i ft i ttamv j mirth cetace rwutvouei wevin ieadrrtef rooise who jov best i vauftjr jwtlttxlrclllsti oui n j i kv atotvonc that r st laden ilown ettb ml will kfw hwdy eromiiercdj nvwalirtne expertetw or ilitappotmmcnl io- my older thm sixteen it rxpretrd to reed ihe tot whirn oil a his fir hit young end tij i tract c i n l atoj wt o sndt it to us it joyeat aitlhiilriant bein whore pen we follow always we would t bind of rvtijic with ht i keeping quicker line than its wont k j who are young an j happy f gttxtxextx there wis 0p opet lime a hirdcencil fi i otake ir rmi w pifvefrtetl by a hidden aad imppilufti horttneacottfracled by prac- tiiirtf loo late lb niht fcefrr when the nn- rradrrit1t waihlcd and trilled ihrodeh dew-fjl- linetime the hour when tthcrfilt e jha- ui re wishes the face nf her babyflowers before she puis the astrer well is the tlrub could not appear jn lharteeasion ah begged leave lo tretcm sfl her tuhetitute l err- tain yonajr rottta oa whose win was yet downy snd hribl uilh hit fittl pluma and wfauac breast yet wis fllttlg with tli firi want lib regarded that the dctnitanti tonjuer to stole the beans of ihe audience from the lhruvh toil when that pour bird wit at mil cured oj her cold possibly by bcin routd in tbr h sheet of dewdriptaoikteaf oeby hatin opened bri rrwoulte to a portion of s rain- showewthe tioa system of ngwrop athy the foooj i hat i tunt had cone over the trdtitoflhe drr of amaieor and the market for thrashmusic town rlall i have been reminded ol litis fble by re tolvine to end yon this week in lien of any thing fiom my own pen the followine lately adilreiej to me by a young friend oi hew my very aoot went out toward her a dcatm sjeb a fasiasnwaa is rica a a i ww that the glid waters of her ex inert re 1 paaisu coiretpondent of the frcnefmeri- hailrauchta hue from the rjowin heaven of n one of the french rifwapiprrt published tor- that her tpiril was vinntins to a ion labosh linflcitn rchort ihould be plidoes or ipkbfclw lin j knew ibt brt bwl ran gacc gtixtwood letter to chace greenwood- voo tell me grace jemm yea sr llwtfl interested in uu- i lore and i hare a mind la tell t tomewhsi of a werl qoskeretf fbfadof sanme who iteatles in the innvr- aaectaold of my lfcart dasae notwood and cter buiiaad drspittog tht wmldlinett t net narors call her datithtar lydia ihit fwry bird tnskin rnuvk inthair home but 10 ns she isalwayt ltlls tweet darling joyna lll- lawtk a hewildetinc wealth of rsven uru which ro justerum in the fitnett hwi eer deemed mpeirlujooi eye lhat the motlxet iwtrjframed could hifc j on her jtitl aslonncu in i tenlerly hid they been teat like ih attaining ttalel afti then the tweet- eslrotrbtid mouth wuh li eer freth at though ihf dew had lpl an them all mhl ion ah e w a darlin uahi only child ih mcli ihhtm beamint from hvi feai warmed the ioebuji in your htil 10 jtfe snd ew iheii rirhett furuice out to ward her winoiu wayt thst hid snsied snd led ciptiee oaaiy kaii bfffcdrawl fcad edd faiueri and rf- atl ili spatting tninh fulnr wull of tetdnne and idwlt frru in wmcb only tb frw the ity few had ever miwt1 lite fttbrr bleffed the liht mep that ml tike fairy frosfait in the homestead and at the 2u4 youn- voice sounded itt mtmy the mmhit ye moitlcned snd the piajrd hnrftii mitlit lonr ere itt tones weie mellowed bv the tooch of vvrow and l1ii4 w 1 ihe pl the pride of our lovin rttutitcle oeaamil indeed 10 ui she at waytsemdi paavtl of ihio hovered around her impt toiiri snd gave to her pure plain dict tiicli a be witching grace we fondly deemed no clunje ewj hr h half to lovely and iha r cluunn- rinlelt wei jtisredupintoch in irrrttttibla way will t 1 mffii lealli nrst mihrirdtk m4va tu bautful ql off iwrtaav fi hshhr thretijld of her htenlh birthday per- i faaps painter would hsee said trie pencif- toucbesof love wu wsatin to srfe her leau ty peifcction tafteiiin the liwt in those eye and mellowio the tnile that played sboat rhe mooih if to the hour of u wak not far dittanl it wa in c le tj niycrlime that urn j hawirj csme l lrvio-priee- dear good coutin ben whtd ben fu friends ever tance my vml torftitalrlihia hs wt the petftf yi of my rood n n ii an t vji ivith a thrice joy out welcome we hiited the ftrit visit sioce nit hoyiih day ah you should have seen him gracie mine so n y- v in the ftjh ofyouitfiil pride and beuty and withu just your ides of a men 1 1 the 1 r of a well fillet putie to senerout m every impute and imbued wiih lit fearlets tpiiil of independence wbichj dated tod and ta mtinlain when done ill u11i the innate nabsenct- of hit brave warm hein tucretlej yet he ieai a cobtiti to he prog j of and of aft the wottd j fondly thought ihe lover fur oir liltt so tlraicjuway in tbililtl head of mine time chcmr of tailcbmakiuc moat taijel wat sivr her hand tlhird her demlny tea led i mutt y urn iremblrd sowewhtt he tatlird forth one morning to ask cood fvbcr norwood ronriit fvr though edd mi howiid watamaonch upnhl tenntyvania quaker he ton hal not folfcwcd in the foou1ew f hi tire there wat loo inoch the ir ofa chetnut itreet fatbiomble in hit eoat and 1 tlerhe-snd- cottariih nurownctt or biiin dtesdfully sbock in in a good iriends eyrt neirrlhele ntethoubt there wat a maie in the bioaj lindt and bravy pttite of the futuit sonmlaw all potent lo woik a tpell of jeood no 1 m bvlieve it wat th fund ittccoon for hit gentle daughter that moved the old mant bean when he taid verily ijenjimin thou hart wandered out of the old patct snd hat in a tacifuic foitakea the laiih ol thy filbert neveithelets i bellwej in iht world tbott art without repioacct snd if it be for lydian happiness and thine yo may wrd bu itmmtbe titer the jathion of our peopled did mssj ever grcie love attend a wdddin in a quaker church jftoyou can have some tdeiollhrotdeltbrooh which our precious pet litis wat to put the fpaetnut meeting ruuit was filled to overaowine with a motley asiembtiie whom the peat occasion had brought together and fluttered in one nook where we might almost fee the jkeit-ftuiler- infs of ibe swert bride we lovrnsroo waited in eser brestbletineta the