Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 7 Jan 1927, page 1

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The Dryden Observer EE -- E---------------- VOLUME VIL DRYDEN, Ontario, January 7th, 1927 No. XLII. Birthday Party. On Monday 3rd, a most delightful dance was given at the Cabin, by Mrs Herve Humphreys to the youths anc maidens of Dryden Society, thus celebrating the fifteenth birthday of Winkie Edgar, about thir: guests being present. H. Gam- mon and E. Green very kindly volunteered their services for the occasion and their excellent music undoubtedly greatly added to the enjoyment of all. Dances, ing old i: ashion: sl guess th e 00d me of "Conse uences" and Coo" an amusing pastime which BSists of all drawing lots, to per- rm rious ridiculous stunts ite Ried in quick succession and aused much universal merriment. be young people were chaperon- - Mrs Herve Humphreys and M: ois Edgar. A large number of very pret and useful presents were received. Refreshments were served eleven. Whilst watching the youn couples circling around to the en- trancing strains of music. and en- tering into games with such en- joyment and zest, a bright idea occurred to the writer who would like to broadcast the suggestion that such a dance should be a monthly celebration, considering the large number of young people, nd with this in view a club might rmed. Home Waltz, shortly after ought the evening to an nd all agreed that a pleasant tv a i ALA evening, January | Prayer Week. THE meetings of the second (annual week of Prayer, which are i being conducted by the ministers of Anglician, United and Baptsi churches, from a standpoint numbers have not been as great a success as would be desired in a town the size Dryden. From a spiritual viewpoint they are an unspeakable success, just how far- reaching the messages of these (8) Ol meetings will be, God alone knows, but we know that sucl gatherings do bring blessings to iany homes and to our town a. large. Rev. R. A. Smith perfaced his b pray £ remarks on explaining that 1S not a new onday evening week of pr innovation, nor mined to Canada alone, it wa originated by the World's Evan- gelical Alliance in England eighty years ago and is today be universally observed. Speak on the subject "Communic: Christ as the Head of the Church," Mr Smith first explainea the Scriptural definition of the}: word "Church" | as being thos: who, having been baptized by the Holy Ghost and are; mad. members of the Mystical Body o [1¢€ iS 1 C one ing ing that to be baptized with water to be a member of some denoinin- ational body does not make a per on a member of the body « Christ. Salvation is of God aio The speaker further pointed ou that the lack of spiritual life in our churches today and among thos. who profess to be christians 1s the ICEMAN IS HERO OF FILM ROM AN( CE wang ng after the cubes melted, the recollection oi th smile behind it lingered. And so Ella Cinders' froze 5 and Kleig lights of the hc olf: studios, plus the iceman ing eves, turned their rays on her. The interesting romance, on the newspaper comic Clinders,' 1 ; screen locally WwW Thursday, it w engagement at the S ; Colleen Moore in the steller rol of this First National picture, pre duced by John McCormick The theme is essentially leen Moore theme and if that no other play has she will show the intimate touch troduced by this screen for it based on profession. Lloyd Hughes will be Miss Moore's leading man. pair S48 § £) is t y find Po when her 1S Other important members of are Vera Lewis, Dons Emily Ger Mike star of the New Jack Duffy. Harry Arcy Corrigan. directed. NOTICE-- The annual Tener meeting Dryden Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall. on S York Giants; Allen Alfred tu urday, January 15th, 1027 at onc o'clock in the afternoon. SV. RIGBEY, Secy. Hays You Enough Insurance © On Your Properly! "Make a New Years "Resolution NOW always fully protected Talk it over wilh us ~ a soul thawed out when the cameras: ex- i J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden' neglect