Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), March 27, 1847, p. 3

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rarottoie it hi jltr i raasf wtl j t i4 n r f f hi i 14 1 lii iirita lam rvwll kwi 11 ih btt rib aa va iaad ttiil m iw tsu finni h it mr rav v 1 lp l hltj j i i lsaa it b j wp tin mi ui 1 ri vf j via tut vol jh taenia a u-r- awrsse rrlh j fi atl r- 11 4m i i ifvtm x lul i uifjrianj tht 1t tit in hj a ri 4 r vltmnv m tiji it m 4 owlv bar r itf4ia rm i wrirh i 1101 itul lost y saiurdny qi 1 omocki aluehlo fur fitm between ihv kwliiccl of jmisj husiken k proaa- ww wrmamsoiv vie wa a tvrrgij arrrwr any person returning ijio mnir 10 john 31 reek will bo hnnd- ofldcly reworded kmgoton vrj march 27 is17 oof0 ft i si sbtttly ifwt hni bar- arh i tbatdftn h r til i t1 t rt r ip 4vi baf fl c ovpfotcj 1 prftcftliacfit of htt d ssb iv cinurn and autoocj u mm btrhtf nilimuti rvt h hj not ow racerr tb aa an itatjvl 2j mj ditain aomi h m mt bui ad abrd fcrf if w rvj 14 iuj hf ultl llf th jlbctlf i ihf lcovh tb ktrt tnd imrjit oirtfj ih 4jf 10 ike iralfjw iadlvhi4 c h vk j 4u wtfjjioi iw i m o t ml 44 b- hinllj tm imtt mi ittuj hit ui mm by dr phjlfbj lmulmmfjufimf ffttcf lib i ft ifn f i tf ti fifta in t in j umivlt uihf tbt trrjtft k rtuiwxi lo lha utciirj mit t i wltti j nmrrrtf xmux4fix ifti n ittt bodf of ufcis art fcy 4t vn ajod itnovr uf inirtr pf iu drrtl mn 6hiaubiinmaiucr mr ut fblf far ovsj tlfljn iii nj u twh ffyicoufta ibffnmlht btfcl o iultii nliu tj i i it uujir ihn bl kkt tnlf 4t4 u rcmifcttwtf hi t hot ti our piinrj jvj lo oinot desirable premises to let in brock street t t v immetliolo potmnitft iho i m akd pftexttr iiow occupd f mk jamu munnttt i solooo with n tm bop rtehid it i he pnmrtff are nearly new nt oxect left i repair being dooo lo ihi mirkeli i ono of the rerr cc uiei for thitiieotia ikif cilr apply on iho nrenoe klnton morch 37 187 sfi o liirlottui utd costnnf nn tc b mdetd uocqolyttuth il ihiiii- ui ticiimi to comuviptlor trrtj jttt ffool no otbff i i rclcj olji j jot woaftdbuj 4redi m thouunji frh ch com puinu wiib ibo miitl iinlffreoc 411i irl lb m ion ooj for wttk n j trn nmflf with- out thinkin of tne daocr at flnl yon hwt whl tou coond n flight rodjh or coluf you alio btwintw pletivre r ctekfriii to prerent joa ftom iijc tt attention it then fllir upon your treajt jou become booffe hiee potbi in tb ijde or tbtti eipectorite urr qiiiiit of miltrr pmhj miird with blood i jirficu of bieotbin cntoet tot ibca vo and yon owa footih ocglvct hs brought on ihli fomplainl lfilbeft eiluo llf of avollti vt irnc i mt 40fl dl uiao with your cold o irvtfl to 4tr qtfick oitrua lo euro von but immediately pufe ootltt or two of that fimotii ircndy dr wiur bolum of wild ch whb 11 wrll koown to be ibo mot ipeedr cure ever known u tbtmdl will eiife wboe urec 1 f been iirj by it for iftflueo it h tm w try wit mvdkiac in ibr wcild kone enun unlru itemed butts on thr wrapper for mir by n pol oaf f and cbarle brent ttinitm custom house sjle n thursday morning ut tr april at i rvlock wilt be eoij without rtoerve at the commercial mart oft account iod riok pf her mateite cua- tomay tbe following aeiscd and fotimiid be n ntr9om of tfao aeeenu lmmi no 4 3 box 1 i box cut tebtcc no 3 27 buihela oalt no 4 70 ga k v n rum no 5 v barrela fotrign rum 1 hd d 4o wlah ware qwm rffucf wnttr kinpron 25th march lfeu7 also on monday 39th maidi at cteeoo oclock at the