i w, l'e hve bAs. slaaim cDias 'vatwat aiPlywmmtt, (îsg)jbbaa i oteom 14e i1700 ard tseigla A the.*do"f làapaia.s là mulegisibia, êc. 'v as lb.dt cwi> isoa Wl hiznta' te s dsbupa Au sn loo flhhmt et te isUs &W in Contestet 15..TiuatPorio 0fthls w evis a l'oire tise ater peoat eictsmua vhie iselow the zciss.eafSowmepahdin wais lama rdus. ,Tise ont.IyundniSA4the iin *àai couatrv., vilIswili knby CO-adana ~htLeshwsï 1i vte r mctig mro utis o Uclela luTa~r *W-il ha mass-lptiseumb-4m onpartis h O srIoq bhaic Usuewa ït«O okeqiud fourieuarals,. l* » is ee o iSe ustisa moas 1 wcatad aiW c " c ialavrandu ý% T ise aââ», tise' 'e, iseaigbtani a hr shooit imita Win bes fotda.scO.W! t açhy tise sisoro o itis e 'ia '.Laudalr 'c 'W.sim warýbr#Bbqwec isfèi about&am in .<sip. rol avgo o alhobSerfey taka E frusIW"i tw ass aaluitat.iosemgo*esrareo ofU ewàtisoia#sattt sthest this ak .braand a pacis q Witd asguts -swy v tdb. .eflndtlasýw5 w" ceastosven a ais&ua nus t*»a visai ave »n"Vaerstiu guospin but the Irammu lise Z &i,~ieotadsoeC di*W o tl tiret iaot n#dwïtiste Atltie05.. à» U met r ou îtTss te anlj" i cc 1=41at= Uti aa salpUm, sed epstd. m i rsg 'las4 rýtï% iasipre oùi odsr afssidl. d ities. afi r, b sa wr!p pist < RâtaS;iaelmv. s e à bcka tt;ue 0t(ba asY.cUcU u wt ia~tamplorte ne atIéIy eWim seplatp buv izid u* iemoadmofhbisnaturie, iiiXti 4 u ps wjbi M themila& ba ÎFaiîc atasto troWbth'e 4t- Ire s.*b lsé: U yisd is i cai 5tvpps~ald la gagr ile wbwuu hey cut-up b ,thes af Msratais ;bd, ttqe4 ithdes houai disa om; dliw t cbý lau hr l'théc.arietha cor émbitaSulS b atthé au o! oUa-sI Uatmiu-m i.tanfm ha bis et tons =0he iSa. boisi s md d010l4uit t lm toto) q*ti&f-g tise ircagulu p"uàs o ta wm s bttss vis p ain d frou tni £Xâd:inw#*ý Ov- aitmum » ci aotudgoitttc Z eOt*1b uis -.8 P-la souaq welus as«t limiata, UN i iusprsIvstoiaOtkIaIl.u fer fwt p aMbrdclui#disd promoeof m < Iaatauoftufs. la atcSla Ouislaa tstoe Ir 7'Ism i Lw t . "y tets*I ame iae=a.soi CE tU tv- be of ngla.atsel OtàftIAm= ri.la wfl d», bossa uats dwtocivati ,aet"h ~~~ _ fr .MM~aU cabr aIc 6ctssmtiy Ucure bom GbuebtoiNd a" îm'i tu tise ' t 11".té O- o <~ii :haalm . iSêitys the f» Of tib et '0 tjq d quaTiees yte fia. galan amoura.1 , ti edm mi Pea'éS êuét15595'd aVuidatsph.~ cmataaai e MWat av e aa<ao W. aum mS nes.m i the immcf te m àdue 0 .akh irm as of e1(1 the peau, M'ure a oSi laban&. tisas'- ,Fra 0jwpauyiOmet. acmi u ya Ut. promftwna &a -Rmouàm u ,eSTATE 0iP T u.F imt tlsouop s.umitatamuiwsvu- 7%Ii t ih4<mwm t m.wab àasd is> bu.salte-lb asasi raup -A*te a duaaion >f six neadisn, the tata iisoeauof st.lsit sabp014 Ia.pneua mstlmata ia t au B Whin asmaid la bu l'o sv, bavnig bea demnli ata Seat- atdrhug, of Wh" td ie Turskiauto< sP a ioftli mauoesarday, l'y * maj- -Mchthe - .la c t 10 g%~f 767 te 7W0 ta roture ta êts Aitatiefortu'o m. T-1 f. " "a-m c<Woovtvin. Tis asts ciautitit eouthmno.cL Uc - ,c.s t. fludis exmoes a casai- tubsse, intUc LuvorpeolMosauy dcOktbud&.bu a tSin b*»lvaiea.et1pars sd *Mdieastand uatthora bava, 'acomesbsqaca Tk TéPorte Op ' paaclsia tafergdm beauextensive aapama 4t à., .uëles fsop of lappeudots itstu. Ine 6dà. mpsiïd oitveq euy yeara es.h anm., ~ sasmtts auui idatala umin aaaieaso- ladr danIov o sr ~~adihmam uS-< 1_we ba pa lsruy anM suowiv t *TheI t1la5SU1 " ettwwm91 ragw t Mmt C hre Dai ot beam, toi a sIty te àtt nip ts.snalaleinu t blestidoéas hall employ" ai t peisi. <avebo c bmes mthasilaTs ipevam te rst, wll l'e gboat kmi lisu alt uiiqý c 1t Rendu in Ibrus Afon s Puy- MWea t ha is <h Sasi.