of prayer in the home even on the part of ministers. The glorious hope of the church, the 'oming of the Lord, is very immi- nent as evidenced by the signs o: tunes, not those who are get ting dy, but those who ARI READY will rejoice for evermore with Christ as the Head of the Church. On Tuesday evening, Rev. H.A ra vroTe Crucis - r - LE 3 ers spoke from the words "Be- 4 the 'Lamb of God, which 1 in a very impressive messag pointed out the love of the eave nly Father who has prepar 1 r His i to enjoy eopie : animal, plant creation--man. Who warvelled at the seed that is sown in spring, which without human aid grows and fruit after its own kind, who 1 not watched the child develop : it learns wh one thing and the t another? vet there is a far greato: and more marvelous life, that of the spirit, described in ie text 'The more abundant lif Gox has a plan for all His bho ole: their life is not one of chance, in the daily life whatever it may be, all is ordered and sure, communion with Christ is necessary and a way of prayer has been made whereby the child of God may seek guid ance, it the connecting unk between man and God, through the mediator Christ Jesus. Only as we live rou the consecra ted | Hi fe can we fully enjo sion | {with C ot as our Guide through tlife. + 44 S Not a @ is y comm 111 W. reckend Collison, Kenora, at his home in 3. the v dons Congregational Meeting-- was a visitor to |W ors visitors to LOCALS S. McLelland, Minnitaki, Town, Monday. Mr and Mrs Stansfield, and son Claud, who have been visiting ir WW innigeg, stopped oif at Dryden vas 11 " 'hile on their way to their home in Ignac ice to spend a few days with Mr and Mrs F. Baker. Mrs Alfred Pitt left Wednes- es day to spend a few days in Fo William 'with Mrs Ketchen. Jimmie Baker returned to Ig 8 his home in after spending the holid his grandpar ents in Mrs W of Oxdriit among hs whe Wednesday. A. Henderson, manager of the Oxdrift Trading Company, was a business visitor to Dryden Wed nesday. M. Zentil returned to Atikokan Monday, after spending 'Xma: with his family in Dryden. C. Collen, Wabigoon, was Town, Wednesday. Mrs Corneille returned home from Winnipeg, Monday night. Ralclifi, of the Public School staff rturned to Dryden on Sunday after holidaying in the risited Dryden 11 Mi 168 bt : : west. Christ, who is the Head of th { (Const. P. T. Hake accompanied Church. Emphasizing the fac patient to a Toronto hospital arly this week. A. Payne 1s the relieving agent at the: C.P.R. depot, during M. S. ampbell's absence, Mrs 'W.W. Howell, Minnitaki am Mond It is reported that Chas. Collcy has potchascd the Pidgeon sum mer home and farm at W abigoon. Mr Pidgeon, Wabigoon, was a business to Dryden, Tuesday. Alderman Whitehurst, of Ke: nora, passed through here Satur- day on his way to Fort William. Ted Curley left Friday to spend the weekend in Fort William. Miss Agnes Gordon and Miss a ay 1h Austa Nicholson, of kheewaun passed through here Sunday o their way to attend Norma School at North Bay. Mrs Gabrielson and baby from. ignace arc joo guests of Mr ane 1201-01 LAKE rank Schoonenberg, 1 business Waldhoi to Dryden visitor a. onnell, teacher Vy, was the guest ( : Q : 1 MTS hite, L een the guests of < 3 il \ 1 ipbell and Allan « I to Dryden after s holidays with the latt Mr and Mrs Fo M. Of Brandon, Man. Ponton, \Wabigoon, We Dryden, Wednesday. [.. Taylor, Kenora, spent the weekend in Town. Jas. ness to Fort Alfred Pitt returned Saturd after spending a few days in Fort Nilliam. Mr and Mrs J. Duncan, Ignace, Dryden, Werl- n ne day. Mis Marguerite Morris le Monday to resume her duties as a teacher at Transcona school. Mr and Mrs M. S. Campbell €it ind Montreal. an enjovable holiday spent in the west. Meeting Postponed--- The meeting advertised by the [\W.I. to he held in the Town Hall, 12, has St Luke's Congregational Meect- ing will be held in the Parish Hall. Tuesday evening, January 11th,! 1927, at eight o'clock p-m. | poned, on Wed., Jan. been post owing to the fact that the Tall is not available for that ,cvening: Winterbottom was a busi-! William last week.