arrival of the i t py paty- oa the tone rows of trait sat in prim dijtnily the elders ihe remain in sobet drab thawlt and tdscai bonnett with faces lengthened in tolemn fixednett the good fathers with chins resting on their canrt and ru j 1 r 11 thadowine their strive bow here wat let ipoil a plice for the bride and or i ferioom how heiutiful onne tlottomt looked der in iiu no she cluilrred in lovin- purity round that fair head no bridal veil floated in iftt foldt to hill iht timid face but the ttooj lobed in the quiet ro icily of her sect wrlb no ornsmentt tare the grace of her young loveliness koldsof pliin but rich latin htted closely o her slender tiure td from bonvath herjihl gauze bonnet fell in heavy luori nce those plrciout curls jrrowine ttill usrkr st ihey jiy upon her pile cheek hour fondly we watched her sod at time wore on the long drooped jsthet would otiivrr nd ever snd anon tbecbeett doth at though fluttering rcnelcaf had thadowed it in pattin oh ihe utter tiillnet of a silent meeting in a quaker church more thin n hour hsd patted and yet the jpirtt had not moved not a tonnd was heard sive the occasional dry cowgbol some flderm therutltcof tome ttift mlk r 1 thouh its whole life hid hiiown nnty suna s hjd not yet trained deeoinm cousin ben had summoned all the dignity and resolution of a lifclime inlo that n hur and tat bl uriht w stale lalla but ive a tale to trllofhrr lsle had never once lifted those 1 jf it tcmed eyelid snd seemed tremblingly eontcioot of all around her but is time ptteo at id the became lomewhsl iccuhomcd 10 her ttrane position t h oughts bein lo be busy in that mirthful utile brain that she lnohinj lijla who hid never thought of keeping ttill or bein ovr for hve minutes in her lile lhaild be demurely teated in these 4 pla cet lo whicli from rhildbood the had looted with to muth awe side by side iih the veri- labh mntheis io jwacl thst a whole bevy of upturned eyes were girin upn her amoog which were a doxen rooih ptir belonging to as wicked elves at herself just at her loouhit reached ihit danerout iotnl the wst startled by a low comfa4lible delihcrsto inafe tmm tm aged dame who fud cajta waiiderhsj with ih it ar land it was too muchat least for lilla i tiw the tmile oveispreid her face those omio- 00s dimnlec deepened round the mouth- the lips parted ind the buried her u in hd handkerchief uh thide of wiltmiu leitn f waf ever before the like fcnowni quikrrlh- kit udtt the fofb ttvdtjat ccnsoiuhip trwseaiibsjseaofmirtwruaa of tie ih of feb 10 ewyork veiy properly mikes tery repre hending ri r hn of the intense cunotity lately th 11 ti the fmtooable ladwt of fans to c the apiitmenh of a certain madtujnoitelle de ileitis the most ctltbraud and exclusive of he r ciim whose reeetil dealb threw her much ttlk edof reide and itt furoilure open for a tale st auction they eomesaya ibe writer to tee what it the luxury of these qaeent of yoolh and pleasure the isdie of fashion paititu- urly showed the grcatetl eifernett to be first there as if tliey were curious to know ex telly whit it lost by the practice of virtue and the surrounding ol mademoirclle de klestirmigbt inipire loiofnldncf louiirflecttods houses of rrsnrctabte uurrare far enough behind the splendors of this liow tilk lac velvet all the wonders of coiilmess and all the matter- tieeet of ihe mol delicate art were lavished here 10 iiiereslime confusion the furniture of hcislrcpinajcnambcr atone eol forty tbouund fiance and these nttieleiof furniture were bought hy countacscs and ladies of faabioiv prices riiicd ibsntdly hih by competition in hiddiaf the writer quolct 1 reply made hy one of ihit clan who wai obliged to mtaw a iim i j i sale in her lifetime and who oveiheard an indignrnt remark by one of thevirtoout bidders open ihr- exorbitant price of every thing peihtpsmsdimthemidjwyoo would nth to have these luxuries at the price theyeott lira the morl of ruarf cdapawrasea areeatteoe mtof m bkh the firiniroi lwtrirt rtftsss crslotlj tarovfajsa ih y the fm wucbautat tba il rimrwr wolstwi flkuiibva 1 ua- i l ii r t ft ic roattlt vzt st esuthg iui afctisjk il jo htu tas lu citpfi asoav lta compoitnt tao iniiilttajliarf saabatt riafc 11 at hsait ic 1 be rvforsta jc l ri ihasjld ee utw ri euyionpr reea wamratehu own fd u ld tjr ru in that bitter 1 such a pictuteof life nice effects of mug it wehta often remarked the impropfkly of ricttuw eh vajjtff 1 midreii for the purpoie tt tnijt oaiity tci 1 v f bu neeer htea we hoard of aof ihine au trajr noeiihle aa the foloi tea e bting too dcticato to alb of the xeniianing i 1 ip i e i avowf ivch eipoiuee but at 1h tint line wo pledge ouraejeoa foe b corrector of ihi nrfaitoa socoe hrse ago a lady in aeertti ccrtudte jbu tono in yeikabtre to a cighvor r n 10 take tea along iih her huibaad and left her little family to h cart of her atrvitie in the c4tir oi the ctrning abe felt uneay and being im- treaed kh iw idea ihat all ia not rtghs st home he left he tricnda hawie early on pvittatj at her fcome ihe rua4 bt her msuti is lev etax- eite ofmgh hfc belov siairs had collected a ataaa piftj thii ahc taaaar over itithout oovcrvalioe and ki up aiaira to pataerybc via i-r- piied by un 16c figure at the fcouem of ibe bed of ilie voutott culd nkich ti but ihreo jtara of tge the fict was ihat lb ourae mtd findtfig tv etulc not very riadf to get tore and baiog loth to he u r i in her eerobtgt enpfment by rr- iny had drvawd irp and pured ihi figura aflodtd to at the bottom of the iuyiata bvd urib a view of frifbuainr ii loilcep the cortleny t ff et boncver had bete pfodbced the ewd lud bcn horroitliuek and appealed to itt motaeritilheyeanied in an idvolicaure upon the imago- an and dmriaeed aha rung tha bell and then prcetidsd tv lako up heriaaini but itll wai 0 iftcif 11 eorp the tright oodstaasasi bv he nuifii fouy nad bcro too mveh for the liult iiioocenl- in in eatrrio of fear the pulse had ecaed to beat it tiial a tar k had iid and the eaother wat left 10 eaoaeo in anoitcrabw sogaiih tbt i j fi 1 htt to truat iotcha aer- tint and the per rvif ol ih untviacipkd iiufva in vhom