%My te va- O RCAA . the go tiab ale s aau t !tis t ait 4~ve 8 mks m stsi fUta~ Ibs.o lectien, kL om miy et staisute @aIh 1tbe haiclosait on Fcidy lus. i b U th Ma. ki, P«%4,uue4 Auaa i. itau! eba diTb$ êtage of tisUe tUdm lose o- th it te siandu y v as as allaw - i p ý 4 4m!t agi thea , 'is çso.baç,ib h oopi : yf d. - -biwri prlIs i heS rrnrmOflttfte 0v0e"a ~ sai tjait maso ourtrhip psu oatiat lu tI Uhec ls d uaia a d u.et., ,2 hau eos a* 'hTho lhbem sifr 4umo.eae* s pa se eitthBviSuse 4&dtsma0-&* MtseMtial'ahbtatat' hai Ucbvdar 'vissdvmuig ldma- V54<IOWi bk iv i c. .au..S.a à. sn.Aa's.i cd foisa@, rala ftM>a-*..,,1 et ~ela ou. 1osobot. 'suai a at . -'wvs.uas di viebi ~Ucau5th béa sumiluis u-ii*eU --*issdi, i netejai - IInéé tema -c- t poe~5ql iIIi~iiI * sqraq mu .1w. la 51. dm1 lac hé si-sasse - balusty. uplhe>a lamais.' [iNO 5ea is hie lalLbsL,. oà bUutInF fig'do polaà à$6M tbpuaieu,.e idée id S. haiw.. MW"bééwMîuuséýM inal e.u ed inua te Uc i enapabuUuoiUc0dgo(mi *àm do, mi iea mmU r.o m e bebrip m0ee utiOas, mhe shssd .. agaiewla my*e0Wamaa' pea l, u& M vaisn . 1p.wauod vue" m& h ug<mun. pisa.wwffiwm amgu *muh 1. e ctl a uic< Dnladre 1 utugUc CA.»u ?s-v an dl emtbafui n"bmeaumsb't.Uc Xm jejmmg h le y -t utcMrla-sdtl smbý# lnruvuelii nbvshu ubjastici sCEbow*"i"il imavuCasaa gsaavsai.- it P br ub a 1: r. a' n a i. 't. id o' i. Pr I tuer. <va a IOU<IIU<IIuI5iJ~~~ 1 .e- g the afkrai r pwm wic 1 ed in My expe w h, lit VIili ha lanvark hbuc a n caery gret L Of 'at llrenuoa ii b h n. 0 f* i ocsistise pieces,, stcta fmor isola. hin mSatt evune as j"", oigltorta mciik.when Itle urkluail bai a ols dnepdiain Uf tI, t,,,~ taiuhm mayake onue wi l tff1cint lir~. CWM furan dues<h o le, OjUa 1nu tier . ssnt tisa acommets exe. Tii0 j(. o!%.« ", whe ontsure thaaî iSer gaz sachems "L~l~id ha niaie f lard ussoneti 'ow L Wisen otr liS ade tin may souetmia hée medI sveral i t" 5- atccsusac,aa hep vilii aotoften ie tirs tes-a gtet distance; soietimes notPeti uut cf tiseIole. luTCpoXperiments ius ý4 poica three timea another tvice. Tisougi tise titi. ocupied in lrtr ini tissa , inaomwhat more tliaatit ai' toi charge li tse caws s wIera sett lu Snay be uad, it istillah isieathan i,, qtsiued toi charge in the. cIi meilsuai, a, eý oeibed isy Mr. Cattinu. Shouid tii ei.,a c. fuctiser trial, ha fotsnd do be sure andl et- fiWsi, id 'vii aibrd a full a renirdi . dan pas-ap.hbé esapocted, fur thse Iîî b azardons nature ot the emîtioriiîeQtr 'r Witis tise tmm mt ectfui consiiieritnuÇaI 1 Iam, Sr, yotir fcsend anal ervat' ECLn W. . IEi .on a ud s OoM M r . i1 '.! O M M A 1~ diUCaty~S~U IUlbBISiEUE TUE PUBLIO SCROOLS. we bm»msue ic n fb-wetth.lea Mal. zid Na. . w»um