Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 27 Apr 1927, page 2

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Classified Kenora=Fort Frances : =| WANTED--A FEW BROOD HENS Highway Camp No. | . $ ar : ° Q Mrs McKELLAR, Brip g Us a erson S =]2714i28 Dryden = ® . ¥ ==. "To our Boss", By G. Greman, ii | WANTED-- MAID FOR GENERAL One of the Gang. YOUR FILMS i) ; Sn | housework --Apply to 3 & CHICKENS per db + onprass ori Bia ps TL Ic Mrs A. PITT, Dryden | Just 2a word on our Boss, I know i SMOT ANG ae a we BE a verywell, for = IOKED HAM, sliced, per Ib .............. 33 Bl WANTED-RELI/ ABLE MAN|A decent voung chap, as many i SHOULDERS of PORK, whole, per Ib ....... 16 gg] for farm work i il can tell to] ? > ; gt | October 31 if Grey eves, dark hair, & a healthy Development $ fl LAMB CHOPS, Ib ....onnnnnns sere ssaxessonn 23 => | red face Fs El 1, a ep ETT : Ll VEAL CHOPSID oo. ainsi isis de 23 Xi gl 2742 I'o match his physique of propor- i i Sven " tionate grace. EXCELLENT WORK AND QUICK SERVICE. i SPARE RIBS, 1b ..oneuueennn-n 5 B|TOR_SALE-AL oe Yea iic hand] y new condition.--Apply At work he 1s good and his h = . Nhe H SALT PORK, Wb ....... 4.5 SI RPL, 2 Mrs O. GANGLOFF, of men A Full Line of 2 271428 Vermilion Bay, Ont_| Is at it can be, just whenever KODAKS AND SUPPLIES. | Foe SAT ---- op © xd when. --Come in and Choose Yours. | py SS mt vane. HEIFER, 2| o, boys let us toast him to health tl kepada 30 i and to strength ££ EEE 172 ie And his name I'll disclose now is MANNII a hn is Gerald Spreng. , 2 eas or > ? = T HOR BALE Er Dar, ss FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : mmm | Room Suite (5 pieces), Steel Range, z 5k : For The Weekend Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Table and 6 CANADIAN NATIONAL «ies E er Chairs, Single Bed, Baby Crib, Baby RAILWAYS EARNINGS ¥ gE % | Cutter, Baby High Chair, Quebc| The gross earnings of the Canadiar 9 he Eid ave you one of our 9 Heater and Pipes, Wash Stand, Oii| National Railways for the week ended A Cloth.-- Apply | April 14, 1928, were $4,301 251.00, as oug S Onl Le 100CY | RN 3 > » - Home Plan Books . ¢& Mrs H. F. CAIRNS, |compared with $4,29628600 for the: 27/4/28 Dryden, Ont.|same week of 1927, an increase of J. O. GOUGH, Proprietor. Vrite Or Call for One -- It is Yours for the Asking NE 2 | 34 965.00. ial om Et Trois Lr all Som of TO LET -- THREE-ROOM SUITE,{ ' A yoy have in'mind a clear picture of a hazy potion above Dryden Dye Works, Water in -- he h vou inte 0 bu'd, you 'will ben chit i by seeing our the house, $8.00 per month.--Apply plans of Modern Homes. : 2 S. DAITER, Dryden. M. J. CROSIER With our years of experience as supplie i quality building ea, Gl Genoral Merchant materia tr 1 » in rk a plan may FOR SALE_HAY, AT THE BARN, : YT mean a life of contentment for you. $12.00 per ton. OXDRIFT, ONTARIO. |Sheriff's Sale of Lands for Arrears We supply Se rieelly everything for a Building, from base-. E, CURTIS, a iv Cand 64128 Dryden, Ont. Dealer in-- of School Taxes. 1 wiite {or our free ta Se rR BOOTS AXD SHOES, Call or write for our free estimate on your requirments. FOR SALE--_FOUR BOSTON POOL DRY GOODS. GROCERIES TOWNSHIP OF WABIGQON, DISTRICT OF KENORA tables, complete with balls and cues. H ARDW ARE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO { Dp vide Snap at $50.00 each FARM IMPLEMENTS nia 4 vden Un er 0. S. DAITER, Dryden. ] o Ea TOWNSHIP OF WABIGOON, DISTRICT OF KENORA F on Bua EXCHANGE FOR Aen for] EAA nl BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hands of the Chairman and RE PEE oes W. D. NEELY, FROST AND WOOD & Ses I of the Quibell Consolidated School Section, dated 31st : ; ay of January, 1928, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands here- SL : RELI Lar eA 2tp. Oxdrift, Ont.} COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS inafter described for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon together eat LLE HEE FE EHH EHH BEE EE HH EH EH HE a x with the costs incurred, I hereby give notice that pursuant to the Assess- ; E ment Act, I shall on THURSDAY the 14th day of June, 1928 at the hour E a 0 I = : of ELEVEN O'Clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff's Office in the Town of E AX { ya Specia 2 THE Kenora, in the District of Kenora proceed to sell by Public Auction so much - = = ™ of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears = / g E and charges thereon unless such arrears and charges shall have been sooner 'Warm Weather Needs : TA AU , Ly Lp a e : 1 hd LO x. 5 Z EW SUMMER DRESSES Ei §) 4 le g NEW S 1 £| xp Op 4 = i 2 2 3 ow vam | RING TY 1 11! 