Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 15 Jul 1927, page 1

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he Dryden Observer VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontario, July 15th, 1927 = No. V. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Additions and alterations to fittings, Post Office, Kenora Ont., will be re- ceived until 12 o'clock neon (daylight saving), Friday, July 22nd 1927, for additions and alterations to interior fittings in the Post Office at Kenora, "Ont. ~~ Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the - office of the Chief Architect, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ottawa, the District Engineer, Deptartment Public Works, Fort William, Ont, and the District Resident Architect, Depar:- ment Public Works, 59 Victoria St, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the. Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. ; Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charted bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c, of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as secuitry, or bonds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount. By order S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, ; Ottawa, July 5th, 1927. A a SR WHO IS CARRYING THE RISK ON YOUR LIFE---A STRONG INSURANCE CO.. OR YOUR WIFE? : Can you find anyone who will work for a small premium each year and take your place and do it indefinitely when you are laid up? A Life Insurance Policy will. Consult-- A. J. LOCK Trappers and Radio License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3 "SHOES NOW ON DISPLAY A Splendid Line of MEN'S WORK BOOTS, "A Good Heavy Shoe for Every- day Wear. A Complete Stock of pi amivass & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. ® flunting, v Harness Repaired-- Boots--and--Shoes REPAIRED F. WILLARD. Do you believe in this kind of PROTECTION? ~The only Real Protection for your property and home is- INSURANCE. District News OXDRIFT--The Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister of Labour in the MacKenzie King Cabinet and the local Dominion Member of Parliament will speak twice in Oxdrift district Saturday night July 16th Seven o'clock in the Eton-Rugby Schoolhouse and at Eight thirty in the Clover Seed Growers' Association Seed House, Oxcrift and from present indic- tions is assured of a splendid reception, The Oxdrift meeting will be followed by 2 dance and musical program, te which everyone is invited. The meeting of he ratepayers of S.8 No. 1, Eton-Rugby and Aubrey, wiil be held st the Community Hall, Ox- drift 7:30 p.m. Monday July 15th A Dryden District Baseball League game between Wzbigoon and Oxdrift, will be played at Oxdrift, Saturd 7:00 o'clock p.m, A baseball league to be known as the Dryden District Baseball League, was fcrmed at a meeting held at Oxdrift last Saturday week, with the following teams entered--Eagile River, Mimaitals Oxdrift and Wabigoon. Mr A Hen derson and Mr W_ McTavish of Ondrift v =t < «| Liguor Control Act, were elected, Presidest amd Sec -Tress respectively. and the following Vire- Presidents--A Profen Wabigoom: L Weare, Mispitaki: M McTevish Ox- ift, and B. Carlson, Engle Ever The Lesgue fo dafe i= as Hllewso-- P w L Ti Oxdrift : 2 1 L3 Wabigwes 1 1 \] e) Minmitaka 1 1 % eo! Eagle River 2 4] 2 % Oxdrift Ladies Aid-- met at the home of Mrs Wm Joves} on Thursday, July Tih, Tweniy-eme members answered to the Boll Gall Eight mew members for our Srst mmeet- ing was consiferedid a very good start AS officers for the year were put @ viz:--Viee-Pres. Mrs T. H Lewis Sec., Mrs Russell Pollard; Treas, Mrs W. Jackson; Flower and Sick Com- mittee, Mrs McTavish, Mrs T, J_ Lati- mer, Mrs Brignall, Miss die Tuckie. Organist Miss M. Latimer. After the usual amount of business was through, lunch was served by Mrs Jones and Mrs McTavish to thirty odd members and friends, Mrs Rivers, of Dryden, joined our Ladies Aid. