Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 29 Apr 1927, page 2

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& Co --SPECIALS-- JUST A FEW AT THESE PRICES. SIMMONS GUARAN KOGKIXG CHAIRS . : HIGH CHAIRS... oss his Si 0 8 i Just in-- PAINTS, VARNISH STAINS, ALABASTINE, WALL TINTS, Now on Display. WE SELL "STEELE BRIGGS CARDEN SEEDS. CREAM SEPARATOR $25.00--BARGAIN. The Calander Says: Ne 3 i Ter 1%] othes SHOES HOSE and GLOVES HATS, We Invite Your Inspection of Our Values. 0) CED (CD () GE (SED () ERE () GET () QED () GEES EEE O A E>) EEE (-CERED O CED IT he ) EER GED () END () ED ) ED () OIED () EBRD ol Sell Cush DON'T FORGET DRYDEN'S BEST FLOUR-- Royal omsehold ob oo. lL Uo ng "$1.90 TED O: ATS, three bushelsacke Lo lan va, 2.10 EEYED OATS, five no lots... hove IRAE » 1025 PREMIER FOTATOES perbus. irs. 1.15 Also recommended for seed purposes, ripens two weeks earlier. * See our Dry Goods Window For-- "2 RASTER NOVELTIES Tor Your Wife, Mother or Sister. --also-- NEW PATTERNS AND STYLES in Window Curtains. BID UD UES. CRED SRI ED ERED ER SED oli OSE BRD ER Sec our Cibckiry WwW low on Whyte Street, for-- GRANITEWEAR, CHINA, Etc. 1D. W. SCOTT, Bryden y= si~transmit a "WHY and How to Use Ch | is the ititle of a phamplet of the Dominion { Department of Agriculture which con- {iains a large number of receipts for {empting dishes which may be mad: iwith cheese as an 'ngredient, From i the stand fpolnt of the housekeeper on: dv tage of i is Sab it; ating, cooking or other prepara- } h 3 j tien, At the same time it is mar 3 je er fo digest by combining it with {othe ods. When eaten with bread ; or other stare hy food, such as potatoes : ] i, it forms a very satisfac- | tory od combination and one easily i digestible by most people. It may fal so be used in cooking in many differ- - ways described in the pamphlef , which may be obtained on application i to the Publication Branch, Department {of Agriculture; Ottawa. BURIAL OF WRECK VICTIMS OTTAWA. Ont, April 24. --Semi-milit- ary honours were accodred Saturday afternoon at the triple funeral of three of the 7 victims of the train wreck, rear Hornepayne, Ont., last week. Capt J. Lidington, late of the Royal Marines Gunner H. Endersby, his batman over- fseas, a native of Thames, England and Garret Bull, formerly of the Cznad Mounted Rifies and iT an { who cettied in Thames, England, after the war. The thre: ashets were drapped v Un'on d bore wreaths an or gion. Membeis joi headquarters staff of the Depart: {ment of National Defence acted a- i pallbearers. LONDON WiZARD DISCOVERS RAY TO PIERCE FOG, LONDON, April 24--Belief that the day may not be far distant when every vessel will carry an "invisible search- light" to pierce fogs and every auto- mobile a fog penetrating dark lamp lamp is held by J. L. Bair, inventor of television, 'who 'has discovered a dark ray which he says will p'trce thick fog or smoke. Biard demonstrated his invention, which he ealls "noctovision" at hi: laboratory, and will fit a coastwise cbeamer 'with apparatus in June for further tests. Admiral Mark Kerr said he thought the invention the biggest thing dis- covered for sea and air travel for a "very long time. Test is Successful 'The admiral, with others saw Blard's dolls features through an artificial fog produced by chemicals so thick that his assistants were chock - ed in it, The dark ray described by its inventor as a sort of invisible search light which has sixteen times the penetration power of ordinary light .. through fog or smoke, Biard, who is understood to have dis- { covered it as an outgrowth of his ex- Vperiments with television, claims that the new ray will rob fog of its horrors | and will make smoke screens in war "time useless. Mr A, Sfreddo wishes to thank the employees of Dryden Paper Co'y. and | others for the generous way in which they responded to the call for assist- ance for their fellow workman, Geo. Donald, who is ill in the Winnipeg Hospital. 