buhxftlt esgaumc5ti they 0 far more importance than people generally mnpose by men who arc thrift and sue ceful in making iimner the are always promptly attended iu and wlwn know man 10 ii- m a roimiani siate of excite- uk- anj alwos hard pushed lfai ihsj dollar needful you may be sure that he aeldim keep an engagement promplnem in ketflfflf them and not competition t the life of businers ofien have we known a poor but honest man etabiah hie credit merely be going to dine will hit friend al ll oppointfd hour and we hare fcfriffl more thin one nutineaa man to lose u cre dit bj tanking mm ofhu cigar than the en gogt locnt he has mlc eight hundred thouiand acres of land i tils notice to old settlers emigrants ano qtheps atenm botwwon tor liverpool piforakitt a man of aense wilt never swear the e panlonawc of all to which the folly or cuphjitc nf man is ad- dictej n that of awcarin could he who ao freely indulge in profanity and indecent language m 6ne eowd the profane wear- ee behold himtrmglaaaa h other be hold him jc would slirink from ins own image a irom a thing of coutami nation in other vice more or lew excuse may be found the gratification of aorrjc pasjon or iniiulgeree itf aome appetite may be pleaded aa a palliation but in thia vice are no w- gating circumstance to he found no plau- ibte pretext fur such folly rcstic courtship an nirtic merry batting rogrr wat abated facing patty en smoccd of her beauty and stung by the ar- roira ol tle link god ho only vented hi pason in sly look and now and then wrahn patty toe wnh hi fool under ibe table patty either fearful that the p ty of her hoe might be soiled or determin- ed to make the ynith expects a passion which be appeared to very warmly to feel at lengiti exclaimed with spirit if you love me why tell me ao but dont dirty my tackinev consumption i a compound balsamic preparation from wild clwrry bark and tar the bst remedy known fa the world for the i curt of cottjht oob hthma cvou bleeding of tk lunqs whooping cough broocaitit influenza shortness of breathy pain and h j in the breast or side liver compiaint and the first stages of consumption 4 thousand cukia cataa avaajal mute peridot qttr rverf tamtr mtdttt ii thtatricat anecdote mr macrtadyn colloquial manner of delivering aome of hia most tufking passage furnihe the subject matter for a brace of amusing aoocdrfe in ivcmysa- book in rehearsing tho pay of virgin us at baltimore an occurrence took place which caused a hearty laugh at the expence of mr william forrei brother to the trage- dim whiwostheleiliu cafhl by the natural tone and manner of mr m who turmng suddenly saiu whi you lead virginia n or do you watt for me to do it whictkcvcr you please mr macready teas the ready answer he even deceived the acting manager mr cowcll old and experienced as he was in a similar manmv in wdham tell when speaking to vounp hheatit about his shoe being unled cowel taid rather peuiafily dont keep ti here all day mr macrcady about the boy shoe go on with the rehea rral ij aapdcu rrtf r n nmilcs it ml u- iieovy- j 1 bjlajkbcnijkd pvftriplwv wttfii fftd ciily ro rhmtkil esuracu fom wild cbtnj btk id tr t- ufjas ln arc tmcklj utffd nlitutt diitlki of the luhj pfe- tail w z fc innnr cslrinrdimrr ptr fro castor ileioit ivjt rnd a isdf djrrat will bo itcn t kt netvork ngmej en f by sl of hrr hysitum t dk of eoniympia hi j hir 1 trnvufar month nbr nd fatrdtkjfigurrt qaniitir ofmttr mrt f boor ubttafttcmd takti ao m df inrfor to maoih bvnfpl l hooccmmu cured bra rcwbouletoflhu bailor in 5c tcmbcr idoiiotr ih a witluf e auorncy kc ncwyarfc currdof mojc itmu fis ear itndij jsjltitd bj recorder tattmade orvd j pord acara scvork cilf wko ad a llffl msjg do for 7 tc a bcg omi4 i tcep 1 ll u v t 10 atttndta btvbun- hit in tbc mol momv n atker tnonli orijke eijjj p jamakl t cirj mnannad llopwf knslaih n v entirely tvcd of lr cooiplati and ienr al debility ofeimecn moita stnding