abe 1- to add more i tcduw tbd 10 dricriba he tobtequeftl orroa of ibi pairni ii itassoaamti hits mtuochalt iun but 1a la not raorr at ratr than true j at d i gtt it with no ottr view ibart lu plica pjreoti on ibtir guard with ereprtt to ihote to wnoen thej may enrv- lh ear of llkif innoceal and helples otfprrag euh taper n or a true wife iter rcatne and bnh delracy threw a veil or hrr bcaunfvl charaeicr brw waa u kooaia kticod twr home hvt lavee aba aiiaaalv aaeld aroad hr itut aou pur light the pdoiecv of wrwchia aevvr futtj unuenood itl ill quaehtd he civi jjcftik wwdooi bee iect bufuihy he vmparht nhch thovgk tide atfj loo aertoa to tatsstrb her ffu uibtd ber 10 ctiu rtiticileelv ae 1 rtitetnajt tb 00atasl ofcitliee y l kli lrutv a mm os 2qt difluung a uanouitliatn iu llaertee loa mildly to be lhvum of adibrfra taaye tuie tie alo which tvek her froa hiita left a wn4 which tim cvutd not heal had hit trenth bceaj eontiaued t thai he could hate gee ffom bm houie of ntonriog to ihe hauna if p j id i ate cwaped for a gesd pst of the 0y m urirlf owiongiba peia ih esamteat of sua projecia t what if- t w vataaiwadala vla u ml faaai haa rce pfiacbed of a up p 10 ini br dfd r i i n i tialiee prifieaib la it aai aurpratiog lhatn eteut r ataa mrri wkkh ao j moved tb hol population of roaae and baa fillrd al trri ati r iii r ilikiafwiil ast was iii r i v t ibe local aeam to the bnowudf of tha people uoiit tx dafa aftr ih arrviee tb popa preacrd on the 11 of januj j lb ta kwtmg breugbt vptcbe of otaaral scott crow hr th m ulerapr4 tl new orlvioif on lb 2jhh ottoo rrooi braroi j ubirh w lefl on tkr vd- baal tb brat minvore tiet route bo obuined h ipftar ifcavt istu 4tn hj repred u 4inr to eptlht bia rorcca an ocoer arnvrd atbraaafrcnmtjimvijboatlia hforabow tool ctwrat ttj bd rerwjd at flee arvo i 1000 cilrr as vvw of uriaoa who fled m lra dtva of vietorta aa aow aa ha tward of isom aporwarh tbt wetaaoieaiasss wtwcco caaaarflaad moottrj aaraisblwoed djronicu ajcttr muuim ariiv loltr nsurn iiil il ol rom dd not apeak or ihu reraaiony the lt thai wo tsrfcae- i s feat tha h i- s re own peivou au- taniyarreiud ue a -7- l m fitmva addre av and in drtpiir af ewajd onl tbrw atlow a part lobe puolitlwd the fvi m oteaio of lutfllcai ofeloqivweeatww aoeioiploor4 o grandfilled tt with ten or j wo probabt been oaaco rdiird in reaara ta lac jhodf of the pop could lk baie fouaw lle m arrt flerciieal or tetenairr doctinc t ooo awle itcl llim aigu- ue cffoahion ff n flaasai renaor tbio el pvelj avairiuiattstaeiint ml cootpllu y in the baoda of law i ix- has lacrefona veav flala to ndrtgo urfirreaa 04oaaaypb the aub- mietatw ascti be bjr ipdee ufcio hat iha lui rairwr it uprgtv waioot ibitf utaawto wku by uea hie eourige tha aorfd ciicc or bia nibble are aurw rasv 7 whwaatoftopprcaadibttoioij lei the tpint of faeriocoapar- h io broad dayligbt it sritl batft wdl r 1 1 ducouragaor them j reoot r- 1 fi trho filltu raged bf difflr1- beui hc the fprtas ah- l tbecoart of oyer and tcrmifter amietaa it and niii pnt aod cenl ciol delivery in and foe the midlind diatriet will btaaon ber genii aition f fl at it appear ig vafv and uida th f p- drawa ht cerreliirua nm ih enmttnes of u homi jm m ooi f bad t uhw ibe paera af ibe be woud be i n lhtlt if luy m opened here a- already mentioned by us on hy 17 t atai m tueackr nexi the 13th inwnt hia honor j m m n of ud latataat law t ww s 6 vwe cant away wtai fromcoeuingbyiuhltho e hit honor mr josticc joeft wrote omt- jflf3gf time itnce to mr sbcriff ctwbett thit ht wouldivpfrly the place of mr hagcfrnon mr joaliee hagerrmo som to bavo predvtl j t tul n jirrvrfiw ld 01 but within tbo last fttv data it bai beer reevtea as iefj how tifxtotcncc a buiiweia fur hitetr riuat laat it creeti raa law westfletd state nhak school we were prcealcd aw v 0r regret froan at ttndurg hr eaaminatio at t lorro aw towidf tut j owl 0 bear tt apoheu of in hrgb frwv aa remr nachvw opow aaeitaea- era mr rowe l miaa mp- auhoagh vaej have been eoabled to work aav wawierirt lb lateafj stboot wbitli serret j im- proteaaeot of tbar l h t z- fromafiwd who atieoavd t aaamnaiai have reeeiied the fallowing aeew tsowr tfewa taitec tve school hat coaawtrd 4 l ufi f ii u i f itcntrrfcnt c oniioa lo aasiata a faeg peapofm have hero femtr tbotouajt eeiumtn bcrrg aaow of taw teir mu in leaehtor jli pp1i prkvd iniereilid and iwiellifrui mj l bjihrreonduelthiiehcv oe0rrd tetrad iheaictria of in adtawiicoj aavd two of ikeviaitori re w eta ofv w barei and rofor s ril feviiuty there llonwaa c ton tbaologi- la afb through the day rf about an lmovrd fieolumen from ilii town aid eieity h k jufsiui lyiiil prilew or ilaar rier rue aa too awkh umo oeuwbs rrqaifed to detail ihcociroraianrerof sdav bu aa very obvt dial raoaeji bid bceo ihtbctt aimed a inagiettmanwcrthanrdb pp- n wbouiiencdioirwadnewreaea fcool aervrdlhefaohvviihwlieh wm roblea in mathemaiio were tlvrd of- the- waeh board 4 lhreorreeirh and brew or lw gaograpieal dlioraligw could fail to batihnrdlwto ih fa- orbtraidi wbirhmlowa t maiiuuon of 1u1 jouitahing seu j j r rtcilattrw in rrtdiwr wr cteeedagtj gratd- tng tbeoupila were rccpiirwii nltn ofiaeeteoivmar und j antf fwjf auereeotd in eawtutcifig the audi ncv inn n brgwo at the bmioaa to lb eltan tt beeumod eadert a aswrt sddreaa trin ae vialom nd a ovtlng ii i r the puptlt who hid owi nluwdi 10 tat aleumkrum eawrg u at r atattat eltsrd owa bigmy intereitiagj airtww airawgtbentd thr i- utl n raftjternof proiidiaf abti triaarau t ibe m ul eeebiurra bnde in a quaker church to lauh uut thl j tnc 44nm t i tkrcavcmtni tut a few miowte profound dml i bof you inaiur followin the backaeyed fusion of ittoiling to eacit ibe nnnifom eact of the other alyly bintin ii the my ihat the xcntlemanii dead j in love insinuating to the gentleman thai a certain fadvs hcul if tfichcd for the nitl lime no i preserved a calm mm pectin tifence but we thee at jnyoui a tno at ever ml were al way i toei tin sod i avit ntuffit t toon mihl the summer moonlight relate to jtnat jovii ty with th bias wave a thoie two to ripjl iftej ault wtnlel h the tame