4 : } Muscle Manis New! Criminal. causing police some apprehension. These crooks take to kidnapping of those whe are afraid to inform the ie Police are not worrying un- S$ the "muscle men" attack wealthy ven who follow respectable pursuits The two owners of Midnight Frolics were Tecent - Fictims who obtains and es did not seek pol ice zid. Classified WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO AS- sist with house work, no washing -- Apply to Mrs W. C. HARRIS, Dryden, Ontario, FOR SALE--EGGS FOR ATCHING ior celting of 13. First setting sold sroved 100% fertile, RED TIGER CLOVER SEED, Tested No. 1, limited quantity. DAN WRIGHT, Box 220, 176/27, FOR SALE--TWO TOWS, ONE DUE 0 freshen May 21st, and one due to freshen June 29th. T.B. Tested Also Set New Walsh HARNESS, can be had on 30 days trial.--Apply 'A. L; WICE, Dryden, Ont. 6]5/27p. 948. per ton. In two ton lots $26. -ICUSES and FARMS FOR SALL or wiuNi--Apply : R. H. PRONGER, Dryden, Ontario. | ss also Brood SOWSS and Seed BARLLY. See H. A. WILSON, or SWAN SWANSON For Sale OVERLAND TOURING SPECIAL. In good running order. Cheap for cash.--Apply ¥ WHITELEY, 6/|5/27p. Dryden, Ont. For Sale-- BARRED ROCK HATCH- NG EGGS, (Imported Cockrel), $1.0 wor 'fifteen --Apply GENE McMONAGLE, Dryden, onters 0 FOR SALE-- CERTIFIED JRISH COBBLER SEED POTATOES. Extra No. 1, Government Inspected. $2.00 per bushel. Reduction in price for nfteen bushel lots.--Apply CON. SNIDER, Oxdrift, Ontario. FOR SALE 50 WT of POTATOES T6c. per bus.--Apply Dryden Motors Successors to EF ronger 's C ash Croc roce I'y DRYDEN DISTRICT MOTORs Solicit Your Patronage O, Oranges, peridozen™.«. i iii faa doit aan cin a 73 IAN RS. Per OZ ici. ma eam rr ts -49 Oranges. per dozen jl... .. oi. tees Foon cvs ah .28 Lemons, Per dozen «uit. vin douiy caren i ons .38 lead Lettuce, each' nic vis seit vd sari .15 Tomatoes pec db i. 70 on. ane rai 25 Carrols, two bunches for =... oo... ae vin, ees 23 Beets twochunehes tor. 5. a ane AE 25 Tommps, peril Loli aE ee 043% Celery, pefilh. ose ain aia fear eitess oi. 10 FOR SATURDAY oNLY_ Banamasoperdh oR un, ae aE I1%2 Ripe Tomatoes, BEE IBS na nA 19 Canned Tomatoes, Donalco Brand, per tin .......... 16 Corn, G. P. Brand, PECAN Bi 15 Spaghetti, 3-0z. tins, pert ET aa 10 Shelled Walnuts, for nut bread perdh. oc oo 42 These are Cash Specials. Certified Irish Cobbler Potatoes, tor Sale. HAY, FLOUR AND FEED. EATS 'TR Pronger tana Day, 62 B 2; SRT. BY i HS REEL No { | 0 | STAR, DURANT AND NASH , i CARS. =o | (Guaranteed Service and Repairs J on all makes. Sia SEVERAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. eee pre Dryden Motors, HUGHIE HILL, Mgr. -- as -- ANDERSON & HARKIS "FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CA CALLS 29]4]27p. E. LESHEID, Waldhof, 22|4|27p. Ornilario, FOR, SALE--1 TESTED HOLSTEIN | COW, will calve about the middle of May. For further particulars see A, MASCETTI, Bedworth. FOR SALE-- TENT "STAND AND TENT & FLY, almost new. for cash.--App ly TOM FOOTE, Dryden. FOR SALE_TEAM of HORSES and HARNESS; fast walkers, weight approximately 28000- 1bs,--See GRAHAM or PORTER, Dryden, Ont FOR SALE_One 0 'HP. MARINE ENGINE, coriplett. First-class condt tion. --See GRAHAM or PORTER, Dryden, Ont from Dryden--A Bargain. Two Cows, six years old, fresh. White Leghorne Hens. Also good Seed Potatoes, Tbe. per bushel--Apply DAN KEATLEY, Dryden, Ont. For Sale--FARM, 1 MILE WEST OF Dryden, good frome house and large { modern barn; 45 acres under cultiva- | tion, good well, splendid road right farm. Will sell cheap for cash or . terms may be arranged.