} left on an extended trip to Ottawa Misses Mary and Beth Gardiner returned to Dryden, Friday after Dryden Midgets Visit Ignace. The Dryden Midget Hockey Team played Ignace on New Year's Day, before a great crowd of excited fans, in what was one of the best games ever witnessed by an Ignace audience. The game was a real thriller, filled with great hockey, mixed in with combinations, work, and ills, and was played in like style, only s being handed out. po eric opened fast and with each team having a 1ve-: _and-take" edge. After minutes of play, Ken Kerney scored from close-in. The ignace lads redoubled their afforts but for the remainder the peroid the Drydenites held defensive play. The second period started still Mike Louttit, on a pass George Gough, scored th first tally during'this peroid. T! Ignace boys were not to be out- done, and L. Contini passing the defence scored one of the most amazing goals during the game. Bud Thompson, a few minutes later, tied the score, which ended 2-2. The third peroid started with a clash, both teams "showing the strain of the first two fast periods. Mike Louttit, scored on a pass from Ken Kerney, and after going in for the rebound, found the net once more. With three minutes to go the Ignace boys quickened their pace and Johnny Davies scored in a scramble in front of their opponents net. A minute or so later, L.. Contini with Matt \Wren, playing a splendid combin- ation, passed the defence and scored the tying goal. The lads then decided to breal the score, and after a ten-minute solo of faster. irom overtime failed to do so, having to 20 an extra ten minutes, with the results, that despite the shots directed at the goal-keepers, ail were in vain. Ignace-- Clavetts, Thompson, J. Davies, forwards P. 1. Contimi, Mi Wrer: Bud Thomson. forwards. Eat Sherwood, . Wright, A. Millian defence . Louttit, K. & G. Gougl vard goal; Bob Fapsey, < >: { ti 3 | -- = oo t BOR A i Cr i H a} ry 6th, 1927 f Rev. Mrs Smi i i an Si H ---------------- i iSTAR POCL ROOM & BAR the Treidmar ,, clean, comfortable p with excellent Pool and Billiard "Tables. BARBER SHOP We ask you to give us a trial in 1 the new Barber Shop Highest Class Work. AR A TD 4 We cater especially to Country trade, and invite you to call in when in town. f.adies and Children-- --Special Attention. HUTZAL, Mgr 1 January Sales are the order of he day just now = Most of the ocal stores are advertising them this week. + 1 l District News OXDRIFT, Ont.,, Dec. 29.--The resi- dents of Glengoland at the ratepayers' annual Meeting held in the School- house on Monday, December 29, desire to extend to Mr and Mrs J. A. Crerar and family their heart-felt and sincere sympa hy in their recent bereavement and sorrow.--J. TUCKEY, Sec.-Treas. Mr and Mrs Adams returned home Wednesday, from spending the holidays with their daughter in Port Arthur. Mr and Mrs A. Browning spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs Cameron, at Osaquan. Miss M. McGonegal returned to North Bay, Saturday. Miss Myrtle Crosier returned to Kenora after spending the holi- days with her parents. BORN---On Januaryy 2nd, 1927, to Mr and Mrs W. McTav ish, a son. ETON--RUGBY---Miss M. Mec- Donald has resumed - her duties, after spending Xmas in Quibeli, the guest of her sister and brothe: inlaw, Mr and Mrs C. Williams, and her New Year in Dryden, the guest of Mrs Dan Wright. On December 14th, 1926, to M: and Mrs E. Lundin, a daughter. On December 18th, 1926, to M: and Mss R. Asplund, a daught- er. Eton-Rugby School Report-- Jr. III --E. Asplund, S. Nord lund, W. Wickander, W. Asplund, T. Hawkeness, W. Miles, H. Alice Mohr. Jr. 1I1.--M. Asplund, G. Wick ander, L.. Strawarski, E. Stenberg, A. Haude, H. Hawkeness. FE Currie, S. Mike. Sr. I.E. Miles, F. Stawarski, F. McKee, A. Nordlund. Jr. I.