partnership dcrj have entered into r f tho purpose of ea or poti- a8d1nc busi- ivloc vi k lawrence lake ontario erie c under the name and alyl of colclcick grcer at mon treal jotiff h gaklr co at ktngs- too and was colclcvch st co oi hamilton john h greer wmcolcleugh hamilton march 25 187 eight bandied thousand acres of land huron 7sata notice to old settlers migrants and otheps the canada comcast ave again thrown open all their lanns in the huron tract for dis british h north mertcan sgteaio betweean york fc llaerpool ftyal mail steam ships os if j440 uoraa tower each v she admirir tjl hetwrr and boston calling at paiwmfifi anmwir livi hal rpnn fax t ianl by way of lease for tenl britannia llkb iwfljl mvgot jliki forwarding roii 1847 7irh reference to the above an t t r i uocement iha an len gned ba prepared on the opening of the naviga tion to carry nn the forwarding business between montreal kington toronto hamilton and other porta on lakc o- takio and alao on lase ear and vice vcm for lb transit of produce and mer chandise thcf stock of grat caaa barnes pro- ucrs suam freight boats and schoo it ateh si will enable them to do anch panic aa may confide busi- before the open he at tho risk d h octal yearsno onev being re- quired down the rct payahle on the 11 february in each jear is nnt much more than the interest upon the upset md of the land the right to purchase the freehold at any lime within the ten years at a fixed price named in the lease t ia se cured to the settler who would thus save alt further payment of rcnti the huroa district ii known lo he one of the most healthy and fertie tracuof land in canada ii ha more than doubled it population within four year the huron tract in the year lse2 contained 7lot tnuja in june 1at year the huron district numbered t93 touts according to the official returns the above land are in blocks therefore affording facility for the undivided acute ment of families of om settler and their friends maps printed particular and every re quisite information hom the huron and the canada company other lani in the province will be furnished rates or charcehy application if by letter poo paid to the canada company oflw at toronto and goderieh and stratford in the hurun dutrict canada companys office j frederick street toronto 1st january is17 2gm anil hif mjm m hibernian caledonia ieeitc is r a ityftic e g iott j hewitt cilejodkiw- h llahuliont cambria acadia he four mipvni amkhira canada vtaaejh appointed can t on the 4th affli 17 the tta now imiithni are th miaka tsveohopa to aailftom liverpool hecaaarwkstcw temsntr rorani txtah suirs ess ghfixl a3 was31blbs3 1700 tons 400 horc powrr 8- r- mathkws eq commander ban 33hb7 mfiiiflaiisyt 3500 ton i0l0 horw powei lituunaol jaes hokkx k n pcomroander a r rd to sail for he year 184s aa aft ditdrjaynes family medicines names and prices of dr d- jan mily mrieine i qq p4 lows grg at calntoni oa ihe 2tlli aril tji7 britditna aw mat iht7 the vessels ajpointfd to sail irwn jjoslon ate hiwinion thr 1st apd l onhnjonll irfmaj cilfxloiiijon the i6tb haj pasieitjeeis uawko i lh ds previous to slin vassw irtluilin pioeisioni hnt without wines or uqaoisj wim aa to om4ined on board to bwo o ilaluav tbtynght guitiras steward fee one guinea doscors x5 each notk am brtlth and newppc uodd to he y these vessels mum pass through thr io ufnreand none ih bete- calves at the aavaia oscrs pasenjers svill be chained rtewj j p when it exceeds halt a tncsturtmml for ft right or pssaf apply to s uwlitosa 25tu iv commercial h7iorf host boafan april fm i nturdiv lth s sjlordayratstoct western i froi new vatb thursjy sthoct ithundsywhnot m si if ii i 14 hair tasts life prrseieatiw per bottle l w tonic verifuee wdu cstminalife balsam ur 0 60 araill 0 26 si ss sanitite pills american hsir uye jaynes life preservative auterat1ve and dpura mtasst the dx llntifi suhhjfl p- t otdabelion kw dictnal