wai al- tofciher problrraatiea1a ihe meaican were vrm ing aa otary direction a merchant n ctaro under dale oiubiail writra to ba frwod io ihu piece three xprcee today from slhlttej cabling in 1 1 m tri to metrcan poaeaion large tnio cf aragon ard iho prii mule ufcrn ucoaxmh company lakao 6ixrcrtry lhiido of ike aaooniau and ibioga in gencrl turned op fde down froa another acturec w ktra thai clmirftth4 bn0caed oevahu ava srwvtauj alt properly r could be cohd not take mlh him ihat acouiwr from montarar rtpofud at ur- tiw mexrrane batween the two ptaee and ihml scvi more were ia tho iwbhorbood of viclorfa tht ranch we cull from ljie ma c report be fore u without touching fur 11a eorreetnaa tan ofiuuatioo ofefcrt boat hat been chanpd nith 10 ihe lit few date on rcbio tbia place atl in 1 1 in for 1 rr place hate bcea atoppad bcrc and erccr one on lhc fti etvr we bare airong cootjtnee in old zieb and be- hero 11 almoat imponible 10 whip him but rbould barm btfall hjtdiiion of ihe army the eon eonce 10 tnoe vtho hare i f bim wtth aucft aim drr ratotkcea will be trrriuo six companies of ihe i gutt regiment hate p- aed through matamoro ou ibeir r03te 10 camarro capl 1 1 1 l 1 latrlf refcctcd eacepe tron ibe mttrjt hie reached meiamoroe slrteslosn shot a mcatren youth aup- poacd to bare beco a spy was arreatad yciterday a ihcn duiaate from the ionn by the piouci euird nd ttcmptr to make mr ear ape from kti capic ic n ibr texoni toe prauo ol eory amckforirtn ki nmt monib bod wiih the v rrpiicnuf article on whifbdotica had an reduce d exceeded ihe rvtimaie tn t ruiac trtt tc eaixution of aoop the name bad takro place iw rum genileman ataud howrrer ibat ii would v perfectly lotlaciuufl to aspect tbat ouch a mate f ihtrifi would cootinoe he sorjod they were wi the irrpr of 0 cbrek but av aymptoma of a reni aion jie conaidered eortmeroai mitiem were iwi a lina ban and aiinbuird vucb aoondsen to the cnvct the daukjng fill of sir it peel pauwd in l44 tbe wbace prodocc of cuttoma and ha cear foe tbe last year ww 14500070 ol tbui t woxwwaaeonenbniedby irflowd food t810uu of drink aid by tobacco its making llg000 out nf u th most hae dmtntahed ft corwequence of the dimin lion of cmploymant mibo maorafaoafing rlaencto the drain nftmluob 1 the- bak li not been to great as might be eapatfeai the amjtmtofbj lion waiit loiotm 11 u waaibatiaw twejte rrmvivj tbeuabawcouor of it crurr had camlaind uwwion- of xttcowj aot toe actuaf njrpbsu wsrattl r t paid a dary 0u use lratpovi of loretfsi sugar he now would stow trbai rbe probable ta cone of the year amm rbesdiaprd 1s46 to sth april l4 wonld be lam ymr the duitea on corn produced r733q0u krtoojduot calcobte upn trfc an amount bnt oull be cajmlatcd in aecait there had been an incmsja in tic importation ppf bntrcr cheew end k last year conaenmt oanat of doty and becauuuied that thj h tho nawaub aoseer mtaxnasl khao the fol aupaior of the laic disturbance in the prurince of bhopal inpyiber with twn son engugod with him in the invurrrctwnary rrfcoverntnt has bcen ordered to be impfiaooed in the strong hirt fort- ffw ol asaetrgrw the uamirn of lhc ni- anma dominions nrc again relapainfr into their fcnvrckploewwcronciitiori and win continue to do so unless our retldrnt h authorised tpin terfero rnneo inlhem than wnrtviforc jn turbancen rmve broken out among the khoucw of fe3m0mcnriequcnl on the measurea purvued by our airent for the aoppresaion of ibe burbaroua aacrificea of human being periodically perform ed by ihem tho town of madras has lately been vuilcd by cholera but at tho luteal dates it was on tbc decline the country with this ex ception is healthy throughout and lhc went he r cool and agreewule the commafsder-tn- chief of india wan pevawrrt at tho ceremony of tho ra nt bhairuo wall on the 26tri of december it baa not ap peared whether hi lortnhip accompanies the goternor general to ignore or returns to tbc provinces the buttle of feroaahah waa cele- brated with spirit in hiscamp ofl the23nd the hon 1 mr tbonuaon lieutenant governor of the xcfthwrtrrn provinces qniitrd necmnch for irsdore cm the sftth oil tho hurouia of twxcdaro returns to madras 00 the lfiih inat afr georpv rubmh clerk our re v goveroor is expected at bombay about tho wlh he in- tencvd to proceed trorn calcutta ceylon by tba steamer hirictosxnn and tho hoo cum ponys ateamfrifnate auckland has been dia- natched