jacob hoffman m f hvntififdon c ami ehiuof p schfocbl af ofjswata dixaie oflhe kjbi after he hid tried oil the uioat rnd4ci in tai ntt iiftoiurt miv oeiir in ibe biwr of ihis wci i v 1 1 rr iv miii coo tioeijrerlbai no onecon djubtfellt c- llmiots hh faet sacklatljt unfcenudncttofibietjij ntcaas rttnonitr pnecirrio rfkr caattcnlal or warn aa it 1 prepr- odrro ivmrfil fllfiell fro lubttaoeea hhrtti ths ljfc phcedin 0 utj ro- pvrbe lldtlsjiuf hu lni rtoihg of lh mode of it frefiirtot ire ctjruoniii- to reap pr- ctiatirtbeikcfil bf n illiclf utr imihth or la aparsre or ee rcpwwniii own trh a avpnor t uti balsam or by ptntifi- tip a mhrc and ulemr erring thai it 1 import ed ft aforcta country which itrtottbecitc all ihct i- r fi0 ie hobi ih w1tars als 1 it i ihe world 10 bo the orcat remedy andikat to iwfy mature it muit be tixe bit 11 idar otptrpvrt lo be ijwc it it 1 ubiaftec mlinm w ro tht fabric atjm r canada company vk ajjain thrown open all their land in the huron tract for ds penal by ivs of lijase for tenj yearsno money being re quired down the rent payable on j ihc ut kehruarr in eaeb year is not much more than the intret upon the upset price ofihe land the right m purtliaaeihe freehold at any time within the ten years at a fixeil prue named in the lcaae is se- cured lo the seller uho would ihua save atl lunlier0nientorrenif the huron district is known tn be one of the moat healthy and feme tract of land in canada 1 ha mure that doubled in population within four yean the huron tract in the year i fti contained 7101 snula in june latyear ihc huron district numbered 14993 sous according to the ofirial returns the amwf iand arc in boeks therefore atto6lm faiiity for the undivided settle mem of families of old settler and their friend maps printed particulars and every re nuiit information upun the huron and ihe canada company other lands in the province will be furnished nice or cjjjamb by application if by letter post paid to the canada company office at toronto and godrrich and stratford in the huron djstncti cada comfiyvs orncc frederick street im oaearwtsricsj stcam smi nonraut itum smips too tool 450 horse port b r matiiewfefqi commander tan fcaiibia ffimuifiissjs 3 400 tons ioqo borse power lieutenant ja hosccm r ncomaiander sail for be vear ls16 as dr d jayns family medicines ames and prices of dr djwf fa jn mily medicines jsynes expelaniper bottle vi avi loteoced lo folio was great r om livcrpo s4imrday1ithspt saturday 3it oct we tern fiom new vork tbursday h oct thursday 26tb nov i is is si 1 ou hatr tonic j 00 life prescrvalivt p r bollle 1 00 tonic yemifts m w catffiuatife balsam urge p 50 14 small 0 20 t ii a clear conacienre cannot be boulii with money htn ia often sud fur it the credt that i ot by a he ooly lasts till the truth cornea out y toronto let january 187 26m great britain in eoakoueoce of the great britain bavin toothed the ground duniga foj an her outward passage to nsw york the ditec- toi frrt it a duty they owe to the public and especially to base parties tthe have already taken their passage in her not to permit her to go again to sea without bavin bet bottom iho- rotifhly examined in the grating dock and as ibe tide at liverpool will not admit of her docked and undoeked before the arjt week in september tbey has determined to put od her next day of tailing to the 22nd o september on which day she will sail from ihrcoaiftc dock atflevea oclock am herdiysofsailtojrwilt be aafollowi from liverpool 1 i new york totiday ikd sept tuesday20tb ocu toesjay ittb nov tuesday 15th dee fare to liverpool per great western t and 15 stewards fees fare per aecordins to ibe ie t id position of the state rooms plans of which nay be seen at any of the agencies life irn i ltfcfl or il4xebwtair9 rllam of wll6 chfuitv no other can be like it addroialrororrlos vyfousvs sottot cfhflo anctfom ki- n palhrit j- iv hlttnt ho october nsi fall supply of plain and