commercial mart on tkeaamo ocervunt andrik a hand- clly of khifrtoq public notice ia hereby k ifem iho orji o hereby re6rjej and that ofrer tho rxpro nan ofo forfnreh from rlaio all 1 btchea fuunj rtinnin at urp wiltiout collar contrary to ihe prurioinai if tlie v mw in lltoi liehaff an exiriet front wbih folio xv mil be tieefroyej the nccupierttf overy houto o iecmica n which any dog oe bitch iakcpiitilm a collar with the narua ohta owner leg bt enjrared thereon eoottmntly kept eiiunj iho neck of every aoch uiiinal under iho petit ty often bilhat it aha i be lawful ft ihectty ff if or any conatablo of the aiid city to deoiroy any dog oe bitch runap at large without auch cejuf be order of the c1y council m flanagan cty clerk city cltrve odice city hall march3 18i7 2 city paper will copy unil 5th april vbssbl for sjilb on lnk oiiurlo a vessel of abui i90toi now on the stocke and nearly ready for launching will draw ataut feel caht aid 8 feet 0 wkcp fully loaded sails rigglag he til compltu price 1500 cnah or approver ahon crcdil being of extraordinary good co- atroctkon i partictrfariy adapted lor tbe wheat oadc apply by letter pont paid c box no- kingston p o or to 1l a id 9 e 8 fl lay hoarding 4 finishing mrs kuni brh reatiectfelly t i i ty hut the to j a z box 39j poo oftce toronto b irths on lb ltbioll mu ifc j difafmae on tfjy tflunjlmlody off ft kki of odioihttr cooara of a some bay mare 5 ream old william ware 2 marr1 cd t in uif 79tb ttfft afctvf entire jtmitcolj ist loh eboj diwmr f rpni i i u arullrrf postfoeweint valuable investment the sale of the leaat of the premiea known aa the hcrchmer rroperty foot of ho market squaw in tbia city ia further poaiponej awl thursday the lot apnl reli at 3 octoek pw porticutara regardjng the sale tec may be known by applying to ollphantfcwatt k r r m re 2 1847 25 commercial sale rooms sheriffs salea the sale of chiitek hatcfiia property under execution will take place oo rirmay the ftrat day of april neat at hia premise princeaa street at ten oclock forenoon t a corbettj satrift m i pir jokpi s clot zrrp shmf sheriff offut kinghon t march sif 25 kaarribb ikl auction sajle on hurlu tht gth april nextt 1 ovjoc nnd foiiretr with otil reaeree being to clo crjuiignmcnt 3 caea mena london gommcr hita 600 pieeet enlah rocro paper different pnttfrno 32 coile tard and white hemp and ma nilla cordage j to 3 12 inch 2 balealvirie an ojaorfirua of travelling trunkt 20 rearna deed foolacapaod poet paper 3 bla venetjan red 10 l sperm oiire and cod oil 60 dozen corn brooms lso sereral hsdr of cognac brandy holanda gin and jamaica rum with a choice lut of tea svrs toioo and olhc gro- cfflmi xcr thetcrma liberal oliphast k watt einptoo 27lh march 147 25 commercial mart- auction sale thursday morning 1 april at ii ovjoek will be ctoaed of without imtm a quantity of fresh teas coffees tobaccos and vther staple crcerie william ware- knplen 26th march 1847 2fr walt and bcoub reuaf road ata mfetvng of tho joint relief cooaei head m uib uarck it wee reaoteed that a 6ml rcmittaexo of tbe above fund be made by tbe seat mail to england and that in the mean time the 0 r k cm hi the eeteral ward in the city etotbera deofroua ofcootnboting to the aaid fund be requceted to remit to the treaaurer or secretary vioca to the 24th proximo by order w g htiroa eq treawrrr m ftairrk stfary kingitou march 22 is47 24 kwgotoo r olrt i rot y great reduction winter dry goods