thitherto bnog him up the hon mr reid and umily quit parell to make way for him on the 30th the whom of her wajn- tya ittb an part of fer jlfaaty wus huve returned to bombay frtxu scinde the former bortly loaves for england isljtontcic eajcttc att kflal march lfj tvo dgu not even ihe ccrse of war miy am will be ac- companicd by beneficial result 10 them uj penpe aa has been the case in a thousand the news tv telegraph which althottgh tr iiuianeeu but this does m take off it travels round by buttalo hamilton pi llw amowft itoep gu 11 ivhxh al- tnrcntoi anrj from ihcnce to kingston by lartw l0 hw rauw mediate iflnd has to greatly aiitcipated iho tmvnl or f pricing 11 the horrnr of of the moit thai ihe public ore m norsessiori l wilful sacrifice of human lilt of ihr most material article of nem brought l ww1c of projseeiy jcstr of hyllie hibcmia uhicri arrived at halifax ctasari of jftlnreatentrgeven th ao long ago as the 20lh- we have collected from our regular fitca the most important win of interest which they contain and shall give them in this and our aubttqoenl numbers philanthropist wdl aec with delight the vast efforta which art making in all the counirict in the world not visited by ihe prevailing pestilence to assist those who arc suffering under it dread ful influences it ia 00 small consolation to withers vrhilaiihe contending armies of the united states and mexico are dniog alt they can to destroy and bring desolation on each other jhat the sympathies of tho wbote world be- sidca are engaged in communicating relief to each other adding to the sustenance of the atarvrng multitudes and prolonging iheir existence pomibte cowouratj bajtaisaw mooterej ar4carnrgo baa been completely cut no a all uir rumor j andcanootjbs opened bv a eoninfrrable force both aomttrana and mraieaoton ihe kio grande fa ia state of great eaenenwnt and en alarm ttwrturruptrnrcomrjmikatori and tne ennee- quent unrcrtainty cf iulettience icfi all in a aiate of ue4crtii ina moat painful all hind were at work at camirgo and 41 airerlgibenirg its woeha arid ihrom up nn defmcr j tht jteilj wa learmg lhc srivdoour informiftl learned that lent mesicn uej had bees uken lliwta bvt what dipoutton had been made be don oot koow we rerd at riisgrratiorii if not action tome cf ihe report wbeh bite hero received the ex- paedcdtioaorihc whete line of the rio lirlbde inriuf indeed a dreeeni af the mraica arrnj but rt alao swgcs feara wbkh rumei trjrturra inio dale tuthapr it may turn out that gen taylr bta retlarl uan wclrrl wt r ttk itijviivijc aajaiepu cainica- tiont nftn h- vupplit and thi the rumor hatrfromn out of ivt eiocokept p istoun 10 attume ikti t ihf ral ttaf of ih caw wouh oe queiiiomt ike poii- litedeclaraiicnofthe klf arx hr aonm gnr ally prilgl malimoot the er ha- wer rtoei k0tf fur o urg a ivne that rl it abonl time tba elf thujld come there hire been 1 bt corni fr nek past ia companies of iba irainu rrgioct bare paa- aed thrcnj mstaosorr and eona up to camar l i ibin thef i- but roaooner tban the oniire col jleniramkc leoc lheiy ioda en rb tctvgroeh as jn ihia battalfoe itti eowoiarbd the oiker aia eoopaniea of ibe rrgieaent are now l ea on ibeir waj to lh uat of tbe 0l intruitcnee e j- from the tera crua point of action iba following from iha n 0 del taoftbe i3h5 important from tampico lb rioneor capt 2i broi ih bpd l l port lasl e renin j j from lotji ii li i feared tht be be wi irrd npon and kilted wa upjviitf ttftpected loth new orleao commercitl time of the 13 b wc and a leitce from captain tod of ibe onarter matter depart nent at brsaoa sao corroborating the flag aecogni and giving dutionl particular it n a follow daaoa saxtivoo teias nim of the 4ib march i8j7 j great amuij ha prevailed at in e piece tw tbce 1 d pan to receive iniehifence frcm the armj nothiftj oactal haaeomc tohand but vaiiowa ru mora have arrived leaner a greater miairry ai lo e truueondiuoncfuenaialtarvr forera tba ba occurred at en period c tbs war the cououj aboee e doubtieaa timing with mexican troop cutting off all coram uoatei k wnb our itipatr 1 be rabcberoa andoibcra arc ducking 10 ihe mcaaii iliudaril t- fotuwlng btilijirct baa juat arrired here nahc a mecnoraaum of lhc eonveraauon of i tia tampicj wc have intercnir a0 icnportam near aa to the embarkation of cr troop for uao de- moriral ibat r to be made en tbe en and emle ofvejcroc onihe ih air