E----_-- Pr = THE SquarePStore EE Miss KATHLEEN WILKINSON wins the prize for iast weeks contest. : We send her a cheque for $2.00. And because Vendle Moline and Roy Lundmark have honourable mention, we send them a cheque for $1.00 each. * Kathleen Wilkinson shows a little touch of literary imagination. She says: -- "Your Easter advertisement about Eggs caused me to buy some at 30c. I was only able to eat four, but as I had a bet with Dad, managed to eat five chocolate ones, so beat him with these. Seeing me look pale the next day, the rooster said "Pitt's are best." AGAIN THIS WEEK THIS STORE HAS SEVERAL ITEMS OF SUPREME TTI TEREST-- A Showroom full of China & Glassware, at $1.00 each. This contains among other things 7 piece China Berry Set, consisting of 1 Bowl and 6 Fruits. One time price, $2.50. Now i ..o ve es $1.00 Flower Pots, in all sizes. Crocks from 1 to 10 gallons. These crocks are 30 per gallon, up to 6 gallon Thetoigallon costs... vi oo vi $4.00 These large crocks are something new, we have bcen asked for them but never carried them. These are just the very thing for pickling any eggs. We have nearly a dozen Bed Springs, we want to sell 100 Coil in 4.0 and4:0, clear at. oor $5.50 1 Only Slumber King, 4.6, clear ati ............ 9.00 2 only Hollow Cable, 4.6 clear at ...7. 5. vents 9-00 Nd IN THE DRY GOODS-- All sizes Childs White Hose Supporters, special 19c. White Rubber Diapers, full sizes, good & strong, Special TN Tr Tr TU SS SE TEI SE I A lovely assortment of Wicker Flower Baskets, just what you want with the Flower season coming on From oe icin, 75s 0 520 IN THE GROCERY-- New Maple Syrup Pint Bottles .........coeeenunsn, 45¢. 32ozDottles:. .".. ~~. 0 8oc. Ouart Tine 5.0... 85c. # Lowallon Tins ........-=~ + $1.60 34 gallon Tins ............... 2.00 es . Tr VERY SPECIAL-- Wrapped Apples in splendid condition, only $2.30 per box. : We find ourselves with about 100 boxes more than we think safe. The jalbbers price for these Apples is $2.75 in Winnipeg, and these apples would cost us over $3.00 laid down. Notwithstanding this we are giving anyone an oppot- tunity to buy at $2.50. i you put these apples after preserving in sealers it 1s an excellent idea for the summer months. WRAPPED APPLES, $2.50 Per BOX. a } ineD PIT, Lomi ONTARIO DRYDEN i { Receives Promotion-- Provincial Police Headquarters, atj %, Port Arthur have announced that Prov. "Const. Hake will be transferred to that city where he will be promoted to the rank of sergeant, Mr and Mrs Hake will leave for Port Arthur about the first of May. It is not yet known who will be Constable Hake's successor. Cin SEL Coming Events-- night (Friday). April 27 and 28th, Friday, May 6th. Sa on AT ICE CREAM, FRESH STRAWBERRIES, 3 Ripe TOMATOES CELERY, Ripe BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT EXTRA LARGE CAULIFLOWERS SWEET POTATOES CARROTS and CABBAGE. NEW POTATOES New C. T WEEKLY STORE NEWS SPRING----SPECIALS----SPRING arrived. 2 y and also for your children. Ladies Hat Forms, all sizes, each FRESH CREAM Band Dance, in the Town Hall, to- | «Yokohama Maid" to be presented by St. Luke's Girls Guild, at the Strand Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday, Concert and Dance in Britton School, SNF Sane DAILY HEAD LETTUCE, LEMONS 3 Gough's Confectionery ; CORNEILLE, Prop. THE CHEAP BAZAAR Our new shipment of HAT FORMS & FLOWERS has So here is your opportunity to make yourself a new hat 25¢, Childrens Hat Forms, all sizes, each 25¢. Hat Flowers, assorted, each 25¢. Hat Linings, black or white, each _ FLOWERS--Special for childrens Hats, each 20c. 15c. Come in Now and Select your Hat. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED We have just received See our ENAMEL WARE in the Window when down town. our PAINT SHIPMENT Vaccination i By Nurse Osborne 'EVERY child born within the province shall within three months after birth be vaccinated by a qualified medical practitioner or by a person appointed by a Municipal Council for that purpose." : This is the Vaccination Act now in force in our province. The law is wise, being based on scientific principles, i backed up by the experience of th: i most learned sanitarians of all eiviliz- ! ed nations. The infants and children {in this province should be protected by vaccination. How many are? One hundred years ago small pox was a very common disease. As many as 400,000 died of it every year. In addition many who had it and surviv- ed were disfiguered by the scars left by the disease. Poor people and princes alike had the disease. It is one of the first discases against which man learned to protect himself by training his body to produce its owa immunity. Immunity is freedom froin possibilitiy of catching diseases. Edward Jenner, an Englishman made the wonderful discovery that the body could be made immune against this i terrible disease. It was during