Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 23 Jun 1927, page 3

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OBSERVER oma 56 ROLY DONS STA DY BEST) Siete ve oe Bag Bs | el ll jal us : Sl <i QQ! =H =} al b= =| | Bi § A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE SEASON'S MOST Z| ch APPROVED MODELS IN-- i = Corsets o 5. atta St OrSCiCiisS 2 --AND-- ol ; . ei Cy r ATFAQ el Brassies wo) = 5! PRICES ARE MOST REASCNABLE, Fe - and the Styles will give you added grace, = with comfort. 3 : = pie & Ss eS Don't Forget our special Concession to Cash Buyers. © Ten per cent of on $5.00 2nd over orders. = £3 1 & Ralph J. Pronger © -"- = will be autumn before"Wwe'll be able to of Dingwall Motors, local Ford Dealers in discussing the recent brief announce- ment from the Company's head offices, at Ford Ontario, "It Is characteristic of Ford policy juot to hurry into the production of a fea ar. Ford experimented for many I ears before he put his first car on the imarket, and he experimented for years more before the famous model "T" was | marketed. That the model T could out- Is all other cars for nineteen years shows that when he experiments he jarrives at some real results, He has been experimenting for years to get} something more advanced than the | model "IT". Now that he has it, plans jhave to be completed to produce it on a quantity-quality basis that will give (the public the benefit of Ford economi- ical manufacturing methods. Meanwhile | {we will : sight unseen" and deliveries will be, made strictly in order of the time the {sale was arranged, We will also con- tinue for the present to sell the model re IT". It always has been Ford policy ic trade on Ford used cars and so the jowner of 2 current model Ford will =] joy 2 preference when it comes jo ying the new model. The ny {faith in this practice is based on the BUILD A HOME FIRST Get our PRICES on BUILDING MATERIAL of all Kinds. SASH -- DOORS -- BRICK -- LIME -- PLASTER ROOFING PAPER -- BUILDIN PLASTER BOARD and WALL BOARD SCREEN DCORS & WINDOWS. BUILDERS' HARDWAR Screen Wire Cloth, --14 mesh--Elack & Lumber -- Lath -- Shingles, Call or Write for Plans ar Dryden Lumber Co. % Ga vanized nd Estimate iG PAPER . im-- re ee me ee es fe PS Si A a - --_. Alt EEE OEE EEC FEED CEE Er GS -- r Ya - | Winterbottom Lumber Yard 2 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL | BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS 3 LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, PLASTER { BRICK AND CEMENT & CELOTEX INSULATION ; BUILDERS' SUPPLIES | Jas. Winterbottom, i DRYDEN - Ontario BEBE (0a (Gp OE (GED 0 ED (Ei OD am (CED OO» OE C. J. WRIGHT ® 2] = CHEESE-- Old Canadian ....... I PAE RE EL Gruyer .\..... Apa ine op Em eal ver eae 33 Gorgonzola... .. cokiiii is Th ad NE BR FIER Lg 70 WIEBE oi si a iia eal Bl dn silsiate + is nian .35 Roqueford...,.... oe shen ARTI 7 PIM O aries ieivid ie dT a stall lets ite yt ate dine .25 Eaghsh-Sultn oi i ravi don rane .90 Canadian Stiltin ... ER PEER Er tae 40 Ingersoll Cream Cheese'................. Cees .25 Norweigen-Goat Mill Cheese +. ...........0 iv 7 BACON AND HAM a Week-end Specials-- 3 * HAMS, 8to101bs, whole, per ion vvinrnvenn. 