fan stationery the subsctibers have just received ite kail supply of plain and fancy sffli2s7i3a7 poniuting of saperhoe aad fim laid foowcaps blot an vellow paint and faint red lined foolscaps super6n sad fine litd fosts qloe ad yellow posts n do do fatot lined on three sides imperial iprkoyl royal and mdium cartridge paper piak and whte papers 5uptrnce plain aad gilt edged note papers ipernae black ejed and buck bordered letter aod note iikt pot papers for schools and prinline plain and fancr envelop buck bordered do fancy and pain wafers boxes packatei llaraud letter psper fllaminated note paper ettbossed and perfume farnv coloredvyaa cneelopet in boxes morocco envelope cases portable travelling wflua desk morocco rvritinc ercskt mahoasiy and rosewood wriling dcik ehoas ard bronie loksunds mt hi of taltrl to the public all itw fallawnw 4trriii4 family ilws hir isartrjttwsaustusai i rsjl a a vt pt iti tt ghvi i mtc jtn kit st ut r f bwrsit scalst and allcomrhittn uhcb netd mu j spplksnon the it one of ihc dim wtitn r- oedki of ttie ae od oofatnity erv u wilh- ottt tt it mftmt and nif leal pciriict jrc uu in esaei wvtreer n nj be apm d j u hau atl anjt ofr4a lijilij aij neit uc ijuajrj sorei ofeiesdercrirtion b itt jftliiion coot iifteonoo it praveoiej c eolieed j patn or irflniinr titcnirj tlonircd and ihoutaii in ill rmiioftftrt i- on sjke i bco ud now liaai pijr t loin to itt tiodt fjl tftttl ui rcmon t turlvrio mj atnat hcj inalnoihorttiwcnhoviritherbwerof tr ebonv and lory letter seals gui seals water colors sable and ii in geld and rawinr and kama alzcs hair rjrofbes inittal wafers silver gold aod silver shells perforated boards drawing pencils bristol boardi for drawing draw ft j papers various saes tracing papers black and traniparem sealing wax perlsno and coamon conenation carii gold pens aod silver pencil catcc portable letter weiehm fachines wuh pmi and pencils totlbvf in case fancy and common lvnflomcr plain and metallic msmoranoum book- with clasps koan morocco and rutia leather pockt rjook aitti memoranda fancy blanw uooki with lockt for private memoranda awriitrtoptrentsui f i card cat mwnccot koan leulien ladies and enu a h catcolaffj toy hiiks various price uolorvj pklmkei juvenile gold ant oiuer pjprts hint bnnlra wdun-pt-t- srwio cases pper cmteh lftvt and una riant lfam hooks solid sketch boos lutfilraled mt chki tapr and taper steads twnted vvctaptti q irn victoria cmnci containing fan siatiomry priti ubtst cahiisf ts conuinm 4 fiinih pni ii rei litis inbsfiw rasle ratutas eair hlapoi crdt plm and gd 1 aieiied lttr a- tmi ppwst plan ant colored fir fjmy ful tin itrd camel ihir hruihca j vintin metimttil inuomaitl lltm1 ind ilan lmy fooucan snrf pt si inftoloa li mic t wiffb rmm ko sanvl il mnnv clsjfibov ntvtr t jkt pam kimvtortm1ci it hai k i of coxv4tcn kci ibe ivrspaer of ea ot m ihr ae ii al t iom ivi i9f4it- or n asesiwtm ithaa 0cd erjoccnmnioifiinrnlii llrtfcvff we intiie atl iromi witl rf of ar ka- toesaninetlvt r nj1leani if me eu oeeoihried wm ihrfilknof mltr v jj k ihf is earjl ii a certain aij crfictual rutf it4 kc mi cit h apctrjn in hit amttcr l se a truk losulevs wptkkv iin ln e it lj lint family imjkuk iu hi oij ji it octfrtfer dftpeota aitnm lwf cuftaplmt in rttiois rmuot itndkt tfilpir fonilir iiaml prbt k it op ratct iii iim taltm mm a a mild out ihorouh cathartic ad ncvc itutf tmc vrn- sojt cosrn c eien if iabn crj ftficn the pilks itht moil diatrvmu- sflachl f hc pllfsarearntfd iorekdi tctfcinior hvvs mmunt h itt no urtf h t atteesht com plaint i arreryir comstocsvapaillvhmiptftd aon httrctt mil ivt jii j kfjn potblr t wade tl rr u ih ineooor cmaffrtdso m utif bn r fj inf allc vi m- tj-ii- j t tnv a wr- rtntcj o anf 0j j r- atisr ii l at smctatail will htedutlri ffft iih iwod taor who lne besn tinujrni iu iw n of eaj wlkc illfcnd stiff tm fnit lit a rifc cjiititluictitcteatrt rl hrrl fieandapi rental tf jiinr vo ile