VOLUME VIL -- DRYDEN, Ontzrio, May 27th, 1927. Tinsmithing Plumbing & Heating The general feeling wa ;amazement that the r z Let us give you an estimate |. Eagle Biver, both -male aad fe on your plumbing. possessed such 'talent. Ee We carry a full line of: BATHROOM FIXTURES, ely 1S Oe PIPE AND PLUMBING i FITTINGS. 2 S. RYDER Phone 4 : Dryden, Ont. Box 2. {evening, the occasion | River Band Concert. fe under the corductorship of Mr there were 15 instruments in each was handled with credit. Te each indivi Band is due unstinied praise and 1s nene, more than Mr J. Cross, whe has produced such an excellent band. fro ithe raw material comizined in = Reach 3 U ed mand recognition In ads far | The musical pert of the progr {was followed by a humourous play, © ititled "Mrs Briggs of the Positrm a ' 'S {Yard™ in three acts This was weil Istaged and each ome played their part with credit "Mrs Brigegs™ was a bear CHEVROLET, 1923 .... $35000 part, but Miss I Bell was equal to i FORD, 1922 $175.00! The play was 2 great surcess snd re FORD TRUCK, 1923....$225.00 flected much credit, met culy ts the ~~ CHEVROLET TON {players, bat also to Miss Riley, Eagle TRUCK, 1922 $205.00 River, Who was respemsihle for the ; training and failkil production CHEVROLET, 1923 .... $325.00 i Master Edward Schmitz gave a FORD, 1923 ...- +» $105.00 exoelient Cormet Sols, which was FORD, 19018 ..- $75.00 deservedly emcored amd Mos Eins CHEVROLET TRUCK, Cress treated us to 33 expelime : 1921 $175.00 forte sela : WHITE TON TRUCK, in Good! A shert dance termimatiag a2 mul Running Order ........ $95.00 night, brought 2 hoppy and soovessTol evening to a dose MOTOR CYCLE .. ad wom forthe r instroments, ete. for the Band Durance Bros. & Co. = a BS TL RSE Nm. OXDRIFT--The members of Oziift FOR SALE-- | Women's Institute and their friewds House, 4 rooms, Pantry and met at the home of Mrs M3tec Mac- Basement, Open Fire Place. Tavish, on Sotundey evemimg, May IL Furnace, Good Well, Two Lets, for the purpose of givirg = Sandy Loam,: Chicken House party for Winsse Patesun, 2 and Wire, Close to School. the 21st pepe 5 Fan alain nani for Fores Lg bade of Snap for quick sale; Cash or| The surprise tock the fo rm of a Terms. shower of "Bonnie Blue" kitchen 4-Roomed House, full basement utensils. Mrs John Adam soft water cistern, furnace, good little speech, and then Wee well, one acre of-land. Cash Tavish, seated in the dishpan, presented or Terms. jee articles to Winnie. After 2 pleas- : ) ant evening lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by the members of the A. J. LOCK Hunting, Trappers and Radio License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3 { younger set. ' DINORWIC--The Field Day in commee- ition with St George's Chueh Sook place en Toeslsy, May ZL B= morzing 2 ball game between Te i Married and Single, The Sizzle, took piace om the joe grounds, resulting in a victery for Our First Shipment of . BOOTS Has Arrived. A Complete Stock of 3h Biren} HARNESS & ACCESSORIES (24 W- Atkins, 22d 2 wy zfierpoon was spent, DoT 3 Always on Hand. lead ia Hamess Repaired-- some pest, mtd Sve cad Boots--and--Shoes thonderstors omeming em, EveryIoe REPAIRED made for the schoodhomse where lunch the Benedict= A match was also 2:00 o'dock, the boys winning At three o'dock 2 zssexmbiad the hill near the church for the speels which were directed by Bev. E Jaogoes exjoTaie e FEE im = be Hi 1 ge Tk 'ane lemonade was sexved to the F. WILLARD. | childres_ 2nd coffee to the elders. The : youngsters afterwards played games - ithe basement uni the shower passed ~ STAR POOL ROOM 'over amd after singirg The Maple Leal & BARBER SHOP.! 4 God Save the King, weve Ssmissad in the Freidman Building | Girl's Guild Sale of Wend : Highest Class Work. The Gals Cazid beid their smssal Ladies and Childrin-- R --Special Attention booth being evected on the Bl where ET ithe sports took place A mumber of M. HUTZAL, Proprietor. 'useful 2nd fancy sriicles being offered 'for sale by Mrs A D. Hall Misses Panny Ovenstone and Ediih Fizlaysee, ' while Misses Margarst Eastman, Mery 'Eger, Verma Lyon bad charge of he Braz Tob, 2nd Joseph'me Zecosle sold (Continped on page three) The W. A. of St. Lake's Church will bold z= Apron and Hemeoook- ing Sale en Wednesday, June Sth, in the Parish Halll af 3:00 o'dleck pm. Afternoon Tea will also be served, Mr A. R. Pippy, Optician, D. R. D'ng- wall's Limited, Winnipeg, will be in {Dryden May 31st, June 1st and 2nd i Those wishing to make an appointment kindly leave names at the Dryden i Pharmacy, or at Dr's. Dingwall and Morison's office. > CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Johnson and family wish to thank all of those who so kindly assisted them in their sad bereavement. ~ Wabigoon, Ont,, May 27, 1927. Each item was admirably rendered