Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 11 Mar 1927, page 4

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Town of Dryden , TENDERS for scavenger and general : teamwork for the Town of Dryden, "will be received by the undersigned, 00ts until April 1st, 1927. Work to com- . mence on April 15th and continue for a period of six months. Tenders to be marked "Tenders for Scavenger, Ete." { Full particulars regarding contract can be obtained from Councillor M'Kay. 0 e é . Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Insurance, Real Estate S ALE and Accounting IF you want to know the true . a a value of a Life Insurance Policy, A Delicious ask the widow, who, through the thoughtfulness of her husband, Wholesome continues to receive every month a cheque equal to what she used ; ot 3 to get when he was alive and > F : 2) Confection working. Are your wife and > O00 5 children assured of comfort in the Cc Ih event of an unforseen tragedy, or - are you leaving them to rustle for : themselves, and most likely go a 3 d 4 short of bare necessities? THINK ABOUT IT! We hear time after time "we never read the paper" ; : =r ; H O ES and we wonder whose loss this is, ours or theirs. Full Line of-- : A J. LOCK at TH SquarePStore \ The Second Number of A Prospective Series of Advertising Talks pe We are putting out 3500 pair AS we anticipated last week, it is our intention to make ; this column interesting, not alone because of the scintilla- tion it may give forth, but because it will pay you, THE READER. There are two classes of people in the District about evenly divided. Those who get the Dryden Paper, and read it, and we presume the adverusements, and those who do not know such a thing exists. FRESH FRUITS And VEGETABLES - We frequently see goods brought into town, that we Hor the Webren Hunting," Trappers and Radio stock, & that we know we sell cheaper thanthe catalogue FRESH STRAWBERRIES : License Issued. your disposal, and at prices house. This is terribly unfortunate from two standpoints Office Phone, 20 R-2-- " - S that you will never buy th our loss of volume and profit and the purchasers loss of i -- House 20 R-3 you wir ney uy them money, because we scarcely conceive the purchaser will Ce : at again, neither could we, but deliberately throw away money, out of intense dislike to § ough's Confectionery SOUTH TH E fo 4 as one of the Wholesales gave > --SOUTH END CERY-- ourselves or the other stores. Surely it is ignorance and up their business, we bought nothing else. 1. C. CO RNE! LLE, Prop. Therefore we hope and purpose to do all in our A ts f Oranges, per doz. .42 & 58c. according | lines at 55 cents on the dollar. power to show that the Merchants of this District, our- gents 70r-- to Slee, | We sre puting some of these selves naturally included, are very much alive, and asking KODAKS and SUPPLIES No. 1 Creamery Butter, Ib __.__.... 47 - . 1° . 1 : : Clark's Pork & Beans, medium size shoes out in the window, also no favors of sentiment or non-business reasons. NEII SON"S 3 > IESE a stile CHOCOLATES pertin ooo oJ 15 Salada, Melrose, Red Rose, Blue Formerl v McKay. . \ (Formerly owned by MeRay) their entire stock of staple marking the prices. You can see what you have been pay- Ribbon Tea, per Tb ____ .70 "TWELVE OLD MAIDS/' |will be enjoyed by all who will be at! yard, per 1b .19¢ ing for them, and what they We Have Several Things to Offer This Week-- Next Tuesday night, March 15, "The the Community Hall next Tuesday.. |Regular 35c. Sodas for --._.._...__ .29 are worth Rov 600 doz. Oranges, fresh, juicy and sweet, 3 doz. for $1.00 3 I Twelve Old Maids" will be presented by | Who are the Twelve Old Maids of | Brooms, each 49 Tre 2 : > | local talent of Oxdrift in the Oxdrift Oxdrift??? Youll never guess. If Canned Corn, Standard, per tin .16 se Eins fs the Orange season, They are st thelr best, Ones Community Hall. This play was put, you don't laugh' good and plenty--it's : Rice, three Ibs for __..__..._..._.__ 25 MEN'S WORK BOOTS, -a year ten or twelve dozen Oranges are not on : on by a number of Dryden Ladies sone) becanse you are not there. All 45c. Biscuits reduced to .39 a Ib. : much to have in the house, for the children and | PL on Werks aps oA wos Vor well bo. SEIT: you are Willing te pas dash #nd Black Elk, with double your own healths sake. fceived, and the ladies of Oxdrift have fearry your goods, this is the place to vamp. This is a shoe that been working very hard to make it a For Sale--BALED TIMOTHY HAY. come to save money. won't go hard, and will give 7 fsuccess. g Apply Starting from Monday you will notice It's a clean and humorous play, and] R. H. PRONGER, Dryden. the change in prices. IVY PRONGER, Mgr. A ie you extra good wear. Reg- Recleaned Oats and Wheat-- Samples in the store. Strong and virile grain on the surface--of course not tested. Oats, $1.10 a bushel and Wheat, $2.10 a bushel. For this we are taking orders during the month of March. price $4.50. Drvden United Church Sale Price. :...). = $2.05 Ia I ems | 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship. in all sizes, from 6 to 11. -- Wwm--| Christ put several questions to his 4 : followers while he was with