y i > Residents in the Township of Van en Observer VOL. VIIL DRYDEN, Ontario, AUGUST 12th, 1927. = NoX.~ ; Notices. Township of Van Horne, Horne will take notice that under By- law, No 270 passed at the regular Council meeting on August 1st, 1927, the Chief of Police of the Town of Dryden has heen given authority to act as police in the Township of Van Horne in case of necessity for the pro- tection of its residents. GEORGE WICE, mons, OF th Clerk of the Municipality. | out the realm of-our King, he has aptured the affections those fortunate enough to come into contact with hin Town of Dryden While we in Canada delight NOTICE : avtonomy and our exact status in the TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of| Nations, hotly resenting any supwestion the Town of Dryden have passed By- law No, 205, respecting any plumbing}, SPeCt 10 NEVER since the time of "Bon possessed the personal winsc this scion of the reigning British Prince of Wales, has visited within the | nitish Canada Leads Them All NN we (By J. W. COLLISON, in the Kenora Examiner) meness and or 20UsSE charm th nie Prince Charlie" has any Prince al Wherever Edward, - installations contemplated within the| doubt 2s to the ty of our attitnde Town limits. Sovelian extent that Gamada ic ioat 5 bike shock LFiaeso. AN ownets in - to i DOW ISR--EXCEPT that Camada is just 2 1 2aDCaad Of the rest 10 'plumbing fixtures or ssmitary cen-] Sentiments of loyalty to our common Throne veniences of any kind in any residence or building within the Town shall make application to the Town Clerk for per- mission to proceed with such installz- TAKE NOTICE THAT the Highway Traffic Act with regard to the strength of lights on motor vehicels will be en- "forced ~All drivers must dim thei: lignts in the Town of Dryden, Section 10, Sub; 2,3. Also all drivers of motor vehiclez, 'with the exception of Licensed chauff- eurs, must have an operator's license within reasonable time. Sec. 69, Sub. 1and?2, ONT. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT THOMAS COLLISS, Constable, a SE. For Sale TWO GOOD LOTS NORTH of Track, $100.00 on easy pay- ments. THREE SMALL HOUSES, at very attractive prices For Rent "SUITE OF ROOMS on QUEEN Street, opposite C:P:R: Depot. $15:00 per month. GIVE YOUR INSURANCE TO the Local Agent, help build up the i in your own town --it pays.» A J. LOCK gy Th: Freshmen Orchestra have ar-) ranged 2a dance fo be held Masonic Hall, on Saturday evening, m the! Ottawa -- Reception for the Royal Visitors at A report of the reception held in the characterizes Women With A Purpose (Editorial) WHAT is the Women's Institute and what do they want momey for is a perfectly fair question The W_L IS an orgamizstion of the Tomen na community to attend to matters of public welfare that might otherwise be overlooked After the varices bosyds ana councils, and cities' commiitess Ezve dome al that any ressovable ous soumit) has 3 right to expect, theve wre maheress things left srattemd=i <> ™ Jthat only wemen would ever think of The members of the W. L ave draws fog every cirvie in the comompmity, and ze 2 touch with olise --- =3 EY beat E there 2 crying public need to be remedied" is there 3 home bereft on 3 beipiess mother or Eitie ld 2 med of care and assistaowe" Be sme that some memnber qr other of the Inctituts mows of Bt, 2nd hat soon, without fos or pubbcty, the pecessary 36d will Be forthcoming ASR cotode the Eile circle affected hardly 2 soul will Re aware of the chroesstance: Right thers = the smswer fo our Tessie. The very mature of the cases dealt with by fie W. I couspel the stmt dscretion in regard to making the facts public The work of the Institute i fothing sheet of coment y mothering Thewr rules a»? principles prevemt advertising these efforts en the public behalf re. sulting sometimes in a lack of pablic appreciation. So a Bttle word at this tne may mot be out of pltes; and withoot bésitatios we recommend you to get behind spy plan by means of which the Women's Institute may ap- peal to your gederpsity. Locals. Mrs D. Frejd, Kenora, paid a visit to Dryden this week, Archie Wright of Wabigoon paid a visit to Dryden, Wednesday. Mrs Ansley and children have re- turned to their home in Regina after visiting Mrs J. M. Scott Miss Mona Proudfoot accmpanied them and will visit in Regina for a few week=. Mrs Alfred Pitt has returned from Springfield, Mass, where she stopped to visit her daughter Mrs LF. Charter en her way home from the Qld Country. Mrs Jas. Winterbottom with her daughters, Joyve and Andrej; spent the On Chautauqua Another Old-timer "A STRANGER passing through the town this week might have suspect-| Passes Away : ed that 2 miner edition of Billy Sun-| day's sawdust trail, or 2 Varsity rugby | Mr ROBERT DUNCAN of Minnitaki, maich was somewhere in the offing. | died on Thursday, August 4th and was a from all part of the town buried in the Oxdrift Cemetery on Sat- wended Laer wars to the big test on urday, the 6th, his funeral being at- 200! grounds, armed with motor rugs tended by many neighbours and xd cushions To the