Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 23 Jun 1927, page 1

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The Dryden Ob Durance Bros. & Co. FOR SALE-- House, 4 rooms, Pantry and Basement, Open Fire Place Furnace, Good Well, Two Lots, Sandy Loam, Chicken House and Wire, Close to School Snap for quick sale; Cash or Terms. 4-Roomed House, full basement soft water cistern, furnace, good well, one acre of land. Cash or Terms. A. J. LOCK Hunting, Trappers and Radio License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3. oe Our i i Saipmens BOOTS Has Arrived. A Complete Stock of HARNESS & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. Harness Repaired-- Boots--and--Shoes REPAIRED F. WILLARD. = -- = = a =] STAR POOL ROOM & BARBER SHOP. in the Freidman Building Do you believe - PROTECTION? "Well row up to a victim and SEFEC are you this morsieg ?™ and the motion of the boat, the roll, the pitch, the fear of nausea, the prssing nausea, are all discussed told of zn ootie mho went to Gena ve = 1 dz and was sick all the trip, or Then aos a > fcousin who went down in the Lausitania and mever missed 2 meal and so on while the very air becomes full of and people are sick of the very germ of influence, We met very interesting folks on board. I had a drink, I mean talk yesterday with a man who was at the Battle of Jutland. He was an officer on a crusier and saw less than a mile away, three battleships sink, with over three thousand men lost and only three saved, and there was no swark in his narration, 1 don't particularly remember whether Englishmen had much prestige in Dr- den but this trip has confirmed suspicion I always had, that they are a specially fortunate and pre-eminent race. An American said to me "I had no idea off the efficiency of the British Empire until I got on this ship." We are nearing Plymouth where Drake played bowls. I do not know whether they still play bowls at Ply- mouth, but if they do I shall regret that some of the really good home town players are not along. A sense of duty is a terribl Having promised to write you and 3 so kindly inviting it, I am tom betwes an inclination to write at 2 discursively and descriptively and fear that it all seems Dryden mow seerns miles IWEy a thomsamds of years remotes At any rate | most eax ead | Sa I hear Mrs Pet's voice fret the end of the in a horde eS OUI0E | J batho: amd bunk The W. A. of StL will hold an Apron and Homectok- ing Sale on Wednesday, June Sth, in the Parish Halll at 3:00 o'dack pm. Afternoon Tez will also be served. Notice to Car Owners-- We the undersigmed Automobile Dealers of the Town of Dryden, hereby agree to close our places of business on Sundays and Holi- days, with the exception of the hours of 9:30 to 12:00 o'clock, a.m. and evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock p.m., starting June 12th, 1927, and continuing throughout the season., (Signed)-- DURANCE BROS. & CO. DINGWALL MOTORS, DRYDEN MOTORS. Notice, The Gravel from my pit will hereafter be 15c. per yard managed by Mr C. Byington. J. W, McMASTER, LEVIS, Ag, Dryien Re Ont,, June 2nd, 1927. "IWDem rein Ted [factoring and morieting cam secceed right and rem right, > h e offer you the record of the Central n- Bertz Dairy Producers" Association, commonly called the Central Cream | Pool, with its head office at Alix, Alta This association--the first Dairy Pool in Canzda on 2 contract basis and i = J {or ie on true co-operative prin- ciples--commenced business on March 2nd, 1925, with 153 members and no money. In order to pay cash for cream the Association made arrangements for a temporary loan of $10,000.00. iat was the way the Central Cream Podl started. After only 22 months of operation, the situation, as briefly as we can put it, is as follows: 1. The membership has increased to 1,240 2. The Association has paid back the $10,000.00 that was borrowed. 3. It has over $16,000.00 in reserve for working capital, 4. It has paid more than the regu- lar market price for cream taking an average around the year. : J. cash dividends on cream to members. = a It kas over $7000.00 in plant or - --- fod I rh i Prodoced 10.008-Bs of Milk-- - It has made and sold coca Mr C. Calles. ROP. Ottawa visit pounds of butter WM Lose es =z a : = _ {Grandview Dairy this week His offic 4 i 8 © sum 2p: It has bemefited ifs; Sows that one four-vear-old cow Tem =: {a he exit of over $51; ced Sarting How It Was ae Bie 4 : wr holding Rat sation certifiente s showing bow mach' I hess ITmeTEs % STIR = {| 2 Ve have by of volume under one roof, reduced r = Slactetite cosls two ad one hanf -- exsmy average salie af peal which at present t one and one-tenth £ hats outlier. wo may erenmmerics § in Alberta In just closed Alberta creamerics the year 0 of them) made a Hitle over 20 000.900 Tz of butter. We made 1.