Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 22 Jul 1927, page 1

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Dryde n Observer VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontario, July 22nd, 1927 No. V. SALE MINISTER OF LABOUR of HOUSEHOLD FURNIRE One QUEBEC STOVE, Combis ation HEATER & COOKE] One Case One Portable PHONOGRAPH, with RECORDS ALUMINUM KITCHENWARE AND UTENSILS. CAMERA, HALL TREE Complete RADIO SET, etc. These will be on exhibit even- ings from Seven to Nine, and afternoons from Three to Five, in the Old Masonic Hall, near the Dryden House. Al Articles New and in Good Con- dition. TERMS--CASH P.R. WHYTOCK Section three SHELVES Dust Proof, Solid Oak, Book] DISTRICT. 1] prestige of : and lig of affairs, no less hea Cabinet wi pith the title he was of " LOOK THIS OVER!-- Used Parts for Ford, Chevrolet, Overland, & McLaughlin Cars. Engines, Radiators, Generators, Starters, Batteries, Frames, ) Bodies, Cushions, Tops, Wheels] matter Tires, Rims, etc. In fact ail] Iyirg « parts for the above make of Cars. LOW PRICES. DURANCE BROS. & CO. Cnevrolet Dealers DRYDEN Ontario SCOT TR ARES WHO IS CARRYING THE RISK ON YOUR LIFE---A STRONG INSURANCE CO.. OR YOUR WIFE? Can you find anyone who will work for a small premium each year and take your place and do it indefinitely when you are laid up? A Life Insurance Policy will. Consult-- A. J. LOCK Hunting, License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- --House 20 R-3 SHOES NOW ON DISPLAY A Splendid Line of MEN'S WORK BOOTS, Solid Leather, A Good Heavy Shoe for Every- day Wear. A Complete Stock of HARNESS & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. Harness Repaired-- Boocts--and--Shoes REPAIRED F. WILLARD. Doy ou Dekiewe in this kind of PROTECTION? The only Rd! _ Protection for ~ your property and home is- : bv Trappers and Radio J. E GIBSON , Agent, Dryden Mrs Heenan, spect a pleasar it gay with the constituents in the Ox- |" drift District. The Minister ad-|*® dressed several meetings and In the evening a large crowd gather 2 od in the warehouse of the Kenora | "ess that a very intensive and extensive Cooperative Clover Seed Growers eries of tours were planned for this Association. Here Mr Heenan |summer. At present a lecture party gave a more extended account of of the Canadian Forestry Association his stewardship. is making a tour of the Kenora and Taking as his theme the re- Sioux Lookout Districts. The follow- sponsibilities that go with a port- | 'ng towns are being visited: folio, and how the responsibility July 14th--Ignace is not only the Minister's, but is July 15th--Osaquan to some extent the electors as » 16th--Wabigoon well, the speaker held his audi- ,, 18th--Oxdrift ence for nearly an hour In con- » 19th--Eagle River cluding he reminded them of the » 20th--Dryden high ideals they were pledged to » 21st--Redditt durin g the past two years has conduct- forest fire prevention lecture, picture tours throughout Canada. ese tours met with such great sue- mov- ing Th T HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE Results and his need of their influence and ,, 22nd--Quibell support. ,, 23rd--Sioux Lookout The audience demanded that ,» 25th--Allan Water Mrs Heenan say a few words. 27--Armstrong I'his request was gracefully ac- Mr W. D. Dickson, of the Forestry ceeded to and the speaker in a few | Br anch, Dryden, has been co-operating words expressed her pleasure at with the Canadian Forestry Associa- being with them and her delight tion in this very important work. At in getting into touch again with so each town on the itinerary a free many of their old friends. lecture with five reels of motion pictures ave given. So far interested . . : and atientive audiences have packed District News at the meetings everywhere. Thee ; oo 1p. | The object of this tour is to arouse EY Cenmiunity Job the interest of the Canadian people in held ¢ ig monthly ; mesing 2 "| the subject of forest conservation and home of Mrs C, Larus w Thursday; forest fire prevention. This tour is gly id. Thereawere hike members part of the great publicity work carried present, and three visitors, Mrs Mingo on by. the Canadian Forestry Associa: and Misses Wandie and Carrie Weeks. tion, by lectufe parties and by tre Arrngements were made for a busiest magazine--The Canadian Forest and picnic on August 12, on the school Outdoors--published by the Associa- grounds, and in the Event of the Wabi- Hon : goon bridge being still unrepaired, a| boate will convey visitors across the river. There will also be a dance after the picnic. Total marks obtainable--750 It was also arranged to erect a barn| Pass 450. Honours-->562. on the school grounds and to call a| Ip each case names are in order of meeting of the Community in general Merit. to decide the building of same. i Arthur Doudiet, (Hon.) Elmer Wice Larson served lunch and a pleasant| (fon), Rettie Edgren, Elsie Moore: afternoon was spent. Miss Wandie | pouse, Mildred Dean, Jeanette Reid, Weeks will entertain the Club on|gathleen Wilkinson, Rosaline Madder, Thursday, August 4.h. Visitors always| gna Buchanan, Lenore Stephaniuk, welcome, | Hugh Barber, Gordon