william kennedy gos king street freehold property for sam fw0 be sold by private aate with j immediate pcaaewioo two god frame houses with aabtej alted sc kiiaiiej oppose the bnnji wcalyan methojitv chapel near the montreal road for orticutan apply to iho proprietor or the prcmivc john richardson n b there tr a never ming well of water in the premioeo kington 27lh march ib 41 25 wk co rrpectfutty return o thaake to the inhabitanta of kiogaton and vicinity for the liberal eop port iber have received eioce they com traenced buaineaa a continuation d which they will elwej endeavor to raerii in order to make room for tbeir spriog porcbaaea they have reaolved oo raaktng a a great reduction on tho reeoainder of their stock which will bo foond to contain a choice aaaortoaent in all ita derjarfcaeou and will bo told m nn t urpkecxdelttcdlt low roit caau tbe attention of tho public la particularly called lo the undermentiood which will earuredty bediapoaed of at prime cost tnd aa there are only email quantities re maining an arty call will ifcaore eocceea 78 44 and 54 heavy planaela whit and bed 44 and 44 cilia and all wool plaid cloekiogi plaid shiwla blaaketa lamba wool sturti and drawer woollen hoaiery wrr glovea scarlet end shaded comforter printed muffler meriooa coburga gffta real shetland socio a few short enda of beover aod pilot clothe tweed ponied caabrwereejcoiloo cooeterpaoee horee rug a lai of mai ziiaeiuoiaolafmiteaaaymtr kinejatoct 24th march 1b47 24 cherry brandy oy a superior quality in boiort for sale lit william j martin- mrkt fquare j kaaoeeni 13th march i47- j 23 comhitflcial mart by private sale urge table codfeh half bwa no j weot mackerel cod stand and tonguea north shoro hemop ooked hemnp iiiboxea william ware march t william johnston berber tnd hlrdreeer b mtnostotr notice the annual meeting of the stockholder of the kmgtton marine railway company will bo held at tho ttea turere office on tueeday the eiith day of april next at one oclock p m james fraseb trrojtirey kingrtopcth march 184 23 village lotsnapanee the execolon of the late john s- cartwright eaquirv will aell by public auction at napanee oo saturdiy the 6ri day or may next at 12 oclock ooon thirty villagk lots recenll aid out between eaat and adelpbt atreeta and aitoate on the laid atreeu and miia bridge and thornaa ytreout tho lota are all eligibly aituated oppoaite the mill rettrvt and contain about one quarter of an acre each tho aptet price will vary irom 2 to 450 per lot iri dm fourth of the purchaee mon ey to be paid at the time of tale and the remainder in three year ooe fourth in each year wttb inlerevt purcbaaen will fo be required within two yeara lo buifd on each lot a bouac not leaa than 25x22 i 1 nor lea than of a story and a half in h for farther particular apply lo fbancfem hill kiogtfoo march 17th 1b47 23 to aviaint for nit of ktaaha and iti virmi- inlondo oponim hr haal on riy nttt the ind iiurjinu f tho nrr- enl mm jlout tr hur rolhrr jameo cu i civil nevf in umario street vhrtt nt will to bayey lo ttceito r rmtt ot ladiro who wtob to nit touirira aa la torino etc itf mm kikei pfofiri to uwrb tbr bndimrnti of ltfi tfioot f iij togrtbrr with kriding writing cyom grovmor geo grophy u 4c mvic toe harp rjwur and puna forte atltniiacapf yttrm wkitb ti prihpatrw aeot orrr known far anaktng real uatwino m i i crayoeo and wotri coiera oprcimena of which of air owa dnwin in oriental tinting 4i