them and those questions are worth putting to MEN'S DRESS BOOTS, ourselves, and especially as we ap- : : ak Sat wwrda ; : : ee ye Bull Dog, Pointed and In the Dry Goods Section we are literally loaded down Friday 3 ; uy y : 4 a 04 ni Se square toes Black and With 2ew goods We Specially mention new Volles and "Never The Tw an Sh all Meet some of the questions Christ asked. Prints. We have seven shades of Crepe de Chine, Brown. All sizes, from 6 : ; i First-- ""It not life more than meat beautifully lustred and only $1.50 per yard. A Peter B. Ein Sony, with - yh 29 : 5 ANITA STEWART, BERT LYTELL, HUNTLY GORDON 2d the body than raiment? to 11. Regular price $4.50. : We have made our after Stock-taking cull of all Silk and JUSTINE JOHNSTONE ay i IDs tan Sale Price .......... $205 tocki d we h ! i goxmpsand we hoke assorted fies io two lots NEWS... Comedy--"GOLF WIDOWS." that all ministers speak on our mission --_-- Lot 2 yalues .75..«--For Sale at .............. .43 pair. S-- work in India. This is our Central BOYS BOOTS gene ForSaleat .. iiin.in.. 1.00 pair. India Mission Jubilee. Let us think , Tok ey » S lal ¥ b : Monday Er Tuesday especially of our mission work in that from sizes 1 to 5. Just the ot 2 value .75. Or Dale at one nns. uiiy, 43 pair ! | great part of our Empire. shoe ' 3 . . you're looking for. A Then we have two lines of Aprons, clearing at .39 & .59 Sir John Martin=-Harvey OXDRIFT : good strong Boot, which we IN 1:45 p.m.--Sunday School 2:45 p.m.--Public Worship. sold regular for $2.95. 7 b 3 T he Only Way ) We welcome you to all services. Sale Price... 7... $2.25 Adapted from the famous novel, by Charles Dickens H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. Nel "A Tale of Two Cities." oe yt ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden We Also Just Received another Comedy--""UNCLE TOM'S UNCLE. SATURDAY, 8.00 p.m.--Intercession | shipment of MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES Scarcely ever before have we had the range of new Dress Boots and Oxfords, that we are now showing. Every- thing is guaranteed quality and the prices priced at Pitt ; Service profit. 2 : Wednesday ee Thurscay (Second Sunday in Lent) LADIES OXFORDS 'ew of These Lines are :-- : , 10: Boel : The BEST PICTURE MARY PICKFORD EVER MADE |Sunday School, 10:00 am. 4ND SLIPPERS ar 58 Oe prowi, fancy trimmed, wide fitter, Litt A ; R 3 Morning Tire Liteny and Sermon, which we will put out at atest flexible box toe. Pri .50. 4 $Y am. . : Moris - Rotor Fice 36:50 1ttle nnie ooney Subject--"The Cross Redemption" Reasonable Prices. Mars Oxfords--Black, the latest style, and a good fitter. It's a great Show for the Children, Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7 :00 p.m. ' Price $6.50. It's a great Show for the Grown-ups. Subject--"The Cross--Surrender." § We are sorry we cannot state the Just Oxfords--Brown and Black. Price $5.50. For a positive wonder it will be shown at the REGULAR PRICE | © i" Keenites will attend this § prices on Ladies Slippers and Marsh medium Boot--Ileather lined, Panco Sole, Good- Oxfords, as we are just now WEDNESDAY, March 16th THE CHEAP B AZAAR Children's Service, 4:30 p.m. checking over the order. year welt in brown only. A real boot for spring. Price $8.00. Evening Prayer & Sermon, 8:00 p.m. WEEKLY STORE NEWS Subject--"Repentance" ; Get all your supply of Footwear Two Very Special on the Men's Side-- OUR STORE MAKES ITS LAST PRICES FIRST! THAT'S WHY! : You are cordially invited to attend all ; now, as this sale only lasts GARTERS assorted and RUBBER BELTS Glass Nest E Nyaa s 05 i {until ch tadverti t s Nest Eggs, ] o { unt: nge rertis ; Brown, Black and Gray, only ......... 19 pe ba She on a5 R. A. SMITH, Rector. i change of advertisemen 7 . 2 . --- e---- i Chicken Feeders (very handy) .._.. 25 . Any Boots, or Shoes taken home Enamelled Pudding Pans, all sizes, from bi .20 Drvden B ap tist. Chur ch i 23 : - 3 " Cooking Kettles, _... .20 to 25 11 a.m.--Church and Bible School 1f not satisfactory, bring them P.S--Thanks for your attention, please pass the good » Saucepans 20 to .25 "Christian Missions." back, money will be refunded news to your friend who doesn't take the paper. » _ Basting Spoons eri 18 2.50; piu~--Mission Band. Soap Dishes oy 25 6.50 p.m.--Song Service 5 Wash Basin 25 "Jesus the Vine" ws Cups 15 TUESDAY, 7.30 p.m.-- Ilustratad : ~~ pi Mugs 25 : lecture on Mission Work in India, : § : -- | Come and see our new stock in' ENAMEL WARE, Coffee Pots, Dish showing 45 lantern slides, will be 8 ALFRED PIT o . Pans, all sizes; Bread Mixing Pans, white; Large Wash Basin, given by the pastor. § 3 T, Limited Chambers, Special Whitewear. THURSDAY, 8 p.m.--Regular Weekly New and Second Hand Store. : i All our prices is about 25 p.c. below the market today. Take a Prayer Meeting. We shall study GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIP- DRYDEN ONTARIO look at our windows, then you can see for yourself. Hebrews 8. { TION BOUGHT AND SOLD We will be glad to welcome new and old friends to all these services. | DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIG | W. E. THORSEN & SON bo aa}

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