Fad aa . 3 = . 3 . | = ~ THE DRYDEN OBSERVEK Ce : Eas 7 wa ---- _ ote pcm ox Gough's Confectionery Da lf a iN ie ----_--_"--"--"_-""_] NOTICE TO FARMERS We are now booking Orders for LAND PLASTER. Have Your in early and save disap- : PERIES, Five lor... i ci, 25¢. prottiaent, Price $13.00 per - ESKIMO PIES, Five for. ............ CHE TL ton oil car. Sq iu are I Sto re ICE CREAM BRICKS, each ..........cov: soc. DRYDENJUMBERCO 14. ASSORTED FLAVOURS. = During February We Take Stock PANARRAS 2 confidently hope, i 2 FRESH FRUITS, AND CONF We Carry a Full Line of NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN the matter of JOHN McKAY, of the Town of Dryedn, in the District of Kenora, Merchant, and In the matter of The Bulk Sales Act. TAKE NOTICE that John McKay, of and VEGETABLES ECTIONERY the Town of Dryden, in the District of - Kenora, merchant, has made sale of ¢ his stock-in-trade to Ormond H. Prong- "er, of Dryden, Ont., merchant, and that 1 am appointed Trustee under the Provisions of the Bulk Sales Act. All persons claiming to rank on this Estate, must file their claims duly proven with me, on or before the Second day of March, A.D., 1927, after which date I will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard to those claims only of which I have then had notice. Dated this Second day of February, A.D. 1927. ALBERT J. LOCK, Trustee, T. C. CORNEILLE, Prop. Dryden, Ontario. WE ADVERTISED DURING Agents for-- CANADA LLAST SUMMER AT INTER- KODAKS and SUPPLIES PROVINCE OF MANITOBA WE Are Just Taking Our Stock Now : 3 TS MITTENT TIMES, THE FACT NEILSON'S CHOCOLATE THE REAL PROPERTY ACT. $ Ty be uP 2 PRI JE> OF HAVING PURCHASED . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on FURNITURE POLICE COURT NEWS. |the other and let the Magistrate de- or before the Twenty-first day of Febr- and we ; 3 cide who really won, When the ayy, A.D. 1927, I will, upon the regis- at Self-respecting Prices, Last Friday morning, Magistrate R.]charges were read over each ong, throu' tration of a dealing affecting the land : thie Shor aE H. Pronger held court at the Town |their counsel entered a plead of "Not hereinafter mentioned, dispense with meaning by this that we felt none Hall, Dryden. Nick Issac, Mrs Annie} Guilty," upon all evidence being enter- {je production of Certificate of Title have could have gone to the market under better conditions than we did, for a purchase of between two and three thousand dollars. BEST POSSIBLE LAID DOWN COST, ONE FACTOR PRACTICALLY NO SELLING peg Land Titles Office, as No. 753: A OVERHEAD which certificate it is alleged has been : Clothing # ANOTHER. lost or destroyed. : We stated then, that we thought the requirements of this com- munity about one large car- load yearly. We have taken stock, and we find that we have enough left to make a fairly good Issae, Mrs Annie Melnik and Mrs Lena Letwin appeared before his worship to answer charges of Common Assauit, against each of them. From the evid- ence it would appear that on New Year's Day, things being rather dull {around Osaquan, the Issac's on one side and Mrs Letwin and Melnik on the other, decided to liven things up a little sticks and hands weapons. After all was over each faction decided to lay charges against "ihe Rae li i - Strand ed, the Magistrate, owing to the fact that the evidence of each side being so contradictory, was unable to believe which side was really telling the truth and after giving them a good talking to and a warning not to appear before the court again, dismissed all the cases after ordering each party to pay his or her share of the costs of the court. E. by staging an old-tyme contest, where | C. Popham, Kenora, was present on be- were the onlyjhalf of his clients Mr and Mrs Issac, and J. D. O'Neill for Mrs Melnik and Mrs Letwin. Friday -- and HENERY Don't Fail to See Saturday "The Unknown Soldier" : WITH CHARLES EMMET MACK, MARGUERITE DE La MOTTE} B. WALTHALL This Wonderful Picture No. 364623 issued from the Land Titles Office, Whhnepeg, in the name of William Frederick Liddle, of the City of Winnipeg, in Manitoba, Real Estate Agent, as registered owner of the