7H = v , AER" =| : § br 5 7 =i ] "> = = 8 i HE Li ATERIAL Z| = Mp = 3 B13 o 4 S$ 3 ] S FE NEW LINGERIE = A Asikainen, N1411 4 160 1924-5-6 $62:48 $6:04 $68:52 ptd = Small Boys' WASH SUITS, COATS = A Asikainen, N1512 4 160 1924-5-6 64:18 6:21 70:39 ptd ES % PULLOVER SWEATERS = OW, when all hin is H Asikainen, SW% 11 4 80 1924-5-6 31:23 3:01 34:24 ptd E as : = donning new and festive FV Crawley, S14 8 5 140 1924-5-6 71:41 6:91 78:23 un ptd x 5 > > 2 garb, when the whole world is = FV Crawley, NE% 8 5 70 1924-5-6 64:63 6:23 70:86 un ptd 2 At Unusually Attractive Prices 2, vibrant with life and color, when READY Mrs Exe Couture, SW% 9 6 70 1024:5-6 70:18 7:65 86:83 Ptd = Ei new beauties spring up all around FOR Mrs Exe Couture, NE 10 6 76 1924-5-6 22:31 2:17 24:48 ptd . i : E | pringup PROWAPT P K Kupainen, S143 8 140 1924-56 57:75 5:59 63:34 ptd E : | us . . . DELIVERY R E C Milling, S147 4 132 1924-5-6 58:56 5:67 64:23 un ptd = & 4 (za tes =| Now, more than ever, people are -- J B Paradis, N54 4 153 1924-5-6 68:11 6:59 74:70 un ptd 3 © '@ BR turning to the car that carries Vide saad tle 4m ames ste Sor OTATENER = =| the spirit of the Springtime . . . Be AV RA RE En the "Bigger and Better" Chev- deceased S147 6 120 1924-5-6 62:48 6:06 68:54 ptd AAR CETTE Poin rolet, Dated at the Sheriff's Officé Now, nove Chan ever, you will at the Town of Kenora, in the JOHN W, HUMBLE, EERO) GED) CTD (CED (ED SHE (RED (ETI (CRED (GE EES Province of Kenora, this 21st Sheriff of the District of Fo GEO a delight i in the thrill of your first day of Febraary, 21098, Kors 3 ha around . 5 A's You Please 8 ride in this luxurious, low-priced _ , f the Corner i. --help yourself § car. : rom Frit --Ask the Clerk j Go to your Chevrolet Dealer! Let 1 d Everywhere ~Telephons i y him arrange a demonstration for ; B ou. Get behind the wheel of the | CHAIN STORES | you Gerbehindthewheetofs ¢ - ; | igger and Better evrolet. i O: H: PRONGER, Proprietor i Feel the happy miles sweep past : 5! with ease and smoothness, and ~ WwW = ! G i T' S | | | share the care-free, joyous spirit y MARMALADE---Orange, Smith's; 4-1b tins ---- oem 52g of the Spring. J on ---------- TL Bho é § FAISING- 21h pits, SORMIONS mmm hominem 32 j | rym ; HB CORII- -Ked & White, Crosby, per tin __ i . 8 : Jjcony fu five Sam de cB 3 Ewa resh Fruits & Vegetables 4 BAK POWDER--Serv-us, 1-1b tins, per tin emo. 29 General Motors' own SS 3 COCOA--Eerveus, 34-1b tins, per ti PRE End pk pay Zeat pez BBUBARB, 2.0bs .........¢00.. 000 ar ony, 128 i i--Sarrtos, 'ground, per Ib __.__. --- ~~ 45 : yorien: pul edness SPINACH Sper. hove. 2 iss sans vas anni 15 : A--Re mminum pkts, 1's ._ - ADO 7 FOF : > / } [EAR og VVhite, Aluminum pis - ng § : Chevrolet on time. CELERY Werth. 0 fn i oii ie ian 13 i ; 4 LETTUCE, two for |. pose - dor ohs hs iil inde oni xs : ; f. CAULIFLOWER, 4... ian 30.08, 30 Good Fruits & Vegetables in Season at Reasonable Prices. Ss H IE VYRO [ ASPARAGRAS, perf... 0... ici Bn deed 40 : LA sey ! RADISH, per bunchi-.......¢i. ci nian ide .10 ; BACON, Side--by the slab, per Ib __._ 201% : THE LOWEST PRICES IN ALL GREEN ONIONS, per bunch. 4. os dn dae .03 § Eg Aa 3 CHEVROLET HISTORY CARROTS, per. Butich ...............ocodiiomm LG 10 7 ; Resi = Co RRIONE TG x oe 993500 STRAWBERRIES, per Basket 1. .ovisereisdies sith, 35 § Cur list of Chsianes is Tovey fast, Yay: Speen p4 Coupe x Bocid 740.0 Commercial Chass > Shm es folks like our method of present day merchandising, } ae. 2 LN 40. oadster ery Lr x 625.00 : . , { 3 SE i AE] 25 Special - ORANGES 4 PE j i Al prices at Factory, Oshawe--Government Taxes, Bumpers end Spare Tire Exiva. i As you please--Help yourself---Ask the Clerk--Telephone. i D : 3 dozen for $ 1 .00 ¢ i urance Bros. & Co. § * kx Z J : Dryden Ont. Kenora 5 They like our weekly specials and realize that we are helping to 3 . Ld build up our community by quoting city prices at our store. 4 C. James Wr ight Phone 49 - © sam ETD EET STi D> TED GE) R$) CT 0) GREED OC: CRD OR 0 SE a PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED

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