Mackey, Edwin Hon. Peter Heenan and Mrs Heenan | iysiderson, Frank Whiteley, Julius paid a visit to Eton- Rugby, Saturday | Volkm ar, Pauline Pinkerton, Charlie afternoon. The were entertained to) Gammon, Ray McTavish, Elsie Hunter, supper by Mattson Brothers, and after- | Dolores Faulconer, Albert Berrey, Wil- wards held 2 meeting in the school-|jiam Spicer--All of Dryden. house. They had a oo i Ignace--Leonard Tapsay, Nina Nigh- the school being crowded, but could| wander. not remain long, owing to a meeting at eight o'clock in Oxdrift. Hearsey, Herbert Leach. Dyment--George Nelson White, Glengoland--Mavis Reid. Oxdrift--Ruby MeTavish Minnitaki--Hubert Howell. the Women's Institute held their July meeting at the home of Mrs J Spald- ing. Fourteen members and their friends attended. Mrs Spalding demonstrated the art of making and inserting pockets in men's garments, Mrs John Coutis Johnson. Waldhof--Katherine Schoonenberg, (Cont'd on page 4) Williams, Elizabeth>Moore. | TOURS! é e*high conception of responsibility to his constituents th ged the first entry of Peter He -enan in political life, and which has remained a table feature of his public career ever since, 3 still characters hy of the Member for the constituenc of Kenora-Rainy River, is strikingly emphasized by his method of spending his vacation between sessions of the House. Following a tour of the eastern end of Kenora District las week-end, the Minister is spending some his week aroun Fort Francis so lidifying that personal ct between th elected representative I 5 becomes a public man in a den From person the warm 4 C these excursions At Oxdrift. pss pt -- Las t Saturrday the Hon Feter MOVING FICTERE & LECTURE Heenan, Minister of Labour, and! _ dz re Canadian Forresiry Association]: Osaguan--Christine Charset, Ranald OXDRIFT--The Oxdrift Branch of Bedworth--Alice Wilkinson, Patricia Eagle River--Bessie Gardiner, Linea: Boys' Camp. THE seccnd annual Dryden and Dis- trict Boys' camp closed Friday, Juiy 15th, after ten days packed full from Eagle River, go the site of Post. thirty-eight boys from Dinorwic, Wabi- goon, Rice Lake, C brogie, Oxdrift, Minnitaki Dr; an old Hudson's and camp harge of devo- the futare. Each day brought its fum an night its rest " an Indian dog howled hi Then we had mulligan for s we didn't hear the dog Another night Mr Sm wrong tent, and got of the wildecats 3 night got into the wrong scared its inmates. he competition ameng the tents was keen. The Wolible-Ones, under Mr|" Wooton, won the first baseball series but got snowed under by the Duckie- Daddles under Mr Frost in the second series, Mr Smith's Mohawks get the medals for best tent. Congrats to Mr Smith and Company. Ken Wilson a sheik of Mr Baxter's tent was awardec. sometimes, upper, ard anymore, in camp. Three cheers for Ken! Other camp champions ave as fol- lows: Porridge eating, Scotty Fergu- son; Wood sawing, Fred Malroy; Best looker, Roy Lundmark (ask the store- keeper's daughter); Mallet throwing, M. Wootton; Night prowling, R. Mec- Tavish; Best rooster, Ken Wilson (future mayor of Dryden); longest in bed, J. Frost; heaviest sleeper, H. A. Rivers, ; We wish Frank Mclionagle every success in his beauty parlor and hope Bob Huckle will remember his fellow campers when he makes his rich strike. Friday the 15th came all too soon, and we heard sonny's bugle for the last time this year. The tents were packed ready for shipping, cars came for the boys. Finally at six p.m, two leaders, one cook and one boy clamber- ed into one little ford truck that al- ready had one half ton on its back and slowly made their way up the hill and on the road to Dryden. After many forced descents to adjust pack and pump tives a final landing was m de in the parsonage grounds in Dryden. The leaders and boys of the camp greatly appreciate those who have made gifts, loaned cars and assisted in different ways to make the camp the success that it has been. We assure you that it has not been in vain, PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT to the provisions of sec- tion 15 of the Division Court Acts. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Meeting will be held in the Court Room, at the Court House, mm the Town of Kenora, in the District of Kenora, on the 12th day of August, 1927, at 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering the abolition of the Second Division Court of the District of Ke- nora at Wabigoon and attaching the territory to the Third Divigiof® Court at Dryden, in the District of Kenora and also tosprovide territorial jurisdic- "| tion for the District of Patricia, which baked and served real Scotch short- Martha Beyer, : he District of Ke- bread, which was pronounced delicious. Vermillion _Bay -- Ugho Binda Jos heen pa Tigo A practical demonstration of Institute Agatha Binda. ¢ : JUDGE W. A DOWLER, sympathy was sent' out to a friend Quibell~Eino Ma%nen, Clarance SHERIF J. W. HUMBLE, INSPECOR W. 3 ELLIS, of fun, frolic, and hard work, The camp was situated on Eagle Lake, four miles on what was years Bay In attendance zt the camp were , in charge of manager, myT TIE TAKE NOTICE'THAT: 31.45. 