ob mntphf aud not bcom- owe norwood eavkaow tej cpirated fiom ourv only hy a darlia little lakr where from child- boo 1 we hid tavej stand in- ophite on it- bankv tilting pebbtej iitw the clesr tide aou watch the ed it in circle meet aad mingle inlot coop our irdaoi loped down to the mirini on either tide a id here would tore naif doxrnl of ittfffv one fiohc away the thinine hours fl a tultry auinnim eve akonhrr it wai a daneroji tda tnr tie hcut of coain rn theie were ovfitanine tief lovinj little ari bi idiiif o dooiuij lilira and a plaamn w-ttfrfor- vnmili l am th- tpell uoah teuiti mfum from thv heat aitj dusty 1urmilot a li cily hid itaftf been no hht- mn rtea to dale and no music uugh to eclievei in ut eata oh tt v wem woatenfsslly elfcclive ihote jiiiii livuia in u i iri garden aid suntvam smile muit have tlsoiie directly into the face of the ii2y tamlt fur he most sud denly roused there wat an instantaneous mo- tion the pfetidin rider gave ihe ftlsrtal aud the two stood up snd as ben howards den manly tone bean l ocnjmio take ihee lydu lo be my wedded wife how in one fluoj of frelire rushed ocer the eirhsh litla the cooiciousneae lhat her heiit wat indeed floiftic out to be made one with hfcj wit to be ils life foreverthat the inner temple of her soul vatl now to be the spotless thrine for i vow tiered ijttlil death tbe wit no liahi tiniles now the cheek wis pale and ihe lips tremulous with fietinrthe heaven of love wat about tr ind it biiht dew dimmed her soft rjt as her voiceruiv cn- in l lw mrlody uttered the solemn mwaitsw o be bit hu only in servient and in shade oh f how tremulous were the tnowy finw at they triced beneath bens bold unature for the hrst time her new name lilla how ard to ber what a volume of loveful meaning wat compressed in llot ttto words one one with him always teemed sonndine in her ear ind scarcely he heeded on the elder in mnriotonout tones read alnud the loag covenant record with itt lawlikc repeliton to which their names bid juil been affixed this was the mat ftrmand now uncc il wit ill over friend were prrssin forwjtd tmttq greetings ind fervent metsint wer mingled uiih cbokia sight ind tad farewells nd ltlla entered the hojne of hcrjeutb only to take a ion list adieu to ciin once more to ihe old familiar tbiues ibit musl he to her hrncefotth but at memoiis to hover once aiiu round every ebeiitbed place where her foot- atept mirhl freely rove no longer olii bittrr it trie hour of the youn- brides depailure torn the roottree which his shelter ed her from infancy bitter it il to feel a foilicct hud in firewall blrttjnon ibe bead n mothers ansuilied itiss and lonr lonr close r uri how rlthly irnuehiwttb trn- drrneaa and altedion should be ihe henl which n womans earnest iure selftic tifi in love hat clioarn lr its home well my ciacie what more can i i ell vou f iiiy tbakouitb hen is the pioudrtt euu husband and filu tho dearest happirit little alb m the atmit non aft him nearktd hame there ihe idling eye which had ao tot hrrhiccd al bit entrance i to ahtd ii mild bcima on turn ao more there the voee that had daily ioqvikd into hii tawa aimj tie anvibe coiteieaea had whii acred a imd appeoiat wat i tbrr tt iynpa thy nhiih had pretaid niih lender luad he aching head aiid bt itt nwnmg care d polporwd ilto hour ofcthtiiow and dice ii gone tic waa nmindecd left alone for alul itiv and icvccnce tiffjuu toolatn ofieca but ihc tbouh fill and ipoken ef aa meal reeiua cowu nt take tbo rueefuhtt luo ken removedt tbit fen laa produced no borat of grhf il wai a altl deep orrowt ts feeling of a might f eoid the lsl awed nsrib the spirit can east edr uw attainment to life fiom ihti laooient wniiwy delined fa traaona of peculiar arnaibdiiv he tithed to a goe he kept etr him the likeness ofnivdcarudfrweid snd poke to mt more thin oner vf ihe acdaee which he had fij io ii he heard bet voice fron anembir world and bit jniictpaiiarit ol that norjd alwaya itronj became mwre vivid and touching chan- ninj w i hutt ettiwik hv interesting 5cekr at te pro vlncial penitentiary on monday latl a priaotier of the name of johoton tvbo wat committed for a aeriod ol seven years wit liberated by a pardon trout flit excellency loao elcux entirely on the r nui of uniform wood conduct tinea hit jm- prtaoasaent tbe scene wai as inttjdr as it wit impress v to tbe other piitofiaja ill of whom were eillrd opou to bear the pardon read by the wirderu tbe facts is we bave tbejo stited were ai follows tbe commitsloneri withiog o tbew to tha prisoners that tbe were aa ei root of retnrdine good conduct aa tbey wen delrr- miaed to punish those wbo wrre refractory and refuted lo comply witb ibe rrnafioej of tbe priaoo asked the warden if t here cpold be louoda prtsonet wbo bad artirbtirtly canducted himself well i and on ezamimtton it was found that this mtn johnson bad never bid a punish- meat but one which wat a very tiigat one a welti ind water mitalmot imrnediaiely fter bit committal foor years i0 tbe in- tpecioei recommended him to the contidention of hit eacetlenty and tbe pardon an rmu ed immediately in coanmnnicitinf tbe fact bf tbe piitooer which wis wholly unrxpectrd by him ihe warden tool occasion to inform the utber convicts of ibe ptison ibat ifibpugh this was i case of rare occurrence yet j would not be solitary ooe providvd albert conducted lbemtelvet equally at well aa ihe man now pardoned had done but that il was the determination of the inspectors areatw ibej were deaieoua of serving tha welubebaved amonpt tbem to punish the reffaelory and those who disobeyed the regulations ind laws of tbe cvtabuiumenl tbe poor fellow joboton received the intel ligence wiib strong fcelinea expretaive or tij r and in a convrisition afletwardi with onn of the inspectora ttited that he was in englishman that he hippeurd lobe it bosaatw wai out of money and felt into ibe company of a dissipated set of villain wbo together agreed to go over to canada aad do the beat ihey could for ihetntelm in steahos borset or in any other way he was taken and convicted ltd he admits that bis pitnishment wat well deserved he