following land, namely :-- In the City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, being in ac- cordance with the Special Survey of said City and being the South half of Lot Fourteen, in Block Two, which lot is shown on a Plan of Survey of part of Lot Eleven "A" of the Parish of St. John, registered in the Winni- Dated at the Land Titles Office at Winnipeg, this Thirty-first day of January, A.D. 1927. (Signed) E. A. PRIDHAM, Deputy District Registrar, For SEWING, FANCY WORK AND KNITTING, See-- Mrs DAGG, Queen Street. Drvden United Church 11 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. Several Lines of Winter and Footwear which we are oh dy-- "A FLIVVER'S VACATION" 7 p.m.--Public Worship : FEBRUARY SALE NW : Comedy Fa Call to an Immense Task» | pitting out for Monday in > Tuesday Will all who have books from the Libr- Next week we hope to be able to And we that you will Advertise every detail. help us, clean up to the last stick. Tulips, at $2.00 per dozen. Orders may be given Saturday. i TOM MIX "The Canyon of Light" . Coming--"THR OH, THE CHEA WEEKLY § English Porcelain, English Navy. Anchor & Crown Pattern. Never seen in Dryden before. "The Poney Express" Just as Good as The Covered Wagon EE BAD MEN WHAT A SHOW P BAZAAR TORE NEWS Specially made for the Heavy made, and will ary, please return 'them on Sunday. ~~ --OXDRIFT-- 1.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 2.45 p.m.--Public Worship. We extend a very hearty welcome to Subject--*"The Challenge of the Cross." ' Preacher--Mr C. KING, : You are cordially invited to all setvices R. A. SMITH, Rector. 'Drvden Baptist Churc 11.00 a.m.--Church and Bible Study. "Christian Stewardship." 2.30 p.m. Mission Band . 6.50 p.m. Song Services "Jesus at the Jordan." LORD'S SUPPER y TUESDAY, 8 p.m --B.Y.P.U. Mission- SUNDAY SCHOOL __..__.. 10.00 a.m. this week at real Low While in the Store Look Over our Secondhand Store for BOX STOVES, HEATERS also ONE BIG RANGE Practically as good as new for Less than Half Price. g 8 Comedy--"THE WIFE TAMER" all. hi IT WILL PAY YOU -- H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. -. : 2 Wednesday a Thursday : 3 f CARL DANE 'ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden : : p IN So umnaY, 8.00 p.m.--Intercession ri1ces La Rk a ervice. 4 TULIPS °s M O N T E c A R LL O ? (Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany) . i ly SUNDAY SCHOOL, 10.00 a.m. 4 We expect to have Monday morn- A Gorgeous itn of Paslion's Lure MORNING PRAYER, SERMON AND| IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK Comedy--THE KIND THAT KEEPS ONE LAUGHING. HOLY COMMUNION, 11.00 a.m. ing, February 7th, a large con- The Ladies will Enjoy Seeing This Film Subj:--"For to me to live is Christ." THEM OVER EE pt EN elf Si SO EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON signment of beautiful Darwin FRIDAY -- --SATURDAY 700 pa. se pres stand lots of wearing. HS ak ary Evening, in charge of Group 1. DON'T miss this opportunity. After these are sold we will not be { IHURSDAY, 8 p.m.--Midweek meet- able to secure any more. So come at once. ing for Prayer, Praise and Bible, ;00DS OF EVERY DESCRIP- COME INSIDE AND LOOK AROUND Study. We shall study Hebrew's, Cups and Saucers, per pair me a 208. chapter 4. TION BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7-in. vim, Soup Plates, each." ___.. i __. 95 E. G. BAXTER, Pastor. Sin. Dinner Plates, dach... oe a5 95, Corals, each ---- eer e200, ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH 2 Coupes, each 20c. Eagle River - oh : ; : FR : ° . ] FIRE ! FIRE ! STOP ! ? | MATTINS & SERMON __. 11.00 a.m. AL ED PITT, Limited ; If it happened to start at your house, could you stop it ? ? : Preacher--Mr C. KING. } { This is the last service at which Mr} H] § If not, come in and see us, SAFETY FIRST! 2 i & 3) 4 €, DRYDEN ONTARIO NEW SHIPMENT OF GOODS ARRIVED. « King will officiate, and it is hoped that} New and Second Hand Store. 4 . ! : . : § any will make a special effort for DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIG 1 NA AAAALIPAN PIPPIN § I pA mnah %, W. E. THORSEN & SON | worshipping God. a AIS SS