Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 20 May 1927, page 2

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a ; : = & ®] eT Ew ©. 5 NEW SPRING Meal Ma ket E| Suits and o 1) 4 X i. . 3 Quercoats:- mi roe BY Nurse Osborne) ~ Chew 3 your "food thoroughly, your! BT | Come in and Pick-Yours Qui on rou foo A a igs 5 PNA = a » h . 15/4 k 1 i Wi 3 :, = - CHOICE FRESH eo 5 New Assortment of, +. :¢ 7 gn i wisely, and che 3 Mr Teves a . ore QTD be vO " ; > Ng y > £ Yo i Lif: 3 PEED AF a we wut hE CL dad bs tn Piya o | HATS AND CAPS. tl Coarse food "well ehetved saves the' HT wave Nw holley nol . -- OOD Ta asieeth, a a, Pal ud bolls "CURED. MEATS. immed gms) & "The Latest fa oi T--70C a gh s Mgke Tyoun: Dentists: office ian ate p< TN sanlidul ri o annaanyn Cid paid > mog2sT of FOOT: WEAR 2 7+ Statioioenob: a yepaimshopils Lv " Bes ert oft HE foider I ARE Ta pT "Arid Bvefthing for. a } =Be selfish with your Ath Ei 1 Bit of oir" on L 2 in Cor g Te BEAR WEAR, ving Don't go to bed with dirty teeth A orl FRESH. HAMBURG STEAK Eide Tau 9 "TL § .Birty teeth decay. most at mightsi1] a AND' "SAUSAGE. a The. bests tooth paste, is elbow grease: py i "PROUD FOOT 5 "Look in your mirror--see your mouth 2 a fo rope camaaisn Pacific Rockies hg - Daily™> 17 |; eT sib mw i Bs DoD : 2,85. others. see it., .__. r | Fs A SEIS. Banff -- Lake,. Louise -- Emerald Lake 5 AH givens] is Ph ; 2 a : > 8 "Fhe: Dryden' Tailor." 14 A clean. 'Thealthy. se is: i life - ot a Nine: Bungalow Camps... ales insurance. ash er "Keép fell" feat Lh Pacific Coast' fir cused 5 wi op 1 rs rs . M. 3 CROS IER "Kn 'oufice ©0F° "Prévention" is' worth a Sisitaog Vancouver == Victoria , oi Seattle. 20 EEL pound of prom ises. . { oo Gesieral Merchant, i gas 'San 'Francisco -- + Los: r Angeles + s nD 5 i i THis easier! to" PrEY ent' decay 'than 2 . 'OXDRIFT, ONTARIG. |sheckoity 0 8 : Alaska Dealer n--_ _. "i 'Whose feeth wil youl "be. 'clean: 3, {htm : : BOUTS AND SHOES =~ oho et: 1 i r NGF ps trip on a jon Steamer to: pn "DRY 'GOODS, "GROCERIES [| Fil your candy jar with frait--aiiedi] 17 " the Romantic: Fienlndal ji "YEARDWARE® & FARM PRODUCE OR EaSR. = ap 058 az | go Overseas Tours hi & ZL K@ént For Sugar and candy; are hewivk be T Great'E: y be : 3 LIFE INSURANCE... cause they form an acid in the-month i Gia = plow var thes Continent, an FROST 2 XN" WQOD' °, |vhich makes the teeth deca Wi aT Md Dn ol es eh fom Fry SERRE Job tha "Have the Ticket Agent tell You. more atiout Sumer Trips 2 : COCKSTUTT WIPERS ""¥ aakes wou healthy, i on SS 3. Where will" you find material. to : -M, 4 CAM PBELL, "Ticket: Ag tbuild teeth and-bone? IWATKIN'S PRODUCTS) = 5 Sms i foie or IF RCs AS Si Canadian Pacific DRYDTN, Ontario, | 7" Ek y i { ier t | | JY ji rE PRICED -- , : PIE FILLERS, FRUITSALTSY Classified : | g 16. 00 $18 00 TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSHY® Ed eh Fi i y HOLDER' ' ACEC gd A : to: LTENT, am aman OXAPif Trading Go THE DRYDEN OBSERVER "COUGH MEDICINES, En | LAX ATIVES, 'SALVES, off soa) per_ton- log rai ih OXDRIFT, ONTARIO | i - Meniber of. Canadian Weekly hE MEDICINES, oe 3 Lito puke Cnr) Adie TE en] ' GENERAL MERCHANTS 7 | | ' - Newspapers Association. sieht TEA AND COCOA io | POISSALE, i} FLOUR. AND. FEED: .