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Roy Boyd Thursday, August 4th, at 2:20 p.m. Everybody Welcome. NF: Social last Wednesday evening, honour of Mr and Mrs A H Bennett, of Sioux Lookout. ing Mr Bennett presented ibe New Horour RJll, which he bad made place of his original Roll) sree guest of the Board The evening was spent im a pleas ant moomer, Patriotic Seoogs to a and the lunch The Roll is decidedly worth havisg in our school, 2nd we all thank Nr Bemmett fae bis Kinjmess, Lookpit © on Subday. Last Saturday night (as we prophecied a few weeks ago) we beat Eagle Riv- er at Baseball. Both teams played a very good game, the best at Minnitak: this season, and we hope to see more during the summer. Mr Watkins is with us again after a few weeks' absence, and guile a num- ber of us were at church io welcome him last Sunday, to hear his very in- spiring sermon, Boys and Girls! There is talk of another picnic at Eagle Lake scon. And Men! heres a chance to try and get even with the ladies at Baseball. Some of out bridges are covered with water again. Our dandelions have all disappeared, but we have Ox-eye daisies in their places, and the Weed Inspector on their trail. ~ SCHOOL REPORT S. 8, No. 1, Zezland Promoted to Sr 1V.--Arthur John- son, Roy Lundmark. Promoted to Jr IV.--Jack Robinson, James Colleen, Bill Ponton, Linda Sushak, Promoted to Jr IIT.--Donald Graham Alice Neill, Clair Robinson, Bill Collen, Evelyn Smith, Marguerite Merrill, Signe Melander. Missed Examinations but recom- mended--Milke Shushak, Lavern Smith Promoted to Sr II, --Knut Lundmark, The members of Oudrift Ladies Addl, List of Officers, Dryden Lodge, 1 OOF. 1 MINNITAKI--Our trustes arranged a| in} During the even-| Council Meets. TE e MAYOR DINGWALL presided at the regular meeting of the Council, which was held on the evening of July 5th, with Councillors Wilde, Bailey, Mec- Kay and Wood present. Accounts to the amount of $4098.58 were passed for payment on the motion of Coun's. Wood and McKay, and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and adopted, the following business was proceeded with McKay-Wood--That By-law No. 204 appointing zn officer to enforce the te read for the first and second time. --Carried_ Wood-Wilde--That the account of the Nelsoa River Constructoin Co, Lid, for percentage of work to June 30h, amounting to $1222383 be pass- Orange Picnic THE "Glorious Twelfth" was marked by a celebration here that has not been equalled for at least over fifteen years when the local Orange Lodge in con- junction with the Pine Grove Lodge, held 2 monster picnic at Cxdrift, on the afternoon of Tuesday the twelfth Led by 2 number of m Winterbotiom™s truck, accom the music of fife and drum by Bro F Orr, and Bro J F parade of cars started zbout two o'dock. After iz with the Pine Grove Lodge 21 $i munity Hall Oxdrift, they ed fo the picmic gromnds ceremony of hoisting the was performed and a shoct program followed R-W: P-G:M-, NMyles of LL Ayes oi: ed for REE Carried. . Renmorz delivered a» adres om the Wood-Balley-- That the Council] yurk of the Order referring particalar- grant the Drydes and District Azri-{iy to the opeming of the Maositebs cultural Society the sum of two bund | Protestant Ovpiamage, which was the red dollars --Caavied resgit he said of the mirice efuts Wool McEar--That the Comcliof the Ladies Orange Bemevoient As grant The cemetery the sum of tol cntion A branch of Ghis sects bendred dollars --Carried is now being crpamized in Dryden and The meting then adjomrved om Sein Modes ther called ca Xr= J. BE motion of Cosncllers McKay »ilGhgee for 3 few words. Mies Chom d {su HM dem _-- Locals. M:s Robert Foote left Thursday on a short visit to Winnipeg, Miss Alice Berrey is spending a holiday in Kenora. Miss Ethel Wright returned to Fort William, Monday. Mrs R. J. Pronger is spending a holi- day in Winnipeg Gordon Mackey has left to spend the immer holidays at Keewatin. Miss Bessie Blair, Kenora, was the guest of her cousin, Miss May Hutchi- som, for 2 short time last week, A. Henderson, Oxdrift, visited Dry- Monday. Mrs Frecborne and Miss Josie Free- borne have been enjoying a holiday in Ww mmipeg. Mr and Mrs Geo Perkis, from Wind- sor, Ontario, are spending their honey- moon im Dryden. Mrs Perkis was formesly Miss Vera Runnings of the Public School Staff at Drydea. _ Mx: Miller, Osaquan, was in town, Wedz