i r t t iik r- tnanch j upon ilie hatrnluion ajalonv dxcia i iiilij aad nfine j the brit maatrrt wlieh abo can procnre mm ktao flatten herwir lht he aball ictc in v rno it i 10 rarcnta of her ruarta in kinpton whh ahe given in toronto ind carnwall vbkb alie boneo wili be amply abeam by the trati- jronuti to which ahe i anthemed to refer tho nunbor of tfoudon wit be henited to tea and aa roe m ivn ara eogiged ifeat able houae wl be aaaaaedaalaly ootaioed for the ptrrpoaeof receiving ujaai mar kino heraebf a author of daaghtrr x fully cooaciod of taw bory i of iinjortakin tn uach tba 4 vj n n of otbera ahe haa now lived in csaajata naarly fourtcon yoan oorrn of tf b aha fcw heeo tracbjui iori vhajat bet jaajfcajajh eouotiy b- 1aurt ber to aal a baft vwa oo edtcauoa it aa alao taught bertne aeaordity of atuoding wlaly to tbe erameaul part of it to tbe neg lect ef thooe tbiaea by wakh alone yonr ft xjm become an honor aatbeaaaelvea and ta ooewty by their abitay w rrrorra iboae forwabdino the t r having entered inlo copertbcmhip i r lrurove of-r- ning on iho fokwaiiuinc ju simsv iltwccn kttfroston k montiteal tnb vicr vknaaj rtl iw fwrot tonni arj ktrrr si lamm n wdlbo prepared nn the opening of the list ok letters remaining in the often wl marti kingston pool 847 i ertonuntiioaj i- oaoeliaray uturtobaiiu pnhrour lo tvnion thorn aa aueh 4 abaot oorajropj s alton wd alvanlt utvto arrad tlch aimlu j eocial anrl comrade u vl mij to pasture fmenders arih be recclved at uc am ofioo of the penitentiary until tho i mi do of april next worn eoch perwni0maybedea1rnttflofor cupying the pasture in rear of the pen itentiary lot for one or three yeara farther particular may bo ctbuued oo application at the peeiientierv every day until tb above date between tbe boon of 9 a meod5p m h smith rvvoiro provincial penitentiary march tv7 21 commercial mart sale of teas liquors c friday morning 26th march ii oclock will be aolil without re am the uaual variety of tco liquor coffee fih tobacco ccc by tbe pack- a quanuty of dye stufla and poly william ware kingaton march ifrh 1p7 23 tbeir fatnrr dratmatoa aa rataonal wj ratclli- irnt vv i oerora it wdl bt ber i i itody ta laabrran the aainea cl youn- ptraaaa rocnmiited to ber caro the oi i ii u j iif i of roueiao aa woll aa the if and toatrca of the abrcliona and pautoaa of ibo mlad vdocaie htrwl aodcr ibo iri- r of goaaaraa and kind- aru ahe ia prraaaded it va m vain to ex pert lhat good aad amtaott diafoaitiooa can a prornotad by oiaanplea ef ill temper and riolrace on ibo part of a lajtrectrcte it wilt incrrroie bo bar cm rndoavot to coj lirala with babiti of geottewea and food teav per a dee weard taorlrraof itntteal de corum and propriecj of rnjwminiijnhkiv raar roj htfrjjhooftjha aod ornamenul nejv w- exn drowiafj to ptnoil wiimcoarr ciayoan d fa tho iotnro stytt nnc- kobo aad gaur frxmk i pftntfl 11 m nrti rr jv ftoosamots 4 wojornf navigation with new stock of steamers bar6es eatatu or eannvmo 10000 oan or tm mono to aend fvrward any property which may be conogned to the at from their experience and knowledge vf the outiftcea they trval to be al to give general aatiafactioo and aolvcit a ahtre uf public pntronage th buameaa wall he earned nn in mon treal at the siwrea cetupd loot seaaon by hilliarp h wkfh under ibe name and firm of safftrt k f saroao and at kmgatoo und r the name and firm of giauroitd v smith james a glassfobd george smith- kingtoosth