-|- 'Pablistied'ai DRYDEN, Ontario = "BITC PAY EOWLANE SMALL Re - TO RENT, i FRESH. EGGS; and. BUTTER{ TT Rvery Friday Moning rm iii dh ob 210 and AO analy oi 1 daily: ; : "Drydés;, "Oftgo ee ol 0 0 URI) PRONGER's Omée, "1 BEEF AND. PORK - Lae i ick Z = i weekly =e : sien pp DEYGER Oar | AT 5 MATE ORDERS 100 Pp I= a $150 Sola : hv 7 "PROMTLY ATTENDED TQ) | Subscription, "$150 peryear Ro Bi. 8 EENE deh SED PoTATORS FOR SALE : IC slim lig enaral BL. "Price: $1.00 pe bushel --Cash.- Apply; / PT i iol I A. GP H ALL, Dry den. ct mm nm mm OS f ain OER a we COAL os "Lohg-Life. The Ball-Bearing Easy- Turning {Massey Harri Tnpleitess FOR SALE-TH STOVE, alist new, with oven, Two A 5 SUGAR SUGAR -- SUGAR a da | CARB, how on = hh BD |rasmses; "Oné BATH IUB." Close-Skimming Cream 'Separator re Fl 2 $1. 75-per roo lbs. -- SPOT CASH. 7 zioll fll J i. 'by INDER | tor to} B. FLAIR, Pry den. lay 'Safe--~Be" Sure of' the Se thirigs when you, Dutys al; Seer To May 14th) '1927. hos omit Reon o a i rut Cream Separator i . cetyl ine: Burnin For Sale--FORD TIGHT "DELIVERY, ~ Snap on to it while price is down. E i] Clidep* fof Cath 2IATPIFC 7 i Wake. sure. that. {6 hdr oak . "Also procute your requirements on 'our' PREMIER $x i i Mrs We J MARTIN, SIIOMN. "Dryden Horel : -VORFOR SALE_TWO' dows, ONEDU. 'odto Freshmen May 21st, and one due to 'Efreshen 'June: 29th; T;B.. Tested. Also bearings (for easy furning). See that it is absolutely self- oiling (no oil cups or oilers). Look over the way the oil is BRAND POTATOLS. = Be sure. and procuré'your wants § ini Potatoes, as price is now 60¢. per' bag more than" wely are asking. Our price, $1.70 per '1% bus' Bag. ; lo Prices are Rapidly Advan¢ing ini the" 'West.' I "One car ju st unloaded, another to a rrive n ext week. y | ; si £ See the McCormick Deering. We will show you features you cannot gét 'in' any 'other Cream CoRR INTERNATIONAL 1.ARVESTER" COMPANY HAMILTON of Canada "Ltd: "<CA NADA J. S. CORNER, Agent,' Oxdrift CU MCcCORMIY K -DEERING wil is KPRYMRIOSE ) 5.47 :} BASTER HAY PRICES Still .......... "828.00 per | i 2-3 i }Set. New . Walsh, HARNESS, can he changed (no need of flush- ] had on. 30. days trial.--~Apply mg). o : SED. OUR GROCERY WINDOW. for.a nice, assortment | x sad Ton oleh tras NPs Syria vo ninorda La WICK, 2 Oil Glass--See if the oil is § oy Cross & Blackwell's Oid Country. pny B torn y 10) D221 Ar Gmedstrd' 9 ©15% 0r Of 10/6/2601 70D asin Ont, 1 Voie right "(not just a % ~ Dramston Sweet Relish--the more you cat the more " Sm 3 gauge | : : you like it. Also Cross &. Blackwell's. Strawberry - hii x You Fon i ro i: BatoRe Main Gear fully enclosed x0 3 fresh fruit Jam, Raspberry, Black Currént, Lemon & ; braR0 ne Orage: 1 rn Spa oy iin 3 os Gears exposed). coo CB Orange Marmalade, Little chip;. Cross & Blackwell. 15a H-O=rrasriin 1 sf dor J el Sohiiig So ¢ LOOK over the Cream & Milk 3 Fresh Sandwich Sy WL Paste, Chicken Paste, star, DURANT AND: NASH Fe _-- AEP sted "adjustment, } ow one Paste, Bloater Pasie--all. four kinds--each 'CARS! shite S ah A SE] See bow the Bowl is construc. 