Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 20 May 1927, page 1

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The Dryden Observer r---- Ee -- VOLUME VIL DRYDEN, Ontario, May 20th, 1927 = : = Ts Visiting Delegates W. A. Convention Locals. District News |The Boy's Camp-|JubileeCelebration The following is a list of the W. A. delegates to the convention in Dryden this week and where they were billited: Mrs Lofthouse and Mrs Ball Kenora, with Mrs J. E. Gibson; Mrs McCoomb and Mrs Carter, Kenora, with Mrs G. Larson; Mrs Wilton Kenora, with Mrs THE twenty-second annual convention of the Women's Auxiliary for the Diocese of Keewatin and the first ever to be held in Dryden closed at noon today, The delegates who numbered over thirty, arrived at Dryden at four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, and were escorted to the various homes which were hospitably opened to them. PL. S. Campbell; Mrs Sanderson and Mrs Elliott, Kenora, with Miss Waldr- on; Mrs Barnes, Keewtain and Mrs Jacques, Ignace, with Mrs Dechert; Mrs Hickey, Keewatin, with Mrs L. R. Mackey; Mrs Harris and Mrs Walton, Kenora, with Mrs A. J. Clempson; Miss Carpenter, Kenora with Mrs D. Wright; Mrs Baldwin, Rainy River, and Miss Davis, Keewatin, with Mrs Maunsell; Mrs Allison, Kenora, with Mrs Ray; Mrs Holden, and Mrs Cox, Kenora, with Mrs Lewis; Mrs Huebner -Quibell, with Mrs A. McDonald; Mrs Millings, Quibell, with Mrs G. Skene; Miss Atkinson and Miss Holland, Ke- nora, with Mrs LeBaron; Mrs Thomp- son, Quibell, with Mrs H. Davis; Mrs Darr and Mrs Dearlove, Eagle River, with Mrs J. P. Gordon; Mrs Johnson, Kenora, with Mrs D. G. Dingwall; Mrs Hughes, Stratton, with Mrs Hawke, and Mrs King and Miss Blowers, Lac Du Bonnett, with Mrs Hadley. Rev. M. A. Millmon and Bishop and Mrs Dewdney were the guests of Rev. R. A. and Mrs Smith. Don't Fail to see the Autographed Quilt which will be displayed in Pitt's window next week. The Ladies Mis- sionary Society of the Union Church - have made the Quilt, which will be sold at the Bazaar on Saturday, May ogth. It is also open to bids and any- one desiring to submit a bid may leave same with Miss Lummis, The Reception At eight o'clock on the same evening, a reception was held in the Parish Hall by the local branch of the W.A, and members of St. Luke's Church. Rev, R. A. Smith, of St Lukes, who acted as chairman, delivered a pleasing address of welcome to the visiting ladies and then anmounced a program which comprised the following: Solo by Mrs Dechert accompanied by Mrs Gibson; Piano Selection, Miss Alma Larson; Solo, Mrs Cooper, accompanied accompanied by Mrs Gibson; Violin LeBaron; and two readings by Mr! Humphreys. The programme was most pleasing throughout and several of the numbers were encored more than once. Following this refresh- ments were served by the members of the W.A., assisted by the Girl's Guild, and an enjoyable social hour was spent. The Convention Wednesday morning opened at 9.45 a.m., with a prayer Partner Conference and at 10:15 St. Luke's Church was packed for the service of Holy Com- munion and the sermon by Rt. Rev. A. D. Dewdney, D.D., which was a great inspiration to the Women whe were privileged to hear it, also an incentive, to carry on the noble work of the W A. Solo by LeBaron, accompanied by Mrs) L. Beath returned to Sioux Lookout Sunday, after spending the week-end in Dryden, the guest of Mr and Mrs A. M. Taylor. Miss Willa Callan, spent the week- end in Ignace returning to Kenora, Sunday, Jack Skillen spent lhe wick-end at his home in Fort William. Mrs H. A. Thomson, Ignace was the guest of Mrs L. R, Mackey for a few days this week. M. S. Campbell was a visitor to Ke- nora for a couple of days this week, Mrs T. J. Latimer and Miss Margaret Latimer, of Oxdrift, spent Monady in Dryden. Mrs Wilburn, Ignace, was a visitor to Dryden this week, Sgt, P. T. Hake, spent the week-end in Dryden and accompanied by Mrs 'Hake and baby daughter, left for their by Mr Gammon; Solo, Mrs Maunsell, {new home ia Port Arthur, on Monday night. Mrs E. Myles, from Kenora, is the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs F. Pinkerton. Miss Marjorie Adams spent the week end at her home in Oxdrift, visit to Dryden, Sunday, Miss Emma Latimer, visited Dryden, Wednesday. Walter Smith has poined the staff of the Wright Store. J. E. Harris was a business visitor to Ignace during the week, Dryder, Saturday her home in Winnipeg, after visiting Miss Ivy Pronger. Mr C. C. Watkins the Student-in- WABIGOON--The sympathies of all go out to Mr and Mrs Albert Johnson, the pitifully sudden death of their second son saddening the whole com- munity, Among the saddest of the many be- At a meeting called by Mayor Dingwall jfor Thursday evening to fora a "Canada's Diamond Jubilee Con - mittee" at which all the fraternal