march is47 20a very superior article i a for sole william ijdar market square kngaton 2ih march 1847 i 0 0 u u aj a o ria tod each young lady to are a bed or mat- traaa bedding and towrk tawo aad tea poooa k r and feck each quarter con- tirtjag or u wekathkh hegiaa wban the pnpil enun to be piid iaotnance saliwaclory arranfraaenia aiadc whorr tnocr than one from a famtty are att samit tairtua of nefocarajj laemacivea an dromrtng ajfl anee j owu f an ay ailerbdir mar ktwt pv oariro roery turn cw fretee oi i a k maa ativo haa prrvaraton to give the fol- lowing bgbly rraaectaaaj wferencea taarliiawlaaw jur rr mr x f do itev hj ini hon mu j motutaa v- mrkcn 08 jaavia lv jr m d comall hoopvoatobokav- bo h laaohtat do avmcuaai ea kft io aacuoracae ttwrmoa v- iinru a johir t 1 1 i bo rre wiluaaiowr dr a koaieooir llaanv ghoanalaava kinoaf- february tb ttc sft 6o do owen vandusen attrmey atlaw uicitxr o aottrj al babbfef campw h kingston c w ryorvicacaverortiion4 btocksttttu jfarer severe fnirrtnco brck arroof i dct ooevr tr rctri jyorraoaire expiration of lease selling off at uh trailer reduced pricei that vttltk bankrupt stock op ueftuhaetmalver a s the uo v oo mutt cltowir lisndefafttatm montreal 10th march 18a pojtotice ia hereby gieoo b order of hio ezcelleoey ibo adminlairator ot c goveromeat in council to all peraooa who bavo ecoivod tocotionaof land inwrt em canada lhafe the lotjanoary 182 and alto to partve located provioo to lhat dat whoac location were not included ia the lint of unpatented laoda tiaue to foe- foitwre pubuebed 4th of april lo3 that unleae tbe cjaimonta oe tbeir kgtl repfeae tativea earubluh tboir claim and take out tbeir patent withm aw venra from thl ojto ihouadwtllborrurrjedbr the to rditoerd off by sale all nomrtooneri to ta paper canaor ilt ikoart imiufn raoatb uord tae latmaeb 1048 sale of leasehold property will bo sold t auctiojt oa thursday lai april neat oa the premia that eeloable laaehoid property aiiuated in the adueje of porla- mouib hatiet lot rmrrone6fihofan aero with two frtom homkhoo auiuble for aay kind of buainsa tho lento w for fro yearr and ia buiuinptobepaidforatitaejprilton or n now leate graatedi for further periiculvw apply to mr j c- gaftptmit halter bar or to william ware tfoftrer sale at noon kiagatoo lai march is47 18 abraham ffoster wholesale and leiail grocer dxaiao tat east and west india produce corner ofppmja4 tringlon 5frrru fthe shopexpir the latmay ie whole stock be aold ot by that time gaxxx cai5 will be given to enrure jpeeovaee tie goo4m ku ot offrnd far below the origi- jtal cost several bankrupt stocve having been added the whole slock a comprising one frill be foond ti1l well selected aod con laiat large cjuanutica of london atd man chearer fancy and madder priata plain figured and printed otletn printed caabmerea and delaioea plain and checked cobovrg cloth black or eonn and meriooe gala putda hoaiery and glorea neta lacea and eflpop rib booa jq eodleo variety black browo aod blue superfine broad cloiha cajiaimern doeikina and tweeda cnoftftn gret coth white and lrat aolcaki furniture prints and stripe colored table coveroi jd tauo cloahatand 84 danao printed checked and psaift mqalma black aod curored silk handkerchiefs white and red flaaneu a cboico lot ef real wekh and eke or al fleftraeu for jummrr trrar checked saxony flennela for gende men trear white aod grey shjttinga white aod colored wfml a large