eaperiencc i md efficient kies pemes exlrac c ton uv uc ivc anj solicit a ihatc ttf uuic patronage tim ousf win lifitf 1 on awl at iiw iorcs ecupiimi ial sea krittino vtaift under the name and rirro or ffsjjt jblyjruiifc ai kiii ono hib name auu r irra of glassford smith j a es a classford george smith kinpton 8sh march 1s7 20z fresh garden seeds from the rochester ncrsert am warranted 6003- asparagus beans beet broroii cauliflower early york and otlvr cabbage carrot celery cress cucum ber eggplant kail lcitiee meum nfall kind nasturtium onion paraleyi par nip peas cajenoc pepper pumin rjdish rhubarb or pie plant stc car rawa vejtablo oyerspmacri suosh tobacco large rej and larje yellow to mato turnip fce etc with 3 variety of other seeds for sale bt william j martin mnrktl square kingston 1lin april 187 30 cure for worms winers canncliait veiiul- fuee warranted in ail cases the medy ever ycidiscovcied for vvoeosaj 401 rov thctia but invigorate the curie ottthe aupera- u ao prevalent in the inecinlly of those in in its effects on of the patient i even when no edicine being 0 take it not and prat- ti ll ting from prepared jarfy call public omitiuinialtf froxn medical gmle- i a other renpec om otusff wonder f the use ofln vcrmi- jndervifncd hftvidf kwcjtseall red a hcj prcinred by mr win yisrr nrilifatowa j wfrr rvasrvje and being eonsclftfttly co uk tetcntinlt otat fcjvl cmrt n tfur- atatts ittuvk evatc w dickinson vernier o me aajui ctdkeof vvrrnojrs loebii av cv hamilton c w t lit oi is f certify ihat in all tmcain wbifh have ajininistcrvil j wimun canadian vermifuge i have invariahlv found i a safe andeocctual remedy fur the pputiut of ivorcns from the alimentary onat and would rceommend it to ihfl puun as mjh j kellogg surv0 itamilmn ol 11 1r3 for add by n- palmer chemim st a jiotherarx market ptaee kingston expiration of lease selling off at still greater reduced prices the tarnu bankru pt stock of urqui1abtmver great britain t consr oi 1 creat britain laeins louche j the croond dum1a m on ei oatsrrd pit to nrw york th uifjc- n feel it duly they owe to the public and specially to iborptts ha li already uken their paas m hrr not to ormit her to r again m iea without bavlitf n1 oottoai tho hihty examined in the onvin dock- and m the tide at liverpool will not sdrait of hrt rite docked snd limlnebed before the 6rt veevio sepicmher 1f have deleronnej to mtaflhtt riai aitii5 ta the mys rniembei on wiifh dy she will sail fiool tie coauae- w at eleeen oclock am her dyorsailinwiu be ssfotlowa from uvathal i from new talk fuesdsy sm seut taesdiyioth oct cutldlj 7tu mav i tuesday i5tb dec fart to liverpool per great western u00 snj s stewatds fees ftit pr greibritain aecorcin to the sue id position of the le rooms plans of which aay be seen it any of the agencies pal fieiht or pmgecr other information rflly in momfelilo maittakos tylee co jmtlar jloaireaf fjueoec and ktnton montreal 10th sept- for 767 cure of scrofula evil white slhu ulcers sagum cwceioos and indolent taraaars g- tiitn fjout scorn ntaijlfita or ucasmt ooitieor 8hocl w eck bones w liaroenisoroitht oraiies liter 5 f at reopened t w hastings kidneys sic c stive at iw fully ftuitfift with isaesn reci s the lce nfthe shop expires on tho 14 may lie wlmle arte oaaat bosnid off by thaiuaaa ghut bar- gain will bo given keveral ibrunl 5toca havin been odiled the rhcdesuekaeorapfuia one tvill bo ouatlatill well atleeivd aaj eun ln larimjnliie af lajn aitd man- cheater faaoj umajiwrnn plain fcgiirvd ani fiitcl oreaa pnnud d pliuus plain and havktij cilourc cloahv lib k orleans hmsxala planlx men and notice thr r s i- r r- and artosinicsai law have entered in- 4i pattxdtlalp tooffieeon ktk srnet opposite the cmm hovae geo a- cumminc arciro john macdonell yr of greenfield kinpton fe1 it 137 29o wolf island steam ferry company the sloekhol slcam ferrv wolf mind are request icrs in the