however aayt he hit kin tince repented of the crime of which he abajl never igain be nilty ind lo wbirb be hat now to inifucrmrtit at he bat become a tmt rite michrmith and doubtless can get a good liwiatat by nocett industry he haa been tttonfcly recommended by tbe warden for bit i 1 1 ji j a cru i il tlmtasttsttj justice will preaide at lh nppenachin- aa- tti w dctervt ai2ea it ia expexted lhat a stcnoicr will rrtsej down witb hia awdaasip aa far aa the jce wilt rxrectt which from the preaent ap ir eihefiher debtara au t utter off f tbty wec feefroea th ihir hw buiineii to is e 13 baeenonelod whkh wouyd bt mot tr eaie aod betseei would not or fe bmtrr fi ik penc ut be to u gv ho j sjiftki c at ens lng the paaaongcr to land a few mi it above dlb laattktim bout houl we bare pleisore in rafotrjiiaf tbe public lhat tbt lavstbeeat ircntse hotel as aain opened and thai too by its former landlord mfe has ting a tof and rfpauiuaarsxrtvrhd ao pawlakn cf aaappt rajr rcj olhe orcaiioa on wedriesday avcaiirs test howry smiib j m pp tn ibe chair or meau nod f m hill k the band of the 46th reg bj use kind perenitwaoo of cot iwa hd f it r lb rail orihaiooejitw bar txtiw lo hfr ftawttioiitarjwawnnhn iv pecaiaf cantata eiant afford to pj woe ih e per etnl ihai n eatrnt of tb owmeia j do wll not perttfl ttien to par more thw artui u racev b iwe the queitron than ibe rrnwe e in ih am ptiee it ia bad beeaaie it ia mn im- taanaott man ia canada who borrowa rune who dee not ear more tbao ait per cent- li v faroiat awe borwaon themoitixaef bra farm etv twaajajef xioo waal doei bt t the lawyer who drawa tkw tmiti we aad if norttire derd t tj wo1d bf a keep the moaey iwo vetjand no other aaaaaen acurred he pija 8j per cent and if be aa l ane wrirh i atuillt doar ti be ae latere st in ad io near 10 per rcni- if be borrow atooey ef lb banii it eoita him nearer pee rent thao aastaataaj t ao that it iawot true lo aay hecaaaot eflarf 5 isaymoretbmoiwreolcecauwoeow trartau atterielwrl eutd ejiverse ibe eanpanj d thrrore the arfumet fa food for ootinoe bw it iweelaounda wesayroprevynudfrooi attendiot by tn- tipoaittoo ajoneor ajaj shoal d cerlarnlv have bewmocbralioed in uttifj hy c nrtj- wrace onr participation in the fceliog of nraaect evioced not only by tha nuelin btst iaj viri ons other wav for tbe character and boneat io- lentiona af mt tiasfiasl we hare oheffs fre qntnled bb borate and hbno more rbu corn- mon justice to him tn aay we bar aerer teen a bttter table or a more cleanly and comfona- ble public ettibliihrnes tbe eisscence nf iwo respectable hotels ia indbpeaable wa jaij ety and we feel ceitain there musl bt ample room for bottwdoitbtleta each will have lis friends snd w hope and confidently belieew both wilt be able to tapnoet iheir retnectivw eslablbb- ments with crrdit toiho city and advantan- taec to bemtclvea than the trhabiiant eaimplv fer th thej weather splint weather baa arrived at laafth the tnow hat disappeared oar ttrecle are foe ihe moat part cleared of ice ml a bieily rieceasa ry ind otefut tcrapiof and carryina aaiy ol ibe accuabiilated mud n in active operation tbe water nf the lake is eittnsivcly gainit- opon the ct in the harbor and the ice it self it rapidly becomint pony and rohro eight or ten days al most will if tha wrescni weather continue which is warm and gcniif ibronb the diy and with sbowera daiia night turelher toon iva its ajrain the clear blue waters of ihe river coveted witb it utual accompaniment of almost inonmeriblc steimboiit ychnonerr barfrt fco aad other ctatlt pvoughing thrir way tawwwgtt its surface since iriin h i so a itutttt lawl ihr then ifrvi urrie iids opj hoobaek tthrnj beawt lhat ptcmenidrt clirstful tlreel of a you inu know my merlin you eari liekni ft hie htide told a tale and llirr wire detulouh rive in 1 preriout little hih o that lould rnt and vreiil enh hold tut twti drawn by the mol arennniidilnt ony which tl anl our villa wpv he had rvr lr a ii ne t lo i v tvid oi in sajnae w a- ihe unlickv ten therehy ofl rc- li n ii in rlti ippektwted liour- li uneal dennrrrly jvhmt as mtm ii i tilt w ik iw ieiy jlajue i i loue el ii iih it i iu hshd ihe dear ia ah lo wnov p niorniii ivin whit ay oui ihrrt- next irfon f ion let 1 have oriern you and taken you hrck idn my head though tiu ew puhljth my lnjitj rie and that too without let- irttina nttj choose for nvsrlf one ol those fairy ru tittou iiitnso fashionable itul rfrnporfe il vu will inyr me iul at well though only jwtir dciotrd m w innsr fr nllm in kv at fiiill 1 veiily hrtirvr my vllm hj ill unilj ii llftftffd us l nitt it l t il im lwte in lel mninr before m halt it jri diem wm rijicl ftn llnwatil ha- at fi ern cptivtd hy tau nim ye ntl tirte tird r hi id lkr tnimnmh- ri1ijt11i4ree vlet t uun tvrrewljvmtt vj4i4iilv iii trn jh itith jtiii lb lief whole tvrt 1 iii tim ym 1 drll ti tit- i v n ii hihi hei the aiu wlits 4 i r il manly l vtii j r it a ii ici i r1n aie arimirf- jil vttlij h ikflt ift i wsts iiinl 1 i t i jl all lee ijiii- a- 1- 1 a r a tlai le t -pm- l 1 r r e u a itw el 1- km r 1 wawa a iinvr rl3 e k i m t nns us mi i in digestion a rrenaeaorwr taw tto eja- latelt aeritid in iartt w a t ih al rniieieitl fihfkjciini tbt i- tii c j cfai at amtriean ra- pc1 to eoaitt ene he ta atkofeifi i roon of ihe uiu rona rdrhfc of tbe mee f praeliti wrr andifirr natifi fnr inlii wat at ittt becknrd mi jlfir pntatr rw ntrre af gnen pnate audi rihea arvi cfit la elancrd iu u cvtev- l nml ine ot 11 i telt cat ih oaiivntce a0 piiv ii pktia tlnd iiifx to ar lir lai ihmf 1 nl hit fmen rrb rrtf ibe ct a a v aeaoa tn ni vme iroin ditihacd tha juitce fwia rrvnrtjietkaelljuin itw 4 or ttr f- m jtrfcr ieil lined la inane nh 0l1ielt mi at n i tbttv i lii ihe ae watrn f a ilritfalf bl tlifran n ktalit abturil ik i ii i h veeaswawa at be y out llf l t1fj i it trrll ilkhiktr if mawajill llwajdetfl stagralon iieh i wet hs ihe batai r fit a- i al ib tai fiom h aaai t i l if sam jones stories sam jonrr aa he waa familiarlv called had auf- fcrrd acveirlt from ihe icnall rvt uhich thteih k had had no eumaatiai upon hia bodj had pticj