3. A petition to ile east Foie therefor. r at a regular or | numbers as well the silver cup for being the best boy dg DULE "B" TT -- LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN CHT. 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Dryden, intends to construct as a local improvement nine-inch sanitary sewers on the following streets as listed below in Schedule "5 and intends to specially asscss a part of the cost of the werk upon the land abutting directly on it. "2 The estimated cost of the work is $1,135.00 of which $433.20 1s to be paid by the Corporation. The cost per foot frontage is The special assessment is to be paid in thirty annual in- stallments of 10 cents per foot per year. sald Council will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken may be made pursuant to section Mon the Local Improvement Act to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board by a majority of the owners representing at one - half of the value of the lots which are specially 4 A By-law for undertaking the work will be considered by Council at 2 meeting to be h=ld on the 13th day of August 1927, special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. gs ~ Owner's Corpoation Total treet . From ig Share Share Cost ana" pa King St. 220 feet south $§ $319: 100 $341:00 $660 :00 Whyte St. 165 feet east 382:R80 02:20 475:00 $701.80 $433:20 1135:00 Chautauqua ill appear on our Chau- Soa = Foremost Singing Four Mr Gecrge 0. Miner, brings from Toreate four artists with voices that a perfect male ensemble. male quartet presents a varied ope not usually associated with male quartets. They feature in period costume, and their p include opera, classics of the masters, sacred, secular 'and novell sagifguseal comedy and popular seleétions, Their tour He winter took them to many uni- versities, normal schools, colleges, churches, high schools, men's clubs as well as musical, literary and art clubs. They adapt their program to fit the occasion. THE JOHN ROSS REED CO'Y. Have you ever heard that beautiful usical creation, Beethoven's "Moon- cht Sonata?" If so, you will be present at Chautauqua to hear it again as reproduced in a beautiful scene by the John Ross Reed Company This Company is mere than a group of talented artists, for they combine voices of sterling quality with rare dramatic ability. John Ross Reed, Baritone, Actor and composer, is the director of the Com-,2a pany, assisted by his sister, Pauline 3Ioore Reed, Contralto, =n! Dagny El- len Jensen, Pianist and keader. Their program includes Scotch scenes, Indian songs, Italian Character Sketches "The Moonlight Sonata " and an entire scene from the delightful Burmese love story "The Pagoda of Flowers." Music lovers will be delighted with this program, JULIAN B. ARNOLD The distinguished Britisher, Mr rulian B. Arnold, son of Sir Edwin Arnold the well-known poet and states- nan, presents a vital and gripping talk 1 the present British policy in China g following are some of the fea- J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk Dryden, Ontario and a fascinating story of a tour throw' England magnificently illustrated with colored slides. Mr Arnold knows the people f whom he talks and senses their tional inward lives, He brings an exce and personal acquaintance wit lands and their peoples; 2 fu edge of their histories and cmbit and a long training in the uncerstand- tangle of international interests. He has travelled in over twenty countries, and has known many of the men and women who have made the history of he world during the past fifty years. "SMILING THRU' " A Play of unprecedented popularity, "Smilin' Thru' " has that indefinable quality which makes the difference be- tween" an attraction which is merely pleasing and one which is an event of the Chautauqua season. So appealing and human it is that it haS proved to be one of the most delightful plays yet presented on a Chautauqua platform, The play is being presented by the Martin Erwin Players, whose produc- tion of Cappy Ricks" proved such a popular success on Chautauqua last season. rey this month, Shower for Bride-elect-- Miss Myrtle Beddome whose mar- riage to Mr F, J. Porter takes place was the honoured guest at a delightful shower given by Miss Ella Russelll at her home on Wednes- Jay night. The rooms were tastefully Gecorated with summer blooms and the dining table centered with a miniature bride and decorated with pink white ribbon streamers and pink candles made a charming picture. The a ER ing of the threads which make up the : and' gifts were presented to Miss Beddome = oe in a dainty pink basket with huge white bows at each end and the bride- to-be was certainly girl friends. Delicious lunch was served to the guests who numbered about thirty and the evening was wail enjoyed by all present, FLY--T0X Ble FLIES, MOTHS, MOSQUITOES, ROACHES, FLEAS, BED-BUGS, ANTS, Active Igredients--100 % Money Back if it does not kill. 8-oz. 16-0z 32-0Z. 160-07. 50¢ 75C 81:25 $4.00 Insect Powder, 23c. And in bulk Hand Sprayers for Liquid, s0¢. hig The Dryden Pharmacy showered with a © host of beautiful gifts by her many -

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