company j to pay an tiwiwlnieni of twenty per ceni ilia antflunl of their suwhptions to the i reasurer on or hdan ifltfc may nexu tuo kirkpatr1ck xtwtftfjf a trrvuurer kin 101a april 1x7 30 recommend it as a sja i hemtesti llv ana met gtnven sc 1 blavitv t caetascr ua caifalat ifey clrillh whitf and uijh mtavln kurnitiiv priiib filed suiu csnfel ttilite ciksvra u irrthnndst damasj printed c laeaa and imninjt rb hlur prine knaam and tweed i cwfl lt dsxantmcxt an p id- v vu iv fiiio ciinuhtiuns irvw vrwlrn njity ts atl wotice berrln- clewy k porrti marim t tsit id r tit em tilic desirable premises to 1st is broci street v be let wnlh immediate pmscstlon the hotdc and pacmwc hnw occupied by hnjme mvitrnv as a saloon with a tm ah up cvc tchind u the nreri4 arc nearly new in oxed- leni repair beinjeloaa to the marital t one of the very host site for buuncstf 0 1iia city a eo the premises roshatt mareh 27 197 c notice bitish america fire and life assardco company lo r inland maiiiu ainnin jihf sescfiserii aentnf this jmltlu al i 30 10 co 2 as 20 ijo m s 3 30 e 30 too oo in tio the on sale itirjs of tbo subscribers hhd refinej ami rright ae eirova jo si ar liihalfcheattaad caddie green imi bhdl teja ui lei laaoayra and rio coitce rime kcesli malipa raisaav dmns fiosij tordey cg terce caisalim rirv ijoxe llineydew and cavendish to bsvtoof boavi havana and principe ca jir imruhoy snuff raw nv 1 london vlarrh oixea sem candw barrels lwhki base aol ltlf bie fared carved an hal ksra cnitr aneieo crncveryi k cr brsnrasei ted and lzain muns blatkauiciiliiivd sik hanilkerebic white and ri flannel a choice h of heal ivelall and ktecor- al ftanneif iir twmwr wv ciiecked suorrjr tlannvh iw -enile- wioioanj ufff sliiitia wli je and ievd cnlane a lark njwantliy isf blaxkets tuta- livfur choorrr anl stcamuats rftirnr hrf r t rrqvftffj to he iuvkysf stock f i ll lj ixc i plain fikisivd and from i jo i uphirda satixs am satin turcs with the uitui variety tsf smatf wares cu- iir to hunktounto mention here s ie a few gonttcmen s chamola sliiia- and pilafatj which will be ww ehea and tsund an extffleftt preventative of rhamiati pain tinun jlarch 5 istt knjton m ni citife resident agent no f- hitkk miip casnasueri i liurdifs buildings all the various disesses of theskn such as tetter kmaraysv biles sate catbuncks to c projmca sweltincoastilulienal disorders a od dav famsnstin fraaa i g uite of the blosi or other uds of lb body the proprietor of the ltte p t woum moil irpeclfully assure the pfliic m be hs not oflered this preparauoa to tice without due reflctson and close ahfvpi imvt for until after twelve yeata openace had msniresud iu c over every other article of tho kind and be now reeotn- mends it with conndeoce fully helievjn thai the ahove combination of mediciae wi rffec- lually eradicste from tbt system a elsnfdfs- ettessome of which have heretofore pcen eon ttdered incarme he has prescribed it in almost every vsnttj or disrate and with unparalleled s4ccesaespe- cislly in colaaeau atfections cjacftaas scrofulous snd scorbutic diseases sna diseases orieinating from obstruction or onureroenl of the glands or itnnuiily of the blood cancer and cinceroa tumors he has utd this prepsration in twentyone well defin ed lasts of cancer and cancerous tnmours and in every cast buioncvrilb perfect and entire success ukonchuckleorgoitreysweludneca hehas prescribed ihe lifr preservative in upward of sixty cases of goitre and it never tatted in a sinfle instance to completely remove the disease not a solitary case ef failure all wiss cvakp the success he has met with in cufin bron- chocele and cancerous affection hai convinced hm that ihcte daueiousanu horrible diseases may be removed with a much certainty as fever and acne he does not wish to be un- derstnod as say in thai they can m cured as soon as fever and aue hut with as much cer tainty and further that he has good teaon