between fift sod auilanlof teaaeh left taoipuo and lo maoi with uopi aod rnuailiun afuar of ererj detcriplioo roruwbornbirdaieaiuf tr cru vm lasael in the hrbvt hp bark i 1 tebotncrv and latsaaatfu in fart eiery travel tbal coold ponbty carry mro or armi hh enlntrd into he terviceand departed at aoon a ihej cuuld potikblj be loaded it was nith great d tneulij ibal the ponrex got away ao ansu were the mditarj auioritie to iu- pre hef laiotbe urne arreted gea scoit himaelf il reported ij hare nd lhc demo filtration rtcvld be eommenfrd on the lolh irui sd kt rtprl hat ao rencrstll bclttved at tampico nf en ibe pioneer left thai it waa noi rerod a mrre ruttc but aa a card fact we ma lre reforr r spec t eiery da o bear nea of ibe bombidmcnt of thai far famed nhskajj loner cf tucntb ihe tfaairs tf st juindc ttas websvena ptactdh fe our rsdm ihe tub- lance of be intellincf from mritco arrnjrd m such a mpc a 10 factlrtu e the ftfrmniitii of a correct judmvqt oi 10 t real imptxi cert am- ly n tlur abpe it appear navch lc jrawime ihan ajmng itr repctitioni ed vinaiiot if tle hatiitj stan i pcpared colomns n ibe new ortreft ppr ivith- out uodrrlfcis to sj ibat ivre hat been no tjjbi- rj end no diias or that our forcr tctween ibe kvo grande and monterey mrc in no riarrr ihtnk ittafe to mel that at let there i no ier re- habit eridr nee to that ccttct of potie icviar there 1 poae h real upon rtsar ad w bue lately bad 7 contmemg proof uf ihe i rle depen- 1 4 1 fat crbataad broum from a att rate true nheo tt i properly lioo nbkh we oauit douuua a 1 ilat i bebete mil aualf ltd by ufurn ehvrilj rtcette the bailie commrnevd on the jmm cf the 23 d nearsaltjlo ti continued for lo data tbe me s- tcaiuhednu arulkry tbeir fore btiog rocnpotid ilsaa of eatalry aid iafntry aumbertnr icmi tnound meutjitha divioi- of na ibmtnd mm j ia tha re s101 anna cogtcaaoding in pcraon c t tasar force eiumberio leo the batik cmatnrej eer maru caen compoetd of feniiv drafcoat and 11 perc oflight ariiilerv and maa- in bta retreat lo morwr tie baaloit abtui 3000 rucn tbe meaican isai ia abooi mo geneial tajlar tat lohpcetkai i ovu rataio hi poiiitan bett mi abciui ibree cnilft from sattat at a cnill poud aliere he poatraict abe natuial defence i gen meretatl had art owl fiom momcrcr nub a lre tki earrathg 40 augur 1 muilion aatd t lalisjaiiaars ilia feiterally utievrd mat ho lil be able lokagen tiflur is tanc to aimfs be the rnr rl opuiton anip ibe meiicana tf ca- aarcoaa4 maiamoro at spreitd ia4iclc thai siii atuaa has been badly tipped meftn nt woritl ouriti ad bit roin- rerr 1 deuce 10 which rumor lecnmhd if the accounlt aretrue if sinla 4nhieadc himtelf eoaiter ortbe lno from luluntirande to moatrrcft and thu meawint are in cterubthatrtr force betcco thote poti mil a bctnt n moi- lerty tnd saltilio ihen all we hr u tay ta tbat we aland about nhcro wc dtd a year aro attd ihat our work i to be dono oter oain vhtrb unt aalnfaclof cnntdeiog how mij htea ind ho morb pioy c have cipenord the ftilowiag i the hfit from the drarot tbobh bvcf it ia very urnitceai uf iu trulb bare no sarin of ring ta tht edit 0 the bulletin 3e tariou rumcra froan djs army cf biilri fjuvbt aod ger tailor fv vek tum oui fcum fcvg tb ibo last nent ad a 1 nearer official issui any ihig wc hve trenird it ii auproacd ihat a train baa been cut off but beyond ihai oohior it crtiain rpmo1t fv tcm vtf maren 5ib 1317 the ereaae would continne and bcosomed ihat w rri t from ibacentocif would be xo uuoooo xkicuedtpcieherrtoned for tbe has an increase vf i370cjoq he contempuud from aumpa a sasujbjm at ljt0fi00 from ilv 4270 fiqo from the proptrtyua x50000tw ihr pott olfttee siomfrom crown lsods o from misccmsneona sonrors tf rereniae xi 0000 making a total ordinary revenue of ofink the raperwes of uw meres of die dr and ihe cootoiifloicd fund uulc be i303j fat tv nniiy x640ft7a tbe nary vote wou be x36l000 ibe onkanfr oie would be ct 6791 2t origan irnne 0 x i line them- eejsneivai votefeachianrgfvoirttor irrbndwout brx3tjy000 heme an iwrraar of 3970001 tt wbo of ihe 4imatfa ouu anoont 10 0j 077 nmkio tbe whotr odmary eipenjiture a 5rs0uf what the ciprndiorc tor ireiaii tmjlit bt ii waa noi easy in tfaic for it depetwi rtn tarinuunrewmttafimorr nhtebbrhad no uwsj ii wtj uaad n a4t lb- p iur- at iujvb4t4tho 1 tnj tuih tut lie lirawnfnrii haerew lie hrrelore cvum wnteuu iiilair iwaamat irn