qeaniity of blankets auita bjefor schoocefaand steamboat poriicvar offrnfion u rrowrafrof to iae vmejfse stock of ssqca s 6t3f plain fljorcd and striped from i- lo upwarda sahns and satin turcs ovith the taauel variety of small ffawt 4tc far too nuroeroo to meouon here n b a tew gentlemen chamoia shirtaanj panta which will bo aold cheap and found an oxoolleot prevenutire of rheumatic pain kingaion march 1847- bar cin p uai- ir x wfa tv afc- faoeia babrr cm ahf wta cfll tbn brtif4 4cn i 1 1 wta iaac rforoaj t ftoirv a 5aaikj pf baa iwa 5rrrr mr ufoia joa r in bro hvlt btatn c j rknmiaae 1 j it broo hf w i i r fj bvaln iaal aeb wrud afeirj vtifa4 mrmd1 ffcnelli afewtely mut r ouftoaa wl mi d na jba s i ia tc ahftion aao ftobc ra wnitiaaa oor arli maiihoat i eroarto 1 i r r miiihi afterifo tfhtll jot b mlllor mtat ha mhftvl jab maoirro tba mlior taao muraay mw mary at j ntrl tboi kid rltaaor ftbftaj w w rrtobehan waa l maraa nfcmit jaw nalca mn noatr jr janata tilt riauman catl dohi yoa a ou ball baaj 1 t at avi i iw n out fti oohu i paiu vi 04 iu ur tvaali j a aavn i tvrtd u r i taaio hoar iaa un lt t faraouil utfneatti raajl in i la i baft f fajroraatl vrnoaaf bvl up ia 0140 wkaali ah tptrf ik aofl aaaaral vhb yeair boala doai j ata iaa bf bt baya 1 tm ill t ul ol i l aao uva brikaa aoya t nat ao t li at o i cbcarlj bri iaa walcf uapi wbara aw 1 1- hwrt ml in r- aj nia afvte wy t i coirt juu cja j cubao mb sara araao j j cattail jakn cba abe- ctowtcb m t 4 cwk ma qm clarke ma m coaaora mht crtmaarl g cruca mr j rro- liittaria caif tb tf aa cmtty mr f croitmm wo rraejf u cyniatr culbamiae d caaeb i oaatay jiaaaa daid jeaaj eli day jewan air a dew jo oaa the dilj r dooaia f f dtoiirr froncii o rt palnrt dhuo fit jabva deajneotyi j denintrty mitbatl ji-jl- i ii t4 aa mta- ta iilfbcrk mlaa man etlrl martba y ni v 0nril j phijl marrl odn vvkhi omr 0iwrt orharat iv j rtjrmta eaitrialr r tnoaaaa -r- lutb aed bj fu wiu tbln funaan fr avara l carab td jaaaa ktbaa rj j miaa j kotara fjnfa t rtotaaoa maat lujoao a i b sifjooo dr mill a- scbl hiia a sraloa 7boa kjoatab seoat jaa- m seotr wb sccuaa fiaa sp a4aaa a smi jaaa aamb mra woj li jlicn sal jaeo tuaia atraitj tvoa sutntur liiiom saart wan t rni mra oojni si i s soico martin sarhr javo ivtataii tvax timaajan tall it fcittttao tvjak mr taikcll w faraiaaraort u taylor a ffay f fmaaajaar tsoa piihtr h r j fiuk mra i t- t palay re jau pranarjd frnoer woj fraa i ktalkb mua gka oai new binding establishment the stifkaibero beg to tnfnroa their friend and tho public that they have opened in connexion with their book sutlooery warahoveo a bindery and are now rjrefwod to execute ordera for lsdzsy jovmil cash books day book invoice book biu booktopping books v j erery cvocripuon of blank book work fancy letterpress binoinb executed with ooitneaa aod despatch acj on the mot reeaonable terma a eatubq haorirjx in coootoot operation ramsay armour co kirtgatonltbmatalw ria 2b thesurjaaihcr bega leave to inform hia cuejomem and other that on and nfter monday tbe 15tb tnatbe wui haveandeooliaoetotoepon haj fnr tle ptaaoo the beat bg5i illiifilso wbicb he will aell at a aair prke for taah or on abort credit angus mcleod pommoothhirbor5tmrcb 187 i9 otha ciy onaara will ajr ita lha abooo tnrro naottior pirsuant to a btxreo ofthe court of waoorry of m a proaiooc made in tbeoauaaof santon vnmenidr the crc dtionof tb uto pretended bank of upper canada at kiogvion