oluod jij tt iik lc froai4iiovil it ncu ilk i in iu t jifk im ii1ik dvc tiiuk4torr- vtll rfrlor on luir afty md- ivu a lnt l jt uaelnd not ijvrcic imryr ull notice british america fire and aftsaruct compuy jcoryfliafrrf onrfrwowered 4ylcf aparh lo ejfrcl inland marine assurance ffllhk isuhcrrbers aentof this fnstito x tion i prepared lo receive proposals for liimiranee aamst lost or dama to properly ni vr arisins from fue of from the perils p inland no rir of ion upon the terms speci- lied in the established tariffs of the company proposals to be addressed to thr sobscriber al bis 0ce in barrack street between oola- tio and king streets william chaiu kindlon lotb feb jh1 fiir freight of m nh ir frfsnlreal to maitfands tvlee iqentsfor montreal qutbee and xingtton mratreallolh sept 1815 or other inforuition l co caledonia springs afresh supplv of ibeae inval uame water has juat been received and tvill constantly be kept on hand and for salt by tltc druggist in kingston for ceetificatca and testimonials in favor of these springs ace the book entitled his lory rife aod proeess of the caledonia spiin kepi by lire druggists kingston august 19th 136 for worms winers canadian veriul- hii warrant in all cose the k1 rttn ilc fver yet iltcuvered fr nns libtjiil uvsirvysi them but invppfie the wlia lim rarnei off it rf sijvrs imndatit fjim f runeoie prevalent in the t liiia i arid bjwel emteeiallv of tbo in bad sniui it u tiarmfr in its eflects on ihe yuiii and ilie health of the patient i avyt improving uv even when ni ivorim are jicawred the medicine being pataate mi ctuld w l refuse u take it not even hie mwt delicate rvain and practi cal bfvnrnos upon diseases repotting ffom tvorntfl aeciknpany earl bottle prepared and ii ubolotfle and retail by j wiser chemist certtfuitew j wiskk wsslittl particularly call public litem n li the lultnmrc teaiittionialsffon iom irf the mst emment mcjictl icntir- men in harri lti a well a ther respec british k north american aoyal mail steam ships- ofi20o icbi and 440 ho i r pawar iuik cmtikt ftlth tdk loudsoirnb uiiiurr hirerniaejj a rim caledonia eg iott britannia j hewitt cambria chfiih acuxa w harrison callioeal fron boston bhiannit italh nor acadia lit dec caledonia loth dee virilfrom boston and lieerpoolj 4alfajc as follows from liverpool 19tb nov canra 4th dee 1- ji caroria 4tb kebr hibr imsub as money fro rjoslrtniolvrpool flm u to halifax fw tis sbips eary experienced surg ans ikrtb secuid until paid for tf fieibi extent specie received oi days f n n- all letters acd newspaper mutf kttismoutb tre pi tifft nil atl lelin tftj m af 1 ip jti be tcufd b the trtiralu enl and rrtorned to tbe fj1 isner mercbanue and ispeciv except for prron- 1 1 epemr rhippvd onder the caine of lug- will ft- barbed tu freight and liable to jumon he reolstnn for frir rpaiage apply lo ft lkwis is- iv oaasawcw ifnaraflofron iftlv nasry tawc and influent al persons of tbe wonder ful cure ejected hv ihc use of hia vermi- vve the ii ndc refined having freirentij 4idmtniierd n medicine preparedly mfu joii ivimh oft liia tfiivndeaienated j ififtfr f vrrmtfvgt and bein fully ativfied with iu eireary con6dentt recommend t as a safe and eirkiem remedy for llie expuvion of ivocms from ihe intesti nal canal- g oreilly licentiate of the koyat toltrgt of svr if ons rertnj jrc 5f- w g dickinson it ember of the roytl vottre of sur eeont lonrfon av ae hmilunr vy 11 the the rasmoon boardnga ealing house noa a- av tiy mritl obscritr inh icore toinfnrm iliaujiaiiih of kington and the trnvellmjr mk that ht has openisl a oft aljii srvfif utwten brock artd prilwem m where a number of gen- tlcmeucat accommodated with also mals either hot or cold furnished w the shuriem notice and at an reason hours hot up vcry day excepted l a mto i kinrrtcr w isi6 r sundavs p m jones jo ihoa i3 iti upon ih- fr iaraiiao ram i ihe tit m ttti li iti rjt c ftf frofaif tt trrorti av4a fittc drawin