iban sjhhmifmir tv tfm lion riiv rw whcibt hr bftli borrow l ihr isritrwjktiif r onlv a pan he itdkiw iho rjmre proum rnrw wtfulil io bonow n- nneralj ilte mjirj the neat owton wi wh in bnrrowifit ao lari a um cf niooey ar tn it eantiauvtvy wuh inrentclsaiion noe p3 s pirpmv 4 pat mp ibe intersi lut slo for j ehsreeof he pnnetpal at rv dtan tarn t jv pre tear 1 an rtti fe crrbaed laaauon car anyaltersiion m taat a wivspcvhiccd a tiagnmupa vftrade he n frp to ilass he iftirrft ot kbw tjji from ljj to csj a day tar annatal eipenae wicb sw thoold r jn wntjtd bxtovo hemodld iboahavi l vf xiiioo tn drdrct from bvt enrplua m 1 oorl whteh would leave bmonly turptur t hli aniiiai n ihrwoke tk bouiil pom of xmi00 ft pust be eudeoi amvfmeiwj thai be eiil all rare any np si yesr ano isvi rnun y t 1 a- itrilistont win x bat tfcn maje ro htm uwroat uf ar d nn tto ibaccw istinm ci stated thit t dtd not imrwil u j r rmnirct invteaj if an aaoui tf iiitfar iltjitea he prorcejid to rfirct rh hhteh lv calamity re ibeconncfy hi rlu- ihfltny u ml jd rlnanr nutu f wltirb j rarrwtloh fr lv art four yejra withur liil ni ii n t- a atbtticnl pibeircrraw in ihe cornni f ib e frtthirs- 1 hl ukvn pace in tbe interval oetweet 1 ljl atwiirv year i4c and ihwjthil hmiif tkun mut he ten reiifld bt ci rvainn pcocj ibin iu reoih n die r ites by tl rvdbclioc of tke dtl u itvtin- t ejrtubtd t r pt on 11v rvulaul hi prviaryaw wvm i a awhml vwle iimi wuijniol ir ajtarj stsu cooonji ij ijniiior ib rvi r jn a derliry divuutvn iwn lv fi 1 nura 4 yimh mi iturnc mr t iikinn klkn fputu fouil with h- lniirv pp i acrfinttir tb laiit grmunan in the itl tnghl b 10 blvw jiia irn l ii hod srsaaf3 uv jiin 4 the nb p and cbl0 um lxrd john kir oim ir nt upwi ireland a an srt 01 j- roabftj lifd j br55itlroniurlll it ceitlrrr wwr rx t no mdrmi io iniime ui m lrend the picseci niom mr tntxrkncvprcvjrtlgmiil rlrhlmlf bierturutcol the paodue of tht iw llie prrtcnl yen to mrb ear- dd oi ihe 1uimo put fnh by lord g flrnnne obect of prutectiouand ire rmde 4 chinese junk rk i wk mi a ceawpovjdenl dating kori tfong nor 2ft 1846 strite a follow now for prri aa ins cboefcf rill buaioeat tba aubjeel of if 1 icllrr a toappriaoyou t chiiirac jat who nuasn my sight but which by tbia lime trmorrow nail no cave be aaen at hong kong t her name a lbs key iog osmd of eonraeafier tnoweu known mandarin and the u pure ha rn at an eipente by aoosc parlrs all lcoowniosi of 19000 ctoner each 4t -j- cogliah for cbrbtiion aed london ta ber brat des tination she 1600 ton meaasrt r i n imrih and more than 50 in ihe beam to pour lay ber eaternallj it i a follow sbe bai a targe rod ttein nilb lro urge eye and teas wlto bot- loaa and bine aidev and da painted niniowt r each aide hcrioicrnal bslmudi hire beco got up tery early for the time and f 1are aay at ihcy carry schiocke artltt ahe will be much rnoredceorated on hvroyafe you may aspect ber in ta than coonibt irabe tiveobe fa nerly new end irak built sue eirrica ten engl ifc aailors and twenty cbinete her iern ia hrher and cnaumiit larger at ihe tep lhan the agincnvrt 71 nest post 1 wilt communicate further pirlir anits but it to o tudden a things and the pubic only allowed to tee ber thelut twodayi itttt my detcrtption i of course a hurried one jrrroldv nenipaner ilistrff orocosrctl- hotnnnell tilt we micro urn clf l- little doull tlial tsi inpoeianibilijehaeeo fought between the aroericarib and the mexicans although no official accounts have been eveived which are to be relied on we have pven largo extracts from tho americao papers and our reader must form their own con clusion all account agree that the americans have lost 2000 men and it ta atatcd that ihe mexicans hare lost some accouoltsay others 5000 il must he rcne niliercd ihat ibis is the statement of the americans ihemaelres anj their love of lf approbation is too great for a moment to allow them 10 mate their own loss above wha u realy was or to unjerato ihat of an enemy ilua mavancliofy idea that g or 7000 will more dreajful eviu ofconnrquenl want and famine we believe ihe aypothies of the whole tvnrul are with the meiwsaanj w jubl dotihatsoaretsoac aft tan maw 1 the beat pon inn of the american populaiioii wbat the end of all this will be rroair ig be seen will tire disastrous result of this haute induce lhc americans to retreat to the other aide of last rio grande and there