in faer bora nd cducatid in th lndcf ateady habila le had neirr griiioed hit reattev loviw- ditpotktion wmil th ua of ientthre when hu rcmoied to athriet- intle tilhjcofth ivtwt est poiaeiaed mueh naiivo rrtidrm ad arwoerg hia other aeoirewh nte t he hu an enviteeaie bo ier seated by a ge wiih a e1iren mouibt pn n rial in eomvaoa paiuwce would be aijtro hia happefn ira jn in element often sam eai puntd yri n in tbe brr of the itlajp inn to idolje ihii ptipenitj and one even- ittf h had beeo atonh4it his conpintons wiib aecounu of hit ftthrra immense waalin that ttory ttai t improbvie that even has most crrdu- lt hearers could nnt bi lev it and wot it saena moat canhtk dtctaraticna ef ill truth hit reputation for raraeity would have been loathaj ooe one of hit httener who had biihtrto remained tteriia oc to bi aad rcmarki rf vtt rttsu h bo nxht his ather leoe rieb taiaf in tb anfart 0 riiitci to anoae ar eouiwarentf somtra rorrtnc on oomratr if kt wo a dreuion j rauctv in the of a eati 8 ljdjii hat i t i been made bj fiieh otat weatthy runao crurnl is bia travdv fell in with a verj beaufifvl dawfmrr of a poce to ttb geotlrman hit honorabl- peahtall were ac cepted and or ihe day epetintot for the rrrlfe the bridroomappeirea itilhoof hi vjsiqiuc coepaikn diguised ai pret of th greek church and lb ee0f av pefoemed she went to owr of hit ettairt itbcre he oon wearied of hta f alst tame and prttndin a qwrrel with baa brtde tutmd tkr ojt of di m- uniijjj rh tillabn on leent uf the eownetton es rrlorned to he father nho complained 10 the triianil aod was noo- mud with ctr lie tar new io ine rapial and explained lull emperor ischolaa cecaded aa follotra w coiaidning taat rariiage aa not aoiemnued uj a pki tbe tte a weuuock doe not nut but eooikdrrta lhat itr general haiinft notitlj deeencd a soon and ttrtuc traon n order ihat hia entie frerrtj anil be eoooaeaied to are tit and that th- two friltary acconaplkaa in iha tdtainy ahalt br deprej o tbctr comamuioni and ahall enter ito holy crura to h rwfeafer prirtti of ihe loxrtt cwtree titti id eaaabatity of tctllsiaatical ftratotiorip 0 wi vi wiit aaeu u pre wkaaaejwwv etrr ovf how tu lcao a iiappv llrt the ira and eftottraiential puiut lo lead happy life ia to banuh from the rnifd nil sordid aod iblacr- ablt care ftor ibe future id be rontentad foetb nretent heat the titile miiorsirori of m wqvij with ridieulr turn a deaf car to iinaxinarv troubles don i make a fool of ouradf by ifjinf to qiir tearv through ihe rjei that iold oiberie tted avd tlofatt thiir aoekcla 10 coerripond with ibe iwoad grin of tho otter fiaiurci look at tier rbody without luaptetoa nit tou hue found uul that he la a rvru feaey ceehoilf t 0od lialaetd uojuu tou tie ao 4jalf in drank well and tlirp welt thear 10 a lesmrma anid till eoma aa a matior ei eourae duftl owe a ma a fartiin yjw cant pij ve udrr oubait to nobwv rniridtoor own binioaetoercr try to make it up utecn man and wife i never reeoaamewd atbod library c ieerel a4 ivnnbtti santa ft from the si lxmib fipubucaa sautaren m jan 13 1847 sotue of ihe knee wfilert hmajpai uatrwt title tawols of tin atue or ihn coutry so far fr em bttwr a baftj wait at bat wn irpretenud the oil ia dreidtdtj rich tad necdauy wairr to caakc ithicwj prodiacliie- ttcio hat in thra rf i ui wtich vers aadiog when can keanwf arrived werr govd ait i ibink it a better wheal countrv loan mittouri tt witt not tictd aa mveh com to the sere aa car b ia4 miatoairi but lis graler value more ihn couotirbiunera ibat drbrieiej- aa a erorot fetiui of th ott i will inform joo uia uw votiv are enerajf aa larje it m d ma th rnwth isrger and eerjej gardener knows that swkwa wil not grow in a barren ol it ia ioquoteiiablj oneoftb bit aheepraulnf counuka er earth and ih dt op u wbach to a mttcurian appear woithutr ritb oaalvre from the ravrttlog ey lb too its spring and of ions novertwhuh feed pt atsssra ao enuepiiamg m at aotne fit tellc l nniri ca and which future day thsre aiemraeovcuaaiiof bad en ihe me a a wbatritawc frj iur nnu i r i taper tor wens tj nhaeb the nt t l aarrd to ritje on account of the indua wb uve hcretofoft brew the terror u k a- beekwod- men have no tuch fear aod ut- hatf niilahcri torir cvuraeurt thej ill aovi tad where thoie beaulirul valley arai eien at ti tme i i aa indiealioo of a move toward tl4 chowe apwta from santa fe llt mtntl ncaluof ihit evwoirr haa um bulpariijil deteloptd s rjimea tec tult tbe merciful coottderaaivo 0 ibe latpecton which appeal 1 tn ns lo be catifectly compatible with the great object nfunrthmeut eit the amendment of ihe character of tbt dtlinqnctl and that oliect effected we canoot but think lhat titntihrnent should ceiae tbt crime of tbit mm wit certainly a beinootooe and tbe safety of ibe community deminds ihit its de tection tboofd be followed by ihe infllctied of severe putjilmeot lo ibe dalintjqent- at well as lo trrve as a warning to others but 00 rnat- ler how great ibe crime except ioaved that of deliberate murder we cannot but think that on satisfactory evidence of amendment tbe pan- rthment onhl to be relaxed and if this be to with great ctimvt how much more ought it to be tho case with minor offence t the short est period for which a prisoner can be sentenced to ibe penitentiary ia ibiee yeatt b k notob viooi thattoch pritorseit cosld bt made to feel thai if their conduct was rrrepioichibte for iwo year their case wnejld be recomm for consideration to ihe clemency of tbe governor that it wvjm operate as a coottaal atimrajtu to basils nf good hehiviour lo the eupprestioo of evil intentions and wrong doing and whit perton it to be found who under the influence of tuch a controlling feeling for two yeirt would not be improved by it whereat if no inch hope exist tt irvtletd of it a mot bid deter mination to bear ihe punishment till the period i of delive ranee comet round without one sioele idea or reformitkn is ii to be wondered it that such 1 prisoner again fa ha into ihe rn tvil courses aod iin returns a pnioner in the penile niiarr if nol to kingston lwntraj la kaetu point hatters bay withta ityn miles