arnd nil othera barm claim apin the aaoto r- uaeta tbereot tre by their solicitor rconhwiih to como dissolution of co- artnersh1p the copartoeriip heretofore exiaii ng ot mont teat under the mine ancatyle of hillumot waiixandat kp cw under the oamc aod atyie of josxa ccwataxit carrying on boioneeo a for warder having expired by liorhauoo it now diaaolred the buuneual montreal will bo wound wpby lonoon hmierj and at igngatonbj jme a walker lonson milliard james a walker by hit i rv v lhilua mcmtreal 9tb february 1847 14c 0 c i jo 1110 k j citucao afrftiaboc iuco ljooir goa tid grace mibarl grly ocurp grabaia mii u i cea craaa mul craoo i i aka unin miat mii huior tr iiajavpmwnial haroor cii haaaoo r m hutu waa hall g hall wo hi j itarri jra harrit ur harat v haeolo vat 1 1 j i- kjiad tbjoa koran fi na j y o 1 awili lalal oa iacbajal fjaf oa plaj ao tmc ebar r rr iho tkadr otmaa tor aj vhiu arna hm tavrajf ft at aoi flae bora f ftajon plf aa f iaf ibo biorami rnab aai 1 att ec i an aa i r tat truaaaowaalt cbarrr an ttacbmr uo uaa aralta sxeo uar bjirtato rant bop t ho ri u w ah oat t all naif tte 1 ftoaaa la aatna 4k amg ahrra aoaaj raaj i aoiito ayoaa fr a u alloaht ij connubial hooks and eyes aeaett sieacox i o teller to a arteri etlitoe unbeooma her tarcmga ao mloav j n4tned siacox eight year fo at which lirno myfgowaa were laacad elgt1 boobn and eye now air yorj readdy rbfrerivo that no worraaa raj cortv icr whtaspio aler obe obtama the aid of ber a4aierrnieina mother or betty the anaid when becomen a married womao uro book nnd eye duty amorally devolve upon the hue- band for the oral year of my rtnmago smcoarikeaa aavoiiooat kiaabaad hss ndcjr4 the wlicje eight theaecrrard year be oomefehst v ri rrtuhcaed blatjaelf to eeeo the ihmj to ah the lot nh aa iv j 6fih to four aod aoorr vrreaing until thin roororng theaaniveraarj ofoor etaifc wed ding doy when you would have nppooad him rxoraroscd by tho crrareat and foodea re- cohectiona be dropped another book a ml eye intirrvaiinctoaoe that tvvtbo tern of bt niiuml ufehoaboold rrrkt biroadfio ooo the hook and eye at tho lop aa i koow mr editor yoo hre crowd of reaaa reader i thought it a dory 1 oarej ta my sex to warn ibem through the iraodiiim of your colomn of tho mhinco aad i moy nay it tho aelfifhnee ef enao they witt i hupe take warniof by my eooditoo arj or they eoarr ioto rxathmoay attpadna for a doe performance of toiktio atiaouoo oo tbe port of their brash a ja vthibi in our pride we wmoea rtameiobet lamt tiaar- riage hsiiurjooda let not the men aorfat that it haa it hooka a ad eyej n a hmf tnalo mra uaf trf4vataa j lraaaart taae r i i c w it waakw capt joan tvafiaaae barw j ward catb wvbaam jao tvcia lkvw iviiiu j i veil ta urtafaana vhtitoo iea l mta mra aaa i fbotater 0 vftla waa woo taao wlacnal tarter o w j t wn ywai jr ju eeuta 1 trenomuo janaian v oiwr joy ami l ivani joov mra m a joooa va jahoaan mra jco was ea salmon uemaga wbitc6ahtaue cojaah digby her rnga for sole bv kala cicahot kcimt jaaaaa kra4iwa of viaaanc tbca kknaad joao n a william j martin market sqoauc kingaton 2l in ndprwephesr debts baffo mejohngod- frey spmgeje lmaatrf ofthe utd court at my chaotbera otho cile oftoromo or indeiault tboreofthoy betxclodcdibe benofitofihoaavd drirraap dultaixth day oapebruary 1647 j spragge mowat fit vankoufunet sojiotce for fifft private boarding house mrs- ph1ppen bega o inform the public that aho ha taken