make a stand and concludo a peace j or will it as we fear it may tend lo prolong the war by arousing the resenuneat of the americaii poputalioo and create a desire tor revenge may it not also entourage tbe mexicans io procrastinate the war and to mndcr them leas desirous fit peace upon the whole the friends of humanity and ihs lovers of peace cannot but look al the pre sent position of aflatrs in regard to mexico with deep concern and commiaaeraiioo to correspondents we have reerrnxi to the oerginal mana- acript of our able correspondent rublieo- la om the usury laws tbe only error of consequence is the substitution of the word l nature for nation and if pamicotv will do us the wor to give us a call he will see that ihe blame does not attach to our compositor but to himself al the close of tbe second brrsk in the communication it reads ofuu property ofnatur ii should have been ofiie property of the nation ilrat tlma ut vn iht r a cote ityenr tem ittttajp 1 trn r tte 1- s ri whirl year cvn- ebrtl oeiiing ihen h beaaji mot ms im pi rl ira ib id mr ir ihe d ihai until 1 low inia wseavs eakl 1 r n tion at eveaste rtr1ett new vafji wcndjy m ffl to ihe tdiiorofibe itochttur daily democrat no lelctrapbrc wrapatch was received 1c yond puia a ten 1iiu last ni ettrt iu thr national inlrflirnccr wnt utt brfure v ie of the mi at new an evprcft in antiipittou of the aho arrived in toiidunon thn jtth ultt wc bate roccied our usual rllra t arr tllfttna jan doaisbay vifo 1 rh jan la and china dee ift j n- a iny potttccat wtv ol important v pio a umrviry ijite of tlrtnc tndden aileratjoiif fro to war and wa to peace from a peri eitcnwnt to one of apathy and reprc ructcrslir ol oriental bilory haa m ihronit on vur hanii a home difpnicl oily devoid vc inlrrost the treaty stkh pvvn in our um was duly ratti lueen jhulrcf vmgh and the coicni ra on otftrtrnasday and ihe twu ang mmf jutt named ware aain tamer liore uu new wars day four sikh r lieinj ranod u crni with ntlir infk tier tvisfuujo at leliawur under ccjcsh j4jm laurrncrvf tbe llrh cmvalr der date been iurd or the redietroi seimir fieid ferec by about retcn lltite thrrt to ronm o inn kurrrfan ami fit nitjiiirv rceimrnt one of eavaryail lerien id ariilfrry isice are rlwrfly wrti fruan kiunchee the frxwiter toreel rnheicd and tlicto lt remain letsij t m icaissus tcatwraj to ireland h rontcaior dr miley left dubin hy express to attend him in tendon where he now remain his complaint is stated ia be water on the chest and dropiy in the leesfatal symptom eer at hi lime or life th number of cnqolries dai hi hotel ii rjrrit and it is atd a aereanl lhc palace it 0 the number hii ipan of life has already exceeded 1hrrrscoreyeas and ten olthe sacred relume and ihr mental and phy sical wear and tci be haa undergone during the list forty yean show that his constitution must have been originally as hard as iion to rcsim tbe in roil of disease so kng cm rioiwct a reaacl arrired from iba cape orcood hope ba brought 1 t jr ht ii i cargo of aluaa uf brail inclodwig aome of goal bur aloe lebrsi ttcert the rhinoceros and ouaer nianalti betidr too pweei f bovx 239baia of boktt 19240 anofa of animal ond a taiely of other rodwctoo tbe iinpriof eatcativc a variety of jnnt btc 1 ftfir uauati and evmcca in a re sfkble cnaoncr th eapabijiiit or rteoureet uctb cap f wi uj aucsf r4pperate 0 lae foafo piieoir al ibe ordinary merlin of tbe brtanieal society nflon do held on it 1 r ii the society toooii 2t fni- ur i roteuff arnen j rynnw eq rreorc in tbe chair mr james 5raia rrf sejmcttih eihibttrd numrront ipreimena ofdleaetl pottle sfl thai ycr irly crop mr fs could find ao potato free fro that dure and nai afraid ti woaidbl tnorc ssismul ibjn lailycar tap auing fa ill matter qnren victoria 1 itc at tern ucuxb enrera the nnrtcry at cht 10 indtde n a lotap ntb ber children like miuy a fond mother at nine iba bebuti atkmbu for prayer and after ten oclock prohibtta brralfett ufitd tu aycue in tht pauce cacnuijc adirtutcr aierfpa on thur adsy ether t ipour i applied to a victaei horse the pojer ij of mr c huhet of i4vltne ausflat it was ihod so nrattn hhicb it bid bcxa fcund iospo iuu to icrforn oitirrwioe ettrtref teugfafi cemrrfser under this title messrs rfrett and ltitlc ate about to in irodure to the scientific world a telerph which front rti minphcitv freedom from vines- linn and nonderenmrnt man