number of over|friends. Mr Duncan was a eomparai- + tumdrec, they fled throw' the canvas ively young man being 70 years of entrance way, Sling the big tent to)2ge, but had been a resident here for capacity sad gave themselves up whole over twenty years, and was a link of beartedy to enjoy the most of the early days. He was a native of Mont- evening's programme notwithstanding |rose, Scotland, and has been Reeve of ihe race straightaess of the back rests| Machin & Councillor for several years. ang the polished hardness of the pine! He is survived by his widow, two sons, venches That Chastangea takes itself Robert and Wallace of Minnitaki and a and R= mission mest seriously is not daughter, Mrs Amos Reid, of Ox- io Se doulted from the distributed|drift mexzlive and the speeches of its| Mr Duncan was generally liked, and spemsers. and ere the scasom closes until recently when illness compelled {ose who attended the programmes retirement, was active in the affairs will find the serious mote and the | of this Community. He was of ihe type prada" if Scoland sons, that has made that From the offering presgated on the country so famous. Rugged and force- "pening might and the uproarious! ful, and without fear of expressing any gaiety with which the audience receiv- | opinion that he thought necessary. His elm, oe caught mot the slightest sus- memory is often recalled by those who pion of the aforesaid seriousmess. attended the District Farmers' Con- "Give and Take" lived up to its press| ventions that were held for several moficss and beyond 2c "a screaming years at Dryden, Perhaps the effect farce comedy, a laugh in nearly every |of the resolutions at these meel.ings Ime," and 3dded many laughs between was not immediately apparent, yet as dimes for good measure and the odd the years have passed we see many chuckle in retrospect. The presenta-| things now taken for granted, and ac- tion, judged by the usual standards for | cepted, that were then new and outdoor shows given by perambulat- | perhaps revolutionary. An optomistiz ing stock companies, was exceedingly | and aggressive, and co-operative spirit well done. The remaining program-|was fo tered and the people found Bave by far exceeded all expectations, | themselves. znd Dryden people heave feund| Mr Duncan was always present and Chautauqua a pleaszrt and | prominent. He always had the right ?zble Interlude between the social | vision of this country, was sane and amenities of Civic Holiday and Labour Day ™ "THE SKIPPER." | and delights in paying tribute to one who left an impress on his mind of sincerity and force. - DYMENT--The Ladies of the Dyment Social Club gathered at the home of Mrs Jetmundson, on Thursday after- = enjoyable two hours, Each lady| brought her sewing and knitting. Mrs Borup gave a demonstration of mending a wool sweater, by crocheting it together instead of darnming, which was very instructive. Mrs Jetmund- son gave one on rag mats made from wool cloths that were of no more use. This also was very useful, At 8:30 a very dainty lunch was served After luncheon, our hostess passed around | with vines--flower beds and beautiful tickets for a draw on a small prize.| big shade trees around the house make The highest nuumber took the prize-- | a picture that is indeed charming and Mrs Wm. Keurvorst being the lucky gives one an entirely different idea as Wainwright, this week. Located about five miles north of Dryden the Bartlett farm is easily one of the most beauti- ful spots that could be found anywhere, A long driveway through a pine grove brings one to the quaint vine-covered to the south. Here arches covered | reasonable, and the writer valued very , {highly his opinion and his friendship noon, August 14th, and spent a very| A representative of the "Observer" had the pleasure of calling at tha' home of Mr and Mrs Stanley Bartlett, log cabin situated on a knoll sloping Hunting, Trappers and Radic Wi License Issued. Office Phone, 20 R-2-- 5 --House 20 R-3 SHOES NOW ON DISPLAY A Splendid Line of MEN'S WORK BOOTS, Solid Leather, A Good Heavy Shoe for Every- i= day Wear. A Complete Stock of HARNESS & ACCESSORIES Always on Hand. oy 'Harness Repaired-- Boots--and--Shoes REPAIRED F. WILLARD. Do you believe in this kind of PROTECTION? | The only Real August 13. The famous Saxophone] Senate Chamber, in honour of Their player Art Christiansen from Keewatin { Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales has been engaged for tie evenirg, =o {and Prince George, which appeared in dancers are assured of the vest mic jthe "Ottawa Citizen" Wednesday mom- ; | ing contained the following paragraph: 0. H. Pronger of the Red & White | 'H RH. the Prince of Wales took Mrs Store has installed a mew Frigrdsir| Respin inte supper and later in the cooling plant in his premises This is [evening was seen chatting with Mrs the first electric refrigerator to hel Pater Heenan wife of the Minister of used in Dryden and a dacided im-| Labour and Ber prety young damgint- provement on the ordinary refrigerat- jer, Miss Margaret, who recently was or. A special mechanic travelled with | graduated from Loretia Abbey, Tor- the frigidair to install it. | onto." 13 Keewatin Decorates Graves of Heroes. Impressive Scenes at Memorial Day Celebration. (By our Staff Correspondent) SUNDAY, July 31st, 1927, saw the eighth annual obsery- ance of the day consecrated each year by the people of Keewatin to pay homage to the memory of her sons who gave their lives for freedom in the greatest war of all time. Shortly after noon, in accordance with arrangements made by the Keewatin Branch of the British Empire Service League, townspeople and visitors began to as- semble at the, Memorial Building, around which the ceremonies appropriately centred. At the familiar call of the bugle the men who stood shoulder to shoulder on the battle-fields of Flanders and pondered the constant additions to the number of historic mounds on which the flaming poppies blow; fell in around the flagpole carrying the Union Jack at half-mast. There, while the Dead March stirred their deepest emotions, they stood rigidly to attention while two young girls placed the Memorial Wreath at the base of the Mounment bearing the honoured names of comrades to whose memory they had come to pay respect. 2% But the most poignant scene was at the gripping moment when the thrilling notes of The Last Post floated out across the stillness, and strong men stood tense while the scorching flame of memory seared their inmost souls. Tater a large party proceeded to the Lake of the Woods Cemetery, to decorate the graves of comrades whom they pledged to keep in sacred remembrance, one. This concluded ths meeting, each went home well satisfied: Our next will be held at the home of Mrs Besups, September 1st, everybody welcom® Kaocked down by Car-- While attempting to cut across a corner as he was riding a bicycle, Arth- ur Rhodes was knoocked down by a Chevrolet touring car, driven by Mrs James Hutchison, about five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. He received painful bruises and scratches as well as a broken collar bone. He was im- mediately rushed to the doctors and had I's injuries attended to, and is now resting nicely, and is in no dang- er, Spectators who witnessed the accidet marvel that he was not more seriously injured and at the alertness of Mrs Hutchison who stopped the car so very quickly and thus avoided a more serious disaster. week-end in Keewatin with Mr and Mrs G. A. Crape at their summer home. Mrs Jno. Hardie has returned from Port Arthur after visiting her daught- er Mrs P. T. Hake Mrs Nichol has returned to her home in the east after visiting her daughter Mrs A. Holm. iss Margaret Vangel, of Ignace, is the guest of Miss Winkie Edgar. Mrs George Ruste returped to her home in Minnitaki, aftere spending 2a holiday in Keewatin the guest of Mr and Mrs GCG. "ACrane. O. M. Nymark and son, Arnold; are away on a visit to Port Arthur, the guests of Mr and Mrs Pete Nymark. Mr and Mrs L. Wright from Outram Sask, former residents, are visiting here, the guests of Mr and Mrs A. E. Berrey. M. D. Hambly and son, Ross, have re- turned from a two week's trip to Toronto and North Bay. Mrs A. E. Mullin from Twin City Junction, is the guest of her mother, Mrs C, Smith, Whyte Street. Miss Winkie Edgar has returned from Ignace Mrs Borden and infant son from Vassar, Man , were the guests of Miss Ivy Pronger for a few days ths week. Ted Curley has returned to Dryden after spending the past few months in Port Arthar. F. M Donald, Winnipeg, is the guest aunt and uncle, Dr and Mrs Dingwall, PT. Dagenais, representing the Retail Trade Bureau of Canada spent several days in town this week, visit- ing local merchants, Mrs Campbell of Winnipeg, has been visiting in Dryden, the guest of Dr D. G. and Mrs Dingwall. Archie McQuarry, of the Royal Bank staff, is spending his vacation at his home in Clanwilliam, Manitéba,_ Mrs Allan, from the east is visiting You Will Recognize 3 : Per Packet. QUALITY (The All-Cotton Sanitary Pad) DAINTY--COMFORTABLE--ABSORBENT AFFORDS COMPLETE PROTECTION --Made by-- JOHNSON and JOHNSON, Limited. to what farm life may be. ie "A Valued Collection" -- Steen Thorsen is offering for sale the paintings of the Coat of Arms of the nine provinces, which he made for the Confederation celebration. - It lias been suggested that this would make 1 an excellent decoration "for a connry : % school or Community hall. In any case the paintings are well worth locking over and can be seen at the sicra any time, Toronto Conservatory of Music-- The following pupils of Mrs H. A. Rivers were suffessful in passing their Primary Music Examinations under the Toronto Conservatory of Music-- Nina Nighswander (hons), Ignace; Ielen Nighswander, (hons.) Ignace; Edwin Halderson, Alice Haldcrson, pass, --in details Which Bespeak Careul EN Workmanship 3 § ARENT Ir Wid in Dryden, the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs H, Humph- reys. George Curley has returned home after spending his holidays visiting several large cities, including Ignace The {and Kenora, Dryden Pharmacy 3 carrion 7860