ubu~id th M..my ené Cam Thé arg.neeatsa ae4dy *Idluwed.u. Tee Wi*a, ur mm n.dayspt. bu. bu, ifboqdresehave lent bien as forciiç rt, ~m Mb.dd u.OàkMBuidYan dawy pialéamo isloqacat peua aQ sv..iaabs uumud~ ituiê.m on« u haep.cuscd bun-emd, 1 i tluk '0sA. ,majya,~giqiualaéaaatag~qd.Oan *0 y:becoecaluise h,, Dur Pjý 01- md. ,msmulhdbm Ddvdh S=faceSÉrightle homaintainutd;i ail t. Klptu l a .14gb.add ispevld vsg*Ui ad vxtdet S't arwk low n 10"16 ttch. aJoaneRaltrOP. .,3cr-tlisab, M la Pgehsmitbe -Ablalq.a bis Poet s' umastie rati es ,-àcesad ainsttsa telspas tqalsaya.âa w.rnucwIiiFux; ' ies.peraustwbwdtortcd <st ______________ beat e~efouvaire seccli s le 4sq à oea maid JO" & ObImI u ufm OS 0 ad wbe am sdbw*m in ~1 hing a bssIa oauy dmyiIa 0s4là« ik - * bdisser11Pfor aWmfc" morpuse.. Now is Mî "tad<it ho vW- hlMisdd, a Md afbd Bu "iamach cairhé*c'a--day clmerr v.uui on W* dsaby~mu'. Io" autig dmtsdehmo f Gevarassec-is asaerb un et Mr. T. R.IhMbgeo ote ade bàais- amire te that ssaonbid disposaaontba toa don, vwuaaeabd in 0 ,af, c Ie _"slikkIIIg CMSIeasuha discontuo-. thppu.IcatUW3" 'vio or. fi tesmrtsy ofour wistiea tu A walle m &seUaai .ai< sa.im tpipa remedy vhs,. tthe disese aso4 es~yiai u~s0~jaIscspIaic. tiae eavideut. we entent a particuIoi aufdlseiyE.~EiIOiE $J.pO-pOW'et dmh. anr.wàilare ccomnul mon .a*yd 'oi g~a4o mt. o à. ie iahntquiry ia duiiesl by swaita 1 r&hut gh*ha eh m eudtmsd tiaiirapi reference te the. voia ut fis s ,1 1a< a <-Is u1 ycfa -a-a quieiua.ils pas upJun ail lfl. ~~~~~~~b *spavv-ss 1<a very sage reca.rk tiais atm sgitslat~dmits a dteu joait complala t tier. Usk baectaad uEWOV4pu f,<é i'mueis abuse. -h tbas jlm& coule iuts.I Ir isaitCisshmi iedmsd thsag dmevirturécssAristides %esta :.am. s m x. froua liiinative cii7 by tea r- DM tc'.U bn6aal s- crtesso ataaoiaag very tant»afoatu asd maw o~m~~b!uUO ga s Ie nom.bev.ves, sao n.uccy dacfé él *WW 1qu, h"" t'bbotb Ie aaicafpakcomptai t ledû*t r va daBu v moi undoI te pq- it ved hauuariatmte net ts coules f ~~(= Ruas thée mriIaU a l e , and Va asait ed af' isey mc a" ta ha macininsil j'ltui thttisse b"INU; psIL..è 1t. soMnu- àu a fisbort, à coaede tthe laAtfaite Stllit ~stps lUOi atiY.lt-,suet à cotet geey; but iiiq a,~ ~ k* iMsi.AcPIUItU ad5a troanoi or et estmeof athe prewas ~'i a w sr etéuisichwtlave vus able Uattera--*or. i Ucta~h, 5jt ,qr et V il'. wordmu 4Weithe éidgý" a1ittor dar~ipt up4~ieUh et*ar iMW butîN .-mud agil 1h fruits v ~ flU Meaps-IU~, ~ aai aau hsa sa tme sel be »Yof b*gomoadusaof thi' 10 tn---or6me lilast sià, !W la s beau Lo fiifa cied ue~f. Ry tir ave balsleitmIWctoiy. I ould Uca astis ~ ~ ~îse. IOWmo ix t t nIuse" il thm, 1I *fpecftbhi ahoiaca; bu:il bd Cet AIE a lattk furtbaer Isabiiaie- tâa FilbSldascurUpu ke b r 1w Y.,eila i l M. -outof aiggfflsoarPt ça Vi le tirer ili ucrias "eauaM* p ille he aiei uuxor htPl-et ~ Qjw~uaq mitiomas d ah prWb.0 PIas- g.pfet< am couaw te 61 *M 4pMtese, ahiu5wiIbIqM *-gs lot du rat ai am ea piserpeai catgie rest lesitl leu eutio ezel theur the a fiecd il Nov Tise vb musical Ticim Ctromw' Clocisi 6i tise EZPea Kin@ avenu six *le mmmý an 9