--E. Larson, A. Jackson H. Hawkeness, E. Potter, J. Pot ter, S. Stawarski. Pri N. al Ss. M Wainwrigt, Asplund, J. Wainwright, R. Oste lang Syne" just as the ¢ Year came in. Dancing i r this and when the lar ended a Lous of hot vervone went home | in a i 1 after a mos H le | DYMENT--The annual Christ mas tree and entertainment for the children, was held in th¢ man. M. J. M"DONALD, teacher. W ABIGOON--On Eve the voung people's the at a Social Fred Aar the Club New Year's Club were given by Secretary. £1 uests on, Forty were present and a highly time was -onvivial spent, with TAKI -- The Canadian Legior Year's Dance in the choolhouse on F rida; From start tne exceilent cd Dy Anderson 1. eC 11 g was looked t 1 the Vets, even to the of { At the stroke all joined hands and sang Dyment schoolhouse last Friday evening. The young and old folk filled the house to capacity when | acted a: Mr. J. McCracken, who chairman for the evening took the chair: ing, a int sound of slei bells was heard coming nearer nearer, till finally in walked Santa \ with a well-filled sack on his back and his fine old face and beard glistening with the fros He received a most hearty wel- come from all present and as he opened his sack he-cast man admiring glances at the beauti- fully decorated Christmas tree, 1¢ | (8% o.c.) per cent per annum, payable Oxdrifi | '| INo, he is buying a too i the lunch was a real! Sede ly as he was speak | f which he proclaimed to be a beauty, with the dozens of light- ed candles. Each child was called forward and presented with a present irom Santa, even the little ones who were absent were not forgotten. He also remembered the older folk too, and made sure that everyone received a gift. Santa then bade good bye to all and after being wished a pleas- ant journey, departed. Dancing commenced to music supplied by- the settlers, which was of a very high order. Several ladies and gentlemen also con- tributed songs and dances. Dy- ment has every reason to be proud of its entertainers. After a most enjoyable evening, every one went home delighted Father Christmas comes tc ment once a year anyway. Dy -- The January issue of Rod and Gun, contains a most interesting two-page story of a fishing trip on Little Vermillion Lake, about seven miles from Sioux Lookout The writer is Alan M. Langstait, who spent a holiday at Kenneally Lodge, there last summer. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm Lands. PURSUANT to the powers of sale contained in a mortgage or charge, which will be produced at the time oi sale, there will be offered for Sale by Public Auction at the Central Iiotel, in the Town of Dryden in the District of Kenora on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of January 1927, at two o'clock in the afternoon, tiie following property; namely: The south twenty-five (25) chains of let namber five (5) in the First Conces- zion of the Township of Wainwright, in tne District of Kenora, containing 100 acres. The property is situate within one mile of the Town of Dry- Zen and 1t is said there are about fifty- five (55) acres clear and under cultiva- ion and a frame house, also a frame staole and a log stable on the premises. The property will be offered for sale cubject to a reserve bid. Terms: Ten percent cash and a further twenty per cent within thirty days after the sale, and the balance secured by first mortgage on the property with bar of lower, if necessary, payable in five I annual instalments with interest whole unpaid principal at eight th each instalment as each instal- at becomes due; or the purchaser at option may pay the whole purchase ice at the time of sale or within "ty days thereafter. "or further particulars apply to VID ROBERTSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Walkerton, Ont., or J. . GIBSON, Dryden, Ont. NTINE JOHNSTON, Auctioneer. © A} is he buying a thumb brush? our Tooth Brush is safe from Thumb Brush- ers--if you use the brush that polishes as it cleang-- Dee || "OOTHE BRUSH "terilized and Sealed for your pr { There's a Dr. West's Tooth Brush for every member of the family: » Child's, 25¢ Youth's, 35¢ Adult's...... | | Dryden Pharmacy

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