juz] member of the SEs District." Of this we ave cof {Eagle River Band kas come to stay and that it kas 2 fu that will de { Sender, played between the boys and g=ls 2%, 'Sale of Work on Tuesdsy afternoon a: 2 ] | Thos. Provdiocot has been a ojien i Diamond Jubilee Plans. Y THE General Committee in charge of May 21, when Winnifred, only daughter the celebration for the Diamond | °f Mr and Mrs Harry Pateman, was Jubilee of Confederation are taking | United in the bonds of holy matrimony immediate action to provide a splendid to Gilbert W., younger son of Mr and rogramme for a three day celebration Eifrs William Weare, of Minnitaki. Rev. a on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. t {uroed solders throoghout the Estrict, . the fog, patristic ad |= pesris, and a veil of silk toile} carried 2 bouguet of palest pink roses ete, saluting resses, Band Comcert, freworks and is understood that on Friday July Pressive marriage service of the Weare=Pateman ST. LUKE'S CHURCH was he scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, {Canon Lofthouse performed the im- 1st, the programme will be largely gt hgiean Chueh, 5 - 2 patriotic mature, indoding a very! The bride who was given away by * splendid parade of school children. re- her father made a pleasing picture in '2a gown of white satin trimmed with She s--- a ' - - Saterday, July 20d. will be given ¥0d carmatioms, and were 2 baveelet of a A | to sports excxlsively amd the able { er pended poem to provide am attractSve LCT. "wy Tose quarts amd beillients, the gift of embers of that committee cam be do |10¢ bridegrocen | The bride was attended by Ruby MacTavish, who locked charming © July Bed, will be given ovir| = 3 20m of jade green crepe de chine Bas i with 2 sand Bat, and carried 3 bongost | of pink curmatioms. She also wore 2 held out -- prohadbly om fhe traceiet of rose quarts amd beilliants: | croumds of the High School where in, = Tt of the groom | = Bb that sestimg acroeredatioe! Mr Leonard Weare supported hic can be srvzoged. The clergymen of MUGRer 3 the alter ! the fear Dryden cngregsioms-- Revs | Baxter, Evers, Sih an' Bellevames wil kaw wil asset with the rosie gong wil Ce used ceirs of 20 chovhes These services shoold be particciwmiy | Fiemme. The Geers Comenittee tke for granted aad the otipens of Dryden resiireg the wast importance of these cheheatimes, will remder every zssist- ame 2» the sarees commriESees TD fariitace they very deasy undertiomg ind Ir emsare Dat ew? of Tese Gove ys mar be wel warty of Che COCRSOm. It is quite peobsbic (hat as som a=! oiarpiets avenger ents and detadls ox te wwked out that am appropriate wick wil mot qudy cover afl events in their proper ender, but will alse be something well worth kseping 2s 2 soEvenT. It is also the wish of the committee' that a general invitation be extended to zll persons throughout the district while if the varions school sections should be zgreeshle to zrvangimg for heir school children to take part I» the parade, thes such assistames ou be greatly appreciated. Following (be procadure elsewhere, 2 = hoped thot every merchuast amd every bopseboider wil decorate thelr vuldzgs mx the best posshie mammer-- | Qi & potekndy mgpertmt and) Detaled miorration will be § Mr M S Campbell was elected' Cherrmane of the General Cormeeittee, nd the following sd-coormiitess wore Tppeamted: In charge of Friday's Calsbration-- a BH Eumgiveys, F. Cooper, H Wide 5 MM Duridses, Dr Moises, and 2 Mesiumes Dingwall and J. E Bevis For Joy 3nd, Setonisy's prograos-- AE Baver, MF. Cock, A J. Ciexp- sez, and M.D Ezmbiy. For Sanday's Arrzegements--Eer. Eivers, Rev, Smith Pastor Baxter, and Fziher Bellevance, Messrs Campbell Berrey, Wice Arcarvon & Dr Morison were named as Fizomte znd Advertising Coomitles zd J. L. Siifles was sppeinted Secy.- Trrasorer. The zbove mentioned will meet in the Town Hall, on Thars- day, Jue 2nd, 3 7.30 pm znd report the arrangements outlined for the vzrioos days, The Members of the Discesaz Board of the Women's Anxiliszy Diocsse of Eeewstin, wish to therk all those whe assisted with the programme. Those who used their cars for the drive, the bostesses who entertzined delegates, and those who helped in amy way to make their twenty-second anpral meel- Ing 3 SOO0ess Kenora Omt., May 23, 1927. ¢Ficial permit issuer for the Dryden District by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Permits are now on hand and may be obtained from Mr Proud- foot at any time. Messrs Gangloff and Hampe had a narrow escape from death, when their car upset and rolled down the embank- ment as they were driving between Eagle River and Vermillion Bay. Mr Gangloff escaped without a scratch, and Mr Hampe only received minor carpe of the Soudny! ] committees | The proses gift to bis procew--owon was 3 siver