3 _ lira odd 101 dni Sirs i ited feasyito clean). 5 i 2» oa ORANGES! four Jor Tor 7 iy [Guaranteed Service and Repirs)- DAN WRIGHT, Box 220; gs 5 4 on ORANGES, four dozen for' . $1:00,,3 au ~om all - snakegs: ; ing ala of 4716127. 2afanrtd Divees) ont] ~@€t a wide open Sanitary Bass ey (it's easy to clean around) J WW. SCOTT; Bry deni ou ns TN She FARM, 1 MILE WEST OF Posiive Fristion: Clute ve) A 2) ha ot aif SED CARS Dryden, good frome house and large} TRAE) of. "service 7 when you' IV = a yom - if modern bafn;-45 acres under: eultiva<- need it, | ! A terms 'may: be arvanged.--=Apply re ¢ Dryer Motots, dei a Pio h_ fi & i & HUGHIE HILL, Lis ori Mrs ADA. WILSON, ron, er Ss. ot ih Groer = ihe Un wibBoiaiu aay iask gn nger' pk » ANDERSONE HARRIS "FARM FOR. SALE AT A BARGAIN > _.South- half, Lot 19, Cen. 7, twp. Zea- 3 i ; 4 A oo ' E TT 4 FUNERAL DIRECTOR land, 166; acres more. or less, 25 under. ? ad Prises are | YSt-- cultivation, balance bush-and pasture; f a" _some pulpwood, good buildings, House 16x24, story. and. half, Good. Furnace, . Ea wr Sa eo a Ee Tr min men $i 0-0 CE OD 0 TE, ANT. ATED soon TEE yo <=pAY OR NIGHT Tr CALLS Aylmer PORK & EEANS, 2b ti ns, per fin iz PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Stable, Hayshesl, and Chicken House. ry 3 fH 1unt's FANCY "PE ACIES, ZS, 0. Te: per tn. a 25 e PHONE~-- ae _ For fort pres apply to. BALL: BEARING EAM SEPARATOR a5 CAMPBELL = 8OU ['£4wo ins for rian. 4. 32 f Davy '68. R. 2; .° Fight, 6 IRA ot sie ts Eu WALLIN; Box 220, om 0 am cms. OSD (EE OE 2 GE (GES) GED ED GD OE Two-in-One! BLACK SHOE POLISH, peftip J... II 5 Ra CT NS ERAS COCOA IAS, perfin i 0.05.00 end 23 EXCELSIOR MACARRON, S-oz, 3 for Poe 20 "% N LAGHT SOAP, pér catton of I lrinBam. 4... 21 ; JSCO, IS, PEF UN ..vvveeivrueiiianees aannins ie ors Erich, ys, periant 113051. . 5 #is lh Jo 12 7 MO Es adil "Seeds of All Kin do Ti Ligh AR Aad OWER thy is Se & hi oh hills tin a aug s at, hig] and |; Ten ALSIKE SEED, Er ee 5 ; pon rough. roads! Smoothness that Ca Bi 11 Col Ciealat tu iElicv ie be CI.OVER -SEED; SUN I 4 @ iG 2 so AA Is you with delight! : Speed Pink 1 12 at_new and lower prices it MIXED SEFD. ~~ whet an idanT 8 Hg gelération' that 'ect your" every, de- which Chevrolet has ever mand! Long; Fesillent "springs: ith Trans mam oT + eS ~ Ret TT o i + Beauty thats pier op BE. =x 8655: ; | NI rT QTTS ATUL 5 coshion." every. shock! ili E270" "Compe vad 5780 CNION SETS and TFUJ TIPLIERS : 'makes you proud to be: seen tin a ose oo GE bl Ln et wg prea Bris wt : such a car! A rightness about every Cabriolet - - - $850 Landau Sedan £329 2, iT EB «ged © SL i» a» "Imperial La: dda Sedan - 73 - 2STF RF FA a little detail that you would' expect only. Readster Delivery $655 Co" re'k Chassi $3190 ' 5 in much higher-pri iced' carsl ' * 1-Ton Track Chassis"- == «x7 '$545 ¢ Ts Wr. 03 ices at' Be, 'Oshawe~--Governnient Tases ANOTHER LARGE CANDY SALE Herrin All these things Chevrolet, gives you, ales of Extra ; FOR SATURDAY, MAY 21st. 'CF-5016 3 ' DURANCE BROS. DRYDEN, Ontario-----. ----KENORA, Ontario - aad i aa ' EL RV piaag§ a Fl 4

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