atmospheric in du0cci srem lihrlv to suipasi all other we advte all ktiuray direriors tn see all improve ment before ihry decide upon adoptin- y trferjph mtbdemrely cut upaivratlro aj other pcin aliaf lb tine utubeertiihei in- j frjj ihe lai ur puer tu mier a tran ufut bvndnd anil trrity waer hid uvn raptured by iu mrairana they navjcrcd all ibe iramtirra nn ihr evcort of miijfit eei roe btro al vod irem ef aaltr wagona 1tmfs rniba dtimme aa io be oxpntd uf tram aicre and eaeori tbry bar lihia eafeured a 1 4 toll r tutted lib tvllavi ejaasbk lrn t rria it martbivaua tu ailael mtitmyoe rli abdul fagv tbgiafi4 mm riii bju 41 t irf r use hd jta t ueve henbtl ov tnelerrtu lit ike haiua on b mb tn ah4 ainox bar paav ntrt bevfhl ir ivow ib itat jn law asttka taytur lr wwh wttl seal ml faatlr l4ti tbi- erf thiliiary pbaif kan tin 1 i au ii tttiirhaua ibit iu auihritrie 4 had svaii rrrrej fceom l4sjh tayle tiee tho if febrvary trwia eany lnnm ru- 1111 f inihwm iftft- lb lbrvairod ai a anaaaf hn matatnvioa ibe llrtjo autl ritii nu ra nu if- orleaot on the iih ufstt there a rumnui m ihi nly that maumo- lai has adually hern label by the meaican 1 ihe story not crcdiil f uiurtecnt aevcatceo uousatid nse pretly cmlaa dticea htjhen recited j j jul n w camar of the capluio of ol mfbtxhin iic coinmjnj j j am 0 nearly two theparhlte nirrr n1 ain op lr ko j reduced lo wlml accr ikle the hr- mimort and fa 1 fc 1 rottf pnato i4ijloiiiruit lo m uk k s millions fk frullvt beside sti immrne which 1 ilati a xf4d trj is sut are f rx eba niure itmrr hthe dat iie ffi as are fruii- fxj nf tnn issnsj rve itsr r inn looruiaejy spetda iraia on the cmt tvctiarn kday waa ftw ds fo urged at thn tanitbie tpfed of trteify iwo rntrs an anur tbi 11 at ibe raic cf cc mm in fifty seconds or uwlyfiie yard and onfifih per kcod if thi pprcd couljb c mainlainej a train would pat ovrr 1724 niive in iwriilyfntr buura ird if there wcr railway round ibe worl4 ilieenttrodieianee ttou be pr rfurttrd in 1 1 day and a half vfrtw ti l- ineranu3t na mariy individuals as ihi city contains of nvr wvnn ami ehiljren aiiouib lipve been tvltalll a few hours aa eri fired with alt tbe attendant horrors of lhc wounded and the dying to say nothing of the wives left widows and the children icli fathele for wbat objects waa all ihis evil done t were the liberties of ihe americans endangered were their hearths invsded were the free exercise of their religious principles dtaputed were even iheir political instiiutions aitacked or ex posed to risk 1 nothing of the kind is at tempted to be said and all it at io alledged is hat ihe mexicans have in certain cases been guilty 0 practising fraud upon ibe commerce of the americans we have hear j one well authemirated caic j come years ago an american captain went inio orut of their ports with a ship ond eargo and without tn reality the slightest legal cause his vessel wasseixed by ihe custom officer whose men look poascwon of ibe ship sending the capiain and crew ashore the captain knowing he had done nothing contrary to bar demanded invcsitgaton but in vatnandon employing one of ihe mint re speciablc lawyers he could find he advised him unle he iviahed ta lose his ship and ihe whole rarg to go to these officcis and make terms with them in oher ivords 10 bribe them he did sn and the vessel waa ilischaiged on thn captains paying 3 or 1000 and he was aaaurcd hy ihn law yer that lhc government nnt only leni itself to those fraudat hut actualy partiripatnt in all ifiisis to be mire bad enough law as well as the practice ol we are happy to vearn that mrs fr cwan who was so murdcrousl aitacked by the ungrateful vtllian turner is recover- ing and we hope out of danger tr umcr ne uviawo project of england wui tt card to 11 colonils tboconrrur ve tu tni aaye lbt istfsj rw london tirilun by mco areu tituatrd for b- iyni uformtuon wilhresaraioiha plirt 0 a cabinet af sl j poorly ttaatbat a ll r jiototumiaagpootei otiitlt n u lp lvr 0ftt and b tl aou ibat ibe principal pumla c ihn cnkeiul erftaa anuaei ara in on lawns t i- tlw6rltba lo w disicd lato pcerahkaofwiiaihaerkutocom u iba aanae soernernt upper and untr m- eruknd n seati g tiub atsssw or uw we mieelw utvlrtll gwt xiv ibe vtrioua ilaia srsjacbfoess ihn l- iha icaenrna etapiea af greal avitaii tt roiiit are to be t i enurely u rnotnar cououy aad gwvm ibeaaad of 10 euctiro bonsna they are in