i iiutui eyw nf n- lrrl ofs in- liiir 1 ui tw tint irvjsrep4ibfji a ii tw it miwj i irtjfrtef iu all p r cf oc irsjt wra a lilt a tlk lurfrr ir nsi mtw i4r rvlj re atari 4 lj u i rvrfify have admmi vermifuge i and eticiual worm from tvmitd reeomiticnd it id the public as suth kellogg hamilton ik 1s3 for e be n palmek cucan si apoilicenn- market place kmlon ttinl in all eaf m which i tcfcvl j wivhnn caoadian itave mtar all fuund it a fe remedy for the expulsion of llie ahnentary canal and id j- aflmsfuwirdttth hunae vppm n parole rooww 37- t mnuy fm hand htikm en and cuy s merriam iwrso x v le haidware n ciatuiylehrl j trb4ry coal ktre uriek sarith b4im hi lr sos i in eomim j rthc purf ji safiliis hat ma kdmima rrrr haaafr and n ciul re in l fj vv jm ijiljim m m jtrr t rite tv fhw hue v it iu licmt trnftiftt arent fo tft chines and td platform p rite iltui tut le it d rr rni 14 ihty frtt hjltt ll ll clirht lri eaadejmlelitec4h4mliaiwj ftttkmt ttmitrfnfetfiijtj flrtttiosli afriie fjir irn heptoi fut i llheittl t vr rftfili kr 14v m 4 jf ii maimlamuilcmahljrilitij rs tl htv ft i laawiice lioaaifli ti k lhlcil t ii ttm- pnrrt md i i m ie rjir ftf me ffta t attfr rj tvu erltrf iftd jteifjt c t1 jo rh 1 u- yf jirfifesllofij rjiiou wf itv t irsamh i filled iu lrfuhj rltvhl ifclurttof i tiit iijvrn lo0rb4 r in ir i l rl p r trt mr ftnir hh1 umti ii j sir trili j i a a enteral j are i at tte jo f m v 1 r taittftf il t m is c t if tin st m v- intf ln uwu jm it- 1 is in- r init 4 ii v phi tlterl anl m rt-i- i4j liti 1 iw vft m tl imarrarh ats ht 9 fi j 4i1o i irw- fk fc miumi ahmouki s fc vrv w hl- iner n r ittm t f ji p r 11 wfva ltritirtinf lh tnih rl f rr ff4rift rti evroftfvivauifafitf mfvhrnt jto h atfc ulr k ar e heais 1 ltv in m r 1 fihiiif4 iht4aelreibpil sv n a rh 4flijm rfilmm mitj herlf 444 dtenniiiihiiatft iiit iminifi ht ehlririlk wm- jaiai lit tin 1rl nritntiiiiit ttflftrhll f ri eif- e ia int t ntniu 1 ilmt hats star rvwitd tt- 1t rp rtftth ji4iu imtite i irvr tx kn rt a 4 ml i ma 11 mi ht hjai t i sm os sale blorsa of ihe subscribers iihws kefitcj and brhi alirovadti soearp 1iu ritemr ludfohcalfud cajjie ireen ud rrl tvaa 10 bap beirt liofuayfq ami rio coffee lio ktixea reeii mjinp ramn 1u diums kos turleefg j tivrcei fiirvlinft kiee 2i btxellmoyjewand cavendish to lteeop l boxes havana an i pnncipe cigarv jar maeolitjy simft bcn i i lndmi atarcli bjhv smi hdfe hanvls lttivaif itimh and hlfi rne fared carved and itji iva frau nfted tvokerv t nn ittttmii llliih irst4e itrnl retailrs kinujii pinrd deed paper lvi i h itk 01 paper ll mlli slmrran ancliat n s nts1 ii rniv- kanvln iviiithitti imtitnl- ihsktl iulik th1fiau pieks turners ma- tool anil fairbanks piuni tami iijj sfa5 kala sanstite pills per boi ofig american hair dye 0 50 jayncs life preservative an alterative and depubative prepattation eombininj all the dieinal virtos of those articles which lonf axpenence has prosed toposseis the motlufe and efficient allerlic and duebslruenl bro- pertiei namely the compound spmlmous extract of dandelion lcomodon tarax- cumsanaparilla tisainb mazereon fc ice for tu cure of scrofula unos evil white swellings ulcers scrofulous cancerous end indolent tumours hhcma- ttattjooot scurvy neuralgia or tic-doulour- 0xt cancer goitre or bionchocel t swj neck enlargements of tbe bones jn 0 limenuorofthe ovaries liver spleen kidneys fce 01c all the various disease of the skin sachas teller binsworm biles pimples carbuncles stc stc drowical swellings constitutional disorders and dis eases originating from a depraved or impure state of the blood or other fluids of toe boar the proprietor or ihe ufe picttrratit would most respectfully assure the public that he baa not oflered this preparation to their do lice without due reflection and clou and rigid sludj for ntil after twelve vear experience had manifested its great superiority over every etber article of tbe ki he now recom