cigarettes case i Daring the signing of the register, Mrs J. E Gsm presided az the marek, i The wedding party returmed to the boore of the rides parents, at orl, withers dose spon 39 geest- =t down tr hartess In the evening 2 reception was held at the Commmity Hall where haut one bomdred aad Efty friends of he tee families met to compratiiate The bagpy coaplles eft a» No 3 for the wot 3 pend 3 shot asrmeor Locals. Dr ang Mrs Dingwall were of Mr and Mrs W. H Dingwall Ee Tavs, over the week-ema itor Novdroee, Wakigoon, was 2 visitor to Dryden Toesday, Mr W. F. Kerner, and Moss Peael Eermey, frome Walkerton Ont zve the guests of Mr and Mrs Wm EKermey., Mrs W. D Dickson has retmmed to 22 poesis ber bores in Dryden, after an extended Tip emst. Mr aad Mrs Weare, of Minmitahs expect to leave Somdey to spend several soonths im the Qld Country. : NH ¥ Miss Carpenter returmed to ber booe = Esnors, Toesdsy, after spending 2 3 [week in Dryden the guest of Mr 23d cooing at the earliest possible mament, (MIS Dan Wright, Miss A Crosier visited Dryden.' Wednesdsy. f Messrs Joo. and George Caxy, of New York have been the guests of 'Frank Porter for the past week Mrs M. Eessedy from Ushnidge, Cut. is the guest of Mr and Mas W. D. DScksem_ Mr amd Mrs W. LL Thompson znd children from Ignace, were the gussts of Mr and Mrs A McDonald over the bobday. Miss Oris Carson, from Fort William | is the guest of Mr and Mrs Robert Foote. Miss Fisher enroute from Port Arthur to Winnipeg, spent a couple of days in Dryden this week, the gosst of Mr and Mrs Herman Saunders Despite the rain several cars made the trip to Wabigoon on the might of May 24th and there wore a large number of Drydenites at the donee in the Community Hall The ma. The Fire Rangers Sea Plare passed over Dryden Wednesday and followed the ake to Wabigoonm Miss Corz Corbett, with Master W2l- Is Porpell, were visitors from Wabi- goon, Monday. Mayor Dingwall was 2 business visitor to Winnipeg this week Th: C. Y. P. C. will present thair play "All A Mistake," at Wabigoon, on Friday, June 3rd. - The play will be followed by a dance. The steam excavator which will be used in the sewer construction work by 1 'the Nelson River Construction Co, ar- rived here and was unloaded from th track on Tuesday. It is expected that work will begin immediately. Mr and Mrs Antilla have purchased a handsome Nash Coupe, The Coupe was one of a carload received by the | Dryden Motors, the first shipment of real big cars ever received in Dryden, F. Jarwinen, Quibell, was in town, | jMonday. i I will you be fized at 65? Like the old folks In ths picture -- happy, contented and free from Woy, with the assured income of a Last-Sur- wvor Annuity payable as long as either of them pelled to struggle fcr the awful handicap oi mental powers? Or will you be com our dally bread under Make your futvre just 2s safe as your present. 7 ¥our savings into a Governme:¢ % forward to a sturdy, independent =n or woman resident in Canada can buy _ A lemp sum or small, convenient in- = gives you a retiring income of from $i0 And payment is as sure as the Unlike ordinary sa vestments there is no wo an Anpaomty, vings or in- - : rry about their safety, for amties are backed by the resources of the entirs Dominion and cannot be forfeited, stolen or seized by legzl process Izvestigate this wise Government offering NOW. Canadian Government NUITIES wities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa THE HON. PETER HEENAN, Minister | dmccitics Branch, Dept. 35. epartment of Labour, Ottawa. i _ Please send me Complete Information about Canadian i Government Annuities D BY THE WHOLE DCMINION fe | Reeein es Word of Brother's © ath-- Mrs Com Anderson received the sad of the death of her brother Mr Norens, who was drowned at Kemer: on Friday night while fishing on the Izke of the Woods. Mrs Ander- ih her sister, Mrs Nelson who siting here from Ke-}| ora Noreus left for Much sympathy MUNICIPALITY QF MACHIN Court of Revision ". Court of Revision for the Municipa'- ity of Machin will be held on Saturday, h, 1927, in the Schoolhouse, : t at the hour DETTE Armed {Eagle River, c'clock in the afternoon, to hear aad determine appeals against the Assess- iment Roll of the said Municipality, £:r the year 1927. : GEORGE RUETE, Clerk. Ee Ta a SSS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Vitamines-- that mysterious "something" which makes the young grow--will be foundin Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver, as well as other cle- ments necessary for the devel- opmentof health and strength. Children who seem tc be at a standstill--Iacking in energy or vitality--and ccnvalescents who do-not improve readily, get just the needed tonic stim- ular't effect from a short treat- ment with Wampole's Extract Price $1.00 per bottle say bo