fm lib all rnjthnivr eonnuyibc latter oil re tithtf a s tlcges sspreosc nmfiri is iripr na t- jieeutjne aoevft uiaij bound by certain asasaval laof tbeepirr uat i ppmiotute aercau mmm by ihnacuof end u to tba n rouidtake in tbxlr enactmenr by fjh ijissvaa rrpreaentailon n the cnghtb hrasaaitai prrtentai proponictd 10 the r rhran tba ota tkeyiltie add rbaconrri m h be rifji to cneirbira of tbe royal farbijtei at ro 1 wlprocbiihapulnicalretsoafea 41d a aa u- rcady been uaud that that cf can da and aii- cooi province ckvtnuftr ibe doaf of crotridn uicunete ufqecrk victnth pr tt i aft ii iney la il j j ite unfavocrablt commencement lord elgins admlnlttynun irmwal or 0vt1u he spoit contrary to all the civilized nation in llc tvorld butemi if 20 or ioosoeh cases have occurrcj docs going into such a ivar as this is jiui a stop to the evil or give indemnity to the u rcra if fuch insian- ccs of scandalous fraud are practised douht esi they are not confined to the americans j other nations who nrc hv accident oncces sily brought into ronuct with them must he jj suhject 10 similar impewion has not the united suites a consul in mexico have tve proof on record nf ihe proper expos- 1 uitmitf ltnu dumhn ptrh weal so merterjmrr an elnbiiuaiuen fallen hoc wood i tuation having been made and comitcnaa afsorc4ll fecririi drlqcuu rv wai iun ixftrtcd t surdy tins should have qo j h before two crmiitrics iioum nrocee perfofinrdi to rul each other s h and tnirodure ofl the horrors cf war into mexico visiting puniahmcutf for the crimes of a fct upon ihe uniltciiding many inhabitants of cities ond villages who had nothing tu do with the irtipottona prartired ir the injuries com plained of that he hat been al- i 4 lending a lee lure newcattfe cowiat nsaliij ajmt kd that ii is ihe duty of colo psariths jiy panera pjjblj go to pvent these aggrea- nouiiceihcpceij complriiun ol on atmiitp- j on private jrnkriy uf individuals merit tehiinsuiihe roioml naiu ealcuuted ly ihe pcoitle iirieiaii less 0 ffrem moral h xcjtl toueillileieiherotepondencc ol par j ti i ties hasrttg cotiaenim ivth ihe colonics dw the jnhsbiianis of all wiunirie fwklae stamp are in tiri4mlon nj almom ready to h ieuei by which prepayment my be ilfeclelci utter to ny place out of on tuesday last a mos aricununoj the femoral ath ly mr jiblfit aurfrnn pi nertvasile m ihe presence of mr vum d mr annandale whiut lhc patient was under the influence or ether the ibeiaion ivai nearly two incbn deep mj bve inchea lon and dunti the whole opiratton thu paliaat oil not rvmce the lihtt trnijtioii ol iain 01 fcehng and has since detured ilial he wai quite unconscious 01 ny mti usrlaaieei having ulrn place ihe only tnnuht be lud w rhs 1 plln torlmmeitlury rotiart it appear kiti in 1 9 1 l3ciuuiderabl upnaid lion nir c najiier laa lieca raised in ll uiianty el prials m lj t liciiteuil tieneraland atracrvraj tu prolectioft of ibr line llwik piammi rmji havi afmansetl utt ihsnuiv sir t usw iidd ul out im ptuj- hy ihr alcaim 1 r rt minn tr iln- prtnt n eitnnvinl a iiii iaf tbir are pmbahty frn io to ls ihe sioht of vvvtrh dues fith ectel rck ile xnate f ltu4dia y a on the 15h sulhaiiaiiaa ifce f avrraai to rate any numtici of io4nnteert tlaalniai bo r llrd rp favj aratij itasad ml iw lat chun he mir oc 4irvliurl apet it frn iiol1rfalt df qo i p day r u f f rt l7 in ivwrt it i sbitul iwiriy sesttaj t lk4b uw anl riim lasurea a ibe tale ii ttttttjlj ue naivrt r amm t uf cnhi mem- to a mti linx an ll be ihe nee trap are 1 a rh g ppav a a mulp r 1 trf i ba r m itl f llltici rjt ikhuhi khin h io irase ratlt jatf le l j snti ibnfc rxjata inm jsain iil 10 peouade l biiln 1 j t ti a a rlilitta aut u itifi i it in ltwnj iinilhui i iii 0 1 eut tabivl tpwaand tv hit nurt by me i ilvsemh lal irinuifli stirer nanlviim- ihuul ii jii j dfinlen a villipe rear 1 1 ihirvaawj tva vnked tu rrtinrs i uvr til ue hi- fvr eibjeaier to lave rnttirliit in imha oil ihe l hm ut- lirmi tthrtiitimtriii rare ny eitliet f b-iihtoiei- os lhvv vl eirrvutdii co- 1 n ii hii but lem d 1 oive o the world to proveni their respec tive co vern merits from doing o when any kill which aie covered vy irw szltiilaiif 1 mot wrung ia ikltoeraiely racliscd hy citlicr gvcnmicnl or people or bmh ihat nation is on the verge of drmuriion as much a to an unprincipled man who from the ahenco of principle or lo serve his present purpose wcnmc