Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 26 Aug 1927, page 2

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Paterson's Meat Market = lhe Dest In CHOICE MEATS, FRESH BEEF PORK VEAL, LAMB and MUTTON Full Line of COOKED MEATS : Always --also-- BACON and HAMS, Etc. Fresh SAUSAGE and HAMBURG STEAK Daily. BOILING FOWL, per 1b 25c. A. PATERSON, Prep on Hand. A EE Le Le ib [= UE iL Re 1% oy EE HH TE CETTE CT TTT THE = \ < ] i { : ! = i = / : ! £3 i 2 i J J (TRE TETT UTTER AUREL LU LEU ULB LH LLL FTTH HT HTT prio HHH HEH HTH The Busy Store BIG SPECIAL 100-Ib Bag GRANULATED SUGAR $7.25 CASH Through an error on our part last week our advt read Seven tins of Corn for $1.00. This should have been: Seven Tins of PEAS for .. ovate BT.00 And the price remains tlie same for this week. We have a secondhand BEATTY BRCTHERS Electric . WASHING MACHINE, in first class running order for $40.00 $10:00 Payment Each Month. This i8 » Wonderful Cheap Buy. D. W. SCOTT, Dryden THE --O0n-- CHILDREN'S DRESSES and SMALL BOY'S SUITS A very fine Flannel Dress in one or two piece effect Age 8 to 14. $1.05 -- $2.75 BOY'S 1-PIECE SUIT, WITH BELT ATTACHED and 2-Piece Styles, in Tweeds. Age 3 to 7 years. $1.95 -- $2.50 Special in LADIES JERSEY DRESSES] - Gates | 5D) Em OSE (ERD ) €E (0 SED (GID () EI (ESR () ZED ()- CED (EE O-@B-0 Just Around ; a As You Please the Corner i | & W h d ie --help yourself from T ] --Ask the Clerk Everywhere --Telephone CHAIN STORES 0: H: PRONGER, Proprietor 22 BARS P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP ......convinnan 98 98-1bs PURITY FLOUR ..cenvnnnnnnninnnannss $4.80 51s: CREAMERY RUTTER, 37%c 1, D 138 $7.75 wieiy we toe ses sae was me--Cl--y yy te we mre ee eee of-ibs TEREE STAR FLOUR ............25n $4.75 22 BARS P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP ............. 89 5-ibs Dryden CREAMERY BUTTER, at 37%c. 1b 1.83 $7.52 GOOD FROM FRIDAY TO FRIDAY OR WHILE GOODS LAST. ni CA i ; . x re HHI: - = = [nae nRaineg A A ! a < ; < | S$ : i ] ; A ] A < ; ] f 0 { a ! ar supply, it i {ton covering mines and mineral re- -1sources of the Dominion of Canada, | F.R.G.S,, i{of Natural Resources for the Canadian = |risen from less than $23,000,000 "lover Sects Forth Canada's Natural Resources. MONTREAL, August 23.--While th world is recording a decrease in the production of gold, Canada is gradu- tha =! | ally showing an increase and is rapidly reaching second place as a source of stated in a new publica- new being issued by C, Price-Green, Commissioner. Department National Railways, The booklet, which fillis now available for distribulion, deals ir : extensively with the 'nineral rescurces of the Dominion, both metallic and non metallic and points out that: "The value of our mineral production has ic $214,000,000.00 in 1926; our waterpower development, the potent force behind our mining, pulp and paper and general industrial develop- met, has risen from a few thousand horsepower to 4,556,000 h.p.; the ex- port of pulp and paper, from practic- ally nothing to $173 000,000.00; and cur foreign trade from $221,000,000 to over $2,000,000,000, representing the largest per capita export in the world, Many other examples could be given but these alone explain why Canada's progress is inspiring so much confi- dence in investors at home and abroad," LULL R CHEE TE TELE HE EER EEL LEE LER ER RAVE EVE VETERE FA EL Dealing with the pre- Cambrian : Shield, which stretches from Labrador 'almost to the basin of the Mackenzie 'the introduction to the booklet states :"The major portion of this country is unsurveyed and unprospected; stiil sufficient is now known of its geologi- {eal structure to provide evidece of its latent wealth. The copper-gold de- posits of Northwestern Quebec; the "nickel-copper mines of Sudbury; the Porcupine, Kirkland Lake and areas contiguous in the Provinces of Mani- Rainy River mining districts; copper gold, and various The Pas districts of Manitoba, ail give some idea of what the future holds n store for Canada, within the fields of this great region--the greatest single exposure of pre- Cambrian rock in the world--greather than ail others combined, In view of what is said in the foregoing as to the nature of the formation of Archean Shield, it is, indeed, probable that phenomenal discoveries will con- iinue to be made from time to time. It must be borne in mind that at present only a minimum of work has been done by men who have, more or less, rapidly covered the country con- tiguous to its waterways." : the QOlffice Positions Are Pientiful in Winnipeg It will pay you aga n and again to train in Winnipe: where employ- ment is at ils best and where you can attend the wcuccess «Business College, whose graduates are given preference by thousands of employ- ers. The Success Business College, Winnipeg, is a strong, reliable school--its superior service has re- sulted in its annual enrollment greatly exceeding the combined yearly attendance of all other Busi- ness Colleges in the whole province of Manitoba--it is now Canada's largest and most infiuential Busi- ness College. Open all the year. Enroll at any time. Write for free prospectus. El i BUSINESS COLLEGE Limited Cor. Portage Ave. and Edmonton St. Winnipeg, Man. Not connected with any other (Success) College in Canada. DT . J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTAZ"C Just Arrived --CAR OF-- FLOUR & FEED Prices Right MERE A.].CARBINE General Merchant, EAGLE RIVER Agent for Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW (GY ®: x = M Sharple's RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLO, HH HTHEHHHH HEE HE HH HEHE Cream Separators. = - - - ~ we ---- -- =1 = = -- re -- - - -- 1 - - -- = -- =] -- = -- - ram = a re re we rou we en wn ---- = -- an =n EHP CEP EL HLH HEE SNS -- ,toba and Quebec; the iron, gold, silver | and other ores of Thunder Bay and | other minerals in| Dryden Motors Successors te DRYDEN DISTRICT MOTORs Solicit Your Patronage STAR, DURANT AND NASH CARS. Guaranteed Service and Repairs on all makes. SEVERAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Dryden Motors, HUGHIE HILL, Mgr. Dryden, Ontario THE HAY SEASON IS HERE. I HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF SUPERICR HAY RAKES, FORKS, SYTHEE, SNATHS, STONES, etc, at HONEST PRICES. Thave a stock of Frost & Wood HAY MOWERS, Also the Beatty HAY FORK OUTFIT ROPE & FIXTURES for the Hay Fork You Already have. A Large Stock of-- MASONS SEALERS, 5-gal., qts., & pts, sizes at $2:00 1:75 & $7.40 per dozen. I / & $ DRYDEN, HARNESS and SHOE REPAIRING For the past three years I have been in Dryden, I have given satisfaction in Shoe Repairing, and intend doing some in the Harness line. PRICES VERY MODERATE Childrens Boots Repaired After School Hours. L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE AUTO LIVERY CLOSED CAR, FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRAVELLERS, WEDDING AND PICNIC PARTIES, Phone 41, A. P. KELLAR DRYDEN - ONTARIO am British Editors See Crops Near Edmonton EDMONTON, Alta, Aug. 24.--Record crops now being harvested in the Ed- monton district were inspected by a party of 94 British provincial editors and their wives. The newspapermean arrived by special Canadian Pacific railway train and were taken on auto trips to clover Bar, Fort Saskatchewan and Bremmer, leaving at 9 p.m. "It has been made abundantly clear to us that this country offers, to {hose who are willing to work, opportunities such as can be found in no other part sof the world today. Everywhere we i have heard the cry that you need i more British immigrants and we shall not forget this message when we re- turn," said John S, King, president of the British Newspaper Association, ---Manitoba Free-Press. ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith 4LGEINTS FOR-- Hassey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning Ieek-end Specials E. A. KLOSE silver of Cobalt; South Lorrain, Mil-| ler Lake and Gowganda; the gold of | RIPE PEACHES, Large Size, per dozen ........ 50C. RIPE PEARS, large Size, per dozen ........... 50C. GRAPES, Sweet, jperdb +. sl. pe 25C. ORANGES, peridozen 10. 002 vii en 0 40¢C. EET Re em ts 6oc. BANANAS, Twolpomnd for. rss ie 25¢ ONTARIO TOMATOES, Two pounds for ....... 25¢C ONTARIO CUCUMBERS, each ic. cc.nveseeeass- osc. ahd a aaa 10C. Co Lo or -- vse a Coe oe] oe co = eo" ho Lg Cert PLASTER BOARD BUILDERS' BUILD A HOME FIRST Get our PRICES on BUILDING MATERIAL of all Kinds. SASH -- DOORS -- BRICK -- LIME -- PLASTER ROOFING PAPER -- SCREEN DOORS Screen Wire Cioth, --14 mesh--Black & Galvanized Lumber -- Lath -- Shingles. Call or Write for Plans and Estimates { Dryden Lumber Co. BUILDING PAPER and WALL BOARD & WINDOWS. HARDWARE PREMIER BALDWIN tion of the engine, eventually ¢ terest in the manner in which t worked the various levers contr motive, 3 The Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, the British Premier took a Pickering, Ontario, on the new Canadia : powerful railway engine in the British that this titan of the steel rails was an all-Canadian p engineers and built at the Kingston shops. Royal Train to haul it into Toronto to mark the opening of the although busily engaged in the preparation of his speeches, halted be a source of pride to the Canadian designers and builders," No. 6120 is one of forty engines of similar type that ar fast passenger and freight services of the National System. When Wiles without change--the longest locomotive runs in the Dominion, - \ LEARNS TO DRIVE LARGEST LOCOMOTIVE IN BRITISH EMPIRE R---- Empire. Mr. 'mbing into the cab with the engineer, o big locomotive was handled when liing the engine. "It is a wonderful itis] short course in engin z n National locomotive, number 6120, r ing at the largest and most Baldwin, when visiting Kingston, Ont., heard roduct, designed by Canadian National i Early on Saturday morning Al Rulway No. 6120 was attached to the new Union Station. ® Mr. Baldwin, in his work to make an inspec- He showed the keenest in- travelling at high speed, and: piece of machinery and should said the Premier on leaving the loco- ® being turned out this season for the in regular service they will run 510

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