--Apply Mrs ADA J. WILSON Pai Box 1 "FARM FOR SALE AT 2 A = ARGAIN-- Sou ch half, Lot 19, Con. 7, twp. Zea- , 166 acres more or a 25 under chao, balance bush and pasture; ome pulpwood, good buildings, House | 6x24, story and half, Good Ferner, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ' Stable, Hayshed, and Chicken House. PHONE-- Night, 62 R 4 ~~ For further particulars apply to E. WALLIN, Box 230, Dryden, Ontario. 19, Dryden, Ont. } En a, > Sa pi DRYDEN | OBSERVER : ne = == ae ; - . DROS. Cheese as a Food | Appreciation Durance BX: Hardware MICK- McCOR Farm Equipment | . CHICAGO, April 25--A new variety of | icriminal called "the muscle man," is Barred Rock, Bred-to-Lay Strain, $1.00; Dryden, Ont. ! LOCAL BALED TIMOTHY HAY,| For Sale-- SEVLRAL FIRST CLASS | WORK HORSES, m good condition; | Cheap | FOR SALE--40 ACRES, ONE MILE| i DUNLOP | PREMIER CR = 3 Oxdrift Agent for-- Ss. NEW SPRING : Suits and Quercoats ¥ Come in and Pick Yours Out : New Assortment of HATS AND CAPS. The Latest in FOOT-WEAR And Everything for SPRING WEAR, at T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' M. J. CROSIER! General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO --Dealer in-- BOOTS AND SHOES DRY 'GOODS, GROCERIES "HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE --!Agent For-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD 'and COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS. = SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ete. STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FHL.LERS, FRUIT SALT g? TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSI! HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA AND COCOA ! E.T. (DAD) ROWLANT i an SES SL a Ea Dryden, Ontario ROBT. SWEENLY General Blacksmith, AGENTS FOR-- dassey- Harris Implements | UARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by ; WATKIN'S PRODUCTS! Acetylene Burning i DEERING MACHINERY FAMOUS FLEURY PLOWS TIRES C.C.M. BICYCLES 'GLOBELITE BATTERIES CORNER Ontario Internatior nal Harve erster Cor pany of Canada, 1 fmited THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Published at DRYDEN, Ontario Every Friday Morning Largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Kenora District. Subscription, $1.50 per year. MAAAANATARAAANARARAAANSG Oxdrift Trading Co OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS FLOUR AND FEED FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. BEEF AND PORK Prices Sent Upon Request. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO W. A, WEARE {ieneral Merchant ~JINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- . JUHN DEERF PLOW CO. v.ere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Uet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Aircnged 9) Suit Purrhazers. HARNESS and SHOE REPAIRING For the past three years I have been in Dryden, I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE A.J.GARDINEF.[ General Merchant, Agent for Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. £5 COCKSHUTT PLOW (oy ® ® x Sharple's Cream Separators. 1) at A a A COTTAGE ROLLS perth. osvrviinvei a iid Ys PICNIC HAMS ........ ois, Eide a gn BR SMOKED HAM, whole or half oC... nia 43 : 2% BEEFDRIPPING. perlb ... 0 mE 12% 4 HOME RENDERED LARD ........ a 20 = = : 2 - = WHITE FISH, HALIBUT, SALMON, Ei KIPPERS, FRESH FILLETS, ys SMOKED FILLETS. § : Dione Ne. g ¢ Sy 3 A. PATE Sidiadan Prop. CAGLE RIVER | RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. [| APA

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