o we bave not received any american papers for tbe last three or fonr days oar prerioat count of meaicaft affairs were up lo the 24th we bave inserted two letters dated one day later wbich it all the news we bite fiom ibn put of the word tro as regard tie argument ml canadian r 01 affara lo pay more thn 6 pee rani ucawa liwy da not ao ettmt of batsttttat tttsawat to enable thrat to do io i why bit tan caoiovin dif 1 buanawv fthedafcnmiittraof anacrv ant or opt at a farotcr el tbiijed too control with a paltf 1 jj or a arret rf i i i mxi nhich be cao bardfr ntake both rod meet became he canoot aave raower rnonjs to addlo hi clearing a fcwaerei tacb tea lei him borrow xioo al 7 8 oe 10 eer cewl awat with it etear and evltivate tn eddiikmal 10 arret af lard tod aak any ratan waethar ha woutd bo iwcaat cue a rkhcree a pooeer aaan rim he ia wpon bw paltry hub farm aaow probabl tn debt la hia 5t0re- leeter aod with a note due to and in the anode ef n ntsw which he ka lint cntnre f r r ga of the countrv store keeer be new gita d arvj u al the kawk to roable hio to purcbaaa the podece of bw erilbora for a rtnall portioa tf whelt be para ia eaah and the remainder io store par bia dueoeratt beaioea all tbe olberdiaadvantagea of la of tiwe re going aatathe cttj atbi ftrora of mdoraer rial in reufninj thai awtftj ims of ioirreal in aapeaf the morey toxether tt vrasll 1901 antietr of u u to brin alrle to gel it all and 1- 1 fa 01 ihe 1 be dtieoantmg uhrlhrr ia 11 better that a mm borrow a auto for nbieb h eould gain ample aecurity tt 7 or a per rial ir which be weud u enabled loeilradw burtraw want art torn to inemte bis peonir to d iu tb anatety rik and diftseultv roeineeied onsoeeeass iog aaaag a steady btaaawta wtfa a tied and auiey cpit1 whether it it better bath tor 1 ad lb protinrr thin doin- buiiocia an the mile ent iracted and demwiulire war which be it ntw dvuc it nrt when he tj itidirrcil- patfeg tar atiowa tbt legal in it re iff or to be allowed legal it loowy papng fo rt 7 ftr crnl or eveu t um it it ihe etui taauey lawa wbw0 keryt-c- nada poor thej itdveetlf reader ttp ioekalaaea tvprrdani in eaud at the do low i pockals tswy fall tiraily on tew poor imn and ae a boon 10 tbe f a rraii ela ontj wno take i of thera hv darof our nil vial errrprie rontrart eaera- eriiot beep itt bt bind alt iv worfd bniow iby f kir 1 1 1 1 1 i from m- r their ipare eiawtt rrr nsieh ihry otherwiae would do tlej are pn nant mth enl and do real good to none in constejnence of tbe demite of colonel 5ir chailet chichetcr the fotlowine pronhitioaa waj lata t-l-i- ia vr rhmefrv ai amajovand trevm fieartrntwrceevwef rtil lorbtothr command of thr r indrevrllieiicimelhm to lj lieutenant bottehey to a c tnun chtchritet to a lirutr onul -r- cipl ihe mjr- latabt m iaocycol- praiovwr its rerd 20fvrfo- tiavairrev st oeorjti scclftty tv asrsfnat marrittn of iha st caoaoc srurjtr bald tt bamforda heaet on twrada- rrenina taat la f 11 j- mr gcotleawesi wr rtcetro ome bearer for tha jttr john d maaaa cwj jorin cotrrrrica erej fnasrcrt m hjliiv- notla palataa i- sattcril rowlatfns e srewards meaart jokh a kvts jan liwtom jas goodtva yym v wrtjom gao waattaa tho pasuciart charitablb committee latastasti edwd h haanr tstot attcaw johtr wararrrs jagrvv b starr ricnaan scoasti jai hrcaalla tatot pbrtafbtf wst mcmjlla rev itilctanm hanctimct a hf clorderw d a c iloiimlv dr rtchaan wjltiatit toe sceicty relvd to atund st geoecea caw eh m aeoceaaiaa ow the annivcrsarr and to diwt 10 tether tn th evening areordmg to 00 oi tha irtuk af too cenatituijon argue rire in toronto weareeuecdiwalf aorryto rrenrd thf iwaj b teoecuprdoyme aawawlrtnf tb rail re foaiir ore ofileaooi nfih toioao wre wi h he ke taisrarahy moenln thgno count n torn te il 1 jntrrda 1 quarter past bc ihr lamplighter o 611 tuteidij salai ay itnarel morning ctetzt cbatrch dseoerrrd that the tacb l itaenedtoihe residence in jobnstreet of mr c ih jtra aibrr were on 61c ihe tjam rui ih finii werervieatntblljroabirdrtwaaiwr fieape unhurt butaoraawftj did taw tatua cear fth and fnrxe tbeir wv into ibe nd mr barber a i the ehtdrew bad 1 m almot littralw dretiri iinr t jer workr the tn tti0sj the proaatf re h jvtrftwi citv op the mkerllbs- ttwet t oord 10 ihe ianurtefaswry tt pe r tie latl new met i 1- i0 a iheau wbirh i commriee at eajdnljhl id doe at itiw- l watr itaimrtnil wines mil cite meat dune- uu ime hoiia and iu make he eriv ao bfdlaanl hib tat uiat ii u u teif uiv dtirr briweeweaij lnr orjm ndan tirweidar tb ttrf aaal lamat wvlfc whowi iteep i eapwu o rloquenrti jrittri lof he the writer from whom ne atrtrr tb ifrlaila 1 tha mneeiwritt ttaic ir mat ale to wham i wu1j be much rnjeo hrath- fvl vj him 10 tit ril brcalfatl wsl ttwt cnuaa tn a hall britm ihe etrtin mib the frrh apmta f woninjr end int attar ma fuirr or ruru etrertwa ut vra1i isd piika iak tl fir d fi tvivt hi thn def at f uole and rni 1- ird tt ila itvr 0 ih aniion itw ae- worked fur wool of mean ad ntcrpriie gold ia found in nun- place tm klncipa dlt not to awj teecn it a fiar party u dueetrrj tkti aactal in a mountain two hutv 4ft fily ma nearer the lud ststc tbaw a uf u adrt pttajttat ir trj waqcswi 1j rat loolive in mibitkae e for 1 ex- r it t- rw it iunm ab 0 to ft jtr of r dai in m i eaaeeat me noi opinion when i ai t nets mtifco will lo a valuable addition u ceaiuel waa ainenciti capita and ut e it hl 10 it iw recaju 11 ry are brouakt f ri me uiiv cluai vtf maoii later from vnri onx important by the ci- ptm ewing 1ncw 0fc april 1817 at new milt on ih cib kr ukhience tnin tra civ ij l reset tiu tjuaon it 1 ihe fwra vlirmn toe dai haa been recrlrrd th mt leaat get tto a t- hvtht s twr jiib w cf t aewtwrj 6eot net n cvtsiivta imw 10 uav t- llf h4 c on board foii tr uf m wrewy kll cl hrmlui wpvakii a trem4 aukali juyi ttii ojr 1 irltrr tit a jiuh lline i otntl iett tur onlho cfiiri wltm- kiihi ire etif atd rh ha 1 th rrptl of tie rentobtuit h wa itruiatuk btinavtr ke af tra lioj 1 i etiir tiw ilri4 am d watt ida datvtav stat ar hirmlitt ii ij it till piitnri the april 6b831bu tbt coon of general qjarttr seuiom