-, G00 000 Ibs of that ourselves and a! few other creameries made 500,000 Ibs a piece or thereabout. That means that the rest did not average over 175,- 000 Tbs and some of them were below 100,000 bs. Does anybody think that we could have made our 1,000,000 Ibs in 1926 as cheaply or as well if we had done it in ten plants instead of one? v IN MEMORIAM DAVIS--In loving memory of mother, who passed to rest, June 5th, 1924. "At the last great day the ways of God shall be made known," --Inserted by her daughter ROSE It has paid over $34,000.00 as! its} out 22 months' * {sitnation is not the most desirable in 1 of fcosts or six months imprisonment. Monday. R. J. Pronger was a business visto to Quibell this week. Mr and Mrs QO, Peitch have moved out to the Nelson farm across the river. Jno. Ramsay, Dyment, was in town, Tuesday. iMrs K. S. LeBaron Honoured-- Mr and Mrs K, S. LeBaron and family expect to leave Dryden about ithe middle of June. Mrs LeBaron who has been an active member of the Girl's Guild of St. Lukes, since comin Dryden, aws the honoured the members of Gil :home of Mrs H. Humphrey 'day evening. A most pleasan jwas enjoyed and during Mrs LeBaron was presented with a umbrella, with monogram. Barbara Humphreys made the presen- tation on behalf of the girls, hi | +3 ho the «ie CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Duran, of Minnitaki, wish to thank their friends for the kincness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. s convinced that ii died from b oe is from eating too much clo --ar Mr and Mrs Gilbert Weare ,of Minni- - jtaki extend their sincere thanks jsppreciation to their friends fo IRENE good wishes fis upon them on the ana gil occas New Hospital for Quibell-- A pew hospital is now the objective of the citizens of Quibell. The oze is altcgether inadequate to fill { needs of the district there, and as a une {the village, it i mittee to erect an ent r jing as soon as the necessary fu raised, Police Court News-- May 31, Dryden Police Court--Geo Bohomoz and Nellie Bohomok wer jointy charged under the excise ac with having a quantity of Mash in the com- their possession, suitable for the manu- facture of illicit liquor. Both the ac- cused pleaded not guilty. After hear ing the evidence the Magistrate dis- - VOLUME VII. DRYDEN, Ontario, june 3rd, 1927. : 3: : ci ths From Abroad Mokel - Tinsmithin g lar Kelso Locals. Plumbing Ji | J BP 3 Dear Editor, & Heating On the eve of arrival at Ply-,2e=me (oe dnde of Edward Kelso. |zaditoriom of 13 Let us give you an estimate oa on chastened & by A of Confederation on your plumbing. Tr . : ie id me Prost We carry a full line of: barkation, for now we have A i me. Eons "=| CELEBRATION & --Also-- scores of whales, millions of pe adi ng soon some 9 PIPE AND PLUMBING |and been greatly troubled % FITTINGS. latitude and longitude. left Tuesday night f A I am trying avoid the arid where be ii t pd ? S. RYDER = mer, but wo Ey ; . 8 i 820 Phone 4 Dryden, Ont. Box 2.|element one bY = vii at are] ve = ad # dg L 3 2 ' -- both good sailors 2 sem TES zs eve : seasick, and speaking f ff Mr and Mrs Kelso were e She recipents Mrs Thos Prendfest spent sever | Lave not so far oan o=tef 2 be f deaf] gifts [=r Ia NEpeg 2 Weak TI . Used mf omer Shee 3 : | Geo Cough Dymest was in tows 2 Committee in charge of the Th tion of card: : { Toesck {eic ; aes wy Tm Cream: Pool | oe staan Ce cbration on July First, respect- so much of Mr Richardson This yea: Ars - HE 2 - C ¢ me so much of Mr Richardson. This his Article an the panting of Cream Nr 0. Giacksbery. wie repre =| FULLY request that all citizens take 3 ALE vs a. == was subevitied by Mr Salichery, Mgr. Naticsal Life Irsmaace Cooper i eg. tastes ih mo be aa] PE Cover Belt Creamery. [ted Drees thie week favourable notice of the follouing r CHEVROLET, 1023 .... $350.00 been very unttetcasabl, ; : ia May = =) Mr: Pethrick from Winnipez Bas re uirements BORD, 1022. :: : dvs 2s $175.00] It has been a relief to get eat Be gies of Mr A Y= D q : FORD TRUCK, 1923....$225.00 from the very pet subject of hn Sot Ue pat we CHEVROLET TON sation in Canad, profile. Paul Klemmentar left Meads pen Ev cry pupil of the Dryden oa ee oe assoc sgn Te Bm Re et fs vcation i For, Wiis Public & Continuation Schools FORD, gms ........ So] tn Se ie we nln | and any from District Schools TT 75-00 entirely forgutien fact 1 Belew Wi ex | BD apa Biss sinks fuga tu fut L Aeees 5 be prepared to enter parade. OZR on avin rnnrnans - $275.00 {know such 3 thing exists Bat ap Suitable Medals will be given everyone participating.) WHITE TON TRUCK, i m Good parenily there mast somewhere be sore as Try the y br 3 Bac Mos T BH lews Mins wa: i= r r . Rereing Otter ore Sos.cofcomermtionsl evil Se am She baal, TO OO Sen he RLS - | Every returned soldier through= MOTOR CYCLE sssenmeen $75.00 the one ope 3 = seasickmess. Ome ela IITTET-OWIET Od PErIlive amg Mrs Ball of Dimerwic. was | out the District to enter parade. Cadets to parade in full strength. Every Business House to be decorated. Every House to be decorated. Every Auto in Dryden, also those from oudside points to be decorated. Business Houses and various organizations to enter floats. 02 (Plans & Suggestions for Floats will be available shortly) Town to arrange additional - street lighting, etc. Bands, Orchestras, Dancing, Fireworks. Bon = Fires, Etc. inged and it is the hope of the committee that will take an active part and thereby ensure and success. t the celebrations prove a "erchants are laying in a large supply of flags and bunt- ing. Place your orders early. x TET wy a ri a Le i AER May I borrow ? Your Pen WHEREVER WORK IS DONE In the office or some other's-- In the home ble servant and a help- yours £1 d. Social letters, must the order wait to be notes that last Why: have signed while you ask 10 as! "May I borrow your "May I borrow your Waterman's?" Waterman's?" At school Outdoors where neatness in taking where you want a signature notes saves - hours of copy- a permanent memorandum-- You can't stop to ask "May I borrow your Waterman's?" ing a report of the job--discard that pencil stub and Own a Waterman's. A WATERMAN'S-- RECEIVED AS A GIFT OR BOUGHT FCR YOURSELF--MAY BE EXCHANGED UNTIL YOU HAVE THE POINT TO SUIT YOUR WRITING. The missed the charge against George and convicted and fined Nellie $200.00 and Dryden Pharmacy

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