Societies, Churches and Civic Bodies were represented, the following were THE Camp Committee are now faced with the responsibility of hiring tents and other equipment for the ten days of camp. The fee charged the boys will be only sufficient to pay for their board and the cook's wages, As there reavement of the past few years is that'is no money in the treasury, the com- of this young lad, cut off in the flower 'mittee decided to make a general can- of his youth; who a week ago seemed 'vass of the district to raise sufficient full of vim and vigor and tonight lies funds for the other expenses. Are you in the grave. interested in this work? appointed as a general committee: --A, J. Clempson, for the Town Council; H. Humphreys, for the Board «f Eduea- tion; Rev. R. A. Smith, for Jt, Luke's Church: Rev, H. A. Rivers, for Uniled of Oxdrift,|Secy.; Miss A. Davies and Miss Margaret; Croxton, of Ignace, were visitors to! Miss E. McKellar has returned to! The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Pastor Peterson, of Fort William, officiating, The service of the Lutheran Church was , the English Church, at Wabigoon, from whence the cortege proceeded to the cemetery, where the impressive rites of the faith of the boy was laid to rest, The pallbearers were: S. Norman, H. Betts, Albin Elof, Harry and John Lundmark, companions directed byC. V. Nordrum, who had charge of the burial, The Annual Meeting of the Women's Institute adjourned from Iast week was finished Tuesday, The auditors report was read by Mrs Don Bicknell, and officers elected for the forthcoming G. Nelson, of Kenora paid a short year were: Mrs Mel Wright, Pres; Mrs Aaron, Vice-Pres.; Miss M. Betts, Mrs Betts, Mrs Graham and Mrs E. Burns, Directors, The retiring { Secretary, Mrs R, Burns, was thanked for her work and plans were laid for another busy year. R. M. Kirkup, Ontario Land Sarvey- er, of Fort William, left for the suth on Tuesday morning, with a gang of men and a flotilla of canoes to traverse ithe water route between Wabigoon and Rainy Lake by way of the Upper and Lower Manitou, E., G. D., and Mrs Pidgeon arrived + 8 > "Lock, held at the home, followed by one in! FOR SALE-- The business session commenced at House, 4 rooms, Pantry and}11:30 with the President, Mrs A. D. Basement, Open Fire Place,|Dewdney in the chair. The address of welcome was given by Mrs R. A. Furnace, Good Well, Two Lots, Smith of Dryden and responded to by Sandy Loam, Chicken House and Wire, Close to School.{Mrs Baldwin, of Rainy River This Snap for quick sale; Cash or|session lasted about one hour, after Terms. which the delegates and members of the W.A. of St, Lukes were entertained at luncheon by the men of St. Luke's at the Central Hotel. A hearty vote of thanks for this was given by Mrs McCoombs, Kenora, and responded to on behalf of the men by Rev. R. A. Smith, Dryden. The afternoon session opened with 2 hymn and prayer by Mrs Canniff--Hon President--of Kenora. Presidets report was then read by Mrs Dewdney, and replied to by Mrs Canniff, Three points of special interest were raised in this report: 1--The needs for boys missionary Clubs. 2--The placing of the capital of the Betsy Lofthouse Memorial Fund in trust. 3--A Jubilee Celebration fund . to raise money throughout the A committee was nominated to deal 4-Roomed House, full basement soft water cistern, furnace, good well, one acre of land. Cash or Terms. : A. J. LOCK Flunting, Trappers and Radio License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3. Our First Shipment BOOTS Has Arrived. A Complete Stock of HARNESS & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. Harness Repaired-- Charge at Eagle River, spent several hack from Florida on Monday, to find days in Dryden this week. . | winter and spring badly mixed up, and Mrs J. McLeish ash returned to her lingering in the lap of summer. home in Sioux Lookout. G. A. Grane, District Engineer, with Mrs O. Skene returned to her home wy. Kerney, of the Northern Develop- in Sioux Lookout Tuesday, after visit- ment Branch, were in the settlement, ing Mrs Geo. Skene, Dryden, {Wednesday conferring with the Road Rev. Father Bellevance was a visitor Commissioners on the work to be done to Ignace this week. | during the coming summer. Arthur Quirk returned to his home| in Dryden, Wednesday. 