accessary to forgery hobticry r murder if the negleci of these high omigaimna gven gom eaiiw fr war lioiv ltisi a caurc presented ifwlf fr a war asessveea rnland and amrrii3 y the leptulinlnm nf mil hnna fauh bnatowsj rt the itriuji nd utliiy ikittiifis on ihe faith nf uih ile peo ple itnd ihe ssisuavmaseatf or l w hkrh jiai brwi hy i ivc know the meiean in lv in iheir natliii elurnirei a nwr prtl ibui ossiircajra tha spring necuon for charier ofer aneocrd imotirral on ibe lit mil it d ru ruled vampaoiinibaiciiy fjutual the jfinerrraent- paper of tbal day j as early aa friday sod saturday lasl rd bodt overran ihe street yethr vocifen titty at nearly fccnr ihu oaornin tosl rcrtidij sicn axaity in rajt uaong whoso nerr icreni cenuemtn digucd eiicd on ibe ear ej lit carlraenaadiuaricdibroufb iba atrecti kreeaini fid toaniog and proceeded ts tbc dnveni paja here our ibe liberal candidate nere an oan uat forcible ptntcijoo of the reefer and itra ibata ioto pieces tovtard noon tbe infuriated batd arritrd al one ofthr potttoflbe ait ward btrs n doaaa caq presided tha torn wcte ubrn ia uas vrcirb hcuae cf bontecoun market tbe io- in uijfcvldofthe 6ftytwo pound nrit web nhkb tbey burl jo ibe door j one of ibee prttceted a ptalot to mr dome breatl i- j derna4fro tbc book they were told thai mr orr the csaeu- tuihonal candidate waa in enaoriiy teurcn ibey reired but toon learning tbe contrary 24j ihl ibe uberali were ahead tsey returned 10 ti num ber of arc hundred laid hasde on a boob ai lore 11 in piece foluaairly il tva ua bat of lb hat ing ibe ntbt to rote and not the foil ol ta epprarance of thcie rtotou ruffian prmelj taiy peaceable c 11 ilen from totmr fbeiroop were celled out in variovt dee boa diiinc but ihe tatera tad not caurb concurea ta tvrh protec toward fwur ocloes the i-omu- luiional atlv made a tseil ontet at tbe poui of ihe earl wird they aitiebed number of etbirai rd nvsiroyedrguchpeoprriy tha ttort were obherc to be asassdi the tlkeer cummaudinj tb troof bod preiouily cnmnaed hki corn k lhr u no riot a few mnuie afterward tbs anrudrfi rrjttd and rivi rutcd racapaat i we wcr not frrptrcd to reeeitcuch iouutjeoce a ibit a bd eipecud thai toe adveot cf 1 at governor would btc traduced a hcsjtajer and a better aiaieof itatatsw but swssatjts be ssanass n 100 drepty sealed vie hope after thu not 10 bi- laitt- edany caora vntb ftrblcsa rw nsl owoap- with all 11 monarchical protection and colonul de pendence life and properly do not crm to be e ttry ecurc north of 4 degree neu vovk trituoa hom soit qci mal v pexcr 17fm caromt gttit poiic ilvae witl vf rourse he available lor all nnr eotomn without racrptiun ivl the luillmitsj vf the eaal india company anj our mdriidhean dcpciidrncirs a win buam asuimnu bitxjus av ina an rnha ua brnjy mr uuckburn hrtd an ihipe ril u irfttft touimiiuve on the hudy ot iwac nutibtt jan jed lojly yearv the dneiraed was east uf the kerptia and ttaiavtiil al ahimau m dally invruerie ivtirn hir ralnbiiuvi waa in j red na il liib it llecernlh lau ltw44a iie of lav aresas ijumit melmr iiimmp taaa is nial aerrtr tlitf ihr juoeme iln- vf lb 11 fl lar haiag a itula ravaalanrdj laiawd upm hivrtv lnsi alowaj asj the h irid epanled ht m miii krad sevntnli uf w- tlvi ry urj rtieau t ntd wi rrried bh ie lcru liilhm- sly savbateallv h avtip avaa nipatritd rtpiirdr llmibdl vtvefe vrreiil- blai lili curujari ej few dij l0 it wt scceuvy to verno0 aoenocariai an j ruin from a place ia uroad vay morri airc mctuovo a the irriiovy burnt or in tbc den sire although it it tnnr aaombt ttnee ibe soastsgrssiaa lok place on rrnut inj the rfr ibe fire was found 10 be stiu sins our taloriuaat and lbt tleav nnbtavily itttt been broikd on ihe coala abes ncra dikukred itosat j l vf ll but b hbatvmrott kllinfijril a lijcap fuel mey be to be able to do without i alto- gctlirr 1 more impnrlanl stijl a honjiy chrmi1 peihi4aeuhl uncloo hatalrn oir hliinainsjslrp uuiji mamg this posme mr places in contact luo im ami one lvjfl rylinducjl ftlalfatt lnlily prlhed aaaaisal thu end ola leer wutaaaai weifilil at throlhet emito keep hh plat miatli whee by mejntol very simpfe as iu ftil litun- rvntieiuo lowiiu red hmi be piojuceil ft fite iiiinuri and strml uih llmtji rhilk 1 iothmg hi ihia ew inro 111 ira nay ie1 ibe h linuvn eahiilaietl that the 1lutaid irt iho rtitrhriiitiei iimk id lenileii etiiiuiti 1e x s oe i hl4 iwis