Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 29 Apr 1927, page 3

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2 beth scene of death and destruction we. in Mississippi and Arkansas as THE DRYDEN 23 Find Doom in House April 14, 1927 were $4,952,042.00 as] compared with $4,605,729.63 for the corresponding week of 1926, an 'in- crease of $346, 312.37. MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 26--A Sab presented over more than nine thous- | and square miles of the richest lands: the flood waters of half a dozen mighty streams continued their relentless flow -- - to the sea, | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EARNINGS The gross earnings of the Canadian National Railways for the week ende:l LIVERY AND ORAY ¢ PROMPT SERVICE ¢ AT ALL HOURS - | A. WEAVER, Phene 56 Dryden, Ontario" At Prices We Are Misses' Colored Dimity Pyjamas, Ladies' Child's Colored Dimity Slips, SEASONABLE GOODS FE . very prettily made, any colours per suit of ees Men's Broadcloth Pyjamas, __ Ladies' Broadcloth Blouses, tan, white, peach Y4dies'" Wiiite Bayon Silk Slips cei eee colored Rayon Silk Slips, with fancy platted flounce, best shades -- moomoo een = 2.0 Tadies' Colored Dimity Slips ---- acces ARS AN MOA SAE STE Hi Proud Te Quote. e < 1} wt Ot 3S bordered rai NW 70, 85 & Knit Cotton Bloomers, per " Children's Knit Cotton Bloomers, 6 years, $1.50, and 8 to 14 years Girl's White Middies, exceptional : and cuffs. Try Our "Pointex Heel" Hose, per Child's Slickers--$5.75 Ladies' Slickers-- 7.50 (Less WE INVITE C Ladies! Broadcloth Slips;allcolors mei 12 Ladies' Colored Dimity Bloomers, per pair ,» Knit Cotton, Silk stripe Bloomers Girls Wool Crepe and Flannel Skirts, plaited on top, 2 to Alsdoor "Puritan Maid, at =. = i= Two Wonderful Values, Rayon Silk Hose, in all shades, silk to knee hg (Less 10% discount for cash--$5.18 Don't Forget our offer of 10% off every $5.00 Order SA ", pair FRR, Vn, CWE LA Hn per pair a per pair PR nT i Ore! rai VW eng JCAL) v ) i ~ quality, navy blue, collar MIE MI7 MI AG pair... ==) -~ LCA JS - 10% discount. for cash-- 6.7: J um Vii7aVi/aVITAVITa) OMPARISON, Ralph I aaa av aia a a ALEX TOTO BTR EVI Taxa a! reir ange ALF 1S Winterbotiom LUMBER, SASH, ROOFING CELOTEX INSU DRYDEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS BRICK AND CEMENT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES / Jas. Winterbottom, 1 Lumber Yard DOORS, PLASTER, OF ALL KINDS LATION Ontario inne tatialing OD OEE | Dryden Lumber Co' Builders andContractors Full Stock of Lumber, GED (ERED (GED () CIT Shingles Brick, Lime ESTIMATES > 220 wns aso EDS (TRE 6D (GED OER ( = Sash and Doors Wood Fibre ana Cement FREELY GIVEN IEE (CED OED OER the toil of Spring Cleaning. So when you are ready polishing mn a day. Wax to use with same. Further Particulars can L C. James Wright : Spring Cleaning Time IS HERE LADIES are always looking for something to lighten to do your polishing, call at the Wright Store and see the Electric Floor Polisher, which is rented at $2.0c a day, and you can do all the We also stock Liquid and Paste i be had at this store. Phone No. 49 | seriously, | | | About two thousand farmers have { rots. £00) €UIE0 () C0 () AI () EINE () ED 4D (1) U.S. Battleship Fired on SHANGHAI April 26.