for delievin that this preparation will not only curt those diseases when formed bat that it destroys the viius or poisonous principle lurk ineinthe system from which thai pecuhai dasaof diseases as well also as ihatef scrofuli emanate scrofulakineilthe life pre servative has been used in numerous cases of scrofula king brit and srofuloos swel ling with the moit decided succ st skin diseases he hit picciibed it in real viiiety of cutaneous atfections and found it ieeetfiil in curing svlofptiew teller biles julve aiml oi iitrisl fnjjii v ii ht twen iifcj in numnous cases of liver touipl lint and dlpmia ad wllm ids ejap- tic do lourkaimii has been ased in only three east of neuralgia md in eecry case it ansa saeeesful khuumatinm he tias not prescribed this preparation in a reai many crnf rhen matini but in ecfy c0e wneii t vrat ah uuhl the system became iff rtrd by nr medi- ingcnmmumty generally that hich will be found replete ha hia nth all begs to acqoainl his friends and the travein reatimed the busmeaa of the above hotel whtct the comforts for which he i happy to aay it w foemedy note his public tall toitt not be tzctlltd by any in corsovia hui roomn arc newly furnished and very regard haabeen pad to cleanlincao and comfort and more especially to hi bed hi own constant aiieodance wril ensure civility and attenlion from hia vvaitera and his stabta will affbnl every comfort for the horsea ofthoae who require them a carriage wiil attend the arrival and departure of the different steam boat which wiu convey both passengers and their baggage to and ram the lambton house free of charge the bab will be provided with all iha usual appendagea which ba baa made ea eogement to get auppliedi with the heat of every thing in that department the lambton house i in the centre or pririrstreet the priceapal atreet in the city offering in ita situation conveniences to both traveller from the conntry aa wet at by water communication r m hastinc bega lo astute hit numerous american fnends that they may re ly on the tame attention to their convenience anu comfort which it hat ever been bit constant desire to promote kingston april 10 1847 sh fall importations choice geoceries wines liquors t he subscriber respectfully solicit the alter tion of hro friends ond the public la hia extensive and varied stock of in which large additions have been made in the fall import a tionsseleced from some of the moit celebrated hewta in london edinburgh glasgow france madeira and rt- laoifti ronsttin in part of jones saloon boardina eating house t 1 1 rftr j t- fflfftmt fff hot k a he isau liutrmm i i batiim llwat rnihrrtx uhabtlniita publn tl eivclo jnfurrn mhin and ihe opened a 20 cilrbdml sprixgs a d mbilat rtataju pice rbrjt xtniii shore an j ari hat k s no i hrnnp jtanrl tyliilrflll quiiitali ji 1pbl tvrjf rnar lion f3ra pra eaclifd k and deed paper ii pai kkesh supplv f ihcc inval- jalie wavrshas iul lren received and il evehslamly he urnl in hand and for sate hy ihidflut in ktuihliin fur cvrnfiau and loaiimsfaiala in favor of je spring nee the hoith entitled his- i lory ftit and prre of the cacdonia j sprm kvpt hy the lnjiit knmon aussltl lflili jfreli iffflttorf uk he inittfllitjf saioov loarti0il on kin lntf bthvttti brock and pntievassireei where a oumlcrof gen- llemencin be acoitmnu ulcd with atari meals cither hot or coid furiiiloj on tje lrlesl v reiisurialdi hours mot soup mri dav sundvs a- u id i p m r jonks kitagrton jfav i9ig 40 drnnns or svpjrtfy t ptiratr rooms t0yaters kept eoastaouy on hand notice and at from a b m e r r i a m onwcffo v v dkalerinhafc4ieaiictitkrylehih smj vfavur rol fife jjnck lrj fme fj u han ii prepared la le iteaqfii aetnit losaor tit nathtr asiaha fraai w hm ihe mima muti w lftactljf coasav thiiotfimilft ajjiee1 to ihp rabs nw nwr proto i lor ma- to wnpeit nr from the penis thr tenns t pil linrfev ml snll ommianttvatt commcnrtl