day. Mz: Nora Nereus left for her home = Ex ooa, Saturday. Mr == Mrs MS Campbell spent the woct-end in Kenora, Mrs Taylor, Vermilion Bay, visited Peja, Welnsalar. Mrs - Salisbury has been spending 2 short boliday in Winnipeg. G. A Crane, District Engineer, Ke- mow3, spext several days in town this week S. Hall, Oxdrift visited Dryden, on Monday. Mr: Com Anderson and children peat the week-end in Kenora, Mr aad Mrz J. S. Wilson have re- Bader will be First Mistress of the zew LO - -- B A shout to be formed List of OFicer: for Galion Sz] Sports for the chiles 20 well a= Lodge AF: & AM: N_ 45 for 1307 jOove-aps were Deinoed i» the poo Per Bre H Wade, _WHNjice aad 2 Beseloll game between Wor Bro CG Wiese __ I-P-¥M-jthe Dryden and Pre Grov Members Bro Fo. Feglis _____ ~~ SW-jvas highly hfevestng Pine Gore Bro M.D Eaehiy -- JW vinnimy, the some beimg 3-3 Wer Bra DW Sent Chage Following is med wis served And Wer Bon AE Bevery Sery fond 2 lunch" Theve was an shandines Tee Be DEBsd Tress of everyting Gofs good to sat and | Wer Boe BE BExnglwies Def CjSemgh: the Endvess of Se Oodil Bre VF. Baler -- S-D-jord Pine Grove Ladies coffee and tea F Cooper _o___ J-D-|weve provided aio bund to amy wo Bre C Andersen __________ S:5:-]lappessd deny withoat 2 bocket Im; Bro T Callen JS: the evenilg 2 Jangue game Was played To Bo F Pabetom Tyler] etween Oxdrifi and Eagle River = the os sme B former team winmi mE We - good margin Bro DrMorson, NGC: ] A de in the Pine Grove Sch J LJ McPherson V.Glhone conceded ene of the most soe F Whiteley --ee= RE0-50C_} coil gatherimgs of 'his sors A PG, Bro McFadyen Fin-Secy ever been beid and the con set - J Ciempson ______Treas serve mech praise for the spicnd i} Bro. M LF ab --_-- J PG |time they provided to the bondreds of: w FBaker War lreople who enjoyed the days ont » HA Rivers _____ Conductor} The kine-up of the ball team was 2s PG,.Bo FGOrr ____RS:NG: lem oe Bro. NHowe .___._ ____ _L:8 ERG: Deydem Fire Grove + ERay ___________ RS VG: J_ Foote c W. Holmes w LR Wemre _LSVG Cin Upton > E Davies w MJ Crosier _____R SS: H. Baddorme ib J Davies ~ TFeote L880 g p Seith » RB Munck R Hamilten 1G: y Fier » J. Mardick wd Tomball ______ ___O0Gly sodden = V. Davis ABlNCilom Chap. A Noble i FB Sines ~r~----n | 7. Markes of HE. James J. Fish Kz W_ Lyle SALE v =d B 1 sapang Git banging uf he BAS, aki ! ' jof HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Br I > % i FS ae for CI TOVE Combi ATER & COOKER One OR - ST 3 " Owe three SHELVES : " fo fack-ali of, Solid Oak, Book} 4c jor the above make of oi Ep Cass LOW PRICES. Tw > W ILTON RUGS One Mahogany PHONOGR! APH DURANCE BROS. & CO. with RECORDY Caevrolet Dealers ALUMINUM AND PYREX|! DRYDEN he Ontanio KITCHENWARE AND UTENSILS CAMERA, HALL TREE Complete RADIO SET, etc. These will be on exinbit even- ings from Seven to Nine, and afternoons from Three to Five, in the Old Masonic Hall near the Dryden House. All Articles New and in Good Col dition. TERMS--CASH " P.R.WHYTOCK - RINNE NT SS IS ISIS NS Erik Johnson, Recommended--DBMargaret Graham. Promoted to Jr I.--Victor Shushak Promoted to First Class-- Ernie Agnes Smith, Leslie Ponton. Ponton, . Bertram Robinson, "Teddy Johnson, Carol Norman, Helen John- son, Olga Olson, Prmoted to Sr Primer--Eva Johnson, Ethel Collen, Irene Graham, Bertyl Wampoies Extract of Cod Liver giso affords Pe 213 JT. Lewi= termed bose zfier a trip to Montreal ai several large American Cities, as) are A Reid, 1 Iznace, was a business visit- or to Dryden, Tuesday, L. Myles, Kenora, spent a couple of days in {own this week Dr Hemry, Ignace visited Dryden Hamilton spent a couple s in town this week of wually. Chautauqua as Canada's fourth great institution, the others being the home, the church and the school, Featureofthis year's Chautauqua COMES TO DRYDEN Aug. 5,6, 7,8,9, 10, & ii. THE Chautauqua movement is a non- partisan, non-sectarian system of edu- cation, entertainment and recreation for adults with special features for children, A group of citizens in each communi- ty arrange with the Chautauqua As- sociation for a week's programme of lectures, musie, plays, entertainment and children's work. By furnishing the