mends il with coflfcdence fully believing that the above combination of medicine will lually eradicate from the svstem a class i eases some of which have heretofore been con sidered incurable he has prescribed it in almost every vatft y of disease and with unparalleled succeaeipc cislly in cutaneous affections cancerous scrofulous and scorbutic diseases and diseases orieinating from obstruction or enlargement of the glands or impurity of the blood cancer and cancerous tumors he has used this preparation in twentyon well d fin- leases of taocer and cancerous tumours and in eery case but oo with perfect and entire success- bronchoceleor goitre j welled nk hehn prescribed the life preservative iq upwards of sixty cases of goitre aod itqever failed in a single instance to completely rensove tbe disease not a solitary case of failure all wc ceaio thesuccesi be has met within curing bron- chocele and cancerous affections bis convinced him thai those daugeiousand horrible diseases may be removed with as much certainty a fever and ague he does not wiih to b yn derttood assaying thai they can be cured as soon as fever and anta hot with as mucb cer tainty and further that he has good reason foe believing thai this preparation wilt not only cure those diseases when formed but tbat il destroys the virus or poisonous principle lurk- iog in the syitcm from which that peftiltar class of diseases as well also u that of scrofula emanate scrofula kings evil the life pre irritative has been uied in numerous cafes of scrofula kings evil and scrofulous swe tins with the most decided success 5kin diseases he hss prescribed it in a great variety of cutaneom alfectioaf found it successful in coring sallhheum or tetter biles blotches pimptes morpbew and jaundiced skin tc dvspefs1a and liver complaint it ha brcn uarj in numerous cates of liver orriiljtht and lyria and with ihe hap pir st elleit tic dolucreaulv it haa been uard in only three cases of neuralgia and in every case it vrn successfu hiikliatlnmht has oot prescribed this preparation in areatmany cases of rbffj matsm but in evrry case where it was used until iht ayateaa became affected by tne mcas- cinethe ijnease was removed govt three case at fiout have been cured by thi preparation in one of these caves the man had been afflicted with it so severely for thirteen years as to entirely citable him from business and for five months imme diately previous to bis taking ihe life re- scivatiie had been conhned to hi loom but bvfurc he hjd flnishrd tue thud bottle he was enaled to walk about the sueeli and soon after returned lo hosiness from which he hsi so lone been deprived he his alllictiosis dropsical swellingsthia me dicine increases the powers of digestion excites the absorbents inio healthy exercise by which water or calcareous depositions and aljon- unnatural enlargements are reduced it im parls lone and vitality to the whole system re- movingmckand morbid head ches pddinei wandering pains and nervous aflectofls in fact in every cc where the medicine has been taken for some lime no matter fori what purpose the eneral health of the patient hi alwa been improved by it in condition the pronrielor would say that sme of the most aitonishim case of cancer bronchoccle and scrofula have been cured by thi medicine that have ever been recorded but want of room in this sheet precludes their publication at thi time prepared only by dr l iavne no 20 south thild street philadelphia sold by n palmer kafka symve kigion fall importations choi groceries wines liquors the subacribef respectfully aolicita the attention of hia friend and the public hia extensive and varied stock of t which large additiona have been made in the fall rnipoetaiionaeetocted from aome of fit moet celebrated houses in london edinburgh glasgow france madeira and rot terdam consiatinj in part of 0 hhdi saniiimana port fit sherry wiaes 8 u blackburna madeiria do opipea