mvu rooms kincion now muk that anl kintton20li f ui i funk nir-i-ehkwwrf- mty on liant i ft fcy fr liasjta bsnet h- ill k-ii- tttll ay rah an h aawi lit mfsdvrrpstfil itffs id inlirm the imnt its ihe vhtunit a 0jct7f i peovtimjy ii iim ithscfrvj ishp mr ii irde in a day nr twu tut i in- tiiipn pan vf hh prn lnet on a col hseiisui tour hht ah nilev and all ntv titf arrttum mil imiuljak paid vsilmn handed mr t tho diinrt 0un fir e-tviftn- ik qu f in ihi hlvt tlim thnr arroiiah will ftlrtf hi aim vglisn cheese ayeuy slmkriuk akt1i foriesy william j martin mjict spina kijwimi ictli march isi7 alikaium foster wholesale and retail grocer n tint easf and wjst inoia produce camt taissfsi m wtkum ltttta k boston and vuy agent fa then eh1aeaaad mii pu1foras septl iriil also ah al pjefc torn crsalfatrhaakj ansl hay scau rt ma- 1 patent cinr the tjjtene wj reatflvrd udut- three cses of goal have been cured by this preparation in one or these eases ihe mnrihit heen nihicted tvith it so ecrely ur thirteen year j to eatirely liable him from amines amf for five month imme diately previous to his taking the life pre servative haj beencontmrtl to his room but hefire he hail fmihej the third bottle he was enmed to walk ahout the streets and soon slier returned to bumnr fiom which he had so loot heri deprived hy n athirtiort dropsical svvulllkgjc this me dicine increases the pnwers of digestion excites the abforaenm into healthy exerciw hy whirh tvatery or calcareous deitotitioet aiid all un- ucnatural eiilremrnts ie reduced it iai parts tone and vitality lo thp whole sjlm re- moeiamckand morbid head cir giddiness tvsnitenn ind nervous aflrcloo in fact in every caat where the medicine has keen taken for some lime no matter for what putjhme lb general health of the patient has always been improved by it lu ronclution thr proprietor would ay that some of the mot istaailfiiajf esse of cancer broncbocefe and scrofula have been cured hy tbsb mejkiue that have ever heen recorded out wanrafaaaat ialmarsaal precludei iheir publication at this lime prepared only hy dr d mynbj no 20 south tbirj street philadelphia sold by n palmrr wjryr suftre icroft- notice nfmie lmlerijned forhiil oil persons ere- oitm any ite uu their account with lu1 ntien orders from ihemsvlvetf or i lei r rtntfcymr wj macdonell lllt sjones kington ocmtorfiffi i8w a7 40 hhht sandimans port sherry winei 8 tt bbrhhurnv madeiria do 5 pipes de kuyper u son gin 5 henne-cry- tae brandy 6 mariella cognac da puncheons old jamaira spirila 5 hhde campbelltotvn and lata whieky mhme london porier 50 edmhorgh ale 100 dox stjuhanc r ret 50 bakis perrieejoiir 1 1 k cliampaen ifr and ever 40 heidick champagne 50 crape brand do 200 hoxes teas various qualities 30 hhdt muscovacjo sorar 100 hnxe digby hemnp 30 hhu american cheese w boouh scented and perfuaied soaa 100 sardine fresh layer raisins so half and qu uea in uo ima uavenditih iloneyctevr tobaeta kingston isth dec is46 rtqtiired fir the grocry win and uavor trade robert mcormlcka fall nvipttrtatlonsa wholcbsale ci retaiir william j martlv cower of klyg brook sts market squjirk klvtistq ih remrnini thank o his numerous fronds an i ihe puuk fim- tseir irhfral ne nee he received an i ue ias tare a in businea ivnukl now rrpenfully inforui them ih i mi- r i s n at patroaait he has j m groceries m ies aivd liquors comprising in part as follows wines axd spirituous liquors port wine fc ijiiamie imcdeira do 4 do sherry jo b jo champagne jamaica spirit very superior huvlamb gin scheidam gin in imtlfes pcpierminij rum w j m toll london porter kilirilturh alt- leiiiori svrup rial draujcht and iwted cvgnar brudr coloured henea martdlv j champagne brandy feirmiine scotch whiky a particular attention in thr auve sinck ofavncand liouanmatt iz ss s mv ufcci frou b h btt nce in rcclmcn mem aa being free from adutieraiirvn nzy tn corefullr selected by himself in iha sc monireal