--The heaviest casualists yet suffered by a United" States warship were inflicted by nationalist batteries bombarding the r Penguin on the Yangtse river. al of the crew were injured, onc The - bombardment was characterized as deliberate. Sixty Chinese Jandlords met to con- sider the rent situation, which is con- j d serious in view of the fact that enants are refusing to pay their rent, reeting of the radicals the min- tice poi nted a gun at Mme. Sen, w.dew of the no'ed hen shells from the Cantonese sank their boats | | EXPERD MENT! \L UNION FIELDS | TESTS WITH FARM CROPS. al- ! ready applied to the Ontario Agreul-| College for small samples of seed | for experimenting on their own farms. The demand this season for these Tree | samples for experimental purposes has | been heavy in the case of roots includ- | ing Mangles, Sugar Mangels, Swedish ips, aFil Turnips and Field Car- It has also been strong for ex- mental material for Field Beans, rly Oats, Hulless Bar- j Those who have i some of the new cho'ce | er crops such as 0.AC. s, 0.A.C. No. 211 Soy No, 85 Spring Wheat Spring Rye are from wh'ch to cation for the 1 being received m 'Nort thern Ontario, tural A st TT RN ience It is I aa TH dh S\ Vy wy ----, T'ICNAL TIME PLAN Runab out $175 down and $35 a month Tim jall down 1 delive ery cha Ford accessories. soun mgcome 1a The Real Canadian Car Standard e Payme nts | Anywhere in Canada ji; HE Ford National Payment Plan enables A you to buy a car for the same cash and monthly payment anywhere in Canada. This arrangement brings car ow Sosa within the reach of all who really desire the nd pleas sure that caly a car can bring. x er than from savings. ; attractive terms of this plan command. Inquire within for 35 40 40 40 40 45 195 210 220 240 250 2275 " " " o" " " " &" " " ayment gives you delivery of any model yon select. The balance is paid off in standard 1 onthly payments which do not vary regardless of tax, license, rges or the addition of approved -- reight and i business to buy your car from 'PAYMENTS conven @ 4 114 «" [13 This plan is operated by the Traders Finance Corporation, Limited DINGVALL MOTORS, Dryden, Ont. Kenora, Ont. Province for some time to come. Any wishing this mat erial of the farmers should apply to the Field Husband {and those ter kinds will con- Department, Agricultural | tinue to arr: n all parts of tht Guelph, Ontario. -- -- ---------- ready for you to see. DRYDEN Take a Kodak with you The latest Kodak models are on our shelves, Let us show you. $5 up. Kodak Film in the yellow box Gough's Confectionery ONTARIO. er College, Painting Time Spring Time 1 large quantity of MARTIN-SENOUR, Celebrated PAINTS in Stock. A beautiful variety of Colours. All shades of ALABASTINE in A Stock. t.mateur Finishing, BRUSHES, OILS, etc., at honest prices. i LF J. Let me quote you for your Paint' this Spring. - MOSQUITOES ARE COMING Now is the time to buy your NETS Household Utensils, Ranges Stoves, Baby 'Carts, Beds, etc. : All Defying Competition. All classes of . FARMING IMPLEMENTS I am District Agent for the fam- ous Cockshutt Plows and for the well-known reliable 'De Laval Cicam Separators, Milkers, Engines and Pump Jacks. E, A, KLOSE HIGHEST GRADE AMATEUR FINISHING PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc, taken at your home. Daylight or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long Experience. Mail your Films, other work or requests direct to Paul Aug. Hutter Photographer, Enlarging, ete. etc.' WALDHOQF, P.O, Ontario REASONABLE PRICE. A. STRUTT, "== Genera! Blacksmith and g Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario a LO.O.F DRYDEN lOncE, Ne 417 meets at the Town every Monday night. FIRST DEGREE MONDAY NIGHT. M. F. COOK, Noble Grand. I.J. MACPHERSON, Rec. hi? L.O. 1. DRYDEN LODGE Nu 148 & _ meets the first Weanesasy of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cor- dially invited. - D. ANDERSON, WM. BADEAX SMITH, Sec: Golden | Siar Lode No. oe Pes Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each monin Visiters Cordially invited. GEO. H. WICE, W.M. Li DERREY, Socy.

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