thst larp and rommodloua houae situated in pnocen street lately occupied by the late mr oteoti the house haa unovrgeoe a thc- tough repairfand ahe trotts by rict attrnuoo to merit a share ofpubuc patronage lfiogaton oct m 1844 french prunes urkey figs bunch raisins fine and freeh for sale by william j martin kingnioa 1stbmreh 1847 t unec nana f ldfoar ju laabon henrf i ai laeaor iwi uassajssao mfojoa uook mbal 1 ltoe4a mono- a fa l lflloun samaal loraa tboa lyaebibn fteltd m vnittd suu poitogt atbertac jan baluy j v twoo a c c triiior jhter r 0 mra lcknorn jraa z cuioa wra coowr wao- c bf iai maf p daawa jcan raa frmaai 0 oreaahearr kacarty uieal kak af a utnrwtr hav ja kathaa mrtuy l cnajaror irriaiaeoa of o xortbo cbncao prorerb aayo la haa no lent aod coooot stand hot it haa aaltrsv rrj gaai r rar and wide intermediavafotatat after an our conjectortoi dmoot ianpotatet sraeclatlsno lo thaintcririodlate atato ofthe d poind ire etill are in front of taw awfrat imfrviooo veil thai hidoa iu aecrela from ue how srrifangtoconaiderwhikw01ood boreikai ooe and another of our fheod with on joet yesterday inqolsilively conaxraing porapn oothwvcry subject are now attlaiai in the ra jet of the realitj hove meotsl knoarlodge oftwo arcaidt whkw a yet we are confined to one atxftdsfis l i hit midaaa aujiltrt aatoftao araar so loeo aadaaatj lmaajilou paliif laalamrfljiaaaal t b a shcaety awawaaw baoa i aaa not- if a mree ero r k v yon nn i ituuhbdaube atuedtt uatanaaat s tatra a a avag a reat asaroaf wnro adaaa araa os asora afuaaloaaaf a i caown laud dxrabtwust mjrtrzt j847 tatotice i horeoy p that tw x sdiool suotrvt in tho towraahipa of bedford and sheffield midlan j diaenea nn open foreele oo tho aaeae coodiuotk as tis cjergj rcartc for further information apply macfkfttuoar baabbvj daajmaali kjbar mimary uijloe a- mcafib mra mcciawj dial- mccolam mlaa may mro ftov joan mctojlaoi nail hgsffasajjw john mc cat i won j rata mrcerraito mary vfit- mu r r r hub mcdstj c mcdonava a h aastxwaul aoarw metis atan joon mcoaa wo mtli i h r lip mclatjrv arch mokta mawoea mclavjn j ffetroaajd fjlit 0 torear mh gabraal o i tenia ja gaffe m iaa asra hoawss- haav- efjft vawnb barjrss jofr inrw ma ioa casom sin gaeof l t tvataoao raajsaaj itkbd x wskasvm dr it wlulufa4jit ottcje is hfniejjy giveaf p ikuja cm coa ri rvnppoinw by oie dirti councai recerve tne bead frori mt waxuja to famouooii tho newly e ttvarjtv hvj lhal da lodged sraof borad aoaga the recfhda of the dwlrkt jad durcwal mr forgoaon to open tho ti ofice in the drrtrlrt ckrkv rooea km bast court hooso oo aho ta jaomnr m weansa ajooo ett ptrwm wjl beat a far r pay too district rate anal wttb aaeai ala other durtaa busir ill iaa knjunctnd sgoodj drtct cooooil office fcogaioo 31atlwber tcuo i u pursuant lit of chaarjery ftt iosmtfiahkrm decree of tkocoajs in ihto prowaco aaado a cauao of patterson to craff v ilk d the creditor of johk cha wsofj iste of tort hope in the ceateit of l ham and district of newcaetjei dceeaaei who died in or about tho year 1841 j aa by tatam sokoior o ufc9 the afeth do of april itett to come in end prof their debt raioro raw john godfrey sprayer esq mur sf ibe saf co ti mr chaititerb a irccai teewsito or in deujiihoreol mere erill b peremptccilx oxdoded iho beraot e tho oaad dsjtaw dated thts e iv day of unvoax lhu7 j g spbacct johh macasui traaawisv plwmtifu tssr tt

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