30 LS SIDE BACON, by the piece, perib ......e.vtu... 32 STICUD HAM, for frying, per ib... vi vation oes 40 CRESCENT CREAMERY BUTTER, per b..... 40 ; he Phone C. James Wright ~3°% O10) SNE) ETROD () WET (ERT (es gay (1) are e and durability of the product Bolds its resale value at an in- n fe. This pelicy of trading on| assed Fords will be more apparent than ever when 8 he new Mode] § is Placed on DEW Car, the Sealeraail "The only definite information I have is that the mew model will cost more than the "sl Bat that was fo be ex-, one could ask or, zal ies you add the benefit of Fords economical produe- ton methods and traditional adh=rence tandard of highest quality you have a wonderful combination. "In the interim we will continpe to sell model "T" cars and to give service on They will never be erphan he Company will continne 0 r them as long 2s they Shey 2 are the longes:- that will be i about 2 price cut. We know 2 no difSenlty in moving out for they are il the best value and we are expect- demand for Ford be very mmch grester than - > 2.7 ETE F SOCK of Tiel "1S »g 2 time when the r= walk 2 Tod "TANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EARNINGS, The rrecs cammimgs of the Canadian | ational Bailways for the week ended I 1927 were 5089 15200 as g th HMO T LH for the 1928, z= decrezsse of per cent. A = #0 Eo. = Moma, GF SWC ¥ Suits and i Overcoats s- Come in and Pick Yours Out New Assortment of HATS AND CAPS. The Latest in FOOT-WEAR And Everything for SPRING WEAR, T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' 11. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO --Dealer in-- BOOTS AND SHOES DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE & FARM PRODUCE --Agent For-- LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD and CQCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS. 3 i display the new model," said Mr Cook, ably high figure at any Desig] |freshen June 29th TB. Classified E. KENNEDY, Dryden, Ont. -- -- ---- $400.00 CASH BUYS FORTY ACRES Six acres in hay--for further particulars, of land, one mile from Town. { apply at | DRYDEN OBSERVER OFFICE, FOR RENT--SUITE OF 4 ROGMS, also 3-roomed Cottage, north of Dry- den, FOR SALE--21 HEAD OF CATTLE. some due to freshen any day, also team of horses and two drivers. Seven houses and lots for sale.--Apply O. H. PRONGER, Dryden, 'LOST -- SPARE TIRE AND RIM, between Quibell and Dryden, Finder please notify F. JARVINEN, Quibell, Ontario. take ordary for the new car WANTED--BOARDERS WANTED. -- Apply to Mrs C. W. HARRIS, Dryden. EALED HAY FOR SALE.--Apply GEO. F. PRONGER, 'Dryden, Ontario, FOR SALE_ DINING TABLE AND Six Chairs, Four Burner Oil Stove, with oven, Jacket Water Heater, Lawn Mower and other articles.--Apply K. S, LeBARON, Dryden, HAY (Timothy) Baled, per ton oe... $25.00 Inese, per ton... 15400 OATS, per bus. FURNES AE FARM FOR SALE, SMALL HOUSE TO RENT, Apply-- R. H. PRONGER'S Office, Dryden, Ontario. 'FOR SALE--Three-burner COAL OIL STOVE, almost new, with oven, Two WASHSTANDS; One BATH TUB. Mrs B L. BLAIR, Dryden. "{For Ssle_ FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. ¥ Cheap for Cash.--Apply Mrs W. J. MARTIN, . Dryden Hotel. FOR SALE-TWO COWS, ONE DUE to freshmen May 21st, and ore due to Tested. Also Set New Walsh HARNESS, can be had on 30 days trial. --Apply A. L. WICE, 10:6:26p, Dryden, Ont, FOR SALE EGGS FOR HATCHING Barred Rock, Bred-to-Lay Strain, $1.00 for seiting of 13. [First selling sold proved 100% fertile RED TIGER CLOVER SEED, Tested No. 1, Emited guantity. DAN WRIGHT, Box 220, Dryden, Oat. For Sale--FARM, 1 MILE WEST OF Dryden, good frome house 2nd large modern born; 45 acres moder cultiva- Geom, good well, splendid road right %o fares. Will sell chesp for cash or terms may be arranged --Apply Mrs ADA J. WILSON, Box 119, Dryden, Ont. 1716{27. [5 330 FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN South half, Lot 19, Con. 7, twp. Zea : land, 166 acres more or less, 25 under cuitivation, balance bush and pasture; some pulpwood, good buildings, House 16x24, story and ho¥f, Good Furnace,' ¢ Stable, Hayshed, and Chicken House. | For further particulars apply to E. WALLIN, Box 230, 'WATKIN'S PRODUCTS SPICES, EXTRACTS, Ete STOCK & POULTRY TONIC PIE FILLERS, FRUIT SALTS, TOOTH PASTE AND BRUSH HOLDER LINIMENT, COUGH MEDICINES, LAXATIVES, SALVES, MEDICINES, TEA AND COCOA EB T. (DAD) ROWLANE Dryden, Ontario Red an] LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, Phone 56 Dryden, Ontario { FOR SALE--TW(Q HOUSES.--Apply coming but it Box 194, { JUHN DEERR PLOW CO. .0.O.F DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town every Monday night. : REGULAR MEETING SATURDAY, June 4th, instead of Monday, KEEWATIN VISITATION, All Visitors Cordially Invited, M. F. COOK, Noble Grand. IL. J, MACPHERSON, Rec. Seer. L.O. L DRYDEN LODGE Wo, 165 meets the first Wedpesany of each month, at eight p.m., mm ths fown Hall. Visiting Brethrem eor- dially invited. 7 D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy Golden Star Lodre AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of cach mon. Vigitors Cordially invite. GEO. H. WICE, W.¥ &. 1. BERRY, Sey. ---- HARNESS and SHOE REPAIRING For the past three years I have been in Dryden, I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the "Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POCST OFFICE. : Hr Te pe A.J.GARDINEL General Merchant, : EAGLE RIVER} Agent for : Frost & Wood IMPLEMEIITS. § COCKSHUTT PLOW (OV * & 2% Sharpie'zs Cream. Separators. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. Ce AEA: BR = 1 A : STRUTT FJ General Blacksmith and Woodworker rey a A) THE DRYDEN QB ISERVER Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. DRYDEN, Ontario ¥very Friday Morning x Published at Largest circulsdion of any weekly paper in the Banora District. Subscripden, $1.50 per year. Oxdrift Trading Go OXDRIFT, VN TA RI GENERAL MERCHA NTS FLOUR AND FEED FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. : BEEF AND PORK ALL MAIL or RDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED 70 gL EEE TRE Ee nT ° ° ® Now is Painting Time. We have a Lacquer Paint for Kitchen Floors that dries in thirty minutes; also a good supply of 777 Miracle Finishes, which are as popular as ever. | Good Prices on Auto Tires Royal Cord Balloon Tires $12.73 Endurance Cords... v.., 8.50 Tubes... icine. LL 2.00 Balloon Tubes. vii. vs 3.50 Dicycle Tivey Lei...) 1.75 Tubestin. anit ion A, 33 These Are Real Prices. Senoco Oil & Grease at the Right Prices. I have also some very fine No. 1, RED COLVER SL Where work is done : to suit your Purse] Dryden, Ontario Ww. OS Genera! Merchant i reques ~'INNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- 'Vaere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Aironged 9 Suit Purrhaaers. P.O., Ontario ATT To ASOCNAELE PRICE Fan Belts Guaranteed for TUBES AND PATCHING and Radiator There are some lower in price, but none better." ----PREMIER BATTERIES--"r PRICES -- RIGHT. TROD OETTDOSITD OGIRS0OLK MATERIAL 3 » AYALA L ALANA of i p: y ie} 5 Eighteen Months, bh Sr S. --Agent HAMILTON OED (GTI () SED () GER () GREE (EEE () CED (SnD (UE (HE) HED () HN) CD () HEE GD) CTI () CID (SRD) Fa aa aa aaa alan are ah 4 a A a a v CORNER, for-- INTERNATIONAL BARVESTER COMPANY ¢f Canada, Lid. Hi i: i { ! Ixdrif. ny OCTESOURES OC Agent, CANADA { TEDOEESD {ERD (ETD .

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