same program to hundreds of communities the Chau- tauqua can and does maintain a high standard of excellence at a minimum cost. The speakers on the Chautauqua platform are powerful molders of public opinion, reaching as they do ome 2,000,000 people in Canada an- Some authorities have ranked The Canadian Chautauqua Associa- tion, through which we get our Chautanqua program is a strictly Canadian institution, It is not related in a financial way to the American, Australian or British movements. The Associations in each country stand on their own feet. There is a yearly in- terchange of artists, thus giving to all - the best in entertainment, lectures, music, and the 25 year pen, as and see the super-pen efea~ S. Parr inventor of Sn ne Ah Cate The he PARNER Ont. M J Crosier, Oxdrift, was a busi-| mess visitor to Kenora this week. Magisth Pronger left Wednesda; io spend a few days in Winnipeg. Mrs H Cameron, Os2quan, was =| visitor te S Deyiss in 2 GAs of SS, this - No: Take Hardie left Thorsday foz| set Archer to visit ber daughter, Mr- he Hake ! J. A Payoe left last night for Ham | _ Ont Bev_ J . Salton, and family of Detroit, Mich, are visiting Mr Salton' sistese Mrs E W. Wice and Mrs Wn Newton, 2 Dryden, as well as Mr: A L Salton of Oxdrift, for a short time. Mr: P. Corstmarn and baby have ve- io their home Im Quibell, after spending 2 holiday in Dryden wv <b Mrs -------- te i > Ww * tore' short visit in Quibell Loses Several Fingers-- Walter Hardy accidently lost four fingers while at his work last Thurs- day might in the Provincial Paper Mills at Port Arthur. Mr Hardie left for Port Arthur the nex night ard as Mrs i'andie was already in the city, Walt - will spend his convalesence day= v th his parents. Dryden friends wers --o°t sorry to hear of Wall's un- foriz--z%e accident. Ricted by Horse, Leg is Broken-- While playing around along with some other boys with the horses be- longng to Hi A Wilson, Ceorge Gough received a kick in the leg which broke his shin bone. Medical aid was summoned at once and the break is now healing nicely, but it will necessit- ate George spending the rest of his vacatioin indoors. Letter of Thanks-- The Women's Institute wish to thank 2ll who kindly helped to make their entertainment for the Red Cross on the 13th, in the Strand Theatre so success- : ful given gratis so that practically all the given to the hospital. The committee in charge particularly | Nystram, Edwin Little, Promoted to Jr Primer--Peggy Arm- strong, Billie Dean, Emma Erickson, Harry Graham, Alfred Milander, Ed- win Olson, Olga Shushak, Victor Smith.. prompt and Umely hel) for pale. sScily. lege, Sa ag ap HB arly = pete, hip overcame Shores of boca, £38 restore a healthy color 0 ips and chesl. { he... u® The Drydea Pharmacy G, L. SILLERY, Teacher. ! wish to thank the C.Y P.C. for putting | 'on their play, the Freshmen Orchestra, | for supplying the music; Mrs Smith] Mrs Lewis and Miss Olive | s{ accompanied them and will spend al Native Iridium poin coth end life-enduring as a ib Diy and guaranteed 25 years. <== i ; 3 | The Drydea Pharmacy RAILWAY WORKER KILLED TAMARAC AT The funeral of D, Slator, of Tamarac who was killed last Saturday n'zht, was held Tuesday afternoon from the Anderson-Harris funeral parlors. Rev. ' Father B:llevance conducting the fun- eral service. The deceased was a member of an je extra gang stationed at Tamarac, and i | Everything for the evening was| { proceeds amounting to $71.00 will be| { had no friends or relatives in Canada, being believed to be of Polish origin, . and having recently come to this coun- try. If was while walking along the track to mail a letter that he appar- atly failed to notice a train coming up behind him and wes struck by the engine and killed instantly The body was taken to Tamarac aud brought here for interment on Tue:- day. : JULIAN B. ARNOLD | Distinguished Britisher, who pre= sents an Illustrated Travelogue a8 | for her excellent vaudeville turn, which| Chautauqua. evidently was appreciated by the large audience and Mr Bailey for giving the theatre for the evening. COMES TO DRYDEN With Chautauqua

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