i a 2 an SET THE SquarePStore ® Specials = Specials For this week only, in the Dry Goods Department. Goods that are necessary for the Ladies and which. . Marked at Such prices that two or three are good buying. DON'T MISS THEM. are wonderful value. X: X: X: xX Leather Hand Bags--Different shapes and sizes and up- to-date. worth from $2.50 to $5.00. For this weekonly ........... $1.29 & $1.08 Safety Pins--Cilt or Nickel Plated, in bunches of 30. Three bunches for... i. .onivn evan. Silk Garter Elastic--in 6 yard pieces, 25¢., 35¢. the piece Rubber Aprons--A household necessity, in different colors foronly ....,..-.. ... a an .39 each Compacts--exceptionally good value in two sizes, 25¢. & .49 Tooth Brushes--good size, and good bristles, only .15 ea. 3o0c. dozen, 03 Lead Pencils--buy them by the dozen, only or two for Of course you all know that this is Jubilee Year, our sixtieth anniversary. If you have friends or relations 2broad, a little token of goodwill would be rather nice. Our SOUVENIR GIFTS are now on display. Each article is packed separately. Ask to see them. They are priced from 35c. to $3.50 These are not merely decorations, they are something that is useful to every one. Men's Sweaters--These days of uncertain weather, a Sweater is always useful. Our range is complete. Sweater Vests, in newest combination colors, fine WOOL a ie eae is $3.50 Pullovers, "VV neck with sleeves ....,......¢.: 5.50 Plaine Bawn-Coalss. 5. on ire ss viciiens 3.50 Brushed Wool Coats, Windbreaker style, in snappy ColoWfs oF aad ara 6.50 Also a large range of Light Pullovers, from we 2.50 $0. aes a Hews O00 See Them In The Window. tes, Set---- oy S------ Don't forget that Tuesday, May 24th, is Victoria Day. See our Assortment of FLAGS, osc., and up. GROCERIES-- TEA--We have spent much time and money trying to purchase a grade of Bulk Tea, with quality and price combined as an attraction. Our repeated sale this week has convinced us that at last we have been successful. The Price of this Tea, is 65¢c. per 1b. (Ask for Free Sample). LIBBY'S APPLE BUTTER-- A repeater, for the benefit of those who missed last weeld's advt. 2Y4-1b tins, Apple Butter 25c. DOUBLE CREAM CUSTARD-- 1-ib Tins, Harry Hornes, reg. 40c. Special--3oc. HOLLAND HERRINGS, Large Kegs-- Last Chance--joc. each. FLOWER AND VEGETABLE PLANTS Leave your orders now for Flower and Vegetable Plants, as they will be ready by June First. ALFRED PITT, Limited ONTARIO AAAAAABAAAA . DRYDEN Millions Drink THIS PURE Orange Lemon Juice IT is richest in the soluble solids that make Orange and Lemon Juice both healthful and delicious. Life--Giving Vitamins? Natural Organic Salts and Acids--are appetizers and direct digestive aids. A natural Tonic which adds Zest to busy days. = At our Soda Fountain, we now serve Pure Orange and Lemon Juice, made from fresh Oranges and Lemons. See it made in a moment right before your eves. PER GLASS, TEN CENTS. For The Week-End-- Vanilla & Banana ice Cream, per quart ........... 65 FRESH STRAWBERRIES, at Lowest Market Price. Neilson's Jersey Milk Bars, family size, each ....... . 19 Neilson's Creamy TOFFEE, family size, each ...... . 19 Head Letiuceeach ....c. i in. 113 Tomatoes; perth oa aa saa 25 Celery, perth 1... cis cans 10 Carrois, neW, per tb oi 0 8 oo dosh 10 Sweet Potatoes, per Ib soi 0. os cir on os riot 10 Ripe Bananas, 2-fhsfor... nav oii 235 Australian Green Grapes, perIb .... coi vine. ivavs .60 Hugs | nn IC ILL Prop. fill ing buildings in the Town of Dryden, "| BARGAINS POLICE COURT NEWS May 18.--Befcore Magistr.te Pronger, Albert Young pleaded guilty to having liquor in other than a private dwelling, second offence, Convicted and fired $100.00 and Costs, alternative two "moths, and in addition one month in and goal. i Special Offer -- STAR COACH, 1926 3 model, as good as new --Apply S. DAITER, Dryden, We expect a new shipment of BootsandShoes Aun Co Fe Saturday Bargains In Used Cars Durance Bros. & Co Chevrolet Dealers, which includes different styles in i DRYDEN, : shoes for-- | LADIES, Town of Oryden MEN, Court of Revision BOYS . A Court of Revision for the Towr and ot Dryden, will be held in the Town GIRLS 1all, Dryden, on Wednesday, the 25th 2 ' on of May, 1927, at the hour of 7 30} also o'clock in the evening, to.hear ann, CHILDREN'S. determine appeals against the assess- : ment Roll of the said Municipality for, WW e have on hand already a full ithe year 1927. 