of taat feace at wellasloa diauklcoetuiarjd for the mtdland district closed tbeir sitlinea on tbartdiy ifterooon tbe following seotertcet were pronounced by the letrncd chairman staflord mirk- pa trick lv via john willlamt larceny sentenced to the piovinciil penitentiary fos the space of three years at hud labor williami has been cut of the pcnuentiary only a few month mary monahan- larceny ihret year ia do tto mary oes for tho tecorfd lime tjaa heniy lippianlsleanw l void watch from an olncer of ihe slit kejimen three years in dsi- lippiart waa sent there be- for for a similar oflence hy the lenience ofl court martial edwin hrinlry larceny not week in ihe diitnctgaol jamvt brown larceny one month in do at hud labor srvrral important eetea are utd over lo ilse atirct not tut thai iht couil of uairter saraantt possested aulbcicat juiitdicliors to try them at tht assizes theie n always a prose- cuter for the crown while at ihe essiona unfortunately ifiete ia none and contenueatlv th rnteretta uf the ctown mutt be rn and for this tenon elono the caari are out over the want ot a crown ofoerr tl the riatone i mur frli and we wwylil nef leave reipcrk fully in draw ih attention of iha hon and leainrd attorney grnrralfr caoada i m aulject vvhile silk ffownv are ta thick t rvvinerrtea amont it 11 rrtfly melancholy in set lave ttamlt ounivi ao totally nea tor uta ctajoniol a o ma fiiot 1 waa a liaiaoar to a eoervr aaiioo whata oeiually took plaea la tua city a few daj ago e whch th fwllawina it th iwbi lance and a tou bate advocated tha repeal or at lual a modiacation of tat uwary kwr f tale tj litwrty to rrctuewt yoi lo aire looo tail u u cwvies qaaaue munirase that ut barelirea to et out noh nj mwe than thrir nw tbe entire worthlenit or the fineroutd reradrr no helpin ihe lamra whith in an mefeditlj abort apaec duerd the buit ill eeti 10 ajwv ifcieasmti 6 hta loat alraoat au be hie u ihsmff bwary eftotb wearior prelehiata rrta bout aid fatad lnro aaa man oihrr neretiarka of dovawvtic aee ate- far w tb ihe itcrpiion of a few articlea f iha patlsoe cvertthina ehe wat conoord the irv al commit ieatrd lo the stable where a hone aad a caw were burnt to death befvt help reld rtaah ihrm toieiher with 1 tf wif waea ear vitfurtanatetr but a emoaratielj roiatl prcecrftw otthe heav los wai iuaortd tb boaar hik wai owned by tb hon mr ctej waa a attartl ua jnwaeeali tm adjaard e urrcnik wpirdkj ju ftti yq w aiiourrered contidcrabw tasa but the iattm dd oi peneiracrj fori hr that tiov- lionuf ihr tipper ttorv it t nol knowa kaw la fire ertioirr at ihe rcttt car bad awea twen ed in owe round ibe premiara our alrbiu aac tal all waa rijbf cjoul i ia sir j avr i a matt or braiaast dihooue rtorrn a asryrr jf p iht ffsav tr s aitafi fm amanoavainarr afr b t iuiv li laiaa owwrwrh mr b the omthtraof haa rejofth pttt of ihe uiurj lawt aa ttreavoy teeoose t dead letter i bel jfr b any tbasta but ims sir toti wilt ad by and by ohrri jou take jowr act sn tea cowweiu of the province not only that tbt qtion ia wot a drad liur bwt ibat it wifj be belter atwtamvd than it baa er been befort xetryrr i tell ywa that rt ha wo chsnet la ih hawse the f crj 7 or meaabtra art n l it toe wioat w caw hope loaai u modi oration aa 10 ball of aichiiva toe jvort mr- s 1 bata alwv oppoeed the mitre rraratof the uatey law ahoilhar i did eoct vote that iht atfal rauef jrthtt abotiid b s per coat bwt brllav i wal too far f i would content lo the wakiaf ii 7 pee eean tho i am not at alt rerutn that it wtadd wot bo betltr to lot toeeu it ri r aa tkey are ttf rerrjtricee ef rolalaf ike rtlt of uteres i would be riaaa i ha al000 la aajtev of hand paitn ra b par erwt swurtal law twemeni ta law waatlwree if i waa alrewad lo demawd what amount of tnlcnat i pie 1 aad i ahouh damawd parmeai or if waa umitad to 7 pre ettt i ahtild of eoure laouira 7 oar cawl oa in tha aral aaae if iha araro owlnj ca tku raeway eotftd t pa ana i alotild iham tat atarito and tha defaiera wvuld be perhap ruined unmaa br borrowin iht money lo fa ma al aw vitratttt raiaof inieraat m ii rjij nca itvd io dj mr 5 aa atwata beaw my optntew thai the prcltj f buaaea la canada tie rot j ic m t anabl r lu ra mart r- n 0 per etnl w rcjrcl to a d that iw our aeceunt of law eaptar of ihe hifhwavaetn tn mondaa gatelie taav tcntionallj omnred to do tufktrnt jaatl to tb dr- irrtiiiicd artd altint conduct of d oatidaen e- fdaaacer of tar flank f british norih aaaefiea t4 ytuo aon of col plaoarr yovir wbt ao opporiuoet- eww up tha tval raovrd ftwbeaaa teiwa on baa way to hit reetavner ar or e heifti and rrodrrd rnoat ratewnt aiataiaaea it arcwrifix tia tr we iiocervlj regret tawttsa- 11 but ih abort ttm th oreurrear of the event wtwrofour moodaya itawffws rw which w uicd erj 1 m eirrileo to arhra zr the facta maattttea vabaie amce iratoed that ih wj j oeteri are nerolan tnd crow tbt wst- nevs iatt thai wjncheupawbwerai i jn ceaijci aadt is r to per aid dv- h r pu of lu n sterrrv r- ware mr mair aad era and the sawrth tadtridual waa a car- prnler in iht emnlmant ef mr meiwerj tw taller me unortandfuiht n i j with ibe batb- nairnan natwith t i i bating receterd ata- te5 blow em th face with irw eod of ibe pitl d bjt foe hit determination and dariof in mcvrutf lb rrbur much itme wauld hai bran tea and wttta ijjrj dont ej tha mantkaa miacrrawt one of ih prttonrre an brouat 10 tko cwart floiatc for tt at two oclock erdav i ft l tlir oibrr haitnr had a auddrn altar u il r i and not bie ronirdered bf tb medical itt- dam of tae ftol to be in a at aial to t rraoid we eeel thai w eatmoa aroui our rraderv wl h it reatjll of tb namlwaiion at wt ntr de- i r kaiutoad accident th mtfnrtk ttlefraph wattj at th ttatrfv u r 4l 1 pa i blown do to j whrre rt newer a th ireik j bt vms rauhl tn ihr enewa c ih down frewhl piitlidt over one nf the ioa and aweepinf irom iha i rain thrar hrak b en on waa ktltvd 4 bad bw r hrrhrit bwi ise tavf a out injvrvd wetw aft wa do4 tothe train we i ndertiand that n- j he frit i i mrrnwrrv il mm brih arepanei ftewiaaial llepadlli hteatreal tewiir april f coonif wf 0 resve i h lathe