de kuyper ec son gin j u hennese fale brandy 6 m martellvcognac do 5 puncheuna old jamaica spirit jj hhdi campbclltown and lala whiaky m hbl london porter 50 edinburfh ale 100 doz stjulianof lm 50bskte perries jotx 1 1 cie champagne f and every other kingaton icuh dee 40 heidierk champaene 50 crpe brand do 200 boaea tea variov qualitiea 30 hlids muscovado sugar 100 boxea digby herrinp 30 bbi american cheeae 40 boxes eeenied and perfumed scwp 100 sardines 50 freh later raiaina half and quarter hoxea do 80 bx cavendish honeyclettobacca rtclo required for ihe grrxery rftne oruf luptor trade robert mcormick 1846 fall importations wholssals dc retail wlvfl william j martin corner of kufg brock srs market square kijtgstojt rl returning thanks lo hia numerov frienda and iho public for their liberal pironp sine he haa been in business would oow respectfully inform them that he bu joe received an immeoae stock of groceries wines and liquor comprising in part a follow wines and spirituous liquors london porter edinburgh ale lemon sirup on draught and bottled cognac brandy coloured heoesje fc martells champagne brandy genuine scotch whirky qualities do do port wine 8 mudciri do 4 sherry do 6 champagne jamaica spirits very auperior holland gin scheidam gin in bottle pepyermint rum w j m solicits particular attention to the above stock of wineannd dquora of thecn having been imported direel from britain he jmsj confidence in recommend ri them aa being free from adulteration the groceeiea tea fmiucte having been carefully selected by himaelf in th new york boaton and montreal markets can be recommended aa being of tbe beat qualiiti teas old hyaoit young hyaon gunporvder twankay fruits raitin caffnubfjij filberts atfnnrtila svtfl nl tsr t jij 1 orange lemon and kl teas- icnperial souchong coppjt i and other te ctiesta half cheats and ca fgs knatarturttishand gernn tww maeaboir rappee and sinteb snuff ttiii sperm olive and lard dfn spice of every descripnon pickles sauces maccaroni vermivellt ancliovie lnuoriee saedue seentec aet e and brown soap starch ulue indigo brooms scrubbing hrushe pail sponge washing soiln playing cards pipes blacking blacklead e e tobaccos- caicndish nailrod honev dew nsii sea salmon lililw her xortb sfture herriiic- dgby and liilnrrk llerrth whiie6 and codfish gs laf crushed treacle and m i- 1 sugar cigars fine prmrlpet havana replia ctaft roots panatelas plintaton ieinbon woojvirr la ktsflbti e in j and buxe green roasted cut h dew and aromatic chew ing tlugand ladtwiat with a variety of of fur g00u too tfteroiri to all of which tvill be sojj wholeaale or rcta at the lowest motto being liciit pftorits su qtlcit ultcans kingnton 27th noicmber is5 and ground coffeer men ion remunerating prices hi address to the public the arcanum extract versus sarsapabilla notice he rnderifned fvrlnd atl persons ev ditmr anv one on their account wiili mil written orders from ihomiek- or 1 heir aeiit mr wj maeilmcll hksjonks kingston ocudier 18i j4 sert ix iw 10 kakmkits 200 harrkls 9tiperfioe and hlliier just r ww ill rarmta t tvphj ibtwicltr ib n htf tuiiitin prcparftuon fr reform- rj rfrtij lnucr f4ttt- iltt phatio and w lee praoft a1 aeainllf douuingtn weie k b- ctoim iliufii wnr- t r tvbrwiv acfrtvit aod uauag qvalitica which thi fttrr npirii 1 leattitr ij mi that ten fou r f railoch k co ne vmaafohktan fine flur of m 1 and other favorite brand ecived fr atc by omphant watt kinelnn slau mar 116 m this medic1nk has acquiied an ex tended and estawwhcd cjcbiily ihiouli out the country which has been sustained h ils virtues anj efficacy alone as a remedy lor ochrflia or kuijlvevl ulccrated souk thrtiat long guiding bheumat1c arfieiions diseases of ihe lskinwliite swellings diseases ofthc bones all ulcerou eases syrjilluitlc and mercurial diseases artrctioniiof ihc liver dispepslaj costiveness all chronic and nervous comnlainlsfoecurrine in debilitated and a h- eclic