'range of ren RUNNING SHOES MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE: fit 5% ; Court of Revision ¥ t every member of the family. A Court of Revision of the Munici- ; paliy of Van Horne, will be held in the? Township Hall, on Monday, May 23rd. 1927, at eight o'clock in the even' ng, | zo hear and determine appeals against: ) the Assessment Roll of the said Munici- 1 pality for the year 1927. GEO, WICE, Clek. tell i pairs of TOWN OF DRYDEN | MEN'S DRESS and WORK Notice g TAKE NOTICE that under By-Law! SHOES Left at $2.05 pair. No. 184 of the Town of Dryden, all persons erecting, altering or remov- I.E. GIBSON, Clerk, Special There is only about one hundred These Boots have been regular $4.50 value. must obtain the approval of the Build- ing Inspector, James McFadyen, before, We also have some of the doing so, under penalty of a fine. BOY'S BOOTS Left at $2.25 J. BE. GIBSON, Clerk. * Regular value 2.95. a , These are Boots that will stand the roughest weather. FRIDAY-- «x ----SATURDAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS 'Don Q, Son Of Zorro' A Big Action Special, the kind that Made Doug. Famous. PRICES--25¢. & soc. Matinee--15c. & 30c. NEWS-- --COMEDY MONDAY ---- ----TUESDAY LON CHANEY "The Road to Mandalay' Comedy--"ONE WILD RIDE." "THE STRONG MAN" No Show for Weaklings. THE CHEAP BAZAAR WEEKLY STORE NEWS The Famous Utility Paint PAINTS, ENAMELS, VARNISHES "Save the Surface and you Save AIL" IT 1s not necessary for you to buy a large Size Can of Paint, when you only have use for a small quantity, We have in Stock now, the kind you want and to suite Your purse. 3 Household Paint in eight colours, Decorative Enamels in eight colours, Black Iron and Screen Iinamel in four colours, Per Can--35cc., 30c., 20c. Paint Brushes, Rubber Set, Our Paint Drys in A Few Hours. PUTTY--1-1b Can, airtight only PUTTY KNIVES, only Mail Orders Accepted. : Co ur in and Look Around, when you are in Town. We Stack Household Goods--Hardware, Notions Glass- & SON Z8¢c.. 20C CR Sr TC NE +l eiaie 6 EATEN See eee eee. WwW. E THORSEN = (Rogation Sunday) ! -------- A number of USED CARS, and LIGHT DELIVERY in Good Running Condition At Bargain Prices From $275.00 Down. Second Hand | F urniture DINGWALL MOTORS, Dryden Ontario. { We have, now on hand a ful range \ : 7 BEDS, SPRINGS, and Orden United Church! MATTRESSES, 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 7:00 p.m., Evening Worship, "The Universal Appeal of Christ." in all sizes. Complete Bed, Spring and Seine Mattress, from $5.00 up. --Oxdrift-- ; 2:00 p.m.--Sunday School : EXTENSION COUCH 3:00 p.m.--Public Worship i ; AND MATTRESS, A very hearty welcome is extended tc all. .EXTENSION DINING TABLE, i H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. ) KITCHEN TABLE & CHAIRS, ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryde: 'Satur day evening--Intercession Service i 8:00 p.m. {One ORGAN, in good shape, KITCHEN CABINET, {oni y Sool 0 or 4 More SEWING MACHINES, Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 a.m. left--2 Singers, 1 Standard, and 1 Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7:00 p.m. Eaton, all in good shape, could be SPECIAL Intercession for God's bless- tried i in the store. Jw to rest on the seed sown. Al cordial invitation is to all to come, One POTATOE SCUFFLER, R. A. SMITH, Rector. | ---- (Set Spike-Tooth HARROWS, | Drvden Baptist Church One DEMOCRAT BUGGY, 11:00 --Chure} ible S L . 2m mreh and Bitle Schoo Also Other Miscellaneous A service for every member of the | family. { Articles. 6:50 p.m.--Song Service. | "Events of Christ's Coming." F ing of Christ.) { THURSDAY, 8:00 p.m.--Prayer Not ing. chapter iii. | Goons OF EVERY DESCRIP- A welcome and a blessing for all in TION BOUGHT AND SOLD. Xfog's House, ;DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARI( (Second in a series on the Second "Jesus and Nicodemus," read John, . and Second Hand ia. E. G. BAXTER, Pastor. TRE, Cie Bs T 2