market can be recommended as u of the beat teas old hyson voting hyaon gunpowder tvvankay fruits teas imperial suuthc congo la and other teas aii to farm clts w f l 0 u it af hsffc arke ls superfine and aawff kne klmr of hrllier anj edrfr favorko ua n dy jut ra fale by oiiihant k watt kuwjjifte c lt may ts 6 c9 tcvej 4 wild phavu awl mrar kwf 1 i ti tawaeaatyi nhih ri c- hi tea rybj likflmnl y u il tit tn u tavaaaelfea c irv rmaass ik far letvsoix tatref n nfi lflv 4iuciiftirf dwttuxna i- ij tuoe r nac tf ttitttet l f4it i uaajtej in iiffrcib roieins currant f ibetia figs it sr 1 ua ifii a iscasl ca jj tan kiln f tflifnee iili u co t rl fitincf ipiiint e ivayr atutvwtjstir tevical jnd marrk iv t mi iktsku faauliiv m ithptf ru jll nkhs setljmmsslo t h it hi mnatml a k nsatmi ui lai nnr nl ii- i i mljnt ifofh rm rtu- ivaiitli iie1vii mi nn if ii t iitf i hi hi fbi inimeijoihv in ritlwuht im hhwaf it miv r4 is 1i3ltrtt ml llr a ikivau a l imirtaiil tu h i itu w 1 i i nstftais ntih mih ir- t s s-itlt- llvniny n it umkam ari lirih of iii ci dissof a tio f tt tn kks w t ii i i utiierlifi hervhftfiin fijti litirfeiiiiderth n une un itt ijiiimhik w vlkiiiaml al kiia t iiiiiut ilu na in il k it uwm m kintjiig mi lmkn tsjliftaeia i i tk am t earfrtf of rhehrate vttssrs- siywvrt ptitrtvd frvia liq le u k 1 s ii i for sale by tbo subscriber 1h bbls ska salmon aw wjnmnrkerel ihla ifeiring csvttahr codfiatt buke dtjln lfjirfik hi almonds swexl and flinee candied orange- lemon and ciiron sperm ofis and lard oile spice nf every desrnpiion piealesaucrs alaccarom vermicelli anchovic liisrire sardine neentec at eand bnswrj sodp sureh bloc iiithp brorsma sseruhbing bruslies paih sponge card- chestahatfcheha and cahet kanaitar turkish and german tnhaeea imaccaboy rappee and scotch snut fish sea salmon lnrhjw herring north iyunrc herring dghy and labetfc herrings whiiefish and codfish loaf cru treacle uiujam j ifaktiin market square kindlon mil n imii it j i li tin iwtaii 4fle ttiai ra aitii ttiiyan ii i irftrtl k cawanij arm htiit iord hy hniilltori in jll 71 m- rp imvoi moairrad vill la hsi imfl iihrl tihit ni krutli itiw lon llm hud jamks a u hiir r uu 1 1 u ttnl h fvhtltlm t i h7 ld pi fw mfnilm us nr ivnft itriw croano do i i h rime dor ru i irt iru4 uhac ameiie mravhtne h u its vaei fwasrssj m ivi rj altrtrtar- k tntdmpajfe kckjvkd a ronhnmrm nf 0 a- leu crape f haanpaiit whirhuill inw fur ah or niion appruvivj washini- snh plafia pipes blacking dlaefcoll sic e touaccos cavenilh xarlfotl honey dm cut honev dewnnd aromatic chewi pliijf anj laihe twwt bed and moseovado suftra cigars fine prifklpm havana regalias cha- roottf tanaiolas ptantatiofs steanhsl woodville la nonnas c tm j and bout iien roated ground cnrterp piv i nritly f all ftomu tno n ivffl le souj whovaale or rvta r r ea o hinc i fsl j m u l mtn ifj an iil v c hiiar l i i 1ml iv hiki tootling htiltkeft trnirmlt wi sill creihi kobrrr mcorhic kn rih ive isc ahofwhil motin heine t- pout ittorita kin 27th nivemhcr sift niiflrrots o ptrnfroa- al the iuwcji remunerating prices his au qv1ck jmi s t a ii r aw ff rii rr- tub only mni peiustalti ii 7 r 7 ijr riiro jut rrriivel lr i fliiuhliiioirni of atikls ihmion stauril of rutr ijik- jamksnpp ampiap nov 77 f hi hie y htihiaht nljm relelntl th nhthvhv nttmiy saeti in ufra unuin ersal am vegetable pills persuaders a tiger pills i fi inti fi anl hsmtlije1eeat1 tlifp hlbwrte the kum lj aarimataaalasli pssteaasahsaa ltaan rl ii vi anjaaay ami uchastyalni mvmi in onknoien in aa hi ihe ptoage u d nnl ctentiv jhil mmiy ad iha onniinnii n wsa by john wlnku ksapto laasi ihv mi tjitilmii hy h hsesliral nu i nith mimlillelrtt ssteet tvtiinwturi of ihr m etriii kiu lttt j iv a ar i i yt fr ij the kasl lnjia cvmpaay and rminent medical fioffmiaa raj ienl krnn in llie erire f h ls nn in isnii tfikumf euieer liu fr pbi ina ieul aral il q er fi nlt i iv k imi vht