conviilutions dneaet caused by an impuke state the ulood in complicated cases of scrofula and sypiiillis and in cases where the syphillic sirasof ibo parent caoses a development of scrofula ia the child this is the onlv remedv upon ufiich a reasonable bopc ol tecoserj caa be fttunded in numerous intaucest also ubere ttkrr- doo had laid bate both liamcol and bone anj where to alt appearance no humm mesps ut amputation couu have saved life patient have been snatched from tbe eravc and icstoi- cd to health the devouring disease being c- pletejv eradicakd bj the ie of this inestima of ble eiraci the proprietor of ttrf arcanum eairaelbea co h 3 so fs r sale a variety of celebrated saur jueurj a prtterred fruits liqueurs for so fish by iho subscriber ska salmon marke hnls ti co maricrel hwuu ilemng 0 ewltolecmwh 300 flow dighy x uhrth llernn william j martin square kinnion 1 nov h4ti 4rj over syphilid ami those very diarcc- nad ihia medicine us in all the above diseas- able arfectiom temlting therefrom and which es wilh the mot x results in usiae have heretorore brcn considered incurable iucl llie mejcine jurither business or pleaiure i iters of the lavvni throat nose nodes need be interrupt j requiting only the ttsl c restraint of i min diel and is equally tbe arcanum extract i a complete nti- apphcabk- and euaciou 10 ihe infant as well dote to the serious evit produced by ihc jlrjn- ihe adult dioou use ol merrury t pamphlrts civing ilescription far as a spring and kail purifier it cannot which thearcanum extract is a witb besurpaiseitworkinils way through the js observations on iruensibte perspiraitnd a jil ml j r lill ivrifiit am cieme 1rr treme ie rnan ihti vefavfjk pfiir nrr kai daffent f r k lonh scuuacjaniseijc curacao ar miraai hnu i a ivj p a u w 2 k ir ei a con ment f ww tern with a alent and elteclive force aewslng the blood removing lipeptic irtfetncvai soothine ihe nerves kfmni internal obmfiictioni and jieas e iht would therwikc ciu injury to the liver ami lunu peisoni whoe constitutions are broken down by the utr of mercury attenic uarl of tjut- uinc and any who ate u0erinr from diseased liver or an injudicious treatment of y ot the above diteatr should use the atcanum estraet without jeiav treatite o each bottle o ajenis are supplied with tb pampmcti for gratuiluos circulation diseases in genera it above the arcanum extract is prepared onli by johs wiser chmit dnhifts lumifton c w sou pjoprieior and sold hy hiinmlf and eveiy respectable druggist in ca nada and ihe united mates price one dollar per bottle n- palmer agent fc 13 kmgiton auisi 13 ket 1 111 lw rj fvr j itlmts i rom chmjiacne which will cash or trnuri approver n iur timrim hi k mi ifairier mi sn imimantet watt t i hinrlls hut s prunes pvn 1 kramhifiv ft i kit of onr j rrlirwtnri 1 i f kwiaslaf 1 nr ert rttkariih ortl arnriil cr a uu js3 w lu a r w f iiiifies- jiij mnrdhnii tmhor- rltv nl r rl wrffuhirk rqbkrt rformick 1mi ive jmr nriiis ivt ii la ski pi viaium vo ftaiamamvqe the ridfnj ii received tn sal- a tilwlaagfit f anlakl nmo tttnuly 1 i j jr 1 i ii m llininnien staiuhf jamb the only universal and vegetable pills penistalti e scaders f twer pills possessing piopeilie entirely unknown in any rill or compound whatever assd pjopeilie entirely unknown m miy isiu or brouelitinl ul celebrity through ihe patioiiae finl of the kam india cempn nj immrdtaletr allerwatjlyllic nobihl and gentry and inny eminent medical riofeisien anil swi nli fit frnth men in n at lintmii and llie tvntinent krs nnv 4 lfi i ll l thear 1ijlt were lirl intndiieed mln eiund ty llie eatt india company t nnd on mrt with uitrmralle mny 5erifua mnladirv ueh a typhii eevei jiafuse rtlirnmtiin lifjhv myirmdrihiit 1lvteiir kit in for sale bj wnw winer rmpnetoi ilmiiu kmfiin anim a1 n ihrliral tirnurriiai in the terairi l m hirer as an nnmilaiahfe fuie bi or ihe skin s aflalmta cent acute errjltui wmnspae ac n pa1 mvk afwk