'ETON-RUGBY--The regular monthly meeting of the Community Club could If the parties who borrowed an electric not take place owing to the floods, the heater, coal oil heater and a Kodak ®Water now being over the road in two " from me will kindly return same it or three places, The officers met on would be much appreciated. ' i Thursday and it was decided to post- J. 0. GOUGH, Dryden. [pone the Sale of Work (advertised for June 24) till further notice, as the, : : bridge across the Wabigoon River, the Thursday morning's session opened only access to Oxdrift, is broken and with a hymn and prayers by the Presi- peaded down stream. Mr Davidson is previous day were read and adopted, the bridge fixed, so that we can arrange and reports of the following secretaries '5 picnic and set a new date for the given: --- Sale. Mr E. H. Johnson is piloting Secretary Junior Branches. people across the river in his row boat. Secretary of Literature. Messrs G. A. and E Backman, who Secretary of Birth Month, C. A. D. have been the guests of Mrs E. H Fund. Johnson, left Oxdrift on Monday. Secretary Betsy Lofthouse Memorial | es is ; Fund. MINN TAKI--"Moving On" was the Secretary Prayer Partners *sat ject of the Sermon pre+-thed by Mr Superintendent of Little Helpers Mis- sionary Tidings, which was given by Watkins, of Toronto, at his first service held here last Sunday evening. The dent, after which the minutes of the , the job, and we hope shortly to have - visiting St, Matthew's Church, Eagle Mrs M'Coombs and enjoyed by all of us. The noontide address was delivered service was very well attended and the sermon so very interesting that we ars Boots--and--Shoes with these matters consisting of Mrs REPAIRED Dewdney, Mrs Canniff, Mrs Ball, and -- Mrs Baldwin. The Secretary's report F. WILLARD. . was very interesting as we learned the a, a camara |membership has increased and that the total raised amongst the branches for the year was $6263, The Treasur- er reported over $100 given at this vears United Thank Offering, being the largest ever had, and the balance in the Treasurers hands for the differ- ent branches showed a very healthy condition. The Living-Message Editor also Sec.- Treasurer of United Thank Offering's reports were also interesting. The address of Mrs Canniff on "World Call to the Church," (Africa) enlightened her hearers on this part of the churche's work at the close of which afternoon tea was served by St. Luke's Junior Branch, The Rev. R. M. Millmon, M.A, Japan next, gave an address outlying the work in Japan which he said was large- ly able to be carried on owing to the help given by the WA 's of this country and promised to further enlighten us in the evening. The report of the Dorcas Secretary Treasurer and of the Girl's and Candid- ates concluded the afternoon session. The evening was devoted to a "Public Missionary Meeting," in the basement of St. Luke's Church, which STAR POOL ROOM & BARBER SHOP. in the Freidman Building Highest Class Work. Ladies and Childrcn-- ; --Special Attention. M. HUTZAL, Proprietor. Do you believe in this kind of PROTECTION? The omly Rec! Protection for was filled to overflowing to hear the splendid Lantern Lecture on "Molsem your property World in Revolution," by Mrs W, J. and home is- Ball, Kenora, and "The Changing East" by Rev. R. N. Millman, M A. The chair being taken by Rt. Rev. A. D. | Dewdney, D.D., assisted by Rev, R. A. car-- wt - by Mr Watkins. of Eagle River, aad all going to the next service to hear the contained a very inspiring message. [next sermon, which we feel sure will be Resolutions on the President's ad- equally interesting, Mr Watkins will dress by Mrs Canniff were made known be with us throughout the summer, after which an adjournment was made conducting services at Eagle River and about fifty guests by the Girl's Guild, {been amongst us he has made many of Dryden. A hearty vote of thanks friends & we know that he will make being given from Mrs A. Harris, Ke-{many more. He has taken over the nora, on behalf of the visiting deleg-iSunday School for the summer, thus ates, enabling the active members to take a The afternoon session opened with 'rest. Sunday School will be held after which various parochial reports in the afternoon, commencing May 29. were given. A very wonderful report of the Dom- jlernate Sunday evening at 7.00 o'clock, inion Board Annual Meeting held in commencing next Sunday, May 22nd, prayers by the President and a hymn, every alternate Sunday at 3.00 o'clock Would you | (cli, Pastor E. G, Baxter for th. Baptist Church; Rev. Father Bellev ance, fei St. Joseph's: Church; Guo. 'Wie, for Golden Star Ledge; M. F. {C wk, for 1,0.0.F.; Mrs J. E. Harris, for hehekah's; D. Anders for LOL ; Mrs I. (;. Dingwall, for tha W.L.; A, E ILeirey for the D A.A A.; H. David- son for the GGW.V.A; as wall as Dr : Morisen, M. D, Hamb!; and NM. S. Killed by Rifle Shot-- Campiell. . A very tragic happening occurred on| A motion was passed that the com- Friday, May 13, when Chas. William mittee meet in the Town Council Duran, son of Mr and Mrs F. Duran, of | Chambers, on Tuesday evening, May Minnitaki, was instantly killed by a|24th, at 7:30 pm, at which time an rifle shot. It appears the young man extensive programme will be arranged. had been cleaning the gun and in some 2 way it accidently discharged and shot him. He was only twenty-three years of age and had just recovered from mjuries he received in a motor accid- ent in the States, where the family had resided up till they came to Minnitaki about six months ago. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. like to help? Contributions will be gladly received by any member of the committee or the treasurer Mr A. J. The committee are: Mr A. J. Lock, Rev. E. G. Baxter, Mr Sid Wright, Rev R. A. Smith, Mr G. R. Hamilton, and Rev. H. A. Rivers. = MUNICIPALITY QF MACHIN Court of Revision A Court of Revision for the Municipal- ity of Machin will be held on Saturday, May 28th, 1927, in the Schoolhouse, at Eagle River, at the hour of Four c'clock in the afternoon, to hear and determine appeals against the Asscss- ment Roll of the said Municipality, for the year 1927. GEORGE RUETE, Clerk, ry a Dies in Red Cross Hospital-- John Johnson, aged eighteen years, son of Mr and Mrs Albert Johnson, of Wabigoon, passed away at Dryden Red Cross Hospital, on Saturday, May 14th, The young lad who was well known among the younger people of Wabi- goon had been ill only two days, when he was removed to the hospital here, and was only here two days when he died, The remains were taken to Wabigoon for burial. -- STRAND THEATRE, FRI--SAT,, May 20th, and 21st, a was that the Boys will pick a fine night in the near future, and we shall all be there then, : There is a rumor of a Girl's Bail Team, but we are wondering where all the girls are to be found, and think they will have to borrow a couple of George s from the Junior Team, for these same George's say that they will not mind filling the vacancies provid- ing a certain lady does not play third base, and a certain party (no sex men- tioned) does not umpire the game. The Annual School Picnic to Eagle Lake is being talked of, but we are under the impression that we shall be able to flnd a lake much nearer this Much sympathy is felt throughout the district for the family of the late Mr C. Duran. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "DONQ.SON OF ZORRO" IMPORTANT MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Women's Institute will be held next Friday, 28 inst, at 3:00 p.m., in the Town Hall, This being a nimportant meeting, all members are particularly request. ed to attend. EAGLE RIVER--Canon Lofthouse is River, on Sunday next, May 22nd, and will preach at the morning service at: 11:00 am. Mr C. Watkins, of Wycliffe College, Toronto, is in charge for the summer, and hos been rewarded with increasing congregations. Plans are in progress for improving the church building, and the different organ z2'lons of the church are report- M. DINGWALL, Pres. cd to be both healthy and active, BP WILKINSON, Sec'y. S for luncheon, which was served to Minnitaki, and in the short time he has} ome people give their cars pain= -- London, last September was given by Mrs E. L. Carter, Norman, which tock those of us who had not the privilege of being at that meeting, to it through the medium of Mrs Carter's report. Miss Carpenter, Kenora, then gave us her account of the Sunday School by Post, which helped us to realize how necessary this work is in the isolated districts, Afternoon Tea was recess by the Eagle River W.A. Barnes than gave us an address "World Call to Church (Far East). Business occupied the remainder of of the afternoon, at the close of which a Quiet Hour Service conducted by the Rev. R. A, Smith, of Dryden, was held in St. Luke's. The visiting delegates, hostess, etec., were entertained to a Motor Car Drive served at the Mrs on Smith, in the evening, a L i Nyal staking care, but} Divine Service will be held every al- STONE STONT J -- root | neglect themselves. | T= : COMPOUND COMPCUND We hope to have with us that even- | ing, the Rev. Canon Lofthouse of Ke- | : Health d eserves i nora, who will be in the district officiat- Relieves . : Strengthcis ing at the wedding of a popular couple, i Kidney more atte in t ion. Weak and whome we know, dees not like to and Kidneys be amongst us without coming to see | Bladder 4 e Restobes everyone. So we expect a big con- Troubles Protect it W ith Hocltl gregation this night. : We are all wishing for the weather Riscumetion Ny a I and to be fine, especially for the above Sciatica Strength mentioned wedding, and we all wish Winnie and Gilbert the best ever. The many friends of Len Weare will | be glad to know that he is very much better and that he intends taking a STONE ROOT Compound very prominent part in the aforesaid wedding, The Senior Ball Team tried to enter- tain us the other evening with a dance, but we are all so sick, weary and tired of the wet weather that not even a dance could tempt uc cut, but we know The Dryd en Pharmacy

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