a visit to the house of a friend in conver- 'sation with a dairy maid he learnsd "che had taken cow pox to protect her- self. He decided to investigate and ex- periment by taking some of the cow pox material from the girl and trans- ferred it to the arm of a boy. - This was carefully planned and watched many times until he was convinced of the result. Since that time a great many changes and improvements have taken place in the method of the prep- aration and today the vaccine is purifi- ed when ready for use. The great saving of life from small ! pox has been due to vaccination and re- | vaccination, and compulsery laws are i now in force in Germany, France, Italy, Japan and England. It has heen found that in most people one vaccination does not protect against small pox for life, so that it is better for everyone to be vaccinated in early { infancy and again on entering school. te 3 aE a = > ds | SPR ee JR ¥ IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR MOTHER, Mrs THOS. NEILL WHO PASSED AWAY APRIL 19th, 1919. She has gone--She has gone Where she knows no sorrow. She was with us at night And in heaven on the morrow. To part with our mother Was a trial severe But it better that she Should be yonder, than here, -- Inserted by her loving daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs E. Harris. : Wabigoon, Ontario: BORN--At Dryden, Ont., oa Tuesday, April 21st, to Mr and Mrs C. H. Wright, a son, BORN--At Dryden Red Cross Hospi- J tal, to Mr and Mrs H. Wintle, a son. Prov. Const. Hake had A. Kettnien, Quibell, before magistrate Pronger, on saulting F. Spelman. The accused was fined guilty and fined $10.00 and § costs, or 30 days in Kenora goal. Fine and costs paid. TOWN OF DRYDEN FOR SALE OR RENT--Tenders will be received by the undersigned until W. E THORSEN & SON Ni \ N\ She os Kodak Film ETN pny Nn Z NSS WM Your size is here. rolls--then you're sure of the pictures want. is the dependable film in the yellow box. makes the most of your exposures. Autographic Kodaks from 85 up Brownies from $2.25 up (ough's Confectionery MPR N for the Trip Better take a few extra And you're sure of results--for Kodak Film Our developing and printing is the quality kind that you'll May 1st, for the sale or renting of the i property in North Dryden, known as ' the Gordon Property. The highest or 'any tender not necessarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. 'Drvden United Church 11 a.m.--Sunday School & Bible Class 7 p:m:--Evening Service The local Lodge of Oddfellows will parade to our and this will be a special i ton of that society. service commemorating the organiza- The session of our church extends a very cordial welcome to the Oddfellows to worship with us at this time. OXDRIFT 1:45 p.m.--Sunday School 2:45 p.m.--Public Worship Following the regular service the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. You are always welcome at every service. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. | 'ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden § SATURDAY, 8 = service { SUNDAY--First Sunday after Easter : Sunday School 10 a.m. { Morning Prayer & Sermon 11 am. } Subj:--"Foundation Truths." { Evening Prayer & Sermon, 7 p.m. i Subj:--"The Words of Jesus." { You are cer dially invited to all services. I. A. SMITH, Rector. [sey rvden Baptist Church 1 a.m.--Church & Bible School p.m.--Intercession Ab vo ligt Thursday, April 21, charged with as-} IF you are in need of-- COOK STOVE or RANGE See us first as we have a good selection of the best makes, such as McClary's, Canada Pride. Columbia, and Some are practically as good as new. "We also have a few SEWING MACHINES, Each Machine is guaranteed to be in Could be tried in Singers and other makes. good shape. the store. From $5.00 Up. You will also find other good selections in SECOND HAND FURNITURE DINING TABLES ROUND AND SQUARE KITCHEN TABLES DINING CHAIRS KITCHEN CHAIRS ARM AND ROCKING CHAIRS BUFFETS, BED-ROOM DRESSERS WASH STANDS Second hand BEDSTEADS SPRINGS : MATTRESSES In All Sizes, BEDSTEADS, in all Ses Complete from $5.00 up: COUCH & MATTRESS, BABY CARRIAGES, GO-CARTS BICYCLES One Good SEPARATOR --X--X--X--X-- We are well prepared for the The Spring Trade, in the line of CLOTHING. If there is anything you need for Easter, come in and I.ook over our Stock. 1 2.30 p.m.--Mission Band : 6.50 p.m.--Song Service "The Great Commission." TUESDAY, 8 pm--B.Y.P.U: Group* III in charge. Subject "Rewards; in this present life." . THURSDAY 8 p.m.--Weekly Prayer: i Meeting. We shall conclude the study | of Hebrews. Read chapter 13. i } A hearty welcome is extended to all to come and worship with us. E. G